1. AlexinCT

    Biden exits at all-time low, Trump in with highest approval

    Progtard activist tools that thought they owned culture and the narrative, hardest hit.

    • Suthenboy

      Polls say….
      I just heard one of the Harris insiders lamenting this morning that they were never ahead, in fact quite far behind, all of the time despite what the published polls were saying. Imagine that.

      • AlexinCT

        Here are a few truths nobody seems to admit out loud:

        1) Team blue power brokers (Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton) threw Biden under the bus, using the debate against Trump to kill him off, once the polls showed a 400 electoral seat landslide for Trump.
        2) Biden got his revenge by circumventing team blue’s plans for a brokered convention to give them a candidate (it was never going to be Harris) and endorsing Harris.
        3) Team blue got stuck with Harris because of their own toxic identity politics and their desperate need to give a veneer of legitimacy around the campaign money.
        4) It was always blatantly obvious Harris was also going to go down in flames, despite the massive effort by the machine to pretend otherwise. No amount of lies and pretending was going to overcome the margin.
        5) All their wargaming fell apart because they simply couldn’t pull the result they wanted without clearly showing their hand (they steal elections).
        6) Team blue is not going to do a post mortem and admit to themselves the things they want are not only unpopular but destructive, because they do not care one fucking bit about the damage their agenda for a global order steeped in the new marxist feudalist system will cause of the majority of people.
        7) There will be chaos and destruction from this bunch of petulant cuntes.

      • R C Dean

        The thing is, Team Blue still pulls a solid 45% for No Matter Who. They are a long way from being out of the game. The Senate is still set up for them and their captive Repub Senators to monkey-wrench the Trump admin again.

      • juris imprudent

        Not to mention how narrowly the House is split.

      • SDF-7

        8) 49 percent of the American electorate would vote for week-old salmon with a (D) beside the name as they have just demonstrated by turning out for a candidate that never won a single primary vote and was massively disliked within her own party. Which means we’re always on the cusp of the progressive authoritarians waltzing right back into (and abusing) power… all it takes is another Romney or GHWB push within the GOP.

        I don’t know the answer to that (well, barring enforcing real social studies and firing most of the current teachers to try to undo the “program them young!” effect) — but your prior 7 points seem way too “We have the momentum!” to me, sorry Alex. It was a decent victory, and I hope it turns into real results — but it was way too close for comfort and could easily swing the other way without OMB next time. (Vance seems really good with the media — so if they can get the economy back on a good trajectory before 2028, he probably has a shot… but after that the standard fatigue will set in and if they have any brains, the left wing of the Dems will mask themselves again long enough to get elected).

      • SDF-7

        Sigh… TL;DR my comment == “What RC Dean said”. Curse my eternal loquaciousness!

      • Ted S.

        Which states did Harris carry that Biden wouldn’t have to get Trump to 400 EV?

      • Drake

        Ironically, they could have avoided the long list of crap in Alex’s list through… Democracy.

        A clean primary season with debates would have produced a candidate with chance of winning. They’ve rigged their primaries for at least 3 election cycles in a row. Screwed Bernie twice and made sure to exclude RFK last year. Funny how their election rigging instincts are costing them elections.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        IMO they scheduled the Trump-Biden debate ‘way ahead of time and deprived Biden of his meds so that they COULD throw him under the bus and give Calamity some time to actually mount an astro-turfed campaign.


        ‘It was always blatantly obvious’

        In a fair and free election, yes. But they came pretty damn close to pulling off another steal. But Trump’s team were wise to the tactics and were able to do enough to stop it from happening again.

        “Team blue is not going to do a post mortem”

        They will, but as you say they’ll reach the opposite conclusions you and I would.

        “There will be chaos and destruction”

        Are they up to starting the Last War to keep from being pushed from power? Time will tell.

      • rhywun

        It’s almost like they don’t give a shit what the voters are interested in.

      • R C Dean

        I still don’t see how they could have dumped Harris. Certainly not for a white man (Newsom), and even a white woman (Whitmer) seems iffy. Other than Big Mike (whose electoral prowess as somebody never elected to anything at all seems iffy as well), they had zero credible WOCs to backfill for Harris being booted off the ticket. Remember, they spent four solid years positioning her as Biden’s successor (the Biden-Harris administration and all that).

      • AlexinCT

        It’s almost like they don’t give a shit what the voters are interested in.

        Oh, they HATE the voters because the voters refuse to see the wisdom of the decisions by the elite and are petty because they are opposing paradise because of personal loss. Fucking deplorable garbage!

        I still don’t see how they could have dumped Harris.

        A deal would have been made. SHE steps down – for the good of the party & people and to fight the nazis – and then they put her on the SCOTUS or some other cushy for life job, opening the door to them sidestepping the identity shit. Unfortunately for them Biden dropped a giant turd in that punch bowl by endorsing here.

      • SDF-7

        What else do you expect from a bunch of dipsticks?

  2. AlexinCT

    Kamala issues bleary-eyed rant to supporters about their ‘purpose’ ahead of Thanksgiving

    Is “bleary-eyed rant” code for drunk talk?

    I am sure gonna miss this women.

    • Nephilium

      You could always move to California, she’ll likely be governor there in a couple of years.

      • SDF-7

        Probably. Any state electorate that will put in Weasel Eyes Schiff for Senate after all would vote for whomever the Pelosi Machine wants apparently.

      • rhywun


        The only way that happens is with a promotion for Gov. Oilslick.

      • UnCivilServant

        Or a medical incident that leaves him too dead to go on.

      • SDF-7

        No, he’s terming out in 2026 I believe. Yeah. So probably Harris — second likely Frau Diktator is the idiot Lt. Gov. — but she’s a Harris minion from what I understand, so she’d almost certainly just step aside and wait her turn.

        Hell, they might even run Pelosi’s Pickled Corpse at that point (whether she finally croaks of old age or not by then) just to rub things in. Whomever the machine picks is pretty much a lock at this point — the little resistance that was left has fled the state.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        No. Harris is done. She was a loser nationally, and she would be a loser state wide. Pelosi doesn’t want her, the machine from which they get money doesn’t want her, and so on.

        And I am pretty sure she doesn’t want anything that requires work at this point. She will get a sinecure from Stanford, “teach” law there, and quietly disappear from view.

      • juris imprudent

        I don’t know ZWAK, it is possible she could follow the trail that Nixon blazed.

      • Fourscore

        She’ll be leaving with about 100K pension. Not much for a high life but her husband probably can pick up a few bucks too.

  3. AlexinCT

    Top NIH Scientist Admits Fauci Likely Funded Wuhan Lab, Questions Vaccine Efficacy

    There is no fucking “likely”. Before it became taboo to blame the CCP lab for the leak, every intel organization, including USAAMRID clearly and concisely stated with near 100% confidence that two strains of the virus had escaped the lab in Wuhan. A more deadly Alpha version, and a more virulent Beta one. And everyone also pointed out the CCP took measures to not just hide the escape, but to spread the virus globally. Then the machine got in motion and now we all act as if there is no certainty of either the source of the virus or why it spread.

