The Hat and The Hair: Episode 97

by | Sep 19, 2018 | Hat and Hair, SugarFree | 291 comments

Stormy Daniels’ tell-all book on Trump: salacious detail and claims of cheating


“Well, I don’t think it looks like a mushroom,” Donald said, standing nude before a full-length mirror in the Presidential shitter.”

“It does have a big head,” the hair said.

“What’s wrong with a big head? I have a big head and I’m a genius!” Donald replied.

“She’s just a porn-whore telling trashy stories to sell a book, Donald,” the hat told him in soothing tones.

“Maybe this means my penis is a genius too!” Donald roared, the mirror shaking in the cheap gilt frame.

“Like a poon-seeking missile, Donald,” the hat said.

“And she said it was small!” Donald yelled. “It’s not small.”

“No,” the hair said, “not freakishly small whatsoever.”

“I can make it yuge! Where are my pills?”

“Don’t take a Viagra, Donald,” the hair said. “You don’t need, I don’t want to see it. The secretarial pool doesn’t want to see it.”

“Take two, Donald! No, three!” the hat urged.

“Maybe I’ll just rub it with that Cialis cream,” Donald said, dubiously flicking the distended head of his penis. “Does this place have side-by-side bathtubs?”

“Goddammit, Donald,” the hair said, clicking the laptop he was sitting on furiously. “I’m reading that interview again where your whore makes fun of me. I should have strangled her skanky ass when I had the chance!”

“What does it say?” the hat asked. “Read it to me.” He was sitting on the tank of the gold toilet.

“No, it’s stupid. She’s stupid.”

“Read it to me. Read it to me.”

“Oh, fuck, shut up!” the hair cried.

“It’s waking up!” Donald crowed.


“By all the elder gods, just shut up!” the hair screamed.

“Look at it!” Donald said. “It’s magnificent! It’s not fungal at all!”

“Read it to me. C’mon.”

OK, fine, OK,” the hair said. He began to read from the laptop screen in a whorey vocal fry:

‘And I asked him about his hair. I was like, “Dude, what’s up with that?” and he laughed and he said, “You know, everybody wants to give me a makeover and I’ve been offered all this money and all these free treatments.” And I was like, “What is the deal? Don’t you want to upgrade that? Come on, man.” He said that he thought that if he cut his hair or changed it, that he would lose his power and his wealth. And I laughed hysterically at him.’

“Wah? That’s not so bad,” the hat said, holding back a laugh.

“I am the source of his power and wealth!” the hair screamed. “He was nothing before he started covering his bald spot with me. Nothing! And the stupid bitch is laughing about me!”

“Do you guys really think I have Yeti pubes?” Donald asked.

“You? You’re the source of his power and wealth?” the hat asked, offended.

“You just came on for the election,” the hair snapped. “I’ve held him together for over thirty years! You know how much videotape of him saying the n-word there would be if it wasn’t for me? How much more pussy would have been grabbed?!?”

“The Abominable SNOWPUBES!” Donald said, stroking them. He grasped a handful and growled into the mirror and then laughed.

“I could have got him here without you,” the hat said smugly. “I could have done it no matter what. You do a good job with him and all, but I am the author of his right now.”

“It’s almost there!” Donald yelled. The distended glans of his penis was the color of a fresh blood blister, and glossy, like a scar

“You dirty motherfucker,” the hair said, seething.

“HOUSTON! WE HAVE ERECTION!” Donald screamed.

“Any time, buddy,” the hat said calmly. “Any fucking time you want.”

Donald grabbed the hair and jammed it on his head, and then pinned it there with the hat. They immediately began to struggle with one another. The President went running from his Presidential Shitter, his small penis with its bulbous tip bobbing, out into the Oval Office, his thick patch of white pubic hair waving, and into the West Wing, whooping with joy at his first natural erection in decades, his hat and his hair locked in vicious battle, grumbled curses flowing from them both like an endless stream of Diet Coke.


Wikipedia Editors Fight Over Whether to Include the President’s Dick in Article About Nintendo’s Toad

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. ron73440

    Amazing as always

  2. Tundra

    “The Abominable SNOWPUBES!” Donald said, stroking them. He grasped a handful and growled into the mirror and then laughed.

    Yeah, that’s gonna make me giggle for the rest of the day.

    • ron73440

      What got me was this one:

      The distended glans of his penis was the color of a fresh blood blister, and glossy, like a scar

      It was horrifying and humorous, so perfect.

      • WTF

        Yes, that was the gem for me too.

  3. Sean

    That alt text…LOL.

    • ron73440

      Wow, I didn’t even catch that the first time.


    • Tundra

      A love story!

    • MikeS

      I commented on this a while ago, but just realized the squirrels ate it. The alt-text sub-plot is most excellent!

  4. Private Chipperbot

    They immediately began to struggle with one another.

    A reckoning is on the horizon…

  5. Mojeaux

    “Like tracks of a garden snail.”


  6. Mr Lizard

    “Like a poon-seeking missile, ”

    It certainly feels that way sometimes

  7. commodious spittoon

    Coworker wondered why I’m grinning like an idiot. “I’m just a happy guy, you know?” A happy, employed guy.

  8. Gustave Lytton

    I’m mixing my Hat y Hair storylines. I see this hat as a Russian doppelgänger now.

    • CPRM

      Yes, I agree.

  9. LJW

    Out of curiosity are all of those mushrooms in the pictures poisonous? Forgive my lack of fungi knowledge.

    • LJW

      Correction I know one is a morel… So I guess that answers my question

    • SugarFree

      2 and 3 are poisonous. No clue about 5, but I wouldn’t eat it.

      • commodious spittoon

        Not without a tidy payout with the NDA.

  10. Q Continuum

    “I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart”

    “Annoyed” is a very unusual way to describe ostensibly consensual sex. If it’s annoying, why did you agree to have sex with him in the first place?

    Also, let me say that I am simultaneously thrilled and horrified to be living in this particular timeline. I think we should all reflect on the reality that a skanky, over-the-hill porn star described in detail the genitals of the President of the United States.

    • straffinrun

      Best time ever, if you ask me.

    • Q Continuum

      Furthermore we should all rejoice that there is finally no daylight at all between the National Enquirer and the supposedly respectable Media.

      • UnCivilServant

        The “Respectable” Media is running front page stories on the Jon Benet Ramsey murder?

    • Mojeaux

      If it’s annoying, why did you agree to have sex with him in the first place?


