Sunday Morning Medically Cleared Links

by | Oct 13, 2024 | I Am Lame | 218 comments

Spent the day in the ER with l0b0t playing the dutiful son by my side. Although I thought things were getting better, my fever appeared to bounce back, I was coughing incessantly (note that Spud ignored this because of his scat fixation), my intestines were protesting, and several people urged me to get a chest xray juuuuust in case. It was a frightening experience- I spent far too much time in that particular ER a couple years back for reasons long time members will remember. In any case, chest was clear, I was clear, they gave me some horse pills, and after jabbing me several times, sent me on my way with cough medicine, antibiotics, and a medical clearance to return to work.

Speaking of frightening, there’s many interesting birthdays today, including a guy who is not well known today but was… interesting; one of our true spiritual fathers; the last of the skilled editorial cartoonists; the one true god of jazz piano; a comedian who was more notorious than actually, you know, funny; one of the pioneers of Langmuir-Blodgett films and one or two other things; the one true god of jazz bass; a pop singer who actually managed to make interesting music; the reincarnation of the mummy of Amenhotep; a prolific cookbook author whose dishes were at once earnest and remarkably bland; a woman whom I taught about oral sex; the finest wide receiver I ever saw- or am ever likely to see; a guy whom I can’t decide is more funny or tiresome; and a walking punchline and a doppelganger of Mr. Ed.

While my lungs continue to try to exit via my mouth, I’ll toss out some links.

First, though, a plug: there’s a group called Young Americans for Liberty who contacted me about coming back to Arizona and doing some door knocking in support of libertarian-adjacent candidates. I had to decline given my responsibilities in warping the minds of American youth. But if you or someone you know want a three week full-time paid position, they’re searching. They mentioned possibly starting a chapter on our campus, which amused me since I would be fired within microseconds. In any case, here’s contact information:
Want a job that does some good? Apply here:

Someone whose playing days should be ended permanently.

20 Trump rallies? I hope your therapists provided you with puppies to snuggle.

Remember this the next time there’s a cold snap and the pants-wetters helpfully explain the difference between climate and weather. Bonus: see if you can find any reference to the decreased number of hurricanes.

“We’re not asking the UN to stop providing cover for Hezbollah.” I love the term “peacekeepers,” since they have done exactly zero to keep peace.

I think that if you added up all the testosterone in this group, it might reach “low normal” for one person. And most of it would come from the (nominal) women.

No lies detected.

Yoots and their high spirits.

And yes, the Old Guy has another Sierra Ferrell cut, which will get you complaining because it’s a Beatles cover. But here, she’s almost channeling Janis Joplin. Except she’s a better singer than Janis ever was.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Pat

    Great to see you back, even if worse for wear. Take care of yourself. There’s plenty of pinch hitters for this trivial shit.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Ditto all of this. Even a Day Trip to the ER is profoundly unpleasant.

      Glad you got outta there ASAP and are on the mend.

  2. LCDR_Fish

    Some alternative old guy music for you. Don’t recall where I first heard the track – maybe a compilation album – since I don’t think it’s actually in any film, but this specific performance was referenced/excerpted on the Ennio documentary I saw a couple months back. Really nifty – and the doc goes into more details on the different decisions on scaling and finding the right singer, etc. (pretty sure she showed up a couple times on screen too).

    • Old Man With Candy

      I’ll check out the background- I have to admit that the makeup makes her look like a ST-TOS alien.

  3. Pat

    one of our true spiritual fathers

    Happy Birthday John Wilmot?

    • Pat

      the one true god of jazz piano

      Happy Birthday Bill Evans?

      • Pat

        a comedian who was more notorious than actually, you know, funny

        Happy Birthday Andy Kaufman?

      • rhywun

        Happy Birthday Andy Kaufman?

        That was my guess.

      • Old Man With Candy

        Fuck you heathens, Kaufmann was hilarious.

      • Tundra

        I’m glad you are feeling better, but they are correct.

  4. Ted S.

    the finest wide receiver I ever saw- or am ever likely to see

    Happy birthday Don Hutson!

      • Old Man With Candy

        Not even close. For years I thought, no one is going to be better than Biletnikoff. Nope, never. But then…

  5. Ted S.

    the one true god of jazz piano;

    Happy birthday Oscar Peterson!

    • Old Man With Candy

      Peterson was a slowpoke in comparison.

  6. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

    Glad to hear you’re out of the ER

  7. rhywun

    a guy who is not well known today

    My German Heimat has a ridiculous number of streets named after German smarty-pants, including this guy.

  8. cyto

    Trump did a comedian podcast. Unsurprisingly, they asked more relevant questions than CBS news, including “who do you think was behind the assassination attempts”.

    Lots of talk about family.

      • Tres Cool

        Insane. They did it like it was nothing.

      • cyto

        I cannot believe what I just saw. That was bonkers.

