Thursday Morning Links

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Daily Links | 289 comments

The Astros bowed out. So did the Orioles and Braves. The Brewers managed to win late and force a game 3. Oh well. Across the pond, there were some pretty good UCL matches, with Liverpool slicing up Bologna and Aston Villa shocking Bayern Munich. Let’s see what happens with the Europa League matches today. And that’s it for sports.

Pay attention to me!!! The warmonger family sure does miss being in the spotlight.

I remember when this used to be reported as “got caught in a lie.” But that was four years ago, and the principals were different.

They will never get those answers. He’s too busy prosecuting people for complaining at school board meetings over girls being assaulted and people who wandered into a building almost four years ago.

Look! Some good news for a change. Hopefully this starts a trend of the courts quickly shutting down laws against speech the powers that be don’t like.

Meanwhile, this is terrible news. Worse than anything involving politics, as far as I’m concerned.

“A second gentleman’s love is very different from that of a square.” Christ, what an asshole.

It’s been three years. Get your shit together and pay what you owe, people.

“What a bunch of horrible women.” How dare they not want to compete against a man who towers over them.

Oh, that poor, mentally ill man. How will he ever survive not having his delusions reinforced by total strangers when he makes a scene?

Here’s some mellow music to ease into the day. They’re such an underrated band. But I quite like them. Hopefully you enjoy the tracks I played.

And I hope you enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. PieInTheSky

    The Astros bowed out. So did the Orioles and Braves. The Brewers managed to win late and force a game 3 – go dodgers?

    • Nephilium

      I had to tell the girlfriend that her cheering for the Detroit Tigers had to come to a swift end after they eliminated the Astros*.

      • SDF-7

        I would have thought your girlfriend, like most around these parts, would be a little old for a Tiger Beat

      • Nephilium


        When the Indians dumped the name, she decided she was done cheering for the new team (I just dropped following them). As she was casting around for another team to cheer for, she decided on the Detroit Tigers, since they’re close, and she thinks tigers are cute.

        The first game I went to down at the old Muni was back in the 80’s. Tigers against the Indians, and the Indians got shellacked. I’ve harbored a dislike for them ever since. I mean, my entire life could be measured by Indians seasons. I was born on the day of the home opener (my dad had tickets, I feel this may be what started the bad blood between us).

      • Pope Jimbo


        I think you meant Tiger Beat Emhoff

  2. PieInTheSky

    I remember when this used to be reported as “got caught in a lie.” But that was four years ago, and the principals were different. – China is a vibe anyway not a place

    • SDF-7

      Yeah — such a great vibe that according to him, seeing the CCCP run over their own citizens with tanks for daring to protest for reforms is how he

      and from that, I learned a lot of what needed to be in governance.

      (slowly backs away from the totalitarian psychopath….)

    • Not Adahn

      The best part is he picked his wedding day to coincide with Tiananmen so he wouldn’t forget his anniversary.

      • SDF-7

        Or so he could toast his beloved masters in public without hampering his political career…. who’s to say?

      • Not Adahn

        Obviously, it’s totally normal to want your wedding say to share a moment you find horrifying. That’s why 9/11 is the most popular wedding day in the US!

      • Pope Jimbo

        That is the best part of the story. How do you square the circle. “I got my dates mixed up” with “I picked that date specifically so I’d remember it”? I think the real problem for Walz is that he has gotten away with lying about his deeds for so long, he now believes them. He can’t let them go.

        The other semi-fib he told is about his kid “witnessing” a school shooting. His son was in a gym, when there was a shooting in a nearby parking lot. I call it a semi-fib because I would have been unnerved to find out that a shooting happened that close to my kid too. But then, I’d never use it to try to score political points.

  3. SDF-7

    The warmonger family sure does miss being in the spotlight.

    I was expecting the asshole Vindman clan again…. Morning, all.

    • Rat on a train

      You’ll get to hear from the Dishonorable Duo more once Eugene is in Congress.

  4. PieInTheSky

    Meanwhile, this is terrible news. Worse than anything involving politics, as far as I’m concerned. – there is always jamon. What is the official glibertarian preference, jamon or prosciut ?

    • Not Adahn

      I would guess Jamon Iberico, but I’m not invited to the policy setting workgroups.

      • PieInTheSky

        the good stuff, acorn fed from pata negra (or colored if it is better)

      • Not Adahn

        Yeah, Glibs have remarkably good taste in their food and beverage choices. Which is remarkable when you notice how staggeringly bad their taste in the arts is.

      • Pat

        Which is remarkable when you notice how staggeringly bad their taste in the arts is.

        Everything I like is better than everything you like.

        But to answer the question, I barely even buy bacon when it comes on sale for $4 a pound. If I’m spending prosciutto money, it’s going on beef.

      • Sean

        If I’m spending prosciutto money, it’s going on beef.


      • PieInTheSky

        Bresaola needs to be sliced properly…

      • PieInTheSky

        you just need to hide it in some hummus

    • sloopyinca

      I’d lean towards prosciutto on a day to day basis. But I do love me some Iberico.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      Two different styles.

      • PieInTheSky

        well yes so is blues and country, but one can have a preference.

      • Not Adahn

        Japanese, Chinese or Laotian?

      • PieInTheSky

        silky just like OMWCs hair

      • R C Dean


  5. PieInTheSky

    It’s been three years. Get your shit together and pay what you owe, people. – those loans are immoral and should be voided. it is the right thing to do.

    • Nephilium

      Yes, I remember the terrible days of 2018, students being lined up on enrollment day. Forced at gunpoint to sign away their futures to get loans to take %subculture% studies. It was a dark time for STEM students, fighting for scraps, somehow forced to learn skills that could be turned into jobs…

      • PieInTheSky

        look a government payed free at the point of delivery education up to and including post doctoral studies is a basic human right

      • Rat on a train

        The ACA was supposed to free us to pursue hobbies. We need the government to do more.

      • The Last American Hero

        I make a point of rubbing peoples’ noses in it every time they talk about healthcare costs. I insist there is no problem. The ACA ensured all Americans have access to great and affordable healthcare and have for the last 14 years. I accept no evidence to the contrary.

      • Bobarian LMD

        I accept no evidence to the contrary.

