1. Pat

    Dr. Weber found Harris had “copied virtually an entire Wikipedia article” into her book without providing attribution.

    Let’s be fair now. Whoever ghost wrote that turd probably didn’t expect anyone to actually read it, particularly not back in 2009 when it appeared she had failed upward as far as was possible.

    • Nephilium

      Look the question isn’t who plagiarized from who, it’s did the money laundering go off without a hitch?

  2. Pat

    CNN: Trump the Strongest Republican With Black Voters Since 1960

    He’ll only lose the demographic by 70% instead of the usual 90%.

    • Ted S.

      If blacks make up the same 12-13% of the electorate they were in 2020, that translates to a 2.5% swing in the popular vote, which would be huge in swing states.

    • rhywun

      She needs that 90%. Why do you think the Dems pander so hard to the black vote?

      • juris imprudent

        LBJ’s ghost: it ain’t been a hundred years yet.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Dems pander so hard to the black vote?

        For the 90 days before the election, and then take them for granted for about 1400 days.

  3. UnCivilServant

    Kamala Harris Accused Of Plagiarizing Articles From Wikipedia For 2009 Book

    Really? Wikipedia? At least plagarize a reliable source.

  4. Pat

    “Election superintendents in Georgia have a mandatory fixed obligation to certify election results,” wrote Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney in the ruling.

    Is there any actual point in having the superintendents then? A rubberstamp costs about $10. If you’re going to fuck your taxpayers, at least do it on the cheap.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Agreed. If it is mandatory and fixed what is the point?

      McBurney wrote that the U.S. Constitution does not allow an election official to decline to certify the results.

      Good indicator of no understanding of the Constitution.

      • R C Dean

        Which is odd, because my copy of the Constitution contains no such mandate.

  5. Pat

    Trump Asks Appeals Court To Move New York Criminal Case To Federal Court

    Yeah, that should help. He’s gotten a fair shake in all of his federal cases thus far…

      • The Last American Hero

        Smart move since by the time the first hearing starts, the new president will be sitting in the White House. Either it will be Trump and the circus will be done, or more likely it will be Harris and the need to prosecute OMB will no longer exist.

  6. Grumbletarian

    CNN: Trump the Strongest Republican With Black Voters Since 1960

    Millions of black faces of white supremacy!

    • Rat on a train

      They’re not black if the don’t vote D.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        They isn’t black.

        You’re not pandering / condescending enough.

  7. UnCivilServant

    Court in Fulton County rules Georgia officials can’t delay, refuse to certify election results

    Sure they can. I mean, it’s not like Fulton county vote counts are real.

  8. Pat

    TGI Fridays closes a dozen stores across America in just one month

    I thought TGI Fridays had died 20 years ago.

    • R.J.

      Still one I know of here in Dallas. It has sad food.

      • Sean

        We have one in town. If forced, I’d rather go to Applebees.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. Applebees near my old place had “mystery beer night” where you got unsold beer for a $1. Occasionally threw parties for the whole restaurant. I miss that manager.

      • Nephilium

        There’s a couple still chugging along here. My sister used to work at one back in the day as a bartender, she kept her “top secret” TGI Fridays drink book. So if you want the bleakest versions of disco cocktails, I have a reference guide.

    • Rat on a train

      The local one closed about a year ago. The carcass was still there the last time I remember passing by.

      • rhywun

        I have one about an hour away.


      • DrOtto

        The carcass of our became a Raising Canes about 7 years ago. Never saw it busier. Not sure why the kids like that bland chicken.

      • Rat on a train

        A Raising Canes opened near the carcass this year. Locals went crazy for some reason. I think it is small city syndrome.

  9. Gustave Lytton

    Tim Walz served for 24 years in the Guard and there’s apparently only three photos. Two are from basic training, and one is an undated black & white that’s probably from the early to mid 90’s in a newspaper or newsletter. No promotions (his or others), change of command, class graduation (PLDC, BNCOC/ANCOC, 1SG’s course, other schools), staff photos, in the field or ATs, nothing from the year in Italy. All very strange.

