Dunham – 15

by | Mar 14, 2025 | Fiction, Revolutionary War | 30 comments

A | B | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14A | 14B


MARCH, 1780

IT WAS NOT THE FIRST TIME Celia had awakened with a man’s tongue in her quim, but it was so rare it never failed to delight her when it happened.

Judas must have put a pillow under her arse whilst she slept, which had her at a bit of a disadvantage for controlling her sensation. With him, however, her urge to take control was tempered, as she had amply demonstrated their first morning together.

It had been like that with Talaat, too, a feeling of inherent trust she had learned to recognize by its startling absence once she had left Rafael’s bed. Mayhap that trust was how she determined a man’s worth.

Though he had not bound her, he had blindfolded her—and it was a testament to that trust that she didn’t immediately rip the thing off.

She breathed a sigh of luxurious contentment and reached down to dig her fingers in Judas’s silky hair to pull him closer. The faint vibration against her skin betrayed his chuckle. His big hands were wrapped around her thighs and gently pushing, spreading her open, tipping her hips up.

She gasped and arched her back when he sucked her pearl between his lips, then licked. She attempted to close her legs, but his strong hands prohibited it and, in fact, pushed her open wider. Sadly, he withdrew that magical mouth.

“God, yes,” she moaned when a well-oiled glass dildo gently pressed its way into her back passage.

Though he was clearly unpracticed at this, his hesitance to ply the dildo charmed her even while it frustrated her. His hand covered her lower belly and his warm, calloused fingers slipped into her cunt, teasing her, pressing against the front of her sheath, against the hand on her belly, and one thumb caressing her pearl.

“Judas, my God … ”

His chuckle was broader now, a little louder, and far more wicked. She was reaching for her two crises simultaneously, arching her back, whimpering and panting for them to continue to build, to come to her and sweep her away. “Judas! Please!

His fingers withdrew from her, but before she could protest, another of her toys—a leather one—slipped into her cunt, then out and in, filling her more for the one in her arse—and the fingers of his other hand were pressing more firmly into her mound.

“Harder,” she panted. “Harder, Judas!”

He couldn’t quite overcome his unwillingness to hurt her, but it was enough so that she cried out at her release—both of them, coming in waves, buffeting her unceasingly until the storm scuttled past and she relaxed into the pillows.

Even though she was blindfolded, she opened her eyes and felt for him. There on the bed, what seemed the entirety of her harem toy collection scattered about. Her fingers touched the vial of coconut oil, the set of three solid silver balls, the gold ring that—

“What is that you’re touching?” he asked softly.

She smiled slowly. “Do you have a full cockstand?”

“Aye,” he said gruffly.

“Then this is of no use to you at the moment. I will show you later. I’m rather shocked you don’t know.”

“These things are foreign to me, Madam,” he said with a haughty sniff, “though I can deduce most of their uses. I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me a woman who attained adulthood in the land of the harem would have such things.”

Her smile faltered, thinking of the reason why she had them.

“Fury, did I say something wrong?”

“Nay,” she replied softly, reaching for and caressing the hand that still wrapped her thigh. She was still blindfolded, still filled to bursting, and still not feeling burdened to change the situation. “My husband gave most of them to me. I would have never known anything beyond the one dildo I used in a rather perfunctory way had he not been so extraordinarily talented with them. You,” she hastened on, “show great promise, particularly for someone who has never used them.”

She felt the heat of his body as he leaned up over her. The clang of ship’s bells informed her it was nine of the clock in the morning. Other than faint sounds of the most pressing of chores being accomplished, it was quiet.

Her blindfold was removed, with the gentle brush of his knuckles against her face.

The cabin was awash in morning sunlight, and she looked up at him, his powerful, dark body held close over her pale one, and smiled. “And what shall we do about you?”

“Later,” he murmured silkily, “I shall teach you about pain. Mine,” he drawled when her eyes narrowed.

She sniffed. “And you intend to ignore your cockstand until this blessed event?”

“I do. ’Twill heighten the experience.”

She said nothing whilst he heaved himself upward to kneel between her raised knees and carefully withdraw one phallus, then the other, and place them in a pail on the floor. Then he pulled a cloth from another water-filled pail and wrung it out.

He glanced up at her as he began to minister to her. That, too, was something only Rafael and Talaat had done. “How do you stay in control when you take two men?”

She shrugged. “The money. I dare say I pay significantly more for two whores at once than you do.”

“Likely so,” he said absently, his concentration almost fully upon her quim, cleaning her, kneading her.

Caressing her.

She shivered with sensation.

She bit her lip. “But in truth,” she murmured, “the dreadful possibilities are … ”

His glance—oh, those eyes—flickered up to hers and he smirked. “Enticing?” he purred. Damn her tendency to blush. He laughed. “Then dare I draw certain conclusions about your state of arousal at Chesapeake Bay these weeks past?”

That made her laugh against her will. “You may. I was sorely disappointed to find you absent from my cabin when I finally attained my rest.”

He barked an almost humorless laugh. “Ah, I may have indulged you, but then I would have killed you.” He must have caught her bewildered and vague hurt. “Your ship was aflame, Madam,” he explained softly and began to clean her toys with agitated movements. “You couldn’t see it, but I could, and I feared you would die before I had a chance to speak with you.”

“Bed me, rather,” she said wryly, so very touched by his sincerity.

But he shook his head. “Bedding was not then nor is it now my sole desire of you.” He grunted when he reached for the chest in which she kept her dildos, and he carefully put each item in its proper place. She said nothing, watching him pause over one, study the box, move a different item out of the way, and continue packing them as if doing so meant something to him.

