Doubly blessed, bears and rapesquatches, oh my!
Dueling Pinch Hitters.
I just hope that the fire doesn’t spread to the pods of dolphin that inhabit the Willamette River in the area.
That would be terrible… for all in tents and porpoises.
C’mon, man!
It’s kind of crappie to cast aspersions from high up in your perch.
I like your angle on that.
You should get an eye sturgeon to take a look at that.
Someone needs to check the breem in ones own eye!
Well done, son.
That was terrible and amazing at the same time. Bravo!
Took my breath away in its grandiosity!
Beauty. I, too, channel my inner Belinda Carlisle.
Snorting massive amounts of come and having bisexual relationships with your bandmates?
“Snorting massive amounts of come…” I really need to read that autobiography of hers.
I didn’t realize that was a third option.
Goddamn auto-correct! That was supposed to be coke.
Sure. Sure.
Heheh, hilarious. Whale done.
“Fury at CNN for inviting Zoom-perv Jeffrey Toobin BACK for a fawning interview to explain ‘moronic’ behavior as he insists it was a ‘one-off’”
This guy is a writer and he couldn’t phrase that better?!
He probably thought he was being clever.
Please. Marv Albert actually plead out a sexual assault and only was off the air for two years.
They are different than you and me.
This is worse than wanking.
Bad person.
Worse than wanking, he’s the Wang King.
I hate the love term “love child”. These shits know jackshit about love.
Biden loves Johnson
Joe and the Mrs. are just regular folks like you and me!
Joe and the DOCTOR Mrs. to you, bub!
Ah goddammit STEVE, I had a theme going in the substitute thread!
My video is better…
That’s a great video and a great reminder of how much I like that band.
No Substitute
Nice. God sure seems to like some musicians more than others.
With Smokin’ and Drinkin’ Bob Stinson on guitar
terrible sound quality
This is the type of ‘Mats performances I remember. Thanks!
Yes. Yes it is.
Finally. I was starting to get concerned.
Where’s the Who?
Timing is everything
On first.
That wasn’t who I was expecting.
“Caitlyn Jenner REFUSES to admit Trump lost the election during fiery clash between California Governor hopeful and panel of The View”
That took balls.
To quote above,
Nice avatar. I’m curious about the origin of your handle. Lander, like Lunar lander?
I’ve been operating under the assumption that he’s posting from Mars and he’s part of a faction that doesn’t want to engage with Earth.
Agile Cyborg is back?
One can only dream, while the light of the stars blows past one’s head like a delicate fart from the jeweled and perfect asshole of the creator while one plunges deeply in, following a dark voyage for days and days, only to be suddenly released put of god’s mouth into the verdant pastures of the moms pubis of gaia herself as galaxies explode all around and the warm flood of love is ejected into the void…
Pretty good impression, db…?
Excellent. No space jizz, however.
I’m going with REM fan.
Ugh. I’m an idjit. Thianks, Stinky.
Honestly, I really don’t get it with the Dems. Why the need for validation?
Because it’s not enough to have power. They must punish the deplorables for daring to question the legitimacy of their reign.
It’s not validation. It’s submission.
Tell them to go get a sandwich if they want a sub mission.
With the special sauce?
Because they are on their last legs, and it is what failing idiologies do.
New toy arrived today. Four-tap kegerator.
I should have it set up and running this weekend.
Nice! What’s going in it?
First four kegs: Cider; Blueberry-Lime Mead; Meyer Lemon sweat-and-sour Braggot (meyer lemon mead blended with golden sour ale); Flanders Red Ale.
I have 25 or so kegs sitting in the wine cellar right now. Plus another dozen carboys.
Did you make all that yourself?
That doesn’t include any of the bottles.
Wow, I feel lile a piker now as regards homebrewing.
[holds up “Nerds” sign]
Not a charter member of the More-Money-Than-Brains club.
But, definitely a sustaining member since 2004.
Most of the kegged products I make go to classes, parties, and festivals — none of which happened last year.
And I have a huge store of grain that I bought in bulk thanks to beer-club purchases. I had a brewing binge last fall to start using it up. And, I bought enough yeast a week ago to make another 16 batches.