        We could probably start making Helen Keller jokes about you.

        But you’re probably really good a pinball.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Goddamit. Paid, not payed. Not you Pie, the thousands of native English speakers on Reddit, some supposedly educated.

  6. PieInTheSky

    “What a bunch of horrible women.” How dare they not want to compete against a man who towers over them.

    Boise is MAGA country. I assume.

    • Pat

      As college towns are wont to be.

    • The Gunslinger

      To be fair, I believe the dude in the story stands 6′ 1″. Have you ever seen a woman’s college volleyball team? Half the team is taller than he is. He should not be on the team, but his height is not the problem.

      • PieInTheSky

        is it his girth?

      • R C Dean

        Actually, I think the problem is length.

    • Grumbletarian

      I particularly enjoyed the term “trans mania” in the article. I may need to use that more.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Transylmania? Ain’t that where Pie is from?

    • DrOtto

      Mayor of Boise has a ‘D’ after his name.

      • Bobarian LMD

        California export disease has rotted that part of the state, by all accounts.

    • The Last American Hero

      Idaho is MAGA country. Boise is not. Boise is the big blue dot in the red state. College Town, California refugees seeking to recreate San Francisco but inland, the usual.

      However, being a relatively small city, the Blue Dot rubs up against the red state more quickly than it does in places like Illinois or even Oregon.

  7. SDF-7

    They will never get those answers.

    He’ll do plenty of prosecuting of states for removing non-citizens from their voter rolls, what are you talking about? Look at Alabama!

    Oh…. answers as to whether they’ll investigate how they got on those rolls and if there was criminal activity getting them / keeping them there…. Oh, that’s (D)ifferent!

  8. Not Adahn

    L’Shana Tova! This is the holiday where you poll an ibex, not where you bake the jelly cookies, right?

    • PieInTheSky

      we do not celebrate ethnic holidays here. Only the One True Eastern Orthodox faith.

      • Not Adahn

        The more holidays you celebrate, the less work the government employees do, so the fewer things they can fuck up.

      • UnCivilServant

        This isn’t one of the thirteen holidays we get.

      • Rat on a train

        Greek Orthodox?

      • PieInTheSky

        no, not greek. Greeks aint got some monopoly on it.

      • The Last American Hero


    • SDF-7

      Dude… I know libertarians can be libertine — but if you’re polling an ibex, that’s between you and God. We don’t need to know.

      • Not Adahn

        When Glock Style was going out of business I picked up a pair of Austrian hiking boots for cheap. Their recommended application was “stalking ibex.” Glock Style also had traditional Austrian leather underwear available, but I didn’t buy any.

      • Tonio

        Quinnipiac University and Rasmussen beg to differ.

      • Common Tater

        Traditional Austrian leather underwear is great at holding one testicle.

    • Ted S.

      Wait until Simchat Torah when he pole-dances with a giant Torah scroll.

  9. SDF-7

    Hopefully this starts a trend of the courts quickly shutting down laws against speech the powers that be don’t like.

    Hopefully — but I think this case was a little easier to fast track with suits lined up and more clear “standing”.

    Who was it that pitched a Fourth Branch of Government that solely acts to strike down unconstitutional laws/regulations instead of waiting for the courts again? (Not that that couldn’t be politicized and abused, mind you…. I’d rather it stay with the courts but that the courts be more proactive and allow for any citizen / taxpayer to bring unconstitutionality suits against things as well as states being viewed clearly as the contracting parties in the Constitution so by definition being able to sue the Fed for non-compliance… But now I’m just rambling… on to the next link!

    • Pat

      Who was it that pitched a Fourth Branch of Government that solely acts to strike down unconstitutional laws/regulations instead of waiting for the courts again?

      Thomas Jefferson. That was what he meant by that whole blood of patriots and tyrants thing. By which he meant the patriot rabble, of course. Old TJ never met a genocidal revolution he didn’t love, so long as the blood from the streets was properly wiped from the shoes of those entering his salon.

      • Nephilium

        It was also a suggestion for the Lunar Constitution in the Moon is a Harsh Mistress (one house to pass laws requiring a two thirds majority to pass them, one house to strike down laws with only a one third minority needed to overturn them).

      • R C Dean

        I dunno about genocidal, but his point that there will never be a government that doesn’t need to be overthrown at some point is well taken.

      • The Last American Hero

        I’d like to point out that we have an opportunity to toss out the entire house every 2 years, presidency every 4 and could effect a 100 percent turnover of the senate in less than 6 as the other bastards would get in line when they saw the establishment getting shitcanned left and right.

        It would be a bloodless revolution. Instead, we choose to re-elect 90 percent of them.

  10. PieInTheSky

    My friend in dutchland visited Toronto recently and said it is just like New York, though he has never been to New York. But he came with a lot of conclusion about how thing are in the US – like Canada only more crime and less safe.

    • PieInTheSky

      But he did go to a baseball game there and said while the game is boring the entire experience is entertaining.

    • Nephilium

      Me and a group of friends used to go up to Toronto every couple of months (when some of us were between the ages of 19 and 21… for reasons). Yeah. Never felt like I was in a US city there. We did learn which bars were the local/non-tourist bars and started going there. Several times we were mistaken for Canadians, and the locals argued with us when we said we were from the US. They were not used to midwesterners, we were finally able to convince them by stating socialized medicine was a terrible idea.

      • Not Adahn

        I’ve never been to Toronto, but none of the Canadian cities I’ve been to felt American to me. Though I did note they were more similar to places in the NE than southern cities. Undoubtedly the weather and the sun are responsible for that.

      • Nephilium

        Not Adahn:

        One of the best times we had in Toronto was three of us going from bar to bar, we saw a bar called the James Joyce, and having two micks among our group, felt the need to stop in. We got a table by the door, and the next table in was an attractive blonde woman, sitting by herself, with three partially full glasses in front of her (one beer, one mixed drink, and water) joined by a host of empties swearing at the hockey game on TV. We chatted with her, she joined our table, and it turned out she was a high school hockey coach who had just come over the Canada a couple years back from Kamchatka. All of us being gamers, we knew where that was, AND SHE CALLED US OUT FOR KNOWING IT FROM RISK!

