Well, that went about as well as could be expected. And I enjoyed a bottle of a nice off-dry Rkatsiteli paired with Brie en croute through the game, then a shot of a huckleberry cream liqueur (gift from the formidable Riven) before bed. This was a great deal of alcohol for someone of my age and constitution, so I will be considerably less clever this morning than usual. And the baseline is not an impressive one to begin with…
When going through Wikipedia’s birthday page, I’m always struck by the number of tokens with entries there. I guess if someone’s “group” is “underrepresented,” extremely thin accomplishment is sufficient for inclusion. Fuck that, here’s birthdays of many, many actually important people: the original conservative; an absolute shithead who could still write a helluva short story; a guy blandly described as a “German politician”; a guy blandly described as an “Estonian-German architect”; a famous drunk; a guy who fattened up every cop in Canada; one of Obama’s early promoters; a candidate for simultaneously the dumbest and most corrupt member of congress; a guy who was insanely popular and I found absolutely unlistenable; ditto; a parody of bad “journalism”; and a guy who has skimmed most of my money. Voluntarily, of course.
With excuses made, let’s Link.
Oh, there was a game on last night?
“He’s a commie and he hates Jews. So of course he deserves this.”
I have a bet that Thomas and Gorsuch will be the pro-1A dissenters.
The LGBs I’m friends with are not so crazy about being lumped in with this idiocy.
Like the promised famine, the deal is always “almost done.”
The pants-wetting is always delightful.
“Wait, so that whore doesn’t actually love me?”
The two most interesting people (as people, not just as musicians) playing rock guitar today have to be Skunk Baxter and Brian May. The latter makes Old Guy Music today.
I find most liqueurs too sweet, but that sounds good.
Happy birthday Charles Bukowski?
(Yeah, I know he’s a pretty good read, but god who would want to be such an asshole?)
Happy birthday Alaric I?
I always describe SugarFree’s writing as “a combination of HP Lovecraft and Charles Bukowski.”
Happy birthday Dean Martin?
an absolute shithead who could still write a helluva short story
Happy birthday Ambrose Bierce?
Bukowski? An Asshole?
To All My Friends!
Great song on a fantastic album.
World at Large + Float On is exceptionally on-point theme music to my life.
Had to peek. Too many to guess.
“ Too many to guess.”
Back around 9/11 times, there was a radio station out of Grand Rapids that carried the Howard Stern show. I listened occasionally while working at my computer. I’ll never forget listening live as the planes hit the towers in NYC. It ended up moving to a lot of “bomb those towel-heads” anger, but it was real and live from people that lived there and knew people that worked in the towers.
I look for that show on YouTube occasionally, but I think it’s been memory holed.
Assuming it’s this…it’s 5hrs long?
That’s probably the one. As I recall his show was 3-4 hours each morning. On that day they decided to just keep broadcasting.
Also, I believe the attacks didn’t come until Robin was doing the news. So more than 2 hours into the show.
I was still listening in those days but not that day because I never made it into the office and had to walk home with no access to a radio.
Newsome directing people to ActBlue to donate for fires is absolutely amazing.
Supposedly, the money is being raised for an NGO that will use it to import more illegals.
Holy shit.
If that guy ever somehow makes it to the top, Joe Biden is going to have serious competition for “biggest piece of shit”.
Newsom’s plan is to only skim 9% and then no one can say he was as bad as Biden.
After the fires raging in LA right now, his political career is done.
You really think that? I think Californians would elect him all over again. He is what most people there want.
JI, he is done. CA cannot elect him again, and every time he pokes his oily head into the national stage he looks and acts the clown. At best. Right now he looks the fool, and in a time of paradigm shift that is anti-internationalist and anti-liberal, he is both of those things.
The rest of the country doesn’t want him or the failed state he runs. Governor Oleaginous the Fail.
He’ll never make it to the top. He’s term limited here and it’s his last term. His time in the spot light will be long gone by the time Democrats are picking a candidate in the 2028 primaries. And after the disastrous Harris defeat, I doubt the Dem establishment will want another CA politician.
Newsom has done such an awful job and there is so many video clips one can play to make him look like the shitbag he is, he’ll be crushed.
