IM-2 MISSION STATUS: Intuitive Machines IM-2 Lunar mission is on the surface, charging, and returning data. It is unknown whether the lander is upright, or fell over as did IM-1 last year. The presser starts at 4:00 PM EST, and I’ll update this post as appropriate.
ISS CONFIDENTIAL: “Stranded” Boeing astronaut Butch (and yes, he is) Wilmore dishes about why he’s still up there; no, it’s not fellow crewmember Suni Williams’ massive zero-g hair.
SPACEX LAUNCHING STARSHIP FLIGHT 8 TODAY: Liftoff is scheduled for 6:30 PM EST, deets and link to live feed here.
FALSE CONSCIOUSNESS, NORMAL GAYS EDITION: From the same school of journalisming that gave us the rednecks in the mist genre, comes this turdnugget from GQ. These are normal upscale fashionable homosexuals and lesbians, such as GQ writers are accustomed to socializing with, except they are [gasp] conservative. The condescension is off the charts, such as when the writer implies that conservative homos are not down with the whole trans agenda only to curry favor with our conservative friends. It is inconceivable to such people that people like me might not be down with the QUILTBAG++ because we are honestly aghast at the ridiculousness of pronouns, and horrified by men in women’s sports, etc. (h/t Not Adahn)
MAKING OUR ARGUMENT FOR US: Congresswoman Maxine Waters suggests, without evidence, that Elon Musk used voodoo high technology to hack the last election, promises to investigate. Why, it’s almost as if she’s calling for paper ballots, in-person voting, and requiring an ID to vote.
DEM CONGRESSMAN DIES AFTER ATTENDING TRUMP SPEECH: I can’t wait for Maxine Waters’ opinion on this. TL;DR — the guy was old. He represented the district formerly represented by Sheila Jackson Lee; the seat will remain open until a special election is held, so the Dems are down another vote in the House of Representatives.
“That probe burned down, fell over and then sank into the lunar dust…
But the third one — STAYED UP! And that’s what you’re going to get lad… the strongest lunar probe in these here parts. It has HUGE tracts of data!”
Thank you for that, SDF-7. I needed a larf after the disappointment of today.
You are quite welcome. I always hope my little quips get a laugh (or a narrow gaze if I’m tweaking Swiss, of course…)
Trump’s body count rises, but will it catch Hillary’s?
Such excellent news today!
The what now? The man who was for gay marriage before being elected president? I may concede some anti TQ+ statements, but I mostly agree with them.
That is only one of many questionable statements in the article.
In case you’ve never seen it, “We’re Red and We’re Gay”.
Cheebus, the last paragraph. Tone it down drama queen.
This is the same racist guy who sued his HMO or whatever because they were excluding blacks from his neighborhood?
“…I mostly agree with them.”
Other people’s sex lives are none of my business. Who other people choose to spend their lives with is none of my business. Also, I dont care.
*disclaimer – leave the kids alone. Stay off of the girl’s teams.
Americans nervous at loss of jobs the eternal deficit spending and the inevitable economic collapse will cause.
Suck it up, Hans. Time to pay your own bills again. (And kick out the NetZero nutters while you’re at it, or you’ll be stuck using broomsticks and hoping the Polish don’t just invade for giggles).
Meh, this is an article in search of a narrative. Ten minutes ago Germans wanted all the Americans out.
The big base in my German home away from home (Würzburg) closed in 2008 and nobody raised a fuss that I know of. The university is expanding into it.
“Many Germans have long felt a sense of gratitude to the United States”
I have my doubts about the veracity of that statement.
Like all Europeans, if you talk to the hoi-polloi they love the US, talk to the “leaders” they hate the US.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Even if the marching orders go out for that nationally to “spite MAGA” somehow — I’m willing to bet California will never go back from mail-in, month-to-count ballots. Just too convenient for them.
He was only 70 — that’s a spring chicken in Congress these days. I bet he could even feed himself and wipe his own ass like a complete youngster!
Unlike the TX Republican woman?
Boaf sidez.
It’s totally normal for politicians and senior civil service to disappear for weeks or even months at a time. Just like the Soviets. Maybe they’re hiking the Appalachian Trail?
