1. Ownbestenemy

    7 years ago nothing happened in Vegas and Epstein Diddy didn’t kill himself.

    Morning all!

  2. UnCivilServant

    Tens of Thousands of Port Workers Strike; Billions in Trade Expected to Be Impacted

    Automate the bastards out of work.

    • AlexinCT

      One of the big reasons for the strike is that they do not want currently scheduled automation….

      • UnCivilServant

        Sorry, but the profession of longshoreman needed to change the moment containerization came into being. We can’t keep running ports as if we’re still hand loading bulk carriers.

      • AlexinCT

        The mafia entity running that racket disagrees with you, it seems.

      • SDF-7

        Yup — I have sympathy with any profession automated out of a job to some extent (because lots of people throughout history have been there, and there’s always a risk…. my field I’m more likely to be H1B’d out of a job, but that’s a different discussion). Unfortunately, technological progress goes boink marches on and barring civilizational collapse, that’s just going to happen.

        Ask the textile workers pre-mills, the buggy whip manufacturers, current news aggregators masquerading as journalists, etc.

        Do I know how all this will work out and what fields people will still find meaningful labor that can earn them a living? No…. and if I did I dare say my investments would be much more impressive… I’m just spit-talking on the internet.

      • rhywun

        I imagine a lot of them just wind up on the dole and nobody seems to give a shit about that.

    • SDF-7

      Rejected a 50 percent pay hike and other benefits… yeah, my sympathies for them are pretty sparse on the ground. The union has kept world-comparable automation out of a couple of decades… time to get scabs in for now and automate the ports, assholes.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Perfect opportunity for some well connected NGOs to suggest a large influx of migrant workers to do the jobs that Americans won’t do.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Yeah, passed the Norfolk port picket line this morning.

        Rejecting a 40% pay raise because they want a 77% pay raise and no automation. Fuck those guys. It’s the same corrupt union that used to enroll their infant kids so they’d have seniority when they got out of high school and wanted a job.

        Absolutely insane that we’ve got almost no automation compared to any other modern country. Look at Rotterdam or Singapore.

        Changing jobs doesn’t mean fewer jobs necessarily especially if throughput goes up. I’d say bring in the Navy but sadly our number of combat stevedores has decreased although we still have a lot of container crane operators…although also a chance they’re ticketing in their day jobs.

      • LCDR_Fish

        And yeah…I’m not bitter because my household goods shipment is supposed to leave Baltimore on 10 Oct.

  3. R.J.

    Of course Jimmy Carter makes it to 100.

    • Ownbestenemy

      He is probably in much better shape mentally than our current president too.

      • AlexinCT

        But was he born a middle class kid?

      • SDF-7

        I honestly can’t remember, Alex… I do know some of his career choices had a certain glow — and he didn’t go down quite like Harris did… but other than that, I’m blanking on a lot of his history.

        Mainly because I just didn’t care all that much growing up. I do remember him using the Billy Pulpit and the cans of truly awful brew….

    • Nephilium

      On the plus side, without him legalizing home brewing (so his brother wouldn’t go to jail) is what kicked off the craft beer boom. Pretty sure that little bit of good (which is still more good than most presidents have done) is enough to outweigh the vast amounts of evil he has done.

    • Beau Knott

      Only the good die young.

      • Fourscore


    • The Last American Hero

      Should we really be advertising that to Mossad? They’ve been hunting down terrorist allies quite successfully the last few weeks.

  4. AlexinCT

    Deep State Officials Who Endorsed Harris Tied To Intel Agencies, Defense Contractors

    It’s like they really think that because their base is a bunch of morons, the rest of the people will not see this obvious problem…

    Think about it… They went from hating Darth Vader – a.k.a. Cheney – to now praising him as a great statesmen because he decided to endorse a fucking dumb marxist bitch and his “I look like I LIKE kiddy diddling” sidekick that is definitely a CCP agent, and together might break 100 IQ.

    Think about that shit. At least that squish Romney was petty enough to not endorse Harris as he remembers what these people said about him back when.

    • Nephilium

      If I were younger, and more interested in pissing people off, I’d get a bunch of “I Stand With Cheney” signs printed out to put up next to the few Harris signs I see around.

      • AlexinCT

        That would be epic, dude…


        Or see if you could dig up some Bush-Cheney bumper stickers and put them next to their Harris-Walz stickers.

  5. Nephilium

    I will admit to a bit of surprise that Pete Rose has passed. I even offered to buy Sloopy tickets to An Evening with Pete Rose (albeit I wouldn’t promise bail money).

    • AlexinCT

      Frankly, I think Rose must have really pissed off someone special for the system to treat him the way they have done considering how many others have done and continue to do worse that they have had no beef with.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I think his sin was he wouldn’t prostrate himself in front of the blue blood Ivy Leaguers, Bart Giamatti and Fay Vincent. It always seemed like they were pissed that a low class blue collar player wouldn’t kiss their asses.

        Pete Rose fucked up big by betting on the game. But a lifetime ban was excessive for a guy who played his guts out.

        I’ll admit that I’m biased. I loved watching Rose play. Every year, you’d see some highlight of him getting a single because even though he had hit a weak grounder to the shortstop, he still ran his ass off to first and there would be the occasional error by the fielder.

