Tuesday Morning Links

by | Oct 15, 2024 | Daily Links | 250 comments

The Yankees beat the Indians to go up 1-0. The Mets got their series with the Dodgers every 1-1. The Jets had no better luck with their new coach. And the hockey season is underway. All fun stuff. Now on to…the links!

They should probably just go ahead and head home. First, because they failed to do their jobs since they got there. And second, because they have no intention of carrying it out. They’re just armed bystanders at this point, which is probably a recipe for getting shot in a war zone.

What does the law say? They’re not unauthorized, by the way. They came here illegally and have broken the law. And he is trying to circumvent the law because he simply doesn’t care about it.

Calm down, people. It’s only a few hundred people who are being effectively held hostage. And you gotta break a few eggs to have a multicultural omelet. If the price of importing tens of millions of third-worlders is a handful of gang building takeovers Nino Brown-style, then so be it.

He’s in it for the ratfucking. Because there ain’t no way that was accidental.

DON’T OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!! It’s either the Nazis down there, or the aliens, or something even worse. Leave it closed.

LOL, this was pretty clever. So of course they went berserk. It’s not like someone was projecting anti-Trump stuff on buildings, which went unpunished elsewhere.

Took me a while to find someone reporting on this. I guess they’re used to it, since her boss was a well-known plagiarist.

These fuckers are losing it. And I, for one, think it’s hilarious.

Just flush the money down the toilet. It’s the government way.

Their early stuff was their best stuff. Fame got to be too much for them. But they started solid. Enjoy them.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Pat

    President Biden’s administration is weighing a far-reaching move that would unlock temporary legal status and potentially a path to American citizenship for hundreds of thousands of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, five people familiar with the internal discussions told CBS News.

    I hope he makes sure to use one of those Super Executive Orders that no future president can overturn.

    • Nephilium

      /Hawaiian judge nods

    • Suthenboy

      I am still not sure why Trump paid any attention to those banana republic monkey fuckers.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, for a guy that is a dictator-wannabe…

  2. AlexinCT

    They should probably just go ahead and head home. First, because they failed to do their jobs since they got there. And second, because they have no intention of carrying it out. They’re just armed bystanders at this point, which is probably a recipe for getting shot in a war zone.

    Meh, I bet this is a desperate attempt by the criminal cabal named the UN to not have their people get caught again actually being front line troops for the terrorists and their terror like we found out with the UN workers in Gaza.

  3. SDF-7

    And he is trying to circumvent the law because he simply doesn’t care about it.

    Yup — but as we learned last time around — EO made by (D)… part of the firmest bedrock underlying this nation. EO made by (R)? Never should have happened, various procedural reasons to throw it out if you didn’t just block it right up front, can be cancelled at any time.

    So who can blame them for just shoving all the manure they can right from the Fuhrer’s ass? Obligatory Turley link.

    On that cheery note — morning, all.

    • rhywun

      Liberals Call On Biden to Commit Unconstitutional Acts During Final Days in Office

      Why should the last 100 days be any different from the first hundred years or so of this administration?

  4. AlexinCT

    DON’T OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!! It’s either the Nazis down there, or the aliens, or something even worse. Leave it closed.

    Everyone in the know knows this is the entrance to the space alien complex where they had their second stargate and the combat chair to protect earth from the other hostile space beings in the war between the ancients and the evil forces.

    • The Last American Hero

      I thought it was where the naked blue guy that controls the nuclear weapons lives.

  5. Pat

    It’s either the Nazis down there, or the aliens, or something even worse. Leave it closed.

    I’ve seen that episode of The X-Files. You’re fine to open the door. The preserved alien body has already been removed by the Syndicate.

  6. UnCivilServant

    you gotta break a few eggs to have a multicultural omelet.

    If you look at where the term eggs itself comes from, it’s the result of an earlier invasion by unwanted violent migrants.

    eg (plural egges) comes from the norse tongue, delivered into english by vikings and the danelaw settlers. The original English was ey (plural eyren), from the Anglish and Saxon germanic roots.

    If I had to hazard a guess, Eg overcame Ey in common usage because English has too many eyes, I’s and other similarly sounding terms running around as the vowels shifted about.

    Yes, I went off topic, I grabbed the omblet analogy because I wanted to talk about eyren.

    • SDF-7

      It is good to mix up the conversation around here some times. Helps break you out of your shell.

      • Donny Three-Fingers (KJ5GQR)

        Eggs-actly what i was thinking.

      • Pat

        As a monoglot, these linguistic discussions kind of fry my brain, to be honest.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Don’t worry, Pat. Keep reading and it will start to go over easy.

      • UnCivilServant

        I donno, I might have scrambled the data.

      • R C Dean

        I’m guessing you poached that bit of etymology from Wikipedia.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ova/under on narrowed ey from Swiss?

      • UnCivilServant

        I did no such thing. The Egges-Eyren question be-deviled me for some time from my readings into history. Eiren from german, I knew, and went searching for the source of Egges (besides birds and reptiles)

      • juris imprudent

        I think his gaze will be the particularly hard boiled one.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Omelette you finish.

      • bacon-magic

        Yolks on you…I keep my shell on me.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Ole Clint, always sunny side up.

    • rhywun

      Britain’s long history of unwanted violent migrants is what makes our language so charmingly expressive.

    • rhywun

      Even better, other Germanic languages retain a ‘g’ in “eye”: “Auge”, “oog”, etc.

      Not sure if the Saxons dropped the ‘g’ before violently migrating to Britain.

      • bacon-magic

        We got a regular Benedict right here. *throws eggs

    • Suthenboy

      Should we dig up Wycliffe and ask him?

  7. AlexinCT

    Calm down, people. It’s only a few hundred people who are being effectively held hostage. And you gotta break a few eggs to have a multicultural omelet. If the price of importing tens of millions of third-worlders is a handful of gang building takeovers Nino Brown-style, then so be it.

