Wednesday Morning “Is Nothing Sacred?” Links

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Daily Links | 511 comments

The power couple with the unusually named daughters have quietly retired to their cabin to see if they can make any more. They’re as bad as that Connie Barrett woman I keep hearing about, something about a judge. So y’all are stuck with my meager selection today. I’ll try my best to pare it down to interesting ones.

Speaking of interesting ones, there are interesting birthdays today, and those include a guy to whom we’re indebted for the oldest and worst pun involving rabbits;  a guy who many think ruined architecture; a woman who personified, “If it happens in Vegas, it stays in Vegas”; the original ignorant slut; the greatest wrestler ever, bar none; a guy who was a real blast; a Ferenghi; one of the few remaining honest liberals who won’t shut up (and that’s a good thing); and Team Red’s Gabby Gifford, but with a full brain.

Let’s talk news now.


I, for one, look forward to our Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.


Speaking of which, here’s Creepy Joe!


This shouldn’t make me laugh.


This looks like pure Preet-level prosecutorial dickishness. Woodchipper needed.


“I’m calling a lid.”


Jesus H. Titty-fucking Christ.


Look, Crump is the black Gloria Allred, but still, these cops should be prosecuted. They staged a home invasion.


Old Guy Music today is craven. I was not a fan of Eddie Van Halen and am still not. His music didn’t move me at all and still doesn’t. I get through about a minute and just walk away. But everybody is expecting a Van Halen song today because the dude snuffed it, so I’ll cough up this furball. And wish that every time he did the tapping thing, he’d toss a few bucks at this guy.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. PieInTheSky

    I, for one, look forward to our Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. – oh you would complain about decency for children

    • Old Man With Candy

      Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders.

    • Nephilium

      Someone needs to keep our family friendly rating intact.

      • UnCivilServant

        I think the rating site died, or I’m just having the darndest string of troubles trying to get there.

      • UnCivilServant

        I mean, I keep getting this message:

        This domain is expired. If you are the domain owner please click here to renew it.
        2020 Copyright. All Rights Reserved.

      • Nephilium

        2020 may have claimed another victim. Nothing can be friendly to families in the “new normal”.


      • Tonio

        Crap. One of our best jokes ruined.

      • AlexinCT

        That’s what he does… THATS ALL HE DOES..

        /Michael Biehn doing the speech

  2. PieInTheSky

    Jesus H. Titty-fucking Christ. – titifucking Eskimos can be difficult at time all those layers

    • Spartacus

      A few weeks ago, one of my colleagues forwarded me some especially stupid email from higher-up, and I responded with JHTFC.
      he said “I get everything except the T” so I had to explain it to him. Now it’s a standard reply.
      I need to come up with some alternative meaning in case someone asks.
      Kind of like “QEDMF”…I tell students the MF stands for “mas fuerte”. A few of them believe me.

      • AlexinCT

        The universe keeps winning in the battle between creating stupid people and some of us insulating stupid people from the consequences of their stupidity. And I am talking about your students that believe MF stands for mas fuerte… Maybe you should keep it all in latin and tell them it is mens fugit.

      • SDF-7

        Jesus H. TransFiguration Christ?

    • AlexinCT

      That’s what whale blubber is for, brah…

  3. UnCivilServant

    Boycotting ice cream companies makes it easier to cut down on consumption. I should have thought of this ages ago.

    • Drake

      They are all evil – same with Big Bread / Deep Carbs.

      • UnCivilServant

        That sounds disgusting.

      • PBRstreetgang

        If you think it sounds disgusting wait’ll you taste it!

      • Sean

        The mint chip was decent. The flavor was spot on, but the texture was a tad off. A shot of whipped cream made a world of difference.

        I have a container of the salted caramel that I haven’t opened yet.

      • Drake

        The camel chocolate flavor sucked balls. I have 3/4 of a pint in the freezer that will probably never be consumed.

      • Sean

        I would assume the camel flavor would suck, even with chocolate.

      • Not Adahn

        Some people really like camels. I remember hearing someone say that they’d walk a mile for one.

  4. PieInTheSky

    Look, Crump is the black Gloria Allred, but still, these cops should be prosecuted. They staged a home invasion. – I am still not sure I understand whether the cops did anything illegal

    • UnCivilServant

      *lightly taps on dor, whispering ‘police’*

      *smashes through ediface with battering ram*


      • PieInTheSky

        that does not answer the question…

      • UnCivilServant

        You didn’t ask a question. You made a statement.

      • PieInTheSky

        it was implied

      • Swiss Servator

        You’ve been…ACKTCHUALLIED!

    • Old Man With Candy

      There was a whole string of illegal acts, starting with the perjury process which resulted in the warrant, the dissembling about the entry, and the immediate escalation of violence.

      • Old Man With Candy

        I would also strongly advocate the impeachment of the judge who issued the warrant.

      • Nephilium

        It’s too early for that level of optimism. The lack of officials getting impeached is always a disappointment for me.

      • Tonio

        And whoever initiated the warrant process, which I am assuming is where the typo got introduced.

        This was truly a nightmarish Tuttle/Buttle situation.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Judges are high and holy. How could you suggest such a thing?

      • Spartacus

        My biggest objection to all the recent “accountability” noise is that it leaves judges out of the loop. They routinely rubber-stamp bad warrants without even reading them. I am not shocked when police push the boundaries on warrant applications…they are wolves, doing what wolves do (this is not to say I think they should get away with it). But I expect judges to do their jobs, which is to act as a check on the process. It has gotten to the point where, in the last few elections, whenever I encounter “Shall Judge X be retained?” on the ballot, I automatically vote No.

      • PieInTheSky

        well then they should have been prosecuted for it

      • Drake

        Many cop-suckers fancy themselves good shooters, so I just ask how they feel about cops who do mag-dumps – missing the guy shooting at them every time but killing a bystander and sending rounds flying through other residents’ apartments. (In the middle of the night, dressed in plainclothes)

      • Overt

        So I don’t get where the “perjury” stuff is coming from. My read of the evidence is that the police were trying to “roll up” a pretty big drug ring in one night. There are a lot of recorded phone calls showing that the dealers regularly used Taylor and others to carry large amounts of cash or drugs. Having read through the evidence on this, it seems to me that the police had a legitimate case that she had evidence at the house- enough for a search.

        To me, this is straight up a problem with a society that feels it is so important to get evidence for drug crimes that we tolerate or even encourage kicking down doors in the middle of the night. Everything from that night is the expected result when armed men crash through a house in the middle of the night.

        Morally, the entire system is violent, unjust, and stupid. But it wasn’t illegal- whether or not they announced themselves, these police weren’t required to by law. And in that situation, everything that happened was an unsurprising outcome. They need to change these laws.

      • Sean

        This. ☝️

  5. PieInTheSky

    But everybody is expecting a Van Halen song today because the dude snuffed it, – according to the late trade one Johnny Nash also kicked the bucket

    • AlexinCT

      Two great tastes that go great together?

  6. The Late P Brooks


    “The shouting creates a lot more aerosol, so it makes these droplets finer, so they can linger in the air longer and potentially infect people,” said Peter Chin-Hong, a professor of medicine who specializes in infectious diseases at UC San Francisco.


    “This is about understanding possibly one of the largest super-spreading events — and certainly the most high-profile one — in history,” she said. “This is a scandal of epic proportions.”

    Neha Nanda, an epidemiologist at USC’s Keck School of Medicine, said the time frame for contagion is not fixed. “It’s very nuanced, and it requires an expert opinion to decide whether the patient is ready to come out of isolation,” she said.

    I wouldn’t let any of these quack medicine men pull a splinter out of my paw.

    • UnCivilServant

      Naw, it’s not leeches, this patient has too much bile.

    • CPRM

      USC’s Keck School of Medicine
      2020, am I right?

      • Agent Cooper

        E Pluribus Honk Honk

    • invisible finger

      “It’s very nuanced, and it requires an expert opinion”

      So not science then.

      • AlexinCT


    • Tonio

      And if this is true it also indicts the protests. Lots of shouting going on there.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      one of the largest super-spreading events

      Oh give me a fucking break

      • AlexinCT

        It is because they want it to be that way….

        Like the Russia claims everyone not part of the stupid brigade now knows was a attempt at coup…

    • Rebel Scum

      “This is a scandal of epic proportions.”

      It really isn’t.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    The couple contends that protesters broke through an iron gate, ignored a “No Trespassing” sign, and screamed threats of arson and rape at them, while protest leaders say that the march was peaceful and no threats were made

    Democracy means they’re lying.

  8. Tundra

    Good morning, Old Man!

    Thanks for pinch-hitting!

    …a guy who many think ruined architecture…

    I was expecting Gehry.

    His music didn’t move me at all and still doesn’t.

    I saw VH back in 1984 and it remains one of my favorite concert experiences. An amazing spectacle!

    Enjoy Little Guitars. I know I will.

    Have a fantastic day, gang!

    • db

      Haven’t heard that one in ages, Diver Down used to be my favorite of their albums.

      • Tundra

        Of course we can’t forget Fair Warning.

        Mean Street

      • Aloysious

        ^this. Right here.

      • blackjack

        I know it’s the wrong lead singer, but I’ve always liked this one.

    • Apples and Knives

      Little Guitars is my favorite VH tune and the one I used for my Facebook tribute. Excellent choice!

  9. The Late P Brooks

    I would also strongly advocate the impeachment of the judge who issued the warrant.

    I want a do-over on annus horribulus, 2020. And this time, I get the pony i always wanted.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Trump tweeted Tuesday that he was looking forward to the debate. “It will be great!” he said.

    How can you not like the precious little scamp?

  11. Rebel Scum

    Mark and Patricia McCloskey were indicted Tuesday on charges of unlawful use of a weapon and tampering with evidence, according to their attorney Al Watkins.

    The DA tampered with evidence. This is some horseshit.

    • Swiss Servator


      I would love a good Federal prosecution of the St. Louis DA. “Conspiracy to Deprive Civil Rights”

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        ^^ this. There is no faster way to make the 2A a dead letter than to charge people for arming up when an angry mob crashes down the front gate and comes streaming into the front yard.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        Author makes good points that he quickly tarnishes with Soros and “Floyd OD’d” bullshit.

