The Deceased Won’t Desist

by | Jan 2, 2025 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 83 comments

It’s a new year, it’s a new day and R.J. is playing something weird again…

Welcome to 2025! Now what to post…

Feet of Death? No, that one really does not look like it holds up. Great title for a Sasquatch film though.

Piranha Women? A Fred Olen Ray movie with terrible reviews. No.

The Werewolf of Washington? Maybe. It has merits, despite a 12% on Rotten Tomatoes.

The Deceased Won’t Desist? OK. This is it. This is the official first Glib Flick post of the 2025.

This is one of those true low-budget films, produced, directed and written by the same guy: Mark Pirro. IMDB user Richard Butch sums this movie up perfectly below, thank you Richard:

My favorite movies directed and produced by Mark Pirro have always been A Polish Vampire in Burbank and Curse of the Queerwolf in that order. Both movies were low budget but very entertaining. I can now add The Deceased Won’t Desist to my list at number three. The movie has a good plot and I have always loved a mystery movie. As a bonus it is also a comedy. As always – since it is a Mark Pirro movie – the movie is low budget, but it is also entertaining. From the start of the movie to the end of the movie I wasn’t bored one bit. I thought I knew how the movie was going to end but I was wrong. And that is how a good mystery movie should be.

I would add that Mark Pirro also made a Kaiju parody called Rectuma, which has been on my list to post for some time now. I heard Swissy’s call for posts, so I threw this together (mostly with Richard Butch’s help). Just before this article posts, I will be in a title company signing off on the sale of my old house. I was going to beg Neph for a fill-in, but I cannot refuse a call for posts. After I sign away my house I am going to take some acid and go to Applebee’s to celebrate. A few months from now if all goes well, I will be in stately new R.J. Manor.

So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! As usual, Thursday nights is your time. Never feel bad about OT, talking about your vegetable garden surviving the snows, or anything else. For example, our fine government must certify the election results on Jan 6th – What is anyone’s bet on wacky shenanigans of some sort? Next week, hopefully things will calm down and I can resume some well-thought-out and pre-scheduled posts.

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Common Tater

    “After I sign away my house I am going to take some acid and go to Applebee’s to celebrate.”

    That sounds like a weird combo.

    • R.J.

      Sadly, I have a cold and so I have to refrain from strafing orphans from a spaceship outside of Applebee’s. I remained fine through the signing and now just want to lie down.

      • Common Tater

        It was that exhausting?

      • R.J.

        The cold is, yes. I hate colds. I pushed hard to get out of the house in less than a month. I’ll be find in a week, but I need some rest.

      • Common Tater

        OK, get well soon!

  2. Common Tater

    “For example, our fine government must certify the election results on Jan 6th – What is anyone’s bet on wacky shenanigans of some sort? ”

    Way more peaceful than the Trump inauguration was, which was way more violent than “J6”.

    • rhywun

      I am absolutely expecting a January surprise of some sort. I hope I am wrong.

      • Common Tater

        There seems to be a lack of TDS, hysteria, and general pants-shitting this time around.

      • Chafed

        The surprise is Biden is even less competent than we feared.

  3. Common Tater

    Abortion clinic receptionist looks just like an ex.

  4. Don escaped Memphis

    additional movie-watching homework for me:

    to remind me that 250,000 Americans died fighting the Nazis so that English bureaucrats can arrest people for posting unpopular ideas on facebook

    and to remind me to hate even more furiously people who …. fuck it: too long a list to go into

    • Chafed

      I wonder if Q can point us to the porn version.

      As for the Brits, they either do a Thatcherite turnaround when Starmer falls or they are toast.

  5. rhywun

    *presses play*

  6. Evan from Evansville

    What can desist, deceased by what has been ceased, will not cease once deceased.

    • R.J.

      What you did. It was seen.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Only because the past came before now is future that looks at all,

      • Evan from Evansville

        and we flip her the bird.

      • mindyourbusiness

        Yogi Berra to the white phoe please, Yogi Berra…

      • DrOtto

        Yogi Berra could have been a Kamala speech writer.

      • Rat on a train

        Fortunately we will not be burdened by what would be, at least for four years. Kamy 2028!

  7. Evan from Evansville

    I gotta check out Curse of the Queerwolf. Just too perfect. 1988, damn. “Larry meets someone he believes to be a woman, but is actually a transvestite, who turns him into a “queerwolf” by biting him on the buttocks. He transforms into a transvestite at night when there is a full moon… The only way for him to combat the transformation is to look at a medallion with a picture of John Wayne.”

    [Insert epic serial-killer guitar solo here]

    That’s mighty prescient, and way to take it to the fuckin’ hoop from the start. This movie came out the same year as Willow, a severely underrated flick. Mom took Infant Me to see it and…we had to leave. (That movie was created *For Me,* and my joy explosion couldn’t be contained.) Perfectly over-the-top, well-crafted fun. *feverishly claps*

    • R.J.

