1. AlexinCT

    The Mastermind of the October 7 Massacre Has Been Eliminated

    That these idiots thought they could do what they did and the other countries of the world would force Israel to holdback baffles me. Yeah, if Israel had one of those idiot progressive types, sure, but not Netanyahu. They are doing the world a favor killing these scumbags.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      They thought they could do that because that is what has always happened after each and every intifada. And the story goes that the reason the US is so involved with Israel is that we are the ones keeping the dog on the leash, so to speak.

      But this time, the hand holding that leash was too weak, and the dogs slipped out of grasp.

      • AlexinCT

        Israel would have to have a death wish to just roll over after that Oct 7th thing. It would just invite a lot more of it. At this point I am certain everyone, including Iran and their proxies, have realized the shit is for real, and are wishing they could go back to the way things were on Oct 6th.

  2. SDF-7

    Trump Gets Big Laughs at Al Smith Dinner, Roasting Harris, Biden, Media Elite

    I have to say — the quip about Kamala not being there due to receiving the Eucharist from Whitmer would have (okay did this morning) made me laugh…. Someone in the last couple of months called him our standup comedian president, and there’s some truth to that — it really is his element.

    Here’s hoping his personnel choices are better and the margin of steal is too great.

    Morning, all!

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Bad form wearing a tuxedo to a white-tie event though. He’s attended this dinner before, so he owns a tailcoat. Unless he’s outgrown it.

      • juris imprudent

        You know, that’s the kind of etiquette that I could not care less about.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Up with which we will not put?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, now we know who wears white shoes after labor day, JI!

      • Grummun

        If a “white tie” event is the height of sophistication and elegance and culture, etc., I feel like no one in the U.S., and especially not our politicians and journalists, are really qualified to attend one.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Well, I can’t think of any American women who own tiaras.

        White tie is too rare today. As handsome as a man looks in a dinner jacket, double that for piqué. 💘

      • Pine_Tree

        Or it’s on purpose – “I’m gonna do what I want.”

      • juris imprudent

        white shoes after labor day

        If sneakers count, then yes.

      • juris imprudent

        Up with which we will not put?

        There’s a Churchill story about that – even as demanding as he was regarding the proper use of the English language.

  3. AlexinCT

    Harris’s $1 billion war chest can’t buy a winning message

    I had a discussion 4 years ago with a Biden/Harris supporter coworker where I told them that Biden was seriously mentally impaired/compromised, and unable to be anything but a dead weight, and Harris was a retard (no insult to retards). She told me Biden was fine, and Harris would be great because GURL POWER! After all Trump was just the evil Cheetos man. She has been avoiding me of late.

  4. SDF-7

    Judge Denies Trump Request to Delay Releasing Smith’s Evidence Until After Election

    As I understand it — this is what underlies the indictment and as such hasn’t been put to any sort of test and can include hearsay, etc…. basically “all that the prosecution thinks interesting with no feedback whatsoever”. So total hit job… this judge is one of the “Hang all the J6 folks!” iirc (specifically, isn’t she one that has gone beyond sentencing guidelines repeatedly because she feels things aren’t harsh enough?) — so yeah, no bias there.

    Thanks for 4 years of banana pudding brain republic there, JackAss wing….

    • Suthenboy

      “Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”
      -Rand, Atlas Shrugged

      Think Trump prosecutions and Covid measures

      • Gustave Lytton

        Hell, Covid prosecutions.

    • rhywun

      total hit job

      Dunno which judge this is but even I was shocked when I dug into the weeds on one of these lawfare cases not long ago… it was as crooked as it gets. Conflicts of interest, unconstitutional suppression of evidence, etc. etc.

      None of this is reported in the press.

      • AlexinCT

        None of this is reported in the press.

        By design…

  5. Rat on a train

    Harris’s Interview on Fox News Ignites Debate Among Democrats Over Her Ability To Lead
    She wasn’t selected to be a leader.

    • AlexinCT

      Don’t kid yourself, we are talking about idiot people that would vote for a fucking rock if they were told that was the (D) candidate.

      • SDF-7

        The Senate aides and staff want to know more about this fucking rock and if they can replicate it….

      • Suthenboy

        They reply to every obvious criticism with “But OMB!”

      • Rat on a train

        He’s been running for office. You know what I mean?

      • juris imprudent

        In my neck of the woods Alex, the Republican candidate has that same deference – if there is an (R), that’s who gets the vote.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The party faithful will always vote the line, this is known. Happens to both sides.

      • AlexinCT

        In my neck of the woods Alex, the Republican candidate has that same deference – if there is an (R), that’s who gets the vote.

        You should start worrying when the asshats with the (R) next to their name have held uncontested power for several decades and they start the looting themselves.

      • juris imprudent

        I would worry about that Alex if I lived in a pure red state. There is no good political monoculture.

      • R C Dean

        “There is no good political monoculture.”

        From what I have seen, the only way to keep the corruption somewhat pruned back is to have control of the elected offices flip every so many years. Even that doesn’t work once you stop having two competing parties, and have a uniparty with competing fundraising operations.

      • Nephilium

        R.C. Dean:

        Something like forcing executives at banks to take multiple weeks off every so often to make sure there’s no sketchy shit going on?

        If your party has been in power for 10 years, you must sit out one election cycle?

  6. SDF-7

    Harris’s $1 billion war chest can’t buy a winning message

    She needs to spend it befriending a young Kansas girl in a tornado so she can get to the Wizard in the Emerald City and get a brain, heart and courage… then maybe she’d be able to do an interview.

