Thursday Morning Links

by | Oct 17, 2024 | Daily Links | 236 comments

We’re getting dangerously close to a Yankees-Dodgers World Series, and I don’t like that one bit. Formula One arrives in Austin tomorrow after a second “summer break.” What were the schedulers thinking with that? And that’s pretty much all I can come up with for sports, so moving on to…the links!

I have a feeling they’ll miss the mark on what the root cause is here. ::scans article:: Yep. They sure did.

What does the law say? Not the rule, but the law? Does it give the the Election Board the ability to make the rules, or does it leave it up to the local precincts? Also, why would anybody not support verifying the number of ballots cast before tabulating the results? Wouldn’t that eliminate the possibility of an accidental miscount or shenanigans? Oh wait…maybe that’s why these specific counties are so against them.

Oh come on. It’s only a few cities. There’s a lot more of American than that, right Ms Raddatz?

This was a shitshow. There’s no other way to spin it. An absolute shitshow. It was so bad that her team cut it short after showing up late to begin with.

Why does this keep happening to athletes? Do they not have the ability to properly register their cars or something?

What’s lower than “none?” Because that’s where it should be. Hell, that’s where it should have been for some time now.

Fuck every single one of these people. And that only scratches the surface of how disgusted they make me.

I don’t usually link two pieces by the same outlet, but I am today. Only because if I had to read this headline, then so do you.

You might want to look to Sacramento for the reason. Did it never dawn on you people to let the property owners do with it as they see fit?

Let’s rock. Always liked these guys. Especially this one. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Pat

    Arthur was posting during a surge of far-right extremism in the years leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    Ahh, yes, *that* surge of far-right extremism.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, remember the surge of far-right extremists that burned and looted cities across America that summer?

      • DrOtto

        I remember both MPLS and St Paul mayors saying that it was racists burning down their cities while people like Justin Timberlake vowed to bail them out. I knew Timberwood was a racist when he threw poor Janet under the bus back in the Superbowl halftime show fiasco.

      • R C Dean

        That is, in fact, the current narrative. The basic template is that (mentioned by name) Proud Boys and other right wing groups, and (unnamed) left wing groups burned and looted, etc.

        Of course, the burning and looting was, in fact, done exclusively by explicitly left wing antifa and BLM, but narrative uber alles.

  2. Rat on a train

    I don’t want to hear about Al Roker’s poon.

    • SDF-7

      Probably too tangy anyway.

      • slumbrew

        Welp, guess I’m skipping breakfast now

      • slumbrew

        BTW, Sloopy – I hate that I “got” the cover image. That will haunt me. Well done.

      • sloopyinca

        I’m here to please.

      • Tonio

        Good Featured Image, Sloopy.

    • Grummun

      Sweet Potato Poon. I … have to stop thinking about it. There are too many possibilities and all of them are repugnant.

      • SDF-7

        You yam what you yam…. (and that’s all that you yam!)

      • Swiss Servator

        *Strongly narrows gaze at SDF-7*

      • SDF-7

        Is it wrong that getting a Swiss reaction makes me want to do the Snoopy dance?

    • bacon-magic

      Does the poon make you shart?

  3. Pat

    A Georgia judge has declared that seven new election rules recently passed by the State Election Board are “illegal, unconstitutional and void.”

    Weird, I thought for sure no one had standing to challenge last-minute changes to election law.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Look it’s unprecedented to make such changes so close to an election!

      • The Other Kevin

        This election is going to be even more of a shit show than I though. People in Iraq are going, “WTF, fill out a piece of paper and dip your finger in ink, why is this so complicated?”

      • WTF

        In-person election day voting with paper ballots is racist because it disenfranchises minorities, somehow…

      • Grumbletarian

        Under the directive, assistants or family members returning a ballot on behalf of another voter must do so inside of a county board of elections office, where they are also required to complete an attestation form. Unlike secure ballot drop boxes that are available 24/7, county boards of elections offices are only open during set operating hours and often have wait times.

        What? You mean someone can’t just show up at 2am and stuff any number of ballots into a drop box??


      • Bobarian LMD

        The paper is white, yo.

      • Swiss Servator

        Afghans managed in 2004.

    • Drake

      I’d love to know what part of the Georgia or U.S. Constitution they violated.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Only the lessor Nazgul are able to gleam such information from the ancient texts

  4. Ownbestenemy

    AP competing with SF or SF employed by AP. You decide.

    Sweet Potato Poon, a delicious dish with a side of mystery

    • Nephilium

      side of mystery

      Nope. I’m pretty sure I’ll pass on mystery poon.

      • PieInTheSky

        you have no sense of adventure in your old age

  5. PieInTheSky

    GO Dodgers !!!!!

