1. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

    Banjos- how YOU doin’ ?

  2. cavalier973

    One of the movie executives dropped his pants in front of Shirley.
    She started laughing, and he threw her out.

    Another exec was trying to put the moves on her mom in another room at the same time.

    • cavalier973

      A good Shirley Temple movie is “The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer”.

      Shirley Temple
      Myrna Loy
      Cary Grant.

      Amusing movie.

    • AlexinCT


      It’s as if nobody remembers movie parodies and songs back as early as the 70s and 80s about how to gain success in Hollywood one had to do work on the casting couch.

  3. Shpip

    “Today, the IAFF Executive Board, by a margin of 1.2 percent, voted to not endorse a candidate in the 2024 presidential election,” he announced, noting that IAFF took “unprecedented steps to hear out members’ views on the candidates and the policy issues that matter most to them” over the last year.

    Well, that’s as based as one can expect from a pubsec union. Which, considering that it’s firemen, isn’t really surprising.

    • trshmnstr

      IAFF took unprecedented steps to hear out members’ views

      Yeah, that does seem unprecedented for a union.

      • slumbrew

        He said the quiet part out loud there.

      • Not Adahn

        There were a whole lot of IAFF insignias present at the First Responders charity shoot last weekend. I don’t remember the union status being so prominent before.

      • Nephilium

        Not Adahn:

        My brother-in-law is a firefighter. Pretty sure every vehicle in the house (and the house) has the IAFF sticker on it.

  4. UnCivilServant

    Morning, Banjos.

    The simulation’s a bit of a mess this year. Why must I live in interesting times? Why can’t I have some peace and prosperity?

    • The Other Kevin

      God let us live through the 80’s, guess he’s evening things out.

      • UnCivilServant

        The 80s sucked, so I’m not sure waht you’re on about.

      • Not Adahn

        You misspelled awesome. Totally.

        More seriously though, (IMO) the 1980s were the last part of a surge in creativity in the US before improved data collection and analysis enabled the commoditization, homogenization, and precisely calculated lowest-common-denominatorization of All The Things.

        Were it not for The War on Drugs and the AIDS crisis, the 1980s might have been transcendentally great.

      • UnCivilServant

        For the record, I was born in the 80s, so if any of your nostalgia goggles involve things that require being a teen or adult, it doesn’t apply to me.

        I was poor, in a shithole town, in a crime riddled neighborhood. The only good part was I was young enough to be ignorant of it.

      • The Other Kevin

        Well said, Not Adahn. The economy rebounded from the 70’s, so there was a robust consumer class. People got really creative about music, toys, video games, clothes, electronics, TV shows, all kinds of things.

      • Not Adahn

        Honestly, the amount of change/creativity/novelty I’ve seen in the last 20 years is tiny.

        Yes, the first few generations of video games are easily distinguishable by the audio/video/responsiveness quality. But the number, barriers to entry and variety of companies producing games and the resultant variety of games themselves was much higher. Genre standardization, industry consolidation and the homogenization of games media which limits how games are compared and reviewed keeps getting worse over time.

        Ditto [pick your artistic genre here]

      • UnCivilServant

        Something tells me your families had at least middle class incomes.

      • Not Adahn

        Probably, though middle class was different in those days.

        We had:

        2-3 shit cars, bought used (no newer than 5 years old), often in the shop.

        One phone line no options like call waiting.

        A TV.

        Central A/C

        No video game consoles.

        A stereo system.

        An IBM PC Jr (One 5.25″ floppy, no HDD). We later upgraded it with a second 5.25″ drive from Racore.

        Two dogs, a back yard we fenced ourselves, and a swing set.

      • UnCivilServant

        We had one shit car, always used.

        One phone line, local only, no long distance, so no calls outside our area code.

        A secondhand TV (An RCA which lasted well into the 90s.)

        No AC

        We did have an NES, which was a big deal, especially when we could scrape together enough to rent a game from Blockbuster.

        No stereo system.

        No computer before the 90s when hardware from the 80s was rolling around the secondhand market and we got an XT with a green monochrome monitor.

        1 cat, and 1 dog.

        The house was a $1 HUD home. We lost it later due to inability to pay property taxes.

      • The Last American Hero

        In what decade was it fun to be poor?

        As for the 80’s, we had lots of fun, in spite of being the last house on the block to get cable (89). Mom was a part time secretary, dad worked retail, so we weren’t exactly rolling in cash.

        But there was a spirit of optimism I haven’t seen in this country in the last 25 years, and more artistic creativity in the 80’s in just about every endeavor than in the last 25 years.

      • Not Adahn

        Oh yes, we had an electric typewriter! You could SCSI that to the back of the PCJr to use as a daisywheel printer.

      • UnCivilServant

        @LAH, the addicts, gang members, crack dealers, and prostitutes who constituted our neighbors didn’t contribute to a feeling of optimism.

      • UnCivilServant

        @NA, it would be cool to see that.

        I’ll have to check if my typewriter has a SCSI port. I haven’t dug it out since I last had to fill in an NCR form for work. (Can’t write by hand through six layers of NCR paper to get a good imprint on that last page.)

      • AlexinCT

        Look you fuckwads, “I grew up a middle class kid”. What part of that don’t you all get, huh?

  5. cavalier973

    It’s one thing for the gubmint to fail to help

    It’s a whole extra dimension of evil to prevent anyone else from helping.

    • SDF-7

      It’s a whole extra dimension of evil to prevent anyone else from helping.

      Biden-Harris administration — we excel!

      • cavalier973

        It’s like a set up for a creepypasta story.

        “FEMA gave us ten rules to follow before we entered the disaster zone.
        I wish I had followed the rules.”

    • AlexinCT

      While letting other people help is going to show their ineptitude and make them look bad can already be seen as the reason for this all, I am seeing more an more actions that look to be directed at keeping the affected so busy with life’s basics, that they likely will not make it to vote in November.

    • The Other Kevin

      Someone on Twitter claimed it’s because there are “preferred vendors” that the government pays for supplies, and if you donate they don’t get their money. That seems plausible to me.