    Or have a policy that isn’t out of the Little Red Book.

    • SDF-7

      Oh — and that brings to mind a quote from something (can’t remember what… it is pretty generally applicable) — “Can you believe I’m losing to this guy?”

      In this case — I’m hoping we aren’t losing… but it sure is a lot closer than it should be and drives home just how “no matter who (or how stupid who)” the “vote blue” crowd can be. What a South Park scenario we’re living in….

      • AlexinCT

        As I pointed out to some lefties yesterday, without the unelected and unaccountable government directing the old media and social media to put a heavy hand on the scales to favor democrats, no democrat top person would win elections today. Without that propaganda there would a drop of between 15-20% of support for democrats and the evil shit they do.

      • SDF-7

        Thanks, slumbrew! That was my era of SNL — I should have known.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        As a total aside, I read somewhere that John Lovitz, right after Phil Hartman’s death, took Andy Dick aside and beat the shit out of him.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I had a ton of respect for Lovitz already as an actor, a fashion icon, a man. That grew exponentially upon discovering he put the absolute beatdown on Andy Dick, one of the least likable people on earth.


      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I repossessed AD’s car while temping in a bank’s auto loans department. 🤭

      • Gender Traitor


      • rhywun

        Childhood friend of Lisa Kudrow.


        I loved his bits on Seinfeld, too.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Not sure how you can list Lovitz’ best roles without including The Critic or News Radio (although as pointed out before, he shouldn’t have had to fill that spot).

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        GT: This must have been around the time of Phil Hartman’s murder. Just before? just after?

        It was only a Nissan.


  7. AlexinCT

    Biden Admin Hit With Major Lawsuit Over Alleged Refusal to Help Purge Noncitizens From Voter Rolls

    One party keeps doing everything possible to make cheating possible in elections that happen in a system that can’t verify the legality of votes or be audited, by design, and THEIR design. And that same party is also the one that cancels and destroys anyone that says there are problems with elections.

    And we all pretend things are fine.

    • Grumbletarian

      Rest assured the lawsuit will be dismissed to lack of standing.

    • rhywun

      “Photocopy your ID”

      WTF? I just show mine at the voting site.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I live somewhere between suburban and rural, and we have a copier (multifunction) in our home. Guess we should hide it before deputies come around.

  8. Rat on a train

    Harris’s $1 billion war chest can’t buy a winning message
    The real men ad wasn’t a success?

    • AlexinCT

      I am glad I am not one of those beta, erm, I mean real men…

  9. SDF-7

    Harris Close With Democrat Who Tried To Make Child Porn Possession A Non-Felony

    Dammit… this is worse than missing an OMWC birthday — I figured it had to be fucking Scott Weiner… he’s been driving every other bill to sex up kids after all.

    Skimming the article — definitely one of those that lead to the thought of “You know… if the elites don’t want to look like a bunch of daemonic pedophiles…”

    • rhywun

      I figured it had to be fucking Scott Weiner

      *snort* That was my guess too.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, all things considered, it should really be Scott Cocktail Frank.

  10. SDF-7

    Comer Report Uncovers “Rampant Waste, Fraud, Abuse” in the Biden-Harris Admin

    All together now: And nothing else happened! Sigh.

    • AlexinCT

      These people are evil. The idiot collectivist policies of the last 90 years have driven the U.S.S. America into a giant iceberg. These scumbags backed her into that iceberg a half dozen times or so, then proceeded to distract the people/passengers while they went about looting everything of vale in their plan to load that on the life rafts and escaping with the loot. The Americans/passengers are then left to go down with the sinking ship.

    • juris imprudent

      Let me suggest an alternative reading to that – PAY NO ATTENTION TO WHAT WE IN CONGRESS AUTHORIZED.

      • AlexinCT

        At this point congress can’t even marshal the will to stop this shit.

      • juris imprudent

        We need to figure out how to fix Congress before we worry about anything else.

      • AlexinCT

        Guillotine or hangings?

        Cause we are far past tar & feathers.

      • Ownbestenemy

        To fix congress is to fix the electorate which we have seen…wants all this insanity except for a few enclaves

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        OBE is right. To fix the problem you would first need to fix the electorate. You would need to get to an Argentina level of problems before that is gonna happen.

        And we are a long way from that.

  11. AlexinCT

    California oil refinery announces closure after Newsom signs more regulations

    Over and under that the California criminal cabal pretending to be a government comes out and forces the company to stay open, at a loss, because their policies are about stealing wealth, and not so much about saving anything. I mean the people that just told Musk they want his rocket launches to stop, had no shaming saying they did it because his politics.

    • Rat on a train

      Just nationalize statize the industry.

      • Drake

        I’m imagining the state of California running an oil refinery. Hilarity would ensue.

      • juris imprudent

        Many years ago my cousin got his degree in petroleum engineering from UC [Berkeley no less]. He was annoying liberal and had one time asked his uncle (my father) if the grapes at the winery were union picked. My father replied asking him if he helped the Arabs drill for oil. [Time context – mid 70s]

      • AlexinCT

        I like the cut of the jib of your father, JI.

    • creech

      I suspect the govt. will demand tens of billions $$ to clean up the polluted site if it is abandoned, and refinery folks will decide the annual loss from keeping it in operation will be a bargain.

