Wednesday Morning Links

by | Jul 1, 2020 | Daily Links | 542 comments

“What the shit?”

No sports today.

Pam and The Hoff.

Philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born on this day. He shares it with French soldier who helped us Comte de Rochambeau, baseball HOFers Roger Connor, John Clarkson, and Ben Taylor, civil rights activist Walter White, actor Charles Laughton, cosmetics magnate Estee Lauder, actress (who is still alive!) Olivia de Havilland, gender-bending actor Jamie Farr, rocker Debbie Harry, white nationalist racist asshole David Duke, acting great Dan Aykroyd, Princess Diana, sprinter Carl Lewis, actress Pamela Anderson, rapper Missy Elliott, and actress Liv Tyler.

That wasn’t a half-bad list. Now on to…the links!

To gulag with you!

That didn’t take long. Expect this to continue as human rights get completely erased over there.

This is actually a decent idea that I hope works. Hopefully the next step will be to simply change all the laws that criminalize things that shouldn’t be criminalized in the first place.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. (Somewhat) seriously…why?

Wait, what the fuck? You mean he’s not going to move it just so it has a higher possibility of being a fair trial and not an absolute circus? That would just be common sense at this point.

What was he supposed to do? Oh yeah, I guess he could have bought less of it and then be accused of not caring enough about American lives to have bought it all.  Because that’s how the media would have painted it.

Oh, you poor thing. Christ, what an asshole.

This is getting trippy. I’m fine with it because people should be able to put whatever they want in their own bodies. It’s just funny to me.

Get out of the streets, you stupid assholes. Seriously, get out of the streets. Because…


as more people expect shit like this to happen, expect them to hit the gas when surrounded by a mob on a public roadway. I hope they start arresting anybody stopping traffic and surrounding cars. You know, since its assault and pretty much kidnapping.

Let’s play the blame game! Heaven forbid you’d identify and address the root causes.

Facebook removes hundreds of “hate group” accounts. They’re cutting out accounts that advocate violence. But don’t expect them to remove antifa accounts or those of about half the imams in the UK. Because those people are a-ok.

Lol, ok. these so-called experts are missing something…that the government is the cause for all the anger. But since the government will be the ones funding their studies, expect that to be left out of the assessments.

According to Silverglate, we all do this daily. And it’s a solid theme for America! Enjoy it.

Now have a great day, dear friends!

About The Author




  1. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Akroyd married up. He gets kudos for that.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Well that didn’t go as planned

        Jordache Jeans FTW

      • sloopyinca

        Didn’t he meet her in the set of Spies Like Us?
        Or am I getting my timeline wrong and she got the role because they were together?
        Either way, she was a hottie.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I think so. The fact that he was able to keep her after Dr Detroit is the real accomplishment.

      • Festus' Mustache

        Dan Akroyd was always gonna marry up. Funny and money are better odds than Sex Panther.

    • Nephilium

      I thought Aykroyd was already cancelled for Trading Places. He’s still working on that Ghostbusters sequel though.

      • sloopyinca

        Don’t you dare cancel Lionel Joseph. Don’t you fucking dare!

      • Toxteth O’Grady

        (Wait… “Sonny”?!)

      • Festus' Mustache

        Hey Toxteth! Missed your comments in the long ago regarding my cat. Yes he is the grey one and yes we need to get him to a vet. There’s probably little that they can do except drain my meager savings if previous experience has taught me anything.

    • Not Adahn

      Is she the reason he’s insane now?

  2. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Monkey survives liver transplant from pig in groundbreaking experiment

    I for one look forward to our new monkey-pig overlords.

    • Festus' Mustache

      “You get Swine-Flu Aids and you get Swine-Flu Aids… Everybody gets Swine-Flu Aids!”

      • bacon-magic

        *throws swine-flu feces

      • Festus' Mustache

        Check under your seat!

    • Plisade


  3. Trigger Hippie

    ‘..Seattle can and should peacefully demonstrate but should not put families and children at risk.”‘

    Something, something, chickens, something, something, home, something, roost, something.

    Tough titty, shithead.

    • Swiss Servator

      Relax Mayor Jenny…it is just the summer of love!

      Why are you so afraid of democracy?

      • Festus' Mustache

        Poor Mayor Jenny is having flashbacks from the time she watched “Zulu” with her Dad about forty years ago.

      • UnCivilServant

        What do you know about Zulus?

      • Festus' Mustache

        They act in technicolor films and carry rubber spears?

      • Tejicano

        That would be a “rubber Iklwa”, but I would have accepted “rubber Assegai”.

      • Festus' Mustache

        *sigh* This fucking place… You know I knew that but you just couldn’t ackchewally help yourself. I love this site.

      • Trigger Hippie

        The Age of Aquarius ain’t what it used to be.

      • Festus' Mustache

        “Flowers in her hair…Vermin everywhere….”

      • mindyourbusiness

        She just got herself a jumbo order of deep-fried schadenfreude. And I hope she enjoys every bite.

      • Brett L


      • Bobarian LMD


    • sloopyinca

      I’m gonna correct her quote…for honesty:

      ‘..Seattle can and should peacefully demonstrate when they’re at my house but should not put my family and my children at risk. But fuck those people held hostage in the rest of the city”‘

      • Atanarjuat

        The rapes robberies and murders kinda make the demonstration seem less peaceful.

      • sloopyinca

        “Right wing infiltrators and government false flag operations won’t deter us from our peaceful movement. Now put that camera down or I’ll split your fucking head open.”

    • Fourscore

      That’s the reason corrective action must be taken quickly after the causing event, can’t wait 2 weeks because the wound only gets worse.

      The “Wait ’til your dad gets home” type of discipline only results in resentment.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It always scared the shit out of me. Dad had a temper.

      • sloopyinca

        Mom sending me to my room didn’t correct as much as dad saying “go get my belt” did.

      • Festus' Mustache

        Opposite here. Dad would cuff the back of our heads when we acted the fool but mother would full-on go banshee. When he got home he’d try to calm her down enough so she would make dinner and leave the rest of us alone for awhile.

      • Trigger Hippie

        When I really screwed up, mother would pepper the top of my thighs(not the ass, the thighs are more sensitive) with a large wooden laddle/spoon thing that had little splinters shooting off of it. After that, dad would drive home the splinters with the belt.

        Fun times all around.

      • Festus' Mustache

        Ugh. mother’s favored weapon was an electrical cord from the coffee pot. Mighty bendy and soft, perfect for wrapping around extremities. Welts and blood. Sorry for your experience and double sorry for sharing mine. At least no one fucked me in the ass, so that’s something, I suppose. Nobody cared much when she died…

      • Toxteth O’Grady

        My condolences, you guys. I had a not-mourned relative.

        Festus, is it you with an ailing old cat? If so did you get an answer? Apologies if I missed this.

      • Trigger Hippie

        No need to feel sorry for me over that. I deserved those whippings more often than not. My folks would give me many chances to stop doing whatever it was I was doing before resorting to that…except for that time I hit my older brother with a baseball bat. The beating I received was prompt, brutal, and drove the point home well enough to keep me from ever doing that again.

      • Festus' Mustache

        @ Toxteth see above. I’m gonna be gutted when he goes. Thanks for your concern, it means a lot. He’s my boy and he glommed me like a duckling. The only cat that I’ve ever befriended that was actually mine in heart and soul. We’ll see what happens but I fear the worst. Thank You, again.

      • R C Dean

        I never got a spanking I didn’t deserve.

      • Chipwooder

        My dad was a yeller but mom was the spanker. It wasn’t that frequent, only when I did something really bad, but it was never dad. I don’t think he ever laid a hand on me.

      • Fourscore

        Exactly my experiences, CW. Mom was a single or two love pats on the butt, usually doled out equally to my brother and me since we always had the sibling rivalry going on and always immediate. Dad’s harshest criticism was to tell my mother to make us kids behave and we’d get a stern look or the fanny pat.

      • Rhywun

        Yeah, letting Chop set up shop was the stupidest decision ever. And now Deblasio is repeating it in NYC. I imagine they’ll have franchises in every major city before long.

      • Not Adahn

        I find it interesting that unlike Occupy Wall Street, the local media hasn’t jumped in with both feet to show their solidarity with the choppers. While it’s possible that they learned a lesson from that disaster, that doesn’t really seem plausible. S I wonder why they’ve decided to stay a little distant this time.

      • Toxteth O’Grady

        Self-preservation instinct?

      • Atanarjuat

        Possible what happened to CNN actually made them take notice.

    • Rhywun

      Don’t mess with the bull, young lady.

      • sloopyinca

        Show Dick some respect!

      • Agent Cooper

        A great character actor.

  4. robc

    On Facebook, their event page was originally titled End Police Brutality but was later changed to Marching for Racial Equality.

    We could go with the name that will give us almost universal support, or we can continue to divide the country. Which should we use?

  5. Scruffy Nerfherder

    A group of protesters marched to the home of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan on Sunday afternoon, upset that she pledged to dismantle the police-free “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” zone, known as CHOP.

    Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant joined a group of dozens of demonstrators gathered at Durkan’s home who were holding signs, chanting, and demanding she leave the area alone or meet protesters’ demands.

    Sawant is a no-shit Che wannabe.

    • Festus' Mustache

      Gives truth to the maxim that “All politics are local”. This is where it starts and ends. We should have stopped worrying about what happens in Capitol City and been more concerned with which Ken or Karen we elect as a school trustee. Now we see the result. It’s too late. We’re done.

      • sloopyinca

        So many Kens and Karens in my family. I really wish they’d used other names to shame these people with. The Sloopy clan is being maligned by these twats.

      • Festus' Mustache

        (Full Disclosure) – My middle name is Ken.

      • Brett L

        Quit being so white and wealthy.

      • pan fried wylie

        “I’d like to bowl with tha gangstas, but it’s obvious I’m too white and sloopy…”

    • Not Adahn

      ISTR she recommended seizing Boeing to stop making planes and start making environmentally friendly busses for the masses.

  6. robc

    That song is probably my favorite Beavis and Butterhead bit. Well, except for the visit to Hoover Dam in the movie.

    • robc

      I think I just combined Butthead with Butters from South Park.

      • Nephilium

        Well garsh Beavis, it’s just the greatest.

      • Gdragon

        “Beavis and Butters” seems like it could be absolutely hilarious!

      • robc

        Yes, yes it would.

    • Toxteth O’Grady

      +1 Beaver and Buffcoat [sic]

  7. Rebel Scum

    At least 70 people were arrested on Wednesday, with two on suspicion of violating the national security law, according to police.

    I hope they are not simply ‘disappeared’.

    • Swiss Servator

      Oh no…show trials. Then disappeared.

  8. Atanarjuat

    Lockdown protests caused statewide spikes in cases. BLM protests caused cases to drop.

    Lockdown protests were an unacceptable display of weaponry. BLM protests are mostly peaceful.

    If there’s anyone who isn’t redpilled on the media at this point, they’re not reachable.

