1. PieInTheSky

    Harris Scales Back Campaign Trail Presence to Prep for Interviews – DO Rogan !!!!

    • SDF-7

      The first sentence summed up my reaction:

      The schedule is unusual for the closing weeks of a presidential campaign.

      One — at this point, someone who isn’t a vapid shell of a candidate should be able to handle friendly interviews and “town halls” (see: this — “Town Hall” my butt…) anyway… but Two: In the last couple of weeks, the last thing a candidate should want to do is go away and hide.

      But we’re in the era of Basement Campaign and let the minions in the “independent” media do all your campaigning for you, I suppose… it is a bold strategy outside of COVID justification, Cotton… let’s see how it plays out.

      • Pat

        it is a bold strategy outside of COVID justification, Cotton… let’s see how it plays out.

        My presence in that office can only hurt my chances

        Anyway, the election is down to 3 states before it even starts. She telegraphed that they’ve got PA sewn up with her veep pick. If she’s right, she’s the president-elect already.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I am not convinced that was the route with the veep pick. Im in the camp that she or her team needed a Walz type to shore up her more extreme positions and try to appear more center-left, its just the vetting was done terribly and that fits her campaign as it is being ran terribly.

      • SDF-7

        Heh… I figured it would be In the Thick of It or Veep — she very much is acting like one of their politicians.

        I’m probably too happy on the hype train — but it sure looks from here like she’s wrong on PA (and just stupid and caving to the anti-semites on the VP pick, not savvy). Hopefully it won’t be another “2.5 weeks and extensive ballot finding later….” scenarios.

      • rhywun

        try to appear more center-left

        They could have tried harder. Dude is a borderline commie.

      • rhywun

        got PA sewn up

        If they believe her lies about not wanting to kill fracking, well… maybe.

        Or if they don’t notice how many “cultural enrichers” are being bused in to took’er’jerbs.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, considering they have hidden Walz away at this point due to embarrassment, I don’t think that they ‘sewed up” Penn with that strategy, Cotton.

      • R C Dean

        “Hopefully it won’t be another “2.5 weeks and extensive ballot finding later….” scenarios.”

        Narrator: It will be another 2.5 weeks, minimum, and extensive ballot finding later scenario.

      • Spudalicious

        She picked Walz because he’s the most aligned with her beliefs, and won’t show her up on the stage like Shapiro would.

    • AlexinCT

      Harris Scales Back Campaign Trail Presence to Prep for Interviews – DO Rogan !!!!

      I think the interviews are for the job she will have AFTER the machine fails to successfully steal the election for team blue.

      • WTF

        What makes you think the machine will fail?

      • AlexinCT

        The desperation I see now?

      • Drake

        My biggest hope for this election is based on cynicism.

        Shapiro and Whitmer got screwed out of their chance to run for the nomination to succeed Biden. If Harris wins, they won’t be eligible in 2028 either.

        So, maybe their state machines take the year off from rigging? If Trump wins by taking Pennsylvania and Michigan, that will be why.

      • The Other Kevin

        Drake, it almost does seem like they’re losing on purpose. If Kamala loses, she’s going to disappear from politics altogether. There’s no way she sticks around like Obama or Hillary. I think the Dems are as ready to get rid of her as the rest of us.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I know bleating out my previous position, but it would be in the best interest long term for their party for the Don to win this

  2. PieInTheSky

    First lady Jill Biden tells ABC that President Biden dropping out of the race was ‘right call’ – honestly for Joe it probably was. He was in no condition for it

    • AlexinCT

      That’s not going tpo stop her from wanting revenge on the democrats party for doing it to him..


        Or it could be Jac… erm… Doug Emhoff.

  3. PieInTheSky

    AG Paxton: Texas investigation into ActBlue uncovers suspicious donations – is Texas interfering with federal elections? Damn republicans…

    • SDF-7

      I know the wheels of Justice grind slowly for a reason and all — but we’ve been seeing stories on their “smurfing” for what… 6 months at least? Plenty of time to fuck up this election… so let’s get around to doing something inside of a couple of years when the consequences are set in stone. Yay!

      • rhywun

        My thought too. The wheels of justice something something.

        Isn’t that the same outfit we have learned is laundering “donations” through hundreds of residents of a storage unit business or a laundromat?

      • SDF-7

        Yeah, that’s what they’ve been calling “smurfing” as I understand it.

        Get a lot of little blue fake people to mask the massive money laundering — retirees, fake addresses, etc…

      • rhywun

        The wheels of justice something something.

        Or what you just said.

        Jesus I need more coffee.

      • Tonio

        “Smurfing” was originally used in that sense by federal prosecutors to describe the practice of money laundering by having low level operatives known as “smurfs” make multiple small bank deposits to avoid the cash deposit threshold that would require the bank to report the transaction. This is a hugely appropriate re-purposing ot the term.

        SLD: It’s not the government’s business how much money gets deposited to bank accounts.

      • R C Dean

        I’ve been seeing stories about ActBlue’s highly suspicious activities for years. I find it all too typical that “investigations” weren’t “opened” until far too late to make a difference.

      • AlexinCT

        They have managed to avoid anything serious by primarily and mostly using people in clearly blue dominated states, where none of the authorities can be bothered to respond since all of them are benefitting from it. In my case, they had me donating money to Obama and to team blue congress people in other states than my own (but still owned by team blue).

        They should look for the pattern where the donors are giving money to people not in their own state, and investigate that shit.