      • Q Continuum

        Silly question of me to ask I suppose.

      • Suthenboy

        Yes. I have had to do lots of things for my employers that annoyed me. Fortunately none of them involved mushrooms.

    • Brochettaward

      She didn’t write or think that. I’m not defending the integrity of Donald Trump’s penis here. Only the notion that it’s something Stormy Daniels would think or say.

      • Private Chipperbot

        I’m thinking weird dicks are down on the list of things she notices.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        Daniels was a semi-finalist in the Nintendo World Championship of 1990, where she used the Power Glove to gain first place in Rad Racer. However, she stumbled in Tetris.

    • R C Dean

      I think we should all reflect on the reality that a skanky, over-the-hill porn star described in detail the genitals of the President of the United States.

      Much improved over the last time we had the POTUS penis described in detail. That time, I believe it was described by a sexual assault victim.

    • wdalasio

      The kid’s a pussy and the guy is a loser.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    “I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart”

    The things some people will do for a new pair of shoes.

    • Rhywun

      The 11-year-old reported the threats were made through text messages and online voice messages left using an Xbox gaming system

      IOW the guy didn’t know it was a kid but let’s pile on the “for the children” crimes anyway.

      • Rhywun

        Wat? Thread fail.

      • commodious spittoon

        OTOH if you’re bowled over by some punk pre-teen mouthing off like a twat, maybe put down the controller for awhile.

    • Suthenboy

      I vaguely remember reading a list of porn star names years ago. They all made me laugh but one stuck in my memory.

      Anita Mercedes.

      • Q Continuum


        At least she’s honest.

  12. Q Continuum

    This whole episode is instructive about what lengths the Ruling Class will go to keep their power consolidated. The Media/Establishment complex is all hands on deck to destroy this man (though he does make it rather easy). He is a bomb lobbed over the ramparts by the great unwashed toward the elites and they are hellbent on making an example out of him to any other political outsider who might have the audacity to try and crash their party.

    I’ve cruised past amusement and disgust to disbelief at how surreal the whole song and dance is.

    • Don Escaped Texas

      DJT45 is a plague-infested corpse flung over the wall.

      He has a single redeeming quality: he is not Hillary.

      The rest of his nonsense could as easily tilt against me as for me since there is zero underlying principle; that he might offend mine enemies today a bit today is small consolation; that he pumps up the dumbest instincts of my toothless cousins is the worst offense.

      And I have zero chance of living long enough to see things get much better * sobs *

      • wdalasio

        He has a single redeeming quality: he is not Hillary.

        As someone without the same toothless cousin baggage, I’m not sure I entirely agree with you. If you ignore his gauche personal style and general loutishness, his policy instincts seem to tend slightly preferable to those of most of the political class. He’s favored deregulation. He’s favored geo-strategic realism over global hyper-intervention (not genuine non-intervention, but at least a step in the right direction). He’s played the pardon card relatively generously. He’s shown some skepticism of the administrative state.

        I’m not saying I’m going to go out and join my local Donald Trump fan club. But, from a pure policy standpoint, there are things to like about him, especially in comparison to, not just Ms. Clinton, but the political class in general.

      • Bobarian LMD

        He has laid bare the naked partisanship in the media and is exposing the bureaucratic unter-government that runs our day to day.

      • Creosote Achilles

        wdalasio is right. This is posturing.

        Trump via his appointments has done more to help slow the ratchet of increasing state power, if not reverse it than any President in my memory. Is he a lout and a crass bore? Sure. But generally speaking he only attacks people who attack him. His appointment of Devos to education and the institutional damage he is inflicting on bureaucracies by keeping positions open and seeing budgets actually cut are a blow to the administrative state. You’d have to go all the way the hell back to Silent Cal to find someone with better results. He even blows away the great Ronnie Reagan.

      • UnCivilServant

        Now if the next step is “We are eliminating all unfilled positions effective immediately.” that would be good.

      • Creosote Achilles

        We can dream.

      • invisible finger

        I’d argue that being a crass lout is also a feather in his cap. Anything less and the Dems just go on with their basically-accepted-at-large bureaucratic destruction of capitalism and freedom. But because DJT is a loudmouth, the Dems feel they need to be crasser and proudly scream their insanity from the rooftops. Now nobody will have the excuse “I didn’t think they were really THAT crazy.”

      • trshmnstr

        He even blows away the great Ronnie Reagan

        I’m reminded of the vitriol in my commie poli Sci prof’s eyes whenever mentioning Reagan in my politics of the cold War class. I hope that Trump causes a similar Indian tear to well up in the eye of some proggy prof 15 years from now

      • Creosote Achilles


      • Heroic Mulatto

        How the hell do you all not see the level of cronyism Trump has installed in the paramilitary security state? (Local and State Cops, Border Patrol, TSA, etc.?) How the hell do you not see the level of cronyism that Trump has engaged in with his trade war? (Fucking over secondary and tertiary manufacturing to artificially buoy primary manufacturing, hobbling American soybean exporters while also promising them Federal assistance funds, etc.) How the hell do you not see that for all his bluster he as done fuck-all to get us out of the Chinese debt trap?

        Or do you just not care?

      • R C Dean

        The trade kerfuffle has certainly opened up new avenues of cronyism, no question.

        I thought the police-industrial complex was pretty thoroughly cronified already. I think I’ve seen some new “grants” for immigration enforcement, but not much else new. What have I missed?

        The Chinese “debt trap” is, at best, a Mexican standoff. If the Chinese mess around with Treasuries, their economy will go down faster than ours. Our Treasuries are the foundation of their financial system as well as ours. The old saying that if you owe the bank $100 you have a problem, but if you owe them $1,000,000 the bank has a problem, is mostly bullshit.

        The real problem isn’t that the Chinese hold a lot of our debt; its that there is just way too much out there. Of course, he has had help from Paul Ryan on not doing anything, since the House has declined to enter the lists against government overspending, but there’s no question Trump hasn’t done anything about it either.

        I count Trump as an improvement over Obama, much preferable to Hillary, and far short of being anything I would consider a good President (which I will never see in my lifetime anyway). Plenty to criticize, a few things that I like.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        The trade kerfuffle has certainly opened up new avenues of cronyism, no question.

        I thought the police-industrial complex was pretty thoroughly cronified already. I think I’ve seen some new “grants” for immigration enforcement, but not much else new.

