Friday Morning Links

by | Aug 6, 2021 | Daily Links | 404 comments

Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what an absolutely fantastic, wonderful, stupendous day it always is!


Infrastructure bill could enable government to track driver’s travel data.


Cuomo’s impeachment to begin soon with investigation of sexual assault nearing completion.  Not an investigation to his murdering an untold number of elderly by forcing COVID patients in nursing homes, but of his inappropriate comments and back rubbing.


Spirit Airlines cancelled half of their flights yesterday.


Pennsylvania’s state senator hopes to issue subpoenas within two weeks for counties not complying with forensic audit.


Federal appeals judge: Implementing critical race theory would violate civil rights law.


Denver is spending twice as much per homeless person than it does per public school student.


Elon Musk’s satellite internet almost as fast as broadband.


That’s all I got for today.  I will leave you with a song and move along with my day.

About The Author



Wife of sloopy, mother to three bright, curious, and highly active young girls. Perpetually exhausted.


  1. AlexinCT

    Infrastructure bill could enable government to track driver’s travel data.

    This is probably the least bad thing in that travesty of the abuses government is granting itself powers to commit…


    • Ozymandias

      Morning, Alex!
      Good morning, Gang.
      *Waves to the air, smiles with a vacant gaze (like Uncle Joe), and pisses self.*
      Ahhhh, now time for coffee.

      • AlexinCT

        Damn Ozzy, that’s one heck of a way to start the day….

      • Ozymandias

        I’m up before I wanted to be because the guy came to install and deliver a tv for the new place. That’s what happens when people show up before a civilized hour – they get the Uncivilized Ozy. It’s like an angry UCS, but with fewer gloves and messier hair.

      • Tres Cool

        Having (too briefly) met UCS, he could be sippin’ a pina colada @ Trader Vics.
        His hair was perfect.

      • Tres Cool

        On getting old- “each morning around 0615, I take a piss with a full stream. Then around 0630 I take a colossal dump that actually makes me feel lighter. The only problem is that I dont get out of bed until 0700.”

      • AlexinCT

        Do you get back into that bed later that night?

      • Tres Cool

        “Do you prefer boxers or briefs?”

      • Ozymandias

        TC – you crack me up.
        You’re a west coast Glib, no?

      • Tres Cool

        Nope. Ohio, and just around the corner from our darling GenderTraitor.
        Despite being a hippy, she’s cool af.

      • WTF

        Ozy, I heard on the radio this morning that the government is proceeding with making a requirement that all military personnel get vaxed, and I thought of you and that it seems we’ve been here before.

      • Ozymandias

        Last few days I have received multiple calls and emails from active duty folks asking if I’m willing to take clients on this issue.
        Evidently the book has been making the rounds of the naysayers.
        I hate our government and the citizenry for letting us get to this point.

      • Suthenboy

        I second that. Unless it is immediate and right in front of their noses most people dont realize the consequences of what they do. Even when it comes back and bites them in the ass they simply project blame on some nebulous ‘other’.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The major concern I have is the DOD forcing the FDA’s hand to approve so they can move ahead with their plans. Thus opening the door for mandates on everyone else.

        I despise our government.

      • Zwak, jack off, all trades

        Piss’s himself like Biden?

        …or like Al Jorgensen?

      • Ozymandias

        At this point, what difference does it make?

    • blackjack

      I’m pretty sure it mandates a system of “determining” whether the driver is drunk, via cameras looking for rapid eye movement as well. Your car is literally going to say, ” I can’t let you do that Hal.”

      • waffles

        This is absolutely wretched. It’s so far along that it’s no longer about if we are headed for the cyberpunk dystopia but how fast can we get there. Constant surveillance, capricious laws, fucking hell.

        I guess I’m keeping my red barchetta.

      • AlexinCT

        You can’t get proggy Utopias if you allow people to make bad choice, yo! So your government will need to make sure you don’t need to or can’t make choices to make sure you don’t wreck proggy Utopia.

      • Swiss Servator

        “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

      • AlexinCT


      • Ozymandias

        Exactly this^^^^.
        “Listen Car, either you start the vroom-vroom, or daddy’s got a lighter and I will set your ass on fire and turn you into an insurance check.”

      • invisible finger

        Anything you say to your car can and will be used against you in a “court of law.”

      • Zwak, jack off, all trades

        “Hey man, someone stole your battry! I say we go get the mutha fucka!”

        Eddie Murphy

    • Drake

      Is this the bill they plan to pass before it’s written?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I hope everyone realizes that this requires an internet connection to function.

      Which means that government will be able to disable the vehicle at will.

      • Ozymandias

        I’m with you, Scruff. I have been saying since the moment Musk started talking about “autonomous” cars that it’s a terrible idea.
        I believe I wrote here that there can be no doubt that the govt will make having a “failsafe” a part of any ‘autonomous’ vehicle network.
        When you are convicted of wrongthink, you will be in your car, the doors will lock, and it will drive you to the police station/gulag.
        Autonomous vehicles are a terrible, terrible idea looking for a way to become reality.

