1. Chipping Pioneer

    You know how to tell the Walz pheasant hunt is fake? All of their hats are identical and brand new.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      And, good morning, Banjos.

    • AlexinCT

      Not just the hats. It looks like a bunch of dysfunctional idiots that can’t wait for the cameras to go off so they can go home. I bet they were paid to be there and they quickly realized they had signed up to end up on Candid Camera.

    • Not Adahn

      Why would you think it’s fake? I imagine Walz greatly enjoys hunting peasants.

      • AlexinCT

        I thought he hunted Wascally Wabbits?

    • Drake

      I have a Beretta shotgun. I loads smoother than butter. That was just an embarrassing display. It would be fun to see Kamala try to load her Glock.

      • WTF

        Since her Glock probably doesn’t exist, that might be a problem.

      • AlexinCT

        Some people do air guitars. She would do an air Glock?

      • Chipping Pioneer

        I was thinking either it needs a major cleaning, or he was trying to load a 3 1/2″ shell into a 3″ chamber.

      • R.J.

        Let the euphemisms begin….

      • Rat on a train

        Let the euphemisms begin….
        Walz’s butt hurts???

      • EvilSheldon

        Five gets you ten, he shoved a shell into the magazine backwards.

      • Evan from Evansville

        She sure could lock n load a Cock back in the day. Bet she still can.

        Like ridin’ the village bike.

      • DrOtto

        Maybe it’s a ghost Glock?

      • Grummun

        trying to load a 3 1/2″ shell

        Because he doesn’t want to just kill the pheasant, he wants to reduce it to component particles.

        I know, the more likely explanation is that he wouldn’t have known the difference if he was trying to jam his wife’s lipstick into the magazine.

      • Not Adahn

        Re: Kammy’s Glock,

        ‘Member some years back there was a data breach and a list of Cali CCL holders got leaked? Arfcom did a search, and her name was not on the list.

        This doesn’t necessarily mean that she didn’t have one, apparently some connected people got their names taken off the list, but it’s evidence.

      • R C Dean

        My recollection from the time I loaded a shell backwards was that it loaded just fine. It was when it tried to feed that shit went sideways. Looks to me like he couldn’t even get the gun loaded. Now, trying to chamber one that is backwards, that might be it. He might be trying to chamber his first round from the mag tube, and loaded that one backwards.

        Since he wasn’t actually going to shoot, I’m not even sure why he was loading in the first place.

      • Not Adahn

        Did anyone verify that the mag tube was plugged, or is Walz a poacher?

    • The Other Kevin

      I knew I could trust the Glibs to pick apart that dog and pony show. 🙂

  2. Rat on a train

    Joe’s 2024 Exit Results in Hunter Biden’s ‘Art’ to Face Value Plunge
    Maybe he can work for the Clinton Foundation.

    • UnCivilServant

      Why? They already have their nepotism hire, and the Bidens are not part of their faction.

      • Rat on a train

        Comment on how “donations” to the Clinton Foundation also significantly dropped after she was denied what was rightfully hers.

      • AlexinCT

        And THAT was one of the things she hated the most about the deplorables voting for him.

    • rhywun

      Biden’s ‘Art’

      Meh. I wouldn’t pay, well, anything for it – but I liked some of it.

      • MikeS

        As far as that style of art goes, I thought some were OK, too. And the value is going to be inflated just because of the artist’s name. But a million bucks? Nothing to see here, citizen!

    • WTF

      Huh, it’s almost like people weren’t actually paying for its value as art. Can’t imagine what they were paying for, though, it’s a real puzzler.

      • The Other Kevin

        This is so shocking to me. I was told repeatedly he’s just a very talented, up and coming artist. They wouldn’t have been LYING, would they?

  3. juris imprudent

    Though the $1.5 million was allocated in a 2023 Development Fund (DF), it isn’t clear how much of the funding has been spent to date. It’s part of a larger $6.5 million package for LGBTQ initiatives across the globe, including in the Middle East and Africa regions, the source told the DCNF.

    Right, Congress already appropriate the money, and then one [un-named] committee decides against that? I don’t think so. Love the anonymous sourcing due to sensitivity.

    • AlexinCT

      They really believe people are this stupid.

    • Rat on a train

      Anonymous sources are the most reliable. It must be true if they are risking their career leaking information …

  4. rhywun

    Congress Froze $1.5 Million For Foreign LGBTQ Initiatives — But Biden-Harris Admin Is Spending It Anyway

    Nothing left to cut.

    • AlexinCT

      I am stuck between if it is that they think it is more important to help this crowd, or of it is just a racket where that money sent there just ends up right back in NGOs that service dnc/democrats or directly into democrat campaign coffers.

      • WTF

        Embrace the power of “and”.

    • juris imprudent

      Cut the entire USAID out of the budget – $40B+ and stop worrying about the penny ante shit.

      • rhywun

        Now you’re just being ridiculous.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Cut the entire USAID out of the budget – $40B+ and stop worrying about the penny ante shit.

        RHINO: But the media would kill us.

        JI: Did I mention we’d also cut the entire NPR budget too? So who will really report it?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        If a bear shits in the woods, who is gonna report on it? Is that what you are saying, your Holiness?

      • Homple

        Probably a lot of USAID money gets spent by the CIA for its destabilization efforts, like prying Georgia loose from Russia.

        “As the U.S. government continues its steadfast support of Georgia’s integration into western political and economic structures, USAID’s five-year Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) guides our partnership with Georgia.”


    • invisible finger

      Comes out to about 20 nannies.

    • WTF

      Police said last night they were not going to name the dead Briton.