      • Chipwooder

        Why is the Soros part bullshit? He’s spent millions on DA races. He didn’t do that because he just couldn’t think of anything else to do with his money, did he?

      • Homple


      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        Why is the Soros part bullshit?

        Because if Soros was wiped from existence tomorrow, not a single thing would change.. The prog/socialist support network is much bigger and much more sophisticated than that, and where soros would leave a vacuum, it would be momentary and unnoticed after the financial and operational support from 1000 other soroses comes flooding in.

        tl;dr: soros is a drop in the ocean, at best, and the only reason to mention him is because he’s a convenient boogeyman.


        But he is part of the machine that seems to want to shred the social fabric of our country. To what end I am not sure. That does seem to be the goal, though. He has pumped loads of cash to causes that are dedicated to infusing antipathy towards all things American and that wish to remake the country into, IMO, something that does not resemble the fruit of the enlightenment that is America (warts and all).


        I am not sure that Floyd OD’d but you can brt that Chavin and company’s leagal teams are going to leverage the hell out of that to create. what I high degree of reasonable doubt. Given the fact that the DA’s leagal reasoning was something along the lines of, “People are really angry and I won’t get reelected unless I go for murder one.”, it is probably is going to work because the facts don’t remotely. fit the Minnesota statutory definition of the charges. So there is agood chance they are gonna walk, unless the jury pulls an OJ.

        Here is a pretty good breakdown done using primary document:

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        To be clear, I don’t doubt that there are mitigating circumstances based on Floyd’s fentanyl levels.

        I also think it’s a non-sequitur after watching Chauvin sit on his neck for X minutes. Whether or not he died is irrelevant to the fact that it was shit policing, and those who push the “he died of a drug OD” narrative automatically go in the TEAM Uber Alles bucket in my mind. There’s no reason to bring it up except to score political points.


        Fair point. The thing that is really frustrating is. that since the DA decided to go for the 10,000 point hole in prosecutorial ski ball, no justice will be done for everyone and the police department will see no need to change their practices or change their training and all of the BLM types will freak out and we will have to put up with their crap all over again.


        everyone = anyone

        I need to fire my copy editor.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        Yep, I like the skiball analogy. That’s exactly what’s happening, and all sides except for the rational one are cheering it on

    • Drake

      The news on this case is confusing. The article in the links makes it sound like the grand jury was deadlocked? But the judge moved the case forward?

      Other news says they were indicted by the grand jury. Any glib lawyers know what’s going on?

      • AlexinCT

        It sounds like in this case the confusion is by design so they can hide the fact criminals in government working to overthrow an elected president that threatens their criminal enterprise are punishing people that dared to interfere with their agenda and actions.

  12. Drake

    “I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!” Trump tweeted.

    Will the CIA Director comply? A good public firing would be fun to watch.

    • banginglc1

      If you go and read some of the documents, it’s clear that this should be the biggest story in the country. And it’s not even on CNN’s homepage anywhere.

      • AlexinCT

        For that crowd the story here is how they keep people from seeing it until at least after they help Biden get over the finish line. At that point they can create whatever narrative they want and nobody will be able to dispute it.

      • leon

        Why would you expect news on CNN. This is all debunked conspiracy.

        See here’s the play: at the beginning of the allegations, claim it is debunked. Then as more info comes in, continue to point back to your “debunking” as a reason to ignore any new evidence.

      • B.P.

        Debunked! is the play Biden went with during the first debate. He experienced zero pushback.

  13. Trials and Trippelations

    So what I get from the Baby Shark story is that I should move forward with pressing cruelty charges against my 2 year okd

    • Not Adahn

      How deep are your two year old’s pockets?

      • Trials and Trippelations

        Pennies to her bane

      • Trials and Trippelations


      • Not Adahn

        Never sue a poor person. That’s like Law School 101.

      • banginglc1

        Yeah, but if you sue the child, you might be able to get garnishments when they start working. Do it to 2 or 3 kids and it might make a solid retirement plan.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Where else are you going to find 10% annual interest?

  14. Swiss Servator

    OMWC today. Tomorrow…?

    • Tundra

      The world!

    • db

      Iron Rules say me.

      • Swiss Servator

        You had best hope that STEVE SMITH doesn’t draw Links duty then…

    • banginglc1

      OMWC today. Tomorrow …The Children Fight Back!

  15. PieInTheSky

    The naked mole-rat, or sand puppy, is undoubtedly not a handsome animal, but it can’t feel pain, it resists to cancer and it’s the only cold-blooded mammal [read more

    The naked mole rat is nether a mole nor a rat. But it is naked. Like all animals. No need to put that in the name

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s called ‘naked’ because it is furless. The same way humans are somtimes called ‘naked apes’ despite being the only apes to wear clothes.

    • db

      Plus they pop out of the ground randomly in the worst places. Fuckers are hard to hit with a pistol.

      • SDF-7

        I just knew someone would make a Fallout joke. Well played, sir.

      • db

        I’m a low hanging kind of guy

    • CPRM

      But they get to hang around Kim Possible, probably caught her changing a few times.

  16. Rufus the Monocled

    I think I’m gonna pull a Q and just check out. This hysteria is just too much at this point.

    Fuck every single retard politician who has fuelled the hysteria and may they all one day rot in hell for their lack of courage.

    • Rufus the Monocled

      I’m starting to see people outdoors cover their mouths with their hands now in public if they don’t have a mask. It’s just beyond reason. I don’t know how this remedies itself. The longer it goes, the more it embeds itself.

      • Nephilium

        “Masks may be helpful as they remind people not to touch their face.”

        “Make sure to touch your face between every bite of food to protect yourself from the virus.”

      • Rebel Scum

        That’s even worse than wearing a mask. The point is to not touch your face. Both make you touch your face more.

      • Sean

        Feature, not a bug. Gotta keep those positive test numbers high!

      • Festus' Mustache

        Stick around, Friend. The alternatives are worserer. Jesus, we can’t even watch or play sports anymore and every entertainment has either been shut down or become so woke that it is unpalatable. We need your bitter, concise reportage from the front lines of Canada’s hair on fire moment!

      • SDF-7

        F1 hasn’t been too bad if you just watch the race. Yes, there’s the trite “EndRacism” hash tags and the “WeRaceAsOne” rainbow in various places — but they’re pretty innocuous for the most part. And the commentators certainly aren’t bothering to say anything about it.

        Granted, I haven’t cared to watch pre or post race interviews — I’m sure Hamilton is shooting his mouth off (given he loves coming over here and schmoozing with NYC/Hollywood folks), but you can still just enjoy the race in peace.

      • banginglc1

        Indycar hasn’t mentioned politics at all. I hope like hell that continues.

      • Nephilium

        I haven’t noticed too much during the Browns games. And most of the bar bitches about the pre-game stuff anyways. It’s still strange to see a bar forced to turn people away during a game because of capacity limits. And watching through a layer of plexiglass sucks.

      • Festus' Mustache

        Yeah. Prisoners. Like that poor fucker from “Midnight Express” trying to kiss boobage.

      • Nephilium

        Festus: It has changed what are considered the good seats. The one bar side used to be optimal, because you could see the three TV’s over the bar, the screens on either wall of the bar, and the big screens on the other side of the bar. Now, if you’re sitting on that side, it’s all through a layer or two of plexiglass (they have hanging dividers around the bar.

        The other side of the bar now has clear lines of site to the big screens, so it’s where I’ve tried to get seats now. Sunday walked up with the girlfriend and got there about 20 minutes before the game, and had to deal with the small table right in front of the big screens.

        At least there’s still cheap beer and wing specials to celebrate the Browns winning.

      • SugarFree


        Drop me a line.


      • Nephilium



      • The Last American Hero

        Ditto on F1, although I think the Hamilton thing is funny since he’s English, and we all know that slavery, racism and oppression only existed in America.

      • Mad Scientist

        A few seasons ago the organizers of the Spanish GP were sanctioned because the fans had put up a couple of racist banners to taunt Hamilton.

    • PieInTheSky

      you should just drink more whiskey

    • Idle Hands

      Same as it ever was.

    • Brett L

      Was on a call where people were talking about how they couldn’t wait for a vaccine so they could go do things. **Checks my August-September calendars** Like taking the kids to Disney World, the beach, kids birthday parties, having the neighborhood kids over to swim, and taking road trips? Its not hemorrhagic fever. Go outside. Do stuff.

      • db

        I’ve got a co-worker who has canceled his whole life based on the say-so of his favored politicians. He was aghast when I mentioned that we flew up to Vermont recently. After that, I neglected to mention all the picnics and breakfasts I’ve attended over the summer.

        I really think the people who are sacrificing their lives are not seeing the reality–plenty of people (young, old, doesn’t matter) are out and about, living their lives as normally as they can, but there are people who are just sitting around locked away, reading the internet and watching the cable news, who are immersed in the terror, and when they hear that some people aren’t also wearing the sackcloth and ashes, they refuse to imagine for a second that it may be because the threat, while real, is way less likely, and with lesser conequences than they believe.

        I have friends in their 70s and 80s who have decided they don’t want to spend the rest of their lives being miserable shut-ins, and have elected to keep living.

        It’s sad, thinking of all the life people are sacrificing to stay alive.

      • Nephilium

        I had a co-worker who was afraid to turn on his AC (in Tennessee) because he didn’t want to risk that blowing “the virus” around.

        I have acquaintances who are in their 30’s and 40’s who have stayed on full lockdown mode since fucking March.

        The girlfriend’s aunt is refusing to come to Thanksgiving because we went to Put-In-Bay.

        I guess there is a bright side to all of this after all…

      • leon

        This. It makes me sad to see the destruction that politicians have wraught just so they can get more points on the other team.

      • Homple

        Politicians would have less influence if we had fewer cowering morons in the population.

      • Festus' Mustache

        Was talking to young lady the other day and she mentioned that flights to the city were going for $87 but SHE would never get on a plane. She was maybe thirty years old? The fear is a built in feature, not a bug.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        I would never get on a plane either, but for very different reasons, Im sure

      • DEG


        Stop the mask bullshit on planes and I’ll consider flying again.

      • AlexinCT

        I have been flying all through this Kung Flu panic, and I got to tell ya, I am loving the fact idiots like this lady are not flying, because it now means my chances of having some fat guy or gal crowding me is absolutely zero.