      • Tonio

        The ghost of Robert A Heinlein would like a word.

      • WTF

        Which is why I will keep maintaining and repairing my 2008 4Runner forever.

      • SDF-7

        Yep. Same with me 03 Chevrolet.

      • robc

        [insert eye rolls here]

        Not that I disagree with you, its just that it is the same argument the left makes about guns.

        You are blaming the tool.

    • Agent Cooper

      Illegal search and seizure?

  2. AlexinCT

    Pennsylvania’s state senator hopes to issue subpoenas within two weeks for counties not complying with forensic audit.

    Merrick Garland is on this! He will threaten the PA senators with the full power of the DOJ/AG if they continue down this path that exposes the fact our election system is designed to prevent people from seeing the problems or to audit the results and that is all to allow team blue to cheat.

    • Ozymandias

      Given how Garland haas acted since getting this gig, doesn’t it make you feel somewhat different about the Turtle’s decision to stall on Garland’s SCOTUS nomination? Can you imagine this guy on the Supreme Court??
      “Three generations of conservatives is enough! Korematsu was good law!” Gulags for all of the wrongthinkers who won’t wear masks!!

      • blackjack

        Man, you were not joking about the DOJ mandate justification. We dodged a bullet keeping that Garland douchebag off the S/C!

      • AlexinCT

        Someone told me Garland is the stupid evil jackass he is now specifically because he was blocked from getting the SCOTUS job and feels hurt. I disagreed. Like you, I believe this is the guys real nature and he is doing exactly what he would have done had he been on the SCOTUS. We were spared one of the most partisan and corrupt evil fucks you could imagine, but considering the spinelessness of most of the people on the SCOTUS, who knows.

      • Ozymandias

        Sure. If only the citizenry didn’t make him flog them, he’s really a nice guy!

  3. The Late P Brooks

    White mice can’t jump?

    That seems racist.

    • Tres Cool

      Or dance.

  4. waffles

    This “infrastructure” bill is packed to the gills with some pernicious shit. I consider anyone voting in favor of it to be a violation of the NAP.

    • AlexinCT

      So that means our political class will love the thing?

  5. UnCivilServant

    A thought crossed my mind a few days ago that I’m wondering about.

    What legal category to homemade electromagnetically driven weapons fall under? (ie railguns, coilguns)

    What sort of hassle would I get for making one?

    What changes if I decide instead of risking my ramshackle electrical fire in potentia, I go and give a stack of cash to HyX to build one that works?

    • AlexinCT

      If you can build one, sell it to the NAVY. They spent close to a billion dollars and couldn’t make it work as intended…

      • UnCivilServant

        Small scale coilguns capable of smashing melons have been around for years.

        The requirements of a navy railgun are well above anything I’d want to deploy.

      • AlexinCT

        I would want to have at least the range they wanted of between 120 to 225 miles as my range, so I could start taking potshots at NYC and Boston…..

      • UnCivilServant

        But then you’d need drones up to see what damage you did.

      • AlexinCT

        Yup, already working on that as well… Skynet will be my baby!

      • Ozymandias

        “Phased Plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.”

      • rhywun

        Only what you see here, pal.

      • SDF-7

        Hey Buddy… stop doing that! ?

        (Wrong. )

      • Rat on a train

        I could get by with the ~50 needed to reach the swamp.

    • db

      27 CFR Section 478.11 contains the governing legal definition of a firearm in the US:

      Firearm. Any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device; but the term shall not include an antique firearm. In the case of a licensed collector, the term shall mean only curios and relics.

      The words “to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive” seem to be important. I’m unaware of regulations on EM based projectile weapons but they might well exist–I am not a lawyer and you should do research on the topic and consult a legal expert.

      • UnCivilServant

        Thanks for the link. “Destructive Device” might not even trip:

        Destructive device.
        …(b) any type of weapon (other than a shotgun or a shotgun shell which the Director finds is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes) by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter; and

        Unless someone argues that electromagnetic waves count as a ‘propellant’ though the intent was probably air rifles.

      • waffles

        Air rifles under 50cal don’t count? Ok, neat.

      • db

        Destructive devices typically are things like grenades, grenade launchers, bombs, and the like, although the weasel wording in the code allows the “Director” to determine anything to be a DD, so rifles and cannon of caliber larger than .50 caliber are generally considered to be so, with exceptions.

        DDs are regulated under the NFA, but are even more tightly controlled than other Title II firearms like machineguns, SBRs, etc. The cost to obtain a federakl firearms license to manufacture or deal in DDs is over 10 times the cost of a regular FFL.

      • Rat on a train

        I worked with a guy who owns a 12pdr muzzle loading cannon for Civil War reenactments. No FFL needed. It falls into the cultural exception.

      • SDF-7

        It still boggles my mind that the Constitution itself allows for private warships to be brought to the aid of the Navy in time of war and yet people argue that the Founders didn’t want high end military gear in the hands of the people.