  6. AlexinCT

    Trump Impeachment Witness Shocks MSNBC Host, Says He’s Voting Trump

    The anger and disdain on the faces and responses of the PMSNBC tools when this guy told people live that the Biden Harris administration was an existential threat so big that he gave up on the lies of J6 because of real threats to democracy and was voting for the orange man, was priceless.

    The effort and commitment of these retards, the massive amounts of fabrications and lying, all to convince people that a bunch of losers out of a crowd of 100K rioting was an insurrection, even though nobody for some reason came armed or the only death was a protester shot by a government tool, has amounted to nothing other than the people in the cult getting disappointed nobody else cares or believes them.

    • juris imprudent

      A couple other of the protestors died under somewhat debatable circumstances. None of the king’s men died.

      • Grumbletarian

        Citizen, it appears you’ve forgotten the indisputable and often repeated fact that Officer and Hero Brian Sicknick was killed by violent insurrectionists who beat him to death with a fire extinguisher filled with bear spray. Please report to the Disinformation Board for reeducation.

  7. Shpip

    United States Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, announced on Wednesday temporary flight restrictions “near or around rescue and recovery efforts for Hurricane Helene.”

    Buttigieg stated, “Our goal is to make sure that funding is no obstacle to very quickly get people the relief that they need and deserve.”

    I hope that’s just selective quoting of different parts of his statement, because if not, that’s one whopper of a non sequitur.

    Also… remember when this guy was considered serious presidential material? Why anyone would consider a Rust Belt college-town mayor for national office is beyond me, but Mayor Pete’s tenure as SecTrans should put an end to any of that nonsense.

      • juris imprudent

        Bless his heart, he ran on being a crazy ideologue more than a smooth efficient manager of government.

      • Nephilium

        juris imprudent:

        He’s still running. As an independent now. I’ve seen more Kucinich signs up (he’s running in the next district over) than Harris/Walz signs.

    • Rat on a train

      I’m surprised he interrupted personal time long enough to make a statement.

    • R C Dean

      If a lifetime fuckup like Biden can make it to President, then I see no reason why Mayor Pete can’t.

    • The Other Kevin

      There isn’t anyone in this administration with a shred of leadership skills. They are all a bunch of nerds saying “Well akshully everyone must follow the rules.”

    • The Last American Hero

      Um, you are aware that he is gay, right? And we’ve never had an openly gay president. Plus, he was a gay mayor and a gay secretary of transportation. Did I mention he was gay?

      That is the only reason we know this clown’s name.

  8. trshmnstr

    I just got my retirement planning kit in the mail yesterday. It has been fun to play with so far. Ive used it as a fidget toy when I’m on calls. It hasn’t been as hard as I had expected, but I can’t say that I know what I’m doing. It’s all just feeling around for pins and pushing on them at this point. I don’t really know how to interpret the feedback yet.

    • UnCivilServant

      I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m going to repeat myself.

      I bought a set of picks and a practice lock years ago (the lock has a cutaway so you can see the pins). The lock turned out to be accidentally unpickable because the pin closest to the opening was both very low, and the first to bind, so any attempt to find the second binding pin would knock it loose and undo your progress.

      • trshmnstr

        The instructions in this one explicitly say not to put a low pin in the first opening, at least to start.

        I started with a really simple 3 pin setup, easy enough that my 3 year old could do it if I held tension. I then started working up to more pins and then started mixing in security pins just to see what it felt like. I think im gonna go back to standard pins for a while until I can reliably put the pick on a specific pin.

      • UnCivilServant

        This was a cheap chinesium lock, I had no control over the pin placement whatsoever.

      • EvilSheldon

        “I think im gonna go back to standard pins for a while until I can reliably put the pick on a specific pin.

        That’s the one technique that 95% of locksport guys get hung up on. Once you can reliably hit individual pins, there’s almost nothing you can’t open.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Look into Locksport.com if you want to really learn and get good at this.

    • slumbrew


      International jewel thief?

      • UnCivilServant

        Only as an interim role before becoming a gentleman detective.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’ve seen a few videos of this, and the guy said that you should have a lot of faith in humanity because the tools are easy to get and with a little practice it’s not hard to learn.

      • Homple

        “A lock won’t stop a thief, but it will keep an honest man honest”.

    • The Last American Hero

      Have you tried using a shotgun?

  9. AlexinCT

    Port Strike Ends as Union Reaches Tentative Agreement

    I bet Koh-Moh-Loh sucked off the union boss to postpone this to January, after the election, to make it Trump’s problem.

    • dbleagle

      Between the NC bases and Ft Campbell there should be more than enough manpower, equipment and aviation to assist.

      It doesn’t help that the NG aviation units trend toward Apaches.

      The biden-Harris cabal is evil. Back when I was an active duty LT we used to go help western fight western wildfires. Now it’s “Nope. Go die MAGA. Go die.”

      • Drake

        I’ve seen a few CH-47s going over the past 2 days.

        Cherry Point has lots of CH-53’s which would be perfect along with Ospreys.

      • Rat on a train

        Pope has enough C-130s to palette drop supply a city.

  10. juris imprudent

    Even NY Magazine is calling out Smith!

    I’m going to hand this one over to one of DOJ’s most esteemed alums, who explained it this way to the Justice Department’s internal watchdog: “To me if it [an election] were 90 days off, and you think it has a significant chance of impacting an election, unless there’s a reason you need to take that action now, you don’t do it.”

    Those words were spoken by Sally Yates – former Deputy Attorney General, venerated career prosecutor, no fan of Trump (who unceremoniously fired her in 2017), and liberal folk hero. As usual, Yates is spot-on. And her explanation conveys this indelible truth: if prosecutors bend their principles depending on the identity of their prey, then they’ve got no principles at all.

    And I think that betrayal of principles is something that Trump seems to generate in terms of both support and opposition.

    • AlexinCT

      Desperate move. But I think it is nothing more than an attempt to help the demoralized team blue masses that are seeing the ship sink. As previous examples of this idiocy have show, things like this is only going to turn off anyone not already in the cult. But the demoralized cult members might get a jolt from the renewed attack and actually keep up the effort to fortify the election.