    • AlexinCT

      And I bet you this pisses off the people that think comedy is only funny when they get to wield it against their opponents…

      • Drake

        He has the ability to poke fun at himself – which is a sign of a normal person you can deal with. Biden and Harris appear to be completely fragile.

      • AlexinCT


        Biden is a great leader, and Kamala is the wisest and strongest woman EVAH!


      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        At this point, the left is going “Biden who?”

  12. Ownbestenemy

    Vox is still searching for peak retard

    If Harris wins, the Republican Party will almost certainly be able to veto anything she does, thanks to our broken Constitution.

    • Rat on a train

      “Why didn’t we pass an enabling act when we had the chance?”

    • AlexinCT

      Yeah, 50 years ago, when kids were thought civics, a claim that the problem was the constitution would have immediately disqualified even the most radical of people from being taken seriously by anything but lunatics. These days team blue literally says they hate the entire setup of out government, because it is preventing them from crushing their enemies, see them driven before them, and to hear the lamentation of their non drag queens, and the marxist indoctrinated seals clap and cheer….

      Think about that. These marxist see the framework put in place by our forefathers to keep government in check, as a roadblock that is preventing them from enacting government supported tyranny on their way to their vision of supposed utopia, as the thing in their way..

      • Suthenboy

        Well, they do see ‘Make America Great Again’ as a pejorative.
        They live in the upside down Faustian world that celebrates evil. Prove me wrong.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yeah but the MAGA folks want to return the US to the ‘50s beck when people had decent jobs and White House’s with picket fences and a couple of well adjusted kids playing in the yard. We just can’t have that horror happen again.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        “White House’s”? Damn you autocorrect!

      • rhywun

        Well, they do see ‘Make America Great Again’ as a pejorative.

        “I have never been proud of America.”
        /the wookiee, IIRC

        They wallow in America’s past sins but what they don’t say is they hate everything at its foundation too.

      • juris imprudent

        Stinky, everyone (left and right) is nostalgic for the 50s, just for different reasons. The left loves the income tax rates and the lower income inequality and higher union membership.

      • creech

        Yes, the left view is “why should we be constrained by a document 237 years old, written by a bunch of slavery-approving white men, that didn’t take into account the modern needs of an industrialized and diverse nation?”
        But we can’t afford to just invoke “Founding Fathers” like some sort of religious totem. The case must be made, over and over again, year after year, campaign after campaign, of the correctness of limiting government. “Jefferson said….” or the like is not going to cut much ice with a crowd that knows it can vote to take other people’s property and lives.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Meanwhile, the left accuses their opponents of everything they’ve done or plan or wish to do.

    • Suthenboy

      At least they are honest. True believers in totalitarianism as long as they are the ones in power. These are the poster children for “Why did you bring me here? This ditch is full of dead people.”.

    • rhywun

      A Harris victory could halt America’s slide into a MAGA-dominated future

      lol Holy shit they are delusional.

    • Nephilium

      WSJ had an editorial today titled “To Save the Senate Filibuster, Elect Republicans”

  13. The Gunslinger

    Pulled over from the dead thread for GT.

    – “How’s it going with you? (Sorry ’bout the Tigers!)”

    I’m busier than a 1-arm paper hanger lately. My company seems to be careening into the ditch. But I had an interview this week, and they asked me to come back on Monday to talk more.

    It was too bad my Tigers couldn’t pull out a win with Skubal on the mound but I can’t be upset with their season. It was a fun ride

    • AlexinCT

      It was too bad my Tigers couldn’t pull out a win with Skubal on the mound but I can’t be upset with their season. It was a fun ride

      I mourned. I thought they could pull it off this year. Back to feeling jibbed by them.

      Maybe I need to put them in my will to have them be the ones scattering my ashes into the ocean, but I have not figured out how to say they let me down once more in that act…

      • juris imprudent

        Canister of ashes attached to an anchor wrapped in a Tigers jersey?

      • AlexinCT

        Very creative… I might have to coopt that..

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        It is Detroit, so a 40oz of St. Ides wrapped in a D jersey might be better.

      • The Last American Hero

        M’s fans shake their head at what might have been. One day they’ll make the playoffs, maybe even see a World Series.

    • Nephilium

      Hey now! The game last night against the Yankees was amazing.

      I’m still irritated at myself I didn’t go downtown for game 5 because it looked too much like rain (and I wouldn’t be able to go to a make up game).

  14. AlexinCT

    Harris Close With Democrat Who Tried To Make Child Porn Possession A Non-Felony

    If at this point it is not obvious that when you want to normalize something criminal or downright evil, you use the democrat party to do so by claiming inclusion. And I would love to hear more from the people that now see their movement coopted by lunacy, those that supported them suddenly, going “This is abridge too far”, and how they are going to end up smeared by association.

    A pretty or deceptive name to cover something horrible, evil, or lewd, will only work for so long as well.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Without her who’s going to stand up for the underrepresented and maligned pedophile community?

      • AlexinCT

        I think they prefer the term MAPs… It makes them all worldly and wise, or something…

      • Suthenboy

        You jest but….

    • Rat on a train

      Your wife has an extensive Ginsu collection?

      • AlexinCT

        When you have 3 one of them is always going to feel like it was not invited to the party….. Know what I am saying?

      • Nephilium

        But stay away from the four penis wine, that’s just a rip off.

    • R C Dean

      “Instead of clear outward signs of multiple genitals, the organs often develop within one of the penises.”