      • blackjack

        I remember reading the law for L.A. city and it is illegal to fire anything remotely close to a gun, up to and including Nerf guns. Seriously. It mentioned some form of toy gun and BB guns/ airguns. They started including that stuff in there during the Airsoft panic.

      • SDF-7

        The waves impart acceleration, therefore they propel the projectile, therefore the energy itself is a propellant.

        Thus Spoke the Penaltaxer.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      She doesn’t work in that division anymore,

      • UnCivilServant

        But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to build such a device. I mean, they didn’t confiscate her knowledge of electromagnetic systems when she left.

      • hayeksplosives

        The Navy “Innovative Naval Prototype” program was fraught with problems, many of which were non-technical. It will come back eventually; it’s always been cyclical.

        The main practical problem is the large (volume/weight) amount of high voltage capacitors needed, as well as the accompanying thyristors and inductors.

        The definition of gun using “explosives” seems to exclude railgun; no explosives are needed.

        Seems to exclude directed energy weapons too.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        “The main practical problem is the large (volume/weight) amount of high voltage capacitors needed, as well as the accompanying thyristors and inductors.”

        Nothing like a spontaneous discharge to ruin your day.

      • CPRM

        Did you get you’re goodies from being a Patron?

      • l0b0t

        They keep talking about Joules on target. I think, and could be completely off base here, that delivering a bullet sized projectile, with the same kinetic energy as a combustion firearm is coming at it from the wrong direction. Would it not be more efficacious to work towards multiple tiny flechettes or monofilament needles?

      • UnCivilServant

        The thing about needles is that they behave very differently on impact or in flight. They were tried in firearms and found wanting. Until you get up near arrow size (which is in bullet diameter anyway) they just don’t seem to have the sort of stopping power needed in the moment. When you hit somebody, you want them to stop trying to kill you. While the needles might still be leathal, if the other guy manages to kill you before they go down, it’s less than optimal.

      • EvilSheldon

        To a certain degree, you’re right. Energy on target is somewhat irrelevant. A better starting point is probably something like, ‘Inflicting a wound that will cause incapacitation within X seconds in 95% of the population.’

      • R C Dean

        That’s definitely the true goal, but I believe energy on target is very highly correlated with that result. I’m not sure how you could get there with a projectile weapon without delivering a lot of energy on target .

      • Sean


      • waffles

        It’s powered by a 6s LiPo, which is what I use in my racing quadcopter. Neato!

  6. Rat on a train

    the Congressional Budget Office, or CBO, has projected that the fund could be short nearly $200 billion between 2022 and 2031 if current fuel taxes remain in place while funding for highway and mass transit projects increases with the rate of inflation

    I see part of the problem.

  7. Ghostpatzer

    Mornin’ Banjos.

    From the CRT link:

    “Judge Ho’s views are constitutionally correct as well as correct under existing anti-discrimination law,” he wrote in an email. “It is only a matter of time before the court system is forced to confront racism in the name of so-called ‘antiracism.'”

    Correctamundo. And we need more Ho’s in the judiciary!

    • juris imprudent

      Wouldn’t you know, Ho is also a big defender of qualified immunity. Why can’t we ever get judges that actually follow the Constitution?

      • Jarflax

        Because the Constitution was written to prevent the creation of an omnipotent unaccountable bureaucracy and to forbid the infringement of individual rights. Thus the Constitution is the enemy of the people who choose judges.

  8. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

    Sloop hungover this morning ?

  9. UnCivilServant

    Federal appeals judge: Implementing critical race theory would violate civil rights law.

    I’m just glad a judge is finally pointing out that ‘disparate impact’ is bullshit and should never have made it into any judicial opinions.

    • AlexinCT

      He will be reprimanded and overruled by the ones that want/need government to allow racism that favors the marxist globalist agenda…

      • wdalasio

        Nah on the reprimand part. I think judges, although mostly spineless and/or evil, tend to be some of the smarter players in politics. Ho is in consideration for a SCOTUS slot. Judges will do anything they can to undermine him, but they won’t out-and-out go at him and make an enemy of someone potentially that far up the totem pole.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Which is why having a branch of the federal government decide what is constitutional and what is not is an exceedingly bad idea.

  10. Rat on a train

    Denver is spending twice as much per homeless person than it does per public school student.

    Do they get higher scores on standardized tests?

    • UnCivilServant

      Far more positive results on their narcotic and disease exams.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    “It is only a matter of time before the court system is forced to confront racism in the name of so-called ‘antiracism.'”

    And when the 9th Circuit is done with it, it will be settled law and unassailable precedent.

  12. Ghostpatzer

    “Denver is spending more than TWICE as much per homeless person than it does on a public school student, new report claims”

    “We need to double the education budget” /Denver politicos

    • AlexinCT

      Why not make the kids homeless and then you can spend the extra money on them? Win-win, yo!

      • db

        Now *that* is Top Government Men thinking. You could go so far…

      • Ghostpatzer

        “We’re working on that. Another round of lockdowns should do the trick”

  13. juris imprudent

    File under TMITE.