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Fuck the Dodgers.

      • MikeS

        And the Yankees

  6. PieInTheSky

    This was a shitshow. There’s no other way to spin it. An absolute shitshow. It was so bad that her team cut it short after showing up late to begin with.

    she can circle back on Rogan

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      So, $20? The same as on camera?

    • Drake

      She’d have to desperate to do Rogan’s show. He’d tell her staff to fuck off if they started waving at him. Then he’d double down on any questions she tried to dodge.

      • PutridMeat

        Think so? Possible. But he’s generally, to a fault, ‘respectful’ of his guests and non-confrontational. The only times I think I’ve seen him get testy is with guests who are not all in on drugs – or more correctly, willing to have some laws making some drugs illegal – e.g. guys like Schellenberger and Berenson. And pretty pushy with Matt Walsh on gay marriage.

        That said, it would really harm his show (destroy it? Probably not) if he didn’t push her when she would inevitably dodge and dissemble. He’s always on about having conversations and disliking people/interviews/media that are not willing to have open conversations, but rather are clearly only interested in pushing an agenda. I can’t see Harris being willing to have an open conversation – maybe not even capable of it. So I can’t really see the Harris team even being willing to do it. If Rogan stays true to the nature of his show, it’s a disaster for her either way, if he treats her with kid gloves and lets her spew her talking points, it will be obvious and offer no real advantage to her campaign (and harm his show).

        OTOH, I think Trump would do well in that environment, even with what I assume would be an aggressive Rogan (what, being a lefty at heart and all), especially given that they share interests outside of the political and could have a ‘fun’ conversation without even going there.

        No upside for Harris – if they do it, it’s a sign of massive desperation.

      • Drake

        Given Joe’s affinity for the weed, he’d probably go off on her for her prosecutions.

    • R C Dean

      Disappointed that Baier didn’t say “You showed up 15 minutes late, and your staff is now trying to cut it short. You promised me an hour. Are you going to keep your promise, or not?”

      • WTF

        Baier is polite, he doesn’t like to come across as aggressive.
        That being said, I can’t figure out what the Harris campaign thought they would gain by doing that interview.

      • Nephilium


        Obviously, the only reason the Republicans are voting for Trump is that they haven’t heard her brilliance for themselves. With this outreach, dozens of people will now be convinced that they will vote correctly, unburdened by the previous thoughts.

      • Sean

        Maybe they still believe they can swing people in their favor?

        I can only imagine how delusional her staffers are.

      • Drake

        They are desperate because the real polls are terrible for her.

      • PutridMeat

        unburdened by the previous thoughts.

      • MikeS

        I can’t figure out what the Harris campaign thought they would gain by doing that interview.

        They wanted some “don’t interrupt me” sound bites to feed to their base.

    • The Last American Hero

      Rogan’s show would wreck her. Seriously – put a mic in front of her for 90 minutes, wind her up and let her go. She would implode in a burst of word salad.

  7. PieInTheSky

    Oh come on. It’s only a few cities. There’s a lot more of American than that, right Ms Raddatz?

    TO be fair, what is wrong with true blue American organized crime that they allow this immigrants to come on their turf.

  8. PieInTheSky

    Fuck every single one of these people. – blueballed lately?

  9. SDF-7

    What were the schedulers thinking with that?

    My assumption is that it is in preparation for (next year?) when they do the “group races by geographical area so they can be more ‘climate friendly’ with the transport”.. it’ll likely take them some time to ship stuff between race groupings.

    But that’s completely out of my rectum, so it is worth every last dollar you paid for it. Here’s hoping it is a decent race (at least Maclaren is giving good competition for a bit now). COTA is a track I find interesting to race (virtually….) but often turns into a DRS train in watching. Morning all! On to the links…

  10. PieInTheSky

    You might want to look to Sacramento for the reason. – I mean the kings have been decent recently

    • Mojeaux

      You know that was originally the Kansas City Kings, right?

      • PieInTheSky

        Good thing they escaped that shithole

      • SDF-7

        I’m sure Mojeaux would take more offense at that if we weren’t all sure you were gently ribbing her choice of locale.

      • Mojeaux

        No, just a VERY LARGE small town. Also, it is pretty.

        We couldn’t support basketball or hockey (Red Wings; unfortunate name). We are a football town and we begrudgingly support our baseball team.

        Anyhoo, I would still take Pie for BBQ.

  11. Pat

    Fuck every single one of these people. And that only scratches the surface of how disgusted they make me.

    When the country literally snatching military age males off the street isn’t conscripting aggressively enough for you…

    • SDF-7

      Wasn’t Lindsey’s fucked up quote something like “We’re going to bleed Russia dry if it takes every last Ukranian to do it!”