Yes, the idiots out here prevented the recall effort (with some voting shenanigans). But thankfully CA voters aren’t reflective of the nation at large.
a famous drunk
Happy birthday OMWC!
You’re Glib famous!
He should have waited to be fired so he could sue and get a 2 million dollar payday like Strzok.
the original conservative;
Newton was the one who came up withe the law of conservation of momentum, wasn’t he? I think that would make him a more original conservative.
As much as I hate it from a privacy standpoint, I still don’t get how having to show your ID to access pornography online is one iota different than having to flash your ID to get into an adult bookstore, legally speaking.
Especially now that you don’t just flash your ID to confirm age (for anything, as far as I can tell). Instead it gets scanned in so your ID is linked to your purchase.
This. And, I’m not a fan of anything that gets people used to the idea that you need permission from the government to access certain information.
Why do you hate children?
it’s just this simple
but there will be reasons trotted out……here…..why this is different and suddenly the government can be capable and trusted so that I don’t need to make any hard decisions about how to run my business, raise my children, or other otherwise live my life
conservatives mean well; they really do
Second wave “all penetrative sex is rape” feminists like Dworkin were some of the most vociferous anti-porn crusaders, and as recently as the bad old ’90s you had such conservative luminaries as Tipper Gore crusading against rap lyrics. Believe it or not, there do exist edge cases where nose picking high school dropout churchgoers in pick up trucks with grease under their fingernails aren’t solely responsible for every government overstep.
Getting back to it, I can guarantee I am the most privacy-paranoid person in this comment thread, but I still can’t articulate any distinction that would make a law requiring Pornhub to verify the age of its visitors more or less valid than the laws on the books for a century or so that require the proprietors of strip clubs, adult bookstores, bars, clubs, liquor stores, tobacco shops, weed dispensaries, pharmacies, and gambling establishments to do likewise. I’ll be interested to see if SCOTUS can perform the legal acrobatics required to overturn the Pornhub laws while leaving those others in place. Because I’d bet both of every organ I have two of that they aren’t doing away with a single one of those other restrictions.
‘conservatives mean well; they really do’
Indeed. Yet despite the fact that I grew up in a extremely conservative, Evangelical Christian home with not a speck of booze, tobacco, drugs of any sort, or a titty to be seen, I still managed to view pornography by the age of ten. And that was all the way back in the Stone-Age of 1990. Anyone who thinks these laws will stop a determined kid from watching some wild shit in this day and age is fooling themselves.
Annexing Canada would be like the ransom of red chief. That aside, extraterritorial expansion by way of economic leverage is immoral and wrong for countries that aren’t communist China, I guess.
L, G, and even B are the white men of the alphabet.
All chicks are B that should not be a category
Yeah, I get enraged when they yammer about “protections for LGBTQ+ students.” That is inaccurate and dishonest, and is a deliberate conflation of people like me with trans-identifying people, thembies, etc.
We’re beginning to see exactly why they latched onto the gays.
I would very much like to hear both your thoughts on how the T is being used to corrupt the LG(B)s. I have many thoughts and certainly what I’ve seen recently and from ~20yrs back, but no inside knowledge.
(Had a cutie use the “I play for the other team” line on me a while back. It was complete Hail Mary, especially setting, but still. If I could see her outside work it woulda been a better chat. *frump*)
I find his interviewing style as stimulating as watching paint dry, but Rick Beato recently had him on his show
Haven’t read up on Jack London recently…I know he was a product of the time – but yeah…some amazing stories. Some great early pulp SF too.
John Barleycorn is worth a read
He wrote a book on building (or, having built, more accurately) a ship and sailing it to Hawaii. Cruising of the Snark. Well worth a read.
I liked Limbaugh in the 90s – early ‘00s. He was entertaining.
Stern, I just never got. Crude, loud, and obnoxious just never jiggled my handle.
He was actually the least interesting one of the bunch. Robin and the other regulars and the wack pack made the show.
Until Stern’s head got all the way up his ass and ruined it.
Until Stern’s head got all the way up his ass and ruined it.