    I really don’t dislike Glenn Kessler’s work most of the time. He’s certainly head-and-shoulders above some of the other fact-checkers out there and not averse to taking on Democrats as well as Republicans. But in this case he seems to have taken some advice from Wile E Coyote.

    • PieInTheSky


    • AlexinCT

      As if that failed hit attempt will cause the marxist globalist cabal’s efforts to discredit their enemies to diminish or stop….

    • rhywun

      Nice. That guy is doing necessary work.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Kessler is a venomous asshole who runs hit pieces for the DNC. Check out his treatment of Tim Scott for proof.

  14. PieInTheSky

    And what an absolutely fantastic, wonderful, stupendous day it always is! – I really need some of whatever Banjos puts in her coffee

  15. The Late P Brooks

    World ending, Californians hardest hit
    TW: Slate

    On Wednesday, four of the leading Republican candidates to be the next governor of California held a debate in which anti-vaccine and anti-mask rhetoric featured prominently, showing what might be in store for one of the most progressive states in the country if Gov. Gavin Newsom is recalled when the state votes on Sept. 14.

    You might be asking yourself a few questions right now such as: Republican next governor of California? Debate? Recall? Though much of the country—and even state!—have seemingly not noticed, the Democratic governor of California is at high risk of losing his job. The Trump-backed recall effort in, yes, the bluest of blue states, will succeed if just over 50 percent of voters agree to replace Newsom with someone else (voters will also be asked who should replace him, and a much smaller plurality would be needed to claim victory than that 50 percent threshold for the recall itself—it’s bizarre). The candidates vying to take Newsom’s place have, to varying degrees, promised to bring COVID denialism to the Golden State. In short: We could easily become the next Florida.


    Another candidate tried to argue the “public” out of “public health.” “I think the government has engaged in a significant overreach of its authority in terms of imposing these things,” said former Republican Rep. Doug Ose. “I happen to have great faith in the ability of people to make decisions of their own, to assess the risk that they face, whether it be for their child in school, or their workplace, or where they shop. If you go to a store that says please wear a mask, you have a decision to make, you can put on a mask and go in or you have to respect the store owners’ rights to control their own environment. I just think that government overreach has to stop.” Ose also said he opposed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s current guidance on masks.

    End government “overreach” when what the world truly needs is absolute dictatorial power for public health experts?


    • Breet Pharara

      Hey Slate, question: why is “the Democratic governor of California is at high risk of losing his job”? Could it be because a good chunk of “one of the most progressive states” are “COVID denialists”?

      The funniest part is Newsom went out of his way to keep viable Dems off the recall ballot, hoping to force people wanting to vote Dem to vote to keep him in office. Dirty politics blowing up in his own face is so nice to watch. It could also be big in keeping lockdowns from other states. When the Dems are paying a political price in one of their single party states, gonna make pols much more reluctant to push lockdowns in more competitive areas.

    • Rat on a train

      will succeed if just over 50 percent of voters agree
      I seem to recall a certain side saying we need more of that.

    • Suthenboy

      “In short: We could easily become the next Florida.”

      Uh…is that good or bad? It depends on who you ask I suppose.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m ok with the meth gators, but the humidity is a deal-breaker

      • blackjack

        Please! I love Florida amd my outlook would improve by leaps and bounds if we even move a little in that direction.

  16. Sean
    • UnCivilServant

      Why do the buttons have genitalia?

      Who is molesting these buttons?

      • Festus

        Those little balls that hang below are just so irresistible. You just need to waft some air over them like wind chimes.

    • AlexinCT

      You know that you are asserting your lordship when you use your Johnston to push buttons!

      • Festus

        There is a spot about an inch or two above the button that is the REAL button, right?

      • Ozymandias

        +1 Man in the canoe

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      I see a sign like that and I’m definitely going to push the buttons with my dick.

  17. db

    Elon’s dangling that big space dong high in the air right now.

      • AlexinCT

        I thought it was Bezos that liked flying around in that giant dick….

      • db

        It’s space dongs all the way down.

    • PieInTheSky

      Large cranes are patriarchy

    • PieInTheSky

      But I have to admit that thing will explode spectacularly. No way it works on the first try. Big bada boom.

      • waffles

        Isn’t is pretty fucking cool to watch and find out? If it succeeds, yay. If it ‘splodes, double yay. So rarely do we get a true win-win these days. I’ll take it.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Don’t think that’s a given. It’s using somewhat proven engines, and they aren’t trying to land it the first time. It will splash down in the ocean instead.

      • db

        Good video, but the commentators are kind of annoying. When I watch that stream I often mute it.

  18. Festus

    Mornin’ Banjos! That tune was dandy-fine.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    I guess I’m keeping my red barchetta.

    “Congratulations, Citizen. We have decided to take that old clunker off your hands, and provide you with a voucher toward the purchase of a modern, sensible commuting pod. And a bus pass.”