        We wound up getting a tour of the local bars with her, and even managed to get her phone number.

        Never saw her again.

      • SDF-7

        You didn’t follow up? I mean — once you take Kamchatka, you’re set for ravaging the rest of Asia later and all…..

      • Not Adahn

        Good memories.

        There does seem to be a stereotype about Canadian ladies being remarkably hospitable.

      • Nephilium


        We tried to call before our next trip, but it was about six months later, and the calls just went to VM.

        At least we got a fun story out of it, learned some (at the time) local knowledge, and all got home with our kidneys. 🙂

      • R C Dean

        I swear, Neph, I thought that was all a setup for a terrible joke of some kind.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Neph, when I was a youngster, it was as close to watch the North Stars in Winnipeg as it was to go watch them in Bloomington. But – same as you – Winnipeg would serve 18 year olds. (Minnesoda was only 19 at the time).

        I remember them having a rule where if you were served a drink at a table you couldn’t get up and walk around with it. Had to drink it at the table. But if you bought it at the bar, you could walk around with it. So sort of like Covid, but early ’80s.

        The other thing we learned was that the Border Patrol would search any car full of young guys and confiscate the beer you were trying to take back home. No charges or anything, just confiscation. Must have been one of the only perks of working at that god forsaken border crossing. Free beer for life.

      • Nephilium

        Pope Jimbo:

        Niagra was closer, but the bars there hated dealing with under 21 ‘mericans, so we went a bit further up to Toronto, where they didn’t care. A friend did his bachelor party up there when the vast majority of us were over 21. We confused the border patrol guy as we were coming back when he asked if we had anything to declare, and we totaled up the amount of alcohol we had picked up (beer not sold in Ohio, wines, and duty free liquor) and gave an honest answer. We were well over the level where we would need to pay duty on it, the border patrol guy looked at us, sighed, and waved us through.

        I recall the entertainment of going to The Beer Store, where you ordered off a menu, and waited for your case of beer to come down the conveyor belt.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, no. It is nothing like NYC.

      • Sensei

        Certainly needs more “undocumented immigrants”.

      • rhywun

        Toronto is famously immigant-heavy but I dunno their statuses.

        The main difference is that it is cleaner and the people are less, uh, forthright.

        The downtown somewhat resembles newer parts of Manhattan but go any distance away and it looks like Canada.

  11. SDF-7

    Oh, that poor, mentally ill man

    Applies equally to the San Jose State University volleyball team.

    But from there:

    “I’m from Iowa, but I will raise a glass to your great state of Texas,” Steele said, holding a glass of wine. “I wish you guys would do more for trans rights in this state.”

    Oh gee… I can’t imagine why someone bloviating yet again on their political preferences in a restaurant might annoy the crap out of people. Might as well go full vegan and rant about going to Harvard and complete the trifecta in a Texas steakhouse there, jerk.

    • PieInTheSky

      Applies equally to the San Jose State University volleyball team. – I am not sure it does. We don’t know if ill or just asshole.

    • WTF

      “I wish you guys would do more for trans rights in this state.”

      Okay, exactly what rights do I have that trans people do not?

      • Not Adahn

        Obviously cis people are entitled to any free elective surgery they want!

      • Old Man With Candy

        I asked that question to Tomb Raider once. “Well, they can’t choose their bathrooms.”

        “Oh, so if I want to walk into a girl’s bathroom or locker room at school, there’s no problem?”

        “I don’t want to discuss this.”

      • juris imprudent

        “I don’t want to discuss this.”

        Well, if you can’t defend your position any better than that, you deserve to be an oppressed minority.

      • Old Man With Candy

        There’s a reason she’s in my rear view mirror. I don’t care how good the sex is, eventually this kind of thing is just too much to tolerate.

      • juris imprudent

        Glad you got some good sex out of it before that point, I’d get to that point before I got any sex.

    • Ownbestenemy

      “I was feeling a little like my transness was on display, I guess, and suddenly that sort of made me feel not great.”

      You shouted out about your ‘transness’ CWAA

    • rhywun

      It’s almost like he wanted a story to take home about how awful Texas is.

      • WTF

        Funny how that worked out, eh? And interesting that the ‘documentary’ only featured the reactions and not his provocation which started it off.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’ll bet if he’d bought a round for the house, they’d all have toasted ‘trans rights’ right along with him. Money talks, and free booze talks louder.

    • R C Dean

      Yeah, “Hey, great state you got here and all. Why don’t you do things the way I want, and cater more to me?” isn’t going to get a warm reception much of anywhere.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Swap some things around and it would dominate the newscycle for a week and rolled into propaganda talking points.

      • Pope Jimbo

        RC, I grew up in a tourist trap. There is nothing we love more than tourists coming in and loudly telling us how to live our lives.

  12. sloopyinca

    Side note:
    I spent this past weekend racing a car for the first time in a car none of us had ever driven. Went with a good friend from the olden days and a group of his racing buddies in Buttonwillow, CA. After 14.5 hours of driving, we came in 25th out of 93 entrants and had an absolutely amazing time. We did slow stops and were deliberately casual about the whole process, and in reality we probably have a top ten car on our hands.

    It was an absolutely amazing experience and one I hope to repeat as often as I can find the time. The difference in turning laps at an HPDE event and wheel to wheel racing is staggering, but I think I grasped it pretty well and managed to hold my own during my stints.

    Just fantastic.

    • SDF-7

      Sounds like a blast, Sloopy…. All I can think in response. From the pov of a humdrum programmer, you’re living your best damned life man… solid props to you.

    • PieInTheSky

      Fun can still be had despite the general shitshow

    • Shpip

      The difference in turning laps at an HPDE event and wheel to wheel racing is staggering

      Mostly in the budget required. And drivers sometimes defend their position instead of pointing you by (which, to be fair, happens in the HPDE novice groups, too).

  13. Rufus the Monocled

    Walz is a putz. How can anyone think he did well in that debate? He clearly was lying fumbling, mumbling and bumbling around. All was missing was him sporting a cardigan and a glass of egg nog.

    Slaughtering animals based on the fraudulent PCR test is a crime. Psychopaths are in charge.

  14. Pat

    Oh, that poor, mentally ill man. How will he ever survive not having his delusions reinforced by total strangers when he makes a scene?

