Monday Afternoon Links of Oh @#$%

by | Sep 30, 2024 | Daily Links, KHAAAAAANNN!!! | 115 comments

The senile occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is cratering, Herself 2.0 is pretending to care, between fundraisers, and we’re about to live “On The Waterfront.

At least I found some vets that are doing something to help in NC/TN. I gave them some $. The people they can’t reach should just put on  كُوفِيَّة to get help.

After that, what can I post? Let us see…

  • French coverage (eyeroll) but still fairly comprehensive.
  • Anyone hear from Smilin’ Joe Fission anymore?
  • Mysterious.

I need to go order some ammo.

You’ll have to cover music today. Comment sections is all yours.

P.S. Y’all got anymore of that content? I could use a fix…er, some for the majority of October.

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. The Other Kevin

    I have an idea for some content, I’ll see what I can write up in the next few days.

    • B.P.

      I saw a 1973 Saab 99 on the road today in excellent condition.

      • Tundra

        Very cool! There is an orange Sonett in the area that I’ve seen a few times. Gotta love high desert and no salt!

      • B.P.

        It is cool to see the well-preserved cars tooling around. Although I can’t believe all sedans, coupes, etc., haven’t been battered into scrap by the brutal roads around here.

    • Sensei

      Every time I’ve heard that car name pronounced it’s always by a Brit. So I always hear Beet ta in my head.

      • Ted S.

        I thought you meant it was a beater.

  2. Suthenboy

    It seems to me the FedGov has become almost completely unconnected from the citizens and their interests. As such their interests are not the same as ours and in many ways counter to ours. Where is that BB illustration of a Galaxy flying over the cinders in Maui on their way to bring billions in aid to The Ukraine?

    • SDF-7

      I am just too much of a SF geek some days. I jumped to the 1701-D equivalent of this instead of a C-5… that would be one hell of an illustration….

    • The Other Kevin

      They are actively doing things that are harmful to their own citizens. It’s crazy.

      • SDF-7

        They’re busy taking care of the malleable peasant class they imported. No American legacy or culture, used to corruption and taking orders from inept governments, being told how to vote for a pittance, makes them look good at the DEI globalist parties…. who cares about the legacy cruft?

        I wish I was kidding — but actions speak louder than words.

      • Suthenboy

        The crazy part is that no one seems to be doing anything about it. The teenager stole our car and credit card. The car is totaled in a ditch, the Credit card is overcharged at the cathouse, the mortgage is forged and being held by the casino while we do what?

      • Suthenboy

        I forgot the best part. He cant call and beg for bail money because the phones got cut off after being way over charged for phone sex services.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Look, if you aren’t willing to pay for sex change surgery for illegal aliens in prison, you must be some kind of bigot. You don’t want to be a bigot, do you?

  3. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    I’m feeling magnanimous today. I’m going to assume that because of all the background noise, Biden only heard the word “strike” and assumed it was a question about the port strike in the second link.

    • Tundra

      What’s a leppo?

    • SDF-7

      Other news sites covering the story alluded to giving him the same benefit of the doubt there — but also pointed out that even if that was the issue he was addressing, it was a completely devoid of content answer as well. Empty shell of a message from the empty shell of a figurehead for the empty shell of an administration. Makes me glad I’m a hermit….

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        True, it was a canned answer, but it at least makes more sense in that context.

    • SDF-7

      Apparently all of the state and local governments rolled it into permanent budgets from what I can tell — why should businesses be any different? (And on a related note, anyone else give a particular salute to every damned Pfizer commercial inflicted on them ever since? There’s a company I would happily see go bankrupt and leave its C-suite penniless….)

    • Tundra

      The downbeat update comes after Germany’s Volkswagen cut its full-year outlook for sales and deliveries Friday, citing a “challenging market environment.”

      1. We are all going broke.
      2. Your cars are bloated, expensive and silly.
      3. You didn’t stand up to the Feds when it mattered.

      • Sensei

        But they are what consumers want!