  20. PieInTheSky

    Cuomo’s impeachment to begin soon with investigation of sexual assault nearing completion. Not an investigation to his murdering an untold number of elderly by forcing COVID patients in nursing homes, but of his inappropriate comments and back rubbing. – should have hired more cuomosexuals to have something to rub

    • AlexinCT

      That’s an interesting perspective…

      Ask yourself why they would suddenly decide to go after the guy after giving him a pass for decades. I have heard the fact that the accusations went nowhere before was because they decided to overlook them since they needed “Mario” to battle the evil Bowser-Trump, and once that boss monster had been defeated the Eye-talian plumber no longer was needed, so they then came after him, but will not carry through, because this again is about providing the senile bitch and Biden in D.C. with some distracting cover…

      • PieInTheSky

        Ask yourself why they would suddenly decide to go after the guy after giving him a pass for decades – usually this happens when one outlives ones usefulness. This is always the risk when going into organized crime structures.

      • AlexinCT

        Team blue is a cabal of organized crime syndicates, so you do have a point…

        And while Cuomo might think more of himself as Michael Corleone, he really has more in common with Mario form the old Nintendo games..

      • UnCivilServant

        Looks better if rendered in 8-bit graphics with few pixels?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      #2 is so pretty, fucking adorable.

    • Festus


  21. PieInTheSky

    Zarah Sultana MP
    While capitalism lives, the planet dies. Putting people & planet before profit isn’t only just, it’s also a necessity for survival.

    The fact that this banal nonsense still exists makes me think most people have no understanding of what profit is.

    • AlexinCT

      Ask these morons if they believe in SCIENCE!… Then point out that real science shows us that nature relentlessly stresses the concept of survival of the fittest, which is a competitive system, and that any lifeform that loses that fight – by choice or otherwise – is going to go extinct…

      Then point out that collectivist Utopia demands humanity violate that inviolate law of nature, by stopping all competitive systems, and that will result in stagnation and eventually extinction.

      Then you will finally see what they really want as the spark in their eye and the gleeful giggling and hand wringing gives away these people are mass murdering life hating cultists.

  22. Q Continuum

    I have never flown Spirit as I’ve heard too many horror stories about it. I’ve been tempted; their advertised prices are absurdly low but then you have to remember that you pay extra for literally everything and it evens out. Blaming their problems on “bad weather” is a clear cop-out as well since it partially absolves them of having to compensate all the people they’re stranding. It doesn’t pass the smell test either; if it’s bad weather why aren’t the other airlines this fucked up?

    • PieInTheSky

      You need good old Ryan Air in the states

    • UnCivilServant

      if it’s bad weather why aren’t the other airlines this fucked up?

      Because the other airlines bought the whole plane instead of ‘just the essentials’?

    • AlexinCT

      The other day I flew home from Minneapolis on a flight that had been delayed 45 minutes because the pilot had forgotten his airport security badge at home and had to drive back to get it..

      It was a Delta flight….

      The pilot told us this before we left and apologized….

      The weather was nice or they might have also canceled that flight?

    • Agent Cooper

      American has pissed off lots of people lately.

      The issue with Spirit is that they don’t have enough employees to fly those routes.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    How much does Starlink cost? I might need it if I end up out in the hinterlands.

    • PieInTheSky

      three fifty give or take

      • AlexinCT

        SHREE FIDDY!

      • Tres Cool

        “I need about tree fitty”

    • db

      It’s something like $100 a month, at least. I looked into it at one point after it became available in my area.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        $500 up front and then $100 a month.

    • Festus

      All of your dick-pics.

      • AlexinCT

        Some people have a fortune by those measurements. Some are paupers…

      • Festus

        “The Cobbler’s son goes un-shod” or something.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    if it’s bad weather why aren’t the other airlines this fucked up?

    Spirit is flying open cockpit planes. To save money.

    • Breet Pharara

      More like its an extra fee to have a closed cockpit plane. Flew Spirit once, just getting tickets at airport checkin there were about 50 boxes asking for some service for an extra fee. One of the worst travel experiences I ever had.

  25. Rebel Scum

    The government would keep track of drivers’ travel in a test program to charge per-mile fees to raise revenue for the Highway Trust Fund.

    This is about spying and control, not revenue for road construction/maintenance. If it was for the latter they would federally require a yearly inspection of automobiles using state funded roads wherein one would simply report the miles driven during the year. It would be imperfect but not the tyrannical horseshit being proposed.

    • Agent Cooper

      Gasoline taxes + Per-mile “fees” = winning!

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Firearm. Any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive

    And here comes the ATF to kick down your door and arrest you for that potato gun. And shoot yer dawg.

    • UnCivilServant

      The spud gun is technically a destructive device by the definitions in the law, as it uses a propellant and the bore is more than half an inch.

    • Festus

      Meh. I’m more of a “girl next door” type but thanks, all the same.

  27. Rebel Scum

    Not an investigation to his murdering an untold number of elderly by forcing COVID patients in nursing homes, but of his inappropriate comments and back rubbing.

    The elderly had to be culled. The creepy old man stuff is a bridge too far, at least for those that have lost favor with the party.