    • DOOMco


      I don’t know how anyone could still say these things with a straight face

    • Fourscore

      Fauci says: “Up to 100 K a day of new cases”

      !00K a day = 1 Mil every 10 days =3 mil a month =36 mil a year

      US Population 360 mil = 10 years before I start to worry. Bring it on, Fauci

      • invisible finger

        Fauci is just pissed that nature is doing a better job of vaccinating people than government could.

      • Rhywun

        Was it just a couple months ago that the news seemed more interested in hospitalizations and deaths? My local news is wall-to-wall porn of “new cases!1!” If they move the goalposts any further we’re going to have go find them on the moon.

      • Anti Pro State

        Personally, I think if we push the goalposts any further they’ll come around and hit us in the ass. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

      • pan fried wylie

        Critical goalpost density is still a matter of intense debate.

      • Akira

        My local news is wall-to-wall porn of “new cases!1!”

        I wonder if they’re also lumping the positive antibody tests in with the active infection count. That would also give them the benefit of being able to double count if someone tested positive for the virus and later tested positive for antibodies.

        It’s just a hunch based on how much fuckery they’ve been doing with the numbers. It’s obvious that they want the highest numbers possible, probably to justify the economic havoc they’ve created and also in the hopes of damaging Trump’s re-election chances.

      • Rhywun

        I’m willing to chalk a lot of it up to “more clicks” but yes for much of the media it’s also what you say. I mean, the only local media I look at are the NY Post, NY Sun, and one or two local bloggers – none of whom are known to be in the tank for Biden with the possible exception of the millennial stringers that seem to write most of the top-of-the-page articles for the Post lately.

    • Overt

      So look…I went into that study full of fire and brimstone muttering about models and predetermined outcomes, but…I have to say it isn’t that bad.

      The study wasn’t a model, it was based on real data. They searched up protests, categorized them (violent or non violent)[*], and then localized them to counties where they used cell phone data to identify the behavior of people in those areas. They also included cities where no protests occurred (control cities).

      Overall they “prove” two points: 1st and most important, is that they cannot correlate a rise in COVID by county with protests happening in that county. The second point they show is that in those counties, they actually see decreased net travel. Sure, a bunch of kids went out but for every kid going to protest, 5 people stayed home to avoid the protests. (This is definitely what was happening in my neighborhood). They also expanded their testing to secondary (nearby) counties and saw basically saw the same results.

      The untested (and perhaps untestable) hypothesis is whether or not people in OTHER counties who saw leaders’ indifference to the protests suddenly decided to start traveling more. I mean, you could use cell phone data to determine if these other counties started to see more travel, but you don’t know the cause.

      This all leads me to believe that, while there may have been some specific super-spreader events associated with the protests, overall what we are seeing is what would have happened no matter what. This virus had to spread, and it was going to. At first it hammered New York, but there are hundreds of other cities where it is going to end up.

      [*] – This all depends on the accuracy of the data of course, but their data sets are public and well annotated.

      • Atanarjuat


      • Homple

        If the tens of thousands of people jammed together at these riots/demonstrations aren’t spreading covid, then why was the country locked down and the economy whacked to enforce “social distancing”?

        One way or the other, we’ve been bullshat.

  9. Rebel Scum

    US sparks global outrage after buying nearly all the world’s supply of Gilead’s remdesivir as Trump is accused of undermining the international fight against Covid-19

    Didn’t they just say the US is the worst in the world (Lol bc China…) for the CCP cough?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      But America is mostly white and therefore deserves to die.

  10. Rebel Scum

    Durkan’s office said she supported peaceful forms of protest and the Black Lives Matter movement as a whole.

    Looks like you are getting the consequences good and hard.

    • DOOMco

      No, the violence is from the white supremacists embedded in the area to run black flag ops

    • Nephilium

      Alright. All lives except yours matter. Better?

      Or, don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.

      • robc

        Pournelle has a line about how every soldier thinks his will be the last war with bayonets. And it never is.

        In his Falkenberg’s Legion stories, there is FTL travel between planets but the soldiers on the ground still fix bayonets.

      • Drake

        I miss that guy.

        Given what is going on and the propensity for the mob swarms, I was seriously looking at getting a bayonet and the adapter to affix it. I can still name and execute the 7 killing blows.

      • robc

        I can’t find his exact quote, but something like this: “I grew up thinking I would live to see the first man on the moon. I never thought I would live to see the last.”

      • robc

        Of the 4 living men who have walked on the moon, the youngest is 84 years old. I was born less than a month after Armstrong took the first step and it won’t be long until I will be alive with no moonwalkers.

      • Chipwooder

        Seven? Huh….when I went through PI we just had the straight thrust and the slash.

        I still have a small scar next to my thumb from where the forward assist dug into my skin on the straight thrust. Bled pretty good.

      • Drake

        From the right: vertical butt-stroke, horizontal butt-stroke, stab

        From the left: slash, smash

        whoops – Five – need coffee.

      • Chipwooder

        Aha, I wasn’t counting buttstrokes because they don’t use the bayonet.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Making sure there was a bayonet lug on my ar (the tragic boating accident still gets to me) was an important minor detail I made sure of.

        I’ve got a m7 and a M9 in a storage box somewhere. I prefer the m7 myself although the new (well to me, it’s after my time) marine bayonet looks pretty good.

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s a good line, but really, the last war with bayonets is a ways in our past.

        Doesn’t mean that some fool won’t get muzzle-stamped with a plasma projector in 2135 though…

      • Gadianton

        That’s West of Honor. Great story. I’m re-reading it right now.

    • Rebel Scum

      She is cute but has that crazy look like she would kill your cat. But anyway, don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.

    • sloopyinca

      What’s really sad is that she doesn’t look unattractive. Although the cameraman could have at least given us a full body shot to properly assess her.
      She needs to relax and tone it down a little. Otherwise nobody is ever gonna want to stick it in her.

      • Festus' Mustache

        She’s got a herd of simps trotting at her ankles. Have you even seen the type of “man” that shows up for these peaceful protests? I used to pretend to like a certain band if it would get me some but these guys are super novae.

      • mrfamous

        “Otherwise nobody is ever gonna want to stick it in her.”

        You can’t possibly believe that, can you? Of course guys are gonna want to. Marxists may be dumb, but they can’t hold a candle to the stupidity of the average guy in his 20s when it comes to his dick.

      • sloopyinca

        You’re right. I should have said “no real man is ever gonna want to stick it in her.”

      • Rufus the Monocled

        Stick what in her?

    • sloopyinca

      My reply:
      “You’re not gonna do shit. Shut the fuck up, you stupid asshole.”

    • R C Dean

      Two thoughts:

      She seems typical of a lot of these protestors – hyper emotional, not quite right in the head. I wish Deloitte the joy of her.

      I’d be tempted to hand her a knife and say “Do it. I believe all lives matter. Look me in the eye and stab me, or shut the fuck up.” She’s all drama. She ain’t stabbing anybody.

      • Brett L

        Five years on, she’s gonna be arrested for stabbing someone she lives with.

      • pan fried wylie

        So the Common Sense Knife Control people were right?

      • UnCivilServant

        A good handle is key to knife control. If it’s not comfortable, or if it moves around in your grip, you’re not going to have good control.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      She gets stabby.

      I’m tempted to send her message on LinkedIn: Hi! All lives matter!

      • Agent Cooper

        Message is locked, but you can try to connect with that custom message. We could all spam her.

      • Rufus the Monocled

        And then we’d all get banned from that useless site.

  11. Scruffy Nerfherder

    SJWednesday: A Musical Interlude

    What are people really saying when they dismiss concerns about cultural appropriation?

    This song reveals the unspoken messages you might find in some people’s defensiveness – and exposes the risks in following their line of thinking.

    “White Man’s Burden” is part of StormMiguel Florez’s “White Lies,” a collaborative musical theater piece that examines the interpersonal impacts of racism and white supremacy in queer community.

    Do yourself a favor and watch the video before you have breakfast.

    • Tulip


    • Trigger Hippie

      Just finished eating. Guess I’ll just have to take a pass on this one. Damn the luck.

    • sloopyinca

      Finally the queer community will have their voices heard in musical theater. It’s about time!

      • Trigger Hippie


      • Trolleric the Goth

        I lol’d

  12. Rhywun

    This is actually a decent idea that I hope works.

    Color me skeptical.

  13. Rebel Scum

    “This is the governor, my governor, who’s supposed to be representing me,” he said. “I’m sure that her car is not going to intentionally hit me. I was wrong.”

    The driver is also the gov’s security and you are standing in the street threatening the governor. Play stupid games…

    • leon

      I’d point out that the Governor is not technically a Representative of you but a person hired to be the executive of the government.

      • Rebel Scum

        I didn’t see the need to pedant that but of course this person does not understand gov’t or civics.

  14. Rhywun

    US sparks global outrage after buying nearly all the world’s supply of Gilead’s remdesivir

    Oh noes, global outrage!

    Too bad Gilead can’t make more.

    • IntraveneousWoodChipper

      Lol the Left will surely claim that the drug does nothing now because TDS.

  15. Nephilium

    So, there’s at least one black conservative living in Cleveland.

    Someone vandalized the Black Lives Matter mural in the city’s Kinsman neighborhood, scrawling messages on the paintings that include “stop killing each other” and “Black Lives Matter is Marxist.”

    For reference, Kinsman is not what would be considered a good or safe neighborhood.

    • Rhywun

      Get a load of the Karen whining about the police asleep at the wheel instead of “defending murals”.

      I literally can’t even any more with this year.

      • Idle Hands

        everyone has lost their minds.

  16. Trigger Hippie

    Go away, rain. I want to make some money today.

    • Festus' Mustache

      That’s one of the only positives about current job. At least I work indoors. 40 below is no joke when you get stranded out past hell’s half-acre.

  17. Rebel Scum

    “More recently, officials have identified violent adherents to the movement as those responsible for several attacks over the past few months,” the company wrote in a blog post.


    • Not Adahn

      Officials. Identified. Why do you deny science?

    • JD is in the United Karendom

      The aggressiveness of the censorship to shut down anything that contradicts The Narrative on this “boogaloo” thing is insane. The MSM/big tech/D-holes have created a total fiction (again, lol) and will defend it to the bitter, bitter end (again, lol).

      • Idle Hands

        It’s almost as if 4chan runs society.

      • leon

        It’s not just the aggressiveness its the complete attempt to cast all the blame at the hands of the boogaloo bois. There are riots going on, and they deny that it is Antifa and then blame it on the boogaloo bois.

  18. Not Adahn

    Comte de Rochambeau

    He’s the guy who codified the tactic of kicking your opponent in the balls, right?

    And then was later refined by Oskar Hasselhoff to “grab them by the crotch and throw them out the window.”

    • sloopyinca

      Pretty sure he was there last year and told one of my kids to stop smacking other kids in the head with her sword.

      • Not Adahn

        Did she grab him by the crotch and throw him out the window ?