      • Sensei

        Agreed, but the manufacturers optioned the shit out of them and didn’t make any or very few base models.

        They raised the average selling price significantly that the dealers marked up.

        Fuck them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’ve heard that manufacturers were pissed about the additional markup because it was souring customers’ brand perception (and they weren’t getting a cut) but were mostly powerless thanks to state dealer laws.*

        They also jacked MSRP across the board.

  4. Shpip

    Under the loan, the Agricultural Department will provide Wolverine Power Cooperative a $650 million grant to help provide a quarter of its costs to purchase nuclear power from the plant and $675 million to Hoosier Energy — a nonprofit out of Indiana — that will also look to purchase energy from the plant.

    I must be out of the loop. Why is the fedgov loaning or granting money to power companies to (checks notes) purchase power from a generating plant, only for said companies to turn around and presumably charge their customers for said electricity? Did I miss this in one of the back issues of Emanations and Penumbras?

    • SDF-7

      Ag Department? I’m assuming they’re still using the auspices of the Rural Electrification Act or something. After all — if it took 100 years to finally shut down a telephone surcharge from the Spanish American War, something that useful will keep rolling as long as they can spin it.

    • Aloysious

      It’s because of the social contract, silly willy.

    • rhywun

      I’m sure some other government department is working on the paperwork to shut it down as we speak, so there’s that.

  5. Aloysious

    Steven Nelson of the NYP.

    Please remove your face from Joe Bidens taint. Thank you.

  6. Shpip

    “United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) refuses to address a half-century of wage subjugation where Ocean Carriers profits skyrocketed from millions to mega-billion dollars, while ILA longshore wages remained flat,” the update said.

    All those longshoremen who are about to lose their jobs to automation can go to prison guard academy instead. That way they can be con tenders.

    • SDF-7

      I thought a lot of them were going to comedy clubs and brushing up on their ’90s stoner weasel extended routines.

      A bunch of long Shore men.

    • Chafed

      Maybe I’m heartless but I have no sympathy for the long shore men. They have been overpaid and corrupt seemingly from the beginning. If they have safety concerns, then go for it. After that, they can pound sand.

  7. DEG

    Anyone hear from Smilin’ Joe Fission anymore?

    I talked with him a while back off the board. I don’t remember how long ago that was.

    • Smilin' Joe Fission

      Still regularly on Glibs, just usually about 12 hrs behind with work and kids so rarely get in the comments.

      Constantly meaning to reach out to you again, Deg. Successfully made the move with the family stateside and working at a plant.

      What’s with this pounds and Fahrenheit stuff here? Where’s my pascals??

  8. R C Dean

    “The occupant, a 28-year-old man, was provisionally arrested.”

    What does that mean? Seems like you’re either arrested, or you’re not.

  9. Suthenboy

    Wife, just now: “I wonder why Walz was meeting with Soros a few days ago?” – implying it has something to do with the looming strike of dockworkers.

    Me, wondering to myself: “Why would the leftist powers that be allow Walz to be photographed anywhere near Soros? What are the implications of that?”

  10. Pope Jimbo

    Nice PR work, Lou!

    After blowing a giant lead in the standings and missing the playoffs, what is a good idea to win back fans? Especially after you cheaped out on free agents while playing in a taxpayer paid for stadium that you insisted was necessary for you to pay free agents?

    Why to kick out a guy who was carrying a “Defund the Pohlads” sign! (Jim Pohlad is the son of the billionaire taxpayer fleecer Carl Pohlad).

    Twins’ fans are more than frustrated with the team’s late summer collapse and lack of action going back to last offseason. One fan was kicked out of Target Field during Saturday night’s game against the Baltimore Orioles after a confrontation with security which started after he was spotted holding a “Defend the Po…hlads” sign outside the ballpark.
    The fan also had a “Penny Pinching Pohlads = Twins Mediocrity” sign.
    Several law enforcement officers and at least one Twins’ security worker were seen on video Saturday night escorting a fan from the Target Field plaza, holding the sign. The fan, identified on social media as Michael Bailey, tells them he was protesting.
    Speaking with FOX 9, a Twins spokesperson said the fan was asked to put down the signs because the stadium has rules against derogatory signs.
     When speaking with staff, the Twins claim the man was verbally abusive and using profanity around families. That’s when he was asked to leave.