      • UnCivilServant

        *sits too close to Alex*

      • Ted S.

        And of course, the people reporting the news aren’t doing any sacrificing.

    • Broswater

      Hehehe…. wanna get pissed more a little bit this morning? Look at what I finally found about our nice province : (French only, of course)

      What they are doing to kids is simply inhuman.

      But as my GF told me ”If you show this to people they are just going to be reinforced in their belief that this is actually dangerous” ”See ! One kid under 19 died of it!!!!, Told ya it is dangerous!!”

      • The Last American Hero

        Same as the 4 kids that had Kawasaki syndrome.

        If it saves even one life….

    • DEG

      If you think you need to take a break to keep your sanity, do it. Do what you need to. These are trying times.

  17. Rebel Scum

    “Well, I think if he still has Covid, we shouldn’t have a debate,” Biden told reporters in Maryland. “I think we’re gonna have to follow very strict guidelines. Too many people have been infected and it’s a very serious problem.”

    He doesn’t, or won’t by then.

    Additionally, I have been assured, particularly by NPCNN that Trump is faking it in order to get out of the debates since he was clearly curb-stomped by Biden in the first one.

    • Tundra

      I hope he gets some coaching for the next one. There were a metric shit-ton of kill shot opportunities that he missed.

      • Festus' Mustache

        Yeah, about that “Coaching” idea… It would be really great if you could clear your schedule for the entire week-end…

  18. Rebel Scum

    Eskimo Pie to become Edy’s Pie: Rebranded ice cream bars expected to arrive in early 2021

    Just another product for me not to use, though I never eat things like this anyway. I did, however, use Aunt Jemima syrup and Uncle Ben’s rice. But if the companies are too racist to sport black mascots then they are too racist more me.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Land O’ Lakes box looks naked without the maiden.

      • Homple

        Land O’ Lakes kicked out the Native but kept the land and the lakes.

      • Hyperion

        They should rename it ‘Land of Colonialists’.

    • Rebel Scum

      for*, even.

  19. SugarFree

    52 comments? What is this, Hit & Run?

    Man, they really hate your links.

    • Swiss Servator

      Just following Cuomo and DeBlasio’s lead!

    • Old Man With Candy

      They just hate me because of my indifference to Van Halen. Tough titties.

      • PieInTheSky

        you talk a lot of titties today. Maybe you need to wait a bit for em to grow is all I’m saying

      • SugarFree

        No, he loves them tough, like real tough, like licking boob jerky.

      • Brett L

        You should have played one of the sappy Van Hagar tunes from 5150 to really tune ’em up.

      • Festus' Mustache

        Fuck that shit! I love OMWC links but I can’t delve into them like I usually would because it is not the weekend. Some of us work for a living.

    • Rebel Scum

      Your tax dollars at work…against you.

    • Suthenboy

      Location data….to what end?

      • SDF-7

        Yeah… that was my first thought, too. NSA, FBI? I could see it… IRS?!? Just what exactly would that tell them? State/City taxing authorities — maybe the whole “did you work in our boundaries”… but I never thought the Feds would care enough to do the work for those folks.

        Maybe they just wanted blackmail material to smooth their audits? Weird story…

      • Festus' Mustache

        To the bitter end. Disability and welfare cheats, Antifa, BLM members, Proud Boys, sovereign citizens, abortion activists pro and con, basically any wrongthinker of any persuasion. Different regime? Rinse and repeat. Once the power is granted the ability to act on that power is never going away. This ain’t a political struggle, it’s a human rights struggle.

  20. Festus' Mustache

    OMWC. Why are (((you))) serenading that Pickaninny? It’s obvious that wee Gary Coleman is having none of that!

    • Tundra

    • SDF-7

      “Welcome to the party, pal!”

    • leon

      Huh I wonder why?

    • PieInTheSky

      Top 3 most socialist countries according to…

      Flag of Venezuela
      Venezuela (60%)
      Flag of China
      China (57%)
      Flag of Russia
      Russia (57%)

      Flag of Sweden
      Sweden (43%)
      Flag of Denmark
      Denmark (43%)
      Flag of Norway
      Norway (42%)

      • leon

        Republicans are retarded because they can’t remember Cuba.

        Democratic taking points have clearly worked on the shift minded members of the party.

      • PieInTheSky

        And North Korea

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        That and Russia isn’t any more socialist than most of Europe, maybe even less because they can’t afford to be.

      • AlexinCT

        Russia is a criminal enterprise masquerading as a country.

      • PieInTheSky

        Should ev been nuked in WWII but you Americans pussied out

      • The Last American Hero

        We didn’t even need the nukes.

      • db

        We had all the remaining industrial capacity of Germany to back it up as well. Didn’t need nukes, just a shitload of bombers and ordnance.

        The morality of that kind of warfare is atrocious, but knowing what Communism wrought post-war, would the death toll have been lower overall?

        Note, I am not a utilitarian, so I’m not advocating that that kind of death arithmetic justifies pre-emptive war.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        Remove justice, and what are kingdoms but gangs of criminals on a large scale?… A gang is a group of men… in which the plunder is divided according to an agreed convention. If this villainy… acquires territory, establishes a base, captures cities and subdues people, it then openly arrogates to itself the title of kingdom.


      • PieInTheSky

        Fuck bitches make money – Genghis Khan

  21. Suthenboy

    On Cuties, I can’t say. I haven’t seen the movie. I am not sure if the movie or the law is the problem. I lean toward the law being the problem. It is too vague.

    Creepy Joe is creepy.

    The jail thing is almost funny. Jailers administering medieval torture….not funny.

    The DA in the McCloskey case needs a woodchipper. If we dont start doing that soon these cases are going to be legion.

    It doesn’t matter if Joe debates or not. He is going to lose sans massive voter fraud.

    I dont understand why the depiction of anyone not-white is considered racist.

    I am not going to weigh in on the Taylor shooting. I dont trust a word anyone has said about it yet.

  22. Ted S.

    BTW, those are October 6 birthdays, not today’s.

    • CPRM

      You forget, he uses the (((calendar))).

    • PieInTheSky

      But they will still vote for him right?

      • Festus' Mustache

        Not (((those))) ones, just (these) ones. Every time.

  23. Rebel Scum

    You just need more outside money. Get Bloomer on the phone.

    “It can, and in part, because Texas is, so voter suppressed. It has become very hard to count Democratic voters. So in 2018, most polls on the eve of the election had me down by eight or nine points to Ted Cruz. I ended up losing by 2.5. Most polls had Hillary Clinton losing by double digits in Texas. She lost by nine points. There is typically an outperformance of the polls by Democrats of three to four points. So I would say those races are much, much closer. MJ Hegar can beat John Cornyn, and Joe Biden can win this state.”

    He added, “In fact, on the eve of early voting, on the 12th of October, we’re going to have a million-voter phone bank. Our volunteers are going to call a million voters to get them to commit to voting on the first day of early voting. The Texas Democratic Party, the candidates, everyone’s doing their part. I think we can do this, Joy. I think we can end this on the third. You know, Pennsylvania will take days or maybe even weeks to count those ballots. Texas, we’ll know on the third. If we win Texas, it is over mathematically. It is over psychologically. We can turn the page on Trump and Trumpism and begin the next chapter for this country.”

    • leon

      If your state doesn’t vote blue, that’s how we know it’s voter suppression.

    • Suthenboy

      “…the next chapter for this country.”

      Which is what, exactly?

      God, I hate that slimy fuck.

  24. PieInTheSky

    Biden defines $400,000 a year as ‘wealthy.’ In big cities, it only makes you upper middle class

    wait is upper middle class not wealthy? is wealthy a different class? If there is no aristocracy why even have class designations?

    • Brett L

      First of all, income doesn’t make you wealthy. Or maybe, that’s the point. If you make $400K in Ames, Iowa, you can probably live in a mansion and send your kids to private school and retain enough money to retire and continue that lifestyle. In New England or West Coast cities, $400K will let you live in a nice place and send your kids to private school, but not retain enough wealth to become wealthy if you choose to do so.

      • robc

        $400k in Brooklyn is equivalent to $218k in Ames (source: nerdwallet).

        Either will get you wealthy pretty fast if you arent a spendthrift.

      • robc

        While I don’t believe it, apparently the Charleston SC cost of living is 3% lower than Ames. May explain why my neighborhood is filling with New York and New Jersey expats.

      • Chipwooder

        Condolences on that.

      • Brett L

        Does that include the tax overhead?

      • robc

        Apparently no:

        NerdWallet excluded state and local tax data because tax rates vary by state and metropolitan area, and sometimes within metropolitan area as well. Due to the plethora of state taxes, local taxes, jurisdictions and assessment procedures involved in the assessment of income, property and sales taxes, local tax rates cannot be accurately calculated.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        People might not spend their entire income living in a city you say? We need another tax for this.

    • Drake

      $4ooK in NY, LA, Boston, DC, or San Fransisco means you are living comfortably. Unless you have a very frugal lifestyle, you are not saving or accumulating much wealth. In any of those places, expect to pay about 35% of that income in federal, state, and maybe city income taxes.

      • Tulip

        Seriously, 400k is high in DC, LA etc.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        yep. Even in silicon valley, $400k/year can get you nice accommodations and enough money to put away some serious wealth.

      • PieInTheSky

        Unless you pay it all to e-thot only fans and local escorts who charge triple for cosplaying elves…

      • The Last American Hero

        Oddly specific.

      • PieInTheSky

        there were a bunch of articles about cosplaying escorts making bank among the SV nerds

    • Certified Public Asshat

      “People making between $400,000 and $700,000 are going to have a tax increase of only about 1% or less,” said Seth Hanlon, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning think-tank. “The tax plan is really aimed at the very top — the top 1% or 0.1%.”

      Is that even a plan? Why bother with such a small increase?

      • SugarFree

        Because they are lying about the impact of the tax increase.

      • Chipwooder

        As well as who it will affect. Taxing only the rich isn’t going to make a damned bit of difference because there aren’t that many of them.

      • SugarFree

        If you read the Biden 100 item plan, much of it is just delusional, stuff they wouldn’t get passed even with solid majorities in the House and Senate.