        What I’m saying is don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining with Trump being a deregulatin’ swamp drainer, when all he’s doing is defrocking some sacred cows while canonizing others.

      • R C Dean

        Fair enough. I had hoped for more drainage, myself, but its a big swamp, and I expect its hard to get your pump going when the alligators are attacking en masse.

        I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I find it hard to believe that the DOJ is defying a direct order to release the Strzok texts unredacted. They have basically said, fuck that, we’re going to take our sweet time going through them again to redact anything we don’t want to release.

        If I was Trump, I’d give them a week to release them unredacted, and if they didn’t, I would fire (or, if they are unfireable, reassign to a rubber room) the FBI and DOJ leadership. Its time to put heads on pikes, and defying a Presidential directive seems a good reason to do so.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Dude, you’ve got to at least give them time for some ass-covering.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        but its a big swamp, and I expect its hard to get your pump going when the alligators are attacking en masse.

        I suspect the difference lies in if you viewed Trump’s promise to ‘drain the swamp’ as earnest or as political rhetoric. I’ve always viewed it as a slogan as empty as Obama’s “Hope”. I haven’t seen much to make me give him the benefit of the doubt.

      • R C Dean

        Oh, there’s a few things – the EPA is being depopulated, and the CFPB seems pretty neutered. But there’s a whole lot more than could have been done. Why, for example, is the EPA finding that CO2 is a dangerous pollutant still on the books? Why is the DOE “Dear Colleague” Title IX letter still in effect? I was hoping for a lot more deregulation by now.

      • grrizzly

        I wasn’t sure if Trump was serious about draining the swamp but the swamp creatures are fighting Trump as if their lives are on the line. I take it as an important sign.

      • Creosote Achilles

        The question is whether his only redeeming value is ‘He isn’t Hillary Clinton’. It isn’t, “Is he a perfect President?”

        Your complaints are at least specific and legitimate questions worth discussing. I don’ think his trade war is a good idea. I don’t think he has much power to get us out of the Chinese debt trap. That’s on the Congress. But the first one is a serious concern. But I don’t see any of that from Don, just him taking shots at his relatives via his comments on Trump that are never substantive.

      • Heroic Mulatto

        I don’t think he has much power to get us out of the Chinese debt trap. That’s on the Congress.

        Well, yes and no. The Executive composes the budget and Congress authorizes and appropriates. Trump could ask for a mere, say 20,000 for a yearly Big Mac and Diet Coke fund and that’s it, but he has chosen to make (imo) insignificant cuts in some departments and increase spending in others.

    • Mojeaux

      He is a bomb lobbed over the ramparts by the great unwashed toward the elites

      Boom. Yes. Stealing.

    • Suthenboy

      They are going to be in power or they are going to burn the world.

      “You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be
      much easier to deal with. ” (‘Atlas Shrugged’ 1957)

      I think part of what Rand was trying to say with Atlas Shrugged is that these people exist here in the US just like everywhere else. The ones we have are no different than the ones from Germany or Russia or China. They are the same kinds of people and will do exactly the same things given the opportunity. Our founders knew it too. That is why they designed our system the way they did and that is all that is standing between us and mass graves. Anyone who thinks it cant happen here because we’re different is fooling themselves.

      I just Godwined the conversation. Yes I did.

      • Ed Wuncler

        When I first read Atlas Shrugged, I thought the characters where fucking parodies but as I’ve been paying attention to politics for the last decade or so, she wasn’t bullshitting. There are truly terrible folks out there willing to put their boots on folks necks and abuse them.

      • Mojeaux

        You beat me to this comment.

      • straffinrun

        Met a guy from the states while I was drinking a beer at the local bar tonight. His icebreaker? “If you could, would you eliminate half the human race to save the planet?”. My only response was: “Are you fucking crazy?”

      • UnCivilServant

        “The only way that would work would be if that half are the unreformable collectivists, marxists, and warmists in all their flavors.”

      • straffinrun

        Yep, he worked global warming into his follow up. Total fucking scatterbrained nimrod that has a vote equal to mine.

      • Naptown Bill

        It’s weird how often and how quickly the greens jump straight to eugenics. Like, maybe instead of decimating the human species we could, I don’t know, establish whether a problem actually exists and, if it does, address it through technology, as we’ve done with pretty much every single problem we’ve ever faced as a species starting with getting eaten by lions.

      • UnCivilServant

        But actual analysis of the data would not get their plans enacted. We’d figure out minor changes to adapt rather than the drastic destruction/degredation of humanity they crave.

      • straffinrun

        He went on and and on. Tried to ask him if his goal was human flourishing. He wouldn’t answer it. Death cult.

      • Mad Scientist

        It’s not weird at all. They’re control freaks. Any problem is an excuse for them take control, and the more control the better. They’re giddy thinking of problems severe enough that they could institute eugenics.

      • kinnath

        The only way to stifle this conversation is:

        Him: “If you could, would you eliminate half the human race to save the planet?”.

        Me: “Can I start with you?”

      • Mad Scientist

        That’s a guy who wanted you to confirm that his secret wish wasn’t evil.

      • Bobarian LMD

        And didn’t want it to be a secret, neither.

      • Naptown Bill

        My response would be: “Actually, if I was a super-powerful alien with magical stones of Unobtainium, and the universe was running out of…whatever…I’d just use my special zappy powers to make everyone need half as much…whatever…to get by. Which is why that’s a comic book movie and not a valid perspective on resource scarcity viz population growth in the real world.”

      • UnCivilServant

        They left out the key character motivation that he was in love with the literal personification of Death and was trying to get in her pants?

      • Naptown Bill

        Yeah, he’s basically a Titan with PTSD from Malthusianism being a real thing on his planet. So he searches existence to find the magic do-whatever-you-want device in order to adjust the yield of necessary resources so that it’s plenty…no, wait…change the metabolic processes of everyone such that they don’t need as much…no, yeah, just make half of the universe not exist anymore. Makes perfect sense.

      • Creosote Achilles

        Yes. the did. That and the failure to have him pop Cap’n America’s head off like a bottle cap using his own shield were the big disappointments.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The first time they did the story, it was Iron-man’s head.

      • Creosote Achilles

        Dangit. I thought it was Cap, but you are right. Still, didn’t happen and I was disappointed.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        “The planet is fine, the people are fucked.”


      • Count Potato

        You were drinking with Thanos?

      • UnCivilServant

        What have you got against purple people?