Pictures Martha Stewart eating a turkey.
it’s culture, I suspect, for you and me:
haughty rude janqui citiboi who needed taking down a peg versus frontier whimsey
Queens is so obnoxious that he makes Cape Girardeau sound reasonable
Always liked Opie and Anthony for my shock jocks. Stern was, and is, just a douchebag.
NPR haz a sad.
Gallons of white wine being diluted with tears.
First half of last night’s game was more like a practice or exhibition (this is how to run the football).
I was looking forward to the traditional close, vicious rivalry game.
I turned it off at halftime. Decided I had been putting off visiting Paarthurnax in Skyrim long enough.
lol I should play that someday; I did buy the damn thing. I haven’t tried it in years – I wonder if it still plays in Win11.
It’s just huge. Follows the Bethesda template (which I am quite habituated to).
On the plus side, Bethesda is very mod-friendly – I’m looking at adding some mods (on Xbox, yes, I’m a console peasant) and I have the Anniversary Edition, which almost nobody seems to have suggestions for, maybe because it already includes some mods. It’s just incredible the mods that people have developed.
Not interested in mods and I only own the “original”. They want 40 bucks for a “special edition” that I suspect is the one that works now.
Skyrim still plays; Win11 still has the Win32 API.
I think you will want the SE and one mod – the bugfix mod – goes by USSEP. The Anniversary Edition is the SE version and also includes all the DLC (which is quite extensive and good) and a goodly bundle of mods that I haven’t really messed with (but not, for some reason, USSEP).
It’s a really fun game, IMO. On a cost-per-hour of entertainment, even the priciest AE version is a hell of a bargain. If you like Bethesda games.
And there’s the rub. Despite having purchased a couple of the Elder Scrolls games, it turns out I don’t really enjoy them as much as I thought I would.
I just put a couple hours into Prey and am enjoying it – I think I’ll just stick with that and the long list of other games I’m still working through.
Oh sure but I have several games from that era that don’t work anymore. Usually games where the developer has abandoned support, which may not apply in this case.
Oh sure but I have several games from that era that don’t work anymore
I’ve been playing the Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raiders (the 2013 reboot, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tome Raider) and came across the weirdest bug: one of the puzzle elements wasn’t responding as expected (turn the wheel, little stone block should also turn). I DDG’d for a solution and the answer was turn on vsync in the video settings. For some reason, that particular widget doesn’t work at high frame rates (or something like that). Development decisions didn’t allow for the possibility of radically higher performance hardware, I guess.
Almost think that developers should turn on that option by default. I have had to do it for so many games.
I like Prey a lot, I even liked the DLC they released for it, which is a different game mode entirely. I did not care for Deathloop as much (mainly due to the time constraints).
Worm from Starship Trooper always gets to me. Thanks for this live version.
Can I get me one o themmedal of freedom things since everyone seems to
For the great work i did educatin murikans about feteasca neagra
Sure. Be an authoritarian shithead then cause death, poverty and misery for millions. You will be a shoe-in.
After 20 years of not wearing one i bought a watch and i like it
I have that exact same watch, but with a dark green dial. Runs a bit slow, but is otherwise great. Nice choice.
I can’t imagine not wearing a watch.
Simple and classy.
Great choice.
I haven’t worn a watch in 20 years either. And probably won’t for 20 more years if I make it that long.
DOJ probe of Tulsa Race Massacre finds no one to prosecute, but chronicles tragedy
I’m surprised there wasn’t a novel construction for charging Trump.
That was a good use of resources.
Nothing left to cut.
Oh, you’re not going to mention that it is Blacks that are perpetrators of that violence? No, no you aren’t. Try as hard as you can to blame it on suburban whites, you just can’t do that, can you?
Black people have to kill other black people due to systemic racism and institutional white supremacy.
Seth Rich would like a word. He was white and was likely killed by black ops.
Ops of Color, thank you!
Had this long vent about my brother’s off-putting behavior typed out, but deleted it. I’m so tired.
Sometimes catharsis comes from the process itself. Like the old unsent letter thing. Family is a pain in the ass; commiserations.
You make me grateful for having the sibling that I do.
Sending good thoughts your way. So sorry.
Shut the fuck up, Brandon.
You are a disgrace in every way, including when it comes to “truth”.
He understands that. That is why he has never let the truth pass his lips once in his life.