    • R.J.

      From the 90’s? Not too odd. Pictures were scarce for me then too. On that item alone I will give him a break.

      • UnCivilServant

        Pictures of me are rare from today. The only one not on CCTV is from Honey Harvest.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Same period and more than three, and wasn’t a high flyer like CSM Walz.

        I was going to give him a pass for the DA file photo as a NG, but that’s another. No Class A or Dress Blues photos, no Dining Outs,

      • R.J.

        Same. It has to be a forced group selfie to photograph me.

      • Gustave Lytton

        He got married at 13 years? No fucking way that wasn’t in uniform either.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Not everyone just gives up photos Gustave. Some people still believe their photos are their memories and not to be blasted out to the world.

      • Gustave Lytton

        This is a politician, not a real person.

      • Ownbestenemy

        So what’s your end game with this then? He is manufactured? Not real? Never really in the military? No pics or didn’t happen kinda thing?

        There is so much of his career as a politician that focusing on lack of photos takes away from the really awful stuff he has presided over.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m wondering why something that is usually well documented just isn’t there. Not enough fruit salad? Belly dunlapped?

        Forget tax returns, I’d like to read his NCOERs. He’s thin skinned and poor decision making. My guess is there’s at least a hint there.

      • Pat

        Wasn’t he a reservist anyway? It may very well have been the equivalent of a no-show contract so he had something to put on his resume when running for office (i.e., yeah, manufactured). He’s a slimy douchebag who pretty heavily embellished his record regardless.

      • rhywun

        focusing on lack of photos takes away from the really awful stuff he has presided over

        This. He is so terrible in every other way.

      • DrOtto

        The Manchurian Candidate

      • Bobarian LMD

        T. Walz is a political animal that used the NG as a Trojan Horse for political cover. He’s a less dynamic version of Swiftboatface Kerry.

      • Fourscore

        I’ve often said if digital cameras had been available in VN the war would have been much shorter.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Meh..even though I had only 6 years I can say I have basic photo, some award photo and that is it from my military time. Not everyone amasses photos

      • Drake

        Same here.

      • Necron 99

        Yep, 12 years AR, maybe 5 photos and one of those is NSFW.

    • Suthenboy

      He is a NPC in a Potemkin campaign. So is Kamala really.
      It doesnt matter. OMB.

      • juris imprudent

        I’m almost looking forward to ’28 and how Xxxxxx is worse than Trump!

      • DrOtto

        And yet, Cheney, Bush, McCain (weren’t all 3 accused of being war criminals) and Romney have all managed to become beloved by the left. It doesn’t hurt that they were all warmongers. Will Trump ever be afforded that luxury?

      • The Last American Hero

        Don’t forget Carl Rove – The Emperor to Dick Cheney’s Darth Vader. Now beloved figures on the Left.

      • rhywun

        Making fun of his “manliness” or lack thereof is another distraction from his terrible policies.

        Just stop already.

      • Suthenboy

        Why has no one AI’d an image of him in girl’s shorts with a dirty blonde afro?

      • Drake

        It’s impossible to ignore. Like he’s trying out to be some over-the-top game show host. Maybe he’s purposefully distracting us, but probably giving him too much credit.

      • R C Dean

        Sorry, rhy. Nobody votes based on policy. From an electoral perspective, policy is what’s irrelevant, not personality quirks.

  10. Suthenboy

    Potemkin candidate runs Potemkin campaign turns out to have a Potemkin past.

    I would prefer that Pelosi extend that no contact thing to the rest of he human race.

    The depravity of our political class knows no bounds.

    Aside from ‘He is an asshole’, ‘I cant stand the guy’, nebulous character assassination, transparent false accusations of personal behavior, lawfazre bullshit, Trump’s presidency was overall the best in my lifetime and he leads in every demographic probably ten points over what the fake poll propaganda says…..but it is a tight race.
    Pull the other one motherfuckers.
    I think we may have some accelerationism going on. Just a suspicion.