      Why were they slicing his dick open during an autopsy.is my question.

    • The Other Kevin

      I heard his pants fit like a glove.

      • AlexinCT

        You have FAR more faith in our court system than I do, JI.

  15. AlexinCT

    Harris’s Interview on Fox News Ignites Debate Among Democrats Over Her Ability To Lead

    Nothing says leadership material like having a bunch of sycophants tell you you are a meanie for picking on their strong woman which then was forced to act like a flake…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      They wail like banshees when their person is treated like they treat the other team’s person. It’s pathetic really.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah like saying Trump will jail his political opponents when they’ve been the power behind Stone, Navarro and Bannon all going to prison.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Hey man, Xanax (I think that or some similar) withdrawals are a bitch.

    • Gustave Lytton

      But Trump has been president for the entire last decade!*

      *ignore Obama and Biden were presidents for 6/10 of that time.

      • The Last American Hero

        Not only that but Currently In Charge!

  16. Suthenboy

    Seeing the Al Smith dinner roast now. Someone forgot to tell Trump that a roast is where you make fun of people good naturedly?
    “Yeah, yeah I know but y’all are all such pieces of shit”
    I love it.

    • R.J.

      I have got to watch that later.

    • R C Dean

      Then I guess nobody ever told Don Rickles that.

    • AlexinCT

      When a system consistently produces a specific result, and those that can correct something they don’t want fight to prevent that, assume the system was built to produce the result it does…

      Our election system is design and kept the way it is so they can cheat and override the will of the people.

  17. Common Tater

    “Glamorous Olympic swimmer Luana Alonso has been offered the opportunity to sell replicas of parts of her body by a sex doll company.

    The Paraguayan athlete went viral on social media during the Paris Games when she was removed from the Olympic village for creating an ‘inappropriate atmosphere’.

    She has since announced her retirement from swimming after failing to qualify for the semi-finals in the 100m butterfly in the French capital.

    Upon her new-found fame, Alonso launched a racy OnlyFans account to sell exclusive adult content, on Monday.

    And now it has been revealed by TMZ that the 20-year-old has been approached by RealDoll to sell duplicates of her feet for up to £3,068 ($4,000).”



  18. juris imprudent

    No longer content with just Hitler, the most deranged drag in Mussolini and Stalin.

    Of course Mussolini is the only correct reference, at least stylistically; utterly wrong substantially.

    • AlexinCT

      Notice they didn’t draw in Mao or Pol Pot? That’s cause they are doing that sort of speaking…

      • Ownbestenemy

        They did…

        This kind of language was not limited to Europe. Mao Zedong also described his political opponents as “poisonous weeds.” Pol Pot spoke of “cleansing” hundreds of thousands of his compatriots so that Cambodia would be “purified.”

      • AlexinCT

        So the people calling Trump Hitler and his follower Nazis, have no self awareness?

        Go figure…

    • Ownbestenemy

      Good news is no one under the age of 40 knows the other two

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        ‘No one in America knew anything about Lon Nol – the press didn’t know anything about Lon Nol except “Lon Nol” spelled backwards spelled “Lon Nol”! ‘


    • The Other Kevin

      They’re getting closer and closer to running out of superlatives.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Ugh, it’s all so tiresome.

    • Suthenboy

      All projection all of the time. I dont think it is lack of self awareness. I think it is deliberate.

  19. R C Dean

    “Biden Admin Hit With Major Lawsuit Over Alleged Refusal to Help Purge Noncitizens From Voter Rolls”

    Its almost like the Repub Failure Theater on election integrity is carefully timed to be too late to make any difference, but just in time to fool the rubes.


    • Gustave Lytton

      And will be dismissed because the federal government doesn’t maintain the voter rolls.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well they aren’t suing about voter rolls. They are really suing DHS for not complying with their own policies that require them to “respond to an inquiry from state or local governments seeking to verify the immigration status of anyone in their jurisdiction for a purpose authorized by law.” Or at least what they are arguing.

        Its a clever argument but like R C alluded to…maybe something that should have been done in 2021 not 18 days prior to the election.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Ah, makes more sense.

        2021 lawsuit would be tossed on something like it’s not close to an election or DHS is still formulating a rule. Calvinball government.

      • Rat on a train

        The timing may be in response to the DOJ suing Virginia to block cleaning up voter rolls.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    waste fraud and abuse

    Doing well that which should not be done at all…

  21. cyto

    For those who didn’t take the time, the addresses to the Al Smith dinner last night by Harris and Trump are must see TV. Both are despositive, for opposite reasons.

    Trump is hilarious, as some have noted. But watch as second time and watch the people around him. Lots of sworn enemies all around him, including Leticia James.

    Watch Diane Sawyer try not to laugh, and finally give in and clearly get won over by Trump. Watch Schumer try to hide. Watch him snicker and giggle behind his hands.

    (Later, they talk like old pals, showing just how much of a game all this stuff is to these people



    Too bad it won’t get covered. If the nation simply watched that charity dinner, this race would be over and much of the politicization of law enforcement would be ended.

    I checked CNN last night. Nothing on the dinner. But they did have an investigation into Trump’s watch. They were pretty proud of it. Put it right under the Hamas assassination at the top of the page.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Oh CNN has something about it…”Trump insults Harris at Al Smith dinner while she barnstorms…”

      Regular people will not know its a roast meant for such insults but rather he is just being Trump again and going after a woman.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        In a dressing room?