        Democrat just can’t learn from past mistakes. Like Obama blowing all his goodwill and political capital ramming through ACA, Harris is going to do the same thing. And then I assume the midterms will be another slaughter without Trump to run against.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        And then the GOP will do nothing….

      • R C Dean

        You assume the Dems won’t mandate mail in voting, ballot harvesting, stop any clean up of voter rolls, etc. so as to give the Republicans a chance of retaking power?

      • SugarFree

        For Democrats, it’s mostly about using anger and upset to drive turn-out. Without the 24-hour media outrage cycle, I doubt their turn-out will be high in the mid-term (just like it rarely is with a Dem in the White House.)

      • AlexinCT


        But is bigger than a lie. It is a despicable and blatant attempt to appeal to people’s sense of envy.

        When you talk about billionaires and millionaires most people know that group is small, and while they want to fuck them over, they know – instinctively – these people somehow will rig the system. But mention people that make good money but not in the millionaire/billionaire club, and every idiot out there thinks that’s their fucking evil neighbor, and they want to stick it to them.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Sam Dogen, founder of the personal finance site Financial Samurai, calculated what $400,000 gets a family of four in a high-cost city like New York, San Francisco, Boston, Los Angeles, San Diego, Washington or Honolulu.

      Oh, that dumbass again.

    • Nephilium

      $400k here in Ohio would probably get you classed as high income. Of course, the median household income through all of Ohio is under $60k (per a quick Google search).

    • Agent Cooper

      If the rich avoid paying taxes, increasing the rates will have little effect.

  25. Not Adahn

    Betrilbied neckbeard in a boog shirt assaulting a noble BIPoC with a banjo. The ISP is going to can this site any second now.

  26. ruodberht

    OT: I went off a bit on my girlfriend. She was aghast that Trump would say that no one should be afraid of the virus. I mentioned FDR and “fear itself” and was gobsmacked myself that anyone would think ill of what the president said about the fucking coronavirus. The goodthinkful view is to cower like a pussy for this?!

    The last 7 months of 15 days to flatten the curve have been retarded.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I’m over it. I have no aversion to telling someone to grow the hell up anymore.

      Our ancestors endured far, far, far worse so we could cower during what is effectively a bad flu season? We’re not even within an order of magnitude in severity when compared to the Spanish Flu.

      • Gdragon

        Me too. I haven’t had that many opportunities yet but my plan has moved to “open mocking”.

      • Idle Hands

        I think I read somewhere recently in like the first 6 months of the spanish flu 1/10 people under the age of 25 died from it.

    • EvilSheldon

      Cowards with no coping skills. It’s truly awful.

      • Drake

        Lots of people who literally don’t understand numbers, much less statistics. That includes some of my family with graduate degrees who think covid is more likely to kill them and their kids than the flu, a house fire, or car crash. When I point out the mistakes in their risk assessment, they just go silent and reject the logic.

  27. Stinky Wizzleteats

    The goodthink view is to cower. Fuck these wimps and don’t let it dominate you is damn good advice.

  28. robc

    Today’s baseball birthdays, in descending WAR order include, the guy who gets confused with the actress, Evan Longoria, HoFer Chuck Klein, the other Mookie (Betts), and Jose Cardenal, who only played 1.5 seasons with them.

  29. Idle Hands

    We estimate the impact of mask mandates and other non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) on COVID-19 case growth in Canada, including regulations on businesses and gatherings, school closures, travel and self-isolation, and long-term care homes. We partially account for behavioral responses using Google mobility data. Our identification approach exploits variation in the timing of indoor face mask mandates staggered over two months in the 34 public health regions in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province. We find that, in the first few weeks after implementation, mask mandates are associated with a reduction of 25 percent in the weekly number of new COVID-19 cases. Additional analysis with province-level data provides corroborating evidence. Counterfactual policy simulations suggest that mandating indoor masks nationwide in early July could have reduced the weekly number of new cases in Canada by 25 to 40 percent in mid-August, which translates into 700 to 1,100 fewer cases per week.

    snake oil is still king.

    • Gdragon

      All you have to do in Canada is look at any simple graph and you can see all of the bullshit old data they’ve dumped in multiple times. I don’t believe even the simplest numbers, it’s all “garbage in, garbage out” up here.

    • Broswater

      Classic correlation /= causation

      They implemented the mask mandate in the middle of July. Just as everyone was going on holidays. While it was already on a slowing trend.

      I wonder how they explain the rising number of cases we’ve had in the last few weeks?

      Or maybe they are just full of shit.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Hayes is a retard. It really is amazing that he has the job he does.

      • Idle Hands

        I don’t believe our chattering class are very intelligent in general. Being a propagandist is thankless work it’s like being having a thinking man among ditch diggers.

      • Drake

        The much punchable face in show biz.

    • Rebel Scum

      truth and reconciliation commission.

      Ministry of truth.

    • Suthenboy

      I read: Round ’em up.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      From replies: “ Um, quick note: 60 Field Intelligence is a unit inside a division of the department.“

      So probably not trolling.

      • PieInTheSky

        I mean the look of the gun

      • Sean



      • UnCivilServant

        Does that thing even work anymore?

      • UnCivilServant

        At least the one they’re selling looks like it can still shoot.

      • l0b0t

        I can’t believe that thing is up to $185. That’s a $39.99 pawn shop special if I’ve ever seen one.

      • AlexinCT

        This is one of those specials you would never see if all gunz were banned!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Probably meant to type 60th.

      That said, I’m not sure if they recovered a firearm or a boat anchor.

    • Rebel Scum

      That doesn’t look operable.

      • EvilSheldon

        Greg Ellifritz did a great article on the guns recovered from criminals while he was the department training officer. As many as 25% of them were either empty or completely non-functional. There were some interesting data points in there.

  30. Scruffy Nerfherder

    SJWednesday: 5 Bucks Says This Guy Is A Date Rapist

    I suspect others have described my question in this post here in r/gender, but I’m tired and feeling dreamy, another night of looking up at the sky and feeling my draw to the moon and the lonely planet Mars melt and blur with the EDM music in my headphones and the quietness of the night, etc etc. Nope, no drugs, not that I would have a problem with that, but not in this case.

    I’m CIS male, in that I’m comfortable in my body and – after exploring this through meditation (to lower possible subconscious biases) – I feel romantic/sexual attraction to CIS females.

    However, tomorrow, if I were to wake up in the body of a woman: I feel like I’d be comfortable in that body too, like changing socks or something. I know that some people feel deeply uncomfortable in the body they were born in; I guess that is what surprises me about my own, what feels like, casualness.

    I’ve read about having two spirits in the religions of some Native American tribes, but I also know it can be hurtful to some of the people of these tribes, to have outsiders come and in and cherry pick from the religious identity within their heritage.

    Still I can close my eyes and feel her take the wheel in me, I hear her voice in music, like she’s singing to me; from within me. And sometimes, it’s become more frequent, or perhaps the better word would be apparent, as I’ve accumulated hours in meditation, I feel the switch – and at those moments “I” do feel this cool, quiet yearning for a physical feminine form, like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, but it’s a sort of passive yearning, like Luna looking down at the quiet earth at night.

    • db

      My money is on future skinsuit-wearing serial killer.

      • AlexinCT


        Start calling em Buffalo Bill.

      • Swiss Servator

        “Future” or “Current”?

      • db

        Well, one of those might be libel, the other simply prescient.

    • EvilSheldon

      If this dude is truly not using drugs, he needs to start.

    • Chipwooder

      *cues up “Goodbye Horses”*

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sounds like the prose of a college freshman who found his roommate’s weed stash.

    • B.P.

      “I’m CIS male, in that I’m comfortable in my body and – after exploring this through meditation (to lower possible subconscious biases) – I feel romantic/sexual attraction to CIS females.”

      He’s overthinking “pornhub gives me a boner” a little bit.

  31. Rebel Scum

    There is no angle that is too absurd for this shyster.

    Host Wolf Blitzer asked Schiff about reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested that the steroid Trump is taking might be impacting the president’s thinking and what he thinks about this prospect.

    Schiff said, “Well, you know, in my view, Wolf, on the best of days, the president’s thinking isn’t too sound, so if there’s any impairment, it’s a real problem. To me, this harkens back to the president proudly boasting that he’s going to take responsibility for shutting down the government. Well, he’s now proudly taking responsibility for denying the American people help in their time of crisis. Basically, today, Donald Trump told the country, if you’re a small businessperson and you’re going under, too bad for you, I’m not going to bother with it until after the election. If you’ve lost your job and you’re on unemployment compensation, your benefits have run out, that’s too bad. That doesn’t affect me. I don’t care. I’ll deal with that later. You know, this is so irresponsible, when millions are suffering. And, of course, politically, it makes no sense for him to do either. So, it does call into question his judgment, certainly, but whether he’s being impaired by these drugs.”

    • AlexinCT

      Trump should roid rage fuck both Shiff and Pelosi…

  32. Chipwooder

    Adam Schiff has absolutely no credibility on anything and in a decent society would be a roundly-mocked figure of ridicule.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


      The man has been caught blatantly lying over and over and over. Not bullshit white lies, straight-up fabrications of truth with real-world consequences.

      He should be tarred and feathered and sent to a remote island to live out his days harvesting clams for sustenance.

      • AlexinCT

        That lying and conniving is what makes him a great member of the democrat party. The republicans are morons. The democrats run a criminal enterprise.

    • straffinrun

      He should have to watch election night returns like that Roddy in Clockwork Orange watching the movie. Then again, he always looks like that.

  33. straffinrun

    You’re right about John McWhorter, OMWC. He’s always an interesting interview and seems to hate Trump for the right reasons.

  34. Sean

    Multiple people have reached out to 10TV to say they received the wrong ballot.

    The spokesman could not say how many requested absentee ballots were affected, only that the number was “significant” and could result in new absentee ballots having to be mailed to voters.

    More than 237,000 requested absentee ballots were sought in Franklin County out of more than 880,000 registered voters.


    • db


      1. Send 20% of [EVIL PARTY]’s requested ballots to wrong address
      2. [EVIL PARTY] voters either forget or complain they didn’t receive their ballots
      3. [EVIL PARTY] voters go to the polls on Nov 3
      4. News reports [EVIL PARTY] voters attempting massive election fraud because they are trying to vote in person AND were sent absentee ballots.