    Yeah, what better way to endear yourself to the residents of a state you’re visiting than to make a spectacle of yourself in the middle of their dining experience to lecture them about how you don’t get enough special privileges from their legislature.

    “I’m from Iowa, but I will raise a glass to your great state of Texas,” Steele said, holding a glass of wine. “I wish you guys would do more for trans rights in this state.” But as the crowd stopped cheering and a few people groaned, Steele said, “It went dead, completely dead. That’s not how we would treat you up in Iowa.”
    Ferrell, dressed as Sherlock Holmes from his 2018 film Holmes & Watson, holds up his own glass and adds, “Cheers to Texas and trans rights, right?”
    The toasts don’t make it into the film, but the aftermath of the visit does. Steele and Ferrell face a wave of negative comments on social media, and both note how uncomfortable the experience quickly became.
    “The room started to feel very wrong to me,” Steele says in Will & Harper. “I was feeling a little like my transness was on display, I guess, and suddenly that sort of made me feel not great.”

    Gee, no shit? As ever, you’re not persecuted, you’re just an asshole.

    • Nephilium

      Steele said, “It went dead, completely dead. That’s not how we would treat you up in Iowa.”

      Citation fucking needed. Now, there are probably quite a few bars in the area locally that would cheer that, a lot more would be less welcoming.

      • R.J.

        Those two need to keep their screwy politics away from my favorite steakhouse.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Notice they were not bothered when they were just there. Wasn’t until they decided they wanted to be assholes.

      • WTF

        Yeah, if you don’t enthusiastically affirm and support their delusions, you are a horrible person.

    • Pat

      Nonsense. I have it on good authority that illegal immigrants not only don’t receive a dime in welfare (how could they? it’s illegal), but are the sole reason why social security isn’t insolvent, as they selflessly contribute eleventy trillion dollars per month to the program using fraudulent tax IDs knowing full well they’ll never see a dime from it themselves. All this, mind you, while doing the jobs entitled American honkeys won’t do.

      • The Other Kevin

        They are all hard working families picking vegetables to keep you fed, racist.

    • Suthenboy

      How much did Ukraine and Gaza get? How about Iran…both from Biden and Obama, how much?

      • WTF

        That’s different, because they represent opportunities for money laundering and graft.

      • Drake

        Between Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan – over $17 Billion in the last month.

    • SDF-7

      Heh…. just wait for the “brown and orange” color scheme with the thick polyester pile carpets to come back.

      Vans with waterbeds in the back won’t be far behind!

      • Nephilium

        We don’t talk about the times when brown and orange wasn’t around here.

  15. PieInTheSky

    Alex ☭📕🥭
    Comintern/SH Hoxhaists be like: “Grrr, actually advanced Revolutionary Peoples war? Thats trotzkyist bourgeois opportunistic bourgeois Revolution. Maoists grrrr”

    Maoists be like:”Yeah Hoxha was a cool guy, his mao critique was bad though.”
    normal Hoxhaists:”Maoists are comrades”

    Unpack that one.

      • Beau Knott

        Kill them all, let Marx sort them out

  16. Certified Public Asshat

    Liz Cheney, one of Donald Trump’s fiercest Republican antagonists, will join Democrat Kamala Harris at a campaign event in Wisconsin on Thursday aimed at reaching out to moderate voters and rattling the former president.

    You are not moderate, or a serious person, if you still think the Cheneys are good people.

    • Pat

      I’m kind of surprised they leaned into that tbh. I know all of the “netroots” Millennials are in their 40s now, but I’d think there’s still enough of them to comprise a meaningful contingent of the Democratic bloc, and I know from the cringe shit they still to this day spend 30 hours a week posting on reddit that they haven’t made their peace with Cheney. On the other side of the aisle, normie Republicans gave up the Iraq War jingoism once black Jesus came into office (which, for anyone playing at home, was 16 fucking years ago). The mushy middle certainly doesn’t give a shit; most of them probably thought Dick Cheney died 10 years ago. It seems like an endorsement with literally no upside. But then again, I’m the out of the touch weirdo, so perhaps they know something I don’t.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        The upside, if there is one, is you say ‘see Trump is so bad even Dick Cheney won’t endorse him’. But it still seems like it would be better to say ‘see Trump is so bad he even has the Cheneys on his side.’

  17. Old Man With Candy

    A few random comments:

    Wife 1 was almost 6′. Varsity volleyball and basketball at Wisconsin. Enforcer on the basketball team (average 6 minutes per game, 6 fouls). I would pay good money to see her deal with the tranny.

    A world without prosciutto will be no different to me other than hearing Spud continually whining.

    Emhoff’s “questionable” behavior is quickly mentioned, then quickly forgotten. Total non-story to the news media. Ditto the lies from Walz, which will be treated the same at Herself’s story about being shot at, i.e., totally forgotten in 24 hours. The fix is in and my election bets are safe.

    • Ted S.

      A world without prosciutto will be no different to me other than hearing Spud continually whining.

      So no different at all then.

  18. Certified Public Asshat

    On the campaign trail, Walz often says that even though he supports the Second Amendment, he doesn’t think that should allow children to be shot dead in the hallways.

    This man is giving us all something to think about.

    • Drake

      Should probably pass a law against it.

    • Pat

      That’s fair. I mean, I support the first amendment, but I don’t think that should allow children to look at comic book drawings of pedophilia in the school library. Same-same, right?

      • Nephilium

        I’m a free speech absolutist, and even I’m sick of the progressives claiming that not paying for a book is banning it. Especially as they decide that we can’t allow books like Huckleberry Finn, or movies like Song of the South to be released.

        Don’t get me started on shite like pulling the “blackface” episode of Community.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Forever is fifty years old. It was controversial when I were a lass (not locally).

      • Certified Public Asshat

        At least the title fits.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Here are some full stops to copy, Pie, since you seem to be short on them.

      . .
      . . .
      . . . .
      … …
      …. ….

      • PieInTheSky

        capitalizing and punctuation are totes unfashionable these days

      • Nephilium

        e e cummings agrees

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        archy and mehitabel 🪳

    • Tundra

      “The steering wheel acts primarily in an advisory capacity.”