      • Gustave Lytton

        I was curious about MSNBC’s take and mistakenly looked. 100% derangement.

      • cyto

        I attached links to relevant videos below…. awaiting moderation

      • Ownbestenemy

        Too many links cyto. I believe we are limited to three

      • cyto


      • cyto

        Nope. Must be 2.

        Now I made a mess.

      • Nephilium


        Any comment with more than two links gets caught in moderation. I approved your 4 link comment and trashed 3 link one.

      • cyto

        Thanks. Sorry for making a mess. But hopefully everyone will get a good laugh.

        Particularly, once you know the context of a charity dinner roast, watch Harris doing a cringe SNL skit.

  22. cyto

    That article about the secret service failures was pretty much useless. It had so little content, I suspect it was AI generated.

    • cyto

      But on that topic… notice how that whole thing has been memory holed?

      Even if you pretend that it isn’t a slam dunk, at least a solid majority of the country thinks that people in the government were involved in the attempt on Trump’s life.

      And yet…. not even 1 reporter is making this their beat.

      Boy, do they come out with the history of people quick when it suits them. But this guy? They lied about his current political affiliations, got called out on it and then very quickly went silent. At all levels.

      Crazy times.

      • The Last American Hero

        I’m still in the “be a damned shame if we left a gaping hole in security” camp. Not an actively coordinated conspiracy, just intentional neglect and let the chips fall where they may.

        If Trump gets elected, he should fire most of the agency and replace them with people that take their job seriously.

      • juris imprudent

        fire most of the agency and replace them with more people that want to work for the govt!

        It just isn’t going to get better, no matter if we have four more years of Trump.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Several generations of American politicians have assumed that American voters, most of whom learned to pledge allegiance to the flag in school, grew up with the rule of law, and have never experienced occupation or invasion, would be resistant to this kind of language and imagery.

    What the fuck does that even mean?

    • R C Dean

      Considering current gen Americans are experiencing an invasion, and have every reason to believe the government is essentially an occupation government because it’s “fundamentally transforming” the country, well, . . . .

      • dbleagle

        Preach on RC! Just try driving to Arivaca without ID.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Snow on the ground this morning. Not much, and it won’t be there long. Just a shot across the bow by Mother Nature.

    • The Last American Hero

      Fake news. Global warming reached a point in 2016 that ensured that children would never know what snow was.

      • juris imprudent

        You know, given how most govt programs go, the push on climate change probably means we get an ice age.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    WaPo: “Trump delivers profanity, below-the-belt digs at Catholic charity banquet”

    Put him in the loony bin. He’s a menace to himself and others.

    • cyto

      He told Schumer that if Kamala loses, he still had a chance to be the first woman president.


      • juris imprudent

        That of course can’t be an insult, because if Chuck decided he wanted to be called Charlene everyone would applaud such bravery and admire her fine new cloak of self identity!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Chuck already has the moobs.

    • AlexinCT

      As someone educated in not one, but a couple of engineering disciplines, that has spent his life solving problems and modeling systems on computers, and someone that loves science and the scientific process, I researched this crap back in the late 70s and early 80s when they claimed we were heading for an ice age. And the conclusion I made was that there was a whole lot of guessing about complex systems people barely understood. Fast forward, and that whole discussion becomes about global warming, and then climate change, all while they still seem to not only lack deep understanding of the systems involved (because they have not wanted to look into the details as the narrative was already set), but they keep making ridiculous assumptions, and then explain it all away with “scientific consensus”. It’s a racket. One created by design, focused on CO2 instead of water vapor (the only and main driver of temps and heat retention in the atmosphere, and the second largest energy sink after the oceans), all so they can peddle Malthusian marxist solutions.

      I can tell you that you if any of those complex models (which had a fraction of the complexity of climate) I worked on were as inaccurate and faulty as the climate models they use to peddle us this shit, I would have had to look for a different profession or been on the welfare line. These people act as if they have measurements, both today and in the past, that are accurate to 4 to 7 decimal points, on data that is ALWAYS corrected (normalized) in one direction – to show heating – that can allow them to predict climate changes. It’s idiotic. It’s raping the entire scientific principle and process, and being done because the big money comes from governments that need this shit to murder 3/4 of humanity and lock the survivors in a new feudalist marxist system.

      Again. Their choice of CO2 is the most telling part that this is a racket. Plant food or not, CO2 is NOT the major driver of any kind of temperature shifts (that goes to water vapor), and the fraction of non-natural occurring CO2 (the man made stuff) is nothing but noise. Note they ALWAYS tell you that questioning the impact of man made CO2 makes you a denier, when the scientific principle is all about questioning things and making the people with a hypothesis prove their point true, and then they cancel your ass. But you can’t accuse mankind of wrecking Gaia and demand marxist solutions, for more water vapor being in the atmosphere due to solar activity. Even dumbasses would catch on to that shit

      • juris imprudent

        Malthusian marxist

        Hahaha, that’s so ironic given that of all English economists/philosophers – Malthus drew the ire of Marx. He absolutely despised him.

      • AlexinCT

        They don’t have to be bros for Kamala, in love with each other, for the left to pick the worst ideas from them and add them up to be their policies.

      • juris imprudent

        No I think you are right about the modern merger of the two, and that’s what makes it ironic.

      • AlexinCT

        Got it, sir. My bad.

      • Suthenboy

        It has the anatomy of a scam because it is a scam.