      • rhywun

        From the article:

        ‘In the early days of the war, Graham said Ukraine would be willing to “fight to the last person” as long as the US continued to provide the weapons.’


        But hey, as long as the US is paying for it, might as well get the biggest bang for our bucks.

  12. rhywun

    Also, why would anybody not support verifying the number of ballots cast before tabulating the results?

    It is a mystery.

    • Ownbestenemy

      The apology question was a gotcha and both paths were not good but choosing to just sorta gloss over it was the worse of the two possible answers

    • Certified Public Asshat

      The Federal Bureau of Prisons told BBC Verify that two federal inmates have had gender reassignment operations – the first in 2022 and the second in 2023.

      I did spot some journalism.

  13. rhywun

    “Under the Maduro, and before him, Chavez regime, one of their ideas was to reduce incarceration and prison reform, by which they basically meant letting people out early. […]”

    And somehow they show up in the US, and Biden gives them free everything. It can’t be helped.

  14. juris imprudent

    Maybe the Democrats are returning to their roots?

    Some are even pointing fingers at Harris’ Pennsylvania campaign manager, Nikki Lu, who they say lacks deep knowledge of Philadelphia, where the vice president must drive up voter turnout in order to win.

    Yes, please, spend all of your time and money on Philly. Never mind that isn’t what delivered PA to Biden, it was the suburbs – full of icky white people.

    • Ownbestenemy

      She’s sticking to Dem strongholds and not venturing into the wastelands. Interesting strategy

      • SDF-7

        Typical Enclave mentality.

      • db

        Ah, yes, the Hillary strategy.

    • rhywun

      She is desperate to stem to tide of “voters of color” staying home or god forbid voting for the fascist. Without them she’s toast.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        To be sure, toast is often blacker than she is.

      • Urthona

        I think that it’s much ado about a tiny demographic.

        Her numbers look ok to me, and this election looks like a toss up.


        Judging by the campaign’s behavior I think they are seeing something that the public facing polls are not capturing. Doing an interview on ‘fAuX nEwS’ is not something that niether PPP nor Barry felt the need to do. Not to mention hiding behind Bill Clinton and Barry’s respective skirts and going on a media tour that makes her looking like a youruber begging for clicks. The whole thing stinks of desperation.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Eh, I am sure they mean ALL of Philly, not just the city core.

  15. PieInTheSky

    Royal Institute of British Architects
    🏆 The winner of the Neave Brown Award for Housing 2024 is Chowdhury Walk by Al-Jawad Pike

    Given in honour of social housing pioneer, Neave Brown, this annual award recognises the UK’s best new affordable housing:

    sadly the average glib can only dream to live in such a place,

    • mindyourbusiness

      IMHO, homemade sin created by unskilled labor.

    • Rat on a train

      Looks like row of offices.

      • rhywun

        Or self-storage units. Or prison cells.

      • Ownbestenemy

        All three fit into globalists views of human as cattle

      • rhywun

        All three fit into globalists views of human as cattle

        To be fair, Britain is full of such cheap housing especially stemming from the industrial revolution but it didn’t have to be ugly and it didn’t have to be “socialised” – those are my major objections.

      • EvilSheldon

        A row of really ugly offices. Al-Jawad Pike should have gone ahead and done the facades in precast concrete tip-up slabs, to maximize the soul-killing sterility.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I can see a vague idea of a return to the classic British row house, which you see all over London and other cities, and the bricks help with that. But, there is zero need for flat roofs, which are a reflection of a dry climate and a need to cistern water, which is not a feature of English life and seasons. Also, there is zero personality to them, no individual color, no place for front gardens (and I would bet the same about the back) so it loses on that front also, so to speak.

        In short, they are a caricature of traditional British city housing, and a poor one at that.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I had rather live in Poundbury.

      • PutridMeat

        live in Poundbury

        Hardly even a euphemism.

    • Pat

      I’ve done far more embarrassing things stone cold sober than anything in that graphic.

    • rhywun

      I’m seeing four anecdotes about nights that were a blast.

      • Ted S.

        You’re supposed to see five.

    • EvilSheldon

      Many, I wouldn’t even be proud of those unless I hit them all in one night…

  16. Drake

    Kamala used the age old argument technique of deranged women. When asked a question she’d didn’t want to answer, she went on a rant about something that made her mad years ago (Trump’s election). It doesn’t really work in an argument and is a terrible way to interview.

    • Ownbestenemy

      “What color are your shoes”

      “Well Trump…”

      Sums up what it devolved into

      • Ted S.

        The correct answer to “What color are your shoes?” is “I grew up in a middle-class family.”

      • rhywun

        “I grew up in a middle-class family.”

        That’s rich coming from a political party that hates the middle-class.