  19. TARDIS

    Well this sucks. The links won’t load worth a damn. I’m sitting in an urgent care lobby with no cell reception and I am not going to use their unsecured Wi-Fi.

    • Toxteth O’Grady

      Feeling all right there?

    • Gender Traitor

      Ruh roh! UOK??

    • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

      I’m not sure what the urgent care is going to do about your links problem…

      Seriously though, I hope everything is OK.

    • TARDIS

      Suspected blood clot in my calf. Heading to vascular clinic by the hospital. Yay! What fun.

      • Festus' Mustache

        Bon Chance, mon Ami!

      • Fourscore

        Had that about 40 years ago, spent 2 weeks in a recliner with blood thinners. It showed up the day after I ran 7 miles. Started running again after that and no problems ever. I’ve been on an 81 mg aspirin daily for 30 years though. Hope the news is good and that rest will cure it.

  20. Scruffy Nerfherder


    The stubborn continuation of (or even deepening) of electoralism without class independence is even more problematic in times of the pandemic, in the midst of an uprising against racist police brutality. At a moment when socialists are needed most on the front lines of class struggle, when workers and people of color are standing up to defend their lives, building links of solidarity across sectors and fighting together for their common good, there is an urgent need for two interrelated actions that only socialist can do. On the one hand, participating in those struggles, organizing coworkers, fighting together with workers in other sectors, mobilizing as a socialist organization in the streets for Black lives, and pushing the labor movement to take action against police terror. On the other hand, we need those in the struggle to believe in their own strength, trust their own forces and realize that they can build their own political tool. A new party is needed that represents workers and fights racist oppression from a working-class perspective, one that is not thoroughly dominated by its capitalists financiers; one that unapologetically fights for socialism. That is the first task for socialists in the United States today, and Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party are standing in our way.

    • leon

      They need a socialist workers part for the nation

    • JD is in the United Karendom

      Another day, another screed with a new -ism word.

      • JD is in the United Karendom

        Well, a newly appropriated -ism word, anyway.

    • Don Escaped the Quality Department

      glancing, it would seem that an Argentinian doctor might see and report things in interesting ways

      I’m not going to read it, but it’s worth noting how few of the SJW barking about workers have never much worked or, apparently, ever opened a book to see how socialism turns out.

      • Nephilium

        That wasn’t real socialism!

    • Rhywun

      You know who else had a struggle?

    • mrfamous

      “The stubborn continuation of (or even deepening) of electoralism without class independence…”

      Made it that far

      • Rebel Scum

        What’s the matter, you don’t like buzzword salad?

  21. Drake

    Jaylen Cavil, an organizer with Des Moines Black Lives Matter, said he stood in front of the governor’s vehicle outside of an event in Ackley, hoping Reynolds would roll down her window

    That sounds like a great way to get punched or shot.

  22. Rebel Scum

    To no ones surprise…

    Joe Biden has once again demonstrated he knows little about U.S. history and the Second Amendment thanks to a recent sit down with Wired in which he was asked about his support for gun control.

    Biden responded by launching into a rambling tirade directed at AR-15s, which he says “should be outlawed.” After all, he continued, “From the very beginning you weren’t allowed to have certain weapons. You weren’t allowed to own a cannon during the Revolutionary War as an individual.” …

    During the Revolutionary War, not only could individuals own cannons, they could own an entire ship equipped with them. Privateering was an important part of the war effort, especially since the new United States had virtually no real navy of its own.

    Simple Joe is unfamiliar with this and the specific constitutional provision regarding it.

    • robc

      The only recent presidential candidate that I have heard mention it is Ron Paul.

    • Idle Hands

      I’m done with this level of correction gotcha from conservatives. None of this matters they don’t care, you can’t shame them they either know they are lieing or they don’t care anyway. Biden doesn’t even know where he is why should we expect him to know anything about policy, he should be treated only with pure disdain or like your senile uncle at thanksgiving.

    • sloopyinca

      I can’t wait for Philip Bump from WaPo to fact check that and say “Biden is correct as only a few people had the money necessary to acquire their own cannons during the revolutionary war.”

      • Rebel Scum

        You are probably right, but it is a bad argument. Not that they care but you do not forgo a right just because it might be expensive to practice.

      • Rebel Scum

        forgo lose or not have*, of course you might opt for lessor hardware.

      • Fourscore

        .50 S &W qualifies as a cannon, if you are on the wrong end of it

      • pan fried wylie

        …totin’ fifty grand, cannon in the waistband…

      • invisible finger

        “Biden is correct as the British did not allow colonists to own weapons.”

      • sloopyinca

        You got there better than I did. Send WaPo a bill for your services to their efforts.

    • robc

      Interesting fact, that I didnt know. The Paris Declaration of 1856 banned the use of Letters of Marque and Reprisal, but the USA is not a signatory to it.

    • EvilSheldon

      How much is senility, how much is just natural stupidity? The questions of our age…

  23. Idle Hands

    The sheer audacity of this class of politicians never ceases to amaze. As the kids say I. Can’t. Even.

    • PieInTheSky

      I have lost the ability to be amazed years ago

      • Idle Hands

        I thought myself cynical before this. I was wrong.

  24. leon

    After the shooting, video shows the gunman then “conceals the firearm and continues to protest,” Geyerman said. “This same protester later approached another vehicle at 500 North and University Avenue, striking and breaking the window with the handgun.”

    The driver of the SUV was taken to Utah Valley Hospital. Whether the shooting was somehow prompted by the man driving through the crowd or whether the man started driving through the crowd after he was shot are questions are questions police were investigating Tuesday.

    I’ve found this story more interesting, because : Local News. Rarely go to Provo, for a host of reasons, but will have to keep an eye out for Salt Lake. The fact that this idiot chased after and shot at the car after it was gone, means he’s fucked even if he tries to argue that he was only shooting cause the old man was “Plowing” through them.

    • Idle Hands

      Are there even any blacks to jail in Provo?

      • leon

        heh. I’ll note that Salt Lake City PD is notoriously (throughout the state at least) happy to shoot people. I think there were more homicides by SLCPD a few years a go than by criminals. So i would be very supportive of a protest against police brutality. But not when they throw their lot in with “Insurgence, Solidarity for Justice, .. and Salt Lake Antifascist Coalition”.

    • Gadianton

      This one weirds me out a little. About 30 years ago I lived about 3 blocks from there.

      • Mojeaux

        Yep, me too. I lived across the street from the Academy when it was still a run-down POS and used once a year for a haunted house.

        I would never have expected something like this in Provo, of all places.

      • leon

        Long time no see. Still around in the state? I’ve never lived in Provo, but have lived in SLC, and it seems the instigators were from SLC.

      • Gadianton

        It’s good to be back. I’ve been lurking for a while. Just never get here in time to participate. I’ve been living in Dallas for about 20 years.

      • Mojeaux

        Echo @leon’s long time no see. Didn’t you say you had a new job or somesuch that limited your time here?

      • Gadianton

        Same job, we went to work from home in July of last year and the transition was a little difficult schedule-wise for me.

    • Agent Cooper

      “The driver of the SUV was taken to Utah Valley Hospital. ”

      He drove himself there, know-nothing news people.

  25. AlexinCT

    This sort of shit is gonna end well for us all. Wait till they decide math is patriarchical and physics is racist & misogynistic, and we end up with people designing and building airplanes that ignore these outdated laws! Then we will show whomever created these evil laws what social justice really is about!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The union had taken advantage of a Black Lives Matter-linked #ShutDownStem day on June 10 to help oust him. Hsu stepped down from his vice president role on June 19 after pressure from the union and the president of the university, Samuel Stanley. Hsu will stay on as a physics professor at Michigan State, however.

      The president of the university is a goddamned coward. I hold him responsible for that decision and him alone. He should be run out on a rail and Hsu should get his job.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      Rather than debate the findings they force a resignation. They should be HAPPY that it’s not the case.

      Try and tell me this is not a Dark Age.


      • leon

        Dark ages always seemed gloomy and rainy in the textbooks, and i can tell you that it is sunny right now. So it can’t be the dark ages.

      • AlexinCT

        I always wondered how we got to certain calamitous points in history, and never could quite make things make sense. How did intelligent people let these stupid and horrible things happen, was where I always ended up stuck. I think this past year has basically proved to me that a mob hell bent on dumb shit practically always is the reason for insanity and stupidity to prevail. We should have a law banning appeal to emotion for anything legal.

    • Rebel Scum

      Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks

      Truth > Facts, comrade.

  26. Rufus the Monocled

    It gets better with Durkan. Now she’s going after Idiot Sawant (get it? I did a joke there). This is just a cluster fuck of a shit show. I would love to hear from the Seattle brigade here about this. Are citizens in Wokeattle really ok with all this?

    I see Canada is still using ‘projection models’ warning of us all of a ‘resurgence’. Stay thirsty and scared my friends. 285 cases reported yesterday. ACROSS THE COUNTY.

    Looks like we lost Belichick. He brought in an ACLU SJW to speak to the team and everyone was just so happy about it.

    /face palm.

    Does Richard ‘I want to Stanford’ ever shut the fuck up?


    • leon

      THe residents/Businesses of CHOP are suing seattle, and every step the city council and mayor do to ensure that it looks like they support chop, the more likely discovery is going to happen….

      Or they settle and then the rest of the cities taxpayers get to pay out for the Mayor and Councils socialist project downtown.

      • Rufus the Monocled

        Seems to me this is one of more egregious example of gross incompetence and negligence. Clearly these two low IQ buffoons allowed for identity politics to prevail over the health and security of citizens culminating in the death of a 16 year-old. It’s a close to ‘blood on your hands’ a case there is.

        Yeh, well I read the court document from the people. They opened up with something like ‘we still support the protestors’ so not so sure they get it.

      • leon

        They know who the Judges and Jury are going to be and so are trying to ingratiate themselves to them?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Argue on the basis of the case or not at all.

    • Rufus the Monocled


    • Not Adahn

      “Contemptuous behavior?”

      You can get booted out of government for that?

      I’m uncertain whether to be horrified or rub my hands together and formulate an evil plan.

    • Not Adahn

      “She and organizers knew that my address was protected under the state confidentiality program because of threats against me due largely to my work as U.S. Attorney,”

      Some animals are more equal than others, eh?

      Five of nine council members — Mosqueda, González, Herbold, Andrew Lewis and Dan Strauss — have declared support for the plan that Mosqueda is calling “JumpStart Seattle.” It would tax pay of employees making at least $150,000 per year, excluding companies with annual payrolls under $7 million, to address the multiple crises Seattle is facing: a long-running housing and homelessness emergency, COVID-19 economic pain, a massive budget gap and widespread inequality.

      Dooo Eeeeet.

      And I’m really curious who that little exception was carved out for.

      • leon

        Doesn’t Seattle do this every year, and the state come down and kick their teeth in because it is illegal. IIRC Washington state has preempted any income tax by municipalities. At some point you think the state might deny the cities charter if they keep doing this shit.