      • Cunctator

        —“I think Rose must have really pissed off someone special”—

        I don’t really think I’m special, but thanks for the compliment. As a baseball fan for my entire life, I understand the reaction to Pete Rose’s gambling. Had he not bet on baseball, I would have had no problem with betting on other sports. But he bet on games his team was involved in. Since the Black Sox scandal, every player has been told multiple times per season that they cannot gamble on sports. Whether the rule was “right” is irrelevant. They even have meetings in spring training about it. No one can claim they didn’t know about the rule. In order for the game to survive and flourish, fans had to be shown that the game was on the up-and-up.

        Think about what happened in boxing during the 40’s & 50’s during the fight fixing years. Pro boxing almost died before it was cleaned up. Do I think Pete Rose was a great player, yes. But again, not relevant. The other shenanigans must also be dealt with, but that doesn’t mean Rose should be forgiven.

        Do Pete Rose’s stats qualify him for the HOF? Does the potential damage that Rose could have done to Baseball as an organization disqualify him for being so honored. Yes.

      • Cunctator

        —“But a lifetime ban was excessive for a guy who played his guts out.”—

        Nah, it really wasn’t.

  6. AlexinCT

    Netflix saw highest day of cancellations this year after co-founder’s $7M donation to Harris campaign

    How much of that is that the quality of new content is also so sub par and moronic lefty propaganda (like the crap from Disney) that most people just were looking for a reason to finally bail?

    • Nephilium

      Netflix has actually been adding a bunch of content from the other premium services recently. Off the top of my head, Archer, Resident Alien, Yellowjackets, Venture Brothers, Kevin Can F*** Himself, and the like.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Yeah, I’ve been catching up on RA and Archer for the first time in years since I can watch them on Netflix without having to sub to other providers.

    • Gustave Lytton

      They also killed their low price non ad plan and forced people into ads unless they went to a premium plan. No grandfathering.

  7. SDF-7

    ‘There Were Bodies In Trees’: Rural South Decimated By Hurricane Helene As Death Toll Rises Above 130

    Oh hell… some jackass is going to spin that quote into lynchings, aren’t they?

    • AlexinCT

      They WILL find a way to blame Trump and the Jews with satellites…

    • Nephilium

      While closer than most uses of decimate, this one seems off in the other direction. Was there only 1,300 people in the rural south?

      • UnCivilServant

        “I mean, nobody lives out there, right?”

        – Lournalist

  8. Ownbestenemy

    She truly is the most vile political beast I have ever seen in my lifetime.

    Clinton warns of October surprise that will ‘distort and pervert’ Harris

    Pointing to the ‘pizzagate’ thing as what brought her down and you know…not her and her campaign: paying for a fake dossier, setting up a NSA sting on a presidential candidate, etc, etc.

    • AlexinCT

      She should get a bunch of intel people to sign a document saying it is all a Russian op, like they did in 2020 to hide the real October surprise that would have cost the deep state the election then.

      • R.J.

        It’s not a surprise that her running mate is a communist who wants us to emulate China, so what else could it be?

    • Suthenboy

      Well, there was that whole ‘openly threaten and denigrate voters’ thing she had going for her…which, by the way, she is still doing.

    • The Other Kevin

      Next she’ll predict a Russian op that will make it look like Harris lost.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      What’s the line, pizzagate aged better than Russiagate?

  9. AlexinCT

    Canada Banned Certain Guns, but Can’t Figure Out How to Collect Them

    There is a God…

    • rhywun

      Anything that gets them off Axe deserves encouragement.

      • Sensei

        Point taken.

      • Rat on a train

        Axe should be banned under treaties prohibiting chemical weapons.

      • Chafed

        I thought it was.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I broke the Axe curse!
        25 years of hell smell, gone
        Now it’s YSL


      Have you smelled 15 y/o boys sans cologne? It is very difficult to not improve on that starting point.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Maybe because 15 year-old girls like boys who wear the same cologne as their dads?

      And yes, that does mean that in 10-15 years Axe will be back.

    • Suthenboy

      I prefer not to smell 15yo boys at all. Under any circumstances.

      • slumbrew


    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I’m glad women of today don’t wear musk perfume anymore. Too many good memories associated with that scent.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Like Teen Spirit?

      • Gustave Lytton

        I was going to go with Prince Matchabelli.

  10. AlexinCT

    Comer subpoenas DHS for memos whistleblowers say contain info about Tim Walz’s China connections

    Like practically every democrat politician chasing money, odds are near 100% this tool is bought & paid for by the CCP’s intel machine.

    • Suthenboy

      That didnt make any difference with Biden. Not sure why people are talking about it now.

      • AlexinCT

        He made some of them North Dakota blonds our Pope Jimbo talks about jealous?…

      • R.J.


      • AlexinCT

        You just jealous I had me that hawt thing, your holiness.

      • Not Adahn

        Chicks dig baaaad boys.

    • Nephilium

      The other day I saw a brand of NA wine on the shelf, at least the brand was on point… “BuzzKill”.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Wasn’t that an episode of Emily in Paris?

    • rhywun

      JFC even his watches are insufferable.

    • R.J.

      I had to look. Wow. That one with his name spelled in diamonds belongs in the Liberace collection in Vegas.

    • slumbrew

      JFC, Tom – please tell me that monstrosity was a gift.

      • Chafed

        … from a Kardashian.

    • PieInTheSky

      there is no such thing as lying because there is no such thing as truth.

      • Ownbestenemy

        He identified as true that day

    • Pope Jimbo

      I love how MPR (and American Public Media) have stone cold proof that Walz lied about his China exploits, but they just can’t bring themselves to call him a liar.

      He just exaggerated his experience there.