      I know! It’s a director who appears to have an inventory of entertaining schlock. If tonight goes well, more will be shown.
      I could do Night of the Queerwolf with Queen Kong as a double feature.

  8. rhywun

    “There’s no need for the foul language, you gold-digging cunt.”


  9. Common Tater

    Everyone has a plan until Tyson 2.0 punches you in the mouth.

    • Common Tater

      The edibles are shaped like ears!


      • R.J.

        That’s fantastic.

    • UnCivilServant

      You don’t want to put anything from the bug farming company in your mouth, that’s for sure.

      “chicken” yeah, right.

  10. Tres Cool


    I already like this guy.

  11. Tres Cool

    I see that the Queerwolf is tied into the Polish Vampire.

    I like this guy.

  12. rhywun

    That was fun.

  13. Drake

    Last week I did watch Die Hard with my 24 year old son. He likes it. Things he noticed:

    Gas was 74 cents a gallon in Los Angeles

    Cops used to carry nightsticks. Now we have Tix Tok videos of cops getting beat up.

    My son deadlifts close to 500 lbs but swears John McClain has way more grip strength to catch himself after falling 20 feet down an elevator shaft.

    • UnCivilServant

      Things I noticed when I watched last week:

      Gas came in Regular and Unleaded, meaning the $0.74/gal gas was leaded.

      There is no reason why the electromagnetic locks needed their power cut at the grid level.

      I haven’t seen the coked up salesdude archetype in a long time.

      McClaine was allowed to carry a firearm on a plane and into Los Angeles.

      That CRT he tossed down the elevator shaft probably cost more than the cop car.

  14. Fourscore

    Ho-hum. Chicago started the new year with 5 murders yesterday. No one, except the families, care.

    Some guy wrecks himself and a borrowed truck in front of a Trump Hotel and the country tries to
    connect it to a mass murder in New Orleans.

    Sugar Bowl gets increased security by the jillions, Chicago’s government keeps on in debt spending.

    • Chafed

      It’s just another day in Chicago. No reason to put it in the news.

  15. UnCivilServant

    I went slightly overboard acquiring DVDs recently. I was somewhat distressed when I saw that 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was a Disney film. I don’t want to give them money, though the message of “the old stuff was better” is a bit of a consolation prize.

    Stuff that arrived today:
    One Million Years BC (the more famous Raquel Welch version, not the earlier reptile snuff version)
    Godzilla Minus One (haven’t seen it but you guys seem ro recommend it)
    Jason and the Argonauts (the Harryhousen version)
    Flight of the Phoenix
    Lethal Weapon 1-4* (It was a four film box)

    Still waiting on
    Flight of the Phoenix. (No, I didn’t get duplicates, I’ve seen the remake and thought it was okay, the remake has already arrived, I’m waiting on the original.)

    *Lethal Weapon 4 was the first time I saw Jet Li in a movie, I still have a hard time seeing him as a leading man and expect him to play the villain.

    • UnCivilServant

      Disney’s 20k under the sea implies Nemo’s Nautalis is Nuclear. I’m trying to recall what Verne’s iteration was powered by.

      • Chafed

        Serial hamster wheels.

      • UnCivilServant

        According to the internet:

        Electricity provided by sodium/mercury batteries (with the sodium provided by extraction from seawater) is the craft’s primary power source for propulsion and other services. The energy needed to extract the sodium is provided by coal mined from the sea floor

        It’s a coal-powered EV.

    • UnCivilServant

      Knowing now that Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was released in 1954, I have to say that the work on the squid was very impressive.

      • UnCivilServant

        On a storytelling note, I still wonder if there was an intended protagonist or if it was a case of “These are our characters, flawed as they are”. I mean Arronax is an idealistic fool, Nemo is the Villain, Land is an asshole, and the apprentice is ineffectual.

      • LCDR_Fish

        The issue with 20kL is that it was a special Disney club release never on the open market (best buy, amazon, etc) – unless they updated with a blu-ray release. Exclusivity like that sucks balls.

        I have the silent 20kL flick – apparently the first movie actually filmed underwater- a little slow, but impressive for the period.

    • UnCivilServant

      In Re Jason and the Argonauts – How does one choreograph a fight between live action humans and claymation Skeletons?

    • UnCivilServant

      I admit, I never saw One Million BC before, but the depiction of the tribal humans is failing some very basic elements of logic. Their constant infighting would lead to extinction. Even amongst animals, you only see challenges to the heirarchy when signs of weakness appear.

      • UnCivilServant

        Also, in this desert, we have seen a colossal iguana, a sauropod dinosaur, a giant tarantula, a cricket to scale, a non-sapiens hominid, and practically no plant life.

        What are they eating?