        Also makes you think about how SCOTUS was A-Ok with NYC’s pinkey promise to not institute the gun travel ban out of city limits that they had tried.

      • DOOMco

        Revoking Seattle just means the whole place is CHAZ.

        WIN WIN ?

      • Rhywun

        That just means that Seattle isn’t in full control of the state government yet. Give it time.

  27. Rebel Scum

    Cancel Hamilton.

    Of course I am not actually in favor of “canceling” America’s founding statist shitstain, but the truth should be known about him as opposed to the whitewashed (heh…) “history” displayed in the musical.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      He gets a pass because he has a play.

    • A Leap at the Wheel

      I laughed my ass off when I found out there is a song called “Immigrants Get the Job Done” in that fucking show.

      • Toxteth O’Grady

        But AH was good-lookin’.

        I have zero interest in that play. I think I’d sooner attend Cats.

      • Overt

        First the hippsters came for facial hair, and I gave it to them.
        Then the hippsters came for historical figures, and I ceded it away.

  28. Drake

    A nice reminder that despite the complete insanity in the Blue states, drive 30 miles out even the craziest city and you’ll find pissed off normals.

    Governor Jay Inslee Booed Off Stage in Eastern Washington

    If Phil Murphy held an outdoor presser in my town, the locals would tar and feather him or worse.

    • Don Escaped the Quality Department

      pissed off

      This is the standard, though, going both ways. It’s the tone of twitter. It’s implied by the head-shaking at both FoxNews and MSNBC. The tsking has been evolving for about ten years, the ostensible goal being the raising of anxiety as an end in and of itself.

      Of course, I’m not defending insanity, and who needs to: the extremists are never the majority. What’s important is that normal people on all sides and in all places are essentially pissed off all the time. We are a petty and pissy people any more: that’s where the derp and the karens both come from.

      It was the perfect year for a calm and rational person to lead the national discussion back to first principle, but few are keeping an even keel in these waters . . . . and the few who do are essentially drowned out.

      • Drake

        I would really welcome a calm and rational discussion. It isn’t going to happen with Phil Murphy, Jay Inslee, or Joe Biden.

      • Viking1865

        We speak different languages.

        Calm and rational means nothing less than “comply with the leftist demands of the moment.”

      • IntraveneousWoodChipper

        After Chavin murdered Floyd we had a nationwide consensus about modifying policing in this country to protect the lives of citizens who were being killed by cops.

        A month later, its a full on Cultural Revolution where, if you aren’t a Marxist wanting the violent overthrow of the US government, you’re part of the problem.

        We live in the stupidest timeline.

    • Rebel Scum


    • PieInTheSky

      How much does a bucket of tar go for in your neck of the woods?

      • R C Dean

        We priced out roofing tar, I think around $50 for 5 gallons.

      • pan fried wylie

        Fuck, how is gas cheaper than the shit they take out of gas.

    • DOOMco

      I hope instead of civil war 2, Marxist boogaloo we just cut some cities out.

  29. sloopyinca

    Offering a perfect movie quote that could probably apply to every single link:

    “This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”

    • leon

      Wolf of Wall Street?

      • Chipwooder

        The Hunt for Red October, Fred Dalton Thompson as Admiral Josh Painter. It was a small part but he had several choice lines.

        “What’s his plan?”

        “His plan, sir?”

        “Your average Russian, son, don’t take a dump without a plan.”

    • Chipwooder

      One of my favorites! I use that line all the time.

    • Drake

      Unfortunately, this one might be appropriate too.

      I wonder what date historians will use to mark to beginning of this war.

      • Agent Cooper

        I have a hard time comprehending a full-scale civil war. The original one had strict economic and geographical lines. This time, there’s too much noise to understand what the sides would be and how it would play out.

        I could see smaller conflicts and skirmishes breaking out in urban areas. There’s no way anitfa is going to get rural anytime soon. That would be a disaster for them.

      • R C Dean

        Same here. Phase 1 at least would likely be an ugly, ugly fight with competing insurgencies. We’ve already been introduced to one of the insurgent movements, and I expect if we get to failed state status where the government can’t get on top of it, we will see a “militia” counterinsurgency which would probably be in conflict with the government as well.

        Whether it would ever get to a true civil war, with putative sovereign governments fighting each other, who could say.

    • Translucent Chum

      Give me one ping.

      • UnCivilServant

        *plays sequence from ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ on sonar*

      • Chipwooder

        Give me a ping, Vassily. One ping only, please.

    • Overt

      I…would like to have seen…Montana.

  30. IntraveneousWoodChipper

    Have we put an wifi embargo on CHOP yet? Turn the signal towers and cables off and those little trust fund deadbeats will be out of there in no time. They’re mostly “doing it for the Gram,” after all.

  31. PieInTheSky

    What was he supposed to do? Oh yeah, I guess he could have bought less of it and then be accused of not caring enough about American lives to have bought it all. Because that’s how the media would have painted it.

    I have seen nothing to convince me remdesivir is anything but an overpriced placebo. You would get the same thing with hcq and zing plus some vit d / c for 10 bucks not 3 grand. But its good business for Big Pharma

    • Chipwooder

      Man, that Mel Gibson is nuts

    • A Leap at the Wheel

      Goes to the backhand too often. Goalies are going to catch on and eat him for lunch.

    • Rufus the Monocled


      Fun Rufusian fact: 94% of males in Canada carry a hockey stick in their trunk. I carried one for over twenty years.

      Hey, you never know a game will break out on the highway or something.

      • Don Escaped the Quality Department

        Sher-wood Chelios edition: because there’s no substitute for big wood

      • Chipwooder

        My dad still has his old Sher-wood Stan Mikita model he used as a kid in his garage, even though he last played hockey in 1983 or so.

      • Ozymandias

        I got two the other night with the old Sherwood – real lumber! The first was one of those fortuitous “heel-jobs” where you’re looking high glove (over the shoulder), except the puck slid a little and you heel it… but get enough for a perfect five-hole shot! Ahhh, just like I planned. All of the guys I play with give me and another d-man max shit for using real wood sticks.

    • Not Adahn

      Bah. There were neither moose nor maple syrup involved.

    • Fourscore

      There is a faster solution, beavers aren’t a threatened specie and are generally not too welcome in some parts of the North Woods.

  32. AlmightyJB

    As someone who will probably need a new liver someday, a pig liver is better than no liver. People die waiting for those things.

    • PieInTheSky

      Keep a compatible orphan on hand?

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      In China? It’s not like they’re running out of political prisoners. And sadly they have a new bunch from Hong Kong.

    • pan fried wylie

      I’m gonna start camping out in line for a new pancreas soon.

  33. Hyperion

    “Hopefully the next step will be to simply change all the laws that criminalize things that shouldn’t be criminalized in the first place.”

    I’ll take 500 for ‘things that won’t happen’, Alex.

    • DOOMco

      That’s no way to keep revenue up. Have you seen how short we’re gonna be?!

      • Hyperion

        We’re going to legalize destruction of public and private property, looting, rioting, and arson. But we have to keep marijuana illegal, it’s dangerous!

  34. IntraveneousWoodChipper

    Again, referencing Durkan, she could clear the place in a week with the following easy steps.

    Give them one day before wifi goes off.
    Give them two days before electricity goes off.
    Give them three days before water goes off.
    Give them four days before bulldozers go in.
    Give them five days before everyone goes to jail with felony charges.
    Give them six days before everyone is arrested for treason.
    On the seventh day, rest and ponder the violence and death you have allowed to happen in the middle of an American city.

    • Hyperion

      Step one would do it.

      But instead do this, send them all to her home to set up their new autonomous zone. That way she doesn’t need to turn on the TV to experience the summer of love.

      • Not Adahn

        How much would it cost to rent a bust to transfer the choppers to her house? Obviously we’d need to put down a much larger cleaning deposit than usual, but I’d donate to that gofundme.

    • sloopyinca

      Give them one day before wifi goes off.
      Give them two days before electricity goes off.
      Give them three days before water goes off.
      Give them four days before bulldozers go in.
      Give them five days before
      everyone goes to jail with felony charges.
      Give them six days before everyone is arrested for treason.
      On the seventh second day, rest and ponder the violence and death you have allowed to happen in the middle of an American city.


      • IntraveneousWoodChipper

        Lol “everyone will be a king after our revolution!”

        Nah bro, just Napoleon.

      • IntraveneousWoodChipper

        Imagine the exploding heads if the feds showed up outside the perimeter and made everyone exiting the city go through immigration and customs as foreign nationals trying to enter the US.

        A guy can dream.

  35. Rufus the Monocled

    Maybe I’m a bad person but, to me, if you’re blocking the street and/or jumping on cars scaring people, if you get run over it’s deserved and brings a tear of satisfaction to my eye.

    • Chipwooder

      Yep. Zero sympathy from me. Stay outta the fuckin’ road and you won’t have that problem. I didn’t have any sympathy for St. Rachel of the Blessed Pancake and I don’t for these fucks either.

      • Hyperion

        We need a new national law allowing you to run over people if they are blocking your way. And just throw in running down bicycle riders on the street, whether they are blocking anything or not, give an auto insurance discount for everyone you take out.

      • Nephilium

        Where would you like us to ride?

        And use your damned turn signals cars!

      • UnCivilServant

        Indoor rinks, where you are no longer a danger to others.

      • Nephilium

        So… you’ve never rode at a Velodrome before then, huh? There’s some more options for mountain bikers in my area at least.

      • Hyperion

        “Where would you like us to ride?”

        In the damn 10ft wide bike lane they had taxpayers fund.

        I had an idiot on a bike do a left turn in the middle of the freaking road, right in front of me. I had to slam on the brakes to keep from hitting the moron. And there’s a damn 10ft wide bike lane right there, that no one ever uses.

      • Nephilium

        In places with bike lanes, I use them. And cyclists should damn well be signaling, I want to make sure all of those cars can see me, and know what I’m doing. We’ve got some areas with the most useless bike lanes ever though. They run for 2 blocks or so, and not even in an area with a hill (we’ve got a couple areas with climbs, and the uphill route has bike lanes so cars can easily pass).

      • sloopyinca

        Has Machine Gun Joe Vitetbo taken over your account?

      • Rufus the Monocled

        Curious. If these degenerates swarm a car and the car ploughs through in fear, I know a lot of factors come into play where the law is concerned, but does the driver have a chance to get off more often than not?

        I ask because I heard a 911 call (I forget where it was) replayed on Patriot Radio (I think on Wilkow Majority) where a woman with a child in her car was surrounded by ‘peaceful protestors’. She pleaded for help but was told nothing could be done and to, get this, call City Hall with a complaint.

        Basically, sorry lady. Take your beating and hope you both survive.

        What does it take for Mayors to simply say, ‘hey, you can protest but if you do that shit we’re cracking down’?