      Splatty McSplatface?

      • rhywun

        It’s not like he wanted attention or anything.

    • AlexinCT

      I guess they need to distract people from the fact the coming election is now outside the margin of fortification, is my take.

    • rhywun

      Federal law prohibits the military from shooting down drones near military bases in the U.S. unless they pose an imminent threat.

      I’m failing to guess at a reason for such a law other than it might hinder our CCP friends from inspecting our bases?

    • R C Dean

      Those things are big, too – 20 feet long.

      They come in on a regular schedule, in groups. Gosh, you think it might be possible to follow them or backtrack along the route they come in on, and find out where they are coming from and who is sending them? It sounds like the thought has never crossed anyone’s mind.

      • MikeS

        Solving that mystery, even for the world’s pre-eminent superpower, proved easier said than done. Local police were among the first to try.

        For two nights, starting on Dec. 6, Hampton, Va., officers chased the drones, by patrol car and on foot, relaying momentary sightings along with information from Langley over police radios: One was seen in the area of Marshall Street or Gosnold’s Hope Park.

        Three more appeared to land but returned to the air before officers could reach them. Another looked like it landed offshore. Police finally gave up.

      • R C Dean

        Err, maybe they could use, you know airborne military assets of some kind? I mean, if they can lay their hands on any at a freaking Air Force base.

        Rather than relying on local police driving around?

      • MikeS

        The could. And you could read the article.

    • Grummun

      Yup, that’s a mystery all right. Now, I’m just spitballing here, but maybeeeee – it’s the local Chi Comm military intelligence listening post.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Nah, the Chinese use balloons!

    • Pope Jimbo

      The plan was to pass shoot at them with shotguns.

      However, after all the troops – trained by Command Sgt Major Tim Walz – had managed to load their shotguns the drones had already left the area.

      • AlexinCT

        The fact that we keep pretending China is not at war with us baffles me. Fuck, Lenin was not kidding when he mentioned the capitalists would sell him the rope to hang them with.

      • rhywun

        Only because western governments let it happen.

      • Homple

        Dear Chinese Exclusion Act,

        Please come back. All is forgiven.

      • LCDR_Fish

        The last couple of hacking events – directly tied to CCP organizations – seems like an act of war…unless it doesn’t really count because if we point out exactly that these massive hacks into our comms structure are directly tied to the government – rather than anonymous reporting….it gives up our “assets”???

      • rhywun

        Wow, that headline.

      • R C Dean

        The interesting thing is that pronouncements by government officials are taken as the gospel truth, the final word. Oh, the mayor said there’s not a problem? Then there’s not a problem and no further inquiry is needed. Those videos and first-hand reports can be disregarded, comrade.

        See, also, Haitians eating cats and whatnot in Ohio.

      • AlexinCT

        The interesting thing is that pronouncements by government officials are taken as the gospel truth, the final word. Oh, the mayor said there’s not a problem?

        If these assumptions you mention didn’t always go one way for team red, and a completely other way for team blue, this wouldn’t be a big deal. But the pattern clearly shows that this isn’t done accidentally, and is clearly intended to brainwash people into believing lies about either team red or team blue.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?”

      • R.J.

        Every. Time.
        Amazing how people fall for it. Or do they?

      • rhywun

        I’d say we’re easily at step 4.

        Step 3 is things like “bail reform” and “empty the jails”.

        Step 4 is the Harris campaign.

    • MikeS

      As much as I dislike Donny, this is what has infuriated me about the press, libs, and never-Trump Republicans; the asshole talks in hyperbole all the time. Constantly. He can’t talk about anything without exaggeration. And they fucking know that. But they use to it fuel “lie counters” and to make ridiculous arguments like Martha did here. Almost enough to get me to vote for the piece of shit.

      • The Other Kevin

        This bothers the hell out of me too. There is a big difference between a) “This is the best number ever” (fact check: it’s the best number in 40 years), and b) “Reality is completely opposite of what you’re seeing with your own eyes and if you say otherwise you’re spreading disinformation.”

      • rhywun

        Bothers me too but they’d just find other ways to shit on him even if he wasn’t talking out his ass.

        See: JD Vance

      • AlexinCT

        Bothers me too but they’d just find other ways to shit on him even if he wasn’t talking out his ass.

        So much that…

        The people opposed to Trump are not rational. If somehow the guy tomorrow came out and told people he had invested his entire fortune into cancer research and they had found a cure for most cancers, the media news would be “Evil Cheeto man helps pay for racist, misogynist, and homophobic research that only cures honkey and straight breeder’s cancers!” Even if that was inaccurate or outright false.

        They can’t help themselves. They admit they are compelled to lie because they can’t have him, but more importantly IMO, the people that support him and these marxist cuntes look down upon as deplorables, win.

  5. AlexinCT

    If for any reason you think the left isn’t petty and downright fucking evil, check this revelation out:

    The plan to increase the number of rocket blasts into space up to 50 a year was rejected by the California Coastal Commission on Thursday despite assurances from Space Force and Air Force officials that they would increase efforts to monitor the effects that rocket launches have on nearby wildlife.

    The military also vowed to mitigate the reach of sonic booms that often span across 100 miles of coastline, an issue that has caused controversy.

    Members of the California Coastal Commission commended Space Force and Air Force representatives for reaching an agreement, but some cited their concerns about Musk, the owner of SpaceX, before rejecting the plan.

    Among the issues raised were Musk’s decision to insert himself in the presidential race, his spreading of conspiracy theories, the labor record of his companies and derogatory comments he has made about the transgender community.