      • Donny Three-Fingers (KJ5GQR)

        That was amazing

      • Tres Cool

        Whoops….that was meant to be threaded under Cyto’s SpaceX comment.

  9. Pat

    First, though, a plug: there’s a group called Young Americans for Liberty who contacted me about coming back to Arizona and doing some door knocking in support of libertarian-adjacent candidates.

    I was on their newsletter when I was in college. IIRC, formed as a spin off from one of Ron Paul’s organizations after the bullshit the RNC pulled in ’08. Haven’t followed them for quite a while, but they used to do good work.

    • rhywun

      I was trying to see if they have a chapter at local Big U but I couldn’t find a list on their website. ☹️

      • The Last American Hero

        I’m fairly certain they have to meet after hours in the catacombs like the early Christians.

  10. Pat

    A POLITICO analysis of more than 20 of his rallies and campaign events shows Trump has demonized minority groups in all of them.

    Well, the good news is that if the current immigration trends hold, illegal immigrants won’t technically be a minority for too much longer.

    • rhywun

      Only white males are supposed to be demonized I mean come on.

      • juris imprudent

        I wonder when the left is going to wake up and realize just how many white women are opposed to them?

      • Old Man With Candy

        I seem to be unable to find a single counterexample.

      • juris imprudent

        OM, I’m always amused by the pro-abortion lobby insisting it is [white] men that want to deny them abortion, when in fact there is a large contingent of white women in the pro-life sphere.

      • juris imprudent

        OM, also you are a walking, talking false flag – vegetarian, wine aficionado, college prof. Everything about you screams proggie – until you open your mouth.

  11. Pat

    Remember this the next time there’s a cold snap and the pants-wetters helpfully explain the difference between climate and weather.

    Climate is when you find any weather phenomena that can be even tangentially associated with your apocalyptic doomsday cult, and weather is when the beach house you bought with your federal grant money gets rebuilt for the 8th time after you cash your FEMA flood insurance check.

  12. Pat

    it was the height of “brat summer”. Kamala Harris was a “femininomenon”, electrifying a high-stakes presidential race that many of the country’s youngest voters had been dreading: a rematch between the two oldest candidates in American history.

    Jesus Christ…

    So electrifying that 2% of Democrats voted for her during the only primary in which she’s ever had to participate.

    • juris imprudent

      None of that patriarchal mathematical bullshit there mister – we’ve got a NARRATIVE to run with.

    • PieInTheSky

      If kamala.wins it will actually nicely show the NPCism of The People

      • rhywun

        The only redeeming result of her winning will be Gen Z getting what it voted for good and fucking hard.

    • R C Dean

      Because of the years I spent in Wisconsin, I keep pronouncing “brat summer” as “brot summer”. As in the sausage.

  13. PieInTheSky

    The weather today in old Bucharest is as perfect as it gets. 18C sunny light wind.

    • rhywun

      Cold and rain all day here. I love it.

  14. Pat

    JD Vance now says it’s ‘deranged’ for women not to have children due to climate change

    Correct, for the same reason it is deranged to not have children due to the imminent return of Christ, or the forthcoming alien invasion, or the sun going supernova and consuming the planet.

    Psychology is basically an unvarnished crock of shit, but it was on to something in the bad old days when it gave people happy pills and reassuring pep talks to assuage their paralyzing neuroses instead of telling delusional freaks that their problem is society’s insufficient collective indulgence of their delusions.

    • PieInTheSky

      Bitches be crazy…

    • Ted S.

      “We get to call Vance ‘weird’. How dare he try the same tactic against us!”

    • rhywun

      The left really does not like having the truth thrown in their faces.

      • Suthenboy

        There is a rumor going around that the 1A is a bit troublesome to them.

  15. Gender Traitor

    Good morning, Old Man et al! OM, hope your symptoms subside ASAP, for your sake and so Spud goes back to decent music links. ::shudders::

    Someone whose playing days should be ended permanently.

    On that topic a little more generally, a wellness check on Sloopy may be in order… 😕

    • Tres Cool

      Thankfully, Tres Sr. went to bed before it was all over. Otherwise Im sure he would have had a stroke.

  16. rhywun

    whose dishes were at once earnest and remarkably bland

    I recognized her most famous work as a vegetarian restaurant near me 😝

  17. rhywun

    a guy whom I can’t decide is more funny or tiresome

    It was funny for a bit but it’s been tiresome for a couple decades now.

  18. PieInTheSky

    It seema in the end Ohio State lost. sad.

    Also the clevelend indians moved forward. Just like 2016. Means trump has a shot. Just like 2016.

      • Tres Cool


  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    We’re not worthy of Elon Musk

    • Pat

      I still think he’s basically a grifting corporate welfare queen, as I have since he founded Tesla, and kind of resent that he’s become the public face of corporate iconoclasm.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Well, what SpaceX just did is pretty fucking incredible. Just as amazing as the first space shuttle landing.