  11. AlexinCT

    Mayor Pete orders citizens to stop using drones to find stranded victims as feds fumble hurricane response

    This is to stop people from seeing how bad things really are, then assessing the government response as an abject failure, because the agenda on the ground is not really to help these people who will not be voting for team blue anyway.

    • Drake

      The only response: “Become Ungovernable”

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Tldr; Mayor Pete orders able Americans to let people die.

    • AlexinCT

      With these people the problem is always someone else being a wrecker and a kulak…

    • Drake

      The guy with the Jewish kids and grandkids is better the the woman with the Jewish husband?

    • rhywun

      Just… wow.

      Never change, Democrats.

    • SDF-7

      So… they think Bibi’s going to be flown in on a military plane to do some campaign rallies for Trump and get a few billion dollars for Israel in foreign aid afterward?

      That sort of thing just never happens…

  12. Shpip

    “President Joe Biden visited North Carolina yesterday and announced that up to 1,000 active-duty soldiers will join the North Carolina National Guard in delivering supplies, food and water to isolated communities.”

    That’s the rapid, agile, and focused response that we’ve come to expect from the federal government. Episodes like this are a lesson as to why you should allow them to run every facet of your life.

      • DrOtto

        I’ve had this argument with people only to have “what’s wrong with VA healthcare?” thrown back at me. I had a neighbor in Houston who had a friend from Atlanta who had cancer and was going the VA route to treat it. They literally wanted to take an arm and a leg. My neighbor convinced the guy to come to MD Andersen for treatment instead. No limbs were detached and he beat the cancer.

  13. juris imprudent

    Holy shit.

    The Islamic Republic definitely has it out for Trump, but it seems this most recent Iranian plot to kill the Republican candidate was hatched by the FBI.

    • AlexinCT

      It is telling that we keep finding out that the government keeps having to create those terrorists it says are the threat to democracy (meaning their status quo).

    • AlexinCT

      They vetted Walz like they vet illegals, it seems.

      • Pope Jimbo

        C’mon Alex. They thoroughly searched the Star & Sickle – the paper of record here in Minnesoda – and didn’t see one story about any of these controversies. How were they supposed to know?

        Maybe if the local media hadn’t done such a good job squashing all these lies, the Harris campaign might have known what they were getting.

      • AlexinCT

        Well, all joking aside your holiness, you might have just hit the nail on the head there about what’s the big problem for team blue. See for several decades now democrats have been able to avoid having to defend their policies and beliefs and had a complaint media that hid their absolutely insane lies for them. The complacency that engendered has become a massive liability in the age of X and evil orange guy telling us all the reality is that there is no news, just marxist supporting propaganda.

        Worse yet, they used to be able to also hide the ineptitude of progressive big government, especially as it became ruled by people loyal to the big government marxist global agenda and team blue, and not the American people, but it has gotten so bad and the machine protecting them so inept, that even the people deeply immersed in the cult are starting to see the reality of how fooked up things are.

      • Nephilium

        Pope Jimbo:

        Wasn’t it one of your local rags that put out the beg for more money since they lost “their near monopoly” on print news?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Walz made Trump’s assassination unthinkable.

      Vance looked so good in that debate that if some nut job actually managed to off Trump and Vance took his place, he’d win every state.

      • The Last American Hero

        If that happened and he tagged Desantis as VP, he would still lose. Just as Trump is going to lose*.

        *IDGAF about the real results, I care about the post fortification numbers we will be forced to accept on 11/10.**

        **Yes, election is on 11/5 but swing states are unable to produce vote totals for at least 5 days to make sure they get the cushion needed to drag Harris over the finish line.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Some article I saw today made a good point about this (from the second article about Gov. Pants on Fire).

      Candidates running for higher office have long embellished their records or personal histories. President Joe Biden had long been known to overstate even minor details of his personal life, like his academic achievements. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) in 2010 had to explain why he misstated his military record when he claimed he served in Vietnam when he in fact served in the Marine Corps Reserves during the Vietnam War — but stateside. Former Rep. George Santos is well known for lying about a number of things, including that his mother was killed in the 9/11 attacks

      So Biden and Blumenthal (Dems) just overstated and misstated, but that snake Santos LIED! Fuck, just admit they all lied. And all pols lie all the time.

      • juris imprudent

        They lie because the people seem to like being lied to – tell me what I want to hear!

      • Gustave Lytton

        You’re the smartest and prettiest Glib, JI!

      • juris imprudent

        Mindlessly votes for GL, since he sees me!

  14. Shpip

    Those darn rich people and their (shuffles cards) hardened infrastructure:

    In what’s shaped up to be Tampa Bay’s most devastating hurricane in a century, Helene decimated entire neighborhoods from Crystal River to Clearwater. Storied local haunts and family homes passed down through generations were wiped out in one fell swoop, leaving a blank canvas for possible redevelopment.

    But even once a community rebuilds, it may never return to what it was before.

    Longtime residents are forced to move. Charming old buildings are replaced by sturdier, more modern structures. Once-affordable neighborhoods see costs skyrocket, pricing out longtime residents.

    Turns out that living in a hurricane zone comes with a price. Who knew?

    • rhywun

      You’re going to find out that those “longtime residents” have somehow acquired a right to live in that exact spot in pepetuity and everyone else is going to pay for it, too.

  15. trshmnstr

    Charming old buildings are replaced by sturdier, more modern structures.

    IMO, the only reason this is a bad thing is because modern structures look like ass. If we were building beautiful houses by default these days, it wouldn’t be an issue. Oh, and the author clearly hasn’t learned the fundamental life lesson that nothing is forever.

  16. Common Tater

    “A Minnesota teenager is lucky to be alive after the in-drive computer of his Honda SUV took control and sent him helplessly careering through the streets at speeds of up to 113mph – only stopping when heroic cops let him crash into their patrol cars.

    Stunning footage captured the terrifying episode unfolding on September 17 when Sam Dutcher, 18, was driving late at night through the streets of West Fargo, Minnesota.

