Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! My friends Tom and Alan bring back Sear It and Beer It.
Lamb, Barley & Guiness Stew!
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! My friends Tom and Alan bring back Sear It and Beer It.
Lamb, Barley & Guiness Stew!
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My mom used to make a really good lamb stew featuring dill.
It’s the best time of the year! Corned beef breakfasts at the diner!
Reuben pierogi are on the market, the fish fries are going, and I’m picking up some smoked corned beef on Sunday. I am curious, but trust in the BBQ place (we’ve done their turkey breast and sides several times).
This looks delicious.
Barley is for slaves and cowardly soldiers.
You left out beer.
I was talking in the context of eating it
Also beer is for barbarians.
So… what? You guys drink green Țuică for St. Paddy’s?
ehm… we drink … wine
This is wrong.
As penance, you must write a thousand word essay on why the influence of the ancient Thracians is still felt in Eastern Europe to this very day.
why did you write Thracians in a different color?
It’s magic of the Hellens. To thwart northern barbarian aggression.
Why don’t we turn up the heat, FIRE has intervened on behalf of Mahmoud Kahlil. Does that mean that FIRE is now suspect for standing up for the principle of free speech?
He’s entitled to representation. Also it certainly has a “free speech” component to it.
I don’t know if you saw my post in the prior thread, but it appears he also advocated “armed resistance” which may or may not be free speech.
Eh, unless he is out directing traffic with an AK, it is still just speech. Everyone here advocates for armed resistance, everyone here would qualify as an Enemy of the State if Harris had won.
Rights aren’t just for friends, and speech isn’t just things you agree with.
Zwak, here here! Either free speech matters or is doesn’t. Speech is just that. Beyond speech is another matter. Once speech turns into plans, actions, and deeds, then we have laws for that.
I can hate Illinois Nazis and say that they deserve to be run down, but I have no right to run them over with my Blues mobile even if it feels good.
I think we are in agreement. You get trial and given what we know as of now also bail.
I’m not sure why free speech is applicable here. Green card holders have restrictions on their behavior. One of which is that they cannot support terrorist organizations, including endorsing terrorist groups.
The question is if the behavior violates the green card restrictions. Throwing a person in jail for their speech is protected against by the 1st Amendment. Deporting a guest back to their home country for violating the rules of their admittance is a separate issue. This seems like it falls under the latter scenario.
No. It just means that perfect consistency is a childish pipe dream, and demanding perfect consistency is what progs do.
Focusing on this punk to the exclusion of anything that might matter is exactly what they want. Kicking him out will accomplish absolutely nothing because there are a thousand more just like him and college professors are churning out more every day.
We need a selective draft, to insure that those enjoying the right of free speech have an opportunity to defend it. Serving is not a punishment but an opportunity.
Cool, thanks Swiss. Guiness stew is so good.
My additions and or changes to their technique: skewer the lamb and roast directly on the grill with whole mushrooms or thick slices of portabellas. The char would make me happy and drink more Guiness.
Lamb broth: I wonder if the butcher they acquired the meat from would also sell them bones? I don’t see why not. Most butchers would be happy to sell soup bones. Roast them bones, and simmer in water. If I was feeling froggy, I would toss in vegetable scraps thirty minutes before the end of the simmer to make it even more mine.
Glibfit hint (waves hi to Chafed): Barley and brown rice have the same cook time. Mixed together, they make an interesting flavor that I quite like. Also, lots of fiber to keep you regular.
A fitting musical choice for today’s article. On this day in 1989 The Cult released Fire Woman, the lead single from Sonic Temple.
Saw them that summer. Great show.
A champion strides forth
Which brings us what many of you have probably been thinking since the first sentence: Really, Rahm for President?
“20 years ago it would have been an article in The Onion,” cracked Doug Sosnik, who worked with Emanuel in the Clinton White House and now thinks the pugilistic man may meet the moment and that no other potential contender is nearly as qualified.
Yes, yes, of course. Like Ivanhoe back from the Crusades, he will vanquish all challengers.
Isn’t he supposed to have offed himself by now to save on healthcare costs?
He was in Tokyo? Huh.
I wonder how much hate for the US he managed to stir up over there.
That’s my dream gig!
As far as I can tell he did very little there other than mouth the typical Team Blue standard State Department talking points.
Clown show
Keating grew irate with Self, asking him to repeat his introduction of McBride. However, Self doubled down.
“I will. The representative from Delaware: Mr. McBride,” Self said.
McBride sat there as a back-and-forth ensued between the chairman and the ranking member.
“Mr. Chairman, you are out of order. Mr. Chairman, have you no decency?” Keating said.
“We will continue this hearing,” Self responded, attempting to move the committee hearing along.
“You will not continue it with me unless you introduce a duly elected representative the right way,” Keating said.
However, Self still did not change his rhetoric. Rather, he called for the hearing to be adjourned.
Needs more ineffectual scuffling and chair-throwing.
Bring back dueling!
“You will not continue it with me unless you introduce a duly elected representative the right way,” Keating said.
Sounds good. Door’s to your left.
Oh, wrong delusional person.