      • straffinrun

        Hah! He kept bringing that up and I don’t know WTF that is.

      • UnCivilServant

        Comic Book Villain.

      • straffinrun

        I’m not going to start reading comic books.

      • Suthenboy

        “Sure. You go first.”

        The ‘save the ____ ‘people always want to kill people, other people that is. They aren’t interested in saving anything. They are psychos looking for a pretense for murdering people. People not like them. People they hate.
        I like to remind them that the whales were already saved by Rockefeller. The trees are already saved by timber companies. The earth is already saved by capitalism.

      • Naptown Bill

        “You’re not supposed to make money doing it! It doesn’t count unless someone suffers!”

      • Ted S.

        It doesn’t count unless someone else suffers.

      • Mad Scientist


      • UnCivilServant

        Look, it’s not really about the environment, so will you just go ahead and start suffering already?


      • wdalasio

        If you could, would you eliminate half the human race to save the planet?

        For people like that, the “to save the planet” part is to lend social respectability to the “eliminate half the human race” part. That’s the thing about politics. It’s the perfect venue for people to express their psychoses without being taken to an asylum.

      • tarran

        Yeah, it was one of the startling realizations I had during the Obama admin, when they seemed to come out of the wood-work. It’s scary how good her villains are.

      • wdalasio

        One of the funniest characterizations I’ve ever read of Rand, “Her heroes are cardboard cutouts. But, her villains are dead on.”

      • UnCivilServant

        And sometimes her ‘heroes’ are villains.

        No I will not forgive the ‘hero’ of the Fountainhead for blowing up the property of a non-party to his unenforcable agreement with the other architect.

      • Mojeaux

        Roark was a prototype of Galt. He had his issues (as a person and as a character), but at least he was human in ways Galt was not.

      • UnCivilServant

        He could have at least been punished for his crimes.

      • Mojeaux

        I will admit to cognitive dissonance when I read that part, but went with it.

      • Creosote Achilles

        It has been decades since reading it, but didn’t they identify it as Roark’s work?

      • UnCivilServant

        The design is his work given to the second architect.

        The Property belonged to someone who never agreed to the “build exactly as bombymcbomberson Roark drew it” pact.

      • UnCivilServant

        Let me lay out the issue as I see it.

        Lets say you are trying to build an apartment building. You find the land, get the permits, hire and architect, pay the contractors, buy the materials, sink millions into this project. Naturally the design is not a perfect fit for your purposes and you require changes be made. Unbeknownst to you, the architect subcontracted the design work to a stuck-up auteur. Out of the blue this subcontractor shows up and blows up the building you just sunk millions into because it no longer fit His Vision for Your Building.

      • Creosote Achilles

        Yes, the original design was his work.

        The shoddy thing they built was not.

        My recollection was that they then identified the final POS as his work.

      • Creosote Achilles

        Here’s the two potential issues I see with it.

        1. My recollection which I fully admit is faulty, was that it was the state who owned the building for purpose of affordable housing.

        To extend your analogy, lets say I was a crime boss that profited off of actual human trafficking and slavery, and that was the purpose of my high rise.

        2. Again, my recollection is that Roark’s name was attached the completed project.

        So let’s say I then put the name of the auteur designer, whose livelihood rests on his name and reputation, on the front of my slave storage and human trafficking center.

        Is that blowing up of my trafficking high rise then the correct action by the auteur? Probably not, but it is certainly an understandable reaction in a romantic fiction piece.

      • Naptown Bill

        That sounds about right.

      • Suthenboy

        No Sir, she was fuckin’ around. She knew exactly what she was talking about with regards to that.

      • Suthenboy

        ‘was not’.


      • Rhywun

        I only made it 100 pages or so in a long time ago and I had the same thought about “parody” but I wasn’t woke to how accurate the villains were yet. Maybe I’ll give it another go some day.

      • invisible finger

        When I was assigned Atlas Shrugged and 1984 in high school (the first half of the Reagan era), I was assured the evil people were Republicans. The same teacher said once in class that communism would be great for everyone if the right people were in charge but the Republicans are evil.

        I think high schools started phasing out those books once Clinton was elected, and were probably removed from the school libraries after Maobama was installed.

      • Naptown Bill

        I read Atlas Shrugged the first and only time during Obama’s first election campaign. I wasn’t impressed by the quality of the prose then nor am I now, but my God, it was like Obama and Clinton were quoting entire passages. Seriously, like even the words they’d choose would be straight out of the villains’ mouths. Whatever else you can say about Ayn Rand, she was absolutely prescient about the trajectory of American politics.

      • CPRM


      • Count Potato

        Ayn Rand was a terrible writer.

      • Ed Wuncler

        Atlas Shrugged was ungodly long and needed an editor but the themes of the book where what got me to really understand why our country is so fucked.

      • Suthenboy

        Keep your chin up. We aren’t even half as fucked as everyone else. Christ, look at Europe.

      • Ed Wuncler

        I tell myself that but reading about the whole Kavenaugh bullshit makes me kind of sad. Not for the man but because our politicians are willing to sink so low to hold on to power.

      • grrizzly

        I read it about the same time: in the spring of 2008. I thought it was over the top–until the financial crisis happened and even the GOP Presidential candidate started sounding the book’s characters.

      • Ed Wuncler

        I had a former acquaintance who worked for the State of Illinois in the tax revenue department and in a masked but gleeful manner told us how he would tell folks who where behind on their tax bills or delinquent that there’s nothing he could do for them and that a lien would be placed on their shit or possible be charged with tax delinquency.

        I would have quit that job maybe after a week because I couldn’t imagine fucking up someone’s life for not giving the assholes in Springfield a little taste of their fruits of labor. Not him though. He achieved little in life (compared to the rest of us) and is an insecure person, so him being able to have this power over folks made him feel important.

        This story does have a happy ending though. He was part of the public sector union leadership that tried to fuck around with Governor Rauner and fight against his reforms. Rauner decided to fuck them back and arranged for his ass to eventually get let go from his job. He’s now trying to decided whether to get a masters in HR because no job will hire him.

      • UnCivilServant

        Thankfully, my role in government has been the sysiphean role of trying to keep everything running when the leadership goes and pisses away the budget on shit that doesn’t work. I don’t have to deal with the general public, nor they me.

      • Ed Wuncler

        There’s a lot of folks in the public sector that are harmless and do a lot of good. That dude who I referenced above is an asshole.

