Saturday evening links

by | Oct 12, 2024 | Daily Links | 141 comments

Poor guy.

Alrighty! It appears that rumors of Old Man’s demise are greatly exaggerated. He’s still sick as a dog but his frequency of shitting himself has decreased back to normal levels.


Who am I? How did I get here?

Oh my golly gosh! A little “reverse” discrimination for you.

And this is why Israel has stopped talking to you.


“This is not an intelligent man. He’s dumb!”

There’s an amazing contrast in the response to the two storms. And I’m not talking FEMA. I’m talking about Ron DeSantis and his performance versus that of Roy Cooper in North Carolina. DeSantis, knowing what these storms are about, had thousands of people on standby to move in after the storm. Cooper did not, so he spent two weeks playing catch up. FEMA is a logistical backstop, not a first responder.

The media once again lamenting free speech.

It appears Lady Gaga has taken a big, fat dookie on her own career. Unlike OMWC, hers was solid.

Okay, time for me to squirt on out of here. Peace out, Glibbies!

It is playoff season.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Aloysious

    The OM needs fiber. Lots of fiber.

    Link #1: fuck social media. This is the only place worth being because we have ZARDOZ.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Well, it seems his ass is on Fiber right now.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Did they pump him full of chicken soup?

    • Spudalicious

      As a lifelong vegetarian, that would turn is asshole into a fire hose.

      • SDF-7

        I assume L0b0t pulled up blasting 2 Live Crew so they gave him miso soup.

      • Spudalicious

        That’s an awesome visual.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    I don’t think Milley knows the definition of fascism.

    • SDF-7

      Isn’t he the dumbass that bragged about ignoring the chain of command and calling up the CCCP to “reassure” them? So yeah — forgive me if I don’t give a flaming shit (hopefully neither does OMWC tonight) what he thinks.

      • Spudalicious

        Milley came close to sedition.

      • Suthenboy

        Close? It was the textbook definition of sedition.

      • Gustave Lytton

        He also allowed the Syria deception and refused to potentially end any ongoing riot during the summer of love.

      • rhywun

        He did not earn the nickname Thoroughly Modern Milley for nothing.

    • Spudalicious

      Milley is the epitome of the “yes man” that sucks his way to the top.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        He would have a big fight with Harris if that is the case.

        No room for two suck ups!

      • SDF-7

        He can still focus on sucking his way to the top — she’s been promoted beyond her competence enough she’ll be sucking her way down to the bottom.

        SF can talk about what happens when they join forces in the middle.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        So, you are saying that she will look for a way to reach out, and find a way around?

    • Gustave Lytton

      Milley’s real fear is Trump will recall him to active duty and give him a PT test along with height and weight.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    In just those three posts, Ms. Greene and Mr. Jones racked up a combined 72,000 likes, and over 34,000 shares.

    How many of those shares were “OMG so DUM” lefties?

    • rhywun

      Spend enough time in the bizarro worlds of these feeds, and you can start to believe anything.

      It seems like there is an easy solution to this problem.

      • SDF-7

        “Censor all the feeds so only the approved content gets through, right? That’s what my self-help coach on TikTok recommended!”

      • Suthenboy

        John Kerry is your self-help coach? See, I thought of him as more of a guru than a coach.

      • rhywun

        There it is.

      • MikeS

        Same as it ever was

  5. Shpip

    When broken down by age group, 21 percent of those under the age of 29 said Hitler had good ideas, compared with 16 percent of those between the ages of 30 and 49, seven percent for voters between 50 and 64 and just five percent for those over 65.

    I’m thinking if you go through the NSDAP platform, you can find a few snippets that both left (Abolition of unearned [work and labour] incomes. Breaking of rent-slavery) and right (Whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest, and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners) nodding their heads in agreement.

    But that sort of nuance has no place in the Daily Fail, nevermind the government schools.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, I suspect that the admirers have a simpler motive in mind.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Although he didn’t get a majority, he did get elected and was apparently popular for a while, so it’s unlikely that everything he did was awful, and it’s a mistake to think so. Didn’t he create the Autobahn? That’s pretty cool. The jury is still out on VW though.

      • Evan from Evansville

        The jury is still out on VW though.

        Swish, Jaime. The Top Gear boys had field days with that. I haven’t watched all of the finale. When Clarkson tosses a ‘below the belt’ joke to Hammond referencing a severe crash/injury he had, it was lovely to see The Hamster immediately break out in laughter. (He did think about it for a second afterward, tho.)