Keating emulates Dinsdale Piranha.
Isn’t he supposed to have offed himself by now to save on healthcare costs?
I believe you’re thinking of his brother. And we can only hope.
“Lord, give me chastity and continence, but not yet!”
Can Formula One Ever Be Sustainable?
The motor sport famed for its fast cars, glamorous lifestyle and Champagne finishes is trying to halve its emissions by 2030
“If I look back, that’s maybe the only thing I regret,” said the 37-year-old. “Formula One has to become sustainable because otherwise there is a serious threat of it not existing,” Vettel said.
Well, bye.
I defy anyone to read the whole thing without laughing themselves to death.
This is what serious people talk about these days? Heaven help us.
Vettel said he was ashamed when he realized his carbon footprint as an F1 driver tallied 400 tons of carbon dioxide a year. The average person’s annual footprint is about four tons. Vettel reduced his footprint to about 60 tons a year by cutting back on use of private jets, taking commercial flights outside of Europe and taking the train or driving to races within Europe.
Down to 15x from 100x. The man gives Prius driver Ed Begley Jr. a run for his money.
He could just blow his brains out and shave his carbon footprint down even further.
I mean, if he really cared.
Blowing his brains out creates a toxic cloud of gun exhaust. He should just throw himself off a tall building.
I can see it now, guns with small catalytic converters at the end of the barrel.
Don’t give them ideas!
Can Formula One Ever Be Sustainable?
What did I win?
The “Captain Obvious” award.
The times are different and the men were different then and now.
Two drivers burned alive and they continued the race.
Lamb = good. And a nice change from corn(holed) beef.
I know, I know, but as a Jewish/Irish descendant, I am really sick of that stuff.
The bulk of the emissions in F1 come from logistics, roughly 49% of the total. The cars themselves and the fuel they burn account for less than 1% of total emissions. Some 29% of F1’s emissions are generated by business travel, with a further 12% coming from event operations. The last 10% come from factories and facilities, designing and producing the cars and kit needed for races.
Did it hurt when you pulled those numbers out of your ass?
Let’s be thorough. What about the consumer side? The fans aren’t walking to the track.
The fan are also eating animal meat that once farted (or beans that make the fans fart), drinking carbonated beverages, and breathing in live giving O2 and out that toxic CO2.
Exactly. And all of it for a recreational activity.
All these indulgences won’t be cheap.
So what I’m hearing is that people doing stuff harms Gaia.
Better not do stuff.
Bill Gates has another, more final, solution.
However, F1 remains bankrolled by oil-and-gas companies, showcasing a contradiction with its green ambitions. “It is a fossil fuel party that happens nearly every week now,” said Vettel.
I thought they were running magical synthetic e-fuel now.
Paul John PX Select Cask is bad whisky
Google says $90 to $125 a bottle.
How about Pappy’s corn squeezin’s? I hear those are mighty mighty pleasin’.
I bought it half off now I know why
aint no one afford no Pappy
Get some Ten High. It’s $8 for 750 ml.
It works well with soda water.
Artist’s rendering of Derpy drinking Ten High:
Meh, if it’s wet, I’ll drink it.
My great-great-grandpa was the sheriff of White Pine County, Nevada. Fastest gun in the west and died in a shoot-out with outlaws according to my grandma.
Upon further research by other relatives, the venerable sheriff was enjoying whiskey and transporting some prisoners by stagecoach when he got knocked off and run over. He literally fell off the wagon.
probably the fastest guns in the west these days:
RIP, Sheriff Derpy.
You were a hell of a guy.
He wore a big iron on his hip.
the fastest guns in the west these days – based on the recoil them be weak bullets. just like those speed archers with weak bows
The homicide rate in the Wild West was around 150 per 100,000, which is about 3x higher than the most violent US cities today.
“based on the recoil them be weak bullets.”
Or maybe you have weak wrists you depraved Malkavian.
pretty sure these guys are shooting blanks though:
The homicide rate in the Wild West was around 150 per 100,000 – allegedly
45 colt is a big bullet that moves slow in comparison to today’s standards. The guns were all metal and heavy too. The recoil is considerably less.
I thought of you when I read that Europe was hitting American whiskey with a 50% tariff.
This is what serious people talk about these days? Heaven help us.
Pious self-flagellation has always been a hobby of the elites.
Which reminds me… they called off the next Davos, right? And G7? And that thing in Brazil that’s going to destroy a tiny sliver of the rainforest?
I’m sure this will go over well
The Trump administration must reinstate to their jobs federal employees it has fired in the last month at six large departments after a judge on Thursday called the terminations unlawful.
The reinstatements are to take immediate effect, Judge William Alsup of the U.S. District Court for Northern California said when issuing his preliminary injunction from the bench, and agencies were directed not to make any excuse for delaying the rehirings.
It’ll be interesting to see what the new-and-improved Ninth Circuit thinks of this.
Sure, no problem. We’ll rehire them at the federal minimum wage, off GS.
If this keeps going around and around in the MSM, the public might start to wonder why these people whose salaries they are paying are damn near impossible to fire – a superpower very few of the rest of us have. And I know the MSM is trying to portray them as “heroes” just like they do with teachers and such but I don’t think it’s catching on.