    Why is everyone surprised that members of the credentialed elite criminal cabal that live behind walls feel the plague they are inflicting on the deplorables should be seen as no deal. After all, it is not like this shit happened on Martha’s vineyard or some other such enclave of the rich and powerful.

  8. SDF-7

    Calm down, people. It’s only a few hundred people who are being effectively held hostage.

    “We’re living in a dictatorship! If only people would listen…” “I thought we wanted to live in a narco-syndicalist commune….”

    More seriously — these are the same idiot assholes who had no problem with CHAZ/CHOP/whatnot either. Roving gangs establishing fiefdoms across the country would be fine if it brought down the nation / system / patriarchy (maaaaan!)… after the obligatory horrors of anarchy, they can ride in and establish order through True Communism or whatnot. Yay.

      • juris imprudent

        I bet you don’t say that on your track days.

      • sloopyinca

        This is true.

  9. SDF-7

    Wait.. did the links just double while I wasn’t looking? Sloopy — you haven’t been to Zha’ha’dum lately? (The links… they move when you’re not watching them….)

    • Not Adahn

      If you go to Zha’ha’dum, you will die.

      • Rat on a train


    • sloopyinca

      I really struggled to fill out a full set of links in time. I figured I’d tease them until I could finish.

  10. AlexinCT

    Took me a whole to find someone reporting on this. I guess they’re used to it, since her boss was a well-known plagiarist.

    Funny how when they do it, we should all just move on and shut up already, but when one of those they don’t like does it, well then it is an earth shattering event…..

  11. SDF-7


    (Serious response)Um guys… that’s pretty clearly just an ice extrusion. Calm down, ya ninnies.

    (Much less serious response)Cybermen of course. Kind of their thing back in the day.

  12. Pat

    Instead of offering empathy, look at what the right wing does when it seizes power.

    Yeah, who has time for that convincing people of your ideas shit when democracy is at stake? Don’t you realize we’re facing the prospect of cartoon dick pics being removed from public school libraries and corporate income tax rates being reduced by 5%?!?!?!

    • Suthenboy

      yep, that in the same set of links as the Michael Moore calls for totalitarianism.

    • EvilSheldon

      For the left, empathy is just a rhetorical weapon they throw at people they disagree with. AFAIC, they can’t abandon the facade soon enough.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      If the right actually reversed anything then maybe democracy is worth saving.

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s not.

  13. Not Adahn

    American politics experienced a crisis of confidence. They dispersed into the flat states, the small towns, the eight-lane exurbs that had just made a mad clown the president and set about trying to understand the social psychology of some real, Völkisch Americans whose angers, biases, and demands must be true because, well, after all, they won.

    Gee, I wonder what they are trying to suggest by their word choices?

    • AlexinCT

      That you are not one of them you are a deplorable?

    • rhywun

      Ich weiß überhaupt nicht.

  14. Pat

    ‘Nearly unusable’: Calif. police majorly push back on Tesla cop cars

    The next OJ Simpson will just have to keep enough gas in the Bronco to drive more than 200 miles to ensure their getaway.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Why, they aren’t allowed to chase anyone anymore anyway?

  15. SDF-7

    LOL, this was pretty clever.

    Hmm… if I were a judge (ha!) they wouldn’t want me near attempting to levy a fine on that… because using a given structure as a reflector for light you’re generating on your property isn’t the same thing as painting or physically changing said structure to display a message. Do you have a legal right for being able to control the photons someone else might happen to send towards your property? “Lightspace” like “airspace”? I’d want to toss the whole garbage out….

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Berkeley, CA says, Yes!

    • The Last American Hero

      Pretty clever, but I’d be pretty pissed off if someone was projecting swastikas onto my house at night.

      • AlexinCT

        What if they are projecting dicks?

      • R C Dean

        + 1 strategically placed mirror

  16. SDF-7

    These fuckers are losing it.

    Jesus… the first sentence… the right seizes power… (implying wrongful acquisition). I’m sure the left is “brought into power” or “does the will of the people” or something. Then that red and black graphic… with crossing columns that just happen to invoke a twisted cross…. oh, that’s purely accidental I’m sure… skimming the article…. oh look “OMB is racist…” “These people say they’re not white nationalists… but we know better!”


    • AlexinCT

      According to marxism, when the left seizes power, it is taking it away from illegitimate masters. When someone else takes it, then it is obviously just illegit people taking power. And nothing is worse than taking power away from marxists, cause that is just cock blocking utopia.

    • Nephilium

      The progressives are merely enacting the will of the people, even if the people are too stupid and ignorant to understand it.

      • Rat on a train

        The vanguard must enact the will of the people even against their will.

      • Suthenboy

        It is ok. It’s for their own good.

    • rhywun

      why rural voters, specifically white rural voters, have abandoned the Democratic Party en masse

      It is a mystery.

      Not reading that pile, but I wonder if they arrive at anything approaching reality.

      • AlexinCT

        It can’t be because the democrat party has adopted a policy that holds being successful or seeking success is acting white, hence being white makes you evil, and if you are a man, regardless of race, you are also evil unless you like cock or dress like a woman, even though nobody but biologists know what the definition of a woman is…

      • Rat on a train

        We hate you. Why won’t you vote for us?

      • Ownbestenemy

        No and looking at the authors previous entries…its a major axe to grind against the ‘right’ and all started with “Ayn Rand Made Me a Communist” and “I Was a Teenage Nazi Wannabe”

        How was he a ‘teenage Nazi’ you ask? Well you see, in his senior year of high-school he was having fun like we did in the 90s and they made a stupid, teenaged concocted film and he pretended to be getting a blow job (he was openly gay and a jew!) by a girl and said “Suck it. Heil Hitler, my dick is your Fuhrer.”

        Basically anything that isn’t ‘left’ for him is inherently Nazism and thus, the Right.

      • juris imprudent

        We hate you. Why won’t you vote for us?