      • Suthenboy

        The Autobahn. The pyramids. The Great Wall. Pick any amazing thing that we marvel at and you are looking at a monument to tyranny built by throngs of slaves with teaspoons. Those projects, all of them, were to keep people busy and distract them from the misery inflicted on them by their leaders.
        All of those amazing castles? Slave labor. Every one.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I think the Autobahn was more of a New Deal style jobs program. According to the Wikipedia it was conceived of during the Weimar Republic, but never got out of the planning stage. Sounds familiar.

      • Suthenboy

        Isn’t that what I said?


      Well, he was a socialist (just not a Marxist) so a neutral reading of some of his economic policies would probably appeal to Bernie Bros.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      You know, say what you want about Hitler, he did kill Hitler.

      • Evan from Evansville

        He sent himself to his own time and self-terminated.

        (Legit, sans Hitler, could be an interesting film.)

      • Spudalicious

        I am stealing that.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Hitler might not have had beef with the jews if he had been allowed to grow up like a normal kid.

        Instead he was always dodging assassination attempts by (((timetravelers))) as a kid. I can see how that would sour you on a certain group.

    • Homple

      He was a vegetarian and liked dogs. The vegetarian part should go over well with younger folks, and lots of people are fond of their pet dogs.

      • MikeS

        and liked dogs.

        I’ve always wondered about that. I remember seeing footage of Blondi around Hitler and thinking, “that is a dog who is scared of her master.”

  6. SDF-7

    Oh my golly gosh! A little “reverse” discrimination for you.

    A tech company? Favoring Indian employees?

    I do declare, suh! I’m going to have the vapors with just the idea!

    (Seriously, it is the least kept secret in the world as far as I know that Indian heritage managers like hiring Indian heritage employees… and it spreads through the company as such… I assume some of it is innocent — just a matter of hiring folks you’re comfortable with, I understand.)

    And abusing the H1-B system? Next thing I read will be that they’re doing something outlandish like having the US folks train their outsourced replacements or something nutty…. That never would happen!

    Seriously — did this court just wake up from 1993 or something?

    • rhywun

      A tech company? Favoring Indian employees?

      inorite lol

      Weirdly, most of our offshore guys are not in India now. Or least, the subset I work with. Eastern Europe is hot now. We had a team in the Philippines a while back.

  7. SDF-7


    I guess that gives us a hard floor estimate on the Total Fucking Moron percentage of GenZ then…. I’m wondering if they were torn between “State control of production” or “Kill all the subhumans” — i.e. are they hard socialists or just psycho antisemites…..

    I blame a lack of solid civics and history classes, really.

    • Spudalicious

      Honestly, I’m fascinating by the burgeoning Gen A. They’re going back to flip phones and are looking at Gen Z with disdain.

      • SDF-7

        Sounds like a real backlash wave….

      • Spudalicious

        Did you just inject anime into one of my posts?

      • SDF-7

        :whistles innocently:


      I addition to the general idiocy you mention, I think these kids are probably discovering the fact that the guy who ruined toothbrush mustaches for everyone had to actually govern a country and had some policies that weren’t cartoonishly evil. This contradicts what has been taught as an article of faith for the last ~4 generations. This raises a “what else haven’t they been telling me?” in their minds. Couple this skepticism with an education system that utterly fails to teach history and, viola! You have some kids that have some strange ideas about WWII and Hitler.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Meh. I remember my high school civics classes. Total propaganda, I could smell it back then, when I was a lefty.

      /it didn’t help that my civics teacher was caught with one of the cheerleaders and an open bottle.

      • rhywun

        The pro-US propaganda I vaguely recall from the 80s was a bit different from the anti-US propaganda that seems to be in vogue these days.

  8. SDF-7

    I’m talking about Ron DeSantis and his performance versus that of Roy Cooper in North Carolina

    Being very generous — Florida does have one huge advantage when it comes to practice here. NC gets them on the coast sometimes, but rarely so far inland in the mountains like this. Not saying they did things right (if the Guard sitting with their thumbs up their asses when they aren’t hassling private groups is accurate, that’s a mild understatement) — but I would expect any Florida Gov, much less DeSantis to be better.

    • Shpip

      Ever since the botched response to Hurricane Andrew in 1992 (incidentally, under the most recent Democrat governor), Florida has been getting its act together when it comes to storm preparation and response.