      Gold. Thanks, Pie

    • PieInTheSky

      that problem is being solved good and hard

    • rhywun

      Made it a couple paragraphs into the steaming pile. I sure hope they survive the dangerous xenophobic drift!

    • Suthenboy

      The ECFR should learn what words mean. Start with ‘enlightened’.

  19. Sensei

    That’s our State Department.

    Well, that was fast. Iran fired 181 ballistic missiles on Israel Tuesday, and a day later President Biden was already telling Israel what it shouldn’t do in response. Asked Wednesday if he’d support an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, the President said “The answer is no.”

    Stay out of it. But given our current use of a military assets in the region that ship has literally sailed.


      When this thing started last year I told my oldest that even Joe Biden wasn’t dense enough to stick his pecker in that hornet’s nest…

      • Drake

        I remember giving them the planes, bombs, satellite intel, and everything else they’d need to do it.

  20. juris imprudent

    The problem for Democrats is they haven’t had an LBJ for hispanics…

    Democrats are steadily losing ground with Hispanic voters. The seriousness of this problem tends to be underestimated in Democratic circles for several reasons: (1) they don’t realize how big the shift is; (2) they don’t realize how thoroughly it undermines the most influential Democratic theory of the case for building their coalition; and (3) they believe that any Hispanic flirtation with the GOP is merely temporary—they will “come back home” to the Democrats.

    Of course, what does this guy know anyway – he isn’t in on the big fix.

    • Pat

      Meh, Hispanics still break solidly Democratic. We still do winner take all voting. 2nd place is still 1st loser. That aside, the swing is unimportant because they’re playing the long game. They own the institutions. Who do you think is going to be educating the children of today’s Hispanics? With what ideology do you suppose they will be inculcated? When they represent ~2/3 of the US population in 50 years, for whom do you think they will consistently vote? I’d eat my hat if their “demographics is destiny” strategy somehow fails. Just don’t call it replacement theory. That, of course, is a white supremacist conspiracy theory.

      • juris imprudent

        You do realize this is the guy that originated the “demographics is destiny” theory, and has recanted it much as Fukuyama did his End of History.

      • Pat

        Didn’t even glance at the author, tbh, but it doesn’t change my opinion that he’s overstating the case. I’ve been hearing for 20 years how affirmative action was going to push Asian voters out of the D coalition as well. And yet

      • The Last American Hero

        Part of the Dem’s miscalculation is that all non-whites behave like blacks when it comes to voting. They were counting on getting 85+ percent. Instead, it will be about 60 and things will stay interesting.

    • Suthenboy

      They are living in a self-imposed post reality world in their heads where they can just pronounce something to be so and reality will comply.
      To say that they are doomed to failure is a bit of an understatement.

      • juris imprudent

        Failing isn’t a problem if you change the incentives in an institution to where failure is not a selection criteria. Then you can replicate failure after failure, as long as the resources aren’t exhausted.

      • WTF

        To say that they are doomed to failure is a bit of an understatement.

        I don’t know, they’ve been pretty damn successful with it so far.

  21. Sensei

    Look at the chart in the middle of this article and weep.

    Striking Dockworkers Are Top Earners—When They Work

    In the fiscal 2019-20 year, when ILA base pay reached $36, more than half of 3,726 dockworkers at the New York-New Jersey port earned over $150,000, according to a report by the port’s regulator. Some 665 dockworkers that year earned more than $250,000.

    • Suthenboy

      I am not sure how this strike plays into the ‘do anything at any cost’ effort to get rid of Trump but the timing is…well, I am sure it does I just dont know how.

      • Sensei

        I assume they knew that Sleepy Joe wouldn’t use Taft Hartley because of the election.

        I don’t think they did it specifically to help or hurt them. I’d argue it marginally hurts Team Blue, but it serves the union. My expectation is a good chunk of the members support Trump.

        Trump has basically offered platitudes and has not openly engaged against the strike.

      • The Last American Hero

        It helps when Kamala rides in on her white horse in 2 weeks and brings an end to the strike.


        The union is in the political catbird seat. The largely Team Blue politicians who govern the areas affected by this strike are very likely to give them whatever they want to make this go away.

      • UnCivilServant

        Union officials should be disappearing, along with any of their Genovese friends who try to interfere.

    • juris imprudent

      In praise of Luddism, and Marx (courtesy of the New Right).

      Those who complain that today’s left has come to privilege boutique identity politics over bread-and-butter concerns should cheer the longshoremen. There is nothing “woke” about their exercise of economic power to win material gains for themselves and their industrial brethren.

      • Certified Public Asshat


    • rhywun

      Meanwhile in Europe and elsewhere they’re automating that shit but don’t you dare suggest the American industry is in some sense corrupted as has been well-known throughout history or anything.

  22. Suthenboy

    “…the state’s 2021 policy prohibiting transgender athletes from participating in K-12 sports to collegiate athletics.”

    And there you go.

  23. juris imprudent

    Ah, now we know why the warm embrace between Meloni and the EU establishment…

    Or about the efforts the Italian government is doing to reform its country to make it, once again, a protagonist of the geopolitical chessboard.

  24. Not Adahn

    Re: shitting on Texas,

    I grew up in a very anti-TX time/place/household. One of the things that I do admire is their ability to admit their own shittiness (no matter how much Don claims otherwise.)

    I strongly encourage anyone who hasn’t seen it to get a copy and watch Greater Tuna.

    Written by a couple of LGBTQ theater dudes who GTFO of TX, it has been embraced by the locals so much it’s their main source of income. Unfortunately the sequels dropped the biting resentment present in the original and are just sucking up to the audience for bucks.

    • The Other Kevin

      They are probably doing it for “safety” or “equity”. Meaning they want to be in charge and do things their way, which so far has been terrible.

      • The Last American Hero

        Cumola has already announced the aid will be distributed based on equity and not who got hit the hardest.

  25. juris imprudent

    Now this is bullshit – the money was APPROPRIATED FOR THAT PURPOSE by Congress. If there is one thing I know from my years working in the govt, it is that the bureaucratic structure spends the money as they are told to spend it (and they are told by the laws Congress passes). This is why it won’t really matter who wins the presidency – because we’ve fucked up our own heads about this kind of fiscal responsibility.