        Repent sinners and join us in paradise!

      • rhywun

        looking at the authors previous entries

        Imagine being an outfit that hires “journalists” and they look at your previous work and tell themselves, yep this is the right amout of mentally-ill batshit crazy for us!

      • Suthenboy

        “We hate you. Why won’t you vote for us?”

        It worked for Obama….

  17. rhywun

    The Jets had no better luck with their new coach.


  18. Ownbestenemy

    One pro-Trump, pro-coal organizer, for example, is given a great deal of space to expound in calculated and reasonable tones about the values of his community and to portray himself as fundamentally moderate, thoughtful, and reasonable … until, in a concluding chapter, she permits him to reveal that he in fact admires the “illiberal democracy” of Viktor Orbán’s Hungary.

    Wow. Hard hitting right there. Reasonable but man..guy likes Orban! NAZI! These people are insane.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Hughes purports to want nothing to do with the white nationalists. He tells her, “I am three emergencies past a deadline at a job that I worry I could lose”; he has no interest in “racial strife.” But like 80 percent of Pike County, he voted for Donald Trump

      RACIST! I’m not sure why I am still going through this but its good to know the mind of people that obviously have no desire to coexist.

    • Grumbletarian

      If only he’d said he admired Lula or Madero. :swoon:

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Orban’s one of the few European leaders that has a lick of sense. I don’t get the ridiculous degree of demonization that gets thrown his way.


        He had the temerity to stand up to the EU’s ‘Infinity African Migrants’ plan and he dared to value Hungarian people and culture over the globalist mono-culture.

      • Suthenboy

        You dont get it? You just answered your own question.

  19. Sensei

    Federal law prohibits the military from shooting down drones near military bases in the U.S. unless they pose an imminent threat. Aerial snooping doesn’t qualify, though some lawmakers hope to give the military greater leeway.

    Of course it does. Because who can make the distinction between some hobbyist drone and a drone flying at 100 mph and 4000ft?

    Mystery Drones Swarmed a U.S. Military Base for 17 Days. The Pentagon Is Stumped.
    U.S. officials don’t know who is behind the drones that have flown unhindered over sensitive national-security sites—or how to stop them


    • Pat

      U.S. officials don’t know who is behind the drones that have flown unhindered over sensitive national-security sites—or how to stop them

      The Uyghur slave holding onto the landing gear could be a hint.

    • Ownbestenemy

      or how to stop them

      Its not like the FAA hasn’t put up regulatory roadblocks for this or anything.


      The thing I find the most surprising is that Chinese drones functioned for 17 days.

    • Suthenboy

      One is tempted…almost….to think this administration does not have our countries best interests at heart. Almost like they do whatever they can to aid our enemies.

  20. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    So, is that the doorway to the back elevator that goes up the Mountains of Madness!

  21. Sensei

    One of the more peculiar commercials of the campaign appeared last week with a lecture for the rest of us on what being a real man is. Produced by a group that styles itself Creatives for Harris, it features a bunch of actors playing men who, between bench-pressing, perching on tailgates and doing other manly things, take time out to explain to the neanderthals among us that they are all “man enough to support women.”

    Barack Obama and the Democrats’ Politics of Contempt


    • Grumbletarian

      Don’t we sort of do the same thing? We call the Democrats Team Evil, after all, and we say that those who vote for them are ignorant of history/economics/biology/whatever?

      • Sensei

        Sure, but are we asking for their vote after accusing them of that?

        That’s what’s new.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Sure we do, but, and this is the important part, we don’t hold ourselves up to be better than anyone.

      • R C Dean

        It’s of a piece with the millenialist/utopian strain of leftism which promises the redemption of the world. Supporting them is how you redeem yourself; failing to do so means you are fallen. It’s why they constantly give the impression that we, the people, have failed them, have disappointed them, etc. And why their opponents aren’t just mistaken or misguided, but evil, because they are opposing the redemption of humanity.

      • Suthenboy

        “Don’t we sort of do the same thing? We call the Democrats Team Evil, after all,”

        Well…they do murder babies so….

      • rhywun

        They are also ignorant of history/economics/biology/whatever.

    • juris imprudent

      Another excerpt from Taibbi’s demolition of that…

      There are so many fakes and parodies on the Internet that I had to approach “Man Enough,” an ad ostensibly targeting male voters for the Kamala Harris/Tim Walz campaign, on mental tiptoe. I heard the premise before watching and was certain it had to be a meta prank of the Andy Kaufman school. Nobody could be that stupid.

      It’s no prank. Written and directed by Jimmy Kimmel writer and Jacob All Trades Substack contributor Jacob Reed, “Man Enough” is a sincere attempt to win votes for Kamala Harris. It was made for Creatives for Harris and reposted by Vote Save America. Unless Reed’s entire career is performance art, which I can’t rule out, it’s both the most self-sabotaging political messaging campaign ever and a devastating satire of the progressive Un-Man archetype that could have been titled, “Sorry I Have One.” It will win the election for Donald Trump if enough men (or women for that matter) see it.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I am trying to think if there has been a misstep of any ads coming from the Trump camp/wing where it was instantly parodied like that ad was. Hell I am even trying to think of one from the previous 4 presidential cycles. Dukakis in the tank maybe?

      • Not Adahn

        The guy writes for Jimmy Kimmel. Kimmel was on The Man Show. Therefore, he’s obviously an expert on manliness!

    • dbleagle

      Well in one sense she is not wrong. “Black wimminz” supposed likes and desires are to shape the rest of our lives.

  22. rhywun

    Just flush the money down the toilet.

    From a caption in the article:
    “One of the electric buses from Proterra at the Muni bus yard on Indiana Street in San Francisco on Dec. 15, 2022.”

    Not mentioned: the bus is parked there because it’s broken and the company went bankrupt.

    But don’t let’s reality intrude on the fantasy.

  23. UnCivilServant

    I got distracted by This Video talking about why Yellowstone probably won’t kill us all.