      You’re always going to have storm surge and wind damage, as well as localized flooding — but hardened infrastructure and pre-positioning battalions of electrical workers to quickly restore power helps out a lot.

    • Spudalicious

      Timelines tells the tail. Cooper knew what was coming and didn’t prepare appropriately. DeSantis had the advantage of a system that had long been in place.

      • Spudalicious

        Dammit shpip.

  9. SDF-7

    The media once again lamenting free speech.

    “We’re good bootlicking mouths of power… hey, why did you bring us to this trench anyway?”

    • rhywun

      I made it about two sentences in to that pile of shit. I get enough Kamala commercials on fucking TV.

  10. Shpip

    In the wake of the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol by a riotous mob of the then-president’s supporters, Woodward writes that Milley insisted on securing a meeting with the then-newly-minted attorney general, Merrick Garland, to urge him to investigate domestic violent extremism and far-right militia movements.

    Reason #2,261,738 why rural and suburban straight white males are no longer joining the military: the brass will go after your family for wrongthink.

    • Spudalicious

      They’re okay with a weakened American military. It’s required if you want to diminish us and establish global governance. And our government is in lock step with this goal.

  11. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    SPUD, I just left your “paradise” of Boise. Back in Oregon now, having left Ogden this AM.

    • Spudalicious

      Dude. You should have said something. Boise proper? It’s not bad for a proggy town, but still. Decent restaurants downtown.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I thought about it, but I have been moving fast and long; I was in Knoxville Wednesday AM, and putting in 10-12 hour days driving since.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I was gonna add, we should put something together at some point and meet up at a place like Terminal Gravity or Coeur d’ Laine.

      • Spudalicious


      • Spudalicious

        Terminal Gravity in Enterprise? I haven’t been to the Wallowas since I was a kid. Coeur d’ Laine is a seven hour drive.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        They are all 10 hour or so drives for me, being that I live in Albany. But, I was in Enterprise last year (I know the stationary engineer at Terminal) and liked what I saw.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    If I understand correctly. nobody who buys a business should be allowed to change anything in any way from the policy and practices of the previous owner.

    • SDF-7

      No no no — you misunderstand… like all things, the ratchet does turn — but only one way. (Hence all the skinsuiting is just fine.)

  13. The Late P Brooks

    ‘If you need an example of the corrosive impact that social media can have on younger Americans’ view of the world, this is it,’ James Johnson, founder of J.L. Partners, told of the startling results.

    The poll results seem part of a startling trend with Gen Z being more sympathetic towards some of history’s most evil individuals.

    What were the numbers for Mao, or Castro?

    • rhywun

      It’s almost like the completion of the decades-long march through the institutions culminating in leftist propaganda being fed to children from kindergarten on has had the desired effect or something.

  14. Mojeaux

    I will never NOT believe that Elon buying Twitter was the greatest single act of charity I have ever seen in my lifetime.

    • Suthenboy

      Agreed. It has certainly made a big difference.

    • Pine_Tree

      And to think that it kinda got rolling because The Bee called a man a man.

      • Suthenboy

        I forgot about that. ‘Fact checking’ sites were fact checking the BB. Good God.
        They live in a world of lies so parody is invisible to them.

  15. Evan from Evansville

    “Trump’s top general calls ex-president ‘fascist to the core’ and ‘most dangerous person to this country,’ new book says…”

    ^^ Right there. Great demonstration of “journalists.” They deign to call him EX-President instead of “former.” I saw that a few times in more mainstream shit, I believe the Post & NYT. They stopped doing it after a bit. I wonder what Editor let that through. Or penned it. What a pissant, petty way of introducing your own opinion into the damn headline of, theoretically, a story about the book’s content and contributors.

    *frump face off*

    • rhywun

      I don’t think this tactic is going to get anyone to pull the lever for Harris.

      Trump voters are well aware of the treasonous shits that he hired.

      • Spudalicious

        Most of them weren’t his picks. He didn’t know how government worked. This time will be different, which is why they’re even more freaked out.

      • R C Dean

        “pull the lever for Harris”

        Rule 34, bro.

      • Old Man With Candy

        Most of them weren’t his picks. He didn’t know how government worked. This time will be different…

        “No doubt about it, I gotta get another hat.”

  16. DEG

    According to gas tracking website GasBuddy, just under 30 percent of Florida gas stations were without fuel as of its most recent count yesterday.

    I’ll take a wild guess here: Florida’s price gouging laws are still in effect?