Diane Feinstein says… (drool doesn’t make words).
I couldn’t resist clicking on the X link in the dead Dem story. They were as entertaining as expected.
The comments…
Once recently I suggested that the stranded ‘naughts were passing time and distressing by screwing like rabbits. I was assured that they are not because “…they are both married.”
Ask anyone what they would do if they found out they had an hour left to live and see what the majority answer is.
An hour? Pray. TWO hours? Well…
Can nethack be completed in two hours?
I’ve never won, even in xplore mode
Maybe if you’re really, really good (I’m not). But the early game is more fun than the late game anyway. Once you make it to the Castle if you’ve prepared properly, Gehennum is really nothing. It isn’t until the Astral Plane that things pick up again.
Eh…after viewing the photo, I can see a guy saying, “no thanks. I’m gay.”
I didn’t know there were three people up there. The guy on the far left is holding a microphone, like he is a news reporter, or something, which confused me.
“Did some tv station send up some guy to interview the stranded astronauts? Can they ride back down on his rocket?”
I like it with the helmet on.
Heh, heh
Thank you, Neph, for enacting my labor.
He’s the spaceporn cameraman.
Those conservative gays voted against their interests!
Their interests as defined for them by GQ writers. Heh.
I notice the proggies view of any and all minorities are comic book stereotypes. In other words they are exactly what they accuse everyone else of…in spades. Racist, sexist, mysogyinist, homophobic….whatever that litany is.
Article is cock-blocked. But IIRC we made fun of this a few days ago?
It’s further evidence that the alphabet soup is, as much as anything, a concoction of heterosexual progs desperate to signal their virtue to each other.
Most gay men in the mist don’t even give a crap about lesbians, let alone any of the other letters. Because none of these groups really have any reason to. They were lumped together by outsiders.
+1 “People of color”
I was involved in the nascent Gay Liberation Movement @MSU from 1970 until the late 70s. The organization was started by a gay man and a lesbian.
What I saw happen was a certain radical feminist/leftist push to distinguish gay men from lesbians. Thus ‘gay’ came to mean guys, lesbian meant women. ‘Queer’ eventually began to creep in along 2 main fronts — the need for a collective noun for ‘gay men and women’ and the desire to ‘take back’ “former” slurs, much as blacks were to do with ‘nigger’.
Gay men and women had pretty strong reasons to cooperate & collaborate, up until we got gay marriage. Insofar as there were tensions between the sexes involved, they rose out of leftist ‘male exclusionary [at the extreme]’ feminism.
The history becomes crazy, confused, and extremely multi-faceted from the 80s on to today.
Sadly, as with all political movements, once we won non-discrimination & marriage, the various national, state, and local organizations looked for new battles (and attention and money) rather than going for “we won, we’re done.”
In today’s world, rhy has it nailed — what do gay men and lesbians have to offer each other? Why are we accepting the rest of the alphabet soup who have nothing to offer us?
There’s always been an in your face element to the gay movement.
“I was involved in the nascent Gay Liberation Movement @MSU from 1970 until the late 70s.”
Seven years of college down the drain?
Yeah, that always puzzled me.
I was watching Buffy the other day and they’re still using “gay” to describe women in the late nineties/early aughts.
That seems very dated now but it shouldn’t.
@B.P. Bwa ha ha ha ha! The organization was started & centered on campus, but was community-wide.
As to my degree and college years, not a waste for the most part. I was a pretty messed up kid [abusive manipulative controlling family, etc]. My enrollment was intermittent. My degree was worth what it cost me. The experiences of the 70s were worth the time.
‘Nuff said
Re this morning’s discussion on email clients. I decided to bite the bullet and go back to the new-infrastructured Thunderbird so I can have my beloved import/export plugin AND color coding. eM Client was just not working for me, always keeping me low-key frustrated and irritated.
I’m still using 102.15.1 — last version before a big stupid UI rewrite… I forget how, but I have it locked to ignore updates and I’m happy enough.
Like you, I prefer POP — I don’t want my mail lingering on anyone else’s server for any longer than needed. IMAP just seems like a good way to give the Outlook and Gmails of the world plenty of time to data farm. I’m admittedly weird that way.