    • AlexinCT

      I had a problem with ActBlue in 2009 when I found out from someone I had given money to Obama and to other democrats. When I looked, I saw there it was. And to the tune of close to $3K. I had never made a political donation (and still have not). I got me a lawyer and contacted them. The day after all the records disappeared. We notified the state authorities. They told us to to fuck off in so many words. Nothing ever happened and them cheating like that only got worse.

      • Pat

        If you thought that was bad, just wait until you find out who you voted for.

      • AlexinCT

        My son and I voted on the first day of early voting in The People’s Republic of Connecticut. After seeing how low the enthusiasm was for Harris/Walz – there are a ton of Trump/Vance signs, even in places where that would be totally unexpected, and the normal mix of down ballot signs that always favor team blue – it was a surreal experience.

        Went to the town hall. Showed ID. Verified with the registration/voting record. Got ballot. Verified ballot was not shit. Voted. Verified that we had early voted and put the ballot in a box. Videoed the whole thing and also took pics. Most of the people there had no problem, but a Karen I know is a hardcore team blue tool, gave me dirty looks (she can kiss my as). Do not expect any shenanigans in my small suburban town like we have in the big cities.

        Not expecting the voters of this captured state to be able to overcome the margin of cheating to favor team blue, but lets see.

      • Tonio

        I would say for you to contact AG Paxton with that information. Even if it wasn’t prosecutable under Texas law it’s part of a wider pattern of deliberate wrongdoing that will help him build a case. Hopefully a Trump DOJ would take interest in this case and bring a RICO prosecution against them using AG Paxton’s records to help build the case.

    • Donny Three-Fingers (KJ5GQR)

      I just browsed their individual donors. Roughly 70% of donors giving over $200 list occupation as unemployed…

      • Donny Three-Fingers (KJ5GQR)

        ActBlue. That was just the first 200 or so out of a little over 5k. Could not figure out how to search if I’m a donors. Never have donated to any political entity.

      • AlexinCT

        I recall that at some point they found Mickey Mouse and Jack Meoff had donated substantial amounts. Then those records disappeared and nobody gave a fuck again.

      • Ownbestenemy

        *shocked face*

      • Ownbestenemy

        ACT BLUE AZ NOT EMPLOYED 01/21/2024 $25.00
        ACT BLUE AZ NOT EMPLOYED 01/21/2024 $3.00
        ACTBLUE AZ NOT EMPLOYED 01/07/2024 $7.50
        ACTBLUE AZ NOT EMPLOYED 01/07/2024 $2.00
        ACTBLUE AZ NOT EMPLOYED 01/07/2024 $7.50
        ACTBLUE AZ NOT EMPLOYED 10/26/2023 $1.00
        ACTBLUE AZ NOT EMPLOYED 10/26/2023 $10.00

        So I am unsure if you can self identify occupation, which I would assume you can. My main concern is anyone who knows about fraud would see that pattern and instantly assume fraudulent activity.

        Same person, but the $1.00 and then $10.00 donation should be raising red flags. That is classic stolen card behavior.

      • Gustave Lytton

        You have to look at the donation detail. You can earmark donations to candidates as well as just to Act Blue’s slush fund. I’m guessing there’s a donation wall where you can allocate to the specific name and then make a single transaction.

        The not employed or completely empty fields is very strange. Don’t see that on other recipients (either Democrat or Republican).

  4. PieInTheSky

    ‘Take the red pill’: Musk’s support for Trump follows wave of government probes into his companies – I can never really figure out Musk and his long game, if he has one. Can’t say I am a fan necessarily, but I do like his troll game. Now how honest he is about what he says who knows. But I would do a trip round the earth in a dragon if I had the scratch.

    • AlexinCT

      Musk’s long game is to move to Mars and be the lord of that domain. Robots to do the work and womens to work on him…

      King o the Hill, baby!

  5. PieInTheSky

    National Debt Tracker: American taxpayers are now on the hook for $35,769,732,147,503.35 as of 10/21/24

    Kind government Spare a billion for old Pie?

    • PieInTheSky

      The School Choice Programs Democrats Hate Have Saved Taxpayers Up To $45 Billion

      So hey the debt could have been worse 🙂

      • AlexinCT

        You forgot to look at the return on investment for that school system…

        Factor that in, and you can tell they fucked the world over.

  6. Pat

    First lady Jill Biden tells ABC that President Biden dropping out of the race was ‘right call’

    “Decrepit old puppeteer with his hand up the ass of Kermit the Frog says Kermit’s retirement was ‘right call'”

  7. SDF-7


    “It’s time for something new,” Biden told ABC News’ Deborah Roberts. “It was the right call.”

    Riiiight… “new” like the woman who was “last in the room” the whole time? “New” like it wasn’t pitched to us as “Biden/Harris” all the time? “New” like we don’t realize she’s a vapid puppet because she started dumber than your puppet of a husband (which is impressive) and doesn’t need to be senile to be easily controlled by the real power brokers?

    Pull the other one, you upholstery garbed grandma — it has bells on.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Mark this interview as one to watch if Harris pulls out a win and what grifting position the dear old lady lands.

    • Mojeaux

      OT, but you’re here.

      I quit my anxiolytic because it was causing weight gain (one of the known side effects). I had to decide if I would rather go into old age helplessly fat or with anxiety. I often have to choose which disease I’m going to live with for which reason if they conflict. I can tell my low-key anxiety (about everything) is coming back, but my biggest stressor moved out and is doing fine, so I decided I could live with it.