    If you cant refuse to certify what exactly is the point of certification?

    Voter fraud is a right wing extremist conspiracy theory. <—- sure sign that it is true.

    Blow away the smoke and things turn out to be exactly what your intuition and eyes say they are. 300+ FBI agents/assetts rioted on J6 while Pelosi called off LE and military interference. What does that mean?

    Major chains are closing locations in triple digits. Groceries and gasoline doubled in price under fake-ass Bidenomics. People are fleeing blue cities and states in record numbers. I could go on and on.
    "Things are fan-fuckin-tastic! You just dont know how good you have got it!" – Janet Yellen.

    • Gustave Lytton

      First it was only 300 “accidentally” registered illegals in this state thanks to the idiotic mandatory motor voter registration. Now it’s up to close to 2000. But only a handful voted. After years of saying it was completely impossible and that number was zero. “Hey babe, I only cheated on you five times. Why are you kicking me to the curb?”

      • juris imprudent

        Much like the Aurora denial narrative, isn’t it?

      • Suthenboy

        After a while these campaigns start to feel like a prison cell with non-stop loops of ‘Never gonna give you up’ playing too loud.

      • DrOtto

        Do you hear yourself, only a handful?

      • juris imprudent

        non-stop loops

        8TH AMENDMENT!!!

    • rhywun

      Gah. I was not aware of a grrrl power series. I dump all my change into a tray – oh, there’s a Maya Angelou. OK, then.

      • cyto

        The 2000s will be marked for the trope of the pretentious black woman.

        Maya Angelou and Alicia Keys being prime examples.

      • R.J.

        “Popular artist”
        Never heard of her. I thought she was Ted Cruz’ wife.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’m honestly a little shocked that so few people here have heard of Celia Cruz. I know some of y’all can’t stand good music, but still…

    • R C Dean

      “Celia Cruz”


      • Certified Public Asshat

        Celia Cruz – Cuban-American singer, cultural icon, and one of the most popular Latin artists of the 20th century

        Had to slip that in to make her sound more impressive.

    • EvilSheldon

      She was also a committed, lifelong anti-Castro activist (to this day, none of her songs can be played publicly in Cuba.) I figure that’s worth something.

      • dbleagle

        Okay I’ll grant her that virtue. Good for her to inspire that much commie hate.

  11. Shpip

    At least hundreds of Arizona voters have commercial businesses listed as their residence on their voter registration forms, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) reveals.

    PILF asked Clark County Registrar Lorena Portillo to clean up the voter rolls in June of this year. When Portillo refused, PILF filed a lawsuit, prompting Portillo to investigate the seemingly faulty voter registrations and remove them from the voter rolls.

    “I hope something in Arizona is done before the election,” Adams said.

    NARRATOR: Nothing will be done in Arizona before the election. Or the next election, for that matter.

    • cyto

      It seems pretty clear that Act Blue is laundering hundreds of millions of dollars in big donor contributions through unwitting small donors.

      From what I can tell, they are not even bothering to investigate.

      The oligarchy has just about consolidated absolute control.

      • DrOtto


      • DrOtto

        For the non-binary MILFS.

      • Pat


    • R C Dean

      And I believe I heard yesterday that a judge just denied the request to clean up the voter rolls, on the grounds that, darn it, its just too late.

      What a fucking farce our government has become.

      • juris imprudent

        What can you expect when a government is built on the concept of sovereign immunity? Judges were just the first to escape all accountability for the results they deliver.

      • Suthenboy

        From my first reading it hit me, the constitution doesnt have much in the way of teeth.

        Constitution: “This is how you will do things. You are absolutely forbidden to do this, that and the other thing.”
        Government: “What happens if I ignore all of that and do what I want to do?”
        Constitution: “Well, not much really.”
        Government: ” Well, ok then.” *begins sharpening fangs*

  12. PieInTheSky

    When I went with some buddies in Prague in oh 2010 it was, one was adamant about going to TGI Fridays and convinced the other. I said screw you guys and went and ate alone some nice place off the beaten tourist path. I remember the duck was great.