So now, I have a huge surplus of kegged and waiting-to-be-kegged products.
The good news is that the first festival of the year is in a week and a half. So some of this product will start to go out the door.
Have kegs, will travel.
Party at Kinnath’s.
Thanks for making me feel inadequate. *Looks at two-tapper. *
Do you have a link? I actually have space for a three-tapper. I just never bought it.
I have been very happy with the KegLand products I have bought in the past.
This is far and away the best price I have seen for 4 taps.
That’s great. It’s similar to the one I was looking at a few years ago. I haven’t home brewed for a very long time so I like the 1/6ths. I just wanted to have 3 beers on tap at a time. I’d have to get width dimension to see if it will fit between the bar service counters. Then I could move the small kegerator upstairs and convert it to nitro beers.
The 3-tap should work great for you then.
It radiates heat out the sides. 4 inches of clearance required on both sides.
Bummer, need a front vent.
Why was the fake blood they used on 1970s TV/movies opaque? Couldn’t they find anything that didn’t look like paint?
And bright red, too, like the paint used on Ferraris.
Mebbe censors back then objected to anything that looked “too real.” Y’know, ’cause they cared so much about us being all traumatized ‘n stuff.
People had different blood in the ’70s, kinda like a Vulcan but with a way higher concentration of cocaine.
The answer was, it depends. I recall seeing a bottle of Mole Richardson (Stage/TV/Movie supply house famous for their lighting instruments) fake blood for sale back in the day. But some SFX folks made their own, particularly for movies like “Carrie.” But given the film emulsions of the day they wanted something bright, bright red.
The question mainly came to mind because they lingered on a blood bag in a hospital scene and it was so obviously not blood in there…
Identifying the decade by film grain and SFX is one of the games I end up playing when an unknown show is on.
Speaking of SFX, in the same episode, the fugitive is handed a revolver by a contact, and the close-up clearly shows that the barrel is plugged. Watch, it’ll fire just fine later…
A college friend taught me to always count gunshots in movies and TV. Hollywood is famous for depicting weapons with unlimited ammo in excess of capacity. Her knowledge of the capacity of various weapons was… impressive.
How much off-camera time should be allowed for a reload?
Depends on where the character is keeping the extra magazines/ammo.
I forget what I was watching, but it involved a 6 shot revolver being shot 7 times and then reloaded on camera.
Maybe it was making fun of the trope, but it struck me as needless given that all bullets were aimed at the same guy and none hit their mark.
Are you sure it was a six shot revolver? The only revolver I’ver shot was a 7-shot S&W that looked a lot like a six-shooter.
Or did they do a close-up of the six chambers?
I guess it could’ve been… I think this was 48hrs… Nick Nolte’s gun.
*goes off into the internet wilds to figure out what he was shooting *
*wanders back less than a minute later*
The internet movie firearms database is the website I never knew I needed all my life.
It’s a S&W model 29 he was shooting.
The internet movie firearms database is the website I never knew I needed all my life.
That thing is amazing.
Here’s the scene
8 shots at the end of the scene.
Here’s the scene
Hey, it’s Dexter’s dad!
In the first Terminator movie, when the savior guy shows up in that night club and starts blasing Arny with a pump 12, he get off about 14 shots…
It mostly because people don’t care, they just want a good action scene.
It mostly because people don’t care, they just want a good action scene.
Or, and I’m just spitballing here, it could be that in this entirely made up world with indestructible killer robots and time travel, there are shotguns that can fire 14 or more rounds between reloads.
I probably have this wrong, but I thought the director for the Wick movies made sure the number of bullets was actually correct.
Tangentially related, I enjoy guessing where pornography is shot based upon the electric outlets.
Nope. Peachy derriere.
Two bushels for The Gunslinger please.
Congress just passed a new patents law and my eyes glazed over halfway through the table of contents…
Sorry, the Senate just passed it. Tens of billions spent on bullshit already and I’m less than 10% through it.
This place has gone to hell in a hand basket.
Sounds like hyperbole.