      • Grumbletarian

        Followed by TMITE saying “Well, it’s really the interviewer’s fault for asking such awful questions of a woman.”

    • Rat on a train

      “You and I both know what I mean.”

    • Urthona

      To be fair, Trump does the same exact thing.

      Man do I hate our elections. It’s time to move to the “this election was stolen” stage for 12 months.

    • rhywun

      I’m not sure giving up your sovereignty to Brussels is any better.

      Or what Grumman says below.

      • PieInTheSky

        sure giving up your sovereignty to Brussels is any better. – it kind of is all things considered

  17. Grummun

    It must suck for Central European states to be stuck between Russia and an increasingly authoritarian centralized EU.

    • Grummun

      Meant to be a reply to Pie, re: Moldova

      • PieInTheSky

        Romania should have built an empire in the 1200s and now we could be the big dicks but nooooo we had to fuck around in the deep woods hunting aurochs

      • Sean

        You people were faffing about so much, my people had to be brought in to protect Hungary.


      • SDF-7

        Or it would have all fallen apart by now — Europe did have the whole thing last century where they thought Central European empires were a bit of a Pest.

      • slumbrew

        Romania coulda been a contender…

      • PieInTheSky

        Burebista should have conquered the Roman empire.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        So, Pie, you are saying that someone in that era should have staked their claim? That is a very Tepes response.

      • Mojeaux

        Tepes did Europe a solid, tho.

  18. rhywun

    Did it never dawn on you people to let the property owners do with it as they see fit?

    No, because there are poors to trap in “affordable housing” and numerous non-profits to throw money at them too.

    • juris imprudent

      Much more the latter than the former, I think. Reward those right-thinking do-gooders.

  19. PieInTheSky

    Cemetery study reveals how daily life changed from the Iron Age to the Roman period

    A study by Prof. Dr. Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen, published in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, provides new insights into how the average human behavior in the tribal territory of Treveri changed as it transitioned from the Celtic Iron Age (La Tène Period) to Roman times.

    By focusing on the only known Celtic-Roman cemetery, Wederath-Belginum, the study gained new perspectives on the complexity of human mortality and animal offerings.

    According to Prof. Dr. Teegen, analysis of the cremations provided the following insights: “The cremains clearly document the changing living conditions at Wederath/Belginum between the middle/late La Tène Period and Roman times. The average life span and the life expectancy of the population shows a slight increase. Sex differences in mortality, however, persisted.”

    On average, individuals lived longer during the Roman Period than during the Iron Age, with far more cases of individuals reaching the age of 60 and above.

    However, during both the Iron Age and Roman Period, females were more likely to die younger than their male counterparts, with over half the cremations for both the Iron Age and Roman Period representing females below 40 years of age.

    It was also discovered that only Iron Age individuals showed signs of violence, likely the result of brawls, indicating that conflict was less common during Roman times.

    While Roman individuals were less likely to have experienced violence in their lives and tended to live longer, they were also more likely to grapple with pathologies that included tooth loss, degenerative joints and spines, as well as sinusitis. It is not possible to say definitively if this increase in pathologies is directly linked to an increase in the average age of the population or due to physiological stress.

    • rhywun

      There is no end to the shelf life of using Palestine as a blank slate to project your overeducated lefty fantasies onto, I guess.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        As long as there is one Jew left standing, there will always be a struggle for [whatever].

    • DrOtto

      Lol – they should take up the miklion dollar challenge to go March in Palestine with their cause. Then we would find out and they would be rich. It’s a win/win.

  20. The Other Kevin

    I was driving home from practice last night and heard a few pieces of that Fox interview. I think the guy asked good questions. I’ve seen enough Trump interviews to know an “ambush” when I see one, and this was not an ambush. But she never answered the questions. She just spouted off talking points, and he pressed her on giving an answer, and then she got pissed that he was interrupting. It was not good.

    • Pat

      But she never answered the questions. She just spouted off talking points

      In her defense, based on every other interview she’s given throughout her entire career, she had no reason to think that refusing to answer questions and instead spouting off talking points was frowned upon.

      • Ownbestenemy

        And given her propagandist on X spinning it as a brave and show of strength, the most perfect interview she has given, you aren’t wrong.

        Her base didn’t watch it. They get their info from X on how it went.

      • The Other Kevin

        That is true. I do think Kamala and Biden are the result of a political career in which you’re from a one-party area and you’re never seriously challenged.

      • Nephilium

        The girlfriend did tell me the other day that the women from the View were unhappy with Harris because she refused to answer any of their questions.

      • Gender Traitor

        They actually said that on the air??

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Yeah, I doubt she even knows what the private sector is, let alone that it expects results.