    • Festus

      Eggs will be broken, omelets will be made. The far Lefties want his hide on a stick.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, there are a lot of them chomping at the bit for his job.

        Buckle up.

  28. Tres Cool

    Armed with a fresh beer, dip of Grizzly in my lip, and a BAC of likely 0.16, Im off to mow before SW Ohio becomes a sauna.

    • Festus


      • Tres Cool

        I got-r-done

        Even trimmed, too

    • Tonio

      Yeah, a classic SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). Sorry, teachers, your work emails are not personal or private. And how the fuck did a teachers union get standing to sue a private individual when citizens can’t get standing to sue the government or its employees.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    It takes the vaxx or it gets the boot

    United Airlines will require its 67,000 U.S. employees to get vaccinated against Covid by no later than Oct. 25 or risk termination, a first for major U.S. carriers that will likely ramp up pressure on rivals.

    Airlines including United have so far resisted vaccine mandates for all workers, instead offering incentives like extra pay or time off to get inoculated. Delta Air Lines in May started requiring newly hired employees to show proof of vaccination. United followed suit in June.

    United’s requirement is one of the strictest vaccine mandates from a U.S. company and one that includes employees who interact regularly with customers like flight attendants and gate agents.

    At least then there will be no need for masks, right?



  30. Rebel Scum

    Pennsylvania’s state senator hopes to issue subpoenas within two weeks for counties not complying with forensic audit.

    Grow a pair and issue them now.

    Lack of transparency is a fraud in and of itself.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    “We know some of you will disagree with this decision to require the vaccine for all United employees,” United CEO Scott Kirby and President Brett Hart said Friday in an employee note. “But, we have no greater responsibility to you and your colleagues than to ensure your safety when you’re at work, and the facts are crystal clear: everyone is safer when everyone is vaccinated.”

    Sounds like slavery.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Of course, we are not liable if you suffer any ill effects from said vaccine, short term or long term.

    • Agent Cooper

      “President Brett Hart”

      The Best There Is, the Best There Was, the Best There Ever Will Be?

  32. Rebel Scum

    According to a report released Thursday by the Common Sense Institute in collaboration with researchers at the University of Colorado Denver, the City of Denver spends anywhere from $41,679 to $104,201 per homeless person, compared to $19,202 per K through 12 student.

    *spits out coffee*

    Good lord. You could house and feed at least 2 people (and maybe more) on even the low end of that.

    • UnCivilServant

      And they do.

      Those people are City Employees.

    • AlexinCT

      Does that include enough money to get a weekly escort?

    • Rat on a train

      Like education, less than half is used directly for the stated purpose. All the support staff needed for the front line workers need their cut.

    • Suthenboy

      You are under the impression that the homeless see a penny of that money?

      • AlexinCT

        One can ask the same about the money spent to “educate” kids and where in the school system it is being spent Suthen…..

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Chinese competitor Li congratulates ‘China’s Taipei team’

      Perpetual assholes

  33. The Late P Brooks

    The fact that this banal nonsense still exists makes me think most people have no understanding of what profit is.


  34. Count Potato

    “According to a report released Thursday by the Common Sense Institute in collaboration with researchers at the University of Colorado Denver, the City of Denver spends anywhere from $41,679 to $104,201 per homeless person….

    The report also compared the figure to the average yearly rent for an apartment in Denver, which is $21,156”

    Couldn’t they just rent them apartments so they wouldn’t be homeless?

    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t know the current percentages, but there is a good solid core of homeless who cannot be rehomed. When put into a home, they end up destroying it and back on the street.

      • waffles

        These people could be institutionalized.

      • UnCivilServant

        If we reopened the asylums.

        But I don’t trust the current governing institutions to be able to decide who gets locked away for mental health reasons. It’s easy to abuse involuntary institutionalization. I mean, who believes the guy in the straightjacket when he protests that he’s not crazy?

      • AlexinCT


      • Tonio

        So much this.

        And dormitories are a lot cheaper, although we know that those facilities would soon “need” onsite social/medical workers and we’ve re-created the institution.

      • Tonio

        And even if they don’t destroy the home they have difficulty keeping up with utility payments.

        The ideal situation would seem to be dormitory-style housing where you get a room and maybe a private bathroom. But then you run into the problem of the homeless disappearing and you don’t know whether they’ve died, moved, or just out on an extended bender.

      • Akira

        Ideally, the public would be able to accept that some people are going to end up homeless through their own actions and there’s not much that can be done about it. We could have the greatest economy in the world with plentiful jobs and cheap housing, a welfare system that provides dormitories or housing assistance, and a robust network of private charities that pick up the slack… And there would still be some number of people living on the streets.

      • UnCivilServant

        If they’re homeless by choice, fine. Just don’t shit in spaces where other people need to pass. The elevator in a parking garage where I used to have a permit was a favorite bathroom for the homeless, so I ended up only parking on levels where I could avoid it.

      • Akira

        That too – they shouldn’t be allowed to be a public nuisance and/or menace.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      They’d have to budget for the damage done to the apartments as well.