      • leon

        I don’t know about other places, but for the guy in Provo this is what i can see: In Utah you have a right to use deadly force to end deadly force. The laws does not specify what kind of weapon you can use. So using a Car is legitimate. So the question comes down to – Did he start running people over before the guy shot him or after, and does that count as legitimate? I’d say that getting yourself out of a situation that these people are helping to create, fair game for them being run over, and that they probably won’t have any civil action against him.

      • R C Dean

        Watch the video. He was driving pretty slowly, and even after he got shot he wasn’t flooring it. That was not a self defense shooting.

        Also, being swarmed by a mob provides justification for self defense against
        the mob. He wasn’t the aggressor, so nobody in the mob was entitled to use deadly force against him.

      • Chipwooder

        That was Fredericksburg VA. Some asshole jumped on her hood and they just brushed her off on the phone.

      • leon

        What does it take for Mayors to simply say, ‘hey, you can protest but if you do that shit we’re cracking down’?

        What’s the point of being Mayor if you can’t let your friends and political allies do what ever they want to terrorize the rest of the people in your town.

        Hans Hoppe’s “Physical Removal” of socialists is starting to really make sense.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It’d be the only workable solution in a libertarian society. Socialists are predatory and they never quit.

      • sloopyinca

        There’s room for socialist ventures in a libertarian society. I’d reckon there would almost certainly be some collectivizing for certain services.
        The key is the voluntary entry into and out of the arrangements remaining. And that’s the part the socialists hate.

      • Don Escaped the Quality Department


        my two favorite phrases: knock yourself out . . . . and . . . . leave me out of it

      • robc

        Exactly. I think kibbutzim would naturally fit within a libertarian society.

      • Toxteth O’Grady

        As opposed to kibitzing.

      • robc

        The problem with libertarian society is the same as the problem with communist society. Dunbar’s number is as large as it can get and work.

        150 is the general estimate, I would even go as high as 150 households. But anything larger than that is either going to fall apart of have some level of tyranny.

      • invisible finger

        Showing how old I am…

        Jean Shepherd (of A Christmas Story fame) had a syndicated version of his WOR radio show in the 60’s. Some of these are available on CD or audiobook download. One episode called “The Master Plan Illusion” where he talks about the hundreds of small utopian towns founded in the US, for example New Harmony, Friendship (Indiana, Shep’s home state), Englewood NJ, Zion IL, etc.

      • straffinrun

        “Oh, you’re socialist that wants to impose your will on us by force? Yeah, good luck doing business with any of us and never mind the rifles we constantly have trained on you and your house.”

      • EvilSheldon

        I’m shopping for a dashboard camera for the Taco. If I do end up having to put the tires to someone, I’d like to have some camera footage to use in my defense.

      • Mad Scientist

        I have a Rexing V1LG that I’m quite happy with. It has a front and rear facing camera, and records time, date, speed, and audio.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The moment they start beating on a car or even surround a car so they can beat on it and yank the passengers out, the use of the vehicle itself as a means of self defense is justified.

  36. Hyperion

    “Wait, what the fuck? You mean he’s not going to move it just so it has a higher possibility of being a fair trial and not an absolute circus? That would just be common sense at this point.”

    Doesn’t matter. The goal is he gets acquitted a few days before the election, which will oddly coincide with the next round of complete lockdowns because some 97 year old died in FL and he might have had commie cough when he died, we can’t be too careful.

  37. Rebel Scum

    Yeah, sure.

    Cooper said, “When the president isn’t ignoring the coronavirus pandemic or not reading the president’s daily briefs on intelligence, he can be found stirring racial divisions online. Just last hour, he tweeted this, ‘This is a battle to save the Heritage, History, and Greatness of our Country! #MAGA2020[.]’ If you’re at all confused by what he means by ‘heritage,’ just remember that, earlier this month, he tweeted a defense of U.S. military installations named after Confederate soldiers as ‘part of a great American heritage[.]’”

    Confederate soldiers ARE a part of American heritage.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Reconciliation is dead. The losers in the next civil war will be put to the sword wholesale. Gee, what incentives would that bring?

    • Agent Cooper

      With charity toward none and malice for all!

  38. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Hopefully the next step will be to simply change all the laws that criminalize things that shouldn’t be criminalized in the first place.”

    Not likely, actually there may be more laws and calls to enforce those laws because the perceived threshold for ratting someone out will be lower. “It’s not like I called the cops on him, they just sent out the community response guy.”

    • leon

      But not the ones that bring Antifa to town?

    • Drake

      Pagans versus Antifa, what are the odds in AC?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Altamont here we come.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      “The Pagans have been beefing up their membership in New Jersey, state officials said this past October during public hearings about outlaw motorcycle clubs.

      The club has always been strong in South Jersey, but evidence shows they are growing in the north too. State law enforcement officials estimated then that they have 300 members in 17 chapters throughout the state – with a 50% increase in chapters over the past three years.”

      See, if Mayos and Governors had done their JOBS and actually tried to stop protests morphing into riots, citizens wouldn’t feel compelled to mobilize like this. Of course, it starts with the more ‘extreme’ elements like bikers but it can spread to common folk – eg like those who booed that hobo Inslee off the stage.

      There has to be a push back. A minority of commie punks are causing angst.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I miss funny and unserious Tom Hanks. Maybe I’ll rewatch Bachelor Party tonight.

      • Chipwooder

        Hahahahaha…..Dragnet is an underrated movie. Aykroyd really nails the Jack Webb mannerisms.

      • Hyperion

        Is he on a mission from God?

      • Chipwooder

        Not that time.

        “Like every other psycho with a perfect plan, you forgot one thing. You’re facing the finest fighting force on the face of the earth.”

        “The Israelis?”

  39. Rebel Scum

    Boston strong.

    Although the monument was created to celebrate the freeing of slaves in America, its design disturbed many who objected to the optics of a Black man kneeling before Lincoln.

    “What I heard today is that it hurts to look at this piece, and in the Boston landscape, we should not have works that bring shame to any groups of people,” said Ekua Holmes, vice-chairperson of the arts commission.

    “After engaging in a public process, it’s clear that residents and visitors to Boston have been uncomfortable with this statue,” Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said in a statement.

    More than 12,000 people had signed a petition demanding the statue’s removal. Officials did not immediately set a date to take it down, and said details would be worked out at their next meeting on July 14.

    It should be removed because Lincoln did not free anyone, not for your stupid reason.

    • Drake

      It should be removed because nobody in Boston is free.

      • Not Adahn

        DD employees are free to make coffee and donuts for cops.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      And now because nuance is weeded out from the artistic viewing experience, you’ve now opened a whole new Pandora’s Box to art now in danger of being removed because illiterate and illiberal losers only see ‘optics’.

      Caving like this is just weak and will only embolden them.

      Boston Lame.

      • invisible finger

        Boston Chicken

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      12,000 out of…how many people live in Boston?

      • Rufus the Monocled

        Then the ‘silent majority’ need to speak a little louder then. If they can’t be bothered, then they get what they get.

        Their silence is well, consent.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        They fear being labeled as racists and having to deal with all of the headaches that can bring. It’s as simple as that.

    • sloopyinca

      “After engaging in a public process, it’s clear that residents and visitors to Boston have been uncomfortable with this statue,” Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said in a statement.

      If they’re being honest, the visitors were probably uncomfortable because it looked like the black man was subservient you Lincoln. And the Bostonians were uncomfortable because they thought the black man being portrayed should be shackled and Lincoln should be holding a whip.

      • R C Dean

        Isn’t that the statue that freed slaves raised the money for?

      • UnCivilServant


        The goal is to burn down all of history.

    • grrizzly

      I still don’t know where the statue is. Perhaps, I should go and see it before it’s gone. Why don’t they ever mention the location?

    • Agent Cooper

      Frederick Douglass haz a sad.

  40. Rebel Scum

    Toppling statues, indignant indigenous hardest hit.

    April McGill, executive director for the American Indian Cultural Center in San Francisco, said she is disappointed that despite the center’s partnership with the city’s Arts Commission and past work with Mayor London Breed, it wasn’t contacted about the Columbus statue decision. And although its removal felt like closure for a lot of American Indian people, they shouldn’t have had to witness it from afar, she said.

    “To be silenced again, and not be included — that’s the problem,” said McGill, who is of Yuki, Little Lake and Mishewal Wappo tribal descent. “You’re on Native land — and when you remove something like that, there should have been someone there. We missed an opportunity here that was really important.”

    • IntraveneousWoodChipper

      “ To be silenced again, and not be included — that’s the problem,” said McGill”

      THE LEFT DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU. You’d think it would be obvious by now.

      • Drake

        Holy shit.

      • Drake

        Like watching the Ring video.

      • R C Dean

        I wonder if its true.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s the CV equivalent of anti global warmers who charter jets to fly to Australia. Do as I say, not as I do.
      Fuck these people.

    • Not Adahn

      Both of them?

    • Chipwooder

      The entire point of the game is to be offensive.

      • Not Adahn

        Meh, they’ve been woke for a while. They banned the t-word hooker card first, then others that were denounced as “that’s not funny!” or otherwise objectionable to recognized easily offended groups.

  41. Rebel Scum

    Self-awareness, you have none.

    Hillary Clinton

    Either he knew and chose to do nothing, or he didn’t know because he couldn’t be bothered to do his job.

    On the plus side she changed her pic from that retarded mask one. ///loading…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      What officials are saying they briefed Trump on this? If they’re unnamed or named Bolton I’m going to call bullshit.

      • R C Dean

        Of course its anonymous.

        Everyone who is in a position to know what Trump was briefed on has denied it.

        This was basically a rumor that got vetted out immediately.

    • Viking1865

      Hillary Clinton will never be allowed to plunge this country into a war with Russia, and that makes her so so sad.

      • R C Dean

        Hillary helped Russia buy uranium reserves, helped fund their military technology park, took tens of millions from Russian oligarchs. Why on Earth whould she go to war with Russia?

      • UnCivilServant

        Because they have information which would lead to her conviction and imprisonment.

      • Viking1865

        No idea. I just remember that vicious harridan’s eyes lighting up when she was talking about shooting down Russian warplanes in Syria.

      • Akira

        There’s plenty of bad shit that Trump has done, but I will insist to the day I die that we dodged a nuclear war by not electing Hillary.

      • Viking1865

        Yeah one of things that annoyed me the most about the anti Trump libertarians and supposed antiwar types in 2016 was they completely ignored, in my experience/opinion, just how terrifyingly prowar Hillary Clinton is. This is a woman who, as far as I can tell, as supported every single war, punitive airstrike, police action, peacekeeping operation, expansion of entangling alliances, and all the other various tentacles of empire of the past 30 fucking years.

        The only reason anyone needed to vote Trump over Hillary was that Trump didn’t casually, offhand, suggest committing an act of war against the only other nuclear armed state that actually has the theoretical capability of killing every single person on the planet

      • Akira

        supposed antiwar types in 2016 was they completely ignored, in my experience/opinion, just how terrifyingly prowar Hillary Clinton is.