    Our government and moneyed classes are all owed by the CCP, and that explains a large portion of the unethical and evil shit they do.

    • Suthenboy

      China has to be brought to heel at the least or expelled entirely from influence in the west. The west allowing cultures with diametrically opposed values and ideas seep their way into ours is beyond a ‘poor decision’.

      • AlexinCT

        Agreed, but to do that Suthen, we will have to overcome the credentialed class and their envy of the CCP’s power and ability to stomp their boot on the serf’s faces.

      • R.J.

        I’ll settle for kicking the jerks out of our government ASAP. I want to see entire departments dismantled and government influence over our lives shrink.

      • AlexinCT

        As JI reminds us, this is an ambitious goal, and the machine, entrenched and evil as it is, will resist. But I concur that we have to give it a try.

      • juris imprudent

        China is far more Western today than it is Eastern of yore. How is it that people get the idea that Marxism and fascism are not Western ideas?

      • rhywun

        I don’t know who said that but it’s not an East/West thing anyway.

        It’s a power thing. That is the only thing that matters to the CCP. And yes, they are projecting it everywhere they can now.

      • AlexinCT

        How is it that people get the idea that Marxism and fascism are not Western ideas?

        Socialism, be it marxism or the fascism that came to be from those marxists that saw marxism’s clear and inevitable failure given time, is simply feudalism by a different name. The concept is ancient & simply, for one group of people to use the aggrieved masses as a way to throw out the current leaders and replace them with a new bunch (that practically always brings greater misery). This practice predates Western systems by millennia. I will grant you that it was articulated by westerners in the recent past, but it was not their invention.

      • juris imprudent

        Alex, that is so fucking screwy I don’t even know where to go with it other than again saying you are like a Baptist preacher going on about Satan. You got the passion, but that’s about it.

        No one hated feudalism more than Marx. Hell, he credited capitalism with lifting humanity out of that and you’d know that if you actually read the man.

        Yes, feudalism, and all other horrible human social structures and behavior are a recurrent theme in human history. You don’t need to feed my misanthropy.

      • Drake

        Kind of agree but I’m more pissed at our own top men who were in on it. Sounds like we paid for that illegal research at their shit lab. No idea of the “why” of it other than they are psychopaths who should be locked up.

      • AlexinCT

        No one hated feudalism more than Marx.

        I see your confusion. You assume Marx was intellectual enough to understand or be logical about that drivel he wrote with Engels. Their ode to stupidity was nothing but the insane ramblings of the usual life losers that believe they had not been elevated to their proper station, because others fail to see their brilliance. An angry chick that feels the high school clique dissed her.

        For all I know, Marx might have truly hated feudalism, that doesn’t detract from the fact he was stupid enough to not see his deal with the devil was nothing but more of that feudalism under new and dumber/more evil masters/management.

      • juris imprudent

        For all I know,

        Yes, it does appear to be more about faith, and fear of the devil!

      • AlexinCT


    • SDF-7

      The CCP is all about sharing, after all. All nations of the world sharing the common burden. Progress!

      • SarumanTheGreat

        The NEW Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere! The Han get the Prosperity, and everyone else gets the Co!

  4. AlexinCT

    Thanksgiving Turkey Prices up 23% in Joe Biden’s America

    And they are still tying to tell us all the economy is great and that we are crazy for thinking otherwise. I bet this all changes on Jan 20, 2025. Then it will all be Armageddon economy.

    • Sean

      Oh yes, “Trump tariffs” are going to bankrupt the nation!

      Already making the rounds.

      • AlexinCT

        They know those tariffs are negotiating tools. And they know that especially China is fucking us all over trade wise. But they hate the country more than they want to do right.

  5. Suthenboy

    Listening to some of the excuses the left is giving for their failure it is clear to me that govt. and the people in it have become completely inward looking and self absorbed. The welfare of the citizenry simply does not enter into their motives.
    They are like the servants of a great manor who, although they look after the house, have developed the mentality that they are in fact the owners and not hired help looking after the welfare of the actual owners. They have developed a contempt for the citizens because they see them as ignorant rubes, something that they may actually be, not by birth but by the deliberate efforts of those same ‘elites’.
    The globalists, best represented as the WEF have developed the same attitude regarding the entire world.

    A good house cleaning is in order.

    • AlexinCT

      Listening to some of the excuses the left is giving for their failure it is clear to me that govt. and the people in it have become completely inward looking and self absorbed.

      The elite decision making class that has wrecked everything is not just furious the plebes have dared to challenge their rule, but now more than ever, wearing their disdain for the average American whose lives the globalist marxist decisions of the credentialed class have ruined. How dare the serfs oppose their agenda?

      • Suthenboy

        I just heard ol’ Dr. Klauss Von Evil express alarm that people are sick of their shit and are rebelling. The speech was not a ‘we have to cradk down’ speech but more of an ‘Oh shit’.
        At least he understand that they have over stepped and that doubling down will likely have people breaking out pitchforks and ropes.

      • AlexinCT

        t least he understand that they have over stepped and that doubling down will likely have people breaking out pitchforks and ropes.

        Yup, their take on this isn’t that maybe their agenda is wrong/evil, but that they misjudged their advantage and admitted they were doing this evil shit to the serfs, too soon.

  6. AlexinCT

    Walmart Pulls Back from Diversity Policies in Latest Corporate Abandonment of DEI

    Buyer beware.

    I have seen many of these claims DEI was dying basically playing out as the entity peddling DEI in a company being relabeled and the practice being called something else. That’s not going to kill this toxic marxist practice.

    • The Last American Hero

      Exactly. Just give it six months, one questionable shoot by a white cop in a major urban center, OMB back in the White House, and everyone will be bending the knee again.

  7. Grumbletarian

    Celebrated by liberals four years ago as the great Trump slayer, President Joe Biden is exiting his self-imposed one term with his lowest approval rating ever.

    A new Emerson College survey released Tuesday morning shows just a third of America, 36%, approve of the Democrat while 52% disapprove. The poll analysis called Biden’s rating “a four-year low for the president in Emerson polls.”

    Nevertheless, I’m sure historians will position Biden at least in the top ten of best presidents ever.

    • UnCivilServant

      Not after the helicopter rides end the communist pipline in academia.

      • juris imprudent

        You’re going to need helicopters the size of C5s.

      • AlexinCT

        Keep talking JI… I am all ears…

      • Suthenboy

        Ok, so we get C5’s.

      • R C Dean

        There’s a bunch of them mothballed here in Tucson, if that helps.

  8. Yusef drives a Kia

    Wow my article never posted last night, I thought you needed content, hmmph

      • UnCivilServant

        Scroll down, the upper block of the front page doesn’t have the latest articles.

      • juris imprudent

        Yusuf had a flashback to his drug-addled youth?

      • Ted S.

        I thought someone posted all this to Yusef at the end of the afternoon post, too.

    • Not Adahn

      It posted.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      The one titled “and the band broke up” that was posted exactly on schedule?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Yes, This is why WordPress sucks kthxbye!