    I find it interesting that he brings more data points that the hystericists.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      And if the video’s incorrect and it does blow we won’t have to worry about the exploding national debt…so either way we win I guess.

    • Pat

      why Yellowstone probably won’t kill us all.

      Mostly harmless.

      I was thinking, “If Yellowstone blows, debating who was right about the extent of the damage probably won’t be a high priority,” but being academics, of course it would be.

      • UnCivilServant

        “I told you so” is very cathartic in a catastrophe.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Seems like they’d be able to find some hack that’d jump at the chance to ritually humiliate him.

      • Drake

        Worried that he’d be the one reprogramming the hacks?

    • robodruid

      He who lives by bureaucracy, dies by bureaucracy.

    • PieInTheSky

      what is the pay?

  24. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Martha Raddatz has a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood and she has nothing to worry about. When “migrants” get placed in nice areas, hello Martha’s Vineyard, they’re moved out by the local authorities pretty damn quick.

  25. Pat

    What’s so triggering about The Canterbury Tales?

    Over the past decade, universities have slapped ‘trigger warnings’ on everything from children’s books to entire fields of law. They have warned archaeology students about bones, theology students about the crucifixion and forensic-science students about dead bodies. In 2022, it was reported that over 1,000 books on university reading lists – including classic works by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare – warned students about everything from racism and sexism to murder and suicide. Now, The Canterbury Tales can be added to this list of shame.
    The Mail on Sunday reported at the weekend that the University of Nottingham is warning students that Geoffrey Chaucer’s epic poem contains ‘expressions of Christian faith’. The Canterbury Tales – as anyone with even a passing knowledge of literature knows – follows a group of pilgrims as they entertain each other with stories on their way to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. In other words, the clue to this being an ‘expression of Christian faith’ is right there in the title. Nottingham’s English literature lecturers must think students are stupid.

    If the shoe fits…

    • PieInTheSky

      Amazing old European books may contain christian stuff..

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      “Nottingham’s English literature lecturers must think students are stupid.”

      Well, they were taught by teachers…

    • Ownbestenemy

      Only thing triggering for me was that my English teacher had us read it in its Middle English adaptation (though did have modern English on opposite page).

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I’m sure it killed back in the day, but it was tortuous reading it in the early 2000s.

    • UnCivilServant

      They have warned archaeology students about bones,

      One of the books I couldn’t finish on my trip was about paleohumans, and it contained a trigger warning about fossil remains. There were more signs of brain damage. (not including images of ‘indiginous’ remains for whatever reason; deliberately discarding dating information on the basis that it disagreed with orthodoxy; getting confounded at how early sapiens crossed bodies of water with no line of sight to the other shore despire being modern humans; etc) I got fed up with the nonsense.

    • Grumbletarian

      The left needs trigger warnings for young adults in high school, but porn for elementary school kids to read.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      What’s the Autobahn and Volkswagen, chopped liver?

    • Pat

      Tbh, I don’t find that terribly disturbing. Leaders of mass movements typically don’t become leaders of mass movements because they’re devoid of a single good idea. It’s OK to recognize the goofiness of the “and then, for no reason at all, the Germans elected Adolf Hitler” line of logic, and saying “yeah, I mean, at least the trains ran on time” isn’t an endorsement of death camps.

      And considering you can’t swing a dead cat on a university campus, including the Agricultural College of East Bumblefuck, without hitting a dozen self-avowed Marxists who will tell you without a hint of shame or reservation that Stalin was a great leader with visionary ideas, I do balk at the selective outrage.

    • R C Dean

      Well, he won because he was a rabid anti-communist, so I guess I would say he had at least one good idea.


        That and German National Socialism like its Italian Fascist cousin required that communists had screwed everything up before they were able to justify taking power.

      • juris imprudent

        Given that fascism is an outgrowth of Marxism, I’m not sure I’d go that far.


      What Pat said, and as I mentioned last time this came up. The yutes are just continuing the American tradition of rejecting the wisdom of their elders. Said wisdom being, that Hitler is the embodiment of an irredeemable Saturday morning cartoon villain. They are just noticing that governing a world power involves some pragmatic policy and isn’t all Cobra Commander’s nefarious schemes.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Time passes for everything. No one getting morally upset these days about making Attila the Hun jokes or renaming kaiser rolls. How many people can recognize what St. Bartholomew’s was?

  26. Suthenboy

    “They’re just armed bystanders at this point, which is probably a recipe for getting shot in a war zone.”
    Suits me.

    Their legal presence is not ‘locked’. They broke the law. They are criminals. That is the status of their presence. They are not migrants. They are not immigrants. They are invaders and criminals. The whole situation is insane and the people who facilitated it should be in prison.

    It’s not happening. Ok, it’s happening a little bit. It’s not that bad. …. We all know this one and how it ends. It is how evil is normalized.

    For those that seek power for the sake of power as the only goal they will cooperate to some extent but the first guy over the top pushes the ladder over. It would seem there is a lot of resentment in Mordor over the Harris coup. If one of the factions gets total power who will be the first to receive a facelift from an ice-axe?

    The Daily Mail. Of course. Tomorrow – giant skulls of dead gods discovered. I am gonna hold out for the live interview with STEVE SMITH.

    You want me to pay a fine? Hold your breath….

    Yesterday someone posted the bad kitty’s take on it: The dems are putting on a top to bottom Potemkin campaign….like a spaghetti western set you can walk down the middle of it and push all of the facades over. That they are doing that very thing tells me exactly what they think of the voters.

    That’s rich coming from the likes of Pol-Pot and company.

    EVs. Do I have to reference square wheels again? Now with extra sharp corners!

  27. juris imprudent

    Please, please, please, for the love of God, let this happen.