    Yeah, that will do the trick. Throw some guy out of the plaza that is outside the ballpark.

    • Tundra

      The guy has a point. 1991 was a long time ago.

      • UnCivilServant

        nine years ago isn’t that long.

        /internal clock stuck.

      • cyto

        Me too, uncivil…. me too.

      • Nephilium

        /waves from Cleveland

    • Homple

      “The fan also had a “Penny Pinching Pohlads = Twins Mediocrity” sign.”

      People accused Calvin Griffith of penny pinching but, in his defense, he was the last person to actually earn his living from owning a major league baseball team. He wasn’t a billionaire. What’s the Pohlads excuse?

      • Evan from Evansville

        What’s the Pohlads excuse?

        Small market with much lower interest in baseball. Y’all got hockey and other indoor sports.

  11. cyto

    Local reporter in Asheville: we have not seen FEMA

    “Kamala Harris hates liberal white people” – Kanye, maybe

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It seems to me we’ve always been told that we should expect to be without help for 3 days after a disaster. Still feeling magnanimous I’ll give FEMA that grace period before criticizing them.

      • cyto

        Local officials are saying a couple hundred thousand will be without water for at least 2 months

      • R C Dean

        Well, it’s been two days since the hurricane hit that area. Let’s see if anything improves tomorrow. If you’d care to make a small wager . . . .

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Oh, I won’t take that wager. I just won’t start criticizing until then.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    The only Lancia I have any interest in owning is the Stratos. Or possibly a Delta Integrale.

    A little while ago, I was stopped at a red light. When the light turned green, I could hear the car next to me fire up. Presumably because it saves a thimble full of gas if your car shuts itself off every time it stops moving. That would drive me absolutely bonkers.

    • Tundra

      My truck has a button that disables that bullshit. I’m told that new vehicles don’t allow that. Also, there are some cars that now have auxiliary batteries for that “feature.”

      Ain’t technology great?

      • Sensei

        Yes, our own Dr Otto and I discussed it’s how changing a battery now costs between $750 and $1,500 while we save the planet.

      • R C Dean

        My new car (2022 Highlander) lets you shut that off by putting it into “Sport” mode (I know, on a Highlander . . . ). As near as I can tell, that’s only thing it does, is shut off the engine auto-stop. Hitting that switch has gotten to be a reflexive part of starting the car.

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        The Land Rovers switched from a battery to a ultra capacitor for that feature. It just seems that if you remove the “sense” lead from the CAP that the system never engages, and it doesn’t throw a code… how convenient.

      • Tundra

        …how convenient.

        Some do-gooder engineer is busily trying to fix that glitch.

      • Tundra

        Permanently? Through the ECU?

      • UnCivilServant

        I think he crawled under the hood with a pair of wire cutters.

      • Tundra

        Neat. It will be interesting to see if all this bloat survives the implosion of the industry.

    • Raven Nation

      Yeah, we had a rental in Australia last year that did. Irritating. But, the other thing I wonder is this: I’d always heard that engine’s suffer the most wear-and-tear on start up. Is this new style adding stress to the engine?

      • Tundra

        Stress to the engine, the battery and the starter. I had the dude at Ford tell me that it’s some super duper heavy starter or some such nonsense. We both knew it was bullshit.

    • B.P.