    • Pat

      What’s your unpopular Beer opinion

      The difference between shitty domestic frat bro brews and boutique hand crafted artisanal thisthatortheother is as minuscule as the difference between golden retriever shit and Portuguese water dog shit; I’d universally prefer liquor or if it’s not available, wine.

      • R.J.

        Hear hear!
        *Bangs empty Old Fashioned glass

      • Certified Public Asshat

        You don’t like the thrill of spending 3x more on a beer that you might love or absolutely hate?

      • PieInTheSky

        polluting good whisky? sad.

      • R.J.

        You don’t use the great whiskey. See Neph’s last Friday article.

      • PieInTheSky

        last Friday? There was the morning links and the stoic article as usual.

      • R.J.

        Neph does 3-7 CST now on Fridays.

    • juris imprudent

      Speaking of stupid political ads – every Republican in PA is going to totally ban abortion, no matter what office they are seeking.

      • cyto

        The county registrar is key to the abortion ban cabal….

      • DrOtto

        In TX they are running ads talking about how parents can’t have kids and mothers are dying because of Ted Cruz’s abortion ban. It pretty confusing and bass ackwards. Targeting the low-info voters take retard-strength writing.

      • rhywun

        I would almost give them some slack if they campaigned on what this is really about – unlimited consequence-free sex.

      • Suthenboy

        Well, until we come up with cheap, effective birth control partial birth abortion using a hatchet is all we have.

    • Nephilium

      Both Ohio Senator candidates are talking about fentanyl and the borders. While Ohio is a border state, we are not (yet) facing hordes of maple puck sucking poutine fans, although we do have a few Hortons.

  13. juris imprudent

    Well, Pochettino now knows he doesn’t have any kind of a bench behind the [mostly missing] first 11.

      • rhywun

        I remember when that guy was a fresh face at the NY Red Bulls.

        And yeah, throwing that team into that cauldron on his 2nd appearance was never going to go well.

      • juris imprudent

        That’s the problem – who would’ve done better?

        It’s weird, the U.S. used to have it’s strength at the back – GK and central defense. Now we develop some talent up the field and the back goes to hell.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Considering this was a friendly, there was no reason to play Ream. Who would’ve done better is not really the question to ask.

      • juris imprudent

        Friendly or not – who else should’ve played? That’s the point I’m making.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Ok fine, Mark McKenzie should have played. He played against Panama, but for some reason Ream was the guy to play in both games.

  14. Donny Three-Fingers (KJ5GQR)

    Saw the Jeff Lynne/ELO show last night. Wife and I, along with the youngest daughter. What a fantastic show. No politics, a few younger people not dragged by parents/grandparents. Moody Center in Austin.

    Did not enjoy downtown, we got some exercise since parking was 1.5 miles from the venue. Saw a bunch of the walking dead. I thought the bums were bad 40 years ago…

  15. juris imprudent

    Halloween scare story for the political junkies.

    In this scenario, no new theory of American politics is vindicated. No serious realignment of voters in either party direction occurs. It’s just another 100,000 or so votes in a few states that determine presidential power for another four years.

    This “no rhyme or reason” outcome understandably will be disappointing to a great deal of people on the losing side, and will be rejected by the winning side as they claim an electoral mandate. Uncertainty and randomness are difficult for people to process.

    • PieInTheSky

      maybe luck is better for some to process than the other side I hate is so powerful… I dunno. It is all nonsense anyway. The world is going down the tubes (fallopian tubes if you believe the manosphere)

    • R C Dean

      “It’s just another 100,000 or so votes in a few states”

      If it’s within the margin of fraud . . . .

    • Suthenboy

      It’s just random. That is why the left constantly agitates for changing the rules to make voter fraud easier to the point of being laughable.

      • juris imprudent

        Both sides would be happy to have the rules tilted in their favor. If you think the Republicans just want honest elections that they lose, well wait, you may have a point there.