    Harris could join Joe Rogan podcast in hunt for male votes, sources say

    Rogan might actually have some undecided listeners, and this would clinch it, for Trump.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Lemme guess, they floated after Trump publicly said he would sit down with Rogan. +1 for Trump as a 2-hour podcast and his style of ramble won’t hurt him. -1 for Harris because she couldn’t hold a conversation with a rock.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I also don’t think Rogan will be down with the prepared slate of questions the Harris campaign would like to have asked.

      • R C Dean

        I would go along with the prepared slate of questions, until the podcast, which of course would have to be live for me to do it, and then start with:

        “Your campaign gave me a list of questions and topics, and we might get to some of those before our time is up, but first I wanted to ask you . . . .”

      • Pat

        He’ll kiss her ass. He’s a Bernie Bro, and up until the collective left shifted the Overton window so far that Lenin is on the verge of becoming a hard-right reactionary, he was decidedly lefty. I also don’t think Trump’s going to do well on the show. He tends to give the answers people want to hear during open-ended interviews like that, but eventually they’re going to broach one of Rogan’s many bugaboos where Trump actually has an opinion he’s willing to defend, and it’ll blow up like any number of his other infamous on-set brawls with his guests.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I like that idea, counselor!

      • Certified Public Asshat

        eventually they’re going to broach one of Rogan’s many bugaboos where Trump actually has an opinion he’s willing to defend, and it’ll blow up like any number of his other infamous on-set brawls with his guests.

        I don’t agree that Rogan will just kiss Harris’ ass. He was a retarded Bernie-bro, but that was many years ago. His ingestion of horse paste being a pivotal moment.

        But I do agree that this is not a slam dunk for Trump. It’s a Trump win if Harris goes on and he skips it. It’s a Harris win if he goes on and she skips it. Both? Toss up.

    • robodruid

      It does sound like they are desperate.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      She can regale him with tales her of smoking weed while locking people up for same.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        And extending the sentences of Prison Firefighters, as she needed free labor.

    • PieInTheSky

      this would be interesting on many level, especially how Joe would act.

    • Drake

      Somebody should ask her to describe one case she personally prosecuted. She talks about locking up bad guys, but was probably just an inept DA ignored by the actual prosecutors.

  28. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dewar friends.

    *holds very cold bottle of bull semen even closer

    • AlexinCT

      Wait a second…

      You signaling something here about being erm one of Walz’s abused?

    • Nephilium

      Damn. While Dewars isn’t my first choice, bull semen wouldn’t be a descriptor I would use for it.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I like Brand as much as I can like anyone that’s so far up their own ass but he’s either a whack job or a grifter.

      • PieInTheSky

        grifter. he swings too much between grifts.

      • B.P.

        He’s exhausting to listen to.

    • AlexinCT

      Who doesn’t want to drop a deuce or get a blumpkin on a toilet that talks to you? And even more of a turn on if it talks in Japanese!

    • PieInTheSky

      No one needs more than a sponge on a stick

      • Nephilium

        Look at Mr. Fancy Pants with his “stick”.

      • Pat

        One of my dad’s good friends used to tell a story from when he first married his future ex-wife. They hit some financial straits and had to move in with her parents. His mother in law was disabled, morbidly obese, and mostly wheelchair-bound, and rode his ass like a rented mule. No love lost between them. At any rate, one morning he walks out of the bathroom, shirtless, going to town scratching his back with a wooden back scratcher. His wife and father in law are staring at him with horrified looks in their eyes, and she asks him “Did you get that from the bathroom?” He replies in the affirmative. Turns out that was his mother in law’s wiping apparatus.

      • The Last American Hero

        It’s not “his” stick. It’s a community stick for whoever needs to take a dump.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The only issue I see, unless you have a non standard toilet or a commercial breaker style toilet, is the outlet. Water is taken in-line from the existing inlet. They do need cleaning and have more crevices. And the prices in the US are much higher than in Japan.

      Last one failed and bought a new one the same day. Not having to worry about closing the lid, warm seat, less toilet paper use.

  29. PieInTheSky


    If the Savoyard reactionary Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) were writing today, he would be swiftly cancelled. Not for his full-throated defence of throne and altar, or even his theory of humans’ natural bloodthirstiness. But for sexism.

    In an 1802 letter to his daughter Adèle, de Maistre advised her to make an effort to be more submissive: “To overcome oneself, to submit to circumstances, is a duty for everyone, but especially for women.” It’s perfect fodder for an internet pile-on, of the kind that would end up distilled to “Horrible misogynist thinks women should be doormats”. If we read on, though, we find his advice is not aimed at subordinating his daughter at all. On the contrary: it offers pragmatic advice on how to get the best out of men, as a woman:


    It’s reliably the case that every moral taboo produces an equal and opposite sexual kink, and thus it’s unsurprising to find that a recent Kinsey Institute study shows Right-wingers fantasise sexually about breaching conservative taboos around sexual modesty and partner monogamy, while Left-wingers fantasise sexually about domination and submission. Very simply: as the progressive war on all forms of hierarchy has become the default public morality, practices that eroticise that forbidden arrangement have gone from subcultural to mainstream.

    But if we accept, in principle, that BDSM serves as a safety-valve for the dangerous allure of power asymmetry within the contractual liberal paradigm, it’s plausible that these pre-existing differences of disposition obtain more broadly too. If a preference for domination or submission just is, in a BDSM context, this may also be the case beyond that context. More plainly: it’s possible that even outside the carefully ringfenced zone of heavily pre-negotiated sex LARPing, some individuals may be more naturally disposed than others not to be leaders, but to be led. This is perhaps the most taboo possibility of all: so much so that the founding constitution of the modern world’s only superpower explicitly disavows it. But what if, in fact, all men are not created equal? What if some individuals genuinely prefer, outside as well as inside the BDSM safety-zone, to accept authority rather than to seek it?

    • Nephilium

      Speaking of that…


      INTRODUCING THE PURPLE TOUR – A coming together to dance our way to the polls this season. Join us at 40 events nationwide, FREE with an RSVP, and coffee, breakfast or lunch on us. Plus pole dancers. And poll dancers. Join us — Let’s Party to the Polls.