      • db

        oh, and also:

        2B: Spend 4 weeks “working to straighten out” the situation
        4B: Use the situation to justify stretching out the voting deadline by weeks and weeks

  35. PieInTheSky

    Jonathan Price Was Wolfe City’s Hometown Hero. On Saturday, He Was Killed by Police.

    His friends, both Black and white, confront the reality of police brutality in their quiet hometown.

    For months, Jonathan Price had been watching the protests against police brutality with interest. But the 31-year-old’s reaction to the movement seemed to defy categorization. He prayed for George Floyd, but worried that “aggressive rioting” after his death would only lead to more racial profiling and violence. He believed in the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement, but remained adamant that his own interactions with police as a Black man living in North Texas had been generally positive.

    None of that mattered on Saturday night, when Price wound up at a local gas station he’d visited too many times to count. Friends and family members say witnesses told them that the beloved athlete was trying to break up a domestic dispute of some kind before Wolfe City police officer Shaun David Lucas arrived. A rookie, Lucas tried to detain Price, who resisted in a “non-threatening posture” and began walking away from Lucas when the officer tased Price and then opened fire, killing him, according to a statement from the Texas Rangers. (Witnesses claim he was shot in the back, but the Rangers haven’t commented on that allegation.) Price was unarmed before he was shot and the argument was over by the time Lucas arrived, friends and relatives said. Late Monday, the Rangers arrested Lucas, and charged with him Price’s murder. “The preliminary investigation indicates that the actions of Officer Lucas were not objectionably reasonable,” the statement added, noting that the Rangers are cooperating with the Wolfe City Police Department and the Hunt County district attorney’s office. Hunt County jail records show that Lucas was booked on a $1 million bond.

    • EvilSheldon


      Does Price have enough of a criminal record for anyone to care?

    • Suthenboy

      That is a bullshit story, slanted as hell. The author is trying to stir shit.

      A domestic dispute with whom? About what? ‘Trying to break up’ means….what exactly? Who called the cops?
      Cop arrives and the story jumps straight to ‘tried to detain Price’. What happened in between? Resisted how? Cop tases Price and then arbitrarily decides to shoot him?
      Way too many questions left unanswered.

      • AlexinCT

        That’s by design….

        The story has an agenda/narrative to make, so hence the gaps that would hamper that agenda/narrative…

    • Hyperion

      “but worried that “aggressive rioting” after his death would only lead to more racial profiling and violence”

      Feature not bug. I’ve been saying since this started that forcing this to be all about race, like always, is only going to get us meaner, more militarized, and unaccountable cops. Get ready for cops in tanks. Fuck, they might give them fighter jets, and they’ll at least get killer drones.

      • l0b0t

        Literally every single thing that movie warned about has come to pass.

  36. Mojeaux the Magnificent

    a guy who many think ruined architecture

    A few of his buildings look suspiciously brutalist, but other than that, I mostly like his work. Even his art.

    Ex-jail employees charged for playing ‘Baby Shark’ on repeat

    I think the problematic part of that is the handcuffing them and making them stand for hours, not the actual listening to it part.

    So glad my kids are too old to have had Baby Shark. I had to deal with the Wiggles.

    Now my children get to deal with Van Halen.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The big-name famous architects are almost always wanna-be totalitarians. There’s something about the role that attracts those who seek to impose their will on others and perfect their life choices.

      • leon

        I took a history of Architecture class taught by a professor who proclaimed to us that she was a marxist.

        I wasn’t sure how that had to do anything with the history of architecture, but she made sure to bring it in to everything she talked about.

      • Ownbestenemy

        If you didnt denote gender I would have asked if you took my brother’s class thay he teaches. He is a marxist.

      • The Last American Hero

        Do you remind him that if we lived under Marxism he’d be teaching people how to design public restrooms at the re-education camps and not fancy dachas for the party members?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Poor you. Holidays must be fun.

      • Homple

        Did she whoop up the virtues of Platenbau?

      • AlexinCT

        They love them some seriously monotone concrete buildings where you pack the serfs 3 generations to a 2 bedroom appartment?

      • Mojeaux the Magnificent

        those who seek to impose their will on others and perfect their life choices

        Very few people don’t seek to impose their will on others and perfect their life choices. Even I, a libertarian, would desperately like to more effectively direct my children’s life choices so they don’t fuck up the way we did, but it’s not working. People gonna people.

        As for the architecture itself, buildings must exist and urban planning must be done if for no other reason than indoor plumbing and electricity.

        With few exceptions (i.e., brutalism), I can’t think of one that manifests as authoritarian versus utility. I have never been in a brutalist building that was efficiently laid out. They’re mazes, designed to scare, intimidate, and confuse.

        What do you think of Frank Lloyd Wright? It’s rumored he’s the one Rand based Howard Roark on. (I haven’t researched it.) Note: that is just me asking for curiosity’s sake and having a conversation, not trying to challenge you. As with any artist, he has some things I like and some things I don’t.

        I like most of what Mies van der Roh did, particularly the Farnsworth House and the Barcelona style (Bauhaus).

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I like the aesthetic of Wright’s work even though it wasn’t meant for me, being over 6 feet tall.

        But by all accounts, he was a Grade A asshole with a mean streak a mile wide.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I thought she was a Richard Neutra devotee.

      • Mojeaux the Magnificent

        They have a similar style enough to be nearly indistinguishable, though FLW used warm woods and stone (and ventured into Prairie style) and Neutra largely used concrete.

    • Chipwooder

      “Wig-GLE, and LEARN, let’s have some fun!”

      Do not miss the Wiggles.

  37. straffinrun

    the word “Eskimo” is commonly used in Alaska to refer to Inuit and Yupik people, it’s considered derogatory and was said to mean “eater of raw meat.”

    Inuit also sounds like an eater of raw meat.

    • UnCivilServant

      last I heard eskimo means maker of snow shoes.

  38. Scruffy Nerfherder

    SJWednesday: The New and Improved Communist Manifesto

    I do not believe in straight women. Nor do I believe in lesbian women. Bisexual women, pansexual women, asexual women, any woman with any level of sexuality, I do not believe in.

    This, in my mind, is because sexuality is a thing of agency. The theorized lesbian is a woman who directs desire at another woman, but within the paradigm of patriarchal/male chauvinist society, this cannot happen.

    Taking a step back, it is important that we understand the construction of sexuality. As pointed out by Brandon Ambrosino in The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality’, concepts of heterosexuality and homosexuality originate in the industrial revolution – there was no such thing as a heterosexual until 1868. “The invention of heterosexuality”, Ambrosino explains, “corresponds with the rise of the middle class”. Simply put, one cannot be heterosexual in a world where sex was the act of procreation to maintain a certain lifestyle. You did not have sex for enjoyment, you did not cohabitate for love, these were economic acts.

    But enter capitalism, enter industrialization, enter the prospect of being able to survive entirely on one’s own income (if you are a man, that is), and sexuality becomes possible. When sex happens for reasons besides procreation, sex can happen between partners who cannot procreate.

    • EvilSheldon

      I love Reddit. It keeps me from sinking completely into an intellectual bubble of cranky libertarian gun freaks, and it gives me a whole boatload of people to look down on.

      • Chipwooder

        See, I’m the opposite. I was happier when I didn’t know these people existed.

      • Nephilium

        Meh. I was already around and aware of quite a few subcultures already. Diving deeper into some of them was of less than zero interest to me.

      • DEG

        I made the mistake of getting to know some folks in Swing dancing outside of dances.

        Pretty shitty people.

      • Mojeaux the Magnificent

        They shut down a couple of subreddits I went to because of wrongthink.

        Furthermore, I’m tired of politics dominating every other fucking subreddit. Politics does not belong on r/crossstitch, and flowery “fuck the patriarchy” patterns aren’t quite saying what they think they’re saying.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I know that all of the TERF subreddits are gone and even mentioning that transwomen aren’t actual women will get you banned in short order.

        It really is an example of democracy and bureaucracy in action. You simultaneously have people voting on everything of no importance whatsoever, and bureaucratic moderators that create the rules by which the democracy exists.

        It’s our future.

      • db

        It’s our present. The major political parties control which candidates you get to vote for, which issues the incumbents get to bring to the floor and vote on in the Legislature, and which appointees get confirmed.

        Now, I’m not a huge fan of “Democracy” as it is generally understood these days, but what they’re selling ain’t what they’re delivering.

      • leon

        Fuck the Patriarchy literally means you are in bed with the Man!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Speaking of fabric arts, this place has a large BLM poster in the window.

      • Mojeaux the Magnificent

        Too bad about the BLM poster, because that place looks fabulous, especially for people who have no cutting tables. I am fortunate enough to have one of those long banquet tables I can set up and take down when I need it.

      • Mojeaux the Magnificent

        However, I do not have a serger (not gonna get one, either), so if I needed one that badly, I’d certainly drop in specifically to use their machine.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I know! Maybe someday we’ll use the dining room table for dining again.

        Also for people who like to be social/semi social while working.

      • DEG

        Reddit also has some good porn.

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        There are a few subs that don’t suck, but I found people unnecessarily combative, even in relatively uncontroversial subs. Pedants and assholes abound there, and I already get my fill of that here. ?

    • SDF-7

      The hell? Besides all the other crap — they don’t think the Industrial Revolution started until 1868?!?

    • Hyperion

      I just started reading the Horowitz book ‘Radical Son’. First thing I’ve ever ready by him. The start of it is sort of like reading the linage in the Bible only in more detail than just ‘Begat’. I now know more about the history of this guy’s family than that of my own.

      Anyway, the whole point of that seems to be the lying of a foundation for how Horowitz became a commie, like his father before him, and his father’s father before his father.

      I started reading this because I wanted to see how the 60s relates to today in terms of how all this communism has infected all of our institutions. If I didn’t have to work today, I’d still be reading it, because the last paragraph I read before going to sleep was very interesting. If I recall correctly, it was talking about how the communist party, cannot remember the year, basically owned the local teacher’s union where he lived in NYC. That’s interesting, since the communist party apparently owns all the teacher’s unions in the entire country now.

    • WTF

      Well that is some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever read.