      Well, if it is demonstrably true that he lied about his China stories, it would be a decent indicator he might also be lying about all that other stuff.

      • Rat on a train

        He’s lied about his military service, IVF treatment, his DUI, Chamber of Commerce award, …

  11. Suthenboy

    “Trump launches GoFundMe to help Hurricane Helene victims, raises more than $1M”

    “The United States Announces Nearly $336 Million in Humanitarian Assistance to Support Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank”

    Globalist agenda strays farther and farther from the interests of the people funding it.

  12. Suthenboy

    Gun grabbers: “You will disarm, prostrate yourself and do as you are told.”


    • PieInTheSky

      commies can wait for old timers to go the way of the dodo they are playing the long game

    • Ownbestenemy

      It appears Israel really wanted the ME to understand just how good their IC is.

      • The Last American Hero

        Well, they did kinda fall asleep at the wheel a year ago.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Hold on there Cochise.

        How can the Israeli IC claim to be so good when I haven’t seen any letters undermining a candidate? Have they run an unauthorized investigation on Netanyahu?

        You can’t say you have an elite IC if they can’t even do those basics.

  13. Suthenboy

    “COVID vaccines worsen outcomes after heart attacks in patients with prior infection, study suggests”

    The official narrative continues to stray from reality making suspension of disbelief more and more difficult to maintain.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I suspect once the last decision maker is dead, we will maybe get the truth.

      • whiz

        I’m not so sure; said decision makers are being replaced by ideological clones who are perpetuating the narrative. Maybe if Trump wins it will change…

  14. Suthenboy

    “Ok, this first amendment thingy is fine unless you try to exercise it to the point of pulling aside the curtain. You will shut up now.” – Govt.

    Mentioned yesterday: Maintaining peace and order is good until the institutions holding it up cease to serve that end and become an end in themselves. This happens when the ship of state is captained by morons. We seem to be at that point.

    • The Other Kevin

      Getting rid of the Constitution is trending now. Apparently the people whose power it limits are frustrated that it limits their power.

  15. Suthenboy

    Jimmy Carter: More confirmation that only the good die young.

    • Fourscore

      Are there no exceptions to the rule?

      • AlexinCT


  16. PieInTheSky

    Anyone who has taken a train, or tried to use mobile internet in Germany knows how bad German infrastructure is by now.

    Who would have thought that generous spend on welfare instead of infrastructure will throttle German economy? Socialists never learn.


    oh nonsense it is evil capitalists refusing to pay their fair share

    • AlexinCT

      What truly wrecked and doomed the German economy was the marxist leadership it had for a couple of decade’s war on cheap energy – especially nuclear – in the insane pursuit of kudos for falling for the climate change racket.

      Your economy, and standard of living, is directly tied to cheap and abundant energy. Fuck with that, and you are going to drop your standard and eventually end up being someone’s bitch.

      • PieInTheSky

        the anti nukular racket is different though connected in Germany. High status midwittery either way

    • Certified Public Asshat

      You know who…ah nevermind.

    • The Last American Hero

      But but but Rick Steves assured me many times that things are so much more, well, better, in Europe.

    • AlexinCT

      Looks like they are the ones torturing that emu that just wants to go away from these people that look like they might confuse it for a thanksgiving turkey.

    • Nephilium

      I have a fond childhood memory of me and my family going for a walk around the block. As we were walking, we saw a guy running out of his garage being attacked by a chicken. As a kid, seeing a full grown man running and failing at stopping a chicken from knocking him down was funny.

      As an adult, I look back and realize there was a non-zero chance it was a rooster for cockfighting, and I don’t feel so bad for being entertained by it.

    • slumbrew

      There’s a decent-sized population of wild turkeys around here and they’re agressive AF. Big fuckers, too.

      • Pope Jimbo

        The Best Buy HQ in Minneapolis has a semi-famous flock of turkeys. My sister works there and says that when the sexytimes start in spring, there is a big tom who struts around the parking lot and will chase anyone who gets too close to his gals.

        They have just learned to park somewhere else.

      • Rat on a train

        A friend has a big tom that lets us know where we are not allowed to go on the property.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        We’ve had a lot of turkeys around here in recent years, but either someone has been killing them or the coyotes have.

  17. Drake

    Still no power here in upstate SC. It was bad here, but much worse on the other side of the mountains in NC.

    One cool thing about living in the semi-rural South – when a tree goes down on the road all the guys in the neighborhood show up with chainsaws and haul it off. Unless it’s in the power lines.

    • Sensei

      Be well!

      You thought you got away from this when you moved from NJ.

      • Drake

        I thought I got away from it when I left Los Angeles after the Northridge quake.

    • PieInTheSky

      Taliban have invalidated all divorces granted under previous Afghan government, forcing divorced child brides to return to their former husbands. Thousands of young women, some of whom married as children, are now legally bound to return to adult husbands they had been freed from. The new rule is being widely condemned as a grotesque violation of women’s rights, trapping many in abusive marriages.


      • Chafed

        JFC. They are evil.

      • Nephilium


        But it’s ‘Merica where women’s rights are under attack the most!

    • Suthenboy

      Valid? The statement is gibberish.
      Some cultures are better than others…they all have their faults, but some cultures are complete shit.