    Dutcher told WDAY-TV he realized he was in danger when he was speeding through an intersection, and thought: ‘Hey, this thing is accelerating, and my foot is not on the gas.’ ”



      • Pope Jimbo

        That is not correct. Fargo is on the west side of the Red River and in NoDak. Moorhead is on the east bank in Minnesoda.

        West Fargo is definitely in NoDak.

      • Pope Jimbo

        OK, looking at the details, I think it must have started in West Fargo and he was headed East into Minnesoda.

        That is why there was pics of a MN Sheriff and State Trooper.

        Still some goofy details in there.

    • PieInTheSky

      Uhm yes it was not me it was the computer

      • WTF

        Yeah, your brakes can overcome the accelerator. I call bullshit.

    • DrOtto

      2 days ago I would have said no way, but yesterday, I was trying to install a driveshaft in a 2016 Ram and the fucking thing would not let me put it in neutral to rotate the shaft to clock it. It would go into neutral but then immediately start blinking and then engage park when my foot came off the brake. I eventually had to disconnect the battery and engage neutral through a manual process they use for towing the dial a gear cars. Not putting a mechanical link between driver and transmission is a terrible idea. Also, not letting me select my gear is also some bullshit.

  17. Common Tater

    “New York Republican Rep. Mike Lawler dressed in blackface while impersonating his musical idol Michael Jackson decades ago.

    A bombshell new picture on Facebook that was recently resurfaced could spell trouble for the Republican who is locked in a tight reelection race.

    The GOP lawmaker did not deny that he darkened his face for the ensemble worn as a part of a Halloween costume in 2006.”


    Who the hell cares?

    • Pope Jimbo

      NAMBLA? Can’t be disrespecting their patron saint.

    • EvilSheldon

      Blackface + Michael Jackson = I’m confused.

      • Gustave Lytton

        A whiter shade of pale.

  18. PieInTheSky

    What made two young people throw soup on van Gogh’s Sunflowers?

    Read the funny, weird, sad story of Anna Holland and Phoebe Plummer. You can love or hate Just Stop Oil. But to dismiss them is just lazy.


    There is nothing deep here. They are fashionable wokies. Dismissed.

    • PieInTheSky

      Holland’s journey from quiet bookworm to incarcerated criminal took a decisive turn four months before the soup-throwing, when Just Stop Oil turned up in Newcastle.

      Holland had ever been a rule-abider. Growing up in a small village in a wooded corner of northwest England, they were happy. Holland’s childhood was spent, largely, in the forest, or with their head in a book. (Both Holland and Plummer use “they” and “them” pronouns.)

      Off course “they” do.

      • Pope Jimbo

        The poor gal from Newcastle. You know in her heart of hearts, she wanted to throw coal at that painting and was ashamed of her cultural affinity with a dirty fossil fuel.

      • rhywun

        Decades of propaganda + mental illness. Always a fruitful combination.

      • R C Dean

        People can use the wrong pronouns if they want. I’m going to use the correct ones.

      • Pope Jimbo


        If they are a) adults and b) trying to just live their life I will do my best to honor their illusions. My uncle (married into the family) has a brother who has been trans since the ’80s. She is a decent person who just wants to live her life wearing dresses and being a gal. Doesn’t ever demand any special terms/treatment or anything. I have no issues with her.

        The problem is with the folx who demand that you must do x, y and z. Fuck them.

      • EvilSheldon

        Holland’s backstory reminds me very much of Ulrike Meinhoff.

    • R C Dean

      I wouldn’t just dismiss Just Stop Oil. It’s a criminal conspiracy. I’d indict the organization and, at a minimum, its leaders.

  19. Pope Jimbo

    Graph of Darkness.

    Uffda. No wonder our state will never elect a Republican again. They have the shit locked down.

    “There’s no guarantee that they will continue investing in the DFL if the DFL wasn’t doing its job to build the infrastructure to win elections,” said state DFL party Chair Ken Martin, who was among the organizers of the funding and spending apparatus nearly two decades ago.
    Funding from unions via dues payments cannot be underestimated. The predictable funding is the basis for DFL campaigns. That money goes to both political party committees and the primary DFL fundraising committee, the We All Do Better PAC. Public employee unions lead the way — Education Minnesota, the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees and AFSCME Council 5. But construction unions that often give some money to both parties give in larger amounts to DFLers.

    When the govt is the biggest employer, is it any surprise that the populace keeps voting for the party that wants to fleece taxpayers for more govt funds?

    I feel bad for the farmers. Since they can’t really move, they are going to be the last private sector workers. And since they already love sucking on the ag subsidy teat, they ain’t the most free market bunch of folx.

    • Pope Jimbo

      What that graph is missing is lines from the state govt giving grants to the NGO’s in the first place.

      • juris imprudent

        You had to mention that — rage rising!

      • Pope Jimbo

        Minnesoda has a program where you can contribute (used to be) $50/person to a pol. Then you’d get a receipt from the campaign and you could deduct $50 from your taxes.

        So basically you gave some candidate a chit to go take $50 from the state’s general fund.

        For a few years, they got rid of the program when the budget was tight. But when things got better, the program came right back. I gave my good friend who was a bigwig in the state GOP a ton of shit about that. He didn’t care. Even though he was a good fiscal conservative on most stuff, he wanted that free money to run his campaigns.

      • Fourscore

        But yet outside of the metro areas it’s red, red, red. Even those on the dole are voting red.

        Two of the oldsters at HH had Trump t-shirts. There’s barely daylight between the two parties


    • PieInTheSky

      That has to do with people being NPCs, not political funding. There must have been a time where the gov was not the biggest employer, and it was allowed to become.

      • rhywun

        Since most manufacturing disappeared, the government has become the largest employer almost everywhere. Mostly because of education and health care.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Look they can’t really nationalize industries, but they can squeeze out private industries with onerous regulations and then sweep in!

      • PieInTheSky

        But I though education in the US was grossly underfunded how can they be a major employer?

      • DrOtto

        @ Pie – I swear every customer of mine that is a teacher mentions how under-payed they are at least once every interaction. I think it’s a union requirement. When they talk about buying their own supplies is when they really lose the mechanic’s sympathy.