        This even happened in the Obama presidency, when he carried on every aspect of G.W. Bush’s foreign policy, which the Left had called inhuman and savage for years.

        It was a big political turning point for me when I realized that the Democrat Party is not remotely anti-war. That was pretty much the last positive thing I saw in them.

    • kbolino

      Remember when leaking classified foreign intelligence to the press was a serious crime?

      Oh wait, it still is.

  42. Rufus the Monocled

    You know….at least Pie honoured Canada Day with a link to a piece of Canadiana.

    Would it have killed you ugly Americans to link to a Canadian singer or porn star or something?

    • Chipwooder

      How about my favorite punk drummer of all time, Chuck Biscuits?

    • Not Adahn

      Canadian singer or porn star

      Now I’m wanting Q to find pics of augmented chicks wearing scarlet wool and campaign hats.

    • sloopyinca

      You got Dan Aykroyd today. That’s the best I’m willing to do.

    • Sean
      • Rufus the Monocled

        The drummer pointing at me…changed my life.

    • I. B. McGinty


    • Stillhunter

      The lady that runs a local gym is from Canada. She has an annual celebration for Canada day. Lots of poutine and Labatt’s. Always a good time. She usually makes up T-shirts as well. Red of course.

      • Rufus the Monocled

        In the words of the greatest Canadian Norm MacDonald, ‘Canada blows’.

        Toronto made mask wearing mandatory.

        157 cases…in all of Ontario. Pop. 14 million.

      • Stillhunter

        That is monumentally stupid, but if that’s your metric for whether a place blows or not, we’re all in a world of shit.

        I was trying to show some love for regular folks that just want to enjoy life, no matter where they come from. Why you gotta ruin everything!?

        On a side note. I typically love your rants and would love to have a beer with you some day. I think we’d get along famously.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I think we’d get along famously.

        That’s code for “Your tanned skin would look great as part of my new jacket collection.”

      • Stillhunter

        Well, I am from Sconnie…

    • Gustave Lytton

      I just got up and have been scrolling downward. Some of us aren’t on Maritime time.

      • Mojeaux

        No, some of us are on God’s Chosen Time, i.e., central.

      • Rebel Scum

        You misspelled eastern standard time.

      • Mojeaux

        No, no I did not. Central daylight time.

        As to daylight v standard, I want them to change to daylight year-round, not standard. I love it being 8:00 p.m. and the sun’s still out.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        I want them to change to daylight year-round, not standard.

        Marry me! ?

        Seriously, this is the correct answer.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t give a rat’s rear end what time they pick, just so long as the clock doesn’t change twice a year anymore.

      • R C Dean

        Move to AZ, UnCiv. We never have to change our clocks.

        Instead, we change time zones twice a year.

      • leon

        I know i’m old fashioned, but i’m partial to the “Noon is when the sun is highest in the Sky”. Of course standardized time zones threw that out, so i guess even arguing for Standard time doesn’t get that.

  43. Scruffy Nerfherder

    SJWednesday: How I Crushed My Three Year Old’s Gender Identity With My Cis-Privilege

    When my son was 3, I made a mistake. We were at a shoe store in New York City, picking out new sneakers for his rapidly growing tiny feet. He was insistent: The next pair of shoes he was going to wear had to be bright pink. I steered him toward red. He pressed for pink, ignoring the usual varieties of blue for little boys. I am ashamed to admit that I eventually lied and told him that pink wasn’t available in his size. We compromised on orange.

    On the subway ride home, I couldn’t help but wonder what guided me to do what I had just done. Does the boundless love that I feel for my son depend on who he is or whom he likes ― and is any of that dependent upon or determined by what color shoes he wants? The answer to all of those questions was a resounding “No, of course not!”

    The truth is, I was mostly guided by fear. I was afraid that somehow if he were to show up at our uptown playground wearing pink sneakers, he would be teased mercilessly. I was afraid that he would be hurt ― because he was different.

    On that same subway ride, he told me that he wanted pink sneakers so that girls would come up to him and say, “Wow! Cool sneakers,” and so he could have even more friends.

    Still, the figurative train ― my train of thought ― had left the station. How much did I really know about gender?

    • straffinrun

      Better cut his dick off before he turns four or you are gonna cause some real damage.

    • PieInTheSky

      Kick him in the balls as well.

      • straffinrun

        Mmmm, my favorite Doritos.

    • Toxteth O’Grady

      Kid has good instincts. Better than Mom’s.

    • Idle Hands

      The mental devastation this gender shit is going to have on kids is incalculable.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        This. Completely unable to handle adversity, and completely fucked up in the head.

      • Chipwooder

        The teenagers today are already about as tough and resilient as balsa wood. I don’t care to imagine how much worse the kids coming up behind them will be.

      • Mojeaux

        With slab foundations on sand.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        Ironically, I was watching a documentary on the Burj Al Arab, and it’s a slab* on sand.

        *the slab rested on piers sunk 50 ft into the sand. I’m not sure how that was still considered a slab. ?‍♂️

      • Mojeaux

        I’m not sure how that was still considered a slab.

        Yeah, exactly.

        Then again, people have built in stupider places like, say, Holland.

    • leon

      GRRR. Got the “You have to be logged in” after writing a bit ol thing. Here’s the short of it.

      1. 3 years old, i don’t believe this happened.
      2. Even if it did, just because your son has a plan that he thinks will get him the attention of all the chicks, doesn’t mean that you are wrong that he would get made fun of. Now you can tell him tough titties and to get used to that shit cause that’s all that happens to boys, and let him wear those pink shoes. Or you could do what you did and then tease him about his schemes to get the ladies when he’s older. Just cause a kid has reasoning for his hairbrained schemes doesn’t mean that they are not ill advised.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      Kid, your father is a girl. But he’s your father so you have to still honour him. But you should still kick him in the cuck.

    • Rhywun

      OFFS. Maybe he just liked the color. It doesn’t make him a tranny.

  44. PieInTheSky

    Was this antifa training video covered round here?

    • Sean


    • Not Adahn

      Lachowsky? You ok?

  45. Stillhunter

    “This is the governor, my governor, who’s supposed to be representing me,” he said.

    Why is it so hard for people to understand that the governor is not a representative? They are executives in charge of running the state government. They only “represent” you in the sense of representing the state.

    • leon

      I’ve been reading “The History of the Pelopenisian War” and pretty much every argument the Corinthians makes to the Spartans to go to war against Athens are the same ones the Neocons use to justify belligerence against [NAME THAT STATE]

      • Drake

        I read the Donald Kagan book. I had no idea how the Athenians imposed “democracy” on client states – but if they stopped paying their tribute, the Athenians dropped the hammed. A couple of the island “allies” had every man killed and all the women and children sold into slavery because they voted not to pay their taxes to Athens.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Hence why we weren’t supposed to be a democracy.

      • Akira

        Thanks for the link brah.

        I’ve started reading a lot more ancient history lately. It’s part of my goal of having a better knowledge of how the world today came into being. I plan to read books about the most significant empires, time periods, religions, ideologies, and people.

        Just finished Paul Krawiczek’s Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization a couple weeks ago, and I started on Toby Wilkinson’s The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt (trying to go in roughly chronological order). It’s all very fascinating stuff. I’d go for a history degree if I were 18 years old again and if the job prospects weren’t so poor.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      Can’t it be a mix of both?

    • PieInTheSky

      1.5 hours? aint nobody got time for that

      • PieInTheSky

        Anyhoo I will say neither. While history rhymes some I would not draw a direct comparison between either society.

    • Idle Hands

      rome we are far more decadent and dumber than the greeks.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • Drake

        Don’t underestimate the stupidity of the Greeks – particularly the Athenians. They voted to invade Sicily, everyone who like the idea got on the ships and sailed off. Since the only people left in town were against the idea, they put the leader of the expedition on trial in absentia and sentenced him to death. They sent a messenger to the fleet telling him to come home so they can kill him. Of course he runs off to Italy while the expedition sails on to disaster.

  46. UnCivilServant

    I realized I had three knives in immediate reach.

    I then went and got a fourth.

    • leon

      Don’t tell UCS “all lives matter”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      We’ll just call you Shiv-a from now on.

      • bacon-magic

        Shiv-a the Destroyer of Seasoning

    • EvilSheldon

      I was tired of having to hunt around for knives, so I cleaned off a shelf on my Wall of Books and dedicated it to knives.

      I’m much happier now.

  47. Apples and Knives

    Breaking the Law was the first riff I learned on guitar, 30+ years ago. It became the first riff my boy learned on guitar a couple years back as well. Classic and simple. One of the great things about Judas Priest is that they weren’t afraid to NOT throw a solo into a song if they didn’t feel like it, despite having two great guitar players. That makes them pretty unique among metal bands of the time.

  48. PieInTheSky

    What was the last big thing you were wrong about?

    Is it bad I don’t remember? I do not think I had a major change of opinion recently and all things that changed did so gradually so I cannot think of one big thing that I had some revelation like wow I was wrong… I don;t think I am right about everything but still I struggle to find one big thing I was wrong about in the last couple of years (not day to day personal life stuff I mean). Ort maybe I exaggerate what a big thing is.

    • EvilSheldon

      Whether I could shut down that Exchange server without breaking anything. Last week.

      • Nephilium

        Ouch. There are few things worse then that sinking feeling when the error reports start flowing in that are related to something you changed.

      • robc

        I would think “using an exchange server” would be on the list of things you were wrong about.

      • EvilSheldon

        I don’t like it, but all the other options are worse.

    • Chipwooder

      Foreign adventurism. I was all for it until maybe 6-7 years ago.

    • Apples and Knives

      That the Covid-19 hysteria would die down by summer.

      • Hyperion

        If by summer time you mean the second week of November, then you weren’t wrong.

      • R C Dean


        I thought it would not be heat resistant.

        I thought a lot more people would test positive for antibodies.

    • gbob

      My opinions have changed about death penalty (formerly in favor, now against), abortion (formerly in favor now…well, I’m still working on it), climate change (still believe data on human impact, but no longer concerned about it), Islamic terrorism (formerly in favor of stamping it down, now just happy to see it out of our borders) and Trump (thought he was a dangerous asshole, now see him as an asshole who is a better choice)

      That’s just in the past five years.

      Core philosophy has remained the same (“fuck off, slaver”) but I can always be persuaded of the particulars.

      • R C Dean

        I haven’t quite written off the death penalty in principle. The way we do it, though, is worse than useless.

        Abortion: quite some time ago I was pro-choice. Now, I draw the line at viability.

        Pretty much the same on Islamonutters.

      • UnCivilServant

        My views have evolved on the death penalty.

        Previously I only advocated for it in cases of certain categories of murderer.

        Now I’m in favor of the death penalty for race baiters, commies, talking heads, politicians, and certain categories of murderer.