      • PieInTheSky

        Most corps are welfare queens but spacex is doing shit. Compared to boeing and lockeed martin however thats spelled

      • rhywun

        I think the Tesla grift has to collapse under the weight of non-existent unicorn farts fairly soon.

        The rest of his accomplishments are pretty cool.

      • Pat

        All true, but not mutually exclusive with Musk being a grifting corporate welfare queen. It’s always worth remembering that he’s also nothing more than the public-facing hype man for teams of incredibly skilled engineers and physicists who actually make the magic happen. SpaceX is without question a step up from the entire industry being directly government-run, but we’re still a far cry from private sector space exploration.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Whaaaaat??? No wai! I thought Elon was the only SpaceX employee, personally designing and manufacturing everything himself! Now you’re telling me he has EMPLOYEES???? WTF

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Also, I mentioned nothing about the libertopia idea about fully privatized space exploration. What SpaceX just did was technically monumental. I wasn’t referencing politics in any way shape or form.

      • DrOtto

        He didn’t found Tesla. Some other guys did. He just swooped in with bags of $.

      • Pat

        I wasn’t implying you were unaware that Tesla isn’t a sole proprietorship, only that saying “we’re not worthy of Elon Musk” might be overstating things, in light of the fact that incredible technical achievements can be, and have been, accomplished even in the most dysfunctional environments. The Soviet Union reached more milestones in space than any other government or corporation in history, and the people who made those contributions deserve full credit for it, but it’s not a vindication of Korolev of Marxism-Leninism. This is very cool shit, and it’s to the betterment of humanity that a billionaire financier took sufficient interest to provide the capital and structure to make it happen, but it doesn’t do anything for my esteem of said financier.

      • Grummun

        It’s always worth remembering that he’s also nothing more than the public-facing hype man for teams of incredibly skilled engineers and physicists who actually make the magic happen.

        I think you’re probably doing Musk a disservice here by reducing him to the role of Marketing. While he has loads smart and skilled people working for him, none of them are working on those projects if Musk hadn’t put them together. You can argue that someone else would have eventually, but Musk did it now. His breaking into the government monopoly on space flight is remarkable.

        You are right that Tesla is something of a black mark. It’s built on a pile of subsidies that can’t continue forever, and hence must eventually fail. That seems more mercenary than visionary.

      • Suthenboy

        “It’s built on a pile of subsidies that can’t continue forever, and hence must eventually fail.”

        If the government has to subsidize it…..

        The electric car scam cant end fast enough to suit me.

      • Suthenboy

        Having said that, and it is true, I would add that everyone makes the world a better place: some because they are in it, some when they leave it. We are definitely much better off with Elon in the world.

      • MikeS

        Elon is playing the game within the established rules laid out by FedGov. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

      • Mojeaux

        Said it last night and I’ll keep saying it.

        Elon buying Twitter was the single greatest act of charity I have witnessed in my lifetime. He gave the non-progs and GenX their voice back. Why? Because he values free speech THAT much.

      • Raven Nation

        A financial guy i read has been arguing for a while that Tesla is about battery technology not electric cars themselves.

      • Homple

        I think of Musk as 1/3 engineer, 1/3 businessman, and 1/3 charlatan–and world class in each of those aspects.

    • PieInTheSky

      The catch was insane

      • The Hyperbole

        I ain’t watching a 2hr video, anyone know at what point in the video the cool thing happens?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


      • Beau Knott

        Try this.

      • MikeS

        That is so f’n cool.

  20. Pat

    The creepy thought experiments of Ta-Nehisi Coates

    So now we know what it would take for Ta-Nehisi Coates to kill some Jews. I should say that this is not a question I had been pondering. I was not lying awake at night wondering what might push America’s most celebrated man of letters over the cliff edge of savagery. And yet we have the answer nonetheless. If he was a little younger, and had been born in Gaza, and had experienced ‘the oppression and the poverty’ of that tiny, benighted strip of land, then it’s possible, he says, that he would have thrown himself into 7 October. That he would have joined the pogrom. That he would have killed Israelis.
    This sick, strange thought experiment was carried out on Trevor Noah’s podcast, What Now?. ‘I haven’t said this out loud but I think about it a lot’, Coates said. You think a lot about what might have compelled you to join the largest act of anti-Jewish violence since the Holocaust? That’s not normal, sir. It’s important to note that he acknowledges the ‘great horror’ of 7 October. But he goes on to say that if he was 20 years old and living in the ‘giant open-air jail’ of Gaza, and had seen his mum, dad and siblings be pushed this way and that by what he views as Israel’s siege, then, yes, he might have signed up to Hamas’s violent rush over the border. ‘The wall comes down’, he pictures. ‘Am I… strong enough, or even constructed in such a way, where I say, “This is too far”?’ His answer: ‘I don’t know that I am.’
    Can we take a minute to clock how messed up this is? The man who spent the past decade writing pained tomes about the evils of racist violence now wonders out loud what might make him engage in racist violence. The man who wrote about America living in the shadow of the lynching now outlines the conditions in which he himself might do some lynching. Something worse than lynching, in fact. The savagery Hamas visited on the Jews of southern Israel – torture, rape, immolation, beheading – outdid even the inhumanity of the noose-wielders of the KKK. The man who obsessed for years over racism’s desecration of the ‘black body’ now entertains the possibility that he would do unspeakable things to the Israeli body, in certain circumstances.