        Create a falsifiable premise. Ooops. That evolves into a full blown non-falsifiable premise that begs the question.
        Create a sense of doom and urgency. Demand money.

        It couldn’t be more obvious.

        Yes…in 3000 to 5000 years the world will be ice free. In another 20,000 years or so we will be in another ice age.
        That is assuming the well worn pattern stays the same, which I suspect it will. If you look at the pattern of the cycles we are currently exactly where we should expect to be.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    If you think the the economy in the first three years of Trump’s administration was good because of anything he did, you’re wrong. That was all Obama’s economy. Trump was just babysitting it.

    I read that yesterday.

    • cyto

      Look, any trouble during Obama was because Bush drove us in a ditch. And if you say different you are racist.

      And Kamala made it clear…. Trump has been running for president, so everything happening over the last 3.5 years of the Biden administration is his fault. You and I both know what I’m talking about…..

    • AlexinCT

      Bad economics are ALWAYS the fault of republicans when democrats are in charge and fucking things up, but when things are good, it is always the democrats that want to claim credit for it. Now, i am sure there is a measure of this on team red side too, but democrats actively peddle destructive economics.

      • juris imprudent

        Democrats may be better at it, but it is far by exclusive to them – e.g. Trump on tariffs (and Navarro on anything).

      • AlexinCT

        What’s wrong with tariffs? If you believe they should only be applied to instances where foreign governments are subsidizing industries to destroy yours, tariffs are awesome payback. The problem is that democrats see tariffs as just another tax to use to steal money from people, so they assume Trumps stance on tariffs mirrors theirs.

      • juris imprudent

        What’s wrong with tariffs?

        You mean aside from the entire history of tariffs in this country? The Tariff of Abominations ring any bells? That SOB Calhoun was actually right about tariffs – they were used to favor one faction in the country at the expense of another.

        Now, if your idea about govt is to reward your friends and punish your enemies – well, there’s nothing wrong with tariffs then.

      • AlexinCT

        You miss the point where I said that if you use tariffs to punish foreign entities hell bent on wrecking your economy, not in the way you mentioned it, they are awesome?

        They are a tool. They are not bad. How they are used is the problem.

        I have no problem loading every product competing with some US industry coming from China with massive and crippling tariffs. They do it to us already, in case you don’t know that. Fuck the CCP.

  27. PieInTheSky

    I expected more snark on the reason dot com votin article

    • cyto

      I laid into them pretty good on Twitter.

      They lost all credibility in 2008. They have done nothing to gain it back.

      The only real libertarian (ish) guy they have is Mr Throat-Clear himself, Robby Soave. I gotta say, he has surprised with his growth into a fairly consistent voice for liberty.

      • PieInTheSky

        I mean I did not have high expectations but the virtue signaling was so much worse than I thought. They buy into the trump attempted a coup thing which for me is mindblowing. And not one multiple of them.

    • ron73440

      I read most of it and I kept thinking they were a bunch of intellectual lightweights.

      • PieInTheSky

        I know the word midwit is overused these days but…

      • juris imprudent

        When you lose the Romanian libertarian contingent, you know you’ve lost it all!

      • Raven Nation

        I thought most of the initial answers as to who they were voting for were pretty good but it then fell apart when they elaborated.

        Tucille and Boehm were decent. Britschgi wrote “No one. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris offer slightly different flavors of the same big-government, big-spending, protectionist, interventionist agenda that’s anathema to the libertarian direction I’d like to see the country go. Additionally, Trump’s call for deporting millions of people and Harris’ limitless support for abortion demonstrate a fundamental, disqualifying lack of respect for individual dignity and freedom” which was good but then he also bought into the “steal the election” stuff.

        Bailey is hilarious: “Back in 2008, I stated that “the Republicans must be punished and punished hard.” They must be punished even harder in 2024! Given how the polls are running in Virginia, I will vote Libertarian: Chase Oliver/Mike ter Maat.” So does that mean he thinks the Democrats don’t deserve to be punished?

  28. Ownbestenemy

    Man this rhetoric is getting batty.

    The person that no news agency in a normal timeline would ever listen to, Michael Cohen.

    “If, in fact, Trump wins and he does exactly what he says he’s going to do rewrite the Constitution and he’s going to destroy our tripartite system, get rid of the judiciary, and get rid of the Congress.”

    So laughable but knowing there are nodding heads on the glowing end of the boob-tube makes it less funny.

    • Rat on a train

      We must destroy democracy so he doesn’t get a chance to.

      • juris imprudent

        Well it was a Democratic administration that presided over “we had to destroy this village to save it”.

  29. Common Tater

    “After ABC News’ Martha Raddatz made the comment that only a “handful” of apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado were taken over by the gang, a report from the outlet states that at least four apartment complexes in Texas have faced a similar issue, with TdA members taking over apartment buildings. In San Antonio, officers raided the Palatia Apartments last week to arrest 19 people, four of which have been confirmed to be associated with TdA.”


    Only a handful? No worries then.

    • Ownbestenemy

      The slow drip of the meme…

      Not True
      Not a big deal
      Only a little bit <—- we are here
      Its good for the country!

      • PieInTheSky

        You forgot the last part

        the people freaking out about it are the real problem

      • juris imprudent

        The people freaking out about it hate it because of how it represents diversity, and diversity is the greatest thing ever (unless it is diverse opinions and then it is the worst thing ever).