      I “missed” the one here in Cleveland.

    • Pat

      More plainly: it’s possible that even outside the carefully ringfenced zone of heavily pre-negotiated sex LARPing, some individuals may be more naturally disposed than others not to be leaders, but to be led.

      Mind blowing insights into the human condition.

      • PieInTheSky

        checkmate libertarians.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’d say that both of those tendencies are better…got out of one’s system, in the bedroom/sex dungeon/public restroom than in the legislature or the public bureaucracy…

    • PieInTheSky

      should have shot the knife out of her hand.

      • R C Dean

        You joke, but I guarantee some moron is claiming he should have just shot her in the leg as we speak.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I am sure of the R C. Probably even “Why didn’t he retreat!” when we watched him retreat three times. The minute that door opened and she swung would have normally began the venting process.

    • AlexinCT

      That’s a good shoot.

      WTF was this bitch on?

    • Grumbletarian

      Yep, good shoot.

  30. PieInTheSky

    An absolute gem by Bill Bryson on how quickly the children grow up and fly the coop.

    ‘I have found myself spending a lot of time wandering aimlessly through the house looking at the oddest things – a basketball, his running trophies, an old holiday snapshot – and thinking about all the carelessly discarded yesterdays they represent. The hard and unexpected part is the realisation not just that my son is not here, but that the boy he was is gone for ever. I would give anything to have them both back. But, of course, that cannot be. Life moves on. Kids grow up and move away, and if you don’t know this already, believe me, it happens faster than you can imagine.’


    sounds sappy to me

    • Fourscore

      …and too soon they are SS eligible…

      Occasionally I’ll have a flash back, remembering those tough (financial) days and taking the kids to a park on Sunday afternoon or the library on Saturday morning. They always loved it.

  31. db

    DON’T OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!! It’s either the Nazis down there, or the aliens, or something even worse. Leave it closed.

    Duh, it goes to the Antarctic Stargate. finally! I’ve been waiting for the Stargate universe to be confirmed for a long time.

    On a serious note, I really do find the Stargate idea to be one of the most compelling concepts to come out of science fiction. The idea that aliens impersonated gods on our planet in ancient times is pretty interesting.

    • AlexinCT

      When we came here you monkeys showed us enough reverence. We made the mistake of tampering with your DNA to make you smarter, and instead of joining us, you invented stupid marxism.


      I thought it went to a temple of Xenomorphs that is used for Predator ritual hunts.

    • PieInTheSky

      , I really do find the Stargate idea to be one of the most compelling concepts to come out of science fiction – hey I wrote a whole post on it 🙂

    • rhywun

      The idea that aliens impersonated gods on our planet in ancient times is pretty interesting.

      I had no idea that’s what it was about until I started binge-watching it on Comet recently. Good stuff.

  32. PieInTheSky

    Archaeomagnetic dating of 20 destruction layers using the intensity of the ancient geomagnetic field recorded in burnt mud bricks allows to chronologically assign them to ancient military campaigns.
    Egyptian campaign of Pharaoh Shoshenq in blue,
    Campaign of Hazael, King of Aram, and campaigns by the Assyrians and Babylonians.


    • Pat

      That’s just what the Tartarians want you to think!

      (I have a younger buddy who unironically believes in that shit after seeing some old black and white photos of excavated buildings with windows below grade on TikTok. I know every generation says it, but I swear to god the kids are getting dumber)

    • Sensei

      “I was not in my uniform, and at no point in my interaction with the staff did I identify myself as a member of the law enforcement community,” he told WSB-TV. “At no point did I indicate my position, nor did I ask the responders to do anything that they would not, had not, or have not done for anyone else who makes a business dispute call.”

      Sure. I believe that.

    • Drake

      AK-74 – but that is a manly as it gets.

    • R.J.

      Yes, and he immediately gave Trump a campaign ad by saying the borders need to be secured.

    • Suthenboy

      Yes, I believe he said “Fuck Kamala Harris.”

  33. Suthenboy

    I have noticed a re-uptick in apocalypse fantasy stories a la the Obama years. That is a clue.

    • Suthenboy

      Has anyone looked into the ebb and flow of doom porn related to cultural outlook affected by political climate? Did we ever get an answer to what happened to Rick after his helicopter ride? I quit watching about that time.

  34. R.J.

    I am on this stupid text chain of people at work. It’s gone on too long, and now several of the members are posting politics (always leftists, always they start this shit). I called them out after one of them posted the Kamala ad saying “look at all the republicans voting for Kamala:”


    Just completely self unaware of what that means. I lambasted them for agreeing with the most toxic assholes on the right, and told them to take me off the chain. Nope, they totally ignored my comment and posted other random junk.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Kamala in Vegas reaffirmed the proud endorsement of Cheney. Some focus group somewhere must be saying its good. Don’t see how, but its there. Also, Geraldo “Here is the exact location of our troops” Rivera has tossed in his hat with Kamala.

    • rhywun

      I would banhammer anyone at work trying to push politics of any sort.

      • Sensei

        Yeah. Nothing at my work place is overtly political unless it impacts our actual work. And in that case it’s factual.

        If Bill X / Regulation Y passes the impact will be…

        Mind you there is plenty of non overt stuff.

      • db


        Sadly, my boss’s boss is a VP who cannot shut up about his political opinions.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      The proper response to this would be “Democrats lose Hispanic voters, Teamsters, blue collar voters”

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Also, “If you are cool with Dick Cheney voting for you, you are cool with Abu Graib, torture, and all of the crimes of the Bush admin.”

      • juris imprudent

        It is amazing how Democrats have come to love war criminals they used to hate.