I have heat and I have water, I just have no hot water. My precious tankless water heater seems to be all froze up. High temp is supposed to be 40 today, so hopefully it will thaw out and not burst.
I wonder if it froze because it ran out of gas in the middle of the night? Like, maybe it has a mechanism that uses gas to keep itself from freezing?
Life in the big city…
Is it located under the vehicle outside? I would have assumed something like that was inside – even on an RV.
It’s indoors, but it has a vent to the outside, so I can’t keep the cabinet that it’s in open, lest I let in cold air.
But it turns out it wasn’t frozen. It just took a minute for the propane to uptake into the system. All is well.
Zuckerberg claimed during an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience released on Friday that Biden administration officials had pressured Facebook to remove certain content from the social media platform.
I’m about half way through that episode. It really does sound like Zuckerberg is trying to ingratiate himself with the new administration.
If Zuck is anything, it is adept at reading which way the winds are blowing.
Yep. He is a spineless wimp and he caved to them. And now he wants to appear to be a hero. He gets a simple acknowledgement for having done the right thing, finally, but no praise.
“Look, I am trying to stay in business here. Just tell me what you want me to say.”
^This. He seemed honest at least. Remember he did start down this road prior to Trump’s election, by eliminating Zuckerbucks.
just cash out go to your private island and chill like damn
“I’m very sorry I got caught” doesn’t do a lot for me. The left plays the long game. I don’t believe for half a second that lousy sack of shit has changed one iota.
Yep, if it looks like the Dems have the momentum in 2028 I bet Zuck will be there again to trash the chain of custody for millions of their “votes”.
“I’m very sorry I got caught” doesn’t do a lot for me. The left plays the long game. I don’t believe for half a second that lousy sack of shit has changed one iota.
I’m back at the podcast after grocery shopping.
Zuckerberg just went on about how they’ll still restrict things that “everyone agrees is wrong” like terrorism.
Surprised I haven’t seen this here.
Loaded up next to us. Put all of the tile on top of the truck bed cover and took off.
What could possibly go wrong?
Hitting box tile in the road would be a bad time.
Plate checks out.
I have that same bed cover. No way you put anything on it.
The idea that pornography is harmful to minors if observed by them is retarded and silly. But not as retarded and silly as the claim that one can become “addicted” to observing pornography. These moralists and busybodies should be shamed and driven from society. Censorious assholes have no right to stand side by side with free men.
“All movements go too far.”
Just picture Charles Keating attending a drag queen story hour for kindergarteners and you get an idea of what Dorthy meant by that.
The idea that pornography is harmful to minors if observed by them is retarded and silly.
Is it? I’m open to the idea that there might be a difference between finding a stash of Playboy’s out in the woods or in your dad’s closet and having 1000’s of hours of videos of gaping assholes dripping mixtures of cum and shit and some dude spitting/pissing on a woman at your fingertips. I’m also open to the idea that there’s no difference and that’s just fine and will have no adverse developmental impacts on the young mind at all.
I’m not making a comment on the appropriateness of ‘censorious assholes’, just take issue with that declarative statement which is by no means obvious to me.
Depends on the precise definition of “harm” and “addicted,” I suppose. If we limit “harm” to mean, physiological damage to the body, and “addicted” to mean “physiological dependence on an outside substance,” then it’s true. Nevertheless, as a certified man “of a certain age” now, and a class member of the first generation of “digital natives” who keeps company with Gen Y, I do think that having constant and unfettered access to every variety of porn from grade school has certainly had some negative repercussions.
A friend I had known since grade school broke down to me when we were in our early 20s and confessed he was, technically speaking, a pedophile, had been viewing kiddie porn for as long as he could remember, and had been going to therapy to try to resolve it. According to him, it all started when he was around 8 years old and found his parents’ cache of porn tapes; a lot of which was homemade, since they were swingers (they eventually divorced when we were in junior high, and his dad later came out as gay). Nowadays? Shit, every 8 year old kid has been exposed to porn. Doesn’t affect everyone in the same way, of course, but I see young dudes in their 20s with kinks and fetishes that are definitely a little, uh, peculiar. The genie isn’t going back in the bottle, but to say that showing porn to kids carries no risk of harm is probably overstating it.