    Tbh, I’m less offended by this rare flash of honesty than most of the rest of his ideology. When we encounter the worst of humanity, it’s worth examining ourselves and recognizing that we carry within us the very same attributes. The whole COVID experiment did a good job exposing that the vast majority of humanity are the proverbial Good Germans.

    • Suthenboy

      Look out…Pat’s on fire this morning.

    • rhywun

      It has led to the truly unseemly sight, unimaginable five years ago, of an esteemed public intellectual musing on when and why he might join the mass slaughter of women and children.

      Beg to differ.

    • Brawndo

      It’s easy to say we’re above that level of savagery from a place of comfort and civilization. Hand waving away what people in Gaza experience isn’t fruitful. People here talk about woodchippers in jest, but what does it take for Americans, the most wealthy and comfortable people in human history, to commit violence against people that oppress them?

      • Suthenboy

        “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” – You know who

        We all have it in us. The important distinction to make is whose throats one chooses to slit and why.
        I see the Palistinians as the modern equivalent of the Aztec culture. I think we should dig up Cortez and set him on them.

    • R C Dean

      I believe I read that he was also down with raping as many Israeli women as he could. How this person is allowed any visibility, publications, interviews in “mainstream” venues is just beyond me.

      • rhywun

        If I didn’t know better I would think he was a performance artist satirizing every white leftist’s fantasy “intellectual”.

  21. rhywun

    I think that if you added up all the testosterone in this group, it might reach “low normal” for one person. And most of it would come from the (nominal) women.

    I didn’t think peak Guardian was possible but holy shit they have outdone themselves.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Closeted Homosexuals for Harris is more like it. That basketball player that got tossed in the clink in Russia is manlier than those guys.

      • R C Dean

        Not even closeted. Somebody ran down the actors in that ad (and there is something unusually dishonest about using paid actors and a script for political ads pretending to show “normal” people’s support for a candidate). A couple of them are indeed gay and not in the closet at all.

    • Fourscore

      I needed a good laugh this morning. Now I’m man enough to fight the day.

    • rhywun

      The recent ad supporting Kamala Harris, which was made by a writer for Jimmy Kimmel


      • juris imprudent

        Speaking of someone more notorious than funny.

    • Suthenboy


      Am I lost in some kind of hallucination? It is hard for me to believe any of this is real.

    • MikeS

      The way that princess is perched on the tailgate. 🙄 😂

  22. Suthenboy

    “Except she’s a better singer than Janis ever was.”

    The fever has you a bit delirious.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Joplin is like nails on a chalkboard.

      • Fourscore

        Yeah, like windshield wipers slappin’

      • juris imprudent

        She was just the female Joe Cocker.

      • R C Dean

        And I can’t stand Joe Cocker either, so . . . .

      • Mojeaux

        JI and RCD on point.

  23. Fourscore

    Good to see you ready to fight tigers again, OM. Tomorrow will be even better.

  24. Grummun

    another Sierra Ferrell cut, which will get you complaining because it’s a Beatles cover.

    You are correct, sir.

    But here, she’s almost channeling Janis Joplin.

    Perhaps she should seek professional help for that condition.

    Except she’s a better singer than Janis ever was

    Seems a low bar to clear.

  25. DrOtto

    *reads news outside of bubble* Orange man still bad. Kamala beloved by all. Hard to explain why she’s so popular, is it her everyday accessibility or her willingness to fight for the little guy? Or is it her joyful demeanor (which her staff will gladly tell you about). It’s hard to say, but one things for sure, they seem to have pushed Tim Walz into a closet since the debate.

    • Pat

      they seem to have pushed Tim Walz into a closet since the debate.

      Well, at least he’s in good company with Tom Cruise in there.

    • juris imprudent

      Sir, how you could possibly overlook her unmatched oratorical skills? Truly she leaves us hanging on every word.

    • Fourscore

      As a failed VP candidate he’ll come back to Minnesoda and wreak havoc upon the fish in 10K lakes and all the peasants, errr, pheasants in Mn plus coach the winningest high school football team in Command Sergeant Major history.

      Or, if we are lucky he will stay in DC as a lobbyist for ethanol.

  26. Q Continuum

    “JD Vance has said it is “deranged” and “very crazy” for women not to have children due to concerns about the climate crisis”

    He’s 100% not wrong; anyone who uses the term “climate crisis” is the equivalent of a lunatic with a “THE END IS NEAR” sign on the corner.