      • Pope Jimbo


        I got into it with a teacher at one of my kid’s parent/teacher night about this. There was an upcoming bond issue in the next election and she dutifully asked us to vote yes because of the poor teachers.

        I went off (I was already pissed about the huge bond issue display in the lobby of the school) on her. I told her that I paid a lot of money out of my own pocket every year for training and books (it was a long time ago) so I could be a better programmer. I never thought I was owed more money for that. It was an investment in myself. Besides there is this thing called a budget. You need to prioritize.

        Weirdly, that wasn’t my last parent/teacher conference. My wife dragged me to them a few more years before I finally went on an epic rant about how shitty their methods for teaching math were. I told them that the reason all our kids were scoring off their charts was because we made them do flash cards and work sheets at home until they could reflexively to additions/subtractions/multiplication/division in their heads. It escalated when she sniffed and said she was an education major and they knew the best way to teach math. I told her I was an engineering grad and any kid she taught would never get past Calc 1. After that Mrs. Holiness stopped putting the conferences on the family calendar and went alone.

      • PieInTheSky

        Actually plain rice is easy on an upset stomach

      • UnCivilServant

        On an upset stomach, at best rice won’t go down. If it does goe down, it comes right back up.

    • EvilSheldon

      On the other hand, mid-rare prime rib, a loaded baked potato, Caesar salad, a bottle of Stag’s Leap SRV, and a couple snifters of Glendronnach 18 are capitalism.

      I’ve made my choice.

    • The Last American Hero

      They really shouldn’t be pissing off the elder gods like that, or they will find out “what the fuck this is”.

  20. Q Continuum

    What the Left doesn’t get is that real masculinity includes heaping amounts of kindness; it’s just not nurturing type maternal kindness. Strength, protectiveness, playfulness; all forms of kindness. Instead we get “new masculinity” (femininity with a dick) which just suppresses natural masculine traits in lieu of phony mothering. Then we end up with suppressed masculinity going rotten and showing up by knocking up the nanny or smacking women around. Have some T&A.


    Friday Funbags.

    • PieInTheSky

      What the Left doesn’t get – what makes you think they don’t get that?

      • AlexinCT

        Exactly. They get it. And they hate it. Feminists and beta males are hardest hit by the realities of the world.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Gotta replace one big daddy with an even bigger daddy.

  21. PieInTheSky

    A Yezidi woman kidnapped by lSlS and was rescued from Gaza after 10 years.

    The girl was kidnapped from Iraq when Kurdish peshmerga disarmed and abandoned Yezidis then trafficked to Gaza where she was held captive.

    7,000 Yezidi women kidnapped by lSlS, 2698 are still missing.


    • AlexinCT

      Over and under of Stockholm syndrome?

    • Ownbestenemy

      CBS fact check: Sorry folks she was just stranded.

      A Yazidi woman kidnapped from her home by ISIS terrorists in Iraq when she was just 11 years old has been reunited with her family A Yazidi woman kidnapped from her home by ISIS terrorists in Iraq when she was just 11 years old has been reunited with her family after years stranded in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, Iraqi and Israeli officials said Thursday.
      after years stranded in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, Iraqi and Israeli officials said Thursday.

      Words matter as they say.

    • Grummun

      Yeah, that feels scripted, and not particularly well acted.

      • DrOtto

        The one thing that always bothered me about it being blamed on Hunter was, he probably hasn’t touched powdered coke in a decade. That part of the story makes some sense. While he probably wouldn’t say no to powdered, he probably wouldn’t buy it.

  22. The Other Kevin

    In addition to the unnecessary deaths from the hurricane, the NY Times wrote something about how the USSS is a shit show and tons of people quit. I also saw something about the FBI having a “red list” of people they will arrest if an emergency is declared (this is unconfirmed I will admit). https://x.com/RAZ0RFIST/status/1842174770768719955

    But after this week, I think we can say our government is both evil AND incompetent.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I believe they would have such a list. Why wouldn’t they? I am sure even in our most benign point in history we maintained a list. Government will always government.

      • Drake

        I assume we’re all on that list.

      • SDF-7

        Really? I would think I’m more on an “annoying but harmless” list. They know I’m pathetic and no threat — only if they run out of show trials would they bother.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Drake: I don’t think we are on that type of list. I would assume this is more prominent figures in which would appear to ‘cut off the head of the snake’ if things went south sorta thing. Religious leaders, politicians, business leaders, scholars, etc (if said list were true). Taking out some backwater site with quippy commentators serves no purpose.

        The issue though is for it to be effective, the internet in all its form and function would have to cease to exist.

      • Drake

        “Over 400,000 names are on the Red List”

        If true, that’s a lot deeper than Tucker and RFK.

      • Pope Jimbo


        We’re not on it. But Tonio is. He is 100% on the Red Fag list.

        *I apologize in advance for any offense Tonio. It is just too good a pun to not engage in some hateful speech.

      • Not Adahn

        *I apologize in advance for any offense Tonio. It is just too good a pun to not engage in some hateful speech.

        How DARE you call Tonio a Red!

      • EvilSheldon

        I’d like to think that I’m on the ‘shoot repeatedly in the back and throw down a drop piece’ list…

      • Not Adahn

        Some people will be first against the wall. Others won’t make it that far.

    • PieInTheSky

      we can say our government is both evil AND incompetent – always has been meme

    • Pope Jimbo

      I don’t feel bad about our new Somali State Flag now.

      I’m amused at all the “fact checking” that I found looking for that link. You know why the left really sucks? Because they have no concept of humor, exaggeration or satire. They take every single thing they hear at face value and get outraged. Then the humorless scolds get really mad when the subjects of their ire just laugh.

  23. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. Last time I ask Tundra to send me anything.

    SeaQuest is facing new allegations of animal cruelty related to the sudden closure of one of its interactive aquariums in Colorado earlier this year.
    Multiple former employees tell 5 INVESTIGATES that several marine animals did not survive when SeaQuest attempted to relocate them from Colorado to Minnesota by shipping the animals in the back of a U-Haul truck in February.
    “They showed up frozen in Minnesota. They were in blocks of ice,” said one former employee of SeaQuest Roseville, who asked not to be identified out of fear of retribution from the company.