      Child brides: Ancient culture and thought produced, some of which exist today, cultures in which individuals hold no value. A person’s interests have no value, only the group interests count. One’s identity is determined by their family, tribe, etc., not by their own merits.
      Good and evil, right and wrong, law and order, justice…all of these are viewed through a completely different lens. Things appear very differently to honor culture than they do to us. In fact, we call their sense of the natural order of things ‘evil’ and we do that because they are fucking evil, as Chafed explains with such clarity.

      • AlexinCT

        Every time someone told me that all cultures are the same, it was some women. They all reacted the same way when I told them something like I hopes Sharia would come here so we could finally have women be put in their place and be treated like cattle. Or that widows should be burned on their husband’s funeral pyre. Just to name a few.

        Stupid people believe the world is what Disney showed them when it is really dog-eat-dog.

    • Suthenboy

      The same person that decided counters and sink tops should be made of sawdust pressed into boards glued with water soluble glue?
      I am confident they are in hell right now playing checkers with the guy that invented the slotted screw head.

    • Tundra

      You know, I’m starting to think manufacturers hate cars.

  18. SDF-7

    Hmm… this article

    Do I agree that the FCC acted like the typical partisan assholes we see across the President Poopy Puppet Pants administration? Sure.

    But what precisely was stopping Appalachia from ordering the terminals over the last 2 or 3 years themselves? Why precisely when there’s a solid solution (and has been if you included prior satnet) that requires no infrastructure roll out, right-of-way / eminent domain for cabling, etc. do we need FedGov to do Jack over Shit anyway?

    Just bugs me that the question isn’t even raised in that article — too busy scoring political points. Sure it is nice that the charities / OMB / whomever is buying some and shipping them in…

    • PieInTheSky

      If the government does not pay it is the same as taking it away from you

    • Sensei

      Well they could always order it, but FedGov wasn’t going to subsidize it.

      • PieInTheSky

        Given the government has an almost trillion dollar budget surplus it is the least they could do. But I suppose it is better to use that money to completely pay the national debt in the next 5 years.

    • The Last American Hero

      Why would Appalachia do so when the local governments are being told that the feds have apportioned tens of billions of dollars to do it for them?

      If the feds tell your city they have set aside funding to upgrade the playgrounds at all your parks, wouldn’t you shift resources away from the parks budget to other things?

      • Ownbestenemy

        You’d think that local entities would get out of this abusive, lying, no-good relationship.

      • Nephilium


        Last time some states tried that it didn’t go so well.

    • Suthenboy

      “…Why precisely when there’s a solid solution (and has been if you included prior satnet) that requires no infrastructure roll out, right-of-way / eminent domain for cabling, etc…”
      Because it requires no infrastructure roll out, right-of-way / eminent domain for cabling, etc.

    • Aloysious

      If that’s a proper sweet onion, like a Walla Walla or Vidalia or Maui or Texas 1015 then we’re talking.

      Even moar betterer, break out the Cotswold cheese.

      • slumbrew

        New-ish rule from the EU masters, in order to fix… something.

      • PieInTheSky

        Save the turtles !!!!!

      • tripacer

        Bottle cap mandate from the Harris admin incoming…

      • Suthenboy

        Fuck the turtles.

    • Suthenboy

      No knives or snippers in Europe?

      • Not Adahn

        Not without a loicense, no.

    • B.P.

      Good ingredients, poor sandwich assemblage. Simple sandwiches like this are pretty good.

      • B.P.

        Whoops. Intended for post above.

        I did run into the bottle cap thing in Germany a few weeks ago. I thought the cap was just getting stuck the first couple of times.

  19. Not Adahn

    Today in “WTF is this training I need to take,” we have “PCE Input governance”

    “What’s PCE?”

    “Parts consumption engine.”

    “…we need an engine for that?”

  20. PieInTheSky

    BREAKING: 40 German MPs officially moved to request Federal Constitutional Court to BAN Alternative for Germany.

    The initiative to ban the pro-German party exceeds the threshold of 37 MPs for a cross-party motion, citing AfD, polling at 30%, is ‘a threat to democracy’.


    I mean by defining democracy as we get what we want and the right people win, they are absolutely correct.

    • Drake

      The people are revolting.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I’ll say. They stink on ice.

    • R C Dean

      Nothing says “threat to democracy” like being popular with voters.

      • Suthenboy

        Perhaps you misunderstand what the definition of ‘democracy’ is.

        Democracy – The edifice of institutions produced by democracies and the class of people who run them. These must be protected from the people’s wishes at all costs. Never mind that they have become counter-productive, are run by morons and are wildly unpopular.

      • mindyourbusiness

        Suthen, much as I hate to disagree with you, I think that calling our erstwhile rulers ‘morons’ is wrong.

        ‘Imbeciles’ fits better.

    • Rat on a train

      We must destroy democracy in order to save it.

    • WTF

      Let’s save democracy ban banning the party that too many people vote for!

      And here I thought the Germans were supposed to be logical.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    40 German MPs officially moved to request Federal Constitutional Court to BAN Alternative for Germany.

    Banning opposition parties is the ultimate aim of democracy.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I can hardly wait to see the video of them in the Reichstag telling the bad party “You’re fired”.

    • Rat on a train

      You know who else banned political parties?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Mrs. Holiness and I have flown with spices many a time and never gotten pulled out for a secondary inspection.

      I’ve been nervous on our last few trips to Japan bringing in my vitamins, but those were in our checked bag and we didn’t have any problems.

      • Sensei

        Japan is the only place I’ve ever had my carry on searched entering the country.

        Since they are so anti-meth I always make sure never to have cold medicines.