      The people we’re talking about aren’t exactly model tenants.

    • AlexinCT

      They should have a show where Toobin is yanking his crank on camera right as they give him his vaccine…

      • Rat on a train

        It could be a government funded study on the effects of masturbation on vaccine effectiveness.

      • AlexinCT

        The CDC has concluded that a shot in the eye or mouth from a recently vaccinated person yanking their crank meets its expectations of an oral vaccine?

  35. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Yet more shenanigans from the DOJ acting as private security and cleaning services for the politically connected.

    For those in need of a refresher: President Biden’s son Hunter came out with an autobiography detailing his abuse of alcohol, drugs and how he lied on a 4473 Form (BATFE background check) which is a federal felony. Around the same time that this issue came to light, Hunter’s brother’s widow (whom he was having an affair with) had taken his handgun supposedly without his permission and tossed it into a trash can outside a supermarket in Delaware.

    Several parts of this story are alarming and frustrating. Politico reported that Secret Service agents had approached the store where Hunter bought the gun and asked to take, not for copies, the paperwork regarding the sale of the handgun purchase. Bless the gun store owner, because they initially refused to supply the paperwork suspecting that the agent wanted to hide Hunter’s ownership of the missing gun in case it were involved in a crime. A valid concern because why would any “law abiding citizen” toss a gun… The paperwork was later turned over by the store owner to the ATF.

    Ammoland Reporter David Codrea submitted two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to see what came of the ATF and Secret Service’s investigation into both incidents. The response he was met with: “confirming or denying the existence of such records would harm the interests protected by these exemptions.” Those interests being Hunter Biden’s privacy. While the DOJ has decided to sweep this under the rug, Codrea plans on suing the agency for the release of the requested records which are clearly in the public interest.

    Why is this story important? We cannot let this story go by the wayside as this is a classic example of members of the government, and apparently family members now too, exercising their “guns for me but not for thee” privileges that the average American is not afforded.

    • Count Potato

      ” Hunter’s brother’s widow (whom he was having an affair with) had taken his handgun supposedly without his permission and tossed it into a trash can outside a supermarket in Delaware.”

      Now imagine if one of Trump’s kids did anything like that.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        They would be in prison.

    • waffles

      What they are doing is worthy of harassment yes.

    • PieInTheSky

      to late potato

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Dude, you can’t question what the teachers are telling your kids. That’s not your business and those aren’t your kids.

      • AlexinCT

        The state can’t trust you to do what is right for its top men and must intervene to make sure the kids are properly brainwashed informed.

    • rhywun

      Assume yes and pull your kids out if you can afford to*.

      *this needs to change

  36. Rebel Scum

    What a panzi.

    While the pistol was manageable, even comfortable to hold and fire, the rifle was a different beast altogether. Everything about it — its weight, tactical scope and overall lethality — was downright intimidating.

    The fact that the first magazine refused to click into place didn’t help either, further unnerving me. What if I just broke a $3,500 rifle? A fresh magazine worked just fine, though, and after loading it, I sent the target out to 15 yards.

    When ready, I lined up the target in the cross hairs, pulled the stock onto my shoulder, squeezed the trigger and — BA-BOOM!!!!!

    It is difficult to describe the impact — physical and personal — of that first shot. It felt like a meteor had struck the earth in front of me. A deep shock wave coursed through my body, the recoil rippling through my arms and right shoulder with astounding power. Being that close to an explosion of such magnitude — controlled and focused as it was — rattled me.

    I composed myself and continued to fire round after concussive round, the puffs of acrid gunpowder smoke carried downrange by a powerful ventilation system. My accuracy gradually improved until it became easier to hit the target with the rifle from 25 yards than with the pistol from five.

    It was exhilarating, but I never got comfortable firing it. I’m not sure what scared me more — the power of that weapon or the fact that I could have taken one home that day.

    This little girl is more masculine than you.

    • Rebel Scum

      Don’t let this pussy shoot a 0.50 bmg.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      “its weight, tactical scope and overall lethality”

      People like this are the most dangerous on the range. Because they perceive the big guns to be so lethal, they underestimate the lethality of that little 380 auto sub-compact and swing it around. They’re all lethal. That’s the point.

    • Rat on a train

      the recoil rippling through my arms and right shoulder with astounding power

      I recall a drill sergeant firing a M16 with the butt on his crotch to show the kick is nothing to be afraid of.

      • AlexinCT

        I bet that SOB was trying to improve his odds of not impregnating anyone ever again…

      • Rat on a train

        I believe we just had some crazy drill sergeants. The guy went AWOL in the last phase of training.

    • UnCivilServant

      The last time I shot an AR, I was underwhelmed.

      The biggest impact I’ve had from a firearm I was operating was after a couple of hours of shooting my Mosin (now that does have a rapport like a cannon) and it left my shoulder sore.

      And shit, this guy’s only shooting from 5-25 yards? Okay, it was an indoor range. But the only rifle I’ve zeroed for less than 100 yards is the Ruger, since I kept taking it to the steel challenge shoots. I wish I had the free time for that these days.