    • Suthenboy

      “Argle bargle beeble bloop. Now let me tell you what you like and who you are.”

      Or you could fuck off with your Tourette’s.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Go ahead, pet it!

      • AlexinCT

        That would have been my reaction too…

    • Spartacus

      That’s just a baby. I’ve held ones bigger than that.

      • l0b0t

        That one is the general size of the ones my brother and I would catch and play with until mom got home from work and yelled at us about baby gators in the bathtub so we would go release them into the canals.

      • AlexinCT

        I love veal….

      • EvilSheldon

        I was trying to come with a Well Akshuly response, but I got nothing. You are indeed right, baby animals are cute. Even the really ugly ones are cute.

      • Mojeaux the Magnificent

        I was trying to come with a Well Akshuly response, but I got nothing.

        I am disappoint.

      • UnCivilServant

        What type of snake is that?

      • EvilSheldon

        That’s an albino Western Hognose snake.

      • Idle Hands

        too bad they grow up to be politicians or members of the media.

      • Nephilium

        There’s a third option as well: alien invaders.

      • AlexinCT

        I want to date her… The things she could do with that mouth….

      • l0b0t

        LOVE IT! It’s a practical effect, as well; Jane Badler with a giant latex appliance on her gob. Fuck CGI! Make model makers great again!

      • Nephilium

        A local UHF station aired it every year or two as a week long event. I remember watching it as a kid and still getting creeped out by that scene and the first time the “fake skin” gets torn off.

        This was also the last miniseries in which Robert Englund played a friendly and nebbish guy. His next role was as Freddy Krueger.

  39. tarran

    I, for one, look forward to our Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

    We already have one. It’s called the Environmental Protection Agency

  40. AlexinCT

    I am going to admit that I when “the experts class ” told us this event would never happen, that they might have been right. But here we are, and the Arab world has lost its patience with most of Iran’s proxies in that area, and they no longer conceal it.

    • leon

      “The Palestinian cause is a just cause but its advocates are failures, and the Israeli cause is unjust but its advocates have proven to be successful. That sums up the events of the last 70 or 75 years,” he said in the first of a three-part airing of the interview.
      “There is something that successive Palestinian leadership historically share in common: they always bet on the losing side, and that comes at a price.”

      sounds like hes just being realistic about his assesment of palestinian leadership.

      • EvilSheldon

        Reminds me of a certain third party I might have heard of once or twice…

    • l0b0t

      The fact the KSA sent their chief spy to the US as ambassador is really making me giggle.

  41. The Other Kevin

    There have been some stories about polls putting Biden up 15%. That of course sounds very suspect, but I think it’s all part of the plan. The Dems have already said they would not accept a Biden defeat. So if Trump wins, they can say, “Biden was up by 15 POINTS and somehow he lost? The only way that could happen is if Trump stole the election!”

    • Hyperion

      The polls are fake news now. And that’s exactly what they are gearing up for, Coup 2 Electric Boogalo. Get ready for 4 more years of the same.

    • Chipwooder

      It’s designed to demoralize Trump voters. Hence the polls with laughably off-kilter partisan splits.

      • Hyperion

        Having paid attention to these occasional Biden bumps, I have to assume that they are precisely timed to help prop up Biden when he needs it most and nothing more. As far as them discouraging Trump voters, I don’t see that happening.

      • Chipwooder

        It may not be successful, but I guarantee that’s the intent.

      • Hyperion

        It just pisses me off, like all the rest of the fake news. Because anyone who has ever followed politics, instinctively knows those polls are not only not correct, but are intentionally not correct.

      • Jerms

        I dont know. Vegas takes all this stuff into account and they have Biden as 2-1 favorite. I think we are looking at president Harris soon.

      • AlexinCT

        They had better terms for Crooked Hillary, didn’t they?

      • leon

        No, i don’t think so. I think that is mostly a mythos brought to bear by NYT style “97% chance” predictions. But the people who actually had to put their money on the line were never that bad. Biden has pretty consistently polled better than hillary did in 2016.

      • Jerms

        In regard to Hillary, that was before we learned of all of these silent Trump voters. Now Vegas is taking them into account and they still see Biden as a big favorite.

      • Hyperion

        You may want to look at this:

        Betting Odds

      • Rebel Scum

        It’s designed to demoralize Trump voters.

        True. But they can also do what ToK says.

      • R C Dean

        Agreed. This is battlespace prep, both to reject voter fraud claims (“of course Biden won, he had a huge lead in the polls”) or to undermine the legitimacy of a Trump win (“he must have cheated again, Biden had a huge lead in the polls”).

    • leon

      Ok, Leon’s Discount Wax Paper Hat Time:

      I think it might be the UN that defines a certain variance from polling to actual results as an indicator of an unfair election. So you could believe that some polls are being pushed into a “heavy biden” direction so that if Trump Wins, the left can claim that the election was fraudulent.

      But i don’t know why they are so worried about the election when Biden clearly has it in the bag. He’s up 16 points.

    • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

      If Trump spends more money on advertising with the media outlets commissioning those polls, the numbers will get closer, but not because the advertising will sway many voters.

  42. PieInTheSky

    Reading this thread, what is the Official Glibertarian Position on 3 strike laws… I find them to strict as a rule and expect libertarians mostly feel this way, but this guy is allegedly libertarian

    • EvilSheldon

      I mean, the guy has a point.

      I also find 3-strikes laws overly dogmatic and probe to misuse. But most of the opposition to them is rooted in what I consider a very unrealistic appraisal of persistent criminality.

    • invisible finger

      “what is the Official Glibertarian Position on 3 strike laws”

      It’s not cricket.

      Now ask about the “6 fouls and you are out” rule.

    • The Last American Hero

      They are bullshit.

      If I ever wind up convicted of a crime, I want the specific circumstances considered during sentencing, not “Well, this sucks Mr. Hero, but my hands are tied.”

  43. Hyperion

    I didn’t have time to post yesterday or read the intertoobz, so I didn’t know that Eddie V had passed until my wife told me around 9pm. Very sad to hear that, damn commie cooties.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Nah, it’s those murderous guitar picks.

      • Not Adahn

        I thought you got throat cancer from going down on too many groupies?

  44. PieInTheSky

    Settler Anarchists Should Tread Lightly Around Indigenous Nationalism

    To be an anarchist is to be anti-nationalist. It is no coincidence that national-anarchists have so often turned out to be white supremacists — the movement itself is crypto-fascist. However, our critique of nationalism and related critiques of things like in-group preferences must deeply understand the differing strategies behind largely distinct forms of nationalism if we are to not alienate our allies and relegate our dynamic movement to the ethical pit of genocide apologism.

    Indigenous nationalism is not homogenous but generally it’s rooted in relationships to the land. It is almost exclusively not in line with the laughable “blood and soil” banter of white nationalists, but is tied to land in the sense of going to a specific place every year to engage in rituals which are fundamental to maintaining and cultivating the connections of networks. They’ve been doing this for longer than the idea of modern nations has existed.

    Both before and after these forced relocations, Indigenous nationalism has always been much more fluid than settler nationalism. Generally speaking it is something much closer to the anarchist concept of cosmopolitan free affinity (Indigenous empires excluded).

    Historically, in the land now known as the United States, the lines between many nations have often been quite blurry with people freely trading in elaborate markets, intermarrying, and even changing tribes

    Indigenous nationalism is just gamboling about happily in unspoiled nature

    • leon

      To be an anarchist is to be anti-nationalist. It is no coincidence that national-anarchists have so often turned out to be white supremacists — the movement itself is crypto-fascist.

      I stopped their. When someone says crypto-fascist, what they mean is “I want you to hate this person, but have no solid reason for making you do so”.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        But they’re crypto-fascist!

    • tarran

      I would love to see a reaction video of present-day Cheyenne and Comanche’s having this essay read to them. I think they would lose their shit laughing.

    • Suthenboy

      “My ‘blood and soil’ is ok, yours is not.”

      Yeah, whatever. Get a job.

  45. PieInTheSky

    Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings to create a mythology he felt was absent in Britain, give a setting to his languages, and cope with mortality. Now it’s owned by the richest man alive and they are adding sex to spice it up.

    Capitalism is a plague that ruins everything it touches.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Its not capitalism that drives that, its culture. People want sex apparently constantly and un-nuanced on their screens.

      It either get made in the dark and released underground under a repressed people or above board for a semi-free people.

    • Suthenboy

      It is not really healthy and is counterproductive to entertain the thoughts of crazy people and that guy is bark at the moon nuts.

    • l0b0t

      He’s not wrong about the problem; they put a bloody car chase into the LOTR movie. He is incorrect about capitalism being at fault.

      • leon

        What? I don’t remember the car chase…

      • l0b0t

        It was, IIRC, concurrent with the Battle of Helm’s Deep. It was wargs chasing one of the protagonists (Strider?) through a rocky, maze-like area and it was shot like the chase scene in Bullitt. It never happened in the books, and really broke my suspension of disbelief.

    • Not Adahn

      The Sultan of Brunei owns LoTR?

    • kbolino

      Yeah, monarchy and communism were real good at preserving dead men’s legacies.

  46. AlexinCT

    The CCP asshats know they stepped on their own dick speeding up their plan to basically fuck the world over instead of waiting until China really had the military & economic advantage, got buttfucked by their attempt to hide their role in the Kung Flu, and now that it is all blowing up on them, are resorting to sabre rattling. This shit would work with an Obama or Biden for sure, but to bad orange man it smacks of desperation.

    • leon

      Ahhh. I love this form of messaging the left has taken:

      “To Be Clear: Outrageous Claim

      take whatever trump has done and try to cast it as the “WORST THING EVER”.

      Thing is they could legitimately point out the war crimes he commits and pushes in Yemen and whatnot, but that would mean they would have to admit that Biden and Obama were also war criminals.

    • Hyperion

      Well, he’s right, it’s not illegal for him, he’ll just plead the fifth, refuse to show up in court, and nothing else will happen.

      • Hyperion

        And I’d like for people who are going to vote for Biden to know, if Biden wins, we get all of these establishment Bush holdover clowns back along with every far left radical loon in existence. You’ll have Brennan and Clapper right back in the mix, Hillary will be SOS again, Obama in SCOTUS, AOC, Beta, and the rest of the twat squad in cabinet positions. It will be a shit show of unprecedented clusterfuck.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yep and from their public statements they’re champing at the bit to prosecute and oppress their political enemies which will absolutely will happen in an unprecedented fashion. It’ll mean the fracturing of the nation along with all of the nasty stuff that’ll come with that.