      • AlexinCT

        Damn Mojeaux, sorry to hear that. It sounded like your choices were both painful, but you have made peace with the one you went with. Keep the strength.

      • Mojeaux

        Well, I had to also choose between my heart and bones when I had my plumbing yanked. I have a severe family history of cardiac issues (dad died at 51 of a heart attack, aunt had her first bypass at 48) (I visit cardiologist yearly and my ticker is right and tight). So, going on estrogen for HRT post surgical menopause was a sticky wicket. If you DO, you fend off osteoporosis, but leave yourself more open to cardic issues. So I chose to go off it (my surgeon slapped a hormone patch on my ass before I left the OR). As for osteoporosis, well, that’s why God made Gold’s Gym.

        The weight gain versus anxiety was just another choice I had to make.

  8. SDF-7

    ‘Take the red pill’: Musk’s support for Trump follows wave of government probes into his companies

    I’d phrase that a bit differently — “Musk expresses stance on free speech and acts on it after seeing Twitter muzzle a parody site for political reason. Censorship machine attempts to retaliate, including fucking with his other companies — pushes Musk more towards those who aren’t actively attacking him.”

    Complete surprise there…. no one could have seen that coming.

    • AlexinCT

      As I remind people: Trump and Musk are being targeted to make the rest of us aware they will destroy us if we do not bend the knee.

  9. Pat

    Soros-Backed Prosecutors Are Facing Strong Opposition in California

    “Wait, you meant you were going to also defund the police outside of the colored areas?”

    • AlexinCT

      Progressivism is doing real idiotic stupid shit with obvious horrible consequences, acting completely baffled when said horrible obvious consequences manifest, blaming the wreckers & kulacks for the failure, then going right back to doubling down on more of that because the majority of people are idiots.

      • juris imprudent

        WHY WON’T THE WORLD CONFORM TO OUR INTENTIONS!?!? Waaaaaaaaaaah! Reeeeeeeeeee!!!

      • AlexinCT

        That’s progressivism really” “We want things to be different, even though what we want flies in the face of human nature, physics, chemistry, biology, the laws of economics, and reality!”….

        Its people that hate to be responsible adults cosplaying the world. If they didn’t always lead us into piles of dead bodies we would suffice with just making fun of them.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        🎶 Say, can I have some of your black pills? Never mind, I’ve been eating them for six or seven weeks now.

  10. SDF-7

    National Debt Tracker: American taxpayers are now on the hook for $35,769,732,147,503.35 as of 10/21/24

    Insert Henry Cavill Witcher “Fuck.” here… Sigh.

    If (and that’s still too big of an if) OMB manages to get in — this is the one thing I honestly don’t expect him to improve on. His ’90s Democrat roots / big NYC “We can do anything if we throw enough money at it!” tendencies were clear in his first term — I could hope and wish that Rand’s plan to just cut spending 6% or whatnot and hold it there to get the deficit reined in in a few years would be palatable enough to get it done… but Congress is a bunch of spineless ninnies and I don’t see OMB driving it.

    So Cavill quote scene is the only reaction I can have. Fucking idiots.

    • Rat on a train

      If we control spending they will call us grandma killers. I couldn’t handle that.

    • Pat

      If there were a constituency for fiscal responsibility, these wouldn’t be the candidates for national election. Hang on to your tangible assets, hedge in hard currencies if you have the means, and otherwise just wait to find out the nominal value of your accounts in whatever currency replaces the USD.

      • juris imprudent

        The scariest thought – USD is still better than anything else out there. That’s how fucking bad government is around the world.

      • Drake

        BRICS is meeting in Kazan right now to decide how to avoid and eventually replace the dollar.

        Joe Biden’s legacy.

  11. SDF-7

    Chick-fil-A launching family entertainment app with animated shows, podcasts, games

    I don’t go there often — but I would assume this is their build up to an online high school / college program for all the kids reaching the age of maturity in their 7 mile long drive through lines?

    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t get the crowds. I mean, their food is okay, but not worth waiting through the line for.

      • DrOtto

        They are good (not great) but they are consistently good. Remember when Popeye’s came out with their competitive sammich? It was great initially, now sometimes the bun is half frozen or the chicken has a very rubber texture. But it’s serviceable. But CFA is always the same good sammich rain or shine. And has CFA ever fucked your order up? The one time they fucked ours up it was because we got two kids meals instead of one. We only paid for one. I just accept now that Popeye’s is going to short something that I forget to look for, because they remembered to give me what they forgot the last time.

  12. AlexinCT

    Democrats Regret Congressional Nominee So Much They Move To Torpedo Her With Write-In Campaign

    Cults do not tolerate any kind of dissent from their victims or their leaders (except for at the top).

    • juris imprudent

      Per the article the primary was open, allowing cross-over voting – which is the stupidest damn thing, but it has worked for Dems; it should work against them as well.

      • DrOtto

        The article suggests that was a possibility, but it also suggests democrats voted for her in the primary simply because she had a “d” after her name.

    • PieInTheSky

      But AI is taking all the coding jobs

      • AlexinCT

        Then they better get good at sex work.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Good news is LLM are only spitting out what millions of non-coders have given it as they attempt to use LLM to write the code for them. So no worries on it taking over a coding job. Some of the menial tasks? Sure, but full throated writing innovative or unique scripts? Nah, not yet.