    • Drake

      Coincidentally, an EA-18 Growler crashed yesterday. The Navy says it was a training mission.

      • Ted S.

        It’s not as if Ozy knows nothing about flight training crashes.

    • Rat on a train

      Still using air mail.

    • EvilSheldon

      If I had email that explodes, I’d be using it A LOT more often.

      • Beau Knott


  21. Toxteth O'Grady

    “Nasally” is an adverb, not an adjective. The adjective is “nasal”. Gahhh! 🤬

    /random rant off

      • Homple

        Per Google Translate:

        “Nasal is a soft cheese made from fermented cow’s milk. Its maturation takes place in a special microbiological environment in the natural cave from Taga. Wooden packaging helps preserve its unique aroma for longer. It can be served as an aperitif or dessert, together with dry red wines, fruits or meat. Nasal cheese is certified as a traditional Romanian product.”

        Pie, can you describe that unique aroma for us?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        What’s Romanian for “self-appointed expert “, Homple?

      • R C Dean

        “a special microbiological environment in the natural cave from Taga”

        Better wear protection, bro.

      • Homple

        Toxteth: According to Google Translate, “self-appointed expert” is “expert autodesemnat” in Romanian.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Mulțumesc, Homple!

    • cyto

      Bullet points to

      College kid walking down street.

      2 guys approach, ask his name.

      Shove him against car, steal his wallet.

      He thinks he is getting mugged, so he runs.

      They tackle him and beat the everloving crap out of him

      Several bystanders call police believing a mugging or perhaps a murder is happening.

      Police show up…. and arrest the kid. Turns out the muggers were undercover cops.

      They were looking for a guy who is years older, different hair color, different eye color, different height. Suspect stole empty soda cans and a bottle of liquor from his boss.

      Instead of apologizing, they charge him with 3 felonies. His parents spent their life savings defending him. They were local cops, but federalized as a part of a fugitive task force.

      9 years this has been going on. Federal government asserting Sovereign immunity over everything.

      IJ took the case and this is the second trip to the Supreme Court.

      Officer has already retired, this has taken so long.

      Oh, they actually took the kid to trial on the felony charges, saying he should have known the *undercover cops* who didn’t identify themselves are cops. He was acquitted.

      Everyone involved should be tarred and feathered

      • cyto

        Oh, and no body cams…. and the police went around deleting witness videos.

      • juris imprudent

        Officer has already retired

        He can still be stripped of his pension and imprisoned.

      • Ed Wuncler

        Rage building up.

      • cyto

        Even worse.

        They win on qualified immunity in Michigan (impossible as you know)…

        The feds remove it to federal court

        They win on qualified immunity in the federal court (way, way more impossible)

        Now the feds are saying that they cannot be sued because of a federal law that makes it easier to sue the feds. Really.

        So back in the Supreme Court.

      • Ownbestenemy

        SCOTUS: officer is retired, this is moot. /probably

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        But, just remember, the head of the executive branch is totes sue-able and arrestable!

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of F1, I was watching an old USAC Champ Car race the other night, from the ’60s. The one mile dirt oval at Springfield Illinois, I believe. Chris Economaki noted that Mario Andretti had flown back from Europe, where he had just crashed out of the German GP, to be in the race.

    You don’t see the current crop of F1’s trained monkeys doing stuff like that.

    • Drake

      I was thinking of Nigel Mansell pushing his car around the last lap in Dallas. Maybe the coolest thing I saw in a race.

    • slumbrew

      TBF, I’d wager the driver’s contract forbids such extracurriculars these days.

    • SDF-7

      Didn’t Fernando Alonso do a race (Monaco?) and then Indy not that long back? Say what you want about some of the drivers — there are still some hardcore racers in the mix. I could see Norris or Russel doing something like that (I think they tend to do LeMans or more Euro / rally stuff which is why we don’t hear much about it), they’re both pretty competitive and into actually driving.

  23. The Other Kevin

    I’m listening to Scott Adams right now. He’s calling that Fox interview the worst interview performance he’s ever seen, and he’s comparing it to Biden’s debate. This is the moment people realize why they’ve been hiding her.

    Was it that bad? Guess time will tell.

    • cyto

      Not if you watch regular news.

      NBC this morning reported that she destroyed republican talking points, using several short clips to illustrate.

      If you watched that newscast, you would be certain that she did great and Fox completely failed with their stupid talking points attacks.

      • juris imprudent

        You only need our carefully edited reality, ignore all the rest of your perceptions. /left-handed Jedi hand-waving

    • The Last American Hero

      Apparently it was Testy. That is the word all the news outlets used to describe it. And they totally aren’t coordinating or getting their marching orders from the same masters.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Republicans Ambush!

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Did not disappoint, TOK.