    • Aloysious

      Yeah, this kind of thing at work has been driving me up the wall. The Smug-ressives won’t shut up.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    This was followed in early 2024 by White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy, by University of Maryland poli sci professor Thomas Schaller and American Prospect columnist Paul Waldman, which proposed that the pathologies of rural whites—anger, racism, violent separatism, and fanaticism—represent a unique and urgent threat to American democracy itself, and which argued that academics and the mainstream press were dangerously overgenerous in their attempts to understand, rather than condemn, this disordered worldview.

    Blah blah fucking blah. That’s as deep into the egghead fever swamp as I am willing to go.

  36. PieInTheSky

    Von der Leyen’s authoritarian plot National democracies will be subordinate to her Commission


    The European Union is about to enter what could prove to be the most ominous phase in its troubled history. In a few weeks, Ursula von der Leyen’s new European Commission will officially take office, at which point she will have almost unfettered control over the bloc’s politics.

    When von der Leyen introduced the new Commission’s lineup and organisational structure last month, even the typically Brussels-friendly mainstream media was forced to admit that what she had pulled off was nothing short of a coup. By placing loyalists in strategic roles, marginalising her critics, and establishing a complicated web of dependencies and overlapping duties that prevent any individual from gaining excessive influence, the Commission President has set the stage for an unprecedented supranational “power grab” that will further centralise authority in Brussels — specifically in the hands of von der Leyen herself.

    She is busy transforming the Commission “from a collegial body into a presidential office”, noted Alberto Alemanno, EU law professor at HEC Paris. But this is the culmination of a longstanding process. The Commission has been stealthily expanding its powers for a long time, evolving from technical body into full-blooded political actor, resulting in a major transfer of sovereignty from the national to the supranational level at the expense of democratic control and accountability. But this “Commissionisation” is now being taken to a whole new level.

    • PieInTheSky

      “In many respects, the feeling is that the EU has definitively entered its late-Soviet stage. Faced with the bloc’s societal and economic breakdown, escalating geopolitical crises, collapsing democratic legitimacy and mounting “populist” uprisings, Europe’s political-economic elites have chosen to declare all-out war on what is left of democracy and national sovereignties. The bolts of the EU’s techno-authoritarian regime are being screwed tighter and tighter. For a glimmer of hope, we might turn to the history of the Soviet Union itself: 30 years ago, the authoritarian backlash to the crisis of the Soviet system simply accelerated the regime’s demise. Will the same prove true for the EU as well?”

      Seems a bit dramatic.

      • UnCivilServant

        The EU needs to be dissolved

        in acid.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    I watched Electraglide in Blue the other night. Now there’s a movie crying out for a 21st century remake.

    One of our great modern progressive cinematographers should take a whack at it.

    • PieInTheSky

      sounds like a shitty razor

      • PieInTheSky

        hmmm I was not aware what Electra Glide means

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Oh, come on! Pies version is just the ticket for the modern world.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    I was not aware what Electra Glide means

    In this case it means heavy handed symbolism.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Awash in right wing fanaticism

    “We had some years where we didn’t have a single case that qualified for our database as terrorism in the United States in the 2000s,” said LaFree. “And then we start to see this uptick in about 2015, 2016.”

    LaFree said there’s a notable difference in the ideology underpinning attacks in the 1970s versus during the last decade.

    “Back in the ’70s, most of the action was coming from leftist groups,” he said. “The big players right now are right-wing groups, actually.”


    Blazakis said this development, in which everyday Americans find themselves in the crosshairs of the so-called “culture wars” that animate political rivalry, is part of a dangerous stew.

    “Those atmospherics, coupled with the election polarization driven by the rise of conspiracy theories, mis- and disinformation, and then the global political scene… is making for a really dangerous situation,” he said. “And then you add to that sort of recipe our gun culture and the easy access people have to guns.”

    I think we all know who is to blame.

    • R C Dean

      “Back in the ’70s, most of the action was coming from leftist groups,” he said. “The big players right now are right-wing groups, actually.”

      Just ignore the months of rioting, billions in damage, and dozens dead in the BLM/Antifa riots.

    • Suthenboy

      Oh look. Not one cited. Not one.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    In the counterterrorism world, Blazakis said that these kinds of statements from influential figures can have real-world consequences — something known as “stochastic” terrorism.

    “Stochastic terrorism isn’t necessarily a kind of terrorism that might be necessarily motivated by a certain strain or ideology, but instigated by the rhetoric of individuals being inspired to carry out, for instance, attacks based on the dog whistles of somebody who might be a charismatic leader,” said Blazakis.

    In Tuesday night’s debate, former President Donald Trump repeated an unfounded claim that immigrants are eating people’s pets.

    Clarke said stochastic terrorism, however, is complex, because those who peddle conspiracy theories and incendiary narratives often deny any relation to violence that may follow.

    Just because we call him the greatest threat to America since the French and Indian War doesn’t mean we literally want somebody to shoot him. Mostly.

    • EvilSheldon

      “Stochastic” means “…of, relating to, or characterized by conjecture.” So ‘stochastic terrorism’ is basically something that may be terrorism, but may not be, depending on your viewpoint.

      Talk about snitching on yourself…

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Stopping such attacks before they occur, however, has become a more difficult task, said Clarke. He said he doesn’t see organized paramilitary groups or people posting prominently online as the major concern here.

    “I’m more concerned about the silent militia types that have their guns that are, you know, very pro-2A,” he said, referencing the Second Amendment. “The people that aren’t out there running their mouths. To me, those are the [Oklahoma City bomber] Tim McVeighs of the world and those are the people that are really serious and can really cause real harm in this country if they want to.”

    And we all know whose side they’re on.

    • B.P.

      Seems like bad timing to resuscitate “violent right wingers roam the land” and “your overheated rhetoric may inspire a fascist wave of terror” when we just had those two assassination attempts.