      I’m pretty sure any “new” cars I buy going forward will be stripped-down-and-rebuilt cars from, say, 2012 or before in order to avoid most of the annoying crap in newer models.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    So- what ought to have been a relatively simple operation is now a project. Did you know plastic automotive electrical connectors become rock hard and brittle after a few decades? Heat cycles, maybe. In the process of trying to unplug the distributor harness I managed to pull a wire out of the connector. So- Amazon to the rescue; what was a five pin connector will soon be a three pin and a two pin (old style Delco weatherpak knock-offs), scabbed into place. Too bad I’m not on youtube. The factory-original fetishists’ heads would explode. I can just see Sarah n Tuned swallowing her tongue at the thought of not sending off to Japan for a factory original replacement engine harness.

    Why? you ask. The rotor in the distributor is affixed to the shaft with a screw. If that screw somehow manages to centrifuge itself free, the rotor can rotate freely on the shaft. Timing is lost, and flameout occurs. This actually happened to me ten or twelve years ago, and it happened again Friday. Needs more loctite.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      THAT seems like a bad design. In the aircraft industry, we would safety wire that screw so it can’t back out.

      • Evan from Evansville

        @ pstoffnick: You and I? Two horses in harness.

        I injured part of the ’13 Chevy Malibu’s undercarriage a bit back. I Frog-Taped it together. It has worked out decently!

  14. The Late P Brooks

    But, the other thing I wonder is this: I’d always heard that engine’s suffer the most wear-and-tear on start up. Is this new style adding stress to the engine?

    Just because there’s no oil pressure? Why would that matter?

  15. cyto

    Political season. Time for fake stories. And coverups.

    Walz tied to CCP per US intelligence whistleblower.

    Fake story?

    Fed cover-up?


    • Gender Traitor

      Tomorrow starts the Month of Surprises. I can hardly wait. 😑

    • Suthenboy

      Walz has openly been a huge fan of the CCP for decades, took numerous trips there. I doubt this will mean anything. Biden’s bribes and close financial ties with numerous furriners and enemies didnt mean anything, why would this? Same for Hillary. They are openly for sale and working against our interests. So what?

    • rhywun

      Honeymoon in China


      Shades of Bernie Sanders ‘mooning in the CCCP.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    THAT seems like a bad design. In the aircraft industry, we would safety wire that screw so it can’t back out.

    A positive register, like a flat spot on the shaft, would be nice. Like almost every other distributor ever.

    The distributor itself, as I comprehend it, is kind of clever. It runs off the camshaft, so it has a second trigger wheel split into two 180 degree sections to trick the ecu into thinking it’s getting a signal from the crank.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Also- not of room for safety wire on the head of a 4mm screw. I wonder if the factory protocol calls for threadlocker.

  18. Chipping Pioneer

    My draft submission to Wednesday’s Committee of Adjustment meeting:

    “Either there are rules or there are not. If the City won’t follow its own rules, it should not expect anyone else to.”

    Asking the Glibertariat for suggested improvements. I don’t expect serious answers, but I’m hopeful that yous will come up with something better than ChatGPT would.

    • Suthenboy

      I am not a bullshit guy. I like your current draft.

  19. Chipping Pioneer

    Also, thanks to TOK for posting the link to Matt Taibbi’s speech at Rescue the Republic. Taibbi is not a great speaker (saw him and Douglas Murray debate Malcolm Gladwell and Michelle Goldstein live and in person; Murray could win a debate with a retarded cactus for a partner), but the wife and I watched the video of it over lunch, and it was fire.

    • B.P.

      Ah, the Monk debate, wherein Gladwell basically just said “You are racists” over and over. It was embarrassingly bad.

  20. The Late P Brooks


    — Ford Motor is aiming to boost sales of its electric vehicles by addressing potential customer concerns through a new program that includes free home-charging installation and other benefits.

    The “Ford Power Promise” program begins Tuesday for customers who purchase or lease a new Ford EV such as the F-150 Lightning pickup truck or Mustang Mach-E crossover. Part of the goal is to relieve financial burdens of EV ownership such as the need for a home charger. The program also seeks to educate new EV owners about the transition from traditional gas vehicles.