    • Drake

      When things are good, people might not notice this bullshit. There is a whole lot of noticing happening right now with it in our faces.

      • juris imprudent

        Absolutely – no one cares when things are running ‘smoothly’. And no one will vote out an incumbent Congress-critter because of this.

    • Ownbestenemy

      One of the many reasons for the creation of DHS. Easy to move monies among the underagencies regardless of what it was intended for.

      • juris imprudent

        No, it isn’t. I fucking guarantee that this money was budgeted and appropriated with this intent.

        Just no one paid attention because Congress did it – and it’s all the fault of someone else’s Representatives.

      • Drake

        In a 10,000 page continuing resolution nobody read.

    • rhywun

      According to FEMA’s own website, the stated goals include, first, instilling “equity as a foundation of emergency management,” and second, “lead[ing] whole of community in climate resilience.”

      I believe it is the same for every federal agency now.

      I was wondering how much they skimmed off the top for DEI horseshit.

      • juris imprudent

        No skimming at all – this is what Congress authorizes. Bureaucrats aren’t that creative, and they damn sure don’t take risks.

      • R C Dean

        All that tells me, JI, is that there’s no longer any risk to bureaucrats in using money for whatever they want, regardless of the language of a Congressional appropriation.

        And if Trump’s first term taught us anything, it was that the agencies do whatever they want, regardless of what elected officials say or do.

      • R C Dean

        JI, I think I misread your post. If Congress actually, explicitly appropriated money to FEMA to spend on illegals, I’d be interested to see the appropriations language. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised, but I also wouldn’t be a bit surprised if FEMA just spent the money on illegals because what’s anybody going to do about it.

      • juris imprudent

        RC, I’ll bet you that the appropriation is doing exactly what Congress intended. Good luck trying to figure out who in Congress made sure that provision was in place.

    • db

      This might be an interesting post-Loper challenge to agency overreach. The trick would be finding anyone with standing to bring suit.

      • Grummun

        Federal judge: “As it turns out, no one has standing. Funny, that.”

  26. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Still no power…Gilligan’s Island and the supposed fun you can have while being primitive as can be can get fucked. This sucks.

    • Sensei

      12 Days for me with Hurricane Sandy. I totally get it. Hopefully you get it back soon!

    • Nephilium

      A week here after the tornadoes. I get it.

      I could at least fire up the gas stove top to cook hot meals.

      • Sensei

        We have natural gas and dumb hot water heater. It was wonderful. However during Hurricane Irene we lost water as multiple pumping stations were submerged.

        I can remember firing up the generator for about 8 hours a day to keep food cold and charge up battery operated stuff. Funniest thing was using all of its capacity before I plugged in a bunch of stuff was to run the toaster oven to cook food and separately so that my wife could use the blow dryer.

    • Not Adahn

      The problem is that coconuts aren’t native to that part of the country.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If Mary Ann was here I’d be complaining less.

    • Tundra

      Another good one. Thanks, Holiness.

  27. Pope Jimbo

    It wasn’t premeditated because he wasn’t wearing gloves

    A St. Paul man was arrested in the early hours of Monday after brazenly stealing a woman’s car in front of police and driving off while she was in the middle of a sobriety test.
    A St. Paul officer saw a 2015 Lincoln Navigator speeding near 7th and Jefferson on Sunday around 6 p.m. He stopped the driver and suspected she was intoxicated. She was removed from the vehicle, and the officer began field sobriety testing.
    While in the middle of testing, Vanwert, who was sitting on a nearby bus bench, got into the driver’s seat of the woman’s car. The officer ran to the car and repeatedly ordered the Vanwert to “stop.” Vanwert, however, put the car in gear and fled at a high rate of speed.

  28. SDF-7

    Suck suck suck… suckity suck suck suck…

    I played 10/03:
    *24/24 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 13% by accuracy

    I played 10/03:
    *59/59 words (+10 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 13% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 566

    Only positive thing is I trudged on and didn’t use hints. Other than that, bleah.

  29. The Other Kevin

    I did a quick browse and I’m seeing nothing about the hurricane. People are calling it worse than Katrina. There are still people stranded, without power, without food, and there are places that look like they got hit by a bomb.

    Meanwhile it took until yesterday, FIVE DAYS, before Biden sent in the military to help. Just like Hawaii, residents are given a one-time $750 check, while migrants are getting monthly debit cards and housing. FEMA has spent $450 million on their migrant program, and yesterday Myorkas said there won’t be any money if there’s another hurricane. This should be the scandal of the decade. But I’m not seeing any of this outside of X.

    • Sensei

      If it’s like what I recall here you are only eligible for the $750 if you are uninsured.

      That aggravates me on many levels.

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s almost worse in some ways.

    • Ownbestenemy

      All as planned it seems. I used to give benefit of incompetence. That has been stripped away.

    • db

      Yep. What’s the E in FEMA stand for?

      We’re constantly told there is no immigration crisis, but now FEMA has no money to deal with its core mission (Natural Disaster Relief) because it’s been spending all its money on dealing with immigrants?

      • rhywun

        Any pol complaining about this will get Adamsed.

      • db

        Isn’t it creepy that we just expect that the American Stasi has enough on any given politician to just remove him from the picture?

    • juris imprudent

      FEMA has spent $450 million on their migrant program

      As Congress intended. Stop pissing about the President and the bureaucrats – this problem starts (and ends) in Congress.

      • Swiss Servator

        Money-wise, OK. Letting the entire 18th ABN Corps sit there, with the disaster area right between their two largest bases (Campbell and Bragg) and not doing jack squat… eh, Imma slag him (NC Gov is not exactly covering himself in glory not using his own NG right and right away – Muh Title 32 bux!)

      • WTF

        Are you saying that congress authorized money for FEMA to spend on illegal immigrants? Or that the language of the authorization bill was “do whatever the fuck you want with the money we’re appropriating for you”? Because if the authorization was for disaster relief, I don’t see how it’s kosher to use it to set up illegals with whatever they want.

      • juris imprudent

        WTF – I am saying that Congress put that line item to that exact purpose. Bureaucrats don’t move money around (well, they do, but only in fairly small amounts and near the end of the fiscal year to make sure every appropriated dollar was spent).