  42. Mojeaux

    I have a chest cold. SOOOPER nasty cough. I have to take my mom to the doctor and I’m thinking I should wear a mask. Only now I’m conditioned to think people who wear masks are cucks. But on the other hand, it’s a nice thing to do for people. And I like to think I’m a nice person.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      One of the problems that has cropped up post-covid is that if you have any signs of any type of cold, you are expected to wear a mask. Doesn’t matter if it does anything or not, but, as you say, it is now “politeness.”

      Fuck our lives.

      • UnCivilServant

        That may be localized, as I’ve not seen anything of the sort in my neck of the woods.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        It’s science that the only way to get better is to keep breathing in your infected air.

      • Mojeaux

        Well, honestly, I’m embarrassed about the coughing. It really is nasty.

      • R C Dean

        The mask isn’t going to do anything. You should probably stay in the car if you are worried about infecting other people.

    • EvilSheldon

      Dennis Hopper wore a mask in Blue Velvet, and you don’t see anyone calling him a cuck. So all you need is a tank of amyl nitrate and a case of violent psychopathy, and you’re all set!

    • whiz

      Wearing a mask won’t help with aerosols, but it definitely will help with flying spittle, etc., which could cause problems. Sometimes I think we go overboard on things.

  43. Sensei

    Oh, the cherry on top? When the police asked the victim if they got the other driver’s license plate, he and I both laughed. It was stuck in the Suburu’s tire well after the impact and fell off as he moved his car.

    So the victim driver handed the license plate to the officer who just laughed as well. (If you watch the video, you can see it clearly came off.)


    • R C Dean

      “Actually, I did get his license plate. In fact, I have it right here.

      The road to our house has a pretty good straight stretch and not a lot of traffic. There were a few times when it was used for a street race or two, or maybe just some testing. It’s a T intersection at the other end, and the property owner across the road there put up a pretty stout fence. So of course some idiot smacks it into it at a good rate of speed, does a lot of damage to it, and, yes, drives off.

      Without their license plate, which was stuck to the fence.

      • Gender Traitor

        Reminds me of the time many years ago when my apartment in Muncie, IN, was burglarized while I was out for the evening. After crashing at a friend’s place, I came back to check the damage to my broken window from the outside. On the ground just below the window, I found a dropped court document with what was undoubtedly the perp’s name right on it. Took it to the cops (who hadn’t found it themselves the night before,) but it did me no good at all.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of literal fascism

    When the bill takes effect in 90 days, a state regulatory agency, the California Energy Commission, will have the authority to set constraints on storage levels for each refiner, each fuel and each blending component, per the bill. The agency will also be able to adjust inventory minimums, as well as establish conditions under which refiners can draw down or rebuild reserves.

    The legislation will also allow the regulator to ensure that refiners have resupply plans in place ahead of maintenance outages and to set criteria that must be met before such events occur.

    “This bill will protect Californians from surging gas prices by requiring refineries to plan for shutdowns and supply chain disruptions,” ABx2-1 co-author and Assembly Majority Leader Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D) said prior to Monday’s final concurrence vote on the Assembly floor.


    Newsom called for this session on Aug. 31, with his office explaining that “price spikes on consumers are profit spikes for oil companies, and they’re overwhelmingly caused by refiners not backfilling supplies when they go down for maintenance.”

    If those oil companies can’t run their businesses properly, we’ll take them over.

    • rhywun

      Just take the industry over and run it into the ground already. Enough with the baby steps.

      • juris imprudent

        All they need to do is look south to see what a roaring success that has been for Mexico.

    • Mojeaux

      So XY asked my husband if some town in Orange County, California was nice. I’m assuming this is Chipotle-related. Husband said, “Yes, and expensive, too.” So he sent screenshots of gas prices there. XY: “Why is it so expensive?”

      Let me count the ways, son. Let me count the ways.

      • creech

        And yet Cal.
        is one of the bluest states so the morons there must be voting for all the nonsense.

    • Fourscore

      Seems to have worked for tobacco companies.

      1. Raise tobacco taxes

      2. Discourage smoking

      3. Raise general taxes to make up for shortfall.

      4. Tobacco companies get rich

    • R C Dean

      Nothing brings prices down like the state micromanaging a business.

    • Suthenboy

      Silly me. I thought ‘Candles’ was just hyperbole.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch

    Democratic vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on Tuesday will unveil his ticket’s plans to improve the lives of rural voters, as Vice President Kamala Harris looks to cut into former President Donald Trump’s support.

    The Harris-Walz plan includes a focus on improving rural health care, such as plans to recruit 10,000 new health care professionals in rural and tribal areas through scholarships, loan forgiveness and new grant programs, as well as economic and agricultural policy priorities. The plan was detailed to The Associated Press by a senior campaign official on the condition of anonymity ahead of its official release on Tuesday.

    No vote unbought.

    • juris imprudent

      Yes, one need look no further than tribal land to understand the bipartisan beneficence of our federal govt.

    • B.P.

      Again with the, “Shit, we’re in big trouble with this election, and it’s only three weeks out. I guess we’d better float some actual policy proposals.”

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Just take the industry over and run it into the ground already. Enough with the baby steps.

    Where do you think you are, Venezuela?

  47. Fourscore

    I can’t afford much more improvements in my life, already had 6 years of Walz paper

  48. The Late P Brooks

    Walz is set to announce the plan during a stop in rural Lawrence County in western Pennsylvania, one of the marquee battlegrounds of the 2024 contest. He is also starring in a new radio ad for the campaign highlighting his roots in a small town of 400 people and his time coaching football, while attacking Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance.

    “In a small town, you don’t focus on the politics, you focus on taking care of your neighbors and minding your own damn business,” Walz says in the ad, which the campaign said will air across more than 500 rural radio stations in Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. “Now Donald Trump and JD Vance, they don’t think like us. They’re in it for themselves.”

    Government Off Our Backs Party.

    We should all be free to live our lives as we see fit without Big Fascist looking over our shoulders.

    • B.P.

      So Walz is running for VP of the United States in order to mind his own damn business.

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