Yes, the POP3 thing happened. I also didn’t want to update Tbird. But my very MUCHLY needed plugin wasn’t supported anymore.
[insert long story here] [insert trial of eM Client here and low-grade perpetual irritation]
In short, I went back to the first iteration of the new architectured Tbird which supports the plugin I MUST have, and realized I also depend on color coding.
To branch off this discussion, if Trump privatizes the USPS, they should start their own email service, social media site, and online payments system.
Why they didn’t do this at the invention of email, I don’t know.
They tried. It was insanely unrealistic. Basically, they would print out your emails for you and deliver the paper into your mailbox once a day.
… or rather they proposed to do that. It never got off the ground for some inexplicable reason.
+1 FedEx Zapmail
That might be the stupidest idea I’ve ever seen.
They should also offer banking services, just like every other country. Well every metric country.
After the first time, shouldn’t the second one be designed to right itself?
Whats next, self driving cars?
They should had taken a hint from the Indians and had a camera crew there to record the landing.
They’re big astrology buffs and their star signs were against it. They needed a capricorn one.
No music today — so this felt appropriate.
Not this?
That works… I’m just more in the mood for the other today.
I played the shit out of Mass Effect.
No music today, so this feels appropriate.
There are no gays anymore. Just queers and trans.
I’m guessing that article didn’t mention the current trend of declaring a person attracted to members of the opposite sex as “trans”, and pushing sex changes.
I just laugh when a clueless MSM newshead tosses around “queer” like it’s what we all call each other now.
“How do you do, fellow queers?”
Are we back to using ‘queer’? I honestly cant keep up. I think I will just stick to ‘homosexual’ as it is accurate and I dont think has yet been designated a pejorative.
Here is hoping IFT-8 goes as planned. Lots of upgrades to test
Mrs. TOK is ranting about some prog friend of hers complaining that the net worth of Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerburg has gone up so much since 2012. I pointed out the irony of someone posting that on Facebook, probably surrounded by things they bought on Amazon.
This led to a wider discussion of why progs are so against people making money, basically because they think they should be payed Musk type dollars for working a job people don’t really value. The writer was an underemployed drag queen.
I’ve been churning through Burnham’s The Managerial Revolution, and what a fucking slog. He’d just broken with Trotsky and he writes, ploddingly, in classic Marxist fashion, so even though there are some nuggets in there, digging through the dialectical bullshit is a chore.
Damn hit submit too quick.
Underemployed drag queen is about the intellectual level they ALL operate at.
Malice talked about this on his latest episode, and his claim is that The Machiavellians is much more predictive.
It is inconceivable to such people that people like me might not be down with the QUILTBAG++ because we are honestly aghast at the ridiculousness of pronouns, and horrified by men in women’s sports, etc.
Not to mention the monstrous self loathing to desperately seek repudiation of what they are. Are you gay? fine. Go with it. Are you some other thing? Okay. Why does that require hysterical self-mutilation? And what could possibly lead them to believe the entire universe should upend itself to accommodate their delusions?
And what could possibly lead them to believe the entire universe should upend itself to accommodate their delusions?
Reality is oppressive.
Reality is oppressive. That’s why we have psychedics.
Reality is more oppressive than humans can ever hope to be. You have to breathe multiple times a minute, or you die. Drink every couple of days, or you die. Eat every few weeks, or you die. Maintain your core temperature within a tiny handful of degrees, or you die. If something heavy falls on you, you die. If something sharp pierces you, you die. If you vote for socialism, you die. If you meet Steve Smith, ok, you probably don’t die, but you wish you had, unless you are into that sort of thing.
The argument was lost when commie agitators at places like Columbia successfully hoodwinked people into thinking it’s a “sexual orientation”.
It’s truly amazing the mental gymnastics this requires. The Alan Turing story is a compelling argument for Gay rights. You have a functional, productive, truly brilliant man, and his life is destroyed by sentencing him as a gay man to chemical castration. Every single person supporting the trans cult would agree that this was a tremendous injustice and truly evil. Then they turn around and quite literally advocate for doing this exact thing to prepubescent gay boys. It’s not strange that conservative gay men oppose this. It is strange, and vile, that liberal gay men support it.