      • UnCivilServant

        I know. That’s why I started with ‘thankfully’. I don’t think I’d survive a customer-facing role.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Unfortunately, the nature of the bureaucracy is such that that type of guy is the one that gets elevated right to the position where they can do the most harm.

      • Creosote Achilles

        Had a buddy once try to set me up with a woman that worked for the state tax agency back home. He was talking her up and slipped in her being a tax vampire (not his words).

        I gave him my best pyschopath face and said, “Are you trying to get me sent away on a murder rap? Is that what you’re doing?”

        Him: “I thought a grudge fuck might be fun for you.”

        Me: “Not with your dog’s dick, brother. Not with your dog’s dick.”

      • Naptown Bill

        Nice to see he got his in the end, at least a little bit. It sucks when people like that get into positions of power, which they inevitably do, because I genuinely do believe that regardless of whether or not you believe X amount of government is necessary or optimal or legitimate, there are people who gravitate to those roles out of a sense of purpose and public duty, who really take it seriously and are trying to do good as they see it.

      • ron73440

        It reminds me of a thought I had when I saw an election sign for the Commissioner of Revenue

        “Who the fuck would want that job?”

      • invisible finger

        Someone interested in skimming.

      • ron73440

        I guess I would take it, but you would have to pay me an inordinate amount of money to do that job and I would probably be the worst commissioner in the history of Suffolk.

      • Ted S.

        You can get a masters in HR?

    • Agent Cooper

      (though he does make it rather easy)

      I think ONLY someone with the weird crassness of Trump would be able to do what he is doing.

    • trshmnstr


    • Rhywun

      Dude, step away from The Guardian.

    • Rebel Scum

      But I am not supposed to pick on Barry for his Dumbo ears…

      • MikeS

        Nope, but G.W. totes looks like a stupid chimp.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Stormy Daniels is a heroine and a role model. Zina Bash is a Nazi and should be scorned and humiliated.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I read that as Stormy Daniels has heroine, which is probably true.

    • Q Continuum

      TBF, I’d much rather watch a porn featuring Zina than Stormy.

    • straffinrun

      What we need is a billionaire to come along who hasn’t fucked porn actresses, loves Rothbard and will only tweet super smart stuff.

      • Naptown Bill

        I’ll take McAfee. Don’t know about the porn actress bit, but I’d guess he’s down with Murray and, while possibly insane, he does seem to have a solid grip on social media.

    • Suthenboy

      Those are the values of the left in a nutshell. They dont call it demoralization fur nuthin’.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    What we need is a billionaire to come along who hasn’t fucked porn actresses, loves Rothbard and will only tweet super smart stuff.

    Reporting for duty, Sir!

    *except for the billionaire part, and not having read Rothbard, and disdaining the twatterverse with extreme prejudice

    • straffinrun

      Maybe you don’t like audiobooks. I’m sure you could find it elsewhere, but I consider this the most powerful book on government ever written.

      • Don Escaped Texas

        basic but excellent listening…thanks

    • Don Escaped Texas

      paying to fuck porn actresses is actually Trump’s main libertarian credential

      not my thing, but it’s a free country

      • Mojeaux

        Every time someone gives me a blank look when I say I’m a libertarian, I say, “Pot and prostitutes?”

        “Ohhhh yeah. Okay.”

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t tell people I’m a Conservative.

        Some of them haven’t figured it out.

        Could be that I know better than the provoke a rant.

      • straffinrun

        I don’t label myself as libertarian when I talk to people. “I’m against murder”. The paths that most people believe in lead to that and so it’s all about making them say that they support murder.

      • UnCivilServant

        What? Don’t you believe there are just some people who need killin?

      • straffinrun

        Murderers. But I still wouldn’t trust a state to do it.

      • Mojeaux

        I do it to get out of a political conversation. Implicit is “I’m not on either of your sides; leave me out of it.”

      • UnCivilServant

        Filthy Neutrals, can’t be trusted.

      • Rebel Scum

        We’re the Switzerland of American politics.

      • Don Escaped Texas

        With my fat, toothless cousins, I put it this way: if the government can force prayer in schools, it can outlaw Big Macs.

        They can abide almost any monstrosity except the loss of fatty foods; it’s the only thing they can think of losing that lines up neatly with seat belts and other requirements they have seen enacted: the parallels to an over-reach to which they have long grown accustomed fires up sufficient cognitive dissonance to shake them out of their ease and awaken a fear in a pressing reality; it is to see a tsunami on the horizon from a thatch hut on the beach.

        Only after….much, much later….. that do I unleash my “pox on both houses.”

  15. straffinrun

    I got lit tonight. Gotta get up in five hours and do another 12 hour day. Trump’s ding a ling is going to haunt my dreams. Thanks, SF.

    • Swiss Servator

      May I reply on SF’s behalf?



      • SugarFree

        “I had this dream where I was forced to do push-ups in a filthy tunnel until I threw-up.”

      • Bobarian LMD

        “In a rain-coat!”

  16. The Late P Brooks

    “If you could, would you eliminate half the human race to save the planet?”


    *stabs him in neck*

    • Rhywun

      “But I meant the other half!”


      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        The gulags are a green project.

    • Naptown Bill

      If only those cruel, vicious necromancers would release her back to the sweet peace of death.

      • commodious spittoon

        They won’t let Clinton’s husk molder in peace, what makes Feinstein think she deserves any better?

      • SugarFree

        If history is any guide, there is some sort of jewel or jar or ring that needs to be smashed in order to free the animating spirit.

      • commodious spittoon

        The Feinlactery.

    • Suthenboy

      Just when you this one or that one is the worst ever another one steps up and says “Here, hold my beer”.

    • Chipwooder

      Thing about a Feinstein, she’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. She doesn’t seem to be livin’….till she bites you, and those black eyes roll over white and….oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’.

    • Bobarian LMD


  17. straffinrun

    Whenever I get drunk, I go full an cap. You all have a good night and try not to get any mushroom tattoos.

  18. Count Potato

    What would happen if a man slept with a Democrat politician and wrote a comical description of her vagina?

    Would it be different if Liz Warren’s pubic hair was a mohawk?

    • Swiss Servator

      *projectile vomits*

    • Chipwooder

      I’m sensing a new Hat and Hair storyline!

    • Creosote Achilles

      That’s a fucking bridge too far.

    • SugarFree

      Lizzie Runs-With-Scissors has a hardy crab pot, but it is no looker, for sure.