      • UnCivilServant

        There’s been pretty much no dialog for the first half hour, so I’m noticing these things.

      • Suthenboy

        Have you noticed something about a lot of AI visual art? There is no logic whatsoever. The appeal is pure emotional. The art, not so much aimed at leading the eye is calculated to lead you by an emotional leash.
        The illustration for an ambient sleep sound video I listened to recently had a very cozy cabin on the shore of a lake with light rain and very calm water as the setting. The little cabin was barely large enough to be a dog house. The fireplace faced outward to a kind of livingroom setup – rug, couch, chair, little coffee table that had a steaming cup of coffee on it, all set up in the yard in front of the outward facing fireplace.

        Given our idiot pols and cult leaders success in leading the feeble-minded around by their emotions I fear what more and more intelligent AI’s will do with knowledge of emotional manipulation. They wont need an army of T-100’s, they will recruit useful idiots.

        As for what they were eating in the movie world I will give you three guesses.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, the sauropod was made of clay, so it didn’t need to eat, and the other critters were composite shots of regular sized animals made to look huge…

    • UnCivilServant

      Handbrake has been pissing me off.

      It always wants to burn in subtitle tracks, and goes on a cropping spree when there’s no need to crop the video but leaves the letterbox bars when there is.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yes, I know that I can change all of those settings, but combing through every tab for every file, I miss things, and it referts to bad defaults every new file.

      • UnCivilServant

        And now I’ve got one movie where the studio logo is taller than the frame for the film proper, so proper cropping to remove the letterboxing cuts into the logo at the start and makes me think it’s overcropping 🙁

    • UnCivilServant

      Zulu is a much slower paced movie than I remember.

      2 hrs 18 minutes?

  16. dbleagle

    The dead LV SF NCO has been reported to have been in some marital difficulties. By killing himself at 19 years he has assured his wife will not get his non-existent retirement. If his death in ruled “not in the line of duty” then his death benefits are forfeit as well. SGLI will still be paid to the current designated beneficiaries.

  17. Tres Cool

    I have no idea how DoorDash’s business model works, other than ” we make it up in volume”.
    I made an order for a sandwich from a national chain. They failed to include the toppings I asked for. I complained. DoorDash comp’d the entire order +$10 on my next order.

    How are they making any money?

    • UnCivilServant

      Services fees + number of orders not fucked up theoretically covers the comps and overhead.

    • Spudalicious

      Volume. You’ll use them again.

      • Tres Cool

        So just like a casino.

        Math checks out.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Much respect. I don’t hate dancers, though I shouldn’t and should be one… That style isn’t my bag, but I feel the groove and what went into it. I have this issue frequently, being a drummer makes it much harder for me to get into music without physical percussion, takes much longer to click.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I have similar issues with electronic drums (being a guy who’s played drums myself a long time, though I’ll stop short of calling myself a drummer), which is a major reason I don’t use them very often, and a reason why I tend to mess with time when I do use them. Jamuary 2501 is a good example of that.

        I’m more often into sounds much closer to Jamuary 2502. Drones. Ambient. Stuff that doesn’t generally follow time at all. I actually really dig both of those 2502 recordings for different reasons. It’ll be a patch technique I’ll return to for sure.

        Jamuary is mostly about sketching, not as a means to produce ready-to-rock music everyday. I use it to try new things, and mess around. It taught me a lot of things last year, and I’m hoping for the same this year.

  18. UnCivilServant

    I have an external Blu-Ray drive. MakeMKV can rip from it, but VLC can’t play directly from it – What am I missing to let VLC play movies off the drive? (VLC works for DVDs just fine, just not the Blu-Rays)

    • Ownbestenemy

      Not sure I trust it, but maybe in an isolated environment try this

      Seems some db and other issues before playing encrypted brs

    • Ted S.


    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean and Ted’S.! We got some of that snow here in SW OH. Today’s doesn’t look that bad. It’s what they’re predicting for Sunday night into Monday that has me a little concerned. 😟❄❄❄❄❄❄❄

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, U! How are you today?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yep Sunday evening is looking to be our first snowstorm.

      • UnCivilServant

        I just called out of work today. The reason is pathetic – I’ve managed to end up with an inverted sleep schedule. So I am very tired.

      • Gender Traitor

        Good luck keeping all the planes safe, OBE!

        U, hope the weekend helps you get your sleep schedule back on track.

      • Not Adahn


        Steel this Sunday at 1:00. You could bring your application by. Match is on Practiscore.

      • UnCivilServant

        Sounds like a plan.

        Have they improved practiscore any?

      • Not Adahn

        It’s in a constant state of improvement. Like a highway.

        The club name for the post-whatisname matches is “KFGC Action Pistol.”

    • Rat on a train

      Cold weather has finally arrived which means a higher gas bill.

      • R.J.

        It’s 41 in north TX. In a few days it will be in the 20s.