    They are willing to hurt national defense and the American economy over their evil politics.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Yep, Vandenburg AFB. I bought a car around there once, and tried to buy another that had been abandoned, a Sunbeam Alpine.

      • EvilSheldon

        What kind of subhuman would abandon a Sunbeam Alpine?

    • juris imprudent

      No, they are willing to do what they are allowed to do. This is a bureaucracy with no accountability. You can call it evil as though it is Satan himself pulling the strings, but this is NO DIFFERENT than cops abusing their legitimate authority without ever being punished for that.

      Also, you will note that Musk is just the latest excuse for the Coastal Commission flexing its muscle. The correct response from the USAF is to tell them to fuck off, that they have no authority over federal property (which the base is).

      • AlexinCT

        A decade ago I would have agreed with your opinion on this just being people with power abusing the power cause they could. But over the last decade I have seen them claim incompetence and ineptitude, over and over again, to get away with horribly evil shit. Admitting to incompetence didn’t happen before because it was a clear way to lose your job. Admitting ineptitude was considered a real serious problem. Now it is the working excuse for every time they do something that is blatantly evil and obviously intended to thwart the people finding out they are a criminal enterprise.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, I mean, if you want to call all government criminal, you can. Puts you out there on anarchist island, but it has a certain consistency.

      • AlexinCT

        When a government’s priority no longer is to serve the people, but to serve its own purposes and grow itself, it has become a criminal entity.

        That was not me. That, badly paraphrased by me, came from a bunch of young landowners that wore wigs and had wooden teeth and told some British monarch to go suck dick when he tried to take their shit.

      • juris imprudent

        Our Founders weren’t exactly saintly men, nor was the cause as noble as we like to imagine. In drafting up the Constitution, Hamilton had a big part in the bit about the war debt being nationalized, and since communications weren’t what they are today – a cabal of Federalists gobbled up the “worthless” state bonds that would be made whole by the new national govt. Tell me that wasn’t criminal.

    • R C Dean

      I’m wondering when Musk is going to start telling the government that their payloads are going to be delayed. Sorry, but what with the restrictions on SpaceX launches and all, he just can’t put up the payloads he could otherwise, and that includes theirs.

    • Fourscore

      This guy gets it. Thanks, Jimbo

      • Pope Jimbo

        We still need to haze him and make him eat lutefish though? Right?

      • Fourscore

        Now you’re making me hungry…

  6. AlexinCT

    How Biden’s fury at being ‘overthrown’ by Kamala now threatens to derail her campaign

    Maybe being petty isn’t a good thing, but in this case, it is good he is doing it to people that did it to him first.

    • R.J.

      And I support him in that. First time ever. Screw them over, Biden!

      • juris imprudent

        My money on the push behind this is soon-to-be-former First Lady Dr. President-by-proxy.

      • Rat on a train

        She will have to deal with Joe without the perks of office.

      • Pope Jimbo

        She is going to put him in a home the day after the inauguration isn’t she?

        And no one will visit.

      • Rat on a train

        The staff can pretend it is the White House. He won’t know.

    • Rat on a train

      How dare you coup the coup.

  7. AlexinCT

    Trump Confirms Upcoming Appearance On Joe Rogan Experience

    This one is a real pain for the people that think the way to communicate & connect with the peasants is to go on some sex podcast that is popular with batshit crazy women that are desperate to think they are gurl bosses and can own men.

  8. PieInTheSky

    Twenty years ago it was simple: to any problem, freedom was the answer. But in recent years I have become less sanguine. Some might say I have grown up. Still, I have this uneasy feeling that Western societies are beset with problems and that freedom is not always the answer.

    I thought what I would do was to write down the biggest problems facing us here in Britain, write down the libertarian approach and assess in a blog post if it would be successful or not. Well, like many of my big ideas that soon ran into the buffers of indolence. But I did manage to identify what I think are the biggest problems – or crises as I call them – that we face. They are (in approximate order of importance):

    1. The Freedom of Speech Crisis. Cancel culture, de-banking, lawfare and actual punishment are being used to prevent people from expressing their opinions. Much of this is being done in the nominally private sector. If this continues the results will be disastrous.

    2. The Integration Crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people live in this country and have no affection for its people or its customs and more are coming every day. This is a recipe for an Ulster on the grand scale.

    3. The Debt Crisis. Government spending is unsustainable. Mind you, I was thinking that 15 years ago.

    4. The Housing Crisis. Young people cannot afford a home where they can bring up children.

    5. The Net Zero Crisis. OK, this hasn’t happened yet but when the electricity goes off, modern society will come to a halt.

    6. The Ukraine Crisis. Well, you can add in Israel, Taiwan and probably a few other places too. The West is under military attack by people who would like to see it destroyed.

    7. The NHS Crisis. Long waits for poor care and indifferent service.

    There are a couple that tend to get mentioned regularly that I haven’t included. The Migration Crisis is really part of the Integration Crisis and part of the Housing Crisis. Wokery is part of the Integration Crisis (again) and also part of the Freedom of Speech Crisis.

    People occasionally mention the Population Crisis – not enough babies being born. I tend to think this is either not a problem at all (the market will sort it out) or something that is beyond politics.

    Is there anything I’ve missed? Do libertarians have the answer?


    • AlexinCT

      Still, I have this uneasy feeling that Western societies are beset with problems and that freedom is not always the answer.

      All our problems come from people that want to control other people so they can try to create marxist utopia. And all we get is piles and piles of bodies.

      • juris imprudent

        Considering that Marx is part of Western culture/philosophy, the relevant question is – is Western culture a suicide pact?