      • Suthenboy

        I am really talking about the way our contemporary lines are drawn. The R’s dont have a spotless record. They have set the rules in their favor, in fact, I think what we are seeing with leftists now is a backlash from that.
        What confuses the issue is a simple principle: Concentrations of money and power draw the worst kinds of people like shit draws flies.
        It doesnt matter what kind of institution you concentrate money and power in, the same people will gravitate to them and mouth the talking points necessary. This is why the labels we use are more or less meaningless. It’s a character issue. No ideology or institution can fix human nature. The best we can do is disarm those people as much as possible and why they are constantly trying to get around any limitations on their power.
        I am not saying the dems are especially evil. I am saying the especially evil people have skin-suited the Democratic Party this time.

    • The Last American Hero

      “Mr. Kennedy only met Olivia Nuzzi once in his life for an interview she requested, which yielded a hit piece.” Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Side piece. Hit piece. Whatever.

      • The Other Kevin

        It was an S&M relationship.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    A new set of political ads has popped up. First there were the ones about “Idaho needs open primaries” or some such thing, about a ballot initiative. Evil corporate interests don’t want you to vote. Whatever.

    Last night one came on from some ADA county (Boise) official. This initiative is about ranked choice voting. Really? Fuck that shit.

    • rhywun

      This initiative is about ranked choice voting. Really? Fuck that shit.

      Yeah, I am deeply suspicious of that effort, if only because of who is supporting it.

      In my state, I am very surprised to see zero advertising on the “equal rights” proposition that is a Trojan horse of trannies in women’s sports among other things.

      • UnCivilServant

        They don’t want people looking into it and just blindly checking “okay” when left with five seconds during voting itself based upon the biased description on the page.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    The enemy within

    Trump doubled down on those comments during his Tuesday night town hall, also calling Democrats “evil” and “dangerous.”

    “They’re Marxists and communists and fascists, and they’re sick,” Trump added. “We have China, we have Russia, we have all these countries. If you have a smart president, they can all be handled. The more difficult are, you know, the Pelosis, these people, they’re so sick and they’re so evil,” Trump said.

    Round them all up and put them in labor camps.

    • Suthenboy

      Nah. That’s too expensive. Expel them from the country, cut taxes to 15% total and spending cuts on par with that. No deficits. Live within your means.
      Take the trough away and the pigs will wander off somewhere else.

  18. Sensei

    I didn’t know PE was looking at small HVAC. The whole thing for me has always been finding the small businesses that were honest and with reasonable prices.


    The issue with these businesses is normally what happens when the owners want to retire. If a family member doesn’t want it how do you monetize and get out?

  19. Common Tater

    “A group of ‘fake’ Donald Trump supporters with neo-Nazi flags and shirts were doused with water from angry Republicans during a MAGA boat parade.

    The Trump event kicked off in Jupiter, Florida, on Sunday where Republicans have shown their support for the presidential nominee at the same harbor since 2020.

    Videos quickly circulated online of a boat filled with men dressed in swastika t-shirts, but Trump supporters were quick to distance themselves from the group, claiming they were ‘infiltrators’ and accusing them of being ‘dirty Dems doing their usual plants’.

    The racist group were seen waving their hands as they shouted: ‘Heil Trump,’ ‘Make America White Again’ and ‘White Power’.”


    While the Constitution says the government should raise a navy, I don’t think that’s what they meant.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      Were the angry Republicans arrested for assaulting federal agents?

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Harris called Trump “increasingly unstable and unhinged,” saying he plans to use the military against American citizens and is “out for unchecked power.”

    “A second Trump term is a huge risk for America,” she told supporters in Erie, Pennsylvania.

    It’s good to see them openly admitting they have no faith in the established institutions of government.

    “The Constitution is just a fucking piece of paper.”

    • Suthenboy

      This from the party that openly derides and advocates for the nullification of the bill of rights. From the party waging 3rd world banana republic monkey lawfare. The party who desperately wants to jail its political opposition.

      Got it.