      • AlexinCT

        Developers have found that some of the AI options can help you write real good unit/regression test, and in some cases do great code optimization, but writing code from scratch is real dangerous. As several people that created massive problems found out, if you are not a proficient and experienced coder, so you can see what it gives you is good or not, you are playing Russian roulette.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        “full throated writing innovative or unique scripts? Nah, not yet.”

        Disney says hold my beer.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        “Then they better get good at sex work.”

        Or, join the fast paced, new work world of Teledildonics!

        They don’t have the in-and-out of gov’t to privates sector employment, but people tend to come and go with them.

    • R C Dean

      “I am not a vindictive person”

      I think you actually are, Alex.

      • AlexinCT

        Now you are hurting my feelings….

  13. PieInTheSky

    Communist Revolution☭
    Maoism got completely destroyed in this article with quotes from Mao himself.
    From both the theoretical basis to its praxis, maoism is a counter-revolutionary ideology coming from a Menshevik perspective, not a marxist one.


    Rákosi Enjoyer
    Terrible article full of contradictions shows your desperation to be an anti-communist, trotskys ideas were a continuation of his menshevik ideas pre-revolution postured to make it look like there was areas of disagreement, you are a menshevik anti-communist, not mao.

    Alex 📕 🇩🇪 ☭
    This is funny to me. People claim to „destroy Maoism“ but when looked at their „destroying“ it shows that they dont understand Mao. They take quotes ooc and when given with Context it is completely in line with Marx and Engels.
    You are either uneducated or willingly reactonary


    • Pat

      Now you know how libertarians fighting about deontology vs utilitarianism, or minarchism vs anarcho-capitalism look like to normies.

      • AlexinCT

        Commies arguing about who was the bigger commie is like devils arguing if Beelzebub or Mephistopheles was the bigger douche.

      • rhywun

        The only winning move is not to play.

      • UnCivilServant

        What was the name of the computer in that movie again?

      • rhywun


      • Ted S.

        The difference is they got to inflict their horrible ideas on billions of people and left millions of dead bodies as a result.

      • UnCivilServant

        Thanks Rhy.

        Though the name sounds like an AM radio station run by Burger King

      • Toxteth O'Grady


      • Drake

        How many peasants and useful idiots can we bury in one ditch?

      • juris imprudent

        Comrade, make sure to kill the heavy equipment operator last.

      • dbleagle


    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      You know, a version of that fight lead to the 100 years war in Germany.

  14. PieInTheSky

    The dog ownership gap between Germany and Poland is huge and I was totally unaware of it.
    for teaching me some doggy trivia!


    I assume, at least in case of Romania and probably Poland, they are more rural countries and rural households almost all have a dog.

    • DrOtto

      Jesus, an unlabeled map to an American is just cruel. That’s the real reason you posted this, isn’t it? I can make out Italy.

      • AlexinCT

        Someone didn’t do their geography homework!

      • PieInTheSky

        Romania is the 45 percent and it is said to look like either a fish or a bouquet of flowers. Poland is the 43%. Germany is the 21% in the middle

      • AlexinCT

        Ukraine and the old Yugoslavian mishmash is the ones in gray!

      • The Last American Hero

        Romania’s numbers are inflated by the familiars.

  15. Ownbestenemy

    Man…they just cannot help themselves now can they. Between Newsweek digging up a months old health inspection report on that particular McDonalds and now the NY Times critiquing someone who worked a fryer for 5 minutes…

    The New York Times
    “He doesn’t seem to know how to do it.”

    After Donald Trump served fast food during a campaign stop at a McDonald’s, several actual McDonald’s workers who examined a video of his performance earned mixed reviews from workers and patrons alike.

    I hate our country.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Liked this reply

      The state of our media… they can go and talk to random McDonalds employees but can’t get around to Doug’s assault allegations

      • AlexinCT

        I hate our country.

        They are doing what they are doing because they hate it more than you do, and as Obama told them, want to fundamentally change it (into a marxist shithole).

      • juris imprudent

        Alex, you do realize these assholes have a track record preceding the ascendence of the lightbringer from Chicago?

      • AlexinCT

        I certainly do JI, but before the Chicago light bringer, nobody took these morons seriously. In fact, they considered the rank and file idiots, and most of the hard core ones enemies of the state. Now these people are the ones in charge of everything.

      • juris imprudent

        nobody took these morons seriously


        Obama was nothing but the Democrats answer to “W” – an empty suit into which they could pour their desires. Neither one was a particularly good or proven political operator, which may well be why Obama governed so much like W.

    • PieInTheSky

      I hate our country. – move to Canada

      • Sean

        move to Canada

        That’s just mean.

      • Pat

        Out of the frying pan into the fire.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      That is what desperation looks like.

  16. ron73440

    God, I hate these political ads.

    They have the radio on in the office and I keep hearing that EXTREME MAGA, Jen Kiggans, wants to ban the teaching of black history and she wants a national abortion ban.

    Missy Cotter Smasal is the teammate we need, because she works hard for us.

    Good to see we are focusing on the important things.

    • AlexinCT

      Team blue’s policies are

      1. Hate Trump
      2. Hate America
      3. Kill babies
      4. Hate America!

      And shame on you for being a racist, misogynist pig and not voting for that!

    • ron73440

      Steve Harvey is now telling me that Kamala is “brilliant”.

      Come on, there is no way he really believes that.

      Also Trump has too big of an ego to be President, because he has never served anyone, while Kamala devoted her life to service.

      My brain hurts.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Its all signaling at this point from both sides of the aisle.