      • Tundra

        I’ve carried on supplements, including powders, for years and never had an issue. Maybe that dude just gives off a shifty vibe.

      • B.P.

        “Maybe that dude just gives off a shifty vibe.”

        Well, he dresses like a toddler when flying commercial.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Still wondering how TSA searches are not a 4th amendment violation?

      Stupid question. FYTW

      • Ownbestenemy

        You “consent” when you want to access the sterile air-side portion of the airport where they know that the masses will be because private flights don’t have to do that. Stop being poor if you don’t want your junk grabbed

    • Rat on a train

      If you fly out of the DMV area they’re just slow in general.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    “Parts consumption engine.”

    You have a [insert auto manufacturer]?

  23. cyto

    How can our Netflix exec donate $7 million to a political campaign? I thought those were hard dollars and strictly limited.

    • kinnath

      Cancelations on the streaming platform almost tripled in the United States after Hastings made the massive donation to a super PAC supporting Harris’ presidential bid, Bloomberg reported, citing the researcher Antenna.

      PAC . . . “loophole” . . . working exactly has congress intended when the law was written.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well, not too much of a loophole really. Once the PAC has the monies, they are limited on direct contributions so its all oppo-research, ad buys, etc after that as long as it doesn’t go to the candidate.

      • cyto

        I suppose the writer was using “Harris Campaign” as shorthand.

      • Ownbestenemy

        It was the same with Elon towards Trump’s Super PAC. Just lazy journalism

    • Ownbestenemy

      You can donate to a Super-PAC in unlimited amounts.

  24. Ownbestenemy

    If past experiences are any indication…I am not too* worried about this.

    Iran preparing imminent missile attack against Israel: Senior U.S. official

    • cyto

      Not too worried that senior intelligence officials will order Biden go go to war with Iran?

      Remember how violently they went after Trump for not attacking Iran?

      They really want to attack Iran.

      • The Other Kevin

        They shipped a pallet of cash to Iran and now they want to attack them. Thankfully we have this instead of whatever bad stuff Trump will do.

      • cyto

        The adults are back in charge

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well most of the deep state is trying to hold back the throng of Hamas supporters in the States so its a delicate balance.

      • R C Dean

        Am I missing something? The administration desperately wants to attack Iran? The Iran they have been funding, have been looking the other way while it develops nukes, have been trying to protect its proxies from Israel? The administration that immediately leaked Israel’s war plans against Iranian proxy Hezbollah?

        I just haven’t seen any indication at all that we are doing a 180 on Iran, and are now champing at the bit to attack it.

      • R C Dean

        OK, just scrolled down and saw the threat of “severe consequences”.

        Yeah, sure. Like what – is Harris going to make a frowny face? Will Foggy Bottom send a Strongly Worded Memo(tm)?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Expect a “Don’t” soundbite to drop any minute from either Harris or Biden

    • rhywun

      Israel must be SMDH at the constant spray of mixed messaging coming from the “Biden” regime. Guessing they will just continue to do what they want for the time being.

      • AlexinCT

        If it was not blatantly obvious that team blue, since Obama clearly showed hate of Israel in the pivot towards Iran, I would almost say that the confusion is by design. But it is not. They are simply inept. And Israel should just do whatever it needs to do to wreck Iran’s proxy network. Hezbollah and Hamas need to be sent to greet Allah in hell. Otherwise they will just get more October 7ths in the long run.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Why hast thou forsaken us, Lord?

    But some residents have criticized what they view as a lack of preparation for the catastrophic storm.

    Devonna Brown, an Asheville business owner, said she felt the city failed its residents. “They should have been more prepared. They knew that this storm was coming,” she said. “We’re very frustrated by it. I mean, there’s no way to get in, no way to get out.”

    Sara Legatski, another Asheville business owner, said officials should have expressed more urgency and brought in emergency water supplies earlier.

    “There should have been a more urgent call for people to be prepared,” she said. “Were they stationing water off the mountain ready to be trucked up here, knowing how fragile our water system is? None of this is a surprise. Anyone acting like this is a surprise has not been here long enough and is not from the mountains and does not understand how water works.”

    Omnipotent all knowing government should wave a magic wand and fix all the boo-boos.

    • Drake

      Trashville is an ultra liberal oasis in a sea of red.

    • Grumbletarian

      If she thinks everyone knew when, where, and how hard the storm would hit, why did that lady stick around at all?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Nothing is your own fucking responsibility. What did YOU do to prepare if it was so evident it was going to be catastrophic to your area? I hate people.

      • Suthenboy

        I bought all of the components and parts for a water filter system that filters out all bacteria, viruses and suspended particles then removes all dissolved metals, poisons, insecticides etc.
        I pour 5 gallons of bayou water in, I get 4 gallons of water out that is not only potable but better than anything you get from a tap anywhere. I have two sets, each one good for 1M gallons. I also have water test kits to keep track of how it is doing.
        I can also distill water and then toss a pinch of salt in.

        Sand, diatomaceous earth, activated charcoal.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Was that a kit set or all random pieces? Can you provide a link? I’ve picked up a few small filters for camping. Shipped with my camping gear, etc. Also need to a buy a new jumpstart kit/power pack when I get to Italy. Too much trouble shipping some Li-Ion batteries directly (gave it to the guy who bought my car).

        Plan to buy at least one jumpstart/gooloo pack for my folks too – great for emergencies like these.

  26. cyto

    I recently took my oldest to look at colleges. We drove a loop around half the state. We were all through the Orlando area, Tampa, Clearwater, Bradenton, Naples….