    • R C Dean

      Also accessible by hitting “Next Entry” from the afternoon links.

  9. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    That drunk wine mom Kammie video made my day

    • AlexinCT

      That comment left a mark…

    • R C Dean

      Confirmation bias and all, but I don’t see how you watch that and say “Yep, sober as a judge”.

  10. juris imprudent

    Trump is tariff drunk, thinking it is the solution to all problems. That is a special kind of stupid.

    • Not Adahn

      NPR is simultaneously telling me that tariffs only hurt American consumers, and also that Canada, Mexico and China are enraged and/or shitting bricks.

      • juris imprudent

        Isn’t it funny how we see corporate taxes aren’t actually a burden to the corporation but somehow tariffs are different.

      • Not Adahn

        “We” see nothing of the kind.

        However, I understand that tariffs do not increase the money supply. Every tax falls solely on the individual.

      • juris imprudent

        A tariff is a tax on imports, nothing more, nothing less.

      • Fourscore

        I think Adam Smith told me that…back in junior high

      • juris imprudent

        4×20 – you two had a class together?

      • Fourscore

        We did, though, his contribution was more black and white and spelled out.

    • AlexinCT

      It’s a negotiation tool. And a very effective one.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Hoping he’s just using it for the “establish a negotiating point early” and work from there because I don’t see how he gets most of them to stand.

      • AlexinCT

        I think most people are also unaware that China, Mexico, the EU, and Canada already have a ton of tariffs on our exports, unbalancing the trade economics in their favor every fucking time, but we just have gone along for over 2 decades, and continue to go along with, those tariffs. Frankly I would at a minimum want trade with China to become a nightmare for China. The CCP is not our friend. In fact, the CCP is the very incarnation of an enemy looking to weaken us so they can kill us.

      • UnCivilServant

        I want a very simple rule in place – tariffs on imports from a country are pegged at double the highest tariffs on any of our exports to that country. Thus they can eliminate our tariffs by eliminating their own.

      • juris imprudent

        We are not an export dependent economy.

        Your problem with China is that our corporations climbed into bed with them. Maybe those corporations need to serve government interests – you know, as creations of the state they should be subservient to the state.

      • UnCivilServant

        Except china – Tariffs on goods containing any Chinese materials are pegged at 300% of the retail price of an american made product of the same type. If no such product can be found, then it is illegal to import and subject to a manditory minimum of twenty years hard labor per offense.

      • UnCivilServant

        @JI – I’m not even really trying to incentivize exports. I just want more stuff made here.

      • LCDR_Fish

        The issue with China is that we have to treat them accordingly. If they claim to be a modern 1st world nation – no more foreign aid or assistance. No special treatment for any of their companies. Absolutely zero reason their dropshipped shit should be free shipping to the US while it costs normal USPS fees, etc to ship domestically cross-town, etc, etc.

      • juris imprudent

        UCS – you might get more stuff made here, on robotic assembly lines. There will never be the old glory days of manufacturing based on semi-skilled labor.

      • rhywun

        I don’t see how he gets most of them to stand

        He can’t just executive order them? Or is that a power only a D has?

      • SDF-7

        I’d rather have robots here (and robot maintenance jobs, etc.) than slave labor in China, JI.

        Per LCDR_Fish — I’d settle for holding them to the same human rights standards we supposedly hold first world nations to (except our governments happily Lord Nelson away by “outsourcing” and “what our subcontractors do” and whatnot too…). But that’s my number one problem and why I’m fine with tariffs or whatnot – their exploitation of their people isn’t something you can economically compete with when you allow it, so you have to balance those scales somewhere. Tariffs for a de jure boycott or laws explicitly making it de facto until they change their ways, don’t care… either one.

      • juris imprudent

        I for one do not support the notion of executive decision making on tariffs based on NATIONAL SECURITY. Fuck that. Congress had to set tariffs just like any other tax in the past; I damn sure do not support giving ANY president that power.

      • UnCivilServant

        @JI – who said a damn thing about labor.

        I’d be happy with onshore robotic factories.


        I advocate for a “No, You” symmetrical trade policy, wherein we match and reverse a country’s trade policy. Things may not be as grand as they were when we were the only industrial power standing circa 1950, but getting access to US markets is still something that other countries want.

      • juris imprudent

        I’d be happy with onshore robotic factories.

        Honestly, what difference does that make? Certainly not an economic one, so what is the psychic benefit you get from that?

      • rhywun

        The thing about China is American companies have gotten fantastically wealthy off the slave labor and the giving away their trade secrets. Until that ends, there will be no reshoring of anything back to America except occasionally for “shows”.

      • Not Adahn

        Fresher robot-made goods? Fewer container ships making the whales all nervous?

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s easier to throttle a US Robot than a CCP drone when the quality is subpar. Plus I’m financing fewer people who hate me.

        I fully expect fewer shortcuts to be taken in the manfacturing process. Just by avoiding ‘Made in China’ without even caring which other country it was I’ve gotten fewer pieces of cheaply made, fast-failing crap without significant increase in price.

      • DrOtto

        @JI – While there are factories where robotics plays an ever increasing role, there are plenty of human support jobs helping run them. Having been to Telsa’s manufacturing plant here in Austin, I can say for an “automated” factory, there are hundreds, if not thousands of employees running around working as well. Elon doesn’t seem to be one to pay for no-show jobs either. I suspect those employees are neccessary.

      • UnCivilServant

        @DrOtto – Even when there are no moving parts and processes don’t change much, automation still requires people to oversee. It’s the entire technical side of my job these days.

      • juris imprudent

        Give rhywun a kewpie doll!

        Fresher robot-made goods? Fewer container ships making the whales all nervous?

        Seems to be the reasoning.

      • juris imprudent

        It’s the entire technical side of my job these days.

        Ah yes, it’s good for me therefore it must be good policy!

      • SDF-7

        Again, JI — not supporting active slavers is enough for me. Could you stop ignoring that point perhaps in your effort to contrary-troll the groupthink here or whatever it is you’re trying to do?

      • UnCivilServant

        @JI – You’re reading to much into side conversations. Or have you developed telepathy again?

        The point was ‘automated’ i not ‘human-free’. I doubt anyone would hire me.

        The less slave labor and more robots route is simply the better approach to the future.

      • juris imprudent

        not supporting active slavers

        Fine for China, but that hardly applies to Mexico or Canada and this whole fucking thread started on the point about Trump and his absurd ideas about tariffs.

      • juris imprudent

        Also SDF-7 – rhywun made the point about who is to blame for our ties to China: American corporations seeking to maximize their profits. That they did so foolishly should cause them (shareholders) pain, not us (taxpayers).

      • UnCivilServant

        We already covered Canukistan and Mexico. You mistake the tariffs as the end goal rather than the opening stage of a negotiation.

      • SDF-7

        It does when China is explicitly setting up back door deals to route through Mexico and Canada to dodge said tariffs placed on them (which is what I thought was the main reason Trump was bringing them up… okay, maybe the Fentanyl and cartel crap in Mexico I suppose).