    That said, why is he saying this shit? Kommie-la is in the process of self-destructing; either keep your mouth shut or only talk about the economy and immigration. All the Dems have is kulturkampf, don’t give them any ammunition.

    • Suthenboy

      THE END IS NEAR sandwich sign dude has been around since the beginning of time. And they say prostitution is the oldest profession….at least that provides a service.

      • juris imprudent

        It is the oldest profession, the amateurs have been running the religion business since time immemorial.

    • Pat

      All the Dems have is kulturkampf, don’t give them any ammunition.

      I’d like to think that there’s a constituency for the sane end of kulturkampf. Strategically speaking, sure, I guess I get it, but maybe he’s speaking to the proverbial silent majority out there, and the drag queen story hour and erotic graphic novels in school libraries enthusiasts are the ones who should stifle themselves.

      • Don escaped Texas

        constituency for the sane end

        I’d like to think so as well.

        I’ve said here, often and recently, that shutting up would be an excellent plan for the GOP. But pure radio silence isn’t required; all that is needed is to shut up the most bizarre 20% and the rest of Republican utterances might leave a decent posture. Maybe there are some points in the middle to be swayed by a reasonable platform….it could be tried.

        That said, the most bizarre 20% comes from the head of the ticket; even more bizarrely, the salt-of-the-earth/flyover folk/working-class/what-have-ye have provided apologies for the repeated transgressions of their own values; OrangeMan is bad and does not remotely deserve the undiluted knobjobs from every “conservative” preacher and dogcatcher in the land. Democrats are responsible for most of the worst notions of the past century, so this should be a layout…requiring none of excursions from responsibility and decency that mark the new GOP. Maybe a better answer is that JoeSixPack is actually a shallow, terrible person, that all he understands is tribalism, and that we are condemned to a future of unpunctuated populists and demagogues and the excuses that swirl around them.

      • Don escaped Texas

        this should be a layout layup

      • Pat

        Maybe a better answer is that JoeSixPack is actually a shallow, terrible person, that all he understands is tribalism, and that we are condemned to a future of unpunctuated populists and demagogues and the excuses that swirl around them.

        The common clay of the new west…

        Although from what I’ve seen, JaneFranzia hardly seems to have ascended beyond tribalism and demagoguery, either. I’ve said before many times, in the absence of my ideal libertopia, I’ll throw in with, or at least offer tempered opposition to, whoever seems less likely to destroy the things I care about. Presently, that means I’ll more often side with beer swilling rednecks who make fun of affluent single urbanite woman with 14 cats, because their bugaboos both offend and affect me less than their counterparts.

    • R C Dean

      “That said, why is he saying this shit?”

      Agreed. You can (and should) go after the climate cultists without giving off barefoot-and-pregnant, Handmaids-Tale vibes, which certainly don’t help Team Red and may help Team Blue.

    • juris imprudent

      All the Dems have is kulturkampf, don’t give them any ammunition.

      Given the proclivity of Dems to lie about anything and everything in order to gain power, the problem lies not in them, but in those who will vote for them. IOW, they don’t need ammo, because they just make shit up. You can’t find anyone on the right that has half the interest in The Handmaids that the left has.

      • Suthenboy

        The Handmaid’s Tale…undiluted projection on the leftists part. Everything they do is projection but none purer than that.
        You know you are in crazy town when you are accused of being a misogynist for hating on Lia Thomas.

        You are correct JI, the biggest problem we have is the unlimited ability of the human mind to delude itself.

      • Spudalicious

        The Handmaids Tail is based on modern day Iran. The proggies just ignored that and ran with it.

    • Pat

      My music library is more or less a sausage fest, and I tend to like more unconventional singers. The most technically proficient female representative in my library is probably Norah Jones, while the one I listed to most often is probably Victoria Legrand from Beach House

      • Timeloose

        I just saw Nora Jones on Friday. She was wonderful.

    • PieInTheSky

      how do you know this obscure music.

    • Fourscore

      Her voice is too high frequency for me to sort out the words. I’ll take your word for it that it is good (or bad).

      There are some advantages to getting old.

    • PieInTheSky

      is it the vocal fry?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    the female Joe Cocker.

    That’s just mean.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    The man who wrote about America living in the shadow of the lynching now outlines the conditions in which he himself might do some lynching.

    It’s just a question of which end of the rope you’re on.

  29. Mojeaux

    Hurricane Helene, Hurricane Milton … still not as big as the hurricane of 1780. Where were the climate scientists then, huh? HUH???

    • Pat

      There were still waiting for the internal combustion engine to be invented so that they could have something to which to attribute the storm.

    • PieInTheSky

      Where were the climate scientists then, huh? – measuring skulls?