Meanwhile the R’s are working feverishly to impeach the judge. Johnson is on the ball, Right?
How many of them were fired in your jurisdiction?
I offer to do the job of every fired fedgov worker for the low, low price of 50k/year.
Bet no one notices the difference.
And since I’ll be working from home, no need to worry about me shitting in the hallway:
Federal employees at the Environmental Protection Agency have been instructed to stop defecating in the hallway of a regional office in Denver, Colo., according to an internal e-mail obtained by Government Executive.
In a staff email earlier this year, Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor warned of “several” inappropriate bathroom “incidents” in the building, including paper towel-clogged toilets and “an individual placing feces in the hallway” outside the restroom.
Out and about with XX. Thinking about picking up BBQ. Jack Stack, Slap’s, Gates, Bryant’s, Joe’s…so much to choose from!
and about with XX – I thought according to the new official definition it was “with larger sex cells”
Bought ground lamb yesterday for my Shepherd’s Pie I’ll be making Monday, over $12 a pound. Thanks Trumputin! (a few years ago under the last regime I think it was $19 lb. No one here eats it so it’s expensive)
Is it crazy lean?
Shepherd’s Pie can be made with beef.
Technically it’s cottage pie if made with beef.
Yeah, if you’re tending sheep for a living, you ain’t affording beef.
The reinstatements are to take immediate effect, Judge William Alsup of the U.S. District Court for Northern California said when issuing his preliminary injunction from the bench, and agencies were directed not to make any excuse for delaying the rehirings.
And if this isn’t done immediately, he will be very cross.
I see some nitwit got arrested this morning for trespassing in Trump Tower this morning in protest supporting the shitbird Hamas guy that is going to be deported. Everyone is arguing about it as if it is another free speech issue.
It is not.
More than one. You keep track of these things when you have to venture outside.
Nice touch. 🙄
Horrific denialism
These deeply misguided actions could only come from an agency that abhors its own very existence. If carried out, they would accelerate the crisis of climate change and the immiseration of millions of people. And Zeldin’s justifications for these actions border on horrific in their deceptive misdirection and grim optimism.
The Endangerment Finding, released in 2009, stems from a landmark Supreme Court ruling that held greenhouse gases fit the Clean Air Act’s definition of air pollutants, and ordered the EPA to determine whether those gases, in the words of the CAA, “endanger public health or welfare.” The Endangerment Finding, unsurprisingly, determined exactly that. Ever since, the EPA has been legally required under the CAA to act to limit greenhouse gases.
The finding has long been a target of climate deniers, but neither of Trump’s EPA chiefs in his first term attempted to rescind it. It shows how much more extreme this administration is that Zeldin and Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought seemed gleeful in their statement announcing the formal reconsideration of the finding. In the same breath as he railing against the finding, Zeldin promised to “follow the science, the law, and common sense wherever it leads.” But the suggestion that a review of “the science” — which has only grown more certain in the last 16 years — would lead to any alternate finding shows that there is little doubt about how this reconsideration ends.
They could always go back to focusing their attention on proven demonstrable harm, instead of speculative correlation.
“Why did life on earth go extinct?”
A: Climate change caused by someone shitting in the hallway of the EPA.
We truly are in clown world.
How Much Aero Is Too Much Aero? This Much.
Given the Initial D homage I believe this is tongue and cheek, but…. Also it’s perfect that Mugen is a big Honda tuner. Mugen means “infinite” in Japanese. In this case there is always room for more downforce.
Irish drinking habits in a Meath pub 1980
Dublin drinking and pub opening hours in 1970
Reign of Terror
“EPA workers continue to be concerned that EPA will close many offices around the country,” Cantello said. “Our scientists and engineers know that all EPA office buildings are essential to protecting human health and the environment.”
Marie Owens Powell, president of a union that represents EPA employees across the country, said employees at that agency fear what’s coming in the Trump plans due this week.
“People are so scared,” she said. “They don’t know if they’re going to fall into a RIF.”
Powell, who recently retired from her position as an EPA staffer after 33 years, said she never experienced a reduction in force, or a RIF, during her career with the agency. “We came close. We prepared for one, but we never fully implemented one,” she said.
Workers are afraid of potentially losing their jobs and their livelihoods, she said. They’re also afraid of the unknown. “They’re frantic at this point for lack of information,” she said.
Good gravy! No guarantees? Welcome to the real world.
In America, the EPA performs the same role that the Ministry to Promote Virtue and Suppress Vice performs in Saudi Arabia.
The sort of people who would force girls fleeing a burning dormitory in their boarding school back into the flames to die because they shouldn’t be outside dressed immodestly (this actually happened) in Saudi Arabia join the ministry. In America those people join the EPA.
Remember ‘Learn to code’?
The glee with which these people damaged industry after industry putting countless people out of work and impoverished many more?
These tears mean nothing to me.
Wait. She worked at one job for 33 years, and there was NEVER a RIF?
Fire them all.
And bill them for the economic losses inflicted by the regulations they enforced.