        But that’s my context for it — they’re a tool to close off our economy to those who act in ways we find repugnant (not all of which I might agree with, mind you… it could easily be a precedent for “green” or whatnot… but we’re a democratic republic, so those consequences are going to happen and all..).

      • UnCivilServant

        Again, we know the blame is shared, but the next step is the disentanglement and severing ties.

      • AlexinCT

        The thing about China is American companies have gotten fantastically wealthy off the slave labor and the giving away their trade secrets. Until that ends, there will be no reshoring of anything back to America except occasionally for “shows”.

        I will agree an enormous amount of money was added to the books by this dystopian deal with the CCP, but that wealth is trapped in China by the CCP. Repatriating that money has been the bane of Wall Street, as the CCP has to sign off on the money leaving the Chinese economy, and they wield that like a sword of Damocles to keep Wall Street their bitch. American and Euro companies have known for 2 decades that the CCP was cheating the. The CCP encouraged the Chinese entrepreneurs to steal all IP (and especially stuff with military application), set up cheap competing factories receiving government protection and cash to engage in unfair competition for products that were then dumped into the US and Eu markets, lied about the Chinese GDP growth, and engaged in all sorts of under the table money transfers that made it obvious this was all a futile and self destructive nightmare.

        But Wall Street, in order to avoid the trillion dollar losses that decoupling would have created, just kept bending over and not even getting a reach around. We are now slowly decoupling, but we – to paraphrase Lenin – sold them the rope they plan to hang us with. The lesson here is that our elites got blinded by their greed and then they got played. Now they want to make us pay for their mistakes.

      • UnCivilServant

        The answer is simple – the companies write off anything in chinese accounts as lost, and then engage in unrestricted submarine warfare against any ships trying to enter or leave chinese waters.

      • LCDR_Fish

        That’s a good point. Brings back the “Red Storm Rising” memories. Unless CCP has really been planning in advance…they don’t have that much oil domestically. (and given how shit their economy has been from the real estate scandals, etc)

        It would be a lot easier for us to block chokepoints near Japan and the Aleutians, the Straits of Malacca, Panama Canal, etc – and they’d go dry really quick.


      I have been encouraging the cathedralites to use the same lens they use to evaluate the effects of tariffs on income or capital gains taxation.

      There are no takers thus far.

      • juris imprudent

        Or as we see closer to home, corporate taxation relative to tariff.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      When the only tool available is a hammer to try and solve a problem, you use it. Better than the bleating ‘there’s too many, it’s too big a problem, we can’t DO anything!’ shit we hear from the Democrats and the GOP establishment.

      • Don escaped Memphis

        have we tried tossing virgins in volcanoes yet?

      • juris imprudent

        Don is right, do something and that is something!

  11. Grumbletarian

    So who will step forward to claim they were raped by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya?

      • EvilSheldon

        Again, you don’t need to sell past the close here…

      • Mojeaux

        Legit LOL

      • The Last American Hero

        “Allegations have been made” is the biggest joke I’ve heard in the last decade, and it’s not a funny joke.

    • Sean

      He got my neighbor’s cat pregnant.

  12. AlexinCT

    Canada Braces for Migrant Surge Ahead of Trump’s Mass Deportations

    I thought Trudeau already beat us to the deportation game? Didn’t he give a speech just recently saying Canada was shutting it’s borders and even looking at shipping a large group of “migrants” out?

    • rhywun

      Weird that that guy of all people wants to crack down on immigration. It must be getting grim there. But yeah, there are plenty of “sanctuaries” in the US who claim to be happy to accept them.

      I guess there is still wiggle room for elitist virtual signaling before reality comes crashing down.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      These are a different kind of migrant, Hollywoodistanians, Upper Manhattanootoos, and your garden variety mole.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I give it until evening news cycle where ink is spilled explaining how Ben Franklin was never a president

    • rhywun

      My twix doesn’t show context or replies so I have no idea what is going on there.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Dr. J made a deep callback to a satirical/shitpost from 3yearletterman.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      What the heck is a Beef O’Brady?

      • DrOtto

        I’m guessing an erotic Irish all male dance troupe?

      • SDF-7

        Opera clap.

      • juris imprudent

        erotic Irish all male

        Also known as Blue Man Group.

  13. Rat on a train

    Speaking of Thanksgiving. Don’t forget it’s the time of the year to disown family and friends. – Democrats

    • AlexinCT

      Mental disorder…

    • rhywun

      And I see they’ve refreshed all their “how to talk to your crazy maga wingnut uncle at the dinner table” stories with this year’s dates.

    • Mojeaux

      I honestly don’t have a problem with this. I don’t want to share a table with unpleasant people who can’t keep unpleasant politics out of a meal. Do I know my brothers are brainwashed left-wing minions? Yes. Do they know I’m a little to the right of libertarian? Possibly. I think I confuse them. Do I want to hash it out at dinner? No.

      Thankfully, the gay one who hates the trans movement lives in Seattle, and the straight one who’s all-in on the trans movement with his girl (who thinks she’s a boy) lives in Orlando, and the creepy uncle took his Rush-inspired angry rants to the grave with him.

      And I don’t like talking to my mom about it because her views are simple and when she asks me to explain the nuances, I can’t even though I know what they are. (But I can’t define most of the words I use, either.)

  14. LCDR_Fish

    Ragebait for today. DOGE needs to abolish the ATF toute suite.


    Tactical Edge Arms is a victim of this policy. Its federal firearms license was revoked for minor infractions. Among around 2,500 forms filed by the business, the ATF found about ten minor clerical errors. During the hearing for the revocation stay, when asked, the ATF director of operations for Nashville admitted on the stand that before the Biden administration’s zero tolerance policy, Tactical Edge’s infractions would have warranted a warning letter at most — not a hearing, much less a revocation of its license.

    • UnCivilServant

      And it needs to be true abolition, not the “part it out to other agencies” nonsense one of the congresscritters floated for DoEd.

      • juris imprudent

        Which will require changes in the law to ELIMINATE the functions that ATF performs. I’m fine with the idea, but I ain’t holding my breath.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, there is that bill to do just that which had floated before, and is promised to be refiled come january, but I wager it’s like the “repeal obamacare” promises, and will vanish the moment they have any chance of getting it through.

      • EvilSheldon

        You could start by reducing their budget allocation to zero, and/or appointing a director who hates the ATF and everything they stand for.

      • UnCivilServant

        EvilSheldon for ATF Director!

      • Not Adahn

        No offense ES, but Brandon Herrera is more telegenic.

      • juris imprudent

        Let me give you all an example of not funding a required function. ATF by law is required to adjudicate requests to clear the record of people that have a restoration of 2nd Amdt rights. Congress failed to fund that. SCotUS ruled that justice delayed (forever) because Congress decided not to fund it was NOT justice denied.

      • EvilSheldon

        NA – True, but I’m much more of an asshole. Also, I already live here. My relocation costs would be tiny.