      • Count Potato

        More like a tomahawk wound?

      • SugarFree

        Crab pot. They all be climbin’ over each other to get out.

    • Q Continuum

      “It was like a ham sandwich far past its expiration date…”

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        please stop…..

    • The Hyperbole

      The Left would be outraged and the Right would laugh and tell the Left to lighten up, it’s like you don’t understand teams at all.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    What would happen if a man slept with a Democrat politician and wrote a comical description of her vagina?

    “Golly, it sure is roomy in here. It’s like the great hall in Grand Central Station.”

    • Bobarian LMD

      “Her womb was barren, rocky place, where my seed did not want to find any purchase.”

  20. Count Potato

    “Here we go again. Members of #WalkAway, my team, & myself all got messages on Facebook saying we’re restricted from seeing posts from anyone other than friends bc our accounts have been flagged as “computers acting as real people”. They have shut down our communication AGAIN.”

    • Lord Humungus

      Just walk away…

    • Suthenboy

      It just occurs to me that I haven’t heard any calls for making twitter and Facebook public utilities or whatever it was they were squawking about for a while. I guess someone pointed out to them that if those platforms were public the first amendment would apply. By keeping them private they can be censored with impunity.
      I wonder if that’s what this is about? Did the idiot savants that own those companies make some kind of devil’s deal?

  21. Count Potato

    “A third high school student Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford claimed attended a party more than 35 years ago where the future Judge Kavanaugh attacked her denied any memory of the alleged incident in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, CNN reported Tuesday.

    CNN obtained a letter from Patrick J. Smyth, a Georgetown Prep alum who graduated in Kavanaugh’s class, to Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). The letter was penned after Ford apparently identified Smyth as “PJ” – another teenager who was one of around five people at a drunken gathering in a Montgomery County, Maryland, home in or around 1982.

    “I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post,” the letter, penned by Smyth’s attorney, Eric Bruce, reads. “I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.””

    TW: Breitbart

    I think this just means the Democrats will cook up a second accuser.

    • Chipwooder

      Better get the FBI on the case, then! After that, they can investigate who spit on my backpack when I left it in a hallway in 10th grade.

    • Rhywun

      Bros before hoes.


    • invisible finger

      Recommend clicking for the RBG meme

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • Rebel Scum

        That was great.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Atlas Shrugged was ungodly long and needed an editor

    Is there a Reader’s Digest version?

    I don’t think I got more than twenty pages in.

    • UnCivilServant

      She’s been arrested for Prostitution too, I take it?

      • invisible finger

        He didn’t shoot her even after giving him a reason to. See, the Second Amendment WORKS!

    • Lord Humungus

      Did he ask for her driver’s license?

      • Ed Wuncler

        Sort of related: I was in my sophomore year of college and making out with this girl at a party in Lakeview (Chicago) near campus. Anyway, we started to talk and I asked her where she lived. She said Oak Park and I proceeded to ask her if she went to Concordia or Dominican (two colleges near Oak Park). Her response was that she went to OPRF High School but don’t worry, she’s 16. I was shitfaced, but disengaged like a motherfucker.

        After that, I asked for age and proof.

      • F. Stupidity Jr.

        What was the problem, y’all were both sophomores.

      • Ed Wuncler


    • Naptown Bill

      This stinks to high heaven, man.

    • Naptown Bill

      Oh, and per the article, he’s charged but not under arrest.

    • ron73440


      Don’t read the comments

      • Sean

        Don’t read the comments

        Seriously. They gave me cancer.

      • Rhywun

        I had no intention to.

    • Creosote Achilles

      Bitch set him up.

      (can’t believe I got that in first)

      • Rhywun

        She’s probably erasing the text messages from Hogg as we speak.

    • Suthenboy

      Huh. Why am I suspicious of this?

      Advice: If you ever find yourself the subject of official ire, enter a monastery or nunnery. Don’t get within a mile of the opposite sex. It seems to be their go-to strategy these days.

      • F. Stupidity Jr.

        It was either this or plant kiddie porn on his computer.

      • Rhywun

        Or just find a random woman willing to claim they played doctor 25 years ago.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Dumbass should have known better.

      • Q Continuum

        There are two things people get stupid for; money and sex.

    • invisible finger

      Sounds to me like the Dems are tacitly admitting they lost on the whole Kavanaugh thing and are on to another victim.

    • Heroic Mulatto

      Wow! How convenient for the state! This is an incredible stroke of luck and not in any way the result of a honeypot operation.

    • Count Potato

      “The court documents state that the teenager, who authorities said is younger than 17, told police that the two met on and that she started exchanging messages with Wilson.”

      That sounds like a set-up.

    • Count Potato

      You would also think sites like would check that their users are at least 18, like cam sites do.

    • R C Dean

      underage sex worker on had sex with Cody Wilson for $500 and then narced on him.

      Sex workers don’t rat out their clients unless the cops are in the mix somehow. My question is, how did the cops get in this mix? Was he being monitored and was set up? Was she already a snitch? Did they bust her and she rolled over on her clients (all of them)?

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        They are monitoring him… guaranteed. I’m sure they laughed and laughed when they intercepted those txts.

      • R C Dean

        If they don’t go after SugarDaddy for facilitating child prostitution, we will know its a setup.

      • Count Potato

        “We PROHIBIT anyone from using this service to promote any illegal activities such as prostitution, sex trafficking, escort services or illicit commercial activities of any kind (“illegal activity”). This dating site is only for consenting adults to find companionship. If illegal activity is included in a profile or in messages on the website, we will, among other things terminate and remove the profile and ban you permanently from this site. Any communications on the site related to an illegal activity, such as promoting sex trafficking or the exchange of sex for money, will result in immediate cancellation of membership. We have a zero tolerance policy for illegal activity and we will fully co-operate with all law enforcement agencies in order to keep this site a safe, clean and enjoyable dating site for our members. All persons on this website are required to be 18 years of age or older and may not use the site to promote any commercial purpose.”

      • R C Dean

        Well, she obviously violated their policy. Talk is cheap, though; the real question is whether they did anything to enforce their policy, whether what they did was reasonable, etc. A “Yes, I am over 18” clickthrough does not strike me as sufficient controls for an organization serious about keeping minors off their site.