      • AlexinCT

        You know, I actually have been wondering that myself right now JI. Thing is I keep coming back to the fact thinking people wouldn’t go there. Of course, we live in the age of batshit crazy women cowing everyone into letting them set policies.

      • juris imprudent

        Alex, this is why it is worthwhile to study Nietzsche, because he saw all of this. I really don’t think he would be shocked at all by the current state of Western life. The contradictions were built in, and it was only a matter of how it played out.

        The problem is the values being at odds with rationality.

      • Homple

        Thoughtful people are taking another look at the Enlightenment and noticing that its ideas led to the present mess in Western Civ.

        Nietzsche’s “The Birth of Tragedy” was an early and accurate critique of it.

    • Drake

      Is the West under military attack? Or are they shoving their collective dicks into places they don’t belong then acting surprised when it hurts?

      • AlexinCT

        Fucking a pile of rocks on the off chance there is a snake in it, or sticking your dick into a hornet’s nest cause you want to get off, are never good things?

      • Raven Nation

        Yeah, Scott Horton did a podcast a few months back about one of the drone attacks (Syria? Jordan) and the guest he had on was livid. His take (and it’s hard to argue with), in summary was that the troops in those bases in the middle east are being stationed there for the sole purpose of being attacked so the people in charge have a basis for retaliatory strikes.

      • Drake

        Now we have guys in Israel waiting to get shot at.

    • R C Dean

      “2. The Integration Crisis.”

      I have no trouble reconciling minarchism and immigration controls. For more of a purist approach, you can simply ban non-citizens from any and all government benefits, which will help immensely. It might help if you didn’t think of it as an integration crisis, which presupposes unlimited immigration, and started thinking of it as an immigration crisis (which he kinda almost gets).

      “5. The Net Zero Crisis.”

      Entirely a creation of the government. It would never arise under a minarchy. This is true of almost all the other crises.

      • Pope Jimbo


        Do you even unintended consequence?

        If we banned illegal aliens from attending public schools, they’d just run their own private schools for a fraction of the cost and better results. How would that look for public schools?!

        And think of all the education union members who’d be out of a cushy govt job! No more ESL teachers, no more administrators to manage ESL learners, etc.

    • Raven Nation

      “Some might say I have grown up” Ah yes the old, “it’s OK for immature people to not believe in the power of the state but, once you grow up, well..”

  9. Tonio

    Apologies to Not Adahn and the readers of IFLA. It was an incredibly busy weekend for me and I forgot to schedule the column. I’ll run it this evening at 19:00 server time.

    • AlexinCT

      Was it busy and fun, or busy and not fun?

    • Tonio

      It was both busy and fun. Three events in three days. One attended, one hosted, one traveled to and from.

      • juris imprudent

        Well, now you have the week to rest up.

    • Swiss Servator

      IN A SHAMELESS POWER PLAY, UTILIZING EDITORIAL POWER…. I have re-rescheduled IFLA for 3pm today.

      That way I get a day off.

      Everything back to normal next week.

      • AlexinCT

        Paraphrasing the Latin “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” I ask, who will give the Glib frowner the frown??

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Have the Pali’s returned the hostages? Because if the “world” isn’t pushing for that, Israel is gonna keep going, with cause.

      • rhywun

        The world seems uninterested in the hostages.

      • Ted S.

        I thought the Israelis were all already killed on the beaches by the Houthis anyway.

    • R C Dean

      “But they are hopeful to get a big war going in the Middle East.”

      The locals seem perfectly capable of escalating the long-standing war in the ME without our assistance.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        This seems to be forgotten in the west; these two groups have wanted to kill each other for a long, long time. Maybe we ought to just let them get it over with.

      • Drake

        Yes – I just don’t want us included in those festivities.

      • rhywun

        these two groups have wanted to kill each other for a long, long time

        Which two groups?

        I know killing Jews is kind of baked into the culture/religion/politics of one of the groups. Not so sure about other(s).

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh that’s nothing, Arabs have been fighting everybody since Arabs have existed.

    • juris imprudent

      Alex, I’ll give you 10 grand if you promise to spend it wisely. And I’ll give you another 10 grand next year even if you don’t. Deal?

      • AlexinCT

        Well, with that logic…

        What is the nuddie bar we hitting first JI?

  10. Fourscore

    We hear a lot about Walz’s 24 year military career but when it is broken down it changes quite a bit.

    As a National Guard reservist Walz trained about 50 days a year, plus a couple weeks of summer camp, so make it about 60 days, 2 months a year. 2 X 24 gives him 48 months or 4 years. Throw in some extra school time, probably 5 years max.

    Compare Walz’s 5 year Command Sergeant Major time to an active duty E9 with 24 years service and there’s a big difference. In terms of real military service Walz comes out like a 40 year old Sgt E-5 that’s full of BS.

    • AlexinCT

      The man was what we jokingly call a “Weekend Warrior”, and from what I have seen he was even subpar for that moniker.

      • Homple

        I wanna be an NG warrior
        I wanna live a life of ease
        I wanna be an NG warrior
        Get me out of the Army, please.

    • Fourscore

      We used to jokingly say “Faster than a brand new E-5 on the way to the NCO Club”

      • Pope Jimbo

        Uffda. Us E-4’s never get any love.

      • AlexinCT

        Oh come on your holiness. Don’t you guys get to march around the the new recruits making them sing “This is my weapon, this is my gun. This one’s for shooting, and this one’s for fun”?

        Cause that is some serious respek.


        E-4s get plenty of love when you need to get some sketchy business done.