“Liberals” want to be at the vanguard of everything so they fell for the argument hook, line, and sinker.
Why, it’s almost as if she’s calling for paper ballots, in-person voting, and requiring an ID to vote.
It’s more likely she thinks the
governmentDemocratic National Committee should apportion the vote fairly and declare themselves victorious.shouldn’t the second one be designed to right itself?
Like an old toy clown punching dummy.
Elon has a bionic butt?
Well yes, for the libertarian weed and butt sex of course.
“From my heart to your cyberbutt” – King Elon
She is so street.
Maxine Waters does not know her right shoe from her left without assistance. She, along with Hank Johnson, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Sheila Jackson Lee (may she burn in hell), provides conclusive proof that democracy does not work.
A federal judge, on the other hand…
A federal judge on Thursday reversed the firing of a National Labor Relations Board member by President Donald Trump, with a scathing ruling that said “an American president is not a king.”
The ordered reinstating former NLRB chair Gwynne Wilcox came a month after she sued to be returned to the board.
“The President does not have the authority to terminate members of the National Labor Relations Board at will, and his attempt to fire plaintiff from her position on the Board was a blatant violation of the law,” Judge Beryl Howell wrote in the order Thursday in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.
Divine right of judges.
Toss him in the dungeon until he learns who’s boss.
I wonder who does have that right if not Donald.
I am asking honestly….what law? I want to see said law.
I see NLRB members are appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Trump absolutely can fire them. They are appointed by him and serve in the executive branch under…the president.
You know who can’t reinstated to office? The dead. Fucking judges keep flouting the law are gonna find out how thin the rule of law really is.
Underemployed drag queen is about the intellectual level they ALL operate at.
It gives you plenty of free time to philosophize.
Somebody brute forced my relatively low complexity Microsoft Live password.
I had two factor on it so they were unsuccessful gaining control. I’ll give msft credit as the locked the account and required a password reset after confirming my second factor.
However the text they sent me looked super spammy. I only believed it when I got an email on another account and I could read the full header and verify it was real.
I looked at the failed login attempts and they spanned the fucking world.
Every once in a while, I’ll get a brute force attack on my little author blog. I don’t know why. More, I don’t know why NOT my biz site. Anyway, my website security company sends me a log at every 30 attempts. A couple of weeks ago, for 36 hours, I got at least 1 log (30 attempts, remember) every minute. This has been going on for YEARS. They finally figured out my username, but they will NEVER get the password.
Blowin’ in the wind
Gavin Newsom’s provocative new position on trans athletes on Thursday reopened a rift in the Democratic Party that could serve as one of the earliest flash points in the party’s 2028 primary.
Within hours of the California governor condemning trans athletes playing in female sports — shocking his party in his home state — some Democrats unloaded on the likely presidential contender.
“It’s disgusting,” said Lori Lightfoot, the former Chicago mayor. “There are kids waking up today in California with this news thinking that their governor hates them, and rightly so.” Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) urged Democrats to “not take the bait and give in to their anti trans people rhetoric,” though she hadn’t seen Newsom’s comments.
Major LGBTQ+ organizations immediately made clear they’re looking at trans athletes as a litmus test for ambitious Democrats. “Our message to Gov. Newsom and all leaders across the country is simple: The path to 2028 isn’t paved with the betrayal of vulnerable communities —it’s built on the courage to stand up for what’s right and do the hard work to actually help the American people,” said Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson.
Keep a good hold on that tar baby, Democrats. Never let go.
It’s like some bizarre initiation ritual.
LOL. A washed-up pol nobody liked and gal so far to the left she might wrap around to the other side are their go-to examples of the Resistance! on this issue.
And yet the current mayor of Chicago is even more reviled than she was.
As he should be.
“as a litmus test for ambitious Democrats.”
Fewer and fewer are going to want to die on this hill. This is about as effective for the trans community as the LP impotently demanding its platform be adopted NOW.
Yeah, Gavin has just made it safe for any Democrat who is so inclined to reject the tranny narrative.
This is yuuuuge.