It couldn’t mean anything to him. His cabin was inexcusably cluttered, with books and boxes stacked willy-nilly, clothing strewn about. The day before, he had taken off his shirt and thrown it on his bed. It was nothing she wouldn’t have done in a hurry, but it had stayed there for the many hours they played chess. It had been there when they had put the game away, eaten, and gone to bed. It had been there when they’d awakened from their slumber. It had still been there when he had begun to seduce her again, at which time, Celia couldn’t stand it any longer. He had looked on with great amusement as she interrupted his seduction to pluck it out from under him, fold it neatly, and set it atop his clothing chest with the others she had put there.

She watched him arise from the bed and put the chest in its place at the foot of her wardrobe. He returned it to its proper position, with the clasp and hinges positioned just so.

It was when he positioned it the tiniest bit to the left so that it was in its exact spot that she took those last few steps over the cliff and fell in love with him.

If you don’t want to wait 2 years to get to the end, you can buy it here.


About The Author



Aspiring odalisque.


    • Evan from Evansville

      It is especially nice. I’m also pleased I’m my brain naturally gels with sultry romance written by a woman.

      I’ve had those moments, of going over the cliff (of love) with little quirks and phrasings. However, in my life, nothing relating to ‘orderliness’ has ever ignited my Swoon Drive.

      Damn, it’s been two years since I broke up with my last ex. That was remarkably special while it lasted. Then she turned to be insane, like her mom, who at that point had been married nine times to eight men. Apple didn’t escape the gravitational pull of maternal forces, regarding her hella Cray-cray.

      • Mojeaux

        It’s not about the orderliness.

        It’s that he NOTICED a slice of her personality, and he OBSERVED her little thing with the intention of indulging it. He was attentive of something about her and was considerate of her.

        It’s the little things. Then he makes her laugh. Throw in the good sex, and he’s hit the trifecta.

      • rhywun

        It’s the little things.

        Yup. That little detail was delightful – more than whatever they were doing with the toys.

      • Mojeaux

        That little detail was delightful

        ☺️ Thanks. I love it when readers suss those out.

      • rhywun

        I’m a hopeless romantic despite my crashing cynicism so yeah, it’s gonna happen.

  1. Evan from Evansville

    Damn, leadoff hitter wasting no time, straight to it.

    Short Fry strongly approves.

  2. Tres Cool

    I’ve not been home long, and just catching up. But from the dedthread:

    EvilSheldon on March 14, 2025 at 3:24 pm
    Skyline chili sucks ass. That is all.

    Log in to Reply

    *clears throat*
    ————- nothing follows—————–

  3. Gustave Lytton

    Didn’t put two and two together than Canadia’s new PM is the central bank dickwad who left to run the Bank of England. Ugh, I’m sorry Glibs trapped north of the border.

    • rhywun

      Enh it’s not like anyone voted for him. Hopefully he won’t be around long.

      • Sean

        Are you new here?

  4. Ownbestenemy

    Is KK doing okay? Haven’t seen her around

  5. Ownbestenemy

    Dropped a new piece…I think.. I have no idea what I am doing in WP

  6. Pope Jimbo

    Listening to a George Jones playlist and I’m pretty sure he would be a good Glib.

    Pretty much a one note pony, but it is a really good note. Drinks way too much.

    Now I’m missing the honky-tonks I grew up in/around.

  7. Festus

    Elon just sent his rescue mission. It went off without a bump. The usual suspects will continue to hate him. Go figure.

    • Festus

      Sorry if drugs fell.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        In space, the drugs just float around in the vicinity of your ass.

      • Sean

        Due to gravitational pull?

  8. Evan from Evansville

    Mornin’ and today brought to you by thunderstorms in central Indiana. That should lessen the Walmart crowd. My first hour is before the store opens to the public, leaving free lanes and (mostly) solitude to start the day.

    Just like phlebotomy, Random Task(work) has a blessed ability to make the minutes and hours storm past. I strongly approve. Next week contains an imaging appointment to look at my hips; a vocational rehab appointment to suss out other work options; and the blessed beginning of the MLB season, one of my biggest pleasures, with my Cubs taking on the Dodgers, live from Tokyo.

    Hope your day starts out right.

  9. Evan from Evansville

    I wanna hear more about Trump’s address to the Judicial branch. I love shit like this headline from CNN: “Analysis Trump baselessly accuses news media of ‘illegal’ behavior and corruption in DOJ speech”

    Baselessly? So assume that not only is it all accurate, which it is, and that it’s far worse than anyone’s let out. Every headline is purposefully constructed to look negative for Trump. Every. Single. Time. Fuck, and people religiously ‘know’ that the Media couldn’t have possibly done anything untoward. Yuh-huh.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The only people that truly trust the news media are members of the news media and their trust is performative only. As for the general public, if they profess to buy what’s being sold you know you’re either dealing with a fool or a liar excepting the very old but I can cut them a break.

  10. R.J.

    Morning all. Finally I am off to Stately R.J. Manor. Movers will be there in an hour or so to unload my stuff. I am free from life on the road for a while.

      • Ted S.

        Seriously, tomorrow marks two years since Dad and I moved, so I know how stressful moving is. Thankfully we didn’t need bridge housing.

    • Sean

      Congrats. Are you planting the lawn flamingos today?

      • Ted S.

        He’s peeing on the lawn to mark his new territory.

  11. Not Adahn

    Woo hoo!

    Corned beef, eggs, and latkes at the diner!

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