  30. PieInTheSky

    I mostly ignored old Chase but now I took a look at this out of curiosity


    Others may differ, but for me this is exactly the kind of platform I hate. Vague aspirational shit. Not one clear concrete way of saying we can achieve this by X and Y. I know many libertarians avoid clear policies but I don’t like it.

    • ron73440

      Remember the Libertarian Party motto:

      To set the world free in our lifetime.

      The epitome of

      Vague aspirational shit

      • The Last American Hero

        How about “elect 1 member to the House of Representatives in our lifetime with an actual L by their name.”

    • Ownbestenemy

      Immigrants built America

      When does one stop being an immigrant and become native?

      • PieInTheSky

        For the US you need to grill a med rare steak, chug a beer, attend a baseball game, and lose one finger to fireworks.

      • juris imprudent

        I guess I have to turn in my citizenship card, I still have all my fingers.

      • Drake

        They were pioneers.

    • creech

      Still way more specific than the shit Harris is spewing. If the LP was influential, maybe they would have more white papers
      (Project 2025 type stuff?), have a shadow government, and be asked their stance on every current issue. How much wonky stuff are you willing to waste your time on if you are going to be totally ignored?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ya that is firmly in the absolutely*

        *hypothetically of course

    • R C Dean

      That’s worthy of a featured image gif.

  31. PieInTheSky

    Which 3 would you bring back?


    Napoleon would be good to bring back because no one would believe him… sure buddy we get several napoleons per year.

    yes I assume the old timey stereotype about the crazy guy thinking he is napoleon is no longer a thing. Still.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Franklin coming back so we can highlight that American pols have always been poonhounds.

      • PieInTheSky

        So you are saying you would bring back Hitler 3 times. I am on to you.

    • The Last American Hero

      Not on the list, but I’d go with Hitler, Mao, and Stalin. Remind the world where world socialism and national socialism really look like.

  32. PieInTheSky

    Hunting success continues to improve among Ache Hunter-Gatherers up to age 40.
    Despite being past their peak physical fitness hunters continue to gain experience and improve their skills into their middle age.


    So hunting glibs over 40: were you a better hunter at 30 or at 40?

    • AlexinCT

      I bagged a lot more women in my 20s before I got married, not so much in my 50s since too many of the single ones were clearly a dozen cards short of a full deck and choices were slim unless I was willing to lower my standards (which then would have left me with a lot of blue or green haired ones that would set off the elevator overweight alarms, so no win for me).

      And I did real good hunting in my 30s and 40s. These days I lack the desire to sit out in the cold to shoot something. My preferred form of shooting these days is more like the stuff you get in pr0n, if you know what I mean…

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Assume a flamethrower

    The result would be inflation, which would particularly affect low-income households, whose budgets mainly go toward imported clothes, toys, electronics, energy, and food. A recent Peterson Institute study found that the tariffs would cost an average household at least $2,600 a year, and other studies have estimated costs twice as high as that. For companies that depend on imported products, a hike in prices and a lack of substitutes could put them out of business. A second Trump administration, therefore, would basically rerun some of the effects of the pandemic’s supply chain breakdowns. These tariffs would differ from the first Trump administration’s in that they would be applied more broadly and at ten to 15 times the rates imposed before.

    As far as tax revenues go, tariffs cannot replace any meaningful part of other federal taxes, precisely because the point of tariffs is to compel consumers to shift their purchases. If an administration increases taxes on a certain good, over time taxpayers find a substitute for or reduce their consumption of that good, and the tax revenues collected from it fall. When businesses go under because their costs increase too much, that also decreases tax revenue. Trump’s across-the-board tariffs at 20 percent would yield 1.0 to 1.5 percent of GDP in revenues in the first year and would decline from there; higher tariff rates would yield even less revenue.

    Muh tax base! The sole reason the economy exists is to feed the insatiable maw of government.

    • juris imprudent

      No they actually believe there would not be an economy without government. Simply cannot exist.

      • AlexinCT

        And they need that economy to be top down to make sure the government is not held in check or bears the brunt of some policy that government doesn’t like.

    • AlexinCT

      Let me guess. Some blue haired women that would trigger elevator overweight alarms complained?

      • PieInTheSky

        I believe mostly christian conservatives

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Disgusting…I’ll be back in ten minutes to rail on those floozies.

  34. PieInTheSky

    Did glibertarians post the how are we voting article? I am not sure if I missed it.

    • Banjos

      Boring. We need a predictions post.

      • AlexinCT

        I predict the lefty cabal of government and progressive Malthusians, being desperate, will engage in a ton of cheating, and if they succeed it will be reeducation camps for the deplorables. If they fail, it will be riots and chaos to prevent their enemies from actually fixing what they have broken by design and with a clear goal.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Since tax cuts are expensive and the proposed tariffs will not generate a lot of revenue, the Trump program would spur huge federal deficits. Nonpartisan analysts at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania have estimated that these proposals will raise the deficit by an additional $3.5 to $5.0 trillion over ten years. (The economic plans touted by Trump’s opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, would also increase the deficit, but by less than one-third of that amount.) One recent nonpartisan study by leading public finance scholars showed that Trump’s 2017 tax cuts generated far less growth—and therefore far less tax revenue than the direct loss of taxes collected.

    Fuck you, cut spending.

  36. PieInTheSky

    The wife of a Conservative councillor has been jailed for 31 months after calling for hotels housing asylum seekers to be set on fire.