    • Urthona

      Holy exaggeration, Batman.

      I don’t think a lot of swing voters watch Fox News.

  24. juris imprudent

    Trump Derangement Syndrome – supporter version.

    He has become the embodiment of the principles of the Founding for many millions of Americans who still cherish those ideals.

    • SDF-7

      That rich guys who at least seem somewhat genuine can gain widespread popular support? (Washington, Hamilton, Adams… hell, most of the Virginia planter class).

      Less snark — yeah, that screams “Project my needs and wants onto the candidate”. I’m voting for him explicitly because I don’t think he’ll spin the ratchet leftwards like Kamala. If he (and Elon) pare down the agencies, that’s gravy. I do think there’s a good chance he’ll get Iran to settle down (if for no other reason than not giving them money and pretty much saying “Sure… go for it!” like the PPP admin seems to have). I’m not expecting him to Restore The Republic! ™, return Rome America to the Senate and personally stab Commodus in the arena or anything.

      • cyto

        If we can’t have these regional proxy wars, how are we supposed to buy hundreds of billions in equipment from Raytheon et al?

      • juris imprudent

        personally stab Commodus

        That’s our problem, we don’t have that single point of evil. Oh wait, after Commodus the Senate didn’t restore the Republic – they were as spineless as our Congress. The Praetorians just stood up a new Emperor.

        Well, that’s a pretty black pill, isn’t it?

      • R C Dean

        “That’s our problem, we don’t have that single point of evil.”

        So what you’re saying is, we’re gonna need a bigger ditch?

  25. The Late P Brooks

    At the same time, while the pace at which the overall population has been radicalizing increased in recent years, people with military backgrounds have been radicalizing at a faster rate. Their extremist plots were also more likely to involve weapons training or firearms than plots that didn’t include someone with a military background, according to an Associated Press analysis of domestic terrorism data obtained exclusively by the AP. This held true whether or not the plots were executed.

    Data provided by the SPLC and ADL?

  26. Suthenboy

    Root cause? The people have figured out how to vote themselves other people’s money.

    Why would you have certifiers if you are going to force them to certify? If you command them before hand “No matter what you see or think you are going to stamp this as ‘good'” it’s kind of a dead giveaway that you plan to cheat your ass off, isn’t it.

    The BB: “9/11 attacks only affected a handful of buildings”

    Also BB: “Harris stands by everything the Biden admin did, vows to completely change everything.”

    *sigh* Cops would have behaved exactly the same way had I been driving a vehicle like that.

    Like Pravda during the USSR days, the press here is the propaganda arm of the leftist political class and doesnt give a fuck what the citizens think.

    Ukraine? Yeah, I am with Sloopy on this one.

    Busybody Commissar: “Here is what you will do with the property”
    Owner: “Who is paying the taxes on it?”
    Busybody Commissar: “You are”
    Owner: ” Well, alright then. It’s settled. Fuck off.”

  27. The Late P Brooks

    And the AP learned that Defense Department researchers developed a promising approach to detect and monitor extremism that the Pentagon has chosen not to use.

    RFID tracking chips? The exploding kind?

    • cyto

      How do they keep announcing money for Ukraine or Israel without a vote in cpngress?

      • Drake

        How can we plan a war against Iran without debate in Congress and a Declaration of War? Congress ceded their authority.

      • EvilSheldon

        The whole, ‘Congress controls the purse strings,’ argument gets more and more quaint by the day…

      • SDF-7

        I’m suspicious that it is all hidden in line-item slush funds in the Continuing Resolutions. Not like anyone but the staff have a chance to read the things before voting for them (because we can’t shut down! oh noes!)

      • Ownbestenemy

        Latest CR allows it and H.R. 9747 continues a previous year act.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Since 2017, nearly 100 people have been killed or injured in these plots, nearly all in service of an anti-government, white supremacist or far-right agenda.

    I suspect more people have been killed or injured by faulty hair dryers.

  29. Common Tater

    Was I supposed to know who Liam Payne is?

    • cyto

      Spinoff from Max Payne?

    • The Last American Hero

      I could point you in one direction and you would find out.

      • juris imprudent

        Puns like that are what make you beautiful.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m starting to give a bit more credence to the reports of armed vigilantes protecting their communities from FEMA’s ‘help.’

    • cyto

      Bonus….. they are just throwing away perfectly good supplies, saying it is unsafe food.

      Like palates of Prime.

      Now, the stuff is overpriced crap. But hardly unsafe.

    • The Last American Hero

      I realize government is just organized crime, but usually they try to pretend like they are legitimately looking out for the public interest.

      • Drake

        The Fermi paradox did not factor in a race’s premier space exploration company being fined into bankruptcy because of mean tweets.