    • trshmnstr

      new allegations of animal cruelty

      1) it is known that freezing is one of the least “cruel” ways to dispatch sea creatures.

      2) screwups are not cruelty. They didn’t intend to freeze these animals. They may have been negligent in how they shipped them, but let’s cool it oh the cruelty claims.

      OTOH, I used to ship sea creatures in the mail (freshwater shrimp), and there are best practices to make sure this doesn’t happen. One such best practice is to avoid shipping them to Texas in July and Minnesota in February.

    • Tundra


  24. Common Tater

    “Biden-Harris HHS sec subpoenaed over 291,000 unaccounted for migrant children amid border crisis

    Green said, “The nearly 520,000 UACs encountered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) along the Southwest border just from February 2021 through August 2024, with more UACs entering our country every day, remain vulnerable as victims of the unthinkable and devastating horrors of child trafficking. The exigency of this matter related to the youngest among us demands swift solutions based in evidence and facts. The 31 days of inexcusable delinquency in providing the Committee the August 12 requested documents and information is unacceptable.”


    Well, it’s not like anyone is in charge of anything.

    • creech

      Well, after 4 years, perhaps Harris has developed a concept of a plan? If leaders in previous generations had been as weak and navel gazing, then Dwight Eisenhower’s grandson would still be trying to figure out how to launch the Normandy invasion.

  25. SDF-7

    Better than yesterday is about the best I can say…

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 10/04:
    *23/23 words
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 10/04:
    *49/49 words (+7 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 7% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 567

      • Pope Jimbo

        So you’d say that this gap STEM’s from toxic masculinity?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Fact Check: Lots of women go into STEM. If you surveyed any freshmen engineering class in September, I’d wager you’d find an amazing amount of women.

        The problem is that just before the drop date, that ratio plunges as the young ladies decide that a BA in the humanities is much better than a BA in STEM. Their roommates who are majoring in English never have to study and have all sorts of time to go to parties.

      • UnCivilServant

        retelling old tales time.

        I took an elective in Computer Forensics in College. It was in no way required for any major, and went in-depth in how to handle things like data recorvery, chain of evidence, preservation of originals, etc.

        The university wanted to get some photographs for something or other involving students in classes. They took one look at that classroom and despaired, as not one woman had elected to take this non-manditory deeply technical course. So they imported one for the pictures. I declined to be photographed, so my spot was taken by the imposter woman who was not in the class.

      • Pope Jimbo


        That means if you ever stumble into the limelight, someone will dig up that pic and compare the people in it with the class roster and come to the conclusion that you used to be trans.

        Was it an attractive gal? You at least want to be a passable gal.

        I have a black friend who I’ve worked with at several different companies and he was always being put into company photographs because he is good looking and makes them look diverse. He thought it was funny.

      • UnCivilServant

        From my recall, she was okay. Not a stunner, but not somebody to turn down without personality/crazy reasons. (I did not get to speak with her, so I don’t know if she was crazy)

      • Tundra

        Shockingly, my daughter made it through and got her degree. Her complaints about how her friends at other schools didn’t do shit were epic. Although the paychecks now have definitely eased the pain.

      • slumbrew

        Many years ago, I visited our Tokyo office. They took all sorts of pictures featuring me at the keyboard with my Japanese coworkers clustered around, while the great white savior showed them how to do things.

        Quite embarrassing.

  26. PieInTheSky

    Richard Hanania
    Kamala doesn’t talk to her dad, and it appears not to be for any good reason related to betrayal or something, but a simple personality clash where they don’t get along.

    This is relatable to many Americans, who feel forced to stay in touch with family. She should run on it.


    • UnCivilServant

      What sort of miserable people do they think occupy this country? Even I, awful as I am, willingly keep in touch with my parents.

    • trshmnstr

      Team Evil living up to their name again. Their number one purpose is undermining family.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Don’t forget it might include the dirty word, confrontation. We are meant to go through life free of all things that might make us uncomfortable, sad, angry, question our choices, show disappointment, and on and on.

      • EvilSheldon

        I see this as more ‘Team Pathetic’.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I pretty much walked away from my mother’s side of the family. There are still a few aunts/uncles I will email, but I won’t go to any gatherings. They aren’t horrible, but they are dysfunctional and I don’t need extra dysfunction in my life (I’m like the Saudia Arabia of dysfunction I can produce all I want and have tons left over for export).

      My father’s family was pretty dysfunctional too. (All his siblings turned out pretty good, but their parents/grandparents were pretty bad). He only reconciled with his biological father when his dad went into hospice.

      So I guess, I’m saying I’m living in a glass fish house and will not be throwing frozen minnow.

      • Nephilium

        I haven’t seen my mom’s side of the family (outside of one of her sisters and that sister’s husband) in years. That last time was still that same aunt and uncle, and only one of their kids (the other two were estranged from their parents) and one cousin. My mom had seven siblings.

        Don’t really see my dad’s side of the family much, but there’s at least lines of communication there. He’s also got seven siblings. There’s a good chunk of cousins (last time I tried counting, I gave up at 50+ cousins) I have that I would not recognize on the street, and even some aunts and uncles who I need reminders as to their names.

    • PieInTheSky

      thins with Hanania is you never really know when he is trolling

      • Not Adahn

        Why would anyone care? He’s the current iteration of “semi-educated midwit thinks he’s discovered something that’s actually common knowledge.”

      • PieInTheSky

        I think he is somewhat above the garden variety midwit

      • Not Adahn

        Eh, I really don’t think I’ve ever seen him write something that wasn’t obvious.

        Some people in that category still manage to impress me with their artistry or creativity, or rhetoric, or other trait that is extraordinary (Scott Alexander isn’t exceptionally intelligent but he can turn a phrase and write an entertaining didactic story).

    • EvilSheldon

      I consider it one of the formative moments in my adulthood, when my Dad explained to me how and why ‘getting along with people’ is not an optional activity.