        “Specialist, I am going to send you and your guys home early when all of the platoon’s motorpool basic issue items are ‘found.”

      • UnCivilServant

        Deploying young Minnesotans as cooks is a crime against humanity.

      • Homple

        What do you have against tuna hot dish, Jello salad and lemon bars?

      • Gender Traitor

        Please just leave the shredded carrots out of the Jello. 🤢

    • Drake

      When was in the Guard, we’d go to the rifle range a couple times a year. Our Training NCO would pull former Marines like me and former Regular Army Infantry guys and make us the range coaches. Because holy crap most of those guys couldn’t shoot a rifle. Most of the old Tankers were fumbling with their M16s as bad as Walz with that shotgun.

      To be fair, many of them qualified with a M2 Grease Gun in tank school and had rarely touched an M16/4.


        I ran a pistol range for a bunch of intel officers at Ft. Meade.

        It was a harrowing experience.

        I almost felt safer on a movement in Mosul.

        That Walz video gives me flashbacks of that.

    • tripacer

      Experiences in the Guard can vary. I was in the Guard for 18 years, but around 10 of that was active duty. Are they saying that Walz was M-day for the entire 24 years (minus schools and such)? I have a hard time believing that.

      • Drake

        He punched out as soon a deployment was on the horizon.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yup, that’s my understanding too.

        It was my experience that even M day leadership spent a lot of time at the drill hall outside of drill weekends, whether planning, extra duty, or just going over things. When I was making up drills during week, it wasn’t unusual for the CO or 1SG to drop in.

  11. AlexinCT

    No fucking way this is true

    If FEMA really has $20 billion it has not yet spent, but it claimed it was out of money so it was not able to help, the only way to look at this is that our unaccountable and unelected government bureaucracies are all captured by the dnc crime syndicate and willing to ignore their actual duties in favor of political wins.

    • juris imprudent

      I notice that no one is talking about which FY the funding is in. I suspect the Speaker is talking about FY25, which started two weeks ago. I believe when Mayorkas opened his fat mouth, it was Sept – the end of FY24.

  12. Pope Jimbo

    The pheasant opener isn’t that big of a deal in Minnesoda. The important one is the Fishing Opener.

    Walz didn’t do to well in that either. Little did we realize how typical of Walz that was at the time.

    Thin skinnned. Fake outdoorsman. Runs away. Lies.

    The Minnesota Governor’s Fishing Opener returned this weekend, but one important guest was missing from the opening ceremony: the governor himself.
    Canceled in 2020, the annual event has been a tradition in Minnesota for 73 years and marks the beginning of the summer tourism season. This year’s opener took place in Otter Tail County, home to the most lakes in the state.
    Unfortunately, when it came time for Saturday’s 8 a.m. opening ceremony, Gov. Tim Walz was already on his way back to St. Paul for “legislative negotiations,” according to Minnesota DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen.
    “I want to also let people know that, unfortunately, Gov. Walz is not going to be with us at this event this morning. He was called away to the Capitol in the midst of the legislative negotiations but I did want to say on his behalf: he was here yesterday, he enjoyed the media row activity, he enjoyed visiting a lot of local businesses,” Strommen told a crowd gathered at Otter Tail Lake.

    The commissioner said Walz woke up early Saturday morning “and went out fishing” with local guide Eric Koep, according to Forum News Service.
    “I will tell you, as you know, these legislative negotiations are very important. It’s a budget this year,” Strommen continued. “We need our budgets as state agencies or we can’t keep doing this work on behalf of our fisheries and tourism in Minnesota. So we’re going to give the governor a pass because he’s going to go help us reach a budget solution so we can keep up this fabulous work.”
    But all negotiations thus far have been conducted via Zoom, according to House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt, who didn’t “know of any negotiations today.”
    “Nor would negotiations matter at this point, it’s too late to pass the bills this session. Also, the governor doesn’t need to be included. This seems suspicious,” Daudt said.

    Locals tried to rescind his invitation to the Fishing Opener, but it didn’t work out, so he ran away before anyone could call him a tyrant in front of the media.

    • Fourscore

      “Thin skinnned. Fake outdoorsman. Runs away. Lies.”

      I read “Carpet bagger Minnesota governor misses Most Important Event of the year”

      I have a vacant deer stand this year but I’m afraid to invite Timmy, for a couple reasons.

      1. He may be a danger to other hunters

      2. I have to live here with my neighbors.

      • Pope Jimbo

        But think about the “fame” when Tim bags a 14 pt. queer deer from a stand on your property.

        * I had an English teacher in Jr. High who would always brag about the queer deer he shot. This was back when it was rare to get a doe tag and most people could only shoot a buck. My teacher shot a deer with a six point rack and female genitalia, hence the queer deer.

        Not even the most liberal person in our section of the boonies thought there was anything untoward about the term queer deer. I fear his story would end with his termination and blackballing from any other job as a teach in Minnesoda now days.

      • AlexinCT

        That’s cause he misgendered that poor deer and didn’t use the proper pronouns!

  13. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Watching Walz trying to load that shotgun, I am wondering why he didn’t try to stuff the tampon he always carries into it, what with being such a man and all?

      • AlexinCT

        You can shoot it up whatever hole you need it in? The Barretta injector?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I prefer the pump tampon injector. Ramington 869 model.

    • db

      Wait, he carries a tampon around with him? Is that why I’ve seen him called “Tampon Tim?”

      What woman would insert a tampon that has been carried around for a few days in the sweaty pocket of a strange man?

  14. Pope Jimbo

    Ah, the good old Cali Coastal Commission. The same folx who shut down a desalinization plant in LA.