    I saw my first Harris bumper sticker near UCF in Orlando.

    Lots of Trump flags and stickers.

    There seems to be a huge disconnect between real people and the portrayal on the news.

    I live in deep blue broward county. Harris Walz stickers are not a thing yet.

    Trump stickers and flags are definitely a thing.

    • Sean

      Harris Walz stickers are not a thing yet.

      I’ve seen one.

      • Sensei

        That’s all I see. I have yet to see any Trump signs.

      • rhywun

        Here it’s 100% her in town and 100% him across the border.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Harris Walz signs and bumper stickers showed up a week ago. See more Harris signs in rural areas. Fewer Trump signs than last times, other than the fanboy houses and trucks that have had them for months.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Spokespeople for the city and Buncombe County, which includes Asheville, didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment about residents’ criticisms.

    They are still in the process of assembling an appropriately diverse committee to study the problem.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Netflix can make that money back by running anti-Trump ads. It’s the circle of life.

    • Grumbletarian

      Trump is to blame for this!


    • PieInTheSky

      Look i told you people we can’t have a apocalyptic world war now, I am aging wine I plane to drink in a few years.

      • The Other Kevin

        Yeah my gym is just starting to take off, I don’t have time for this either.

      • Suthenboy

        Bingo. I have other things to worry about. Who has time for this shit?

        “Death is what happens while you are making other plans.” -Sam Clemons

  29. Not Adahn

    Tens of Thousands of Port Workers Strike; Billions in Trade Expected to Be Impacted

    Honestly, I didn’t think it was that popular. Is it going to affect tawny or ruby more?

    • PieInTheSky

      port finished whiskey hardest hit

      • Nephilium

        It’s a good thing bourbon is sourced locally.

    • Rat on a train

      Enter pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. That is worth enough points.

  30. PieInTheSky

    about the strange phenomenon of super-student-debtors who’ve paid the original balance of their debt and yet now owe more than when they started – what were they thinking over the years this was happening?

    it seems correspondent to exploding costs at universities generally.

    I think there might be something else: most of the people running these institutions were raised with an important value: Education Is Priceless. it’s considered gauche and callous to ask questions about “whether we’re getting value” and “where the money is going”.

    and I think this increasingly applies to the people actually *taking out the student debt* – there’s a force-field around questions of whether they can afford it, whether it’s worth it, and even whether they are, in fact, paying off their loan over time.

    if all your peers, family, and teachers always said, “education is a human right, it should be free, it is the key to a life well lived” then yeah, I can see how some people would simply not pay, and get angry that their debt keeps going up.

    anything else would be capitulation.


    • The Other Kevin

      Way back in the late 80’s I was always reminded that people who go to college make a lot more money than people who don’t. My guess is there’s still a lot of that going on too, but they’re only telling that half of the story and not the half about the cost of education going way up compared to wages.

      • AlexinCT

        Going to college CAN – and that is the operative word – drastically increase your income. However, the thing glossed over is that more important than the school you go to, is the degree you pursue. If you do STEM, medicine, economics, or law (even though these days it is not as lucrative for all), you can make a lot of money. In those cases student loans are less of a problem (yet still to be avoided, honestly). But when you get a bachelor or masters, at a super expensive school of all things, in some idiotic studies or other such degree that basically leaves you with the option of being a barista or doing waiting, going into education, or working for government, unless you can work the pole or OnlyFans, you are going to be toast.

        It is criminal kids get told just go to college and follow your dreams. What they should be told is make sure whatever college degree you pursue if you choose that path, can not only pay your bills, but also pay itself off without you having to whore yourself out.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Something something boogaloo

    Military officials have released new video of a startling encounter between a Russian fighter jet flying near Alaska and a U.S. Air Force F-16 sent to intercept it.

    In the video released Monday, the Russian plane comes from behind the camera and swoops by the U.S. jet, just feet from the aircraft.

    The video release of the close encounter Sept. 23, with the U.S. pilot under the direction of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, comes after a series of Russian incursions into the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone just beyond U.S. sovereign airspace.

    How dare those Rooskies fly in international airspace? We should bomb them.

    • The Other Kevin

      I got a few likes on Twitter when I called that pilot Mavericksky.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      We ShOuLd oPeN a SeCoNd FrOnT iN oUr WaR wItH rUsSiA!

      Poke that bear!

  32. Sensei

    Among the highest priorities for the next administration should be shoring up NASA’s Artemis plan to return humans to the Moon.

    Of the first 10 things FedGov should be doing this doesn’t make my list. But Top.Man. and space journalist Eric Berger has other ideas. He does excellent reporting, but I think he’s a wee bit too close to his subject matter for objectivity here.


    • AlexinCT

      NASA is a money pit. Scrap that DEI infested shitshow and go commercial. Unfortunately for the authoritarians, that means they have to depend on Musk, and he is an enemy of the deep state right now…

  33. The Other Kevin

    I know this is cynical, but I think the floods (and maybe the strike) are going to hurt Harris. Some of the flooding is happening in important states, and Harris and Biden do not look presidential right now. Contrasted with Trump, who’s visited the area and is coordinating some help. He’s acting like he’s already president. People are going to be bitter about Harris and this is really close to November. I predict Vance is going to bring this up a lot tonight.

    • slumbrew

      Nobody who was gonna vote for Harris will be moved by the flooding.

      Even those idiots in Asheville will still dutifully pull the lever.