      • The Other Kevin

        More of the “We have to destroy ____ in order to save it” template.

  21. Common Tater

    “A lawsuit which accuses Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs of child sexual assault could shed light on why more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil were found at his home.

    According to the court documents, the rapper used baby oil laced with date rape drug GHB to make assaults easier.

    The lawsuit, which was filed on Monday, suggested that the drug was absorbed through the victims’ skin after applying the baby oil to make them drowsy.”


    I doubt that would even work.

    • EvilSheldon

      Yeah, I’m not an expert on GHB or baby oil, but I don’t see that as being a realistic administration method. Not unless sex is already taking place – GHB definitely can be absorbed through the mucous membranes. But even then, how do you avoid cross-contamination?

      • UnCivilServant

        wear protection? PPE is cheap.

  22. PieInTheSky

    Legal abortion is 100% ideologically necessary for women’s liberation. Not because it prevents women from getting pregnant (birth control has existed for a long time). But because classifying fetuses as non humans allowed women self sovereignty even when they had the potential of getting pregnant. Let me explain.

    Liberty was made for men. Self sovereignty is meaningless when you are the host and subsequently the primary care provider for another human. As the birth givers and the guardians of children (having the sole responsibility of their wellbeing), women fall outside of the self sovereign paradigm. When you are responsible for someone else’s care, you are subservient to their needs. This is why women carrying an undue burden of child and elder care is also a feminist issue!


    • Nephilium

      /waves at Nikki

    • Suthenboy

      Some old dude name Aristotle explained in great detail how the master/slave relationship is the natural order of things and that only an uncivilized savage would deny that. I just dont know why people cant get that through their heads. Individuals have no inherent value. What matters is maintaining order and social structure through subservience.
      If we can discount the value of baby’s lives for the sake of the mother’s rights then we can discount the value of women’s lives for the sake of men’s rights. Some animals must always be more equal than others in a well ordered society.

      In a nutshell, women and children are property while those darkies and retards must be culled.

      Whew…channelling Sanger is making me dizzy.

    • EvilSheldon

      So women fall outside the self-ownership paradigm once they pop out a baby, but it still applies to men even if they’re in the sole breadwinner role? Yeah, nice try.

      It’s amazing how many of these ‘logical’ problems can be resolved by simply not being a gigantic asshole…

  23. Common Tater

    “According to data from the Department of Defense, the number of transgender US Army members has doubled from 1,800 to 3,700 since 2020.

    This is less than one in 100 of the total active duty Army personnel in the US.

    The Williams Institute at UCLA estimates that 15,500 transgender individuals are serving in the US military as a whole.”


    Sounds like a disproportionately large number.

    • rhywun

      So, orders of magnitude more than was generously guesstimated to be found within the general population ten years ago? Sure, why not.

      • Common Tater

        The numbers are bullshit, because most of stats count “non-binary” and sometimes even “gender non-conforming” as trans.

      • EvilSheldon

        Or anyone who’s gotten drunk and done drag one time for a Halloween party or fraternity prank?

        (nervous glance around)

    • PieInTheSky

      send some to Taiwan maybe the Chinese will never attack so as to not seem transphobic

      • Fourscore

        Remembers the ‘Old Days’….

      • Necron 99

        Maxwell Klinger agrees.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Its Phoenix, even when you do listen and comply they do what they do best

  24. Sensei

    There is no cost to holding inventories and no way that cost will past onto consumers. Right?

    The Democrat-backed measure, Assembly Bill X2-1, was introduced in response to the state’s rising gas prices and will require oil refineries to keep a minimum inventory level of fuel in an effort to avoid scarce supply, which leads to price hikes at the pump.

    The law also allows the state Energy Commission to set new rules around backup fuel supply and maintenance for oil refiners. Additionally, it will authorize the CEC to approve scheduled maintenance times to avoid supply issues.


    • slumbrew

      California gas prices unexpectedly surge.

      It’ll be a mystery.