Isn’t it a little early in a presidential run for a Democrat to be tacking to the center and pretending to be relatable to normal people?
These quilt bag orgs…BLM…Antifa etc….where do they get their money? And where will they get their money now with the demise of USAID?
Soros has entered the Chat….
As I recall someone laid out recently that Soros and his organizations have a team of professional grant writers or some such who help launder money to their NGO’s from…USAID.
Trump killing USAID is like a spear in the dragon’s heart.
He’s only a billionaire, he can’t cover the USAID gap for long.
Yeah, Soros plus other radical foundations like Rockefeller and Ford.
Another good booster catch.
Looks like the second stage is out of control and they lost contact. Probably self-destruct.
Ship fall down,
Go boom
I’m expecting videos of debris soon.
“Drivers frustrated with aggressive window washers; What are your rights?”
Not mentioned: All of the window cleaners are illegal aliens. Before 45K Venezuelans invited themselves to town and an activist at some advocacy organization or another told them a good way to make money was to provide this “service,” there were zero squeegee guys in Denver. None. Nada.
I had a guy draw a sudsy heart on my windshield, unsolicited. I told him to not touch my car or I’d break his fucking arm. My child was quite alarmed. I’m probably not a nice person.
JFC, are we back to squeegee guys?
I want to know why we’re getting a return of all the shitty stuff from 60s, 70s, and 80s and none of the cool stuff.
Best I can do on short notice:
A woman’s sitting at home watching the TV. Her phone rings, she answers. She hears a strange man’s voice.
“I’m the VIPER! I’m coming next month!”
She hangs up, thinking it was a prank, and forgets about it. A few weeks go by and she gets another call:
“I’m the VIPER! I’ll be there tomorrow!”
Now she’s worried. She calls the police and tells them. The next day there’s a squad car across the street. Her phone rings.
“I’m the VIPER! I’m coming for you!”
She runs across the street and tells the waiting officers. They tell her to keep calm and go back inside. Fifteen minutes later there’s a knock at the door. She opens. There’s an old guy waiting outside with a bucket and a squeegee.
“I”m the VIPER! I’ve come to VIPE the VINDOWS!”
If he’s looking to “Vipe the vidows,” we could be in for a show.
With a cloth, natch, but specialized services require more than the goin’ $20. I’d be several cougars’ Boy Toy. Industrious, I am.
I dont think you get it.
Probably? :-p
If an Herr Doktor Professor had an actual title of nobility, where would it go in relation to the Academian labels in the formal address they insist on?
Nobility first
No idea if examples exist but I suspect that you probably won’t use Herr in combination with any titles of nobility.
I would answer you like this: competence and accreditation are very different things and the correlation between them is not as strong as most people think it is. Address people with basic respect by their given name.
Charlie doesn’t surf and aristocracy doesn’t work.
Tomorrow’s my last ‘training’ day, though I was on my own for 80% of Wed’s shift. So 9-6, no problem, but I work 5am -2 on Sat thru Tues. The fuckeroonie: Daylight Savings Time cometh.
So I get off at 6pm on Fri and start anew at 4am on Sat, if we ignore the time-fuckery. Good news: There’ll be fewer folk to dodge! In all forms of traffic. (Fewer people to *aim* for, tho…) It is, at least, a chill gig, just on an ordained flight path to pick shit up, with 8 miles walked last shift.
In my yute, Evansville was the only outlier in Indiana, IIRC, that had different Daylight Standard Rules than the rest of the state. During those months, we were in a different time zone than Indy. That was *odd.* Cubs games were ‘the same time’ as in Evansville, but not in South Bend. Strangeness. Glad they eventually fixed that bullshit.
“It is inconceivable to such people that people like me might not be down with the QUILTBAG++ because we are honestly aghast at the ridiculousness of pronouns, and horrified by men in women’s sports, etc.”
Get back on the lavender plantation!
I thought it was chartreuse? I guess I should get out more. Wait, I take that back.
Shit. To make sure my choice of colors was somewhat relevant I had to look it up. I dont actually know what ‘chartreuse’ is.
I vaguely thought it is some kind of pinky/purply color. Apparently it is some shade of yellowish green.