      • rhywun

        A lot of Dems do actually believe that jobs don’t come from rich people, they come from the government and some of them just fall out of the sky I guess.

      • Pat

        Come on, there is no way he really believes that.

        In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. It doesn’t strain my credulity to think that the sub-average professional pretenders on whom our society bestows celebrity status would view a midwit whore as brilliant.

      • juris imprudent

        Steve Harvey is now telling me that Kamala is “brilliant”.

        So if that’s the punchline, what is the set-up?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I am sure that he said that Biden was sharp as a tack at some point, too.

    • Drake

      I catch some of the NC ads. All the Dem attack ads make me like the Republicans more.

  17. PieInTheSky

    In local news I got my new heat/hot water thing installed and running yesterday. So I am at least set for the winter. I never know how this is called in English. I found some place calling it in English Viessmann Vitodens Combi Boiler though in Romania thew word boiler means something different in this regard. Anyhoo Viessmann Vitodens 050 25 kw… with plumber costs and the cost for authorizing the change and some additional cost related to ventilation it set me back about 2k American.

    But it was in the nick of time as my house got down to 15C. And it was a cold morning this morning. just around freezing. Though now it is 18C and sunny and tshirt weather. SO I had a winter coat in the morning and had to run an errand around lunch which was just tshirt.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Don’t you have any fellow Romanians to annoy?

    • UnCivilServant

      *does conversions*

      59 degrees is too hot for a jacket.

      Does Romania even actually get cold?

      • AlexinCT

        Only on mist covered nights, when the count roams the countryside looking for food…

      • UnCivilServant

        Your mean daily minimums barely drop below freezing in winter.

      • PieInTheSky

        In 2016 we had 15 consecutive days of -20C lows in winter.

        Last winter was a milt one, we had about one week of -10C.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        You don’t hit real temperatures until it is -40, Pie.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Nu ai pe care să-l enervezi colegi români?

      Du-te dracului.

    • Pat

      I never know how this is called in English.

      Apparently, a condensing boiler. Until today I’d never heard of one, and have never seen one. Wiki says they are uncommon in North America.

      • PieInTheSky

        In Romania we do not use the word boiler for something that makes hot water instantly, but for something that has a tank and heats the water in the tank and then you can use that.

      • UnCivilServant

        A boiler is something that boils water. We usually use the term to refer to something that makes steam rather than merely hot water. For something that makes hot water for use in pipes, it’s the water heater (or hot water heater if you feel redundant). A tankless water heater makes piped hot water fast (without a tank).

      • Pat

        We have “tankless” or “on-demand” water heaters, but if I understand the operating principles correctly, they’re typically non-condensing. Usually natgas.

      • PieInTheSky

        Mine is also natgas. Electric is more expensive.

    • Rat on a train

      Water heaters provide hot water for washing. Boilers provide steam for heating.

      • PieInTheSky

        mine provides both for water and heating the house via the radiators. But it is hot water not steam.

        I set the washing hot water to 45C and the heating to 55C, but I will adjust if I feel the need.

      • PieInTheSky

        I do not know if the radiator water temp should be correlated with the temperature inside the house or outside… I have 19C on my thermostat for desired inside temp.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Heating to 55C? Look, I like hot water but not near scalding hot water.

      • slumbrew

        My tankless is set to 135 – about 57C

      • Ted S.

        That’s for the heating, not the faucets.

      • PieInTheSky

        well the 55C water is in the radiators I do not touch it. 45C may be a bit high for washing maybe I take that down a notch, though I can always mix it with cold to get it at various temperatures.

      • Rat on a train

        I assume the thermostat is configured for use with boilers, controlling the flow to reach the desired temperature. It’s probably not as responsive as forced air.

    • juris imprudent

      Just a typical American thing to do to our good ol’ BFF Saudi Arabia (the chief rival to Iran).

      • AlexinCT

        You mean Biden’s speech about them being a pariah state and evil?


        The Saudis are likely concluding that Iran presents a greater external threat than hating Israel to appease the nutjobs presents an internal threat. There is a religious (Sunni/Shia) and ethnic (Persian/Arab) element that can be used to justify conflict as well.

      • juris imprudent

        I was referring to the coddling of the Saudis by the Bush (and preceding) admins.

        Iran (during the Pahlavi years) was our great ally and the Saudis were the dogs.

      • AlexinCT

        And we somehow believe we can magically go back to the days of the Shah with the current leadership in Iran?

        I have heard of wishful thinking, but this is some kind of magical idiocy on a level where you think you can wish Santa into your living room on Halloween eve.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        The Arab/Iranian friction is ancient.

        Old Arab saying: “Allah only made three mistakes; Jews, Persians, and flies”.

      • AlexinCT

        Old Arab saying: “Allah only made three mistakes; Jews, Persians, and flies”.

        And his greatest gift to horny men were the camel and the goat?

  18. Sensei

    Justice in the big city…

    We’ve learned a great deal more about Neely since his death. Rolling Stone described him as a “beloved homeless man and Michael Jackson impersonator.” Others say he was traumatized at age 14 by his mother’s murder. A boyfriend killed her and stuffed her body into a suitcase. Turns out Neely was also on New York City’s “Top 50” list of homeless people who desperately needed help but refused to get it.

    Less attention has been devoted to Neely’s criminal record, which seems relevant. He had 42 arrests for crimes ranging from theft to assault. In 2021 he punched a 67-year-old woman, breaking her nose and fracturing an orbital bone. In June 2019 Neely sucker-punched a man at a subway stop—the same stop where Neely eventually died after the encounter with Mr. Penny.