      • Drake

        It has to be absolutely infuriating for those troops sitting on the those bases. Particularly for those with family in the area.

  30. db

    Re: non-citizen voting. It may be a threat to “Election Integrity,” but it’s no threat to “Democracy.”

    • The Other Kevin

      Maybe it was Scott Adams, maybe it was someone else, who said Republicans want secure elections even if some people don’t get to vote, and Democrats want as many people to vote as possible even if it’s not secure. The two never shall meet.

      • rhywun

        secure elections even if some people don’t get to vote

        Which is not actually a thing.

      • Common Tater

        But what about all the blacks who don’t have ID because they are dumb and lazy which is totally not racist!

      • juris imprudent

        rhywun, there will always be some sob-story about granny who was stopped from voting because… Until enough of us say so the fuck what? it will rule.

      • The Other Kevin

        I agree with JI, there will always be some sob story about a person who shows up on election day without being registered and without an ID, claiming they were “disenfranchised.” Of course we shouldn’t care about that.

      • EvilSheldon

        Way ahead of you on so-the-fuck-what…

      • Sensei

        In NJ in such a case you cast a provisional ballot. A judge determines if your eligibility if the race is subject to recount at that point.

  31. Common Tater

    “Boise State and Southern Utah also did not publicly confirm their reasons for forfeiting, but some have spoken out on social media about the decisions. Known anti-trans activist Riley Gaines specifically wrote that “while no reason was given” for Boise State’s forfeit, “the cause is clear,” adding, “Safety > inclusion.” Idaho Gov. Brad Little echoed the transphobic reasoning, as did Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon.”

    anti-trans! transphobic!

    • db

      The next step is for universities to start pulling athletic scholarships from dissenting players. Which they probably have all the right in the world to do. Except perhaps if they are publicly funded universities and the players assert that they’re refusing to play as a matter of speech and/or conscience.

      • R C Dean

        I suspect their legal departments are telling them that pulling a 5 figure scholarship is going to turn into a 7 figure lawsuit.

      • The Last American Hero

        Fine. Take the court and refuse to defend, intentionally whiff on the serve. Just let the other team win.

    • Tundra

      I’m proud of the girls for just saying no to this farce. It needs to be ramped up everywhere.

      If that makes us transphobic, so be it. I’ll add it to the long list of bullshit pejoratives the woke morons have hung on me.

      • Common Tater

        It doesn’t. Sports are segregated by sex not gender, so transgender is irrelevant.

      • The Last American Hero

        I wasn’t transphobic until they started coming for the kids. Now I am.

      • Common Tater

        You can be against transitioning children and not be transphobic.

      • Nephilium

        You can be against transitioning children and not be transphobic.

        Not according to the activists.

      • UnCivilServant

        Activists are factphobic and need to be sedated.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Nothing about Michael Jordan suing those bullies at NAPCAR?

    • Sensei

      I read that in the elevator at work yesterday. Does that count?

  33. The Late P Brooks

    NAPCAR is the last motorsports fiefdom. Bernie ran F1 with an iron fist for decades. Guess what. I think it was better then. Don’t like it, go sell shoes.

  34. Pope Jimbo

    Since Pie is around and he’s a smart guy who likes the NBA, what is your opinion on the T-woofs trading KAT?

    I’m happy with it. The Altar Boy #2 isn’t quite so thrilled but understands.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    If that makes us transphobic, so be it. I’ll add it to the long list of bullshit pejoratives the woke morons have hung on me.

    -phobic is the wrong suffix.

    It’s not fear, it’s hate, as far as I’m concerned.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Count me in. I consider a Spaghett a year long drink. But it is better in the summer.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I’ll do that with Aperol any day. I don’t really have a “summer” or “winter” drink.

      • Nephilium

        You know what Pope, I’ve never had one of those. I’ve got several kolsches and lagers in the fridge, I’ll make one up this weekend.

      • Pope Jimbo



        Seriously, it is the best one to use for that recipe. I’ve tried a few “experiments” and didn’t like it. But I’ll admit I like the High Life so maybe your less refined palate might not pick up the differences?

      • EvilSheldon

        So basically a Brass Monkey or a Flo-J, but sophisticated?

    • Nephilium

      Yeah. It won’t really work. Who wants a frozen Aperol spritz when it’s below freezing outside? Meanwhile, in Little Italy, that machine is running all summer long.

  36. Pope Jimbo

    From a dead thread yesterday, here are the yard signs in my aunt’s house. She and her husband are old skool blue collar union DFLers. I think it is interesting that they aren’t putting up signs for Walz. They were for him until he let the teachers jump the vax line and get jabbed before old people because they were so important (and then they still refused to go back to inschool classes).

    Ash vs Sawyer

    • Sensei

      Are your relatives in Japan happy with the LDP and Ishiba?

      US Financial Markets most certainly weren’t

      • Pope Jimbo

        The only politics we’ve ever discussed is about how the US has the MIC and never wants wars to end. I agreed with them wholeheartedly.

        I have no idea what they think about the local politics. I know nothing about it, so it is easy to ignore.

        (they all think Trump is the one to vote for in this election)

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Above all, the lesson was that the stars of F1 weren’t the teams or the finely engineered cars anymore, they were the drivers. This club of 20 daredevils with Hollywood smiles and preternatural skill for swinging around corners at 150 miles an hour were precisely the pitchmen F1 needed to blur the line between sports and entertainment.

    Trained monkeys in RC cars.

    • Sensei

      With all kinds of useless tech gadgets with a green veneer so that it’s OK to actually race cars.

      Also the other day I learned how the teams wind tunnel test and how testing time is allocated and restricted based on rankings. Any desire to watch the racing disappeared further.

      • Tundra

        I’ve been watching 80s and 90s rally. Better in every way.

      • Grumbletarian

        Well that seems like bullshit. In order to have more time to find ways to improve, you already have to be good? I’ll mention it to my BIL, who is trying to get me interested in F1.

      • Sensei

        Grumbletarian – it’s the reverse. Worse teams get more time.

        Think like draft picks for the NFL.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Liz Cheney, one of Donald Trump’s fiercest Republican antagonists, will join Democrat Kamala Harris at a campaign event in Wisconsin on Thursday aimed at reaching out to moderate voters and rattling the former president.