    • rhywun

      Stop giving the US ideas, the EU.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Indeed, federal law enforcement agencies have a questionable recent history assessing domestic terrorism threats accurately. The FBI assessment of domestic violent extremists written before the Jan. 6 attacks reported, incorrectly, the participants’ “low willingness to take action in response to a disputed election result” and “those who are interested lack the capability to carry out anything beyond a simple attack.”

    And before the white supremacist “Unite the Right” violence in Charlottesville in 2017 that killed a woman and left others severely injured, the Department of Homeland Security had focused much of its threat assessment on the dangers posed by far-left counterprotesters.

    Better 1,000 innocents be put to the sword than 1 guilty man go free.

    • The Other Kevin

      Yep, Donald Trump is afraid. Like that time he got shot and stood back up and said “fight”, then went back to that exact same spot to do another rally. What a pussy.

      • cyto

        “As I was saying…..”

        If we had any sort of a free press, that moment would be legendary.

      • kinnath

        I was on vacation for a couple of days.

        The only mention of this that I have seen has been here.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    It is these targeted attacks that the data show people with military backgrounds are making more successful. Those include the 2020 murders of a federal security officer and a sheriff’s deputy in California by an active-duty Air Force staff sergeant and the 2018 attack by a former Army soldier who shot six women at a Florida hot yoga studio, killing two, before he killed himself.

    A man who would shoot up a hot yoga class is the epitome of an existential threat to our democratic civilization.

    • Mojeaux

      Poor Cyto. I got you on Twitter and now you can’t get off. 😂

      • cyto

        This is true.

      • cyto

        Amd I still hate the engagement.

        I have spoken with most of Reason, Tory Bruno (ceo of ULA), Rommelman and maybe 1 or 2 other notables.

        But getting my posts seen? Impossible.

        Tory Bruno answered a question I asked… his answer was seen a couple million times. Science writers wrote articles about it.

        My post had a few hundred views.


        I used to be active on reddit science forums. I might get a couple thousand likes (a huge amount for the size of the forums). I’ve never had an X post even displayed that many times.

        So …. love it, hate it.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Grievance theater

    So, Baier came out guns blazing, barely allowing the vice-president to finish a sentence before jumping in with objections and arguments.

    After 10 minutes of playing immigration “gotcha”, Baier pivoted to the obvious next subject, airing a video clip in which Harris expressed support for transgender people in prisons.

    Immigrant hatred. Transphobia. And later, Joe Biden’s age. Baier was running through the Fox News greatest hits playlist.

    This was grievance theater, not political journalism.

    The Guardian to the rescue.

    • cyto

      Completely divorced from reality

    • R C Dean

      At this point, the preaching to the choir thing isn’t going to save any votes. Everybody who is going to vote for Harris is going to do so (really, vote against Trump). Harris could have said she is going to scour the urban centers clean and send any survivors to re-education camps, and she would still get 90% of the vote in the big cities.

      • R C Dean

        By “isn’t going to save any votes” I mean – there was never any risk of somebody changing their mind about voting for Harris.

      • cyto

        As is evidenced by the fact that putting her at the top of the ticket without any democratic input at all didn’t even merrit discussion, and the polls actually improved when the *most unpopular VP in history* got the nomination.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Second, Harris did manage to introduce a few snippets of reality to dedicated Fox viewers who probably haven’t been exposed to some of the most troubling criticisms of Trump.

    “That he’s unfit to serve. That he’s unstable. That’s he’s dangerous,” was how she characterized what millions of Americans are feeling. “And that people are exhausted.”

    She even was able to mention, at some length, the harsh view of the former commander-in-chief from Mark Milley, who served in two top military roles – including chair of the joint chiefs of staff – during the Trump administration.

    Milley has called Trump “fascist to the core” and has said that no one has ever been as dangerous to the United States.

    All these claims were, of course, backed up with hard evidence.

    • Urthona

      Yeah, Fox News viewers have never heard those claims.

      Jesus Christ.

      • The Other Kevin

        I recently heard this about where people get their news:
        People on the right: 1/3 from the left, 2/3 from the right
        Independents: 2/3 from the left, 1/3 from the right
        People on the left: 90% from the left

        For sure none of this was new to Fox viewers.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Isn’t Trump at odds with like 3/4 of Fox talking heads?

      • Urthona

        Probably. Including the guy that interviewed Kamala. He strongly dislikes Trump. I assume that’s why they picked him.

  34. Common Tater

    “The Department of Justice said that Williams “threatened and used force against patients and staff members at a reproductive health center located in lower Manhattan” on June 19 and 20, 2020, blocking patients and staff from entering. The pro-life activist was reportedly caught on camera pressing her body against the abortion clinic’s entrance for patients and when a staff member attempted to open the door, Williams leaned against the door and crush the staff member’s hand.”