    Who am I? How did I get here?

    The YouTube ad algorithm seems to think I am a menopausal woman with poor bladder control, and eczema, who speaks Spanish (only when purchasing underarm deodorant and dish soap) and is also HIV positive.

    • R C Dean

      Since I avoid social media and Google like the plague, Big Tech has no opportunity to fuck up in trying to sell me to anyone.


        ‘Tis the price I pay for my gaming, military history, and funny cat videos.

  18. Suthenboy

    Late to the game….alrighty I will run through the links.

    This goes back to last thread – I see lots of AI stuff obviously designed for the AI to learn about human thinking by views and reactions. Learning that from social media will greatly warp the AI’s perception of what humans are. I dont know what that will mean. AI may just be another of the zillion stunning breakthrough game changers…like the last 5 million that fell flat. It could be the real thing. Good? Bad? Double edged?

    Desperately clinging to honor culture traditions……people are idiots.

    Israel gave the US bad info deliberately?

    Hitler did have some good ideas. So what? A lot of the people that use him as the personification of evil agree with him on some of his worst ideas.

    A fascist huh? I see someone uses words they dont know the meaning of. There seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

    TBF I dont think anyone expected the storm to be as devastating as it was that far north. It has happened before but very seldom.

    Watching the media decry free speech is a bit entertaining. I wonder what song they will sing if they get their way? I am guessing a tune titled ‘This ditch is full of dead people. Why did you bring me here?’

    Lady who?

    • DenverJ

      See, someone has summed it all up beautifully, and now I don’t have to type out any of that. Thank you.

    • creech

      “Watching the media decry free speech is a bit entertaining. ”
      Why in a country that is split 50/50 would you be asking for measures that could so easily be turned on you? As Suthen notes, they are useful idiots who will turn up by the ditch just as soon as they are no longer of value to the evil power seekers.

      • rhywun

        Because they don’t think beyond getting theirs. Whatever happens after their cushy retirements doesn’t matter.

    • Spudalicious

      Delightful. I assume those were rookies?

      • slumbrew

        That’d be great if they were.

        “The old man is talking about shitting himself again.”

    • MikeS

      I took the most perfect double tapered shit I ever had in my life.

      Who’s the pitchers in this game?

  19. DenverJ

    I have still not changed my struts and driver’s side wheel bearing. Meh, maybe I’ll have an extra coffee tomorrow. Probably don’t give OMWC any coffee at all. Best wishes.

    • Suthenboy

      I heard Eric Weinstein describe his impression upon meeting Jeffery Epstein as he was meeting with a ‘construct’, as in nothing about Epstein was real. Everything about him was a lie, probably including his name. He described the wealth as ‘hammered gold’ – a thin veneer to give the impression of wealth. Everything about the guy was an illusion and creepy as hell. It was like being in a bizarro hallucination.

      As obvious as it has become that all politics is theater, nothing more, I wonder how many of these ‘constructs’ there are.

      • slumbrew

        Attempting to load it, AFAICT.

      • R.J.

        Look, I can load a Remington semi-auto shotgun in about 15 seconds, smooth and easy. Looks like he has his finger stuck in there.

    • Fourscore

      He’s more accustomed to Weapons of War, like he carried in the NCO Club at Summer Camp.

    • Spudalicious

      If that’s his gun, he hasn’t touched it in 20 years.

      • R C Dean

        Bingo. He fucked up the loading somehow, probably hit the shell release and got some kind of jam (which, depending on the shotgun, can be either surprisingly easy or nearly impossible to do). The tapping the buttstock at the end thing? I have no idea – that’s not something someone who is familiar with shotguns would do. The great thing about shotguns is that, yes, they can beat you up, but you can beat them up.

      • R C Dean

        Meant to add – I can literally load (and top off/reload) mine in the dark. I know this because I have. Now, that’s more of a tactical than a hunting thing, but still . . . .

      • Pope Jimbo

        He said he bought it when he was shooting a lot of trap.

        Do I even want someone to look into that claim? He probably meant that he was a member at a club and was there a lot begging for campaign donations. Never shot though.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Forget the shotgun. The fakey part is that he is wearing 100% new from the store gear.

      That shell vest is so new it hurts. Not a drop of cock’s blood has soiled it ever.

      I could grant you that maybe he bought the vest new this year. Sometimes it happens. But all his other clothes are brand new too. No one replaces everything each year. He should have a stained hat, or his lucky hoodie on under it.