        I have an idea for a compromise, though. Brandon can be Director, and I’ll serve as head of Firearms Branch. Brandon can do the press conferences, and I’ll get down to the nitty-gritty of rescinding regulations and reopening the NFA registry.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The trick, JI, is to strip it down to the essential functions that ensure liberty, removing those functions that don’t support liberty. And if they are sued for that, make the case via the constitution and its black letter law. Also, use any budget surplus to make affirmative 2A actions in states that currently hamper it.

        Use this to your advantage.

      • EvilSheldon

        JI – A cabinet-level agency failing to perform the tasks legally required of them, is not IMO a reason to keep funding them. It is a reason to start throwing agency personnel in jail for contempt of congress. It’s also a perfectly good reason to defund the agency and set up a new agency holding the same portfolio.

        Reforming bureaucracies is never worth the effort – get rid of them and stand up new ones where necessary.

      • juris imprudent

        Congress did not give ATF the money to do the job. The problem is not inside the agency.

      • EvilSheldon

        Horseshit. Money is fungible. Unless the ATF was defunded when I wasn’t looking, the problem is agency misappropriation of funds, and congress letting said agency get away with it.

      • Not Adahn

        “catch two rabbits with one dog.”

    • SDF-7


      NO SENSEI!


      NO SENSEI!


      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Are you sure you want a sperm doner to face you?


      One of the things on the ballot was the right to ignore hysterical women.

    • AlexinCT

      Fugly bitches be crazy..

    • DrOtto

      While not exactly a march of dimes, that’s a better looking group of leftists than America produces.

    • Rat on a train

      haka too

    • rhywun

      What the hell did I just watch?

      Malignant, brainwashed narcissism in action. Puke.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      The Latin America campus of Sarah Lawrence interpretive dance center commando’s strike again!

      • Nephilium

        I too watched the first season of the OA.

  15. Yusef drives a Kia

    Well that was fun, until the new changes.
    See y’allins around, I’m outy

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I’m outy

      But enough about your belly button

  16. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/27:
    *18/18 words (+7 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 1% by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 11/27:
    *32/32 words (+10 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 729

  17. SDF-7

    Showoff… 😉

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/27:
    *18/18 words
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 11/27:
    *32/32 words (+7 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 623

    • rhywun

      I played https://squaredle.com 11/27:
      *32/32 words (+3 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 31% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 58 ⬅️ wrong

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/27:
      *18/18 words (+5 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 3% by bonus words

  18. Ownbestenemy

    Listened to Shoe0nHead’s post election mortem and her love affair with Huey Long withstanding, the Left would benefit from listening to her.

    Though she appears to be a political leaf in the wind as her party cleans their teeth from the inside as their heads are so far up their asses.

    • SDF-7

      I just love how she never seems to notice Bernie’s houses piling up as he’s so terribly mistreated by the Dems and all…. real Man of the People there, Shoe. But I’m sure he’s misunderstood and any corruption is a smear by his opponents like Huey…. Heh.

      • Not Adahn

        Yeah, she’s still at the “communism is good if you just put the right people in charge” stage.

      • Ownbestenemy

        It’s not a stage for her though, that is her natural state and arguably, humanity’s natural state. We just argue the semantics of what label we put on it.

        We meaning people in general. Us here are the outliers for the most part

    • PieInTheSky

      anti woke does not mean not-dumbass

  19. Not Adahn

    I read the line “MX President Claudia Sheinbaum” And my first thought is that xe uses woke pronouns.

    • PieInTheSky

      look just give moneys don’t mind the pronouns

    • PieInTheSky

      Upstate Federalist
      > root causes that compel families to leave their homes out of necessity. If even a small percentage of what the US allocates to war were dedicated to building peace and fostering development, it’d address the underlying causes of human mobility.

      How about you go fuck yourself?


      now that is no way to talk to madame president

      • UnCivilServant

        From the wording I think the original speaker is saying we should shoot migrants, bomb the caravans and enforce peace through superior firepower.

      • SDF-7

        Because we all remember the roaring success of the War on Poverty.

        In other shut the fuck up news, btw….

      • rhywun

        How about stop fucking with the rest of the world and give that money back to the taxpayers? We are not responsible for “underlying causes of human mobility” especially when most of it today is caused by showering all comers with free shit.

        Crazy talk, I know.

    • rhywun

      There was some fairly recent syfy book I read where all people are addressed with “Mx.” It wasn’t passed off as some woke thing either. In fact, not remarked upon at all. Nor was a pronunciation given.

      • UnCivilServant

        Whenever I see that, my brain goes “Mix” probably short for “Mixup” which needs to be corrected.

      • SDF-7

        I always assumed you pronounced it like Twitter would have back in the day… a blue chex mx.

      • R C Dean

        Pronounced “Mux”.

      • Not Adahn

        In the Hyperion series, almost everyone uses “M.” I still don’t know what that’s supposed to stand for.

      • SDF-7

        Are they all French-derived? I thought that was how they abbreviated Monsieur.

      • Not Adahn

        It was invented by an Irish academic*, so “”micks.”

        *Not actually true

      • Not Adahn

        Yes, it would mean monsieur today, but the books don’t specify if they’ve gone masculine for all or what.

        The books are extremely good about not including exposition for things that the characters would have no need to explain. In fact, since the M. was used in direct quotes, maybe it’s not even an abbreviation anymore?

      • Ted S.

        It’s pronounced 1,010.

      • Nephilium

        See, whenever I see Mx., I think of the original annoying character.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        M. is a stand in for Mrs. Ms. Mr. It allows you to not worry about someone’s social position in titling or identifying.

  20. PieInTheSky

    Nicholas Decker 🏳️‍🌈🌐🇺🇦
    Today I make the case that you should, if at all possible, have someone better than you be the biological parent of your kids

    sure, have a bunch of brilliant little kids raised by midwit parents, it will be great for them


    • EvilSheldon

      I hope that you’re not trying to say that Nicholas Decker is brilliant. In fact, Nick should probably be forced to jerk off into a big vat of hand sanitizer, just to be on the safe side…

      • PieInTheSky

        Obviously he is the midwit who would be raising the brilliant kids.

    • AlexinCT

      He just wants to be cucked.

    • Ted S.

      The midwits are the ones unironically using the word “midwit”.

      • PieInTheSky


  21. Suthenboy

    Huh, a cursory search for Canadian, Mexican and Chinese tariffs on us goods gives me nothing but anti-Trump propaganda instead of what tariffs they impose on us. Imagine that.
    Impose a shit-ton of taxes on Chinese goods. We need to cut their water off.

    • Don escaped Memphis

      I’m seeing the same thing: hard to get to straight facts.


      Is anyone current on NAFTA 2.0? I’m not, but one presumes that any new tariffs would violate Trump’s own negotiations [shocked face]. It sunsets in 2026 AFAIK.

      Philosophically, are trade agreements beneath the dignity of treaty? Said another way, is a document that can’t pass the Senate not worth having at all? Shouldn’t a trade agreement, like any law, be 100 words or less: limited, rigid, and as clear as day?