    • AlexinCT

      I do not give a fuck how hard your life was/is if you start endangering mine or my loved ones in any way. You are going to get 2 taps in the chest and 1 in the skull since I am too old to want to break your neck these days.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      There’s a Top 50 list?


      • bacon-magic

        “number 42 on the list likes to take long walks in the park and is especially fond of defecating in front of food establishments” – Casey Kasem

    • rhywun

      beloved homeless man

      OK, then.

      And of course “beloved” means leave him alone to terrorize everyone around him for years on end. Because to get him (or the rest of us) help would be rAcIsT or something.

      • Ownbestenemy

        All American journalism is just a handful of memes running their course.

      • Pat

        It’s too bad Kelly Thomas wasn’t beloved, or the shithead cops who beat him to death while he begged for his life and called out for his father, all captured in grainy film and on audio recordings, might have actually gotten convicted.

      • juris imprudent

        Hell Eric Garner was less of a public nuisance.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        When I lived in SF there was a homeless guy who would be at the laundromat every now and then. I wouldn’t say he was beloved, but he was tolerable. And extremely drunk.

      • rhywun

        I wouldn’t say he was beloved

        The concept is so ridiculously made-up it could only come from the fabulists at Rolling Stone.

  19. Derpetologist

    Fun video about shooting a werewolf made of ballistic gelatin with silver bullets:


    Turns out 9 mm penetrates and leaves and exit wound just fine. Slower, heavier bullets do more damage but do not always leave an exit wound, especially when shooting larger animals.

    Also, the largest grizzly ever killed was taken down with a single-shot .22 wielded by Bella Twin, a female Cree Indian.


    Shot placement and number of shots >> caliber

    • Drake

      Scott always makes me laugh..

    • R C Dean

      Wouldn’t you want the silver bullet embedded in the werewolf anyway?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Euphorbia maculata 52%
      Euphorbia glyptosperma 12%

      All the rest results were low percentage of what it could be based on your photo.

      Though it is definitely part of the Euphorbiaceae family of plant/weed.

      • UnCivilServant

        Thank you.

        I had never heard of Spurges before today.

        Hopefully, the information helps me get rid of it. The stuff just loves the cracks in my sidewalk.

      • Pat

        I’m not a horticulturist, but RM43 will probably kill it. Although some of the weeds in my adopted homeland have sprouted back up 3-4 months after the treatment with RM43 that destroyed and prevented all vegetable growth for over a year where I used to live.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Gasoline in the cracks.

        *EPA handler, this is a joke. In no way to do I condone dumping gasoline in the Earth*

      • R C Dean

        May I suggest a propane torch? They are pretty cheap, and work easily to get rid of weeds on pavement, sidewalks, etc. Plus, what’s not to like about a miniature flamethrower?

      • UnCivilServant

        The bending over to torch ground level.

        Unless you mean one of the bulky long nozzled ones that will take up a lot of room in the house.

      • UnCivilServant

        True, the stick itself is not the problem. I have nowhere to store a full sized propane tank.

      • bacon-magic

        “I have nowhere to store a full sized propane tank.” *rips UCS’s prepper card up

      • UnCivilServant

        Joke’s on you – I never had one.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        Botanist here: almost certainly Euphorbia maculata IMO considering where you live. As you say, pretty tough bugger to get rid of, that’s a typical habitat for that weed. Has sticky white sap. A hard freeze should kill it off. Failing that, here’s some unusual methods for getting rid of it (I don’t vouch for their effectiveness)


      • R C Dean

        The one I linked uses a small handheld type propane tank.

  20. Pat

    Why we need more ‘polarisation’

    […]It’s certainly true that, prior to 2016, political parties only ever seemed to be dancing on the head of a pin, and often ostentatiously dismissed ‘ideology’.
    But what has become abundantly clear is that that supposed consensus, that supposedly moderate settlement, was serving ordinary people terribly, and in some aspects was batshit crazy.
    After all, it was the ‘consensus’ that insisted that vast swathes of law and policy should be decided by unaccountable technocrats, in Brussels and London, removed from ordinary people and insulated from democratic accountability.
    It was the ‘consensus’ that insisted that a combination of mass migration, multiculturalism and a project of national self-loathing was obviously the route to a harmonious, integrated nation.
    And it was the ‘consensus’ that, until about five minutes ago, insisted that the best, most caring way to relieve confused, gender-nonconforming young people of their distress was to sterilise them, before cutting off their perfectly healthy body parts.
    When they talk of the ‘consensus’, what they mean is a series of self-serving, often deranged things that the elites all agree on, but practically no one else does.
    And when they say ‘polarisation’, they mean a large enough group of ordinary people daring to voice or vote their displeasure with these bogus, harmful orthodoxies.

    • slumbrew

      For that kind of money I don’t want to be able to see my neighbors.

      • Sensei

        I feel the same way.

    • PieInTheSky

      looks kinda kitsch to me, also not enough back yard.

    • R C Dean

      I like the bar, and . . . that’s about it. Not my taste at all.

      • PieInTheSky

        yes that was my fave bit as well

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Trying to get out before a big storm causes the cliff to collapse.

  21. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Huh, just got helped by an Indian teller at my local credit union who’s wearing a swastika around his neck. I know the deal and didn’t say anything but someone’s gonna take offense.