      • Agent Cooper

        Death Penalty: Was For/Now Against (prosecutors are humans, therefore fallible)
        Abortion: Was Against/Now Pro-Choice but Anti-Abortion (state should not intervene in choices, but abortion should be treated as a drastic solution)
        Foreign Adventurism: Was Sort-of For/Now Against
        Systemic Racism: What is this?/I do believe as Bret Weinstein puts it, there is some ‘latent programming’ that exists that doesn’t promote equal opportunity but it was mainly created by white liberals)

      • Agent Cooper

        I’ll add … Police Brutality: Was “yeah sure”/Now I recognize that it can be a problem and needs to be addressed.

    • Akira

      What was the last big thing you were wrong about?

      I used to think that religion was a bad thing for humanity.

      I no longer believe that, mainly thanks to discussions with people in the libertarian movement (mostly on TOS and this site). There are still some things I don’t get about religion, but I don’t think it automatically makes a person stupid, childish, or intellectually lazy. I’ve actually gained a tremendous amount of respect for the intellectual traditions (e.g. monastic study) that exists among many religions today. It’s kind of funny how Leftist history would have you believe that science has been nobly struggling to bring us the truth while religion has endeavored to stamp it out, when that’s nowhere near accurate.

      In short, I think religion is probably a net benefit, but I don’t know how to square this with the fact that I don’t believe it myself. Very strange position to be in.

  49. Gustave Lytton

    Happy Canada Day to our northern glibs. And to my late asshole grandmother who became a bit of a bigot in her senility. And her father, a true French-Canadian, not the fake Quebecki kind. Well, if you accept Bretons as French. Thanks Gr-grandpa for getting on the boat and putting up with the sea sickness.


    If you don’t like it, get stuffed. Played regularly on AFN when it came out, and a woman’s voice while sweating my balls off im a plywood shack in the sand was like heaven.

    • Mojeaux

      who became a bit of a bigot in her senility

      She always was. Senility often brings out the worst in people.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Probably so. She was a kind of a jerk before. But that could just be memories be a child me reacting.

        My MIL became this sort of serene mild mannered easy to like person. Which is quite different that she was during much of her life according to the wife.

      • Mojeaux

        If she’s a huge jerk now, your memories aren’t wrong. Gma from Hell #1 was sharp as a tack and just as narcissistic in her old age as she ever was. Gma from Hell #2 just got more unpleasant. She drove my mother to a therapist, which was no easy feat, lemme tell you.

        My MIL became this sort of serene mild mannered easy to like person. Which is quite different that she was during much of her life according to the wife.

        That’s a blessing!

  50. Count Potato

    “Facebook said it has been investigating the movement for months and started connecting the online activity of the movement to real-world events at a gun rights rally in Richmond, Va., when members of the boogaloo movement showed up clad in the shirts.”

    Fashion police?

    • Count Potato

      “President Donald Trump and other government officials have pointed to antifa as a major instigator of violence at the mostly peaceful protests in the past month, but experts have noted that antifa members were responsible for few incidents and that the government needs to devote more resources to investigating heavily armed right-wing extremist groups such as boogaloo adherents.”


      • leon

        but experts have noted that antifa members were responsible for few incidents and that the government needs to devote more resources to investigating heavily armed right-wing extremist groups such as boogaloo adherents.”

        This group is responsible for few incidents of violence. But being heavily armed and anti government is all the evidence needed to show that they were responsible. Fuck off.

      • Chipwooder


      • R C Dean

        experts have noted that antifa members were responsible for few incidents

        Based on what? I sure saw a lot of videos of people wearing black and red busting windows and throwing molotovs.

      • leon

        ^^^ False Flag Boogaloo Bois

      • invisible finger


        Without weasel words there would be no journalism.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      And did they do anything? I don’t think so.

    • Rebel Scum

      gun rights rally in Richmond, Va.

      That was entirely peaceful.

      • EvilSheldon

        Amazingly so. I was expecting a minimum of one ND, probably two or three. We ended up with zero. I was shocked and delighted.

      • Stillhunter

        I don’t ever recall a gun rights rally with an ND. The average person at those rallies is way more disciplined than the couple from St Louis.

  51. Hyperion

    Will never happen

    This is all about racism. They’ll never go after religious statues, that’s just right wing propaganda! Shut up you wingnuts!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Sirois said the crime occurred May 22 and was reported to police at the time, but wasn’t made public immediately as investigators wanted to first explore leads.

      I’m thinking it’s just vandalism.

  52. straffinrun

    “Residents were pleased to find that the residents of CHOP left the neighborhood better than they found it.”


    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      All that graffiti is beautification.

    • Rebel Scum

      Wow. . .

      • straffinrun

        Not really. At least for now…

    • robc

      What happened to their garden?

      • Hyperion

        It was some dirt thrown on stop of some cardboard. Seriously, that was done the first time it comes a hard rain to start with. Then some ‘artist’ dude decided it was his stage and stomped all over it. Beautiful how anarchy works, isn’t it?

    • Agent Cooper

      Pure propaganda. I’ve seen the videos. The place looks like Shithole Town.

  53. Rufus the Monocled

    About that crazy stabby Asian chick at Deloitte. Pretty amazing she’s likely to keep her job given the cancel culture virus.

    “Princeton Learning Experience
    Company Name Princeton Learning Experience Part-time
    Dates EmployedJun 2020 – Present
    Employment Duration2 mos
    Creates and tailored Model UN curriculum for multi-week online teaching courses via Zoom to middle and high school students around the world. Responsible for all academic instruction (curriculum design, assignments if any, zoom teaching, etc).”

    High school students around the world she teaches.

    Then we wonder why.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Deloitte is in the business of selling bullshit anyway.

      • Rufus the Monocled


    • Chipwooder

      The best part is watching this high-achiever Asian girl from Princeton spitting out “I’mma stab them!” as if she were a member of the Bloods’ girls auxiliary. I thought cultural appropriation was bad?

  54. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Just occurred to me that the Alien series with the uber-white progenitors of the human race is the ultimate expression of white supremacy.

    • Idle Hands

      I’m almost certain Alien Covenant was Ridley Scott giving the fans and the studio the finger after everyone criticized the Prometheus seeings how he literally doubled down on every part everyone thought made Prometheus bad ie lazy terrible writing. I actually think he had an interesting kind of concept with Prometheus and the xenomorph parts were completely unnecessary and was probably shoehorned into film at the studio’s request.

  55. Chipwooder

    Strange new respect for the Crips? A video purports to show Crips members chasing BLM types out of their neighborhood.

    • Rebel Scum

      Zero respect for linking.

      • Chipwooder
    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Crips are capitalists.

      • Mojeaux

        I once read a great article about lessons economics students could learn about the free market from successful drug dealers (the ones at the top). Now I can’t find it. Boo.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Freakanomics covered this. The typical gang structure closely resembles that of McDonald’s.

      • straffinrun

        And the low level dealers would love to make 15$ an hour.

      • Mojeaux

        Freakanomics might indeed be where I read it.

    • Mojeaux

      They don’t want outsiders shitting up the place. It’s territorial, not altruistic. A more long-lasting evil chases out an immediate threat. Woowee. Even the crips know they have to have certain above-board commodities and they don’t want the place trashed.

      • leon

        Yeah i was gonna say, it’s just one gang fighting against another.

      • R C Dean

        Bingo. This isn’t the first time the Crips have protected their turf from another gang.

      • Chipwooder

        Oh, I know it’s territorial. I just enjoy watching those shitbirds get run out of the place.

      • Mojeaux

        By, as Scruffy said, capitalists.

        We’re all going to be forced into underground capitalism eventually, but as I’ve noted before, the black market is part of a healthy economy and sometimes is the only thing healthy about it.

      • Chipwooder

        Reminds me of the discussion I had with Scruffy back when the rioting was at its peak, about how this kind of thing, and the widespread abdication of responsibility for stopping it by local municipal governments, could bring the Mafia back in spades.

      • Idle Hands

        Also those business’s probably have been paying them for protection and they are just fulfilling their side of the bargain unlike the gov.

      • Mojeaux

        Right. I’ve had this discussion before with Jarflax, about which gang (mobsters v government) is the worse enforcer of demanding your money and you handing it over.

        No doubt, gangs/mobs can be vicious if you get on their wrong side. Boss Tom Pendergast was awful to those who opposed him or crossed him (refused to pay). (Although if you crossed him with a measured response and gave respectful reasoning, he let you off the hook and even befriended you or at least saw you as an equal. See: Harry Truman)

        However, Boss Tom and his policy of ignoring Prohibition altogether also pulled Kansas City through the depression with paid make-work (yeah, he was making a fortune anyway) and those effects were still being felt well into the 60s.

    • Idle Hands

      Latin Kings were doing the same thing in Chicago. See gangs unlike pols understand economically what happens when you destroy the livelihoods of the people you are extorting and are more than willing to stand up to their side of the bargain.

    • Mojeaux

      So’s my aunt. She’s got millions in art.

      She also lives in an extremely modest house (in a tony neighborhood, though) (@leon, the Avenues in SLC) to disguise the fact.

    • R C Dean

      One could easily see the guns, the threats against people of color, and the obsession with old European grandeur and suspect the couple of having white supremacist leanings. Historically, examples of classical art and design have been adopted by nationalists who see them as symbols of purity—both Hitler and Mussolini were big fans, and, in recent years, it’s been similarly appropriated by white supremacists.

      Wow. All the way to Hitler.

      An online petition demanding that the McCloskeys be disbarred for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon now has 22,000 signatures.

      Effing Christ.

      • straffinrun

        No mob justice, no peace.

      • Rebel Scum

        the threats against people of color

        Trying to dissuade a violent mob. And it doesn’t matter what color they are, it is their behavior.

      • leon

        This along with the push for investigating boogaloo bois for being “heavily armed” makes it clear to me that a big agenda item is that they want merely owning weapons to be a sign of white supremacy. Or at least owning weapons and not being part of the hive mind.

      • Chipwooder

        Hey, you know what I’m really fucking tired of hearing about? Online petitions. They mean absolutely nothing since anyone can sign it as many times as they want.

      • Rhywun

        Never mind that they are known BLM supporters and useful idiots in the Biden cause.

      • leon

        Sometimes you must sacrifice even your own for the cause.

      • mrfamous

        Christ. A literal, non-ironic argument of: “You know who else was into classical art and design?”

    • Rebel Scum

      The picture of the middle-aged white couple pointing guns at a throng of peaceful protestors in front of their ornate St. Louis home

      Aaaaannnd I’m out.

      • leon

        Look they were just peaceful protesters that had broken down the gate to get onto private property.

      • R C Dean

        And supposedly heading to the Mayor’s house, which the Pistol Packing Lawyers say you can’t get to from there.

        Make fun of Pink Polo Shirt all you want, he gave an excellent interview to Fredo.

        Cuomo attempted to portray the mob that broke a private gate to gain entrance as peaceful demonstrators on their way to protest St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson that happened upon McCloskey’s property. McCloskey said the mayor lives more than a half a mile away and the mob was in a gated community that did not provide access to the mayor’s house.