*Looks around, polite applause*?
“It has now been 17 months since #Chicago last logged a day w/ out a shooting and/or a homicide. Since 1/7/20: 1,066 killed, 4,721 wounded.”
All those Indiana gun pushers
It’s the only logical explanation.
Amateurs. It was about 1000 per year when I lived there in the 90s. Coincidence?
My weather station says it’s 98 degrees outside.
That was not in the forecast.
Leaving shortly to go to our first local minor league baseball game for which we’ll be back in our regular partial-season-ticket seats.
If things are getting back to normal, that means it will rain and the Dragons will lose.
Yeah normalcy.
…or “yay,” even.
yeah yay?
Heh. Most residents of Asia Minor are Genetically Greek, go figure.
I thought the theory was the other way around, that the Greeks were mostly from Asia Minor.
The point was, the Actual Turks are not the primary population of Turkey.
Hilarious. Now the race hustlers have another place to set up camp.
Time to convert back to Orthodoxy and reconvert back to The Hagia Sophia.
Not surprising considering that the Greeks colonized the entirety of the coast in the pre-Roman world and then made up the main population base of the core of the subsequent Byzantine Empire. That’s over a thousand years of the population being Greek, so the only way the Turks would be mostly Turk is if they had expelled or genocided all the Greeks, but there are no records of that happening on any significant scale. Heck, the Turkish sultans had a policy of marrying slave European women, who would produce their heirs, so they clearly weren’t into racial purity. That most Turks are either assimilated Greeks or the descendants of Greek-Turk intermarriage is no surprise at all.
Vikings got around too and planted their seed (voluntarily or involuntarily) over most of Europe.
Typical, just typical.
Meanwhile, I pulled the wheel bearings out of the hubs from the car trailer. One set definitely needs to be replaced. The others are probably okay.
Did I mention how much I enjoy doing wheel bearings?
Pack ’em with grease and spin ’em around the shaft.
Sir, this is a family-friendly site! We can’t have that sort of talk around here.
Was this meant for the Toobin thread?
An interesting (long, almost 2 hours) vid on Canadian gun laws from a couple of Canuck lawyers and a US one:
Really interesting if you’re into the intricacies and minutia of law stuff and man, do I feel bad for Canada.
Thot Thursday is.
It is indeed.
To steal a line from Adam Carolla re: Katy Perry – most of them look like they’re thinking about something stupid.
Not sure what to do with competing links.
Just think of them as breasts, and attempt to give them equal attention.
*gently squeezes and flicks one link while licking the other*
Just don’t try to tune them like an old Philco radio.
Young Me: “Which one is the volume control, and which one is the frequency tuner?”
Her: “Neither, dammit!”
Gunshots, fire, and explosions.
We need common-sense code-enforcement officer control. We need to get them off the street.
Gunshots, fire, and explosions.
Sounds like a good weekend.
“69 News”
Allll-riiight. Giggity.
Has anyone seen Wilson Goode?
Can’t you move on from Wilson Goode?
Speaking of TV and sstorytelling, am I the only one who celebrates when the character that is typically abused for comic relief is permitted to demonstrate competence without it used as some sort of a joke?
Not just you. Always a nice moment .
Foo Fighters are playing MSG. But only for people who have the Fauci prick.
Fuck you Dave.
Nah man, rock’s all about following the rules. Maybe he’ll dedicate There Goes My Hero to Fauci.
Some of the set list has leaked.
There Goes My Fauci
Learn to Lie
Ever Wrong
Best of HCQ
They lost their mojo way back when Pat Smear quit anyway.
I thought you were allergic to MSG.
Not to disappoint Ozy, I feel I should defend Mr. Grohl. Sure he’s very mistaken politically, but in every interview I’ve seen he always comes across as a genuinely decent person, he never bad-mouths people, he brings fans up on stage to jam, he interacts with young musicians on you tube. Outside of murdering Kurt so that he could get out from behind the drum set and be the front man he really has led an exemplary life. He may be mistaken but he is not malicious or mean spirited so I have a hard time getting to the “fuck you Dave” point.