      Further, aren’t the regulations and minimum wages required by NAFTA 2.0 antithetical to the free-trade tenants of libertarianism? Isn’t the point of trade to benefit from the value propositions that other countries provide? Isn’t the protectionism of Trump’s NAFTA exactly the sort of populist garbage Glibs would immediately and loudly decry if it were presented by Becky Pringle, Gavin Newsom, or Shawn Fain?

      • UnCivilServant

        Trade agreements are like contracts, what is plain and clear in the vulgar and vernacular is full of loopholes quibbles and gray areas that are ripe for abuse.

    • AlexinCT

      Wait Suthen, you expect a search – was it Google? – to give you the results you asked for instead of the talking points the machine wants you to be programmed with?

      Say it ain’t so.

      I do not do searches on Google for anything that has anything political or politics adjacent anymore, because all you will get is exactly the opposite of what you are looking for (since what you want will not be what the machine wants you to want).

    • Don escaped Memphis

      ripe for abuse

      egad! Trump’s own fabulous negotiation isn’t worth the paper it’s written on?

      ** runs out of the room bawling **

  22. The Late P Brooks

    I watched The King’s Man last night. It was every bit as dumb as I expected, and reinforced my long standing prejudice against all movies made since 2001.

    • UnCivilServant

      I still think Dredd works as a film and is true to the character.

    • EvilSheldon

      I saw a movie with Alec Baldwin over the weekend that didn’t make me want to smash my laptop. Check out Thick as Thieves. It’s a crime caper with an almost Elmore Leonard feel to it.

  23. PieInTheSky

    The World’s Most Expensive Gym Membership ($10k/month)


    eat your heart out poor gym glibs. Or not in Greenwich Village glibs.

    • Tundra

      “Natasha is going to come in and ask you what your RPE is.”

      Legit lol.

      Wealthy people are weird.

      • AlexinCT

        Is she banging them too?

      • Not Adahn

        Remember those old jokes about guaranteed weight loss plans?

  24. SDF-7

    Did y’all already discuss Animal’s extreme Swiss-bait yet?

    If that doesn’t get Swiss to sign up for RedState VIP just so he can narrow gaze in the comments there, I don’t know what will….

    • UnCivilServant

      Animal does that all the time over there.

      To the point where even I give the swiss stare.


    • EvilSheldon

      Lol. I needed that.

  25. ron73440

    Twitter seems to be full of midwits.

    Luke Zaleski
    You do realize you’re an unelected bureaucrat, right?
    Vivek Ramaswamy
    The fear-mongering has begun. But the real thing we *should* be afraid of is the loss of self-governance to an unelected bureaucracy. x.com/marionawfal/st…

    • PieInTheSky

      we need Malice to tell Ramaswamy his classic “there is no we here”

    • Rat on a train

      It’s self identify so select randomly.

      • The Last American Hero

        Go with Noldor. That’s what I did.

    • rhywun

      Since the 1970s, the unspoken rationale for America’s system of half a dozen official pseudo-races is to identify Americans eligible for rewards from the ever-expanding racial patronage racket pushed by the post-New Deal Democratic Party.


      Now is the time to end it.

      Not gonna happen. See your previous sentence.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Insufficient vigor

    Special counsel Jack Smith’s move to dismiss Donald Trump’s two federal indictments has sparked finger-pointing from those eager to see the president-elect held to account, with critics airing their frustrations at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the courts for the anticlimactic end to the case.


    The low-key end to a case that otherwise threatened jail time for Trump prompted some to criticize the department — resurfacing tension over whether the DOJ moved swiftly enough in the case.

    “The Justice Dept and the court system failed to uphold the principle that no one is above the law. DOJ by neglecting to promptly investigate the events of Jan 6, and the courts by willfully delaying progress of the case and providing immunity,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who served on the now-disbanded Jan. 6 committee, wrote on the social platform X shortly after Smith filed his motion Monday.

    There ought to have been a team of federal marshals waiting to clap Trump in irons as soon as Joe swore the oath of office.

  27. PieInTheSky

    There’s a whole history book waiting to be written about the post-Civil War project of the American aristocracy to “Europeanize” themselves. They collectively looked around, noticed that America had insane natural resources, a great people, and great institutions, and so was going to be the next century’s superpower. They were already doing great at economics and science and technology, but they also recognized the one thing they were shit at was culture, and that the found of culture was the Mother Continent, and so they, very consciously, set about on a project of educating themselves, and the country, on European culture. Which is why so many museums and art collections date back from that period. JP Morgan’s parents (the House of Morgan was already established then so he was very much a member of that aristocracy) thought it was a waste of time and money to send him to an Ivy League, but they did pay for him to spend a year or so touring Europe and looking at museums in Paris and Italy, etc. This was very very typical.


    all this and still so far behind

    • AlexinCT

      The divide and fight truly is between the aristocracy wannabes (and their beholden welfare state class) and the people that have realized the inept and inbreds that want an American hereditary aristocracy in this country.

    • UnCivilServant

      Even had we tipped such that the poles alternately pointed at the sun during our orbit, I still would not submit

    • Ownbestenemy


    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Redistribution of ground water

      You mean evaporation and condensation (i.e. rain)?

    • AlexinCT

      Too much construction in the northern hemisphere?

    • Ted S.

      So Hank Johnson was right.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Still, it’s a dissatisfying end to those who see the case as a reflection on the strength of the democratic system.

    “As the indictment is charged, you had the former president committing a series of felonies and crimes against the United States, and nothing ever came of it. How do you square that with the way that Americans think of themselves and their democracy,” said Jeff Robbins, an attorney now in private practice who has served as both a federal prosecutor and a Senate investigative counsel.

    “Both the process and the result were disgraceful and probably do irreparable harm to our democracy.”

    True, nut not in the way you appear to mean. We’re well on our way to criminalizing policy disputes. It will not end well.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The prosecutor’s ability to pick and choose the arguable crimes they decide to prosecute is one of the sharpest arrows in their quiver as it comes to politicization. If that was wielded evenhandedly I doubt people would have that much of an issue with it.

    • Rat on a train

      Beria would be proud.

    • Not Adahn


      I have come around to the idea of an exact restoration being an act of religious devotion.

      Because otherwise taking a stupidly inefficient route to creating a suboptimal support structure for the roof would bother me, had I had to pay for it.

      • kinnath

        The decision is to restore or to replace.

        I am always happy when I see antiquities restored instead of being replaced.

      • R C Dean

        Hard for me to say the oak is “suboptimal” when it lasted for hundreds of years, and only failed after an act of arson. Not unlike the attack that dropped the steel structure of the WTC, really.

      • Not Adahn

        IIRC, the forest has been in a more-or-less constant state of repair for the last couple of centuries. Hek, wasn’t the fact that it was being repaired what lead to the fire in the first place?

      • UnCivilServant

        routine maintenance is normal on any structure.

    • kinnath

      Beautiful. I am so glad they restored it to original design and didn’t fuck it up with modern horseshit.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        You don’t think it’d look better with a glass pyramid out front?