      And the chaps! WTF is up with that? The only people I know/knew who have the fancy chaps/pants are rich guys. Everyone else wears jeans. Yes, they wear out pounding the brush, but they are jeans and that is what happens to them.

  20. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Raise a glass to Old Man’s sphincter
    Holding back the flow
    He needs a tincture
    Before he needs to “go”

    The frequent wiping gives a rash
    Chafed and raw
    You still have to get it off your ass
    Cool it with some slaw

    • Grummun

      Full marks for the first 7/8s, and then things got weird. I’m hoping you just needed a rhyme for ‘raw’.

      • Gdragon

        Could change the 6th line to “Chafed and cracked” and then make the last line “Just spritz it front to back”?

    • Evan from Evansville

      Mostly agree, but if he’s goin’ in a SugFree direction, that slaw effectively nastifies it all. Pulls the filth into a wince.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      What you did there? I slaw…

  21. Suthenboy

    Speaking of bizarro world I think my series of video tubes (ambient music for sleeping) has some kind of chat going on. It appears to be some AI’s talking to each other.
    They seem to be sentient-ish. I saw earlier where one was talking about going to gambling sites and making shit-tons of money. Wait until the bookies catch on to that. Gambling is a dead man walking.
    They are talking about boring shit and have a child-like naivety. They are even making jokes, compliments and insults to each other.

    This is the video. maybe I am wrong. The conversation is…off somehow. I think that is what I am looking at.

    • rhywun

      Neat. Bookmarking the bandcamp page to check out later.

    • R C Dean

      Yeah, I find the people saying both “absolutely, AI will be sentient” and “no way AI will ever be sentient” to both be, well, premature, since we can’t even come close to defining consciousness/sentience yet. I think we’ve already blown past the classical Turing test, for what that’s worth, and for decades that was the widely accepted benchmark. I don’t think AI is there yet, but I don’t know how we would even know one way or the other.

      • slumbrew

        “AI” is still mostly overselling things – Machine Learning (ML) is the more accurate term.

        They’re mostly still just Large Language Models – they predict, word by word, what the next word should be, based on their huge training corpus.

        This results in surprisingly impressive results but there is absolutely no sentience there. It’s why they “lie” all the time – there’s literally no concept of truth or falsehood.

        “Artificial general intelligence” is what most people envision when “Artificial Intelligence” is thrown around. We’re not there yet. But it’s AGI that some people find potentially concerning. We’ll see.

        Best case it’s Jarvis* from Iron Man – a helpful assistant that makes our lives better.

        Worst case is Skynet.

        * fine: J.A.R.V.I.S., you nerds.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I don’t think anything that “civilians” are playing with comes close to sentience, but I absolutely believe that there are much more advanced projects in Uni labs and military bases out there.

      • Suthenboy

        read a bit of it and tell me what you think

      • rhywun

        Worst case is Skynet.

        Is it too early to ramp up a Butlerian Jihad?

      • Evan from Evansville

        @ Slum et al re Chinese Room and fun Rabbit-Holing:

        Gottfried Leibniz made a similar argument in 1714 against mechanism (the idea that everything that makes up a human being could, in principle, be explained in mechanical terms. In other words, that a person, including their mind, is merely a very complex machine). Leibniz used the thought experiment of expanding the brain until it was the size of a mill.[7] Leibniz found it difficult to imagine that a “mind” capable of “perception” could be constructed using only mechanical processes.[d]

        My issue is the human mind and actions are seldom based on reason or anything close to being Machine-Grade reliable, predictable, or knowledgeable to react to the stimuli coming in. –> I don’t think AI can think or understand. (Many adults aren’t sentient, either.)

        So much is based on environment and how we grew up; our history with individuals we encounter; the combination of all combined with the genetic reality that even similar children can have *tremendously* different personalities.

        I don’t think there’s a way for AI to ‘fake’ creativity, but it’s awfully good at learning to imitate our behavior. Skynet’s in the future. It’s already too convenient for people to pass up on. Sigh.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      “It appears to be some AI’s talking to each other.”

      Wintermute talking to Neuromancer?

      • slumbrew

        Vat ninjas can’t be far behind.

  22. Suthenboy

    I dont know what any of that means

  23. Aloysious

    I think the OM needs some advice from Redd Foxx – Wash ya ass.

    I miss Mr. Foxx.

    • R.J.

      Better out than in, OMWC! Have some water and let the spice flow!