    So you are also throwing the antifa/BLM “protesters” in jail?

    • Urthona

      I’m probably ok with arresting anyone who blocks any space impeding free movement and won’t budge. I don’t care if you’re pro-immigrant or pro-life or even just pro-good things. Don’t do it.

      • SDF-7

        Conceptually, I agree with you. The last 4 years of DOJ enforcement and their definition of “interfering” including “prayer nearby” (and the Brit link a bit below including silent prayer out of line of sight) makes me not want to let this particular camel near the tent, unfortunately.

      • Urthona

        Totally. It bugs the shit out of me.

        Also, the punishment for abortion protestors is waaaay more severe.

      • R C Dean

        Indeed. But the only thing worse than no enforcement of the laws is selective enforcement of the laws.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      They will be on it like a laser in Portland.

    • R C Dean

      “crush the staff member’s hand”

      “The records of extensive orthopedic and restorative surgery, as well as the lengthy rehab process, are attached as Exhibits 15 – 94.”


  35. The Late P Brooks

    But there may be a small percentage of the millions who tuned in who – despite all the noise and interruptions – managed to hear a reasonable, intelligent and stable alternative to Trump. Maybe some of them live in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, where the interview was recorded, or in Wisconsin or Michigan.

    She’s stable and intelligent. She’ll make a great hood ornament for the runaway train of government spending.

    • kinnath

      I miss the days when elections were between intellectual titans like Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

  36. SDF-7

    Speaking of why I don’t want another 4 years of Biden-Harris DOJ guidance. I’d rather we stay away from Brit policies on this front.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    They’ve got him now

    For weeks, Republican vice-presidential nominee JD Vance has faced repeated questions on the campaign trail about whether he believes former President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. On Wednesday, he flatly answered “no.”

    Vance’s comment came during an appearance in Williamsport, Pa., after a reporter asked him, “What message do you think it sends to independent voters when you do not directly answer the question, did Donald Trump lose in 2020?”

    “I’ve answered this question directly a million times,” Vance said. “No, I think there are serious problems in 2020. So did Donald Trump lose the election? Not by the words that I would use.”

    He’s unfit. Disqualify him. Take him off the ballot.

    • Urthona

      This is one where Democrats think they’ve got Republicans by the balls.

      They are convinced that Trump’s “election denial” will cost him.

      I guess we will find out in a few weeks.

      • kinnath

        The Teamsters voted almost 2 to 1 to support Trump over Harris. That spells death to the democratic party at all levels.

        Harris only wins through cheating.

      • The Other Kevin

        If the “secret” polls are correct and Trump is doing well, it will be interesting to see what all those minorities and former Dems think about the 3am ballot drops.

      • cyto

        They don’t just think that…..

        They also think that filing lawsuits to prevent ballot drop boxes from being monitored will help them… so they are doing that.

        Now…. what possible scenario is there where *not* monitoring drop boxes is beneficial?

      • R C Dean

        “The Teamsters voted almost 2 to 1 to support Trump over Harris.”

        And, just like ann election, a majority of votes for Trump didn’t turn into a victory for Trump. The Teamsters didn’t endorse him, did they?

      • Urthona

        According to public polls, white women are more in favor of Harris than in elections past and white women are literally the most important demographic.

        Not sure I trust these public polls, but I trust speculation on secret internal polls even less.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Big Brother loves you

    A student loan cancellation program for public workers has granted relief to more than 1 million Americans — up from just 7,000 who were approved before it was updated by the Biden administration two years ago.

    President Joe Biden announced the milestone on Thursday, saying his administration restored a promise to America’s teachers, firefighters, nurses and other public servants. He celebrated it even as his broader student loan plans remain halted by courts following legal challenges by Republican-led states.

    “For too long, the government failed to live up to its commitments,” Biden said in a statement. “We vowed to fix that, and because of actions from our administration, now over 1 million public service workers have gotten the relief they are entitled to under the law.”

    The Party rewards its faithful followers. The Party expects your vote in return.

    • rhywun

      relief they are entitled to


  39. cyto

    The EU has said they will fine X up to 6% of global revenue from SpaceX and Neuralink.

    The censorship regime moves forward with alacrity.

    Someone with a legal background please explain how they can order X to censor stuff and then fine SpaceX and Neuralink?

    Also…. why didn’t they mention Tesla?

  40. cyto

    Here is what Reason writers completely don’t get about Trump and tariffs.

    EU looking to fine Apple some $18 billion. Biden doing squat.

    Trump says if he gets elected, he’ll do something.

    That something likely involves multibillion dollar tariffs on key EU exports.

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