    The program launches as EV sales grow at a slower rate than many previously expected. Early adopters fled to the vehicles, but automakers have experienced problems expanding sales to mass market buyers due to costs, charging infrastructure and other hurdles.

    Ford’s program aims to address many of those concerns, Gjaja said. It was conceived to address what Ford is calling “change anxiety,” a play on the common industry concept of “range anxiety,” which refers to the fear of an electric vehicle losing battery power between charging stations.

    Maybe if there were obvious tangible advantages…

    • Tundra

      Selling EVs remains a complicated equation for legacy automakers such as Ford. EVs lose money or remain far less profitable than gas-powered models, but they help automakers meet tightening federal fuel economy standards and are a growth area for companies.

      It’s a complicated question for everyone. If it wasn’t for selling indulgences, Tesla would have been fucked years ago. The market isn’t there, was never there, will never be there. Niche, boutique products can exist just fine, but they

      • Ted S.

        Niche boutique products can’t finish sentences?

      • Tundra

        Curse you, squirrels!

        I would love to see a return to small manufacturers making all kinds of crazy shit.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I figured the power went out and you had to start up the gas generator.

  21. creech

    Well, tomorrow’s Fellowship speaker is a POC documentarian for an NGO. We will view a couple of docums on Africa, with emphasis on racial equity and equality. Will have to tread carefully, I guess in Q&A period. I’m thinking of some kind of neutral question about how it will be possible to pull 1.3 billion Africans out of poverty without a huge increase in their carbon footprint.

    • Tundra

      Suggest that it’s a perfect place for small nuke plants. Cheap energy always equals progress!

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Read up on Margatte Wade, then you can ask some really in-depth questions

      • Tundra

        I have her book. Have you read it?

      • creech

        Magatte Wade is a successful entrepreneur. Her solution for Africa is to end corruption and cut regulations. Is African culture, as it currently exists, inclined to this? I’d say less a chance of succeeding than libertarianism has in our country.

      • UnCivilServant

        “end corruption”.

        Yes, there is a magic wand for that.

        Unfortunately it would also end all the humans on the continent.

    • Homple

      A very bad thing for the people of the area.

      As to solar panels, the fewer of them produced, the better for electricity supply cost and reliability.

    • creech

      More like spikes high!

  22. Mojeaux

    So husband won $200 in LiveNation credit toward events. Now that he’s trying to cash them in, he’s having problems.

    Now, look. I REALLY want to see Foreigner and Loverboy, but I don’t want to pay for it.

    • Ted S.

      Isn’t $200 only enough to pay the LiveNation processing fees?

      • R.J.

        Ooo, snap!

  23. UnCivilServant

    I have concluded that the Rivian is the ugliest truck.

    Yes, I’ve seen the Cybertruck, it is merely odd, not ugly. The Rivian is ugly.

  24. Evan from Evansville

    re: New Content — Work is hysterical and I must use the experience to create. I plan to write about the origin of the idea, along with short (true) stories of my progression through it all. The stories are nearly infinite and well-worth writing, sharing and putting to use. I intend to add pics of my other adventures to give y’all something to look at as well.

    I’m surrounded by fantastic (non-fiction) stories, set by the characters, their moods and all the chit-chat that follows. (Many remain silent.) I want to write in a more fun manner, like many became used to. The Peru Tribune got me to writing AP when writing anything. Back to playful invigoration, describing interesting shit ya find in the wild.

    It’s also a good moral victory for us: Consensual contracts for time ‘n blood. (Plasma.) I put up with “sticking” them in a stressful environment, and work a rough, changing schedule. They put up with an hour-or-so of discomfort, the inherent shittiness of getting stabbed, possible wincing pain and unlikely fainting spell.
    We both get paid for our trouble. Boom.

    I hope to write a necessary intro to the series tomorrow, about where the germ for the idea came and how it all came about. (I plan on writing 5-7 to get me in the rhythm of having a rhythm with it. It’s a great idea for me to actually have a side project. Focus is best for Ev. )

    Whatchy’all think?

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