“If you knew the sexual proclivities of every person in the world there is not one of them you would not consider to be a pervert.” -Sam Clemens
I, of course, am the standard of normal and healthy. I dont even want to know what the rest of you freaks are up to.
Ugh. Anytime this subject comes up the discussion is riddled with nebulous subjective terms and standards. Where is Potter Stewart when we need him?
Don’t mistake me for passing judgment on others’ sexual proclivities. So long as all parties involved are legally competent to give consent and have done so, do your best impression of the Marquis de Sade, Caligula, and Max Hardcore sharing the same consciousness if that’s your thing. I’m just not convinced showing the resulting footage to a kid only a couple years removed from believing in Santa Claus is free of any negative repercussions.
i would not completely dismiss potential harm but it is clearly overblown. But there are surely some people who get the wrong ideas watching porn.
it’s for your own fucking good, citizen
what part of that don’t you understand?
That’s the part that sticks in my craw. This is none of the State’s business. This is purely a parenting matter. Why is the director of OMB getting involved in this at all?
This is none of the State’s business.
It is, because all, even minors, are citizens. This is what the nation-state means – just as it does to guarantee all individual rights. You want that freedom – you have to ask for it.
Because for many families, the state is raising your kids and not you.
/without even taking sides on the issue
I (obviously) have no issue with porn per se, but the picture it paints of human interaction is not one I would want my daughter to internalize until she’s old enough to understand that it’s fantasy, not reality. Therefore, I’m going to do everything in my power to keep it away from her. All that said, it’s *my* job to do that, not the State’s, so I’m with you on the censorious assholes.
As to it being “addictive”, it’s like any other behavioral “addiction”. People using porn problematically usually have other underlying problems (depression, anxiety, etc.) that they’re covering up with porn as a coping mechanism. And IMO, porn is a minor problem compared to the hold that social media writ large and these cursed boxes in everyone’s pockets have on people.
I am gonna go with you guys on this. As a parent and now a grandparent I will decide what my offspring can and will be exposed to.
I am not a fan of the state being involved because like everything outside the most basic stuff, they get it wrong. They are simply not qualified to judge and have demonstrated so many more times than we can count.
Parents: Raise your children. State: Protect property rights.
I think we are all arguing to the same point: Everyone should stay in their lane.
today in youtube recommends: some sommelier in a Vegas restaurant opening old wines
POV – Opening $2600 1947 Chateau Coutet Barsac
POV – Breaking Cork $1600 1985 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion
today in youtube recommends: things meant for Q not for me
That’s a dude, isn’t it?
Nice tits, but the voice and jawline are a bit unsettling to Suthen’s point.
Been absent for a spell. Happy New Year everyone! I hope y’all have a wonderful and prosperous 2025.
Good to see you! The same well wishes to you and all of yours!
Pity the poor guy, he now has me for a dad.
::adds l0b to prayer list::
Hear, hear!
Nice to have you back for a bit.
Howdy. Happy New Year!
All this jibberjabber about Greenland. but nobody gets around to mentioning The Air Base Formerly Known as Thule.
*I used to know a guy who was a fighter pilot stationed there bin the ’50s.
Isn’t that where Richie Cunningham got stationed by Army when Ron Howard left Happy Days?
“The new laws[…]have led some of the largest adult sites, including Pornhub, to block users from specific states”
Slutty Sunday.
Human sexuality and the naked human form are dreadful and frightening.
Hey, I resemble that remark!
“not about keeping young people safe, it is about controlling what adults can experience as legal and consensual”
But enough about the drug war…
The Justice Department told the appeals court in its emergency motion that Cannon’s order was “plainly erroneous.”
“The Attorney General is the Senate-confirmed head of the Department of Justice and is vested with the authority to supervise all officers and employees of the Department,” the Justice Department said. “The Attorney General thus has authority to decide whether to release an investigative report prepared by his subordinates.”
Justice Department regulations call for special counsels to produce reports at the conclusion of their work, and it’s customary for such documents to be made public no matter the subject.
“Let’s just dump these unproven allegations out for the media to smear Trump with.”
If there is no mention of Russian piss hookers, I’ll be disappointed.