Grohl has always seemed a decent person to me, as well, HOWEVER…
that doesn’t exempt him from being called an asshole for offering up stupid opinions way outside of his expertise, which he seems to be doing more and more of lately. I suspect a big chunk of that is that he lives (intentionally or not) in an echo chamber filled with left-proggies, so I’m inclined to grant some forebearance, but again…
No one is exempt from being called out on their assholery, Dave, Me, or you all included.
(Also, I think Courtney did it; I don’t think Dave had anything to do with Kurt’s death, though I was on deployments for most of the time that Nirvana was big, so I missed all of that entirely.)
Are we going to continue to pretend that natural immunity doesn’t exist?
I appreciate your efforts but I stand by my statement.
Fuck you, Dave.
Agreed. Shut up and entertain me.
I’m with Tundra on this one.
Dave can eat a bag o dicks.
Whatever position Hyperbole takes you can pretty much safely take the opposite.
“We” aren’t going to continue anything, I am going to do my thing , you can do yours, Dave can do his. If your thing is to carry hate in your heart for others who have a different take on some particular issue than you, so be it, I refuse to go there. As I said above, for all I can tell Dave seems like a good person, If he wants to have a Trump warp speed vaccinated only concert it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket so I’m not going to get nasty about it.
So you are going with the freedom of association angle here?
Don’t I always?
Ya me too, unless it is the exact angle a tyrannical state is using, then I might just wonder about helicopter rental rates. Granted that is hyperbole…..but just saying.
I have the freedom to tell someone who doesn’t want to associate with me or who wants to make acceptance of his political beliefs a prerequisite to fuck off.
Libertarians have long argued that freedom of association goes both ways. And that people who make poor market decisions will be punished for it (IE the racist shop will lose not just the profit from black business but the business of people who think they’re assholes).
The argument from people like Hyperbole that we should be just fine when the left uses their freedom of association to treat those they disagree with like shit is obvious bullshit.
If your thing is to carry hate in your heart for others who have a different take on some particular issue than you, so be it.
I have a disagreement with Tundra on whether Dave Grohl is an asshole deserving of the Fuck You treatment, I never said Tundra couldn’t consider him an asshole and give him the Fuck You Treatment.
Yes, and I appreciate that distinction.
Dave has done some amazing things I generally appreciate him.
Where I have a huge problem is that he is comfortable excluding people like my 21 YO son from his shows because of something he knows jack shit about.
It’s actually fine. None of us will die because we don’t hear Everlong for the millionth time.
I think Dave is an asshole because he has the influence to help stop this shit, but he won’t.
Not punk.
Why not? I’m not forbidding him from being an asshole (not that I have the power to, but even if I did I certainly don’t have the interest.) I’m just calling an asshole an asshole.
Fuck that. Private citizens/businesses carrying the water for a corrupt deceptive tyrannical state makes them as bad as the state. There was and should have been grace given a year ago when none of us knew what was going on and most of what was being pushed turned out to be pure propaganda but this aint a year ago. The actual evidence shows now that it was all bullshit. The proverbial mask is off and it was all horse shit. Anyone who still pushes it can rightly fuck off.
I don’t have a hard time getting to the “Fuck you, Dave” point with anyone who wants to infringe on my liberty; I believe that used to be the central aspect of being an American. There’s an unfortunate reason the phrase “it’s a free country, ain’t it?” has disappeared from Americans’ daily lexicon… it’s because we don’t have enough of “Fuck you, Dave” in our hearts anymore.
Try it in the mirror, Hype. It’ll make you feel better. ?
How is Dave holding a concert in a private venue for certain people only infringing on your liberty, Do you have a right to see The Foo Fighters play live?
Dave Grohl is also a very good sporting clays shooter.
How will they know who got it? Are they checking for vaccine scars now? Do you have to show your vaccination records to buy a ticket?
What about scalpers – will they check people’s vaccine records, too?
I can’t tell if this is Dave being coy because NY compels this or if he’s truly bought into the stupidity.
Honestly, I don’t care enough to find out.