    California regulators on Thursday rejected a $1.4 billion desalination plant on environmental grounds, dealing a setback to Governor Gavin Newsom, who had supported the project as a partial solution for the state’s sustained drought.
    The plant was designed to convert Pacific Ocean water into 50 million gallons (189.3 million liters) of drinking water a day.
    That is enough for 400,000 people, but the plant would use a process that staff experts at the commission said would devastate marine life and expose the plant to future risk of sea level rise while producing expensive water too costly for low-income consumers.
    Environmentalists have long said desalination harms ocean life, costs too much money and energy, and the plant would soon be made obsolete by water recycling.

    The same company runs a desalinization plant in San Diego. No stories about the dead zone in the ocean there caused by the plant.

    • juris imprudent

      staff experts at the commission

      People who pay no price at all for being wrong, about ANYTHING.

      • AlexinCT

        ^^^HOME RUN^^^

      • juris imprudent

        You call that evil, it isn’t. It is exactly what anyone should expect with those conditions.

    • rhywun

      It makes more sense once you recognize that these types don’t actually want water, cheap or otherwise.

    • Rat on a train

      “Any tips on picking up women?”

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        ‘Yeah, rape them.”

      • The Last American Hero

        Based on the quality of Kennedy’s side pieces vs. Clintons, I’m thinking JFK didn’t offer him any good advice.

    • EvilSheldon

      Is John Bergstrom still around? I seem to remember him doing a comic on this very photo…

    • AlexinCT

      That looks like someone had too much Pepto-Bismol.

    • rhywun

      Mushrooms on Toast


    • EvilSheldon

      Mushrooms on Toast – looks like some kind of fungal process, which I guess it is. Probably tasty, though.
      Peppercorn Fountain Butchers Block – FUCK YES!
      Homemade Pickle Pizza – Huh. That seems oddly edible. Just as long as they’re kosher dill pickles, and not those disgusting bread-and-butter things…

  15. juris imprudent

    White pill anyone?

    I’ve been contemplating much upon the Tree of Woe lately. In an article some months ago, a common ideology was called for. While this task is far beyond me as an individual, I put forth my thoughts to continue the decentralized effort to build an ideology capable of rectifying the mass psychosis inherent to the contrived regime consensus seeking our permanent enslavement.

  16. PieInTheSky

    Paul Krugman
    Trying to find historical models for the economic effects of mass deportation if Trump wins. One example: France, which lost many of its young men during World War I. Not encouraging (Angus Maddison via Statista)


    was this covered? This must be trolling right?

    • Rat on a train

      Britain gained young men during the war?

    • WTF

      Because productive citizens are exactly the same as unskilled foreigners on the dole.

      • Drake

        Back in the Ellis Island days of immigration, a male immigrant had to have employment within a short time after arriving. If he didn’t secure a job, he got tossed onto a ship returning the old country.

    • R C Dean

      So guess the left is now conceding that yes, there are in fact tens of millions of illegals in the country?

    • Pope Jimbo

      I can think of an example, but it might not be what he is looking for. It would throw cold water on the fondest dreams of his most avid followers.

  17. Certified Public Asshat

    Well I guess I’ll say it, Happy Columbus Day Glibs.

    • Rat on a train

      Happy Columbus Day. Hooray for the Columbian Exchange.

      • AlexinCT

        I hear the new tactic from the marxist cancel crowd that want to make my paisan Columbus go away, is to point out he may have been Jewish. As if THAT will finally make people hate him…

        In my mind it would just make Jews even more badass, but then again, I do not suffer from the marxist colonialist mental disorder these people do.

      • rhywun

        to point out he may have been Jewish

        Is that what it is? The NY Post has some click-bait on that but I didn’t click to find out the big reveal.

        But yeah, I’ve been scratching my head looking for a concise and humorous way to make fun of the “Indigenous Peoples Day” nonsense and haven’t come up with anything yet.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Columbus brought diversity to America. If he was part Jewish, he was bringing even more diversity than we realized.

      • AlexinCT

        But yeah, I’ve been scratching my head looking for a concise and humorous way to make fun of the “Indigenous Peoples Day” nonsense and haven’t come up with anything yet.

        I plan to symbolically smoke’m peace pipe (I don’t smoke) and hit the firewater hard later after work to celebrate.

      • Rat on a train

        The trannies haven’t claimed Columbus yet? Have the Black Supremacists?

      • The Last American Hero

        Today, I would like to honor the indigenous cannibals, slavers, and practitioners of human sacrifice that first inhabited the land and the spirit of which still exists.

      • juris imprudent

        Don’t forget the proper respect for every place they call sacred.

  18. Not Adahn

    Dammit, I’m getting a really poor class of scammers lately. Who sends a phishing text from “hackermail.com?”

    • Rat on a train

      I’ve received real beginner level stuff like phishing text without the link.

    • Sean

      You’ll have to wait until Trump wins to get the best scammers.

    • Grummun

      ::Dodgy email shows up in work inbox::
      ::right click Show Source::
      ::read headers….::
      From: threatsim.com …..

    • Raven Nation

      I didn’t watch the vid, but I did skim some of the comments. As I suspected, it’s just preaching to the choir (which I’m sure is the same with Trump ads).

      But this wins this morning’s prize for lacking self-awareness: “I’m so SICK and TIRED of his trash talking America and everyone in it down!!!”

    • rhywun

      It still amuses me that they think “MAGA” is a pejorative.

      Anyway, haven’t the people already spoken about how desirable a place to live Detroit is?