      • AlexinCT

        Link the map showing all the galleons loaded with gold & silver leaving the new world for España that sank and have not yet been found and cleaned out, please…

        That’s the one I want…

    • UnCivilServant

      Aside from the fact that chatgpt isn’t that smart, training an LLM on the entire internet will result in the dumbest of dumb fucks, because the internet is where we store our vast reserves of stupid.

    • AlexinCT

      The people “fixing” ChatGPT will correct that shit to say Malthusian marxism soon.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Indecorous lout

    Vice President Kamala Harris on Sunday reacted to former President Donald Trump calling her a “s—” vice president, telling the Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC that “the American people deserve so much better.”

    She went on to talk about the importance of the president setting a standard not only nationally, but internationally — saying Trump’s behavior “demeans the office.”

    Her remarks come one day after Trump railed against Harris during a rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh.

    You’re goddam right we deserve better. Bring back Andrew Jackson.

  23. Sensei

    ‘It Feels Very Dystopian.’ Republican County Officials Brace for Election Deniers—Again
    Arizona’s Maricopa County is epicenter of U.S. places increasing security, from armed guards to drone patrols, because of threats to election workers after ongoing stolen-election claims

    Perhaps because it is.


    • UnCivilServant

      How about we put those election workers in protective custody and import some from other counties to handle the work.

    • R C Dean

      Maricopa County – run by McCainite anti-Trumpers. Why would Republicans be the least bit concerned about election integrity in the County that failed to provide good paper ballots, turns a blind eye to rampant ballot harvesting, and comprehensively failed the audit of the 2020 election?

  24. The Late P Brooks

    “Donald Trump should never again stand behind the seal of the president of the United States. He has not earned the right. He’s not earned the right, and that’s why he’s going to lose,” Harris told Sharpton on Sunday.

    And, of course, that “right” can only be earned by spending one’s entire life with one’s snout buried in the public trough.

  25. PieInTheSky

    ‘Disagreeable’ married men who don’t help out around the house get paid MORE than husbands who play a bigger role on the domestic chores front, study finds

    Scientists found ‘disagreeable’ men are less helpful with domestic work
    This allows them to devote greater time to their job, resulting in higher pay
    The team says lightening the burden of house chores could be a way for bosses to get more out of staff by freeing up their energy for work


    • ron73440

      I don’t know that I’m disagreeable, but I don’t do any housework.

      I will cook occasionally, but cleaning, laundry, washing dishes, and things happen by magic as far as I can tell.

      I do take care of car maintenance, yard work and any plumbing, electrical, or carpentry work, but that is more intermittent.

      My wife is going to Japan for 6 weeks on Sunday, I hope I remember how to run the washing machine.

      • Sensei

        According to my friends it’s still hot, but getting better.

        Although is the weather more consistently temperate in Okinawa?

      • PieInTheSky

        get your side chick to do it 🙂

      • AlexinCT

        Pie with the grand slam!

    • rhywun

      In other news, water is wet.

    • Pat

      I’m disagreeable, single, do all my own housework, and don’t get paid shit. Do I win an award of some kind?

      • AlexinCT

        I get a lot off guff from women I date when I point out I do all of my own house work and that I am likely going to be a far better cook than they are, so dating for me is about one thing….

      • R C Dean

        I’m curious – do you get many second dates?

  26. The Late P Brooks

    “What can be frustrating sometimes is to have journalists ask me this question as though one should assume that I would just be able to take for granted the vote of Black men,” she said. “I think that’s actually an uninformed perspective, because why would Black men be any different than any other demographic of voter? They expect that you earn their vote.”

    The Harris campaign has ramped up outreach to Black men in the final stretch of the campaign, unveiling an “Opportunity Agenda for Black Men” and making multiple media appearances with outlets that have large Black audiences.

    And, obviously, by “earn” we mean “buy”.

    • Pat

      To be fair, Kamala has demonstrated other methods of earning the endorsement of black men.

  27. Sensei

    One of the first greetings you learn in Japanese is “hajimemashite,” which is generally interpreted as “Nice to meet you,” or “How do you do”—something you say when you meet someone. But the literal meaning of the phrase is “at the beginning” or “first time,” which of course sounds odd in English. (Similarly to if you were to literally translate “How’s it going?” from English to another language, the understood meaning of “How are you feeling right now?” wouldn’t come through, since the words “it’ and “going” have nothing to do with how you’re feeling.)

    Then there are name introductions, which seem like they should just be straight up names, but aren’t because of what they mean. “I’m Under the Forest.” “I’m Inside the Field.”

    Or perhaps you could translate it as “It (meaning the relationship) has begun”. You say that word once and once only to a new acquaintance. It’s not that odd.

    Even better you could be saying this to Mr. Miller or Mr. Cooper. I seem to recall those are professions… Who doesn’t love articles that summarize YouTube videos.


    • rhywun

      I want to bring back “how do you do”. It sounds so sophisticated, even when it was more like “howja do”.

      • Mojeaux

        Around here, people still say “howdy” once in a while.

      • rhywun

        I… never made that connection. Huh!

      • Mojeaux

        Yup. How’d’y’

  28. PieInTheSky

    Paige Kellerman
    At 38, I’m starting to think I’ve missed my chance to have a British librarian wander out of nowhere and inform me that in every generation a slayer is born and I’m the only one standing against vampires preying on my unsuspecting town.


    this post somehow feels like hate speech

    • AlexinCT

      But all the werewolves are cheering for that event?