      • leon

        I think that is one thing. I do expect to see prosecutions of Trump, his family and others. And I don’t think there will be pushback from americans.

      • Idle Hands

        anyone who took a political job with the admin will be osterisized and removed from polite society possibly in prison. If biden wins prepare to see some truly bannana republic type shit.

      • EvilSheldon

        Perhaps a shit show of unprecedented clusterfuck is exactly what we need…

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Give him credit for staying on message.

      Christ I hate that guy.

  47. Rebel Scum

    *She Guevera nods in agreement*

    Governor Jay Inslee

    What aircraft carriers were in World War II, masks are today.

    • invisible finger

      Only used on the open sea or at a pier?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Holy shit is that stupid. Just damn…

      • Hyperion

        On the upside, it’s not any stupider than everything else they say.

    • db

      The downfall of the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere?

    • CPRM

      Bombed by the Japanese?

    • R C Dean

      A useful tool for destroying cities and subjugating the population?

    • B.P.

      And staying six feet apart is island hopping, putting sick people in nursing homes is strategic bombing, and cordoning off sections of NYC where a certain religious minority lives is… um…

      Also, those plastic face shields are the Doolittle raid.

      • l0b0t

        BLM riots are Lend-Lease to the Bolsheviks?

      • B.P.

        Nancy Pelosi urging people to go to Chinatown is the Phony War, followed by two weeks to flatten the curve being the Battle of Britain.

        This is getting fun.

      • db

        De Blasio rounding up crowds of Jews to prevent them spreading diseases is…nevermind, I thought maybe there was a parallel, but…

  48. Rebel Scum

    *shocked face*

    Free Beacon

    @NBCNews featured a pair of “undecided” voters during a network town hall earlier this week who had previously declared their support for Democratic nominee
    @JoeBiden on the network’s sister channel,@MSNBC.

    • leon

      I heard the townhall was basically a Biden Infomercial (which is to be expected, anyone who thinks those things are “real” needs to grow up). I don’t however get why campaigns and news feel like that is necessary? Kinda like with the Polls. That would only make sense if you believed that the polls caused outcomes.

      • db

        I heard the townhall was basically a Biden Infomercial (which is to be expected, anyone who thinks those things are “real” needs to grow up).


    • AlexinCT

      The sad thing is that my reaction was not surprise that this was done, but surprise at people acting as if it was news the dnc propagandists with bylines did this, Have they been sleeping for the last 12 years?

  49. Rebel Scum


    “Today, once again, President Trump showed his true colors: putting himself first at the expense of the country, with the full complicity of the GOP Members of Congress.

    “Walking away from coronavirus talks demonstrates that President Trump is unwilling to crush the virus, as is required by the Heroes Act. He shows his contempt for science, his disdain for our heroes – in health care, first responders, sanitation, transportation, food workers, teachers, teachers, teachers and others – and he refuses to put money in workers’ pockets, unless his name is printed on the check.

    “At the same time, the President is abandoning meeting the needs of our children as they adjust to learning in-person, virtual or hybrid. Instead, Trump is wedded to his $150 billion tax cut for the wealthiest people in America from the CARES Act, while he refuses to give real help to poor children, the unemployed and America’s hard working families.

    “Clearly, the White House is in complete disarray. Sadly, they are rejecting the urgent warnings of Fed Chairman Powell today, that ‘Too little support would lead to a weak recovery, creating unnecessary hardship for households and businesses. Over time, household insolvencies and business bankruptcies would rise, harming the productive capacity of the economy and holding back wage growth. By contrast, the risks of overdoing it seem, for now, to be smaller. Even if policy actions ultimately prove to be greater than needed, they will not go to waste.’”

    • leon

      “Walking away from coronavirus talks demonstrates that President Trump is unwilling to crush the virus, as is required by the Heroes Act. He shows his contempt for science, his disdain for our heroes – in health care, first responders, sanitation, transportation, food workers, teachers, teachers, teachers and others – and he refuses to put money in workers’ pockets, unless his name is printed on the check.

      Why would they get the extra mentions?

      • Rebel Scum

        Circuit malfunction? She had a doozy a week or so ago where her brains reset on live television.

      • EvilSheldon

        Teachers are a hardcore Dem bloc. You cater to your blocs.

    • Suthenboy

      Just when you think it is at its peak the screeching, howling and shit-flinging intensifies. I guess that is all they have got. They have to know by now that it isn’t going to work, yet they double down.


      • Donation Not Taxation

        ‘They have to know by now that it isn’t going to work, yet they double down.’ — Suthenboy

        Disagree. Primary objective: D House, D Senate, D White House. Secondary objectives: Move Left elected Rs. Move Left agencies do without significant pushback.

        Donation not taxation.

    • CPRM

      Trump is unwilling to crush the virus, as is required by the Heroes Act.

      It really is the ‘we should just make a law against the virus’ line of thinking that we mock, but I guess this author believes.

      • AlexinCT

        The only way the virus gets “defeated” is to let it run its course so we can get herd immunity.

  50. PieInTheSky

    On the local covid front after a couple of weeks open indoor bard and restaurants are closed again

    • Nephilium

      Sorry to hear that Pie. Sorry for the owners of the bars and restaurants as well.

  51. leon

    Ok Glibs Opinon Polling time:

    In Your opinion which of these would do the most to protect and reclaim liberty in our nation?:

    – Abolish Income Tax
    – Abolish Sovereign Immunity (of all flavors)
    – State Appointment of Senators

    • Tundra

      Income tax. Starve the beast.

      • Ownbestenemy


      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        ^This but any would be good. We’ll get nothing and like it though.

      • robc

        Starving the beast doesnt work, but getting rid of income tax would still be best, as whatever tax replaced it would be more clear.

    • Mason

      Abolish income tax.

    • PieInTheSky

      Income Tax

    • The Last American Hero

      You don’t even need to abolish the income tax, just make it payable, quarterly, no direct withholding, cash or check only.

      • Suthenboy

        Not quarterly. Payable upfront on the day before elections.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Okay boomer…cash or check. Pshaw!

        I agree though if we can’t abolish it, then it needs to be felt. Isn’t withholding the way they finally sold it..or at least one of the biggest reasons it was finally accepted?

      • AlexinCT

        I would LOVE for this to be the way taxes were paid….

        I guarantee you that when people had to write a check to Uncle Sam they would be far, far, less inclined to give away their money without getting fucking mad..

      • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

        This. Its an issue of transparency, which is why it’ll never happen.

      • Idle Hands

        damn refresh.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And banks or employers/payroll vendors step in to provide escrow deductions out of each paycheck so there isn’t an unpayable waterfall due.

        Repealing direct election of US senators would revert to how it was becoming before, rubber stamp of the public’s choice in state elections. Meanwhile proportionate representation requirements in state legislatures have destroyed anti democratic bulwarks in those institutions.

      • R C Dean

        I’d be fine with that, as long as the money was in a savings account that could be accessed for any purpose, and the taxpayer still had to write a check (or authorize a direct payment) on tax day.

      • db

        Kind of like a HSA?

    • Jerms

      The tax

    • leon

      I thought there would be more variation. I lean towards abolishing sovereign immunity, keep state actors from being able to violate your rights with impunity.

    • Idle Hands

      you don’t even need to abolish the income tax to reclaim liberty I’d settle for abolishing withholding.

    • EvilSheldon

      Abolish sovereign immunity. Abolishing the income tax would just shift the state’s focus to transaction or property taxes, which is a marginal improvement at best.

    • R C Dean

      Without some limitation on issuing debt, abolishing the income tax starves nothing, and likely advances the day of monetary reckoning.

    • Donation Not Taxation

      ‘In Your opinion which of these would do the most to protect and reclaim liberty in our nation?:’ — leon

      Donation not taxation.

    • Donation Not Taxation

      Leon, not on list, should consider:
      Converting regulatory agencies to certification agencies. Example: Company A wants label US EPA certified eco-friendly obeys EPA.

      Donation not taxation.

    • Rebel Scum

      State appointment of Senators. The Senate is supposed to be the house of the States and a check on whims of the masses that affect the House.

  52. Tundra

    Straff recommended Tom Woods’ show from yesterday and it’s really goddamn good.

    Here you go.

    • leon

      Is this one of the places where they let non-citizens vote? if so then they would have to segregate ballots between State and Federal.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Nope general election ballot…has local, state and federal offices except office of the president. Huge misprint and of course tax payers are on the hook.

      • leon

        Of course.

        It does make me wonder about the jurisdictiosn that had OK’d voting for non-citizens. The “Ballot in every Mail box” initiative that the gubbmint has gone with seems like it would be a problem. How do they track who can and can’t vote for whom?

      • AlexinCT


        Who the fuck wants to track that stupid shit….


      • leon

        Not only that, but it’s racist if you ask about citizenship.

  53. Stinky Wizzleteats

    A pretty good new Van Morrison antilockdown protest song:

    Give it a thumbs up if you head over there, it looks like it got review bombed at the request of some douchebag bootlicker website of some sort or the other.

  54. Animal

    I saw Van Halen in concert in Des Monies, must have been 1978 or 79. Great show, and a great guitarist. 65 is way too young.

    • Animal

      *Des Moines. Damn the lack of an edit feature!

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I like Des Monies better, may be they should consider a name change.

      • db

        All Des Monies, all Des Wimmins, all Des Cars

      • pan fried wylie

        then you get des powers *temples fingers*

      • pan fried wylie

        wait, no…

    • pan fried wylie

      65 is way too young.

      About the average life expectancy when I was born.

      • pan fried wylie

        Fuck, what am I saying, it was like double the avg when some of you were born.

    • Hyperion

      Yeah, it was just a year ago wasn’t it that Eddie and Roth were still doing concerts? I didn’t even know he had cancer.

  55. Rebel Scum

    Get out the vote.

    Look, folks, I’m going to be honest: we’ll try pretty much anything to get you to vote this election. My team spun up this quiz to match your personality to an easy voting option. Check it out — but more importantly, vote!