    • Rat on a train

      1950 1,849,568 13.9%
      1960 1,670,144 −9.7%
      1970 1,511,482 −9.5%
      1980 1,203,368 −20.4%
      1990 1,027,974 −14.6%
      2000 951,270 −7.5%
      2010 713,777 −25.0%
      2020 639,111 −10.5%
      2023 (e) 633,218 −0.9%
      It’s almost back to its golden days.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I looked that up too. The drop from 2000 to 2010 is astonishing.

      • juris imprudent

        Last Republican to hold the officially-speaking-nonpartisan-office of mayor, 1962.

      • Beau Knott

        I’ve posted this before, but it’s apropos. Dated 2011…

  19. AlexinCT

    Hey, has anyone else noticed that Harris talks the way a 1st grader would deliver a book report on something she didn’t bother to research but that had to be 500 words long, or is that just me making a misobservation?

    • The Last American Hero

      I’d say 7th grader, but the point stands. I also can’t stand the constant nodding of her head. She looks like a chicken when she talks.

      • juris imprudent

        Must be the way those neck muscles were trained.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yes. Alternates between having to give a school speech and a drunk at the bar pouring out her big thoughts.

    • PieInTheSky

      she is talking that way so libertarians have a chance to understand

      • AlexinCT

        I am going to plan a trip out to Vampire country just to come give you some holy water to drink, buddy…

    • The Other Kevin

      She’s trying to be a slick politician but she has zero skills. Someone with the charisma of Clinton or Obama could get away with just speaking in vague platitudes, but she comes across as dumb.

    • B.P.

      Dave Smith has been making this observation on his podcast.

  20. Shpip

    Attention GlibsCruisers:

    In response to a request, I’ll be hosting a cruise-related Zoom on our channel on Tuesday at 9PM EDT to go over any last-minute questions or concerns that you might have.

    If there are scheduling conflicts or more questions than I can answer, we can do another Zoom on Thursday.

    It’ll be on the regular always-open Zoom address available from the Glibs homepage.

    • EvilSheldon

      Ooh, good plan. I’ll go find my webcam.

  21. PieInTheSky

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration contract (2023)
    Amount: $2,855,929
    Recipient: LMI Consulting, LLC
    Purpose: NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) embarked on a venture to incorporate and deeply engrain diversity, inclusion, equity, and accessibility (DEIA) in the culture and business


    • rhywun

      As commanded by Joe Biden on day one of his administration.

    • R C Dean

      “the worker costs of privatization”

      I’m guessing that refers to getting rid of the feather-bedding, the no-shows, and the incompetent?

  22. KSuellington

    If TDog actually does go on Rogan that will be huge. It will be the most watched podcast interview of all time. I predicted a Trump win the day they got their mugshot of him, back over a year ago well before the first primaries. I think I will be correct on that prediction.

    • PieInTheSky

      Rogan needs to bring Kamala at the same time and moderate

      • KSuellington

        That would be epic, and far superior to any “debate”, but we all know the chances of that happening.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Radical militia

    Government emergency workers in the US responding to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina were relocated over the weekend amid concerns that “armed militia” could pose a threat to their safety.

    According to an email obtained by the Washington Post, a US Forest Service official sent out a message warning that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) “has advised all federal responders Rutherford County, NC, to stand down and evacuate the county immediately”.

    The message said that soldiers with the national guard “had come across x2 trucks of armed militia saying there were out hunting FEMA”.


    The politicization of the response to Helene and later Milton has provided a recruitment opportunity for white supremacist groups who have assembled in devastated regions that government emergency services have struggled to reach as part of a recruitment drive and PR effort.

    I’m going to file that under more unsubstantiated rumors and disinformation impeding the rescue effort.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The USFS says that FEMA says that the NG says they saw armed militia… okay… I blame bored 19 year old cooks.

      • juris imprudent

        With that chain, I’d say 4chan is the most likely source.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, I don’t believe any of that.

      The Guardian strikes again.

      • juris imprudent

        Every time you think they just can’t possibly be dumber.

    • R C Dean

      Well, if they were wanting a pretext to further fuck over the Deep Red part of a swingable state, this will certainly do the job.

      I totally believe a couple of pickup trucks full of hill jacks is just going to volunteer that they are out hunting FEMA. If anything they probably were asking the NG where the hell FEMA is, because they know where they can make themselves useful.

      And, of course, when NG soldiers run across possible domestic terrorists, they tell . . . the Forest Service? Yeah, that checks out.

  24. PieInTheSky

    After today’s SpaceX launch it seems increasingly likely that this man will be Bishop of Mars.

    According to the 1917 Code of Canon Law, any newly discovered territory is placed under the diocese from which the expedition left. Bishop Daniel Flores is the bishop of Brownsville.


      • Suthenboy

        Yikes. Correct number, yes, but still quite fucked up.

  25. Gustave Lytton

    24-Year Military Veteran And Self-Described ‘Gun Guy’ Tim Walz Struggles To Wrangle His Own Firearm

    He reminds me of myself the first time I had to handle a shotgun without instruction. I would imagine zero weapons familiarization with a shotgun during his 24 years.

      • Rat on a train

        He looks scared of the rifle.

      • Suthenboy

        They cant have my guns. The answer is no.

  26. DEG

    Good morning one and all to another beautiful day!

    It’s raining and shitty here.

    Fourscore, I have tea with lemon and honey while I’m sick. It helps.

    • Fourscore

      A spoonful in the oatmeal every morning for preventive maintenance

  27. The Late P Brooks

    The Guardian strikes again.