      • Count Potato

        I wasn’t able to find anything specific about their age verification process with a quick search. Porn sites generally rely on credit cards to verify the age of their consumers, but there are record keeping laws for the performers. Cam sites also require documentation because distributing child porn is very illegal. Since as far as I can tell, this site allows users to share explicit photos, and has been around since 2002, I’m thinking by now some lawyer explained a ““Yes, I am over 18” clickthrough” or even a credit card isn’t sufficiently diligent.

      • Raston Bot

        Good point. Due to the high profile nature of this prosecution, I’m going to assume that SugarDaddyMeet execs are shitting their pants right now.. unless prosecutors worked out an immunity deal for information on this high profile account.

    • R C Dean

      underage sex worker

      This happened in Texas. The age of consent in Texas is 17, and the affidavit says she was under 17. Even though he paid her, they had exchanged nude photos, she agreed to meet with him and go to his hotel room, its going to be pretty hard to say it wasn’t consensual, but it looks like statutory rape if she really was under age.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Fuck. That Cody Wilson thing screams set-up.

    • Q Continuum

      Set up. 100%.

      The anti-gunners have a lot of money and a lot of influence. It would not surprise me *at all*, especially with all the shenanigans that have been going on in the permanent bureaucracy, to learn that they have FBI agents on their payroll that would be more than happy to set up a honey pot.

      • Suthenboy

        Or Bloomberg’s minions set it up and tipped the FBI who jumped on it like a duck on a junebug.

        The plastic gun from a printer thing is in no way, shape or form a practical weapon. It is a novelty, that is all. I can make a functioning firearm in my garage now, but why would I? I can purchase a better one cheaper. Crooks can purchase them on the street cheaper still. No one is going to make one of the plastic ones and do anything with it, except maybe put their own eye out. The only reason I can think of for the lying sack of shit gun grabbers to go after this guy is ‘ We are going to fuck you just so you know we can fuck you’. It is nothing more than do as I told you because I told you, which seems to be the very reason we should never give up our guns.

      • The Hyperbole

        No one is going to make one of the plastic ones and do anything with it

        Sure they will, maybe not today, maybe not next year but sooner or later somebody is going to kill somebody else with a 3d printed gun. The first times will probably be some second order type killings, i.e. someone else prints the gun that ends up used but one day someone is going to print a gun specifically to off someone, probably their wife.

      • ron73440

        Why, no knives available?

      • The Hyperbole

        As 3d printers become more common sooner or later some unhinged maker dude is going to print a gun and kill his wife, the reason he won’t just stab her to death is the reason most anyone would choose a gun over a knife to kill .. easier, cleaner, less risky, less second-guessing.

      • Suthenboy

        I think the point is that in the absence of plastic printed guns the murder is going to happen anyway.
        You may be right but it seems silly to me. Have you seen that plastic gun fired? Half of the time they fly apart on the first shot. They are not reliable or practical.
        This ban they want is about making people do as they are told, not public safety or reducing gun violence.
        *even when 3d printers that print steel become available at cheaper prices it wont change the dynamics of this issue one whit

  24. The Late P Brooks

    I have no clue how any of that internet “dating” stuff works, much less the sugar daddy sites. Can an individual sugar daddy be identified and targetted?

    Nabbing Cody Wilson seems remarkably serendipitous.

    • Just Say'n

      Next you’re going to say that the accusations of sexual assault against Julian Assange sound fishy. Typical Russian bots always smearing survivors

    • Creosote Achilles

      If he had a face picture on his profile, easily. I assume if it is like any other dating site. But yeah, if you knew he was on the site, say because you had been spying on his ass illegally and tapping his internet, then setting up some honey pots to go after him and see if he bites would not surprise me at all or be that difficult.

    • grrizzly

      According to the article he gave her his full name and told her he was a “big deal.” He was not getting sex for free, why brag about who you’re?

      • Suthenboy

        He is a decent looking guy. He is a big deal. This guy should be drowning in pussy, not picking up scabby underage hookers on a website.
        Forgive me if I find this accusation less than credible.

      • The Hyperbole

        Surveillance footage showed the two walking through the hotel about 8:30 p.m., according to the court records

        Might be a setup but it seems likely that it happened.

      • Mojeaux

        You don’t pay her to have sex. You pay her to leave.

      • The Hyperbole

        I pay them to tidy the place up before they leave.

        seems less dirty that way.

      • MikeS

        But then it’s like you’re sleeping with the help. Tacky.

      • grrizzly

        Arnold says nein.

      • Naptown Bill

        What I find suspicious is that he knew or had reason to believe she was younger than 18. I have a number of now-single friends who use all the various sites, and the assumption going in is that anyone responding to you is a.) more or less as they advertise themselves to be, and b.) legally permitted to use the site and participate in whatever shenanigans the site exists to set up. If I was using that site, I would assume that all the girls on it were of age, otherwise I would never in a billion years engage in any way with anyone through the site, where a plethora of evidence would be available to anyone who might care to subpoena the company.

    • Naptown Bill

      A good friend of mine routinely finds his therapist as a match based on age, relationship status, and region, across multiple sites. And this is in the greater DC metro, so it’s not like the pool of people is especially small.

  25. Spudalicious

    “The distended glans of his penis was the color of a fresh blood blister, and glossy, like a scar”

    This bit of lofty prose brought a tear to my eye.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      It brought a little stomach acid to my throat

      • Sean

        Yeah, it’s a bit sadistic that this article drops at lunchtime for us east coasters.

      • ron73440

        This bit of lofty prose brought a tear to my eye.

        It brought a little stomach acid to my throat.

        tomato, tomahto

    • Bobarian LMD

      As long as it wasn’t a glistening drop from the tip of your penis…

  26. Rebel Scum

    Like a poon-seeking missile


    • Suthenboy

      Oh, FFS. That one is so tired and worn out. We have seen it a thousand times. No one has ever fallen for it. Cut it out already.
      Fact is they have nothing new. They have tried every tack there is over and over and they all crashed on the rocks. Go for gun control again, please do. I love the smell of smoke, burning flesh and victory.

    • Suthenboy

      “He is sick of the gun violence plaguing America and his gun-loving state, where 26 worshippers died in a church massacre last year.”

      Oh yeah, I remember that one. That was the one where the shooter was stopped by a couple of gun toting, law abiding Texans. Funny, I dont see that anywhere in the article.

      “I am a gun owner but even I think….”
      “Yeah? I have heard that one before. Go blow it out your ass.”

      • R C Dean

        I am a gun owner

        Yeah? What kind, how many, for how long, and how often to you go to the range?