    • PieInTheSky

      only if it is the wrong people.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Oh shoot cyto. The FEC is operating on a CR and is handcuffed from assigning any new investigators due to the do-nothing Republicans in Congress. Contact them to pass the bill! /Dem media

    • Ownbestenemy

      There has to be a joke in there somewhere

      • Pope Jimbo

        Don’t Risk a joke about that map!

      • Nephilium

        I think the girlfriend has that Ticket to Ride map.

      • juris imprudent

        I don’t see any unusual slant.

  27. PieInTheSky

    Because I posted the first part of this substack on the English language, I will post the second


    The Gouth of Hastings was fought at Sandlake Hill in mid-October, 1066. There, the English, under King Harold, won a breme and athel seyer over the Normans, led by Earl William ‘the Unrightluster’, a man who was willing to spill a swith great muchness of blood to fulfil his yearning for the English highsettle, wealth and his own wulder.

    So the author David Cowley imagined an alternative history in How We’d Talk if the English had Won in 1066, a short primer on what the language would look like if Harold II had not died at the famous (breme) battle (gouth) of Hastings – and English had not undergone Frenchification following the Norman Conquest.

    In this world, lamentation is sorrowword, unanimous becomes sameheart and acceptable is replaced with thankworthy. The US Declaration of Independence would be the ‘Forthspell of Selfdom’ while Alcoholics Anonymous renamed as The Unnamed Overdrinkers.

    Even spellings would be markedly different; there is no gh combination in this version of English so we have noiht and soiht. The letter C would never be pronounced as an S, and there is no ‘Q’, so the king is married to the cween.

    Cowley suggested mislikeness for different, bethought for planned, inherd for family and werekin for human race. Fertility would be replaced by bearingness, while community is meanship. A moderate improvement becomes a metefast bettering, frivolity becomes lightmoodness, while modesty is shamefastness.

    Parliament would be the Witanmoot, while the king sits on the highsettler rather than the throne, and the Ministry of Defence becomes the Shieldness Thaneship, and the Prime Minister is now the First Thane.

    • PieInTheSky

      Because of the higher class association of French, Anglo-Saxon speech will always appear more earthy, less pompous than Latinate terms. French words are usually more formal or aristocratic sounding: ascend, rather than rise, status rather than standing, mansion rather than house, cordial rather than hearty. J.R.R. Tolkien, an Anglo-Saxon scholar who lamented the loss of 1066, even had Denethor using more French-derived terms after he went mad.

      Most people with an interest in the subject will also know of Orwell’s famous advice that: ‘Bad writers, and especially scientific, political and sociological writers, are nearly always haunted by the notion that Latin or Greek words are grander than Saxon ones, and unnecessary words like expedite, ameliorate, predict, extraneous, deracinated, clandestine, sub-aqueous and hundreds of others constantly gain ground from their Anglo-Saxon opposite numbers.’

      • UnCivilServant

        I suspect the plunder of verbiage would have gone on even if the Francophone Vikings from Normandy hadn’t raped the lexicon.

      • AlexinCT

        Lexicon Raping…

        Now THAT’s a great band name…

    • creech

      Imagine a Harris word salad in Anglo-Saxon.

      • juris imprudent

        Same meaning, different words.

    • UnCivilServant

      Look, the Asturians are white, since it never got overrun by the moors, and a lot of Spaniards have partial white ancestry from their Vandal, Visigothic, and Celtic distant ancestors.

      • PieInTheSky

        Celtic blood does taint one’s whiteness

      • UnCivilServant

        The Celts are whiter than the Germanic or Scandinavian tribes who arrived later.


      • Pope Jimbo


        Celtic blood does taint one’s whiteness

        As one NBA fan to another, are you trying to say DJ, Parish, Ainge, McHale and Bird were just another all black team?

      • PieInTheSky

        Those were No True Celtics.

      • juris imprudent

        But Dubliners are still the blacks of Ireland, right?

    • Pope Jimbo

      I used to work with a very, very bright guy from the Canary Islands. He always had a chip on his shoulder because no one in America realized that they belong to Spain.

      We’d tease him about not being a Spaniard, but rather a Canard. He thought it was some anti-Canada thing for a while then he finally looked it up and told us we were all assholes.

      The best day of the year was May 5th though. We’d all wish him a happy Cinco De Mayo and he’d go on a rant about how that was a MEXICAN holiday and he was a Spaniard. Even after the second year, when he knew we were just yanking his chain, he couldn’t lay off the high heat.

      • PieInTheSky

        you said the man was a duck?

        Tenerife is chiefly a place of gathering for drunk english and german tourists.

      • AlexinCT

        P Diddy was here (there)!

    • Suthenboy

      I thought it was Sicilians? Or women? Or somebody, I forget who.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    I’m test driving the duck duck go browser. I have not yet found a setting to automatically clear browsing data (history, cookies) on close. Disappointing.

    The duck player which gets you off youtube seems to be a big plus.

    • The Last American Hero
  29. The Late P Brooks

    Also, when I turned this fucking computer on this morning locked itself in a “finish setting up your computer” mode. The best I could do to get out of it was prompt again in three days. Is this goddam thing going to brick itself if I don’t surrender all my data to Microsoft?

    • The Last American Hero

      No. But they will continue to periodically torment you with a finish setup message.

  30. PieInTheSky

    With a war looming and probably lots of Palestinian refugee applications on the horizon, I thought it would be wise to summarize what we have so far about them. The horrors of war aside, how good immigrants are the Palestinians? Denmark decided to try it out in 1992 by giving 321 rejected Palestinian asylum seekers extraordinary residence permits, granted directly by parliament by a special law (Danish Wikipedia Palæstinenserloven). These people have been followed since then to see how this experiment went. Here’s the data for the 2019 follow-up written about here:

    Of the 321 who were given asylum 270 are still residing in Denmark, meaning the rest either left or are dead.

    Of the 321, 204 (64%) have received a serious fine or jail time for crime, with 71 of them being given jail time. (Definition is fine of 1500+ DKK, traffic law excluded.)