      • PieInTheSky

        US gas prices are way to low as is, should probably increase

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Takes one to know one

    When Charlamagne suggested that Trump’s vision for the country should be called fascism, adding “Why can’t we just say it?” Harris replied: “Yeah, we can say that.”

    Harris’ remarks came at a crucial moment in the campaign, as polls show her struggling to cement the level of support she may need from Black men to win the White House. At the same time, Trump has appeared to make inroads among Black voters, worrying Democrats in a historically-close election.

    That concern was underscored in remarks by former President Barack Obama in Pittsburgh last week. He said the lack of enthusiasm for Harris “seems to be more pronounced with the brothers,” which he attributed to a reluctance to vote for a woman.

    Them uppity brothers need to stay in our lane.

    They sound desperate.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I guess fascism wasn’t that bad then.

    • slumbrew

      The party pushing for full government control of putatively private businesses is definitely not pursuing fascism. Nope, nosiree.

    • PieInTheSky

      I wonder if they agree we could call Kamal’s Bolshevism

      • Suthenboy

        She did say that if private companies didnt fall in line she will just take them. That sounds like some joyful Jeffersonian liberty to me.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    I didn’t know PE was looking at small HVAC. The whole thing for me has always been finding the small businesses that were honest and with reasonable prices.

    I haven’t even read that article yet, but in my thus far fruitless search for somebody to do some projects for me, I have encountered numerous “local” contractor websites which turn out to be nothing more than a blind generic request form. It makes me suspicious.

    • The Other Kevin

      This morning at the gym I was talking to one of our members who is a woman living on her own. She said she’s always concerned about inviting a strange man in to do work on her house. Then she found a “handy woman” who does odd jobs, and all her customers are women. She hired the handy woman to change a light fixture. I thought that was a great business idea.

      • Sean

        And she’s 17% cheaper, cuz wimmenz don’t earn as much as men.


      • The Other Kevin

        Excellent question.

    • slumbrew

      I’m trying to give some local guys several thousand dollars for a new furnace (24+ years old) but apparently getting back to me with a written estimate is just too much effort.

      • Sensei

        Yup. That’s the way these things work. If they have a full schedule they don’t care.

    • Fourscore

      I think that’s “Angi” shopping. Fill out the form and “Angi” finds someone that will do your job. I tried, finally told the telephone guy that I also had a Yellow Pages. “Angi” gets a kick back, errr, locater fee.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    “One of the biggest challenges that I face is mis- and disinformation,” Harris said. “It is meant to convince people that they somehow should not believe that the work that I have done has occurred, and has meaning.”

    “Part of the challenge that I face is that they are trying to scare people away, because they know they otherwise have nothing to run on,” Harris said. “Ask Donald Trump what his plan is for Black America. Ask him.”

    Maybe some day one of those media sycophants will ask her why everything needs to be race-based, instead of being beneficial to all Americans equally.

    • Suthenboy

      This is coming from a woman who has never had the truth pass her lips once in her life.

    • EvilSheldon

      Cheating at Conkers needs to have a really, really humiliating penalty. It would probably be a good excuse to break out the pillory again.

      • UnCivilServant

        Huh, I didn’t know people were so militant about retro videogames.

    • Suthenboy

      This is why we hate you. You take a comedic situation surrounding a game that no one takes seriously beyond entertainment value and inject ‘men bad’ into it. Culture warriors are like cat turds someone slipped into your car’s heater vents. Every situation that could be pleasant turns into shit people want to avoid.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Experts agree

    In a survey conducted from October 4-8 by The Wall Street Journal, 68 percent of the 50 economists polled said inflation would be higher under a second Trump administration, while 12 percent said inflation would be higher if Harris won the White House. The remaining respondents said there would be no material difference between Trump and Harris.

    Meanwhile, 65 percent of economists said Trump’s economic policies put more upward pressure on the federal deficit. Usually, if there are higher deficits and inflation, interest rates will be higher. Sixty-one percent of survey respondents said interest rates would be higher under Trump than Harris.

    They surveyed fifty economists. FIFTY. The conclusion is indisputable.

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