      • Rat on a train

        The roof should have been converted to an urban park.

      • Not Adahn

        You can keep it identical on the outside without needing 14000 tree trunks chopped down and mostly wasted to create another flammable interior.

        And even if for some reason wood was the only thing that would be structurally sound, banning power tools is right up there with handing out smaller shovels.

      • R.J.

        A few video billboards for the sponsors would have been nice.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        An ebike rental rack at the entrance would’ve been nice.

      • kinnath

        Not Adahn votes for replacement.

      • UnCivilServant

        An ebike rental rack at the entrance would’ve been nice.

        What? No, those things are fire hazards.

      • Not Adahn

        I vote for upgrading those parts that are irrelevant to form or function.

        If I owned a classic British car, I’d use tyres made out of modern materials and replace the electrical system.

      • rhywun


        The cathedral in my German home away from home went the opposite route after it was destroyed in WWII. Although there have been some improvements from the ugliness that was present when I lived there.

      • Rat on a train

        A few video billboards for the sponsors would have been nice.
        The entire roof, inside and out, should be a display like Sphere.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        They really ought to have gone with three Jesus’s*, one fat one in the middle with two skinny ones to balance him out.


    • Tundra

      I love it. I wish I could go to the rededication Mass.

    • Grumbletarian

      That’s fantastic work.

    • Mojeaux

      The patina is gone, but it is lovely and yes, I am so glad they took the time to restore it faithfully. Honestly, I expected them to do something atrocious to it.

      The Louvre’s glass pyramid was new when I was there. It’s awful, but now it’s a fixture. It’s like the addition to our gallery here. It looks like a construction trailer. It’s kinda okay at night when it’s lit up, but they didn’t account for the light bill, so then they had to close an extra day of the week.

    • R C Dean

      Substituting steel beams for oak would utterly change (and ruin, IMO) what is effectively a building-sized work of art. Nobody says we should restore Rembrandts with spray paint. Restoration was absolutely the way to go. How it should have been paid for is a separate issue.

      • Not Adahn

        How many worshippers and/or tourists are even allowed into that part of the building? Did adding the tracking chip to the back of the Mona Lisa ruin it? You know that approximately zero of the great masters are in their original frames, right?

        Should we rip out the electrical system and go back to candles and bellows-crews?

      • R C Dean

        The oak (some of it, anyway) is clearly visible in the interior. I guess you can always quibble about what you can update without changing the essential character of a piece of art. The frame has always been added after the piece has finished, so that’s an easy one. The tracking chip is utterly invisible – also an easy one.

        Adding electrical is more interesting – is the original lighting essential to the building-as-art? I could see having a discussion about that.

  29. PieInTheSky

    Ancient Origins
    Underwater team finds 8,000-year-old stilt village in Lake Ohrid, Albania, possibly Europe’s oldest, guarded by 100,000 wooden spikes.

    Alessandro Riolo
    It was 5000 years before, but whenever I hear/read people talking how peaceful was prehistory, I remember the poor sods who surrounded their village with 100,000 wooden spikes .. and didn’t make it!


    • Mojeaux

      Did Tepes use 100,000 spikes to keep the Ottomans out of Europe?

      I swear, that whole continent owes him an apology.

      • AlexinCT


      • PieInTheSky

        To be fair, it was only temporary the fuckers came back.

      • AlexinCT

        You need more stakes…

      • PieInTheSky

        But we needed to protect the forest

      • UnCivilServant

        So plant new trees as you make stakes and use the compost from the impalings to fertilize them.

      • AlexinCT

        When the bodies decompose, they will fuel regrowth.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        “But we needed to protect the forest”

        ….and Pie agrees with NotAdahn about modernizing Notre Dame.

  30. PieInTheSky

    What would von Mises make of Musk’s DOGE?


    But this is as if the North Korean government tried to improve the poor performance of its state-owned enterprises by bringing in South Korean businessmen to manage them. It does not work that way. The Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises already explained this 80 years ago, in his book Bureaucracy.

    So old Ludwig would have been a skeptic…

    • UnCivilServant

      He’s not being asked to run the agencies, he’s being asked to prepare a list for the chopping block.

      • kinnath

        I was reading the other day that Musk wants to force return to the office to stimulate voluntary job separation. No red tape. Just fewer employees.

        It’s a start.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Leave it to libertarians to criticize a program that comports with their aims somewhat because it doesn’t fit their prescriptions exactly. At least see how they go about it first, there’ll be plenty to complain about then I’d imagine.

      • R C Dean

        Did you miss the discussion slagging DOGE because it includes the word “efficiency”, which must mean Musk is going to get even more regulations and enforcement actions out of the same agency staff?

  31. Gustave Lytton

    Y’all better watch it with the puns or Switzy is going to replace Clint and Lee VanC gifs with a squinting Biden.

    • AlexinCT

      Turd pinch’n Biden?

    • Mojeaux

      My husband follows shpip on Facebook amd lately he has been trying to out-shpip shpip. He doesn’t do the novel-length setups, though.

    • Rat on a train

      What about drunk Harris?

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Easy solutions for hard problems is how we roll

    Kennedy has taken a strong anti-Ozempic stance in his pledge to tackle high rates of chronic disease, including diabetes and obesity. And while these are goals shared by many health officials in America, his take stands out.

    “If we just gave good food, three meals a day, to every man, woman and child in our country, we could solve the obesity and diabetes epidemic overnight,” he said to Greg Gutfeld on Fox News before the election. He added that Ozempic’s maker, Novo Nordisk, is “counting on selling it to Americans because we are so stupid and so addicted to drugs,” and that Nordisk does not market the medicine in its home country of Denmark. Instead, “they recommend dietary and behavior changes,” he said.


    Kennedy focused on American’s food and diet during the “Make America Healthy Again” campaign. His messaging resonated with a large portion of voters, particularly mothers, who are worried about what’s going into their food.

    Many of these moms have long been vocal online and in person, banding together to advocate against food dyes, for example. Some say they feel hindered by government agencies, like the Food and Drug Administration, when it comes to making healthy eating decisions for their kids.

    “We are betraying our children by letting (food) industries poison them,” Kennedy said at a rally in November, after he had pulled out of the presidential election and backed Trump.

    He hopes to eliminate food dyes, ultra-processed foods with added fats, starches and sugars, and improve school lunches.

    Forced labor camps are the answer.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Chain gangs of fatties doing roadwork while eating a diet of gruel and icewater would lead to substantial weight loss. Not sure that’s conducive to personal freedom though.

    • PieInTheSky

      I can see ozempic as a valuable tool but not taking the place of better nutrition and more personal responsibility / self control.

      • Tundra

        I think we have a serious food problem here. Too few producers, ridiculously toxic farming practices, non-food ingredients – the list is endless.

        I’m 100% down with Kennedy attacking that stuff. I don’t want fucking mRNA vaxxes in my steak and God knows what else. Let Massie finally get his PRIME act passed, kick China out of the business, end subsidies for retarded monocrops. MAHA.