  29. Sensei

    Just 13.6% of waste plastic containers and packaging—what goes in blue bins as well as the trash—were sent to a recycling facility in 2018, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s most recent data. Another 16.9% got incinerated. Nearly 70% went to landfills.

    But what’s important is our intentions!


    • rhywun

      This should be a national scandal.

    • Sensei

      the director of the office of the assistant commander of special operations

      Nothing left to cut.

      • AlexinCT

        The DoD is one of the big unaccountable government entities in dire need of a complete reimagination by Elon Musk. After SS and Medicare, it it the third highest wasteful entity, rife with corruption and graft.

    • AlexinCT

      How many trannies will be gracing the magazine foldout??

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m curious about how this works out. Times are definitely different, that company could get a lot of public shaming and canceling for “misogyny”. And yet online porn and OnlyFans are making tons of money. I wonder what kind of ideas he has for the company?

      For my part, I volunteer to be the next Alberto Vargas.

    • UnCivilServant

      Who are those 3% who are still offline? I didn’t think there were that many Amish.

    • The Other Kevin

      If Trump wins, I can see a resurgence of more masculine type things (as opposed to “masculine” Tim Walz things). So this might actually work out for him.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    They’ll be flying off the dealers’ lots.

    I expect most customers to opt for all-wheel drive, but again, American car buyer tastes are what they are. This adds an asynchronous motor to the front axle and boosts combined power to 335 hp (250 kW). VW hasn’t given a combined torque figure, but the front motor can generate up to 99 lb-ft (134 Nm) together with the 413 lb-ft from the rear. The curb weight for this version is 6,197 lbs (2,811 kg), and its EPA range is 231 miles (376 km).

    It’s a bit of a step up in price, however, as you need to move up to the Pro S Plus trim if you want power for both axles. This adds more standard equipment to what is already a well-specced base model, but it starts at $67,995 (or $63,495 for the RWD Pro S Plus).

    Just the thing for hauling the kid to her tennis matches and riding lessons.

    • The Other Kevin

      That does look cool, but the original bus seemed to be used for long distance trips by hippies. Electric vehicles are not great at long distance trips.

    • Sean

      6,197 lbs

      That’s a fat pig.

      • ron73440

        That’s almost as much as my truck.

      • Suthenboy

        A pig that will need new tires about once per month.

    • Drake

      Ever with this inflation, those are absurd prices for a minivan.

      • cyto

        It actually isn’t out of line with just ordinary premium people haulers, let alone electrics.

        I was going to get a Kia Telluride, but they couldn’t be had for less than $65k during that bubble. A new Chrystler Pacifica plug in hybrid is also in the 60’s. Heck, I recently bought a base model Traverse and it was 36k. That is about as cheap as it gets these days.

        Premium glamor model like that? I expected more, to be honest.

      • Suthenboy

        So, overly expensive, energy hog costing 5x as much to run, no long distance trips and eats tires and brakes like they are potato chips.
        Why the fuck would I want that?

        Dumbest idea since the square wheel.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Hugh Hefner’s Son Offers to Buy Playboy Brand for $100 Million

    Is his sister still running the joint?

    • R.J.

      I found this:

      “In 2020, CEO of Playboy Enterprises Ben Kohn announced the magazine would switch to an online-only format. It’s run by a team of editors and writers, but Ben remains the CEO of the company at large.

      The Hefner family is no longer affiliated with the magazine. It’s instead controlled by the private-equity firm Rizvi Traverse, which now has a majority owner stake in the company.”

    • Sensei


      On December 8, 2008, she announced her plans to step down as CEO of Playboy.[7] Hefner said that the election of Barack Obama as U.S. president had inspired her to give more time to charitable work, and that the decision to step down was her own. “Just as this country is embracing change in the form of new leadership, I have decided that now is the time to make changes in my own life as well”, she said.[8] She stepped down from her position at Playboy on January 30, 2009.[9]

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Once those new VW busses get out into the wild, somebody should do a rear axle internal combustion swap.

    • cyto

      Lol… gotta put an LS in there with a big blower on it….

  33. Mojeaux

    Weird things:

    1. When I hear “black-pilled” I think of licorice jelly beans. I loathe licorice, but that black pill sure looks delicious some days.

    2. When I hear “Mao” I think of the movie Red Violin because part of the violin’s lofe journey went through the cultural revolution. I need a re-watch.

    • R.J.

      1. Grandma candy. All the grandmas had that brightly decorated licorice. Looked awesome, tasted like carburetor cleaner. I think it got popular because it was pretty, bugs wouldn’t eat it and it would last for years.
      2. I need to watch that.

      • R.J.

        Found it. The stuff was even more ornate when I was growing up.


      • Sean

        Licorice all sorts?

        I liked that stuff. Yum.

      • Mojeaux

        Red Violin is one of my favorite movies. I picked up on the conceit pretty quickly into the movie, but I still loved it.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I think growing up in a large household you acquire a taste for things that normies don’t like because of scarcity of resources. Black licorice is one of those that I like and crave every now and then.

    • ron73440

      I loathe licorice

      I love black licorice.

      My wife buys me some Australian black licorice that’s amazing.

      I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority on that one.

      • Mojeaux

        No, liking licorice/anise/fennel is a genetic thing, I think about 50/50 population, like cilantro.

      • ron73440

        I wonder if that’s related because I love cilantro too.

    • cyto

      Those anecdotes don’t mean what the writer thinks they mean….

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