      • juris imprudent

        Excellent allusion if a bit off in terms of the timeline.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Kids these days

    “Trump can run America like a business and Kamala would run it as a classroom,” Tasker said. “Trump would care about how Americans can get the most money, how we can care for the most people, and keep America first.”

    Young men like Tasker, seen as a solidly Democratic group less than two decades ago, have been shifting further to the right politically as their economic outlook has been on a downward trajectory, especially among those without a college degree, said pollsters and social scientists. While the economy has been a top issue for many voters, it’s been a particularly salient one for young men and one tied into their wider cultural ideals about their place in society and wanting to be a provider for their families.

    “The economic and employment picture for younger men without college degrees is significantly worse than previous generations,” said Dan Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life at the American Enterprise Institute, whose research has focused on young adults. “These sort of traditional norms around masculinity and what it means to be a man and a husband are wrapped up in economic success, and that makes it really, really challenging when their economic outlook is not as bright.”

    Another ivory tower egghead obsessed with the moronic lie that you ain’t nobody without you got a college degree.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    That diverging economic picture for younger men and women is likely contributing to a growing political divide, researchers said. Young men have been shifting away from the Democratic Party, with 33% now identifying as Democrats compared to 42% in 2020, according to polling of 18- to 29-year-olds by the Harvard Institute of Politics.

    Muh plantation! Git them boys in college so we can learn ’em to love Big Nanny.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    A man’s man

    Carrying a Beretta shotgun, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz trekked through tall straw-like grass for three hours on Saturday for opening day of the state’s pheasant hunting season, but didn’t get one shot off despite his efforts.

    “There’s good days and there’s great days pheasant hunting,” Walz said when the day wrapped up.

    Scott Rall, a friend of the governor who he often hunts with, made the sole kill on Saturday. Recovering the body of the birds was a top priority in the instructions given to the hunting party, but no one was able to find the carcass in the thick brush that at some points grew as tall as Walz himself.

    They got skunked? Must be the fault of global warming. Or maybe industrial agriculture.

    • juris imprudent

      one of the three black labradors that led the majority of the hunt

      [snort] Well now I know why they got skunked.

    • Fourscore

      No love for a Winchester 101 or a Remington 1100?

      Walz needs to turn in his man creds

      • juris imprudent

        Particularly whining about the recoil – in a semi-auto.

      • R C Dean

        “Walz told CBS News that the Beretta A400 he carried on the hunt was one he purchased when he was shooting a lot of trap. He noted that the feature of the gun had a “kickoff.”

        “So, when you get old it doesn’t hurt your shoulder as much,” he said.”

        I give up. What’s a shotgun “kickoff”?

      • Tundra

        The thing that flips up?

      • Suthenboy

        Everything about the Dem’s campaign is fiction.

      • Shpip

        Yeah, I was a little surprised that his handlers let him out with a non-American gun.

        That said, I’ve looked into the A400 and it has a lot going for it. Big charging handle and oversized loading port for ease of use when you’re wearing gloves, and the recoil reduction system in the buttstock comes in handy when you’re shooting 3 1/2-inch shells. The thing will also digest anything you throw at it, which is useful when changing your load to suit the game (I’d be hunting ducks, sandhill crane, and hatebirds [the birds that hate]).

        This reviewer is a guy I trust. He shoots a lot of guns every year, and doesn’t sugarcoat things.

        The ease of use is one reason why I’m not buying the image of Walz as Joe Outdoorsman. The guy can’t load his own gun that he’s owned for years?

    • R C Dean

      Oh, I think there was no way Walz was supposed to actually shoot a bird. Not the optics for their XX and low-T XY constituency. I mean, even a few pix of him with a gun in his hand was pushing it.

      And I’m certainly no expert on pheasant hunting, but I think of black labs as duck hunting dogs, not field dogs.

      • juris imprudent

        Doubly embarrassing that the retrieving dog couldn’t retrieve the one bird they downed.

        Yeah, pointers, setters, springers, Vizsla – bunch of more appropriate breeds… if you know anything at all about upland game.

      • Pine_Tree

        I thought they were all about capitalizing “black” nowadays.

      • juris imprudent

        Well, Black labs wouldn’t do the bidding of them honkies.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Saw some interesting discussions on twitter on Walz committing several felonies in that promo – more than 3 shells (no plug) in his shotgun – not normally an issue for peasant hunting – unless you’re on a Wetlands Protected Area…so $15k fine, etc. I’ll see if I can find the link.

  33. Suthenboy

    IRL people keep asking me “why?”

    In a nutshell: Prosperity gives people options. This is a big problem for people who crave power.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    The governor wore Carhartt hunting chaps and an orange vest that commemorated the annual season opener, participating in the hunt in his official capacity as governor. Still, it was followed up with a campaign engagement and came on the heels of a recent campaign announcement revealing a new voting coalition of hunters, anglers, and gun owners.

    The new coalition will seek to underscore Harris’ support for “traditional activities.”