    Another stalwart of America’s middle class.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Harris’ visit to Wisconsin comes one day after a federal judge unsealed a 165-page court filing outlining prosecutors’ case against Trump for his attempt to overturn his 2020 election defeat. Trump has pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiracy and obstruction.

    Leaking dribs and drabs of that blockbuster would have been too slow. The election is coming.

    • rhywun

      If their October surprise is that asshole Jack Smith shitting all over the legal system again, they’re not trying hard enough.

      • The Other Kevin

        It will be some sort of allegation about 2 weeks before election day, that every member of the IC will swear is true but that will be completely unprovable.

  40. Pope Jimbo

    Newsom spokesperson Izzy Gardon said in a statement that the governor’s office was “confident” the courts would uphold California’s ability to regulate deepfakes. He said the law was reasonable, arguing it was in line with a similar measure restricting deepfakes passed in Alabama.
    “Deepfakes threaten the integrity of our elections, and these new laws protect our democracy while preserving free speech,” Gardon said. “Satire remains alive and well in California — even for those who miss the punchline.”

    Babylon Bee, Mail in ballots or Automatic Motor Voter laws in states that also give driver’s licenses to anyone regardless of immigration status. One of those is the real danger to democracy. Can you guess which one?

  41. The Late P Brooks

    OMG heresy

    The revelation that Melania Trump defends a woman’s right to an abortion in her upcoming memoir has stunned pro-life activists, with one saying the former first lady is wrong.

    “Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body?” Trump writes in her book, Melania, U.K. newspaper The Guardian reported on Wednesday.

    “Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”


    “Melania Trump had a chance to inspire in her book but, instead, choose to push broken feminism that puts women at war with their own bodies,” Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, told Newsweek on Thursday. “I won’t be buying a copy of the book.”

    In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Hawkins said the former first lady’s “support of abortion is anti-feminist and clearly outside the teaching of our Catholic faith. She is wrong.”

    Dissent is treason.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    I’ve been watching 80s and 90s rally. Better in every way.

    Agreed. F1 from ’60s, ’70s and ’80s is much better to watch.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    Also the other day I learned how the teams wind tunnel test and how testing time is allocated and restricted based on rankings.

    In the good old days, you built a real car and took it to a real track to test. That kind of testing was “too expensive” so they put strict limits on it. Now it’s all computer models. Look at all the money they have saved. The models are incredibly good, but you still don’t know what you have until you put a real car on a real racing surface.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    “Satire remains alive and well in California — even for those who miss the punchline.”

    Good one, Comrade.

    • Sensei

      I’ve always wanted one. From my brief bit of research.

      1. They rust even faster than other Italian cars of the era. I didn’t think that was possible…
      2. Windshields are unobtainable.

  45. cyto

    That Will Farrell story is a huge disappointment. I always admired his work, even the stuff that I didn’t think was very good. He always went for it 100%.

    I get being in Hollywood and the culture being so political. I even get being for trans rights. Broadly speaking, I’m totally for trans rights too. You do you. Dress how you want. Call yourself Nancy. Don’t care.

    But this…

    In the current environment where “trans rights” means men on women’s volleyball teams and school teachers with giant fake boobs and teaching preschoolers to choose their gender…..

    Now he’s not necessarily on the right side. I can’t speak for Texas, but what “trans rights” means here in Florida right now is making sure teachers can read stories about tucking your bits to 3rd graders. That is where the line is now… it is about forcing some college volleyball player to have a trans roommate and not even telling her.

    It would be bad enough to jump up in a restaurant and try to make everyone salute your political movement, regardless. Imagine a film crew in San Francisco bringing a celebrity and a big MAGA dude to a restaurant and having them stand up and have everyone toast to “California and President Trump!”

    It isn’t just a cheap trick… it is pointlessly divisive, trying to produce a false narrative that if you are trans you can’t go anywhere in Texas without being attacked or ostracized. I’m sure some areas are more or less accepting than others, but mostly people mind their own business, particularly in the heartland.

    This new paradigm of heavy propaganda to demonize political opposition is dangerous. Combining it with organized state censorship and the new push to change the first amendment?

    The descent is happening fast. There might not be enough Taibbis and Pooles on the left to stop the free fall.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Activist Hawkins added that it was “hard to follow the logic” of Melania putting out the book before the election and “undercutting President Trump’s message to pro-life voters.”

    So fucking tedious.

    Unlike Doktor Grandma, Melania will not be Shadow President. Also, it’s entirely possible for a married couple to have differing opinions.

  47. The Late P Brooks

    As I recall, the X1/9 used the frame rails as coolant lines from front to back. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    This new paradigm of heavy propaganda to demonize political opposition is dangerous. Combining it with organized state censorship and the new push to change the first amendment?

    If you push hard enough, you get the Roundheads vs the Cavaliers.

  49. Common Tater

    “The dockworkers strike that has shut down dozens of ports on the East and Gulf Coasts has reportedly triggered panic buying of toilet paper and paper towels at a Costco on Staten Island — despite experts’ insistence that paper products won’t be affected by the strike.

    Video footage on Wednesday showed vast, empty shelves of toilet paper, paper towels and facial tissues. One segment posted by FreedomNews.TV shows just a few pallets of Kleenex at the Costco on Richmond Avenue near the Staten Island Mall.

    Entire shelves of toilet paper, meanwhile, were completely cleared out, revealing a long, empty wall behind them.”


  50. The Late P Brooks

    Kneel before the narrative

    t’s difficult to quickly determine the exact role climate change played in specific disasters like Hurricane Helene although one quick analysis by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found it likely increased rainfall totals in some areas.

    Scientists say global warming is helping some big hurricanes become wetter.

    Plus, a warmer atmosphere can hold more water, fueling intense rainstorms, although mountainous Appalachian terrain complicates the interaction between weather events and climate change, according to Jim Smith, a hydrologist at Princeton University.

    Trust us. It’s global warming.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Wasn’t there a big underwater eruption of some volcano that launched a ton of water into the atmosphere recently? Maybe that had something to do with the “wetter”?

      I’m sure that eruption was caused by car emissions!

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