    • Ownbestenemy

      Im gonna take that quiz on my government phone and report back what it is

    • Ownbestenemy

      LOL that was interesting. Questions like “Its the weekend and you are” Out with friends (socially distanced), Binge watching Netflix, There are weekends?

      Another question: “Its your best friends birthday, what do you do?” Send an e-card, surprise Zoom party, call them.

      At the end, it of course wants information, so I gave them my gov number (probably violated Hatch act) and I received a text “We know you like to be on time, so make sure you take advantage of Nevada’s universal mail in ballots and get it in on time!”

      • EvilSheldon

        I’m trying to imagine the kind of beaten, broken personality that would respond to this patronizing finger-wagging.

      • Ownbestenemy

        People that want to wrap another layer on to fully cocoon themselves in their ideology?

    • Hyperion

      I hate when they do that. It’s always VOTE! Why the fuck can these cunts not be honest and just say ‘support communism, vote for democrats’?

  56. Sean
    • Rebel Scum

      Good lord. I guess Wallace forgot about that at the debate.

      • AlexinCT

        Oh, I am sure he didn’t. In fact he was very careful to not create any situations where things like this in Biden’s past could come up…

      • Hyperion

        If the deep state gets their way and Biden wins, we won’t have to worry about these difficult choices. They’ll pick some candidates that we are allowed to vote for. Their words, not mine.

  57. pan fried wylie

    Sean on October 7, 2020 at 7:25 am

    Keto ice cream. Problem solved.

    The mint chip was decent. The flavor was spot on, but the texture was a tad off.

    Is it just me, or is the texture of ice cream wrong nowadays? Not crystalline anymore, all goopy. Bryers, Turkey Hill, Hagen Das. Overwhipped, too much texture-modifying alginates, I dunno….but ice cream should break off when you scoop it. It’s all taffy now.

    Talenti’s gelato is the only product that still resembles what I grew up understanding as ice cream.

    • pan fried wylie

      Talenti’s dairy-free peanut butter fudge gelato.

      I think I ate two pints before discovering I’d been inadvertently purchasing the dairy-free product. I don’t really know, It’s that convincing a replica of dairy-based dessert. Pretty sure I got one pint of the normal PB-Fudge gelato, then the next two were dairy free. Wasn’t till the 3rd when I was like, “did this melt and refreeze?”, and finally REALLY looked at the container closely enough to discover my mistake.

      4/5, only slight texture deviation from normal

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        H-D is still free of fillers. Five ingredients in the basic flavors. But yeah, the nut-based nondairy varieties can be very convincing.
        The sugar alcohols in low-carb ICs upset my stomach.

        (Wylie, was it you who mentioned “zaftig” the other day? If so it means juicy.)

      • pan fried wylie

        It was both of us. I joked whether the Germans intended the term to sound “inflated”.

        When the word “zaftig” comes out of my mouth, instinctively, I want to blow my cheeks out, arms englobing and start waddling around in my best blimp impression.

      • Nephilium

        I just think of high ABV beer when I hear Zaftig.

      • pan fried wylie

        I don’t drink enough beer anymore to retrain my mental association, dangit.

      • pan fried wylie

        Juicy sounds completely unrelated to blimps, German makes no phonetic sense at all.

    • Suthenboy

      I eat ice cream because I want creamy, fatty frozen goodness.
      Keto? Fat free? <—– not ice cream.

      That's like no-salt or low fat Ritz crackers. I eat the damned things because I want buttery, salty deliciousness. Throw the rest of that trash in the garbage.

      • pan fried wylie

        Lately I’ve been aggravated every time I pull out the half’and’half and read the “Original” on it, and think, “original? oh yeah, because of the fat-fre..FAT FREE HALF AND HALF, WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THAT?!??!”

        Someday I’ll look at the ingredients and figure out what the halves are in that product.

      • R C Dean

        Soy, and sadness.

    • Mojeaux the Magnificent

      ice cream should break off when you scoop it.

      I hadn’t noticed before, but yeah, you’re right.

      However, fresh homemade ice cream is also all goopy until it’s been frozen *in a freezer* for a few hours. Then it’s hard as a rock and you need a flamethrower to soften it enough to get a good spoonful.

      • l0b0t

        Tales from the ice cream works. During my employment with Ample Hills, they were trying to achieve national distribution. I was surprised to learn that all nationally distributed ice creams are made in only 5 or 6 blending factories across the US. One must contract with and give one’s recipe to these blending firms and they crank out the product. The factory Ample Hills built in Red Hook will be used for regional distro, but new owner (Ample Hills sold for only $1 million in bankruptcy liquidation) Schmitt Industries is still trying to get national sales. On the factory side, after churning, product goes into a -20° freezer until the -40° blast chiller has space for the batch. It spends 5 hours at -40°, then back into -20° for storage until shipping to scoop shops, retailers, or mail-order customers.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Huh. The more you know! ?

    • Chipwooder

      Blue Bell is hard as granite when you scoop it.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Whatever you do don’t let modern mass produced ice cream melt. It turns into a frothy and slimy mess that in no way resembles what you’d think the ingredients should be.

      • Nephilium

        That’s an issue with any ice cream. If it melts completely, it needs to be rechurned again to whip some air into it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s exactly what carrageenan and guar gum sound like they would resemble though.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Gwar Gum NSFW/language

    • grrizzly

      I’m a big fan of Rebel ice cream. Thanks to Sean for recommending it. Sure, it’s low carb but it’s the opposite of fat free.

      • Sean

        I learned about it from C. Anacreon.

      • Rebel Scum

        I may give it a try. I like ice cream but don’t often eat it, mostly sticking to dark chocolate for my sweet-tooth.

    • R C Dean

      Not crystalline anymore,

      That means its been in the freezer too long.

      • pan fried wylie

        Hmmmm, you’re going to have to explain how more freezing undoes crystallization. Unless it’s an auto-defrosting-freezer issue (gradually turning the ice cream from microcrystalline to glassy with each defrost cycle?)

      • R C Dean

        No idea. I just know that ice cream that has been in the freezer too long develops an unappetizing texture of noticable ice crystals, and even an icy crust.

        Ugh. Ice cream should be creamy. Not crusty with and shot through with chunks of water ice.

      • CPRM

        Just run of the mill freezer burn

      • CPRM
      • pan fried wylie

        also, by “anymore” i meant, “in the past 10-20 years”, not “since I bought a particular tub of ice cream”.

        I toss ice cream that doesn’t get eaten within the month. Frost accumulation. Bang-up job there, Auto-defrost.

      • pan fried wylie

        “Auto-Correct, brought to you by the makers of Auto-Defrost!”

    • Hyperion

      “Keto ice cream. Problem solved.”

      Oh boy, I cannot wait to try the liver flavor ice cream.

    • Suthenboy

      Someone is paying the DM to publish her. Does anyone know what she does other than appear in the DM?

      • Gdragon

        Am I a patriarchal shitlord for thinking “Go down on photographers”?

      • Suthenboy

        If calling things what they are makes you a shitlord, then yeah. Yeah, you are.

      • Gdragon

        In 2020? That’s almost certainly what it means 😉

      • Suthenboy

        Ok, I looked her up. She is famous for being in the DM and being photographed.

        I hope she is socking it away because that aint gonna last.

  58. DEG

    “The name Edy’s Pie was chosen in honor of one of our company’s founders, candy maker Joseph Edy, as well as a form of tribute to the entrepreneurial origins of this treat,” Elizabell Marquez, head of marketing for Dreyer’s, said in a statement to USA TODAY.

    huh. What does Edy have to say about the name change?

    • CPRM

      Why couldn’t it just be an inuit pie?

      • Fatty Bolger

        Because they don’t want to have to change the name again ten years from now.

      • CPRM

        When an Edy Pie ends up being worse than an Oreo…

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m sure there’s something problematic with that name too.

      • db

        Capitalistic rape of the environment in the Gold Rush.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Impressive in that they hauled up those letters and got them up without no one knowing? Or is it on private property?

      • leon

        Private Property? California?

      • commodious spittoon

        The people’s property may as well be private, nobody’s looking after it.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Private property, still quickly taken down. Point made, anyway.

    • CPRM

      Or, mayhaps it was Dominos?

    • B.P.

      I thought he was broke.

      • CPRM

        He put it on Putin’s Charge Card.

      • grrizzly

        Today is Putin’s birthday. OMWC looked at a wrong date for birthdays.

    • Suthenboy

      “You know it is from Trump because there is meat on it!”


    • leon

      The left should see if that breaks some corruption laws.

      Then we could have Pizzagate 2: Not the Kiddie Diddlers this time.

      • CPRM

        It must violate the Hatch Act, everything else he does seems to.

      • R C Dean

        Well, at least for values of “seems to” that encompass “cannot possibly, because the Hatch Act doesn’t apply to the President”.

      • leon

        Yeah, but like the staffers he used to deliver the pizza, and pay for it broke the hatch act.

      • CPRM


      • Hyperion

        It was RBG’s dying wish that we get global communism, so we have to do it!

      • Suthenboy

        Perfectly illustrating the irrational nature of TDS. The president and Vice President are specifically exempted and the law is generally considered unenforceable.

        The closest violations I see are what Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan and company did. Insurance policy indeed…

  59. Suthenboy

    I am certain the HVAC guys thought they were ‘over selling’ us when we bought our new system. I am glad they did. Damn that system cools the house fast and as well insulated as we are it hardly ever comes on. You could hang meat in here and our electric bill is down by almost 50%. I love this new set-up.
    On the outside compressor unit the air coming up from the cooling fan used to be hot as hell. With the new unit being nearly twice as big the air is barely warm. I also love the new not-in-the-attic 80 gallon water heater. I can sit in the shower all day if I want to. I think it heats water as fast as I can run it out.

    • SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr

      Two houses ago, we got a quality HVAC unit and the next door neighbor insulated the house (the ducts were 4 feet wide when he was done with them). We were hardly breaking $100 electric bills mid-summer in TX.

      • R C Dean

        Ouyr HVAC units are probably getting close to end-of-life. They are 12 – 13 years old, and they have to frickin’ work hard in Tucson. I do not look forward to the bill for replacing them, but hopefully the new ones will be more efficient and we can save some bucks on the back end.