    Lucy Connolly, whose husband serves on West Northamptonshire Council, posted the expletive-ridden message on X on the day three girls were killed in Southport.

    The 41-year-old childminder called for “mass deportation now” and added: “If that makes me racist, so be it.”

    Judge Melbourne Inman KC told Birmingham Crown Court the sentence for these offences was intended to “punish and deter”.

    The hearing was told Connolly, of Parkfield Avenue in Northampton, sent a WhatsApp message on 5 August joking that the tweet to her 10,000 followers had “bitten me on the arse, lol”.

    Connolly previously admitted intending to stir up racial hatred.


  37. AlexinCT

    Hah hah hah! If you did 23andMe, this is impossible. In case you didn’t know, that org was initially financed by the US intel community, and they will keep the info on everyone that did this shit, regardless of if you ask to have it deleted or not, into perpetuity to use against you.

    Your government hates you.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The chance of true deletion is zero. Anyone who used them (or most, all?, of the others) without some kind of false identity cover is a sucker.

      • AlexinCT

        You calling back to the old “This is my weapon, this is my gun. This one’s for shooting, and this one’s for fun” line where their crusty socks are impounded? Or is that the Marines?

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Or if any blood relatives did.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Trump has also said that, as president, he would assert executive authority to sequester—that is, refuse to spend—congressionally appropriated funds in order to reduce public expenditures that his administration opposes. Through this practice—effectively threatening government shutdowns—Trump would gain leverage in budget negotiations. But even if asserting such authority in this way were upheld as legal by federal courts, it would further erode the transparency and predictability of the already shaky U.S. budget process. Bad fiscal governance causes investors, domestic and foreign, to view government debt as riskier so they require higher interest rates to hold it.

    Cast doubt on the continuing inexorable growth of government? What madness is this?

    • Gustave Lytton

      The executive branch head thinking he’s the head of the executive branch. Nonsense.

    • AlexinCT

      There are people out there into GILFs..

  39. KSuellington

    Neph said: “ Something like forcing executives at banks to take multiple weeks off every so often to make sure there’s no sketchy shit going on? If your party has been in power for 10 years, you must sit out one election cycle?”

    We need a Monty Brewster law desperately. Every single elected office needs to have a “none of the above” option. It would make voting fun again and better guard against monopoly parties and the uniparty. If the none of the above gets the most votes there is a new vote for that office a few months in the future and all candidates who lost to none have to sit the re-vote out. Repeat until an actual candidate is chosen over none. This would fundamentally change a very broken system that we have currently. I’m about to get a Senator Schiff instead of a Senator Garvey because we are a Blue fiefdom. I don’t think Schiff would prevail against a “none” choice though.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Still won’t change a thing because no one is looking at themselves as the problem. Spouting “Congress is terrible!” while they re-vote for the person that has been in office for 30 years.

    • cyto

      I am a bit black-pilled on this, but anyone voting for Schiff should be drawn and quartered.

  40. The Late P Brooks


    Judge Tanya Chutkan will unseal a new tranche of evidence in Donald Trump’s election-fraud case on Friday—despite impassioned pleading from the former president’s lawyers that it could damage his presidential campaign.

    Damage his campaign, you say? Haha, that’s the point.

    • Suthenboy

      I am a bit confused on this. I will have to see the evidence to know what is going on.

      • cyto

        Well, how many criminal cases can you think of where the prosecution just released all of the evidence against the accused to the public, outside of any trial, when they hit a legal roadblock?

      • cyto

        Also remember… in 2016 it was a big deal that there was a DOJ policy against taking actions or releasing information in the months before an election. So they just couldn’t prosecute or even comment… unless something got enough public pressure. Then they could tell us that it wasn’t anything that would be prosecuted.

    • cyto

      Better, the judge ruled that *not* releasing a pile of unproven allegations and unvetted and unchallenged testimony on the eve of the election was election interference.

      She played the Uno Reversi card.

      She also ruled that releasing all the documents and depositions and such couldn’t possibly taint the jury pool, after repeatedly denying most of the Trump lawyers discovery requests and denying Trump the ability to release all of his evidence simultaneously.

      Pretty transparent what the intention is.

      • cyto

        Releasing all *proposed* evidence to the public before trial without any rulings on admissibility like a real trial….. that won’t taint the jury pool. But the defendant saying he is innocent and the prosecution is biased is witness intimidatiob and jury tampering.

        Judges these days.

  41. Suthenboy

    Ok, to ruin my day I am off the grocery store.
    I will be back later with my flawless insight, impeccable intuition and deep wisdom.

    Yesterday I got to use one of my favorite lines. Wife asked me “What kind of tree is that?” (large shady tree beloved by hummingbirds and lots of bee species)
    “I dont know”
    Her: “I thought you knew everything, especially about trees!”
    ME: “I do know everything, just not all at the same time.”
    Her: *gives me the evil eye*

  42. The Late P Brooks

    We need a predictions post.

    We lose.

    • cyto

      Every libertarian, everywhere, always.

      Hobnail boot, stomping a face, forever.

    • cyto

      Along those lines, I dropped into a leftist thread last night. There were a ton of memes and comments using Milei as an example of failure and destroying a country.

      It was bizarre. They live in an alternate set of facts where Milei is incompetent and malicious and everyone in Argentina despises him because he has destroyed the country, the economy and even the culture. It went mostly unchallenged… like it is just a background fact.

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