      Will this move the needle with “undecideds”? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Who are these people who can’t decide between the two (or just not voting)?

    • Ownbestenemy

      With a proper media, I am with you. They will run the proper cover that either Harris or Biden visiting ‘will just take away from the relief efforts’. Case in point, already running articles that Trump is making this political or pouncing on the disaster for his own benefit.

      Plus, if Vance focuses on Biden, that would be bad. Trying to bring Harris in will be a hard tie-in (except for the gift Biden gave the Repubs the other day) cause she is just VP.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s all Biden isn’t running, Harris is. Unless it’s beneficial to her and then it’s back to Biden/Harris administration and “our administration”.

    • R.J.

      I forgot the debate is tonight! Same format as Trump’s I assume. 3 on 1.
      Vance is very smart and an excellent debater. But the debate rules could break his ability to get out bon-mots and win the day. I am afraid to watch.

    • kinnath

      The dock strikes will affect pretty much every income-level and class in the US. The effects will be very negative.

      Biden/Harris either have to support the strikers (thus pissing off everyone that can’t buy the things they want) or condemn the strikers (thus pissing of blue-collar labor).

      I can’t see any benefit to the Harris/Walz ticket from this strike.

      Biden (and thus Harris) looks completely out of touch with the hurricane/flood event that is destroying many rural and urban environments.

      Again, I can’t see any benefit to the Harris/Walz ticket from the administration’s response to the crises.

    • Tundra

      The timing of the strike is terrible optics. A huge chunk of the SE is gonna need a ton of supplies and these fuckos are striking in the middle of a disaster.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Agreed. Then again, Americans shrugged their shoulders upon learning it was their own government that caused the last supply issue. This will be a good indicator how much of the ‘envy’ propaganda has seeped into the brains of the masses.

      • Tundra


        That’s almost unbelievable.

      • kinnath

        It’s totally believable.

  34. R.J.

    Jeez, CBS has new novel ways to “fact check” Vance tonight. I say Vance, because not one time will they fact check the commie.

    • AlexinCT

      Three against one again?

    • Drake

      Vance is not to be trifled with. He has destroyed and humiliated other ‘reporters’ who tried that crap.

      • The Other Kevin

        I agree. And out of the four he’s been out there way more than the others in the past few months. My gut is telling me this is something to watch.

  35. AlexinCT

    I was born a middle class commie kid…

  36. The Late P Brooks

    I have no idea if I’m right, but I’m going to pretend the “most pro union administration ever” is going to see some backlash from people who aren’t in unions and who don’t like having their lives disrupted by a bunch of overpaid goons.

      • Ted S.

        Local news the other day reported on an NBC News/Telemundo poll of Hispanics that had Harris up 54-40.

        It was also mentioned that Biden carried Hispanics by 33 points.

      • Suthenboy

        “…Kamala Harris has 9-point lead among union households..”
        Horseshit. Complete horseshit. The union households have been very clear they are overwhelmingly pro-Trump despite their leadership’s position.

      • Ted S.

        You do understand that a disproportionate number of union members are GovSec and they’re most likely extremely pro-Harris, right?

      • R C Dean

        The thing is, there aren’t nearly as many private sector union members as a generation ago. So losing ground in that demographic isn’t as important. The pubsecs, of course, will break 98% for the Dem, regardless.

    • kinnath

      I have said repeatedly that the democrats cannot win this election without cheating. Without cheating, this election is going to go the way of Reagan crushing Mondale.

      When they do cheat, it will be so blatantly obvious that the country will come unglued.

      I am beyond black pilled.

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s where I am. There are too any people who NEED Harris to win because they’ve been doing unethical and most likely illegal things in order to stay in power. This is not going to be pretty.

      • R C Dean

        Kinnath, I think the real black pill is the Dems cheat blatantly to steal the election and the country doesn’t come unglued.

        And that’s the way I’m betting. It was pretty blatant last time, and the “coming unglued” bit had to be orchestrated by the agencies, after all.

    • AlexinCT

      They have some new military-industrial complex money they have to convince us we should spend…

  37. The Late P Brooks

    I wonder if Vance is smart enough to make the case that Biden and Harris have been pushing completely wrong priorities and we need to focus on domestic needs. Leaving aside the fundamental arguments, we could probably use some of the money they have pissed away in Ukraine for hurricane response.

    • AlexinCT

      He needs to keep reminding people Harris and Walz are running as if Trump is the incumbent, when it is their policies they are telling us they will somehow fix, even though they were the ones supposedly running the country for the last 4 years…

      • Suthenboy

        The bit about ‘Harris will keep all Biden appointees..’ seems to be unnoticed. Incredible.
        They are gonna fix things alright, and good.

    • PieInTheSky

      I have a feeling this will be one of those debates each side will be convinced they one, unless one debater is catastrophic

      • R.J.


  38. The Late P Brooks

    U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, a Republican member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, said the close pass of the Russian jet is another reason to build America’s military presence in Alaska and the Arctic.

    “The reckless and unprofessional maneuvers of Russian fighter pilots — within just a few feet of our Alaska-based fighters — in Alaska’s ADIZ on September 23 put the lives of our brave Airmen at risk and underscore the escalating aggression we’re witnessing from dictators like Vladimir Putin,” Sullivan said in a statement.

    Six or seven billion ought to get the ball rolling.

  39. LCDR_Fish

    Here’s a nice nutpunch to start the day:


    Arnold, a carpenter with decades of experience in home renovation, had the skills and motivation to do the job right. Following a career in New Jersey, he returned to his family’s roots in Georgia with the dream of creating a homestead for his children and grandchildren.