Ww went to a concert last week and had to show a vax card and an ID matching the name on the card to get in the amphitheater. You could buy a ticket without proof, just couldn’t use it to enter without your papers.
What was nice, though, is once inside almost no one was wearing a mask.
“Foo Pfizers”
Boom! Nice.
Thanks, Count!
“Elizabeth Warren Claims Bitcoin is Fueling Climate Change, Supports Federal Reserve Creating a Crypto Instead (VIDEO)”
Where do they even get that idea from? I know Bitcoin mining is intensive, but in the broader scheme of things I can’t imagine it is using all that much energy.
FWIW, I worked with someone about 2 years ago who told me his electric bill had tripled because of his mining operation. I forget how many rigs he was running. It’s not just the GPUs, it’s the AC too.
Fedcoin, because the printing presses are hard to maintain.
That’s as good a name as any.
I got nuthin’.
There must have been a concerted messaging effort to slam cryptocurrency (even more than usual) because all my Lefty relatives are on a tangent about how these things “use up as much electricity as Argentina” and “make speculators rich without creating any value at all”.
It must get tiring to carry all that water for the Establishment while pretending to be some valiant champion of the little guy.
The Feds are coming for crypto. They have royally fucked the dollar and they cannot afford to allow a competitor.
I believe the vast majority of the federal debt issued in the past year was in short term T bills. In other words, if interest rates rise that debt will convert almost immediately to a higher interest rate and the government is screwed. They are going to hold interest rates low because they now have no choice.
There Volcker play can’t save them this time nor will it save us.
Timbs v. Indiana update from our friends at IJ:
“Oops, we can’t find the car.”
Thanks, Trashy. Great victory.
Even better reason to eliminate the State.
If everyone who believes asset forfeiture is justifiable/constitutional suddenly raptured into Hades, it would be a… good start.
What would we do without any judges?
Temporarily? Nothing, but they are easily replaceable. Very, very, very replaceable.
To each judge applicant:
“Explain each and every amendment in the Bill of Rights succinctly, and without being obtuse.”
Can you imagine a world without lawyers?
Nothing Milo has ever done bothered me, though this one actually does shock me. Seeing the mainstream media ruin him was a sad sight. Reading an article on his lifestyle change, he still seems to be bringing in some dough though so good for him.
I don’t have anything against the guy but this reeks of the desperation of an attention whore who’s not getting attention anymore. He’s just running a grift now.
He was always running a grift. Not bad work if you can get it.
True but this one doesn’t have even a veneer of authenticity. People occasionally do change their political outlook in their thirties or forties but their sexuality? Nah.
I don’t know, I think it happens, and I really don’t care. He always came across as an attention whore so I think you are right, (I haven’t listened to the Breitbart crowd for years so not up on it) but as to changing, db went to band camp and he is married to an actual woman now. Or so he says.
Reading about it, he claims he’s still living with his husband. So yes, likely. Though being flamboyantly gay wasn’t what did him on the right. It created more hate from the left which may have provoked the witch hunt.
+1 Nature Boy
100 tent fires in three months? I don’t think it is hyperbolic to claim that is a bit excessive but I am sure the
camping storesWalmarts there are making bank with the housing flare up.The tent buyers took “fire sale” a bit too literally.
Actually buying their tents? Hah! They either steal the tarps/improvised building material or they get it from the homeless advocacy orgs who enable their lifestyles.
Not to worry!
Tina Kotex, the dyke carpetbagger leading the CFIT for the state, just made the egregious 9th Circus decision both permanent and more encompassing to create a permanent growing bum population not just in shithole Portland but throughout the state. Fuck you City of Boise for rolling over and allowing this crap.
A new “outdoor shelter” has opened up near one of our California ERs, which requires a homeless person to bring their own tent. So that the tent-less can be smoothly discharged, a hospital leader is buying a supply of twenty tents at $21 apiece from Target for us to hand out. No word on their fire safety ratings.
Do you hand them a card that says, Dear tent recipient, do not start a fire in your tent. Start it outdoors in the yard you are trespassing on.
These people are unhinged.
This time you are not wrong.