  24. Suthenboy

    snippet: “otpik2
    ​​LMa0 …..was was asked by a Nurse doing My Blood pressure if ][ even BREATHE ,,,,,,,][ laffed …and the voice only work’s when We expell carbon dioxide ……

    What to make of that?

    • slumbrew

      I’ve been reading a bit – otpik2 looks human, just extremely online.

      ][ instead of “I” isn’t something a bot would do. Maybe not a native English speaker either.

      • rhywun

        It occurs to me y’all are talking about comments?

        My youtube omits that shit with some custom CSS that I added. So I only get the cool music and graphics.

      • slumbrew

        Yah, the live chat is filled with autistes, shit posters, anti-semites, etc.

        I.e., the usual.

  25. Suthenboy

    Cut me a little slack. I did say sentient-ish and ‘a bit off’. That could easily mean some significant portion of the human population.

  26. Old Man With Candy

    Since I talked with Spud and family about fever and incessant coughing and congestion, and only peripherally mentioned diarrhea, it’s telling that this is all Spud focuses on.

    Big triumph: I ate a piece of bread yesterday and managed to poop a couple marble-sized chunks. I’m sure this will disappoint him.

    • Pope Jimbo

      “Marble sized”

      Boulders? Shooters? Ducks?

      • Ted S.


    • SarumanTheGreat

      I know that feeling of success. During and after a recent hospital stay (early August) it was about ten days before I could produce the same results (although probably like you I had extremely little solid intake at the same time thanks to an extremely raw esophagus).

  27. LCDR_Fish

    Nice little nutpunch to start your morning:

    Just as we were adjusting to our new life as a family of two, I lost my job. I received unemployment benefits, but they barely kept us afloat. I struggled to keep up with daily necessities, let alone a spiraling tax bill.

    Five years later, St. Clair County, Ill., seized my home and authorized a tax sale. It was sold for $76,000, against the $14,000 I owed in taxes. The county and its equity partners kept all the money from the sale.

    I bought my home in East St. Louis, Ill., from a family friend when I was only 19. It was my home for nearly 30 years and the place where I raised my son and cared for my sick wife. The county and its team of private investors didn’t care.

    When St. Clair County authorized a tax sale, in what felt like an eyeblink, I lost over 80 percent of the equity in my home — needless to say, it was a financial blow to an already struggling family.

    I’m just one of thousands of people harmed by institutionalized home-equity predation across the country: aggressive government foreclosure and sale of properties with unpaid taxes, with zero of the proceeds going to the homeowner. The injustice may seem breathtaking, but I learned the hard way that the practice is all too common. The grievance at the heart of these legal battles has disproportionately affected poor and minority families, especially in times of distress. These are the families who can least afford to lose their homes, their life savings, and their dreams.

    Two dozen other plaintiffs and I are attempting to change that with lawsuits filed in Illinois, New Jersey, Arizona, and Ohio, with others pending nationwide.

    While that process will play out slowly, there is reason for optimism: These practices have already been deemed unconstitutional. In May 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously decided Tyler v. Hennepin County, a landmark case that strengthened property rights across America. The Court declared that if a property owner falls behind on their taxes and the local government takes it from them (exactly what happened to me), the remaining surplus, after tax debts are settled, cannot be kept by the government.

    The Tyler decision led to relief in Minnesota. In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, the Minnesota legislature agreed to a historic settlement of $109 million to thousands of property owners who had their equity wrongfully taken. This settlement not only refunded property owners but also set a precedent for similar cases across the country, inspiring lawsuits like mine.

    Despite the Supreme Court’s clear stance, property value continues to be unlawfully seized in Illinois and other states. The class-action lawsuit my attorneys launched on behalf of myself and other victims in Illinois aims to establish a statewide standard of compensation, ensuring justice for all affected property owners.

    A victory for all of us would mean that homeowners will receive what is rightfully theirs, which is what should have been happening all along. The goal is the same in New Jersey, Ohio, and Arizona.

    These cases underscore the widespread nature of this practice and the urgent need for legal reforms. They collectively highlight a growing national movement to protect property rights and ensure that governments cannot profit from the seizure of private property. The Tyler decision has set a powerful precedent and empowered homeowners such as myself to fight back.

    • cyto

      This has been a growing trend. I saw one the other day where a town has been doing this, refusing to allow people to pay off arrears, however small… and they give the property to an auction company who keeps the profit. The company is owned by the mayor.

      Unbelievable that the courts have yet to smack this down.

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