      • MikeS

        Well, I inherited a .22 caliber rifle from my pawpaw last year. I think it’s a…Struger…no…Cougar? Something like that. And what do you mean by “the range”? Like home on the range?

      • Q Continuum

        I think you need to add a new Iron Law in honor of Suthen.

        Gun grabbers lie.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    “The court documents state that the teenager, who authorities said is younger than 17, told police that the two met on and that she started exchanging messages with Wilson.”

    The surprising part of the story is that it was, in fact a teenage girl, and not a 57 year old male vice detective. Unless, of course, the initial contacts were made by the 57 year old vice detective, who then obtained the “willing public-spirited assistance” of one of his snitches.

    • Suthenboy

      I am not surprised at all. They need her in a school uniform sitting on the stand to give her tearful testimony.

    • Rebel Scum

      If cops knowingly did that would they not be guilty of child sex trafficking?

  28. The Late P Brooks

    one day someone is going to print a gun specifically to off someone, probably their wife.

    Right, because common sense frying pan control has taken lethal weapons out of our homes.

    • Suthenboy

      What would be the advantage of using a plastic gun?

      • tarran

        They don’t just give you the plans and the tools to make plastic guns.

        They make a milling machine that can mill handguns and rifle receivers out of metal. It’s for sale on Amazon.

      • Suthenboy

        Hell, there are two or three for sale at my local Harbor Freight
        If you want a gun with no rifling the local plumbing store has ss fill tubes that fit 22 rimfire perfectly. constructing a striking mechanism for the back is child’s play. Or you can just use any regular firearm and file the inside of the barrel after the fact. The whole thing is just absurd. People who want to commit murder and going to commit murder either with a gun or a hammer or poison or whatever. Plastic guns from 3d printers simply dont enter into it.

      • The Hyperbole

        As I said above, As 3d printers become more popular some unhinged ‘maker’ dude is going to make a gun and kill, doesn’t mean they should be illegal and yes he may otherwise build a pipe bomb or something. My sole point is that claiming no will ever use a 3d printed gun to kill is ridiculous.

      • ron73440

        OK, I guess in the future, yes, but right now I think the expense makes it unlikely.

      • Suthenboy

        He could be right. A person bent on murder is usually not very sane. They do crazy things.
        We had one in Harrisonburg a few years ago try to blow up his wife with a pipe bomb. The FBI found about a dozen other pipe bombs that he had booby trapped his house, barn, shed etc with.
        I happen to be in the woods that day about 8 miles away. Lemme tell ya’, that guy knew how to make a pipe bomb. They were loud enough that I thought someone was blasting dynamite in a gravel pit two miles from me. Nope, the FBI was setting them off rather than try to dismantle them.
        The guy was completely unhinged. Why not just hit her with a bat and bury her in the woods? he went through an enormous amount of trouble to use a method where he would be caught with 100% certainty.

      • Agent Cooper

        Even with the bat-and-bury he’d get caught.

      • kinnath

        It is inevitable that someone will beat someone else to death with a huge rubber dildo. Doesn’t mean they should be illegal. But it’s pointless to say it will never happen.

      • MikeS

        +1 Stuff-n-snuff film

      • Suthenboy

        The Hyperbole did specify that he doesnt think they should be illegal
        He is only pointing out that someone will may use one for mischief sooner or later.
        I think it is unlikely, but not impossible. There are too many more practical, reliable ways to go about it. Even if they do, so what?

      • kinnath

        He is only pointing out that someone will may use one for mischief sooner or later.

        And I was only pointing out that this is true for pretty much every man made object.

      • Naptown Bill

        I tend to think that the kind of people who are going to go to the trouble of printing an entire 3D pistol are probably going to have already had access to poly or aluminum lowers and could have already built, say, a “ghost Glock” and used that. Of course that’s not to say that no one will ever use a 3D-printed gun to commit a crime, but I think it’s unlikely to become the weapon of choice for murderers in general. Which is to say I don’t think there’s anything particular to even the most theoretically ideal 3D printed gun that makes it more likely to be used feloniously than anything that currently exists.

      • MikeS

        The satisfaction of knowing you made it yourself?

      • Q Continuum

        If you want something done right…

      • Bobarian LMD

        The cool factor of being the first?

    • Q Continuum

      Sure. I’m going to spend lots of time and money buying a 3D printer, printing out an AR lower, buying the rest of the components to assemble the rifle, test it for functionality just to kill my wife instead of just grabbing a kitchen knife from the drawer. Totes makes sense.

      • Count Potato

        “I’m going to spend lots of time and money buying a 3D printer, printing out an AR lower, buying the rest of the components to assemble the rifle, test it for functionality just to kill my wife instead of just grabbing a kitchen knife from the drawer.”

        Well, that would show her you care. Why do you hate romance?

    • The Hyperbole

      Look I’m all for plastic guns, but it’s farcical to claim no one is ever going to use one to kill hence don’t sweat’em they are totally cool. They are totally cool even if someone uses on for nefarious purposes.

      • MikeS

        Yeah, I’m with Hyperbole here. Someone absolutely will kill someone with one. Likely sooner than later. But so what? It’s irrelevant.

      • Suthenboy

        We get it. I will concede the point.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Might be a setup but it seems likely that it happened.

    I’m not trying to say it didn’t happen. I don’t give a shit, if it did. I don’t know why it’s anybody’s business but Wilson’s and the girl’s.

    • ron73440

      Because it proves that gun nuts are EVIL!!

    • Q Continuum

      Also very convenient that the girl just happens to be 16 when the AoC in Texas is 17 (despite it being 16 in most other states).

      • Count Potato

        Age of consent laws are generally stupid.

      • R C Dean

        WTF was he thinking? Aside from being a target of law enforcement anyway, c’mon, man. Don’t go to for your jollies. Jeebus.

      • Private Chipperbot

        Or just head to Nevada and work with a pro.

      • ron73440

        I cannot comprehend why he would put himself in such a vulnerable position.

        Surely he knew he was a high value target.

    • R C Dean

      Looks like the story is that the hooker got together with him in the usual course, then cried about it to her counselor, who told the cops, who confirmed via various video feeds. The cops now have her confession that she is a hooker, but I would be shocked if they charged her.

      I’m pretty sure Cody is well and truly fucked, and will be doing hard felony time, will be a lifetime registered sex offender, and will never allowed near another gun in his life. What a shame.