    A very large proportion of them are receiving some kind of welfare especially the “early pension” (førtidspension) usually given to people with severe physical or mental issues (e.g. handicapped), but also used for immigrants who are basically useless on the job market for whatever reason.

    Of their 999 children, so far 34% are convicted for serious crime and some large chunk are already on welfare.


    • Drake

      One of the reasons that Jordan and Egypt refuse to take them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And Lebanon is a basket case.

      • AlexinCT

        To be honest, Lebanon has been a basket case since the late 1960s when the Arab league forced them to accept a whole bunch of blood thirsty people that the UN qualified as refugees. Want to guess where they came from and why no other Arab nation wants them (and secretly hope the Israelis kill them all)?

  31. The Late P Brooks

    If Musk is going to be at that rally, I think we can assume security will be tight. The Secret Service girls might not like getting bossed around, but who cares?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Given Musk’s proclivity for siring kids out of wedlock and all his money, I bet there might be a few SS gals willing to be Elon’s cock holster.

      The problem is that we’ve seen how bad they are at holstering things.

    • Pope Jimbo

      “Certain battered non-citizens or their spouses or children”

      Honey, I love you but we need that money so I’m going to give you the Tempura treatment.

      What is that?

      Lightly battered.

      * So if a illegal alien batters his wife, do they both now qualify for the disaster assistance?

  32. The Late P Brooks

    But that’s the good kind of discrimination

    In the sex discrimination case, Marlean Ames sued the Ohio Department of Youth Services under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which bars sex discrimination in the workplace, when a promotion she applied for was given to a lesbian woman. She was then demoted and her old position was taken by a gay man.

    Ames has worked at the department since 2004. Starting in 2017, she began reporting to a lesbian woman. She was denied the promotion she sought two years later and demoted soon after that.

    Lower courts, including the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, ruled for the state agency, but Ames then turned to the Supreme Court. In particular, her lawyers take aim at precedent in some lower courts that says people from a “majority group” have to meet a higher bar in order for their case to move forward than someone from a minority group.

    Those courts, including the 6th Circuit, say that such plaintiffs have to present “background circumstances” to show that the defendant is “that unusual employer who discriminates against the majority,” Ames’ lawyers said in court papers.

    You can’t consider qualifications when you’re righting imaginary wrongs.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Judge: So you are claiming that your lesbian supervisor cut … your hours? your pay?

      Gal: NO! I said she scissored me.

      • AlexinCT

        She was running with scissors after you?

        Against your wishes?

    • rhywun

      that unusual employer who discriminates against the majority

      lol wheeee

    • AlexinCT

      Where, oh where, is that money coming from?

      Three guesses, and the first two don’t count.

    • AlexinCT

      Government work… Costs a fucking fortune and you end up with shit…

      But the government employees all wet their beaks.

      Seriously, the mafia offers better benefits than a government for the citizenry.

    • PieInTheSky

      It was just an alien frat boy prank gone wrong

      • R.J.

        How did you know?

      • PieInTheSky

        I was told when it was my turn to be insulted.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Carpetbagging Republicans, ch 7,931

    As he heads into what is seen as one of the most competitive and potentially pivotal races for the U.S. Senate on the November 5 ballot, Hovde is doing his darnedest to shake off the image some people have of him as an elite outsider and somewhat of a jerk. He insists this is a false impression.

    Just because he is a California banker with listed assets of between $195 million and $563 million, lives mostly in a $7 million oceanview mansion in Laguna Beach, was for three straight years named one of Orange County’s most influential people by a local business journal, and has frequently not even bothered to vote in Wisconsin elections, doesn’t mean Hovde is not intimately connected to the state’s working stiffs. In February, he even jumped into the icy waters of Lake Mendota in Madison to prove it.

    “So the Dems and Senator Baldwin keep saying I’m not from Wisconsin,” he says in the video while shirtless in the freezing lake. “Which is a complete joke. All right, Sen. Baldwin, why don’t you get out here in this frozen lake and let’s really see who’s from Wisconsin.” Like most sensible Wisconsinites, the senator stayed out of the frigid water.

    Baldwin keeps most of her relatively meager assets, reportedly worth around $1.2 million, in a blind trust. Hovde has not committed to doing so, although he has vowed to “step out of any management role” at the Utah-based bank where he now serves as chairman of board. (The bank, ingeniously named Sunwest Bank, has branches in five states, not including Wisconsin, and some $3.4 billion in assets.)

    He should have been a folxy schoolteacher who devoted his life to public service.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Meager? And how does the depository assets of a bank have anything to do with him, except if he was embezzling bank funds?

    • PieInTheSky

      Rich men are the worst

    • creech

      Why can’t the GOP find more home-based candidates? Same carpetbagger problem in Pennsylvania.

      • juris imprudent

        “I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.” — some dead white guy

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s all carpetbagging here, but the Dems don’t care. Vote away.

  34. Tundra

    Ex-Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters sentenced to 8.5 years in prison over 2020 election security breach

    She got screwed bad. If he wins, dumbfuck Trump better pardon her.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Foreign interferences!

    Democrats increasingly suspect Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to interfere in U.S. domestic politics by ignoring President Biden’s calls to negotiate a peace deal in Gaza and by confronting Hezbollah and Iran weeks before the U.S. election.

    The rapidly escalating confrontation between Israel, Hezbollah and Hezbollah’s ally, Iran, has undercut Biden’s efforts to achieve peace through diplomacy.

    The growing threat of a broader conflict has opened the door for former President Trump to argue that the world is “spiraling out of control” on Biden’s watch.

    Biden’s polling numbers with Muslim Americans continue to deteriorate amid the mounting violence in the region, which poses a serious political liability to Vice President Harris in Michigan, a must-win state for Democrats.

    Biden’s not even on the ballot anymore.

    And, like it or not, last time I checked Israel is a sovereign nation. Now, to be honest it wouldn’t hurt my feelings one bit if the door got slammed in their face the next time they come around rattling their tin cup.

    • juris imprudent

      I could actually get behind The Purge, if politicians were cast out onto the streets first and completely unarmed.

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