    Both Vice President Kamala Harris and Walz have leaned into the fact that they are gun owners recently — all the while continuing to advocate for legislation like universal background checks. In an interview with “60 Minutes,” Harris revealed she owns a Glock, and during an event with Oprah Winfrey, the former prosecutor declared, “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.”

    The return of Teddy Roosevelt.

    • Timeloose

      I thought the Glock comment was a bit of a trying to sound ethnic moment.

      A pistol would have been an ok comment.

      • juris imprudent

        You would’ve known it was totally ethnic if she had talked about holding it sideways while shooting (at the range).

      • Timeloose

        It could have also been a case of thinking all guns were glocks.

      • Suthenboy

        I thought they were all assault rifles.

    • Suthenboy

      Shades of Lurch…has anyone checked to see if Walz has a hunting license?

    • R C Dean

      “Harris revealed she owns a Glock”

      I would have said Harris claims she owns a Glock.

      “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.”

      I have no doubt that in CA and DC, the castle doctrine does not allow you to shoot someone solely because they have broken into your house. Not quite as bad as Biden’s “shoot through the door”, but in that zip code, anyway. Of course, in her house in DC, at least, she won’t be doing the shooting anyway.

      • juris imprudent

        Actual CA law does support shooting anyone who breaks into your house.

        CA D.A.s may not.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Walz has previously bragged about being the best shot in Congress when he served in the House.

    Reminiscing Saturday about going on previous shoots with his fellow Minnesota congressional delegation, Walz said, “I used to love that congressional shoot, but it was kind of dangerous because it was all Second Amendment guys that didn’t really know” how to shoot.

    Ooh, zing.

    • Suthenboy

      This is the guy that made me cringe and cover my eyes while he handled a shotgun?
      Everything about the Dem’s campaign is fraudulent. What they want is to recreate the USSR here in America. They want us to be unburdened by what has been (inalienable rights).
      If you missed the Levin show last night you should find it and watch it.

    • R C Dean

      “Walz has previously bragged about being the best shot in Congress when he served in the House.”

      He was in Congress from 2007 – 2019. There were probably a dozen or more former Marines in Congress while he was there. I would bet on them being better shots than Walz.

      • Fourscore

        Damn it, man, Walz was a Command Sergeant Major!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Would love to see the entire contents of his 201 file, including his NCOERs and qualification records.

    • Pat

      Walz said, “I used to love that congressional shoot, but it was kind of dangerous because it was all Second Amendment guys that didn’t really know” how to shoot.

      As long as we’re leaning on anecdotes, the 2nd Amendment guys have Kyle Rittenhouse. Antifa has Garrett Foster.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Oh, I think there was no way Walz was supposed to actually shoot a bird. Not the optics for their XX and low-T XY constituency. I mean, even a few pix of him with a gun in his hand was pushing it.

    Yeah, the sight of Walz proudly holding up a floppy dead bird would not do them any favors with the radical environmental voters.

  37. Tres Cool

    Shopping for a cheap/mid-range shotgun for Tres Ver 2.0 for trap.
    I’m looking at a Stoeger 20 ga side by side. I know nothing of the brand.

    And input from the shooting Glibs ?

      • Tres Cool


    • Fourscore

      I think most shoot over/unders, bored Trap-Trap.

      Take a trip to a Trap Shoot, look around, get a consensus. You’ll also meet some nice folks that will encourage youngsters to shoot.

      • Fourscore

        Oh yeah, you won’t see an 20s at trap. Skeet shooters have more fun.

        There’s an old story, If you drive by a club on a Sunday after a meet you can tell what they were shooting from the parking lot.

        Skeet shooters have the trunk open and a cooler of beer

        Trap guys/girls are trying to trade guns…

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Ask Tim Walz!

  38. The Late P Brooks


    An expert who studies authoritarianism and fascism said Trump’s rhetoric about criminalizing dissent is familiar, and could carry serious implications for the country if he’s elected president.

    “This is out of the autocratic playbook. As autocrats consolidate their power once they’re in office, anything that threatens their power, or exposes their corruption, or releases information that’s harmful to them in any way becomes illegal,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian and professor at New York University who wrote the 2020 book “Strongmen: From Mussolini to the Present.”

    “He’s actually rehearsing, in a sense, what he would be doing as head of state, which is what Orban does, Modi is doing, Putin has long done,” she said, referring to the leaders of Hungary, India and Russia, respectively. “Just as there’s a divide now because of this brainwashing about who is a patriot and who is a criminal about Jan. 6, right? In the same way, telling the truth in any area — journalists, scientists, even people like me, anybody who is engaged in objective inquiry, prosecutors, of course — they become criminal elements and they need to be shut down.”

    Democrats would never ever advocate muzzling their political opponents.

    • R C Dean

      “Just as there’s a divide now because of this brainwashing about who is a patriot and who is a criminal about Jan. 6, right?“

      Well, yes, but not the way you mean.