      • Chipwooder

        And I’m pretty fucking sick and tired of hearing every single mob of commie scum in this country described as “peaceful protestors”, too.

    • Drake

      Palace-Dwelling Couple

      Neglected to mention that they bought the place 32 years ago when it was a broken down relic. They spend decades of hard work and savings to restore the place as a home and place for their business.

      Fuck the commies and their despicable envy.

    • Not Adahn

      I have seen people bewildered that someone so wealthy would be waving a Jiminez.

  56. UnCivilServant

    How do I destroy the city code enforcement office without them knowing it was me and retaliating? I just want those busybodies to stop poking their noses into other people’s business and get a real job.

    • UnCivilServant

      Anyone want to help me break down ten thousand boxes so I can have space to move my trash can inside and not have to waste time (and money) fighting a fine from the city because there’s nowhere to put the stupid thing? Apparently up against the building is too far “out front”. Nevermind the fact that there’s no back to this property.

      • Not Adahn

        That is either an enormous trash can or those are tiny boxes.

      • Sean

        It’s from his Funko Pop collection.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s a hyperbolic commentary.

      • Sean

        *grabs lighter fluid and a match*

        I’ve got a quicker way.

      • UnCivilServant

        I need to keep the house intact.

        It’s where I keep my stuff, and where I sleep.

      • Sean

        *kicks pebble*

        I guess you’re right.

      • EvilSheldon

        Who said anything about your house?

      • UnCivilServant

        If you drag them outside and burn them in the street, they’ll mistake you for a rioter. So dress in antifa colors.

      • Gender Traitor

        Break down boxes?? But…but…they might be USEFUL!! ::admitted box hoarder considers two-car garage filled with boxes and other stuff that leaves no room for a single car::

      • UnCivilServant

        Aside from the threat from the city about my trash can, I want to make sure there’s no place that might be attractive to mice. And a cardboard box collection is kinda up their alley – so I need to get rid of it.

    • Not Adahn

      Unless Hollywood is lying to me, first you hack into the darknet and put their security cameras on a looped feed.

      • UnCivilServant

        Hollywood lied to you.

        That’s their entire job.

      • Not Adahn

        Well, shit. I had a whole lot of improvised incendiaries from McGuyver to suggest to you, but now I’m not so sure.

        And that probably also rules out my backup plan of contacting the A-Team.

      • Not Adahn

        Hollywood also taught me how to close em tags.

    • leon

      “Their Share”

      Then buy some land.

    • Drake

      Welcome to Zimbabwe.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Ignoring the Mugabe angle, there is a history of blacks losing their land to whites or being forced off during the Jim Crow Era.

      I would be happy to see more enrollees in agricultural programs at major universities, no matter their color. Addressing the economic damage with more collective action is correcting a wrong with a wrong.

      • Idle Hands

        I totally agree. But there’s also a history of this happening to everyone at anytime throughout American history. Pretty sure there’s a reason a ton of people were pissed off at the banks and the FDIC was invented after the 1929 crash.

      • invisible finger

        1929 = Jim Crow Era.

        You can use “depression” or “jim crow era” in your argument depending on what agenda you’re trying to push.

      • Drake

        Reconstruction included redistribution of land. Many of the poor black (and white) farmers left their land and moved north to work in factories during the industrial revolution.

    • Rebel Scum

      Where are these “young, black farmers” and what is “their share”. If you want land to farm buy some.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Getting started as a farmer is pretty daunting for anyone no matter what their skin color.

      White, black, red, yellow, whatever it takes a big chunk of change to buy enough land to start a farm. Then you also need to buy lots of expensive equipment to plant, grow and reap those crops.

      • invisible finger

        Just enslave some Irish indebted prisoners. Problem solved.

        Oh, wait.

      • R C Dean

        And have plenty of working capital to keep the lights on until you have a crop to sell.

        A long time ago, in a fit of alienation from my law firm job, I looked into it.

        No. Fucking. Way.

      • Fourscore

        Luckily one doesn’t need to know much to be a farmer. The seeds do all the work and the instructions are on package

        /looks at garden and a tear or two rolls down my face

    • UnCivilServant

      Ten years is too long to be in office. Good riddance to the incumbent, get a real job.

      • Agent Cooper

        Joseph Biden has been in some sort of office intermittently since 1972.

      • UnCivilServant

        That only reinforces my point.

    • Viking1865

      She owns a restaurant where all the staff carry a sidearm, and she opened said restaurant in defiance of the shutdown order and lost her license as a result. So that’s five establishment GOP losing to conservative challengers? Interesting stuff, interesting stuff.

      • Drake

        Maybe the GOP can be fixed. Maybe.

      • Idle Hands


      • Drake

        Come on, I was trying to talk myself in a little false optimism. 🙁

    • Chipwooder

      She’s moderately cute, too

    • Not Adahn

      Not a fan of her drop-leg rig. But if that turns out to be the worst thing about her, she’s among the best politicians ever.

      *Narrator’s voice: ” That was not, in fact, the worst thing about her.”*

      • EvilSheldon

        Whoo, yeah, that thing screams ‘low effort’.

        But I’d cheerfully put up with it if she turns out not to be a complete smoothie.

    • Idle Hands

      Good. The moderate republicans in congress and the senate seem to think that the commies are going to go away when trump leaves or they can somehow placate them.

      • KSuellington

        I generally like seeing the incumbents lose, regardless of party. It is interesting that there have been a few establishment Republicans that have gotten kicked to the curb this cycle. I like that the pro gun chick is a small biz owner to boot.

      • R C Dean

        I like that the pro gun chick is a small biz owner to boot.

        Well, used to be, anyway.

    • Rebel Scum


    • Agent Cooper

      That articles is totes objective.

  57. Fourscore

    Today is the 66th anniversary of the day I joined the National Guard. So many of life’s turns came from that decision, a career or two, 2 marriages, a college degree. Almost every life’s event can be traced back to making that decision at 17 years old. Later I got out of Podunkville and discovered that there was a lot more world that I’d never even thought about. Life takes so many turns on what ifs and what is. We live in the what is part called reality. The ride has been bumpy at times but in retrospect not so rough.

    I might change a couple things but we’re never sure if that would be for the better or the worse.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Congrats Fourscore. The date I remember is 6/26/1986. That was the day I got out of boot camp.

      I didn’t make a career out of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children, but like you I look back and realize how big of an impact that it had on my life. Got to see a lot of the world, met people from even more parts of the world (including actual Hoosiers).

      One of the things that I agree with the yahoos who want to bring back the draft is that an enlistment does have a lot of positives. You meet different people, you see different places and you learn to distrust authority.

      Biggest Shockers:

      * The first winter in NAS Memphis it never snowed. I knew intellectually that there were places that it didn’t snow, but it was weird to actually live it.
      * Black people. I grew up in NW Minnesoda. The only black people living even remotely close to me were all athletes at the colleges in Fargo/Moorhead 45 miles away. So living with a bunch of black guys in the barracks was an eye opener.
      * Realizing people didn’t know what Uffda meant. I mean, how can you grow up and not know what that means?
      * Big Cities. My hometown was about 5K people and we were a BIG town for the region. Turned out I was not as urbane and sophisticated as I thought

      • Fourscore

        And now the Return to Podunkville. Been to Paree and now back to the farm

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      It just tells me that the BLM polling is not going the way they want it to.

      • robc

        I see a pretty straight line trend down since the peak. Its noisy, but that is because the sample is so small.

    • invisible finger

      Get back to me when the hospitals and morgues are overwhelmed.

  58. robc

    RE: Time zones from above.

    1. Get rid of daylight savings time.

    2. Switch to 15 minute time zones, with each US county closest to real time as possible.

    3. Switch to 5 minute time zones.

    4. Switch to 1 minute time zones.

    Put a 10 year adjustment period between each step. Yes, it puts us back in the pre time zone days when train schedules and communications made it difficult, but computers have it handled now. Plus, it will make Leon happy, as the sun will be at its highest point at noon, or close enough to it. At the center of the county, it should be within 30 seconds.

    • UnCivilServant

      Fun fact – solar noon is not a constant time. If you stick to a 24-hour clock, solar noon will wander back and forth across the noon line throughout the year.

      • robc

        Yeah, I know that too, so my 30 seconds is an underestimate of the max error, but still close enough for government work, as you should know.

    • leon

      This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.

      :tears up:

      • robc

        I was doing it for myself, but that included evil-me also.

    • R C Dean

      computers have it handled now

      Fer fuck’s sake, I get appointments bollixed up on Outlook now with different time zones.

      I go the other way. Get rid of time zones, and just use GMT.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        This. If we’re not gonna get rid of DST, let’s just go to a single global standard. It’ll take a couple years to get used to, and then the world will be better off.

      • Mad Scientist

        The only downside to this is it will eventually make part of the lyrics to One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer incomprehensible for future listeners. But you know what? Fuck those guys.

        “The clock on the wall says 3 o’clock. Last call. For alcohol.”

      • robc

        3 AM will be last call somewhere.

      • pan fried wylie

        “It’s past 5pm somewhere.”

        So we’re already using global timezone in certain cases, and it works fine. Let’s do it.

      • Pope Jimbo

        You’d still have problems figuring out when “daylight” was when you are trying to setup meetings with your colleagues in Europe or India.

        Sure once you picked your time, it would be the same for everyone, but you still need to know that “06:00” is just getting to be daylight in EU, middle of the night in America and afternoon in Asia.

      • robc

        Every time you move you will have to learn what time daylight is. Especially for big moves. Now I have a pretty good estimate, no matter where I am.

      • Mad Scientist

        “In space, every day is the Fourth of July,” Space hat said confidently.

      • robc

        The tz database has it handled. Who knows what Microsoft has done.

      • UnCivilServant

        Screw GMT. The Brits surrendered, they don’t get to pick the meridian anymore.

      • robc

        EST is God’s time. We can standardize on CDT for those that want daylight savings year round.

      • invisible finger

        ” Get rid of time zones”

        How CCP of you.

  59. Pope Jimbo

    More power to St. Paul mayor who wants to lure all of Minneapolis’ lazy assholes across the river by offering a basic income to them

    St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter says the coronavirus pandemic has only widened disparities that people face in the city and across the country, and he’s joined a group of of mayors across the U.S. advocating for a guaranteed income for people.

    Carter said he is working with 10 other mayors “who share a commitment to ensuring no one is left behind.”

    The idea in Stockton and the overall principle of Mayors For A Guaranteed Income is that monthly cash payments to individuals are “unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements,” the mayors wrote in in an editorial posted on Time magazine’s website on Monday.

    Of course the plan for the money is going to come from somewhere else. Heaven forbid that Mayor Carter actually taxes his own citizens to fund this scheme.

    • R C Dean

      OK. Brownface, then.

      • Rhywun

        I believe Snooky is white, and therefore privileged. Nice try.

    • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

      Ironic that she’s the one who knows how to properly react to the mob, given that she’s often leading the mob against others.