    They’re “reporting” on a waPo sources-say story. Repeating the rumor gives it credibility.

    It’s not like the any “legitimate journalists” are going to waste their time verifying a solid story like that one.

  28. Fourscore

    “According to Walz’s own testimony, he first went to China in 1989”

    Seems like he make have missed a few NG drills, lots of trips, a year teaching in China (No record of his coaching skills).

      • Rat on a train

        Maybe he drilled with the PLA.

      • Fourscore

        Ah, now I remember. My days in the NG included shift work, on those Mondays with afternoon shift go to the Armory in the morning and shoot hoops with the other shift working guys, call it PT.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    I can’t find it now, of course, but yesterday I saw a thing about how (based on weekly job report numbers) the Biden Harris administration has created millions of jobs. Because, apparently, all the jobs in those reports are new, previously nonexistent positions. And the government created them.

    • Raven Nation

      Also, a majority of the new jobs are federal government jobs.

    • Rat on a train

      Who knew not forcing businesses to close would increase job numbers?

    • R C Dean

      And there are fewer American citizens employed now that there were a few years ago.

      Weird, huh?

  30. The Late P Brooks


    U.S.-based economists Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson were awarded the Nobel Prize in economic sciences on Monday for their work on wealth inequality between nations.

    The academics have helped show why societies with “poor rule of law and institutions that exploit the population do not generate growth or change for the better,” the Nobel committee said, demonstrating the “importance of societal institutions for a country’s prosperity.”


    Acemoglu and Robinson wrote the popular 2012 book “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty,” which explores the roots of inequality and why some countries successfully gain wealth and influence.

    I dread to contemplate their proposed solutions.

    • AlexinCT

      That “Incredibly Powerful” link by Pie above should explain this all…

    • R C Dean

      “I dread to contemplate their proposed solutions.”


    • B.P.

      “The Nobel Peace Prize for 2024 was last week awarded to Japanese atomic bomb survivor organization Nihon Hidankyo, in recognition of its efforts to rid the world of nuclear weapons.”

      You guys are making great headway.

    • rhywun

      societies with “poor rule of law and institutions that exploit the population do not generate growth or change for the better,”

      So the long-gone colonial era is not the only explanation? I hope DC and our state capitals are paying attention.

      • Suthenboy

        They are. That’s the problem

    • Rat on a train

      poor rule of law
      Hello from the USA.

    • Suthenboy

      They have been openly saying that is what they are doing, laughing about it and now this? They smell the warming tar

  31. The Late P Brooks

    The laureates have helped explain how the political and economic systems introduced by colonizing countries from the 16th century onward play a key part in this disparity — and that places that were the richest at the time of colonization in relative terms are now among the poorest, the committee said.

    They have “pioneered new approaches, both empirical and theoretical, that have significantly enhanced our understanding of global inequality,” Jakob Svensson, director, and professor of economics at Stockholm University’s Institute for International Economic Studies, said during a news conference.

    The question of why the gaps between poor and rich nations are so persistent is not new, but remains “among the most urgent in social sciences,” he added.

    Colonialist looters, it were.

  32. AlexinCT

    Why are these people we are fucking over – hard – telling us goodbye??

    Young men like Tasker, seen as a solidly Democratic group less than two decades ago, have been shifting further to the right politically as their economic outlook has been on a downward trajectory, especially among those without a college degree, said pollsters and social scientists. While the economy has been a top issue for many voters, it’s been a particularly salient one for young men and one tied into their wider cultural ideals about their place in society and wanting to be a provider for their families.

    Why do they fucking care about stupid shit like their economic future instead of all those more important things like pronouns, sexual fetishes, and gurl power?

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Pander here, pander there, she gonna pander everywhere

    Vice President Kamala Harris is pledging Monday to legalize recreational marijuana, protect cryptocurrency assets and give 1 million loans to Black entrepreneurs, as part of her efforts to court Black voters who may be pivotal in the presidential race.

    For somebody who accomplished absolutely nothing of consequence in the last four years, she has some grandiose ideas.

    • R.J.

      Stealing from everybody else’s hymnbook. Because her own is rotten.

      • B.P.

        They keep rolling out new, fresh plans every other day, three weeks before the election, when they should’ve had their platform in place months ago. Their internal polling must suck.

    • R C Dean

      I am really starting to look forward to the election. The cheating is going to be epic!

    • Suthenboy

      Obumbles was gonna legalize weed. Turns out he claims he could not do it, darn. Biden was going to fix the border. Turns out he cant do that. Darn. Now we have Kamalamadingdong placing the football….

      Reminds me of the dumbest thing ever said that was said by countless morons: “I like Trump’s policies but I cant stand the guy personally so I am voting commie.”

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Uniquely horrifying

    In other words, the former president suggested that he’d identified the United States’ biggest problem: Americans he disliked.

    Trump has met the enemy. Evidently, it’s us — or at least a whole lot of us.

    The GOP candidate has been leaning into this messaging of late, declaring at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania that he considers the Democrats on Vice President Kamala Harris’ team to be “the enemy from within.” Around the same time, at an event in Wisconsin, Trump suggested that his American opponents are “more dangerous” than Russia and China.

    Totally different from the unity-and-healing message we get from Democrats and their media lackeys.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    In context, it appeared that Trump was suggesting the military can, and perhaps should, be used against Americans on American soil.

    That’s certainly how the Harris campaign perceived it.

    Now tell us about the people asking why there were no troops on steps of the Capitol on that fateful January 6.

    • creech

      Good to know. So President Harris won’t be using American troops to quell any secession movement when she attempts to impose “her values” on the whole country?

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