    Macon-Bibb County should have been thrilled. But rather than welcome Arnold to the community, code enforcers fast-tracked his newly acquired property for demolition, ignoring his pleas to reconsider. Neighbors called him when the wrecking crew arrived on November 15, 2023, but all Arnold could do was watch as workers toppled his house with his tools and supplies still inside.


    Arnold has tried to figure out what caused the rush. But a secretive process prevents public review. This has been the norm since Macon-Bibb mayor Lester Miller launched a “Blight Fight” campaign in 2021 with a code-enforcement team that operates like a shadow police department. Nearly 800 houses have disappeared in three years without court proceedings.

    No testimony. No paper trail. No judicial orders. Some homeowners do not even get notices.

    Cases can go to Macon-Bibb Municipal Court, but they almost never do. That’s because the county has granted itself the power to avoid court entirely — a power it unsurprisingly exercises in most cases. And even if a property owner does get in front of a judge, municipal courts are not “courts of record,” which means nobody keeps detailed or permanent case files.


    Rather than give up on his dream, Arnold fought back with a constitutional lawsuit on September 18, 2024, in a real court. Our public-interest law firm, the Institute for Justice, represents him.

    The case hinges on due process. Drivers accused of minor traffic offenses currently get more protection than Macon-Bibb County homeowners do. Hearings are automatic for speeding or lane violations, even when the potential fine is less than $100. The stakes can be exponentially higher when the government comes for someone’s house. Yet Macon-Bibb County treats demolition like something less serious than writing a traffic ticket.

    • R C Dean

      “Nearly 800 houses have disappeared in three years without court proceedings.
      No testimony. No paper trail. No judicial orders.”

      In a functional society, anybody who joined the code enforcement team or their masters in the government would be flogged out of town.

  40. PieInTheSky

    Preliminary Milei Report Card


    two things. One, I don’t know if those things get better, but Milei clearly said some things will be worse until better. Two, I keep seeing everywhere he devalued the peso. No he fucking didn’t he just removed an artificial peg to the dollar. the peso was devalued by printing.

    • Suthenboy

      Jaguar: how to make a mechanical abomination into a work of art.
      That photo even makes me shed a tear, and that’s saying something.

    • R C Dean

      In a just world, she would be writing them checks for the rest of her life trying to pay off her personal liability because no way the insurance is going to cover that.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Two, I keep seeing everywhere he devalued the peso.

    He merely admitted the true value of the currency on the open market.

    • Tundra

      Again, the intelligent speed assistance systems mandated in the SB-961 can’t control a car. They use audio and visual warnings to alert drivers going 10 or more mph over the posted speed limit. If that’s draconian government control, we’ve been living in a dictatorship since seatbelt alarms were mandated in cars.

      Bootlickers abound at Jalopnik.

      • Sensei


  42. The Late P Brooks

    Waste not, want not

    Nestled in the bucolic Blue Ridge mountains of western North Carolina and far from any coast, Asheville was touted as a climate “haven” from extreme weather. Now the historic city has been devastated and cut off by Hurricane Helene’s catastrophic floodwaters, in a stunning display of the climate crisis’s unlimited reach in the United States.


    “I never, ever considered the idea that Asheville would be wiped out,” she said. “It was our backup plan to move there, so the irony is stark and scary and it’s hard for me to emotionally process. I’ve been working in the climate movement for 20 years and feel like I’m now living in a movie I imagined in my head when I started. Nowhere is safe now.”

    The damage wrought by Helene is “a staggering and horrific reminder of the ways that the climate crisis can turbocharge extreme weather”, according to Al Gore, the former US vice-president. Hurricanes gain strength from heat in the ocean and atmosphere and Helene, one of the largest ever documented, sped across a record-hot Gulf, quickly turning from a category 1 to a category 4 storm within a day.

    And let that be a lesson to you.

    Now put on your sackcloth and ashes and offer up your sacrifices to Gaia.

  43. Common Tater

    Does anyone care about VP debates? Does anyone vote because of who is running for VP?

    • kinnath

      I knew JFK. You are no JFK.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    “This storm has the fingerprints of climate change all over it,” said Kathie Dello, North Carolina’s state climatologist. “The ocean was warm and it grew and grew and there was a lot of water in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, our worst fears came true. Helene was supercharged by climate change and we should expect more storms like this going forward.”

    Quick- everybody sacrifice a virgin. It’s our only hope.

    • Common Tater

      She sounds like a retard.

    • Suthenboy

      Holy fuck, they let her out without a minder? She is going to end up eating a poisonous spider or a box of crayons.

  45. Common Tater

    “Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck, 52, was given her name by her mom – who said the name would ‘take her around the world’ due to its originality.

    Growing up, Marijuana said she would be questioned on the moniker and whispered about – and people assumed her mother took drugs or was in prison, which is untrue.

    Marijuana has a PhD in Higher Educational Leadership, works at Community College of Baltimore County, and is founder of Action as Empowerment Center for Change.”


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Pepsi? It’s goddamn Idiocracy.

      • Suthenboy

        ” It’s goddamn Idiocracy.”
        I dont know why no one took that documentary seriously when it was released.

    • R C Dean

      “Marijuana has a PhD in Higher Educational Leadership”

      Because of course xe does.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Did anybody mention Kristofferson yet?

    • Rat on a train

      I liked him in Payback.

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