    • cyto

      It really is astonishing.

      I think they really are running cover by accusing their opponents of what they themselves are doing.

      • rhywun

        I think they really are running cover by accusing their opponents of what they themselves are doing.

        It makes me wonder if the MSM is publishing any of the left’s promises to do exactly what they are accusing Trump of here. I mean they say it quite openly and in public; the MSM can’t be just not talking about it at all?!

      • Suthenboy

        They have been doing this for a long time…all projection all of the time…but I dont remember them doing it this openly and transparently. I am sure they are counting on cheating their way into power and dont give a flying fuck what voters think.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont recall Trump threatening to criminalize dissent. Did I miss it? Where? When?
      I do recall Harris, Clinton and Kerry doing that and not just dissent, I guess on how you define that, but ‘disinformation’, i.e. anything not approved by the Ministry of Truth.

    • Suthenboy

      Wow. The progjection is so strong that reading that excerpt actually hurt my brain.

  39. Spudalicious

    “(note that Spud ignored this because of his scat fixation)”

    Coughing isn’t funny. Shitting yourself when you coughed? Now that’s funny.

  40. juris imprudent

    For the tosu fans – at least you don’t have it as bad as Bama fans (from ESPN):

    But what was essentially a “sad middle-aged dad considers life after divorce” week came oh-so-close to melting down into a full-blown “We’re getting hair plugs and a Cybertruck” scenario as Alabama saw a 14-0 lead evaporate against South Carolina, then struggled deep into the second half.

    • creech

      tOSU fans can look forward to the annual beat down of tPSU in a few weeks.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I’m guessing we are going to see infrastructure build up soon. Starlink satellites into Larange points, moon orbit then Mars orbit.

      • Suthenboy

        I say full steam ahead on the technology but I still cant think of a good reason to go to Mars.

    • rhywun

      this may be the most top to bottom potemkin campaign in amercian history


    • Raven Nation

      Man, that ad is, umm, odd.

      But, like El Gato, I kind of wonder what’s going on here…incompetence for sure. But do Kamala’s advisors see (a) a chunk of D voters who need to be reassured that her campaign is just mom and apple pie and/or (b) think they can pick up a bunch of R voters if they can convince them of the everyman idea?

      • trshmnstr

        “We’ve become the party of cat ladies. Quick, somebody ask Chat GPT to get the men back!”

      • Suthenboy

        “i’m not even sure they can tell the difference anymore on real vs fake, lies vs truth, spin vs essence. i’m not sure it’s even a distinction they TRY to draw. for them it just seems to be “tell me what i need to tell these proles to make them vote for me and we’ll go tell them” and “the world is what we say it is.”


        I would point out again that it is important to distinguish between the Faustian and Machiavellian – The Democratic Party appears to be exclusively populated with both – the amoral and the immoral.

        Also, wife laughed out loud when I read ‘…the morals of a cane snake raised by Lucretia Borgia..’

    • Suthenboy

      This for a member of the Biden admin….the worst freak show to ever inhabit the White House. The trannies, twinks and freaks are just regular ol’ folks.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Good article, Tundra. They are completely unselfaware.

    • Suthenboy

      All signs point to DOOM

    • Tres Cool

      The coronal ejection and subsequent auroas knocked it out of whack.

  42. Tres Cool

    My buddy is on vacation and sent me a pic of the Grand Canyon.

    I told him not to take it for granite.

      • Ted S.

        I mean, it wasn’t a gneiss pun.

      • Shpip

        Keep this up, and Swiss will send STEVE SMITH after you.

        And no quartz would convict him.

      • dbleagle

        I Vishnu would stop these puns. These are not worthy to Tapeats and would make Toroweap..

  43. UnCivilServant

    Okay I’ve got an issue.

    The corkscrew I’ve been using to open mead bottles just cracked the bottle I was opening. While I managed to get the large chunks away from the bottle mouth, I don’t want my corkcrew breaking the bottles of stuff I plan to drink.

    The metal lever is the culpret, as it is the point of contact between the force and the glass.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for an afforable corkscrew that isn’t going to risk glass chips in my mead?

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Deliver us from evil

    On Sunday, the former congresswoman said her previous comments “reflect absolutely that we had a policy disagreement on a series of issues,” but added, “that’s why it’s so important for people to focus on the fact that I am supporting her now, and that there’s such a broad coalition that’s coming together to support her.”

    “It’s based in part on who she is, on the fact that she will lead with a sincere heart, on the fact that she is somebody who’s dedicated her life to public service, and looking at what Donald Trump poses, the kind of of chaotic, absolute depravity that he would bring if he were ever to be elected again,” Cheney added.

    Are we even worthy of such a leader?

    • rhywun

      My god whatever the Dems have on her, it must be a doozy.

      • Suthenboy

        Is she on the Epstein island guest list?

      • Tres Cool

        Diddy’s Freak-a-Thon.

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