        But, but, Iowans will have to pay more for their mid-grade ethanol gasoline! (I just got back from visiting my folks in Des Moines).

      • kinnath

        I hate fucking ethanol in gasoline.


        If you have a genny with a carb, corn gas is the worst.

    • AlexinCT

      When you can’t or refuse to correctly diagnose the cause/root of any problem – and with the left that would be themselves and the stupid shit they believe and do – you are never going to fix it. The odds your stupid efforts, like a broken clock twice a day, lands on the right solution is null.

    • rhywun

      I am not impressed by Trump choosing this kook.

    • R C Dean

      “If we just gave good food, three meals a day”

      No. No giving food. Even if we did, the fatties would just keep eating garbage between their healthy meals (if they ate the healthy food at all.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Make Corn Pops Sugar Pops Again.

  33. PieInTheSky

    The Economist
    The aim of making workplaces fairer and genuinely more inclusive will not die in 2025. But diversity, equity and inclusion schemes might be beyond saving in their current form


    • Urthona

      I remember when The Economist used to be ok. Like in the 90s.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    And this: improve school lunches.

    I wonder if he’ll do any better than Michelle.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      If you want to improve school lunches, get rid of them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And breakfast. And snacks. And take home food. And summer meals.

    • AlexinCT

      Religion of peace…

  35. Mojeaux

    Saw a tweet last night that was largely on point. BUT. It used the language the enemy* uses, MAPS (minor-attracted persons), instead of child molesters. I’m not even stopping on pedophiles because it’s not gruesome enough. So I said something.

    *NOT hyperbole

  36. The Late P Brooks

    “Parents’ rights” is a double edged sword

    “Since when does a conservative say, ‘The state knows what is best for my child,’” said former Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock, an anti-Trump Republican who opposes Tennessee’s law. “If you decide a state can do this, then it puts all parental decisions at risk of being overruled by the government.”

    The Supreme Court will hear arguments December 4 in the most important transgender rights case the justices have ever tackled, reviewing a Tennessee law enacted last year that bans gender-affirming care for minors and imposes civil penalties for doctors who violate the prohibitions. Gender-affirming surgeries are not at issue because a lower court tossed out a challenge to those procedures.

    Though the high court declined to consider the parental rights question when it took the case earlier this year, the debate is nevertheless playing out in briefings and may come up during the court’s oral arguments.

    Long term physical harm is just like sending your kid to bible school.

    • rhywun

      gender-affirming care

      Cut that shit out, CNN.

      • Rat on a train

        But, genitals don’t define gender, right?

  37. The Late P Brooks

    What if a father wants his son to be n NFL linebacker, and finds a doctor who will pump him full of testosterone and steroids? What if a traditionalist Chinese family decides to bind the feet of their daughters?

    Considerations of harm, in the long and short term, should enter into the discussion.

  38. PieInTheSky

    Mayor Sadiq Khan has launched a consultation on plans to make housing more affordable for Londoners.

    Khan has proposed rents based on 40 per cent of key workers’ average household incomes, with rent rises potentially linked to wage growth.

    The proportion of a key worker’s income needed to cover rent on a median one-bedroom property in London was around 74 per cent of total income, Generation Rent found earlier this year.

    Critics of Khan’s proposed policy have pointed to Khan’s record on building affordable homes. The number of affordable homes built in London between April 2023 and March this year fell by 88 per cent.

    Just over 3,100 affordable housing builds began across Greater London between April 2023 and March of this year, down from 26,386 starts in the previous 12 months, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

    The mayor’s 2021-26 housebuilding programme had aimed to build 35,000 new affordable homes using the government’s £4.82bn grant, but 2023’s figures account for less than ten per cent of the promised five-year total.


    now all this public house building shit aside, 74% of income as rent is a chunk of change ngl. An overall a one bedroom apartment is not a luxury.

    • UnCivilServant

      Step A: Resign.

      Step B: suicide bomb the meeting of ballot-stuffers that got you elected in the first place.

      Step C: let the next administration remove the oodles of restrictions placed on building and living in the city.

      • AlexinCT

        Do you notice that the solution proposed by the scumbag class to the myriad of problems created by government regulations, designed to pick winners & losers, never is more freedom, but more government picking winners & losers?

      • UnCivilServant

        You assume the solution is to fix the problem being talked about.

    • AlexinCT

      Marxists hardest hit by dumbass marxist economics…

    • rhywun

      An overall a one bedroom apartment is not a luxury.

      In the middle of one of the world’s most high-demand cities it is.

      It’s just more “living wage” bullshit. Keep pushing the same policies that haven’t worked for the previous 75 years but yeah, it’ll work this time.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Melissa Moschella, a professor of the practice in philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, said that parental rights are not absolute. Even adults, she noted, don’t have a right to take whatever medications they choose, because those treatments are regulated by the government.

    “It’s not really about the state interfering in a parent’s decision,” Moschella said during a recent event organized by the conservative Federalist Society. “It’s about the state trying to protect parents and especially their children from a medical establishment that the state I think, with good reason, has judged corrupt.”

    Those opposed to the bans point out that many of the same treatments are available for cisgender minors in Tennessee – for reasons other than gender dysphoria.

    Marijuana is illegal, therefor your entire argument is invalid.

    Those treatments are available to minors being treated for conditions not related to (their parents’) mental illness. So there.

    • Urthona

      I feel like she’s correct in a sense, but making a pointless argument of semantics.

    • rhywun

      I’m surprised they haven’t euphemismed away the term “gender dysphoria”. I mean, a dysphoria is something you want to go away, not encourage – which is what the activists want.

      • Rat on a train

        This is gender euphoria.

      • Mojeaux

        It’s called a “euphoria boner.”

  40. Fourscore

    “improve school lunches”

    “This school year we will be serving the new and improved school lunches. Minnesoda kids will be getting the new and improved school breakfasts, as well. We will be providing the Somali contractors with $250 million, same as in covid, to kickstart the program. No record keeping required.”

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Wish in one hand…

    In an earlier interview with Denverite, Johnston said he would use Denver’s police force to stop federal forces from deporting migrants. In an interview Friday with 9News, he walked back those comments but said he believes local citizens will help stop the planned deportations.

    Johnston said he would protest the deportations and “would expect other residents would do the same.”

    Trump has tapped Tom Homan as his border czar, looking to move swiftly on immigration promises he made on the campaign trail. Johnston said he was not afraid of Homan’s claim that he would arrest leaders who disobey the federal government.

    “I think the goal is, we want to be able to negotiate with reasonable people how to solve hard problems,” Johnston said.

    We just need to throw more money at it.

    • Gustave Lytton

      So Johnston is organizing resistance against the US for foreign national invaders? Two witnesses and a lamppost.

    • Tundra

      No way local citizens will support this. Once again a tiny group of fanatics gets to fuck over normal people. Wood chipper.

    • Sean


      • AlexinCT


    • kinnath

      I’ve come to truly hate PETA over the years.

      • creech

        I’m a PETA member: People Eating Tasty Animals