      • Rat on a train

        I normally fire at most 5 rounds from a Nagant. They are beasts that kick up dust when fired from a standing position. They leave a mark on my shoulder every time.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was trying to get the sights in.

        Plus hearing the boom echoing off the hills around Ilion was fun.

      • waffles

        Smaller rifles kick more. A big heavy AR would feel like nothing. My hardest kicking rifle is a lightweight 30-06 carbine.

      • UnCivilServant

        There are a couple of ways to dampen recoil. Mass is just the simplest.

      • Rat on a train

        The report is impressive. I recall sitting in the range pits listening to different firearms. The M16 sounds weak. The M60 sounds like something to avoid. I wonder what a Nagant sounds like downrange.

        Do your sights still have distances in arshins? The sights on mine go out to 3,200 arshins. The right side of the base was later marked to hundreds of meters which results in some with fractions like 8 1/2.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t know.

        The one I own was churned out in 1942 and the markings are not the clearest. I just adjusted it until I was hitting the target.

        Technically it’s an antique, being more than 50 years old, and of historical interest.

      • Rat on a train

        Doubtful then. Mine is an 1891 Infantry from WWI.

      • PutridMeat

        Every time I shoot the M1, my first thought is “You bastards carried this heavy son-of-a-bitch for miles across the fields of Europe?!?!” and the second thought is “You bastards willingly shot this thing repeatedly after carrying it for miles?!?!”

      • UnCivilServant

        Alas, Infantry – poor bastards.

        Though by the time they were shooting at the enemy they had been conditioned to the weight and recoil.

      • Rat on a train

        Grunts take a lot of abuse. That is why they get all the shiny on their uniforms.

      • Rat on a train

        Big, heavy, high-powered, steel butt plate. Yes, you are going to feel it.

      • creech

        My Dad got a “marksman” badge for the M1 in WWII but was always thankful he never had to use it in combat. The heaviest thing he had to tote while deployed in Europe was a mailbag in which some GI had tried to mail home an engine from a captured Nazi motorcycle.

      • UnCivilServant

        So they were mailing the bike home one piece at a time?

      • CPRM

        It was a 41, 42, 44….

      • creech

        Yes, the EPO hq found the motorcycle pieces in several different bags and confiscated them. The EPO hq was in a requisitioned country home that had a drained pool. My Dad said they filled the pool to the brim with
        confiscated rifles, panzerfausts, and other weapons that GIs had tried to send home.

      • Rebel Scum

        I don’t have a bolt gun but I have a lever .30-30. Go through enough rounds of that and you may get a sore shoulder. And AR, however, will not even come close to wearing you out.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        12 Gauge with PDX round, that fucking hurts,
        /semi auto= multi pain

    • Suthenboy

      Why, look at that. Comments are closed.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I’ve seen this before…..

    • EvilSheldon

      Ehh. Shooting any centerfire rifle indoors is not much fun. Not the recoil, but the flash and muzzle blast. It takes some getting used to.

      If the range owner had a brain, he’d have suggested a .22LR or 9mm AR, ideally with a can.

      • R C Dean

        I was surprised they allowed rifles at an indoor range. I haven’t been to very many, but none of them allowed rifles.

        That is one very nice gun store and range, tho.

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s a regional thing, I think. All of the big indoor ranges in my area allow rifles, up to a certain cartridge level. One place has a 100-yard indoor range, with CCTV setups for target spotting.

      • kinnath

        My range allows rifles. I have taken in my Ruger PC9 and Mini-14. I have not taken the M1A in yet. I have also taken in both of my shotguns.

        It is not uncommon to seen AR-15s at the range.

    • Jerms

      Thanks i just subscribed. One of the ladt journalists i trust even a little bit.

  37. AlexinCT

    RedState predicts that Greg Abbot will win the fight with the crime syndicate memebers that fled Texas for Washington D.C. (and/or Portugal in some cases) because:

    As I wrote at the beginning of this, they engaged in a game of chicken they can’t win. What was the plan here? I can’t imagine they actually thought Abbott would just fold when it costs him nothing to keep the House in session. Are they really prepared to sit in Washington for another year? I just don’t see that happening.

    So what happens now?

    The Texas Democrats have two choices: 1) They can come home, make Abbott arrest them for the cameras, and claim that they were victorious for holding out for a month, or 2) they can continue to abandon their families and lives back in Texas in hopes of stalling the election reform bill until the 2022 election.

    They believe that the donkey pretenders will eventually break down and go home, where they will be given their due. I am afraid that team blue knows that without cheating they stand no chance and they are desperate to keep power so they can permanently rig the system, and the powers that be will be quite content to sacrifice these useful Texas idiots in that quest..

    • Count Potato

      Their quorum rules shouldn’t allow legislators to refuse to show up for an extended period of time.

      • Rebel Scum

        I was under the impression that they can be arrested and taken to the legislature in order to force them to do their jobs.

      • Rat on a train

        They can, which is why they fled the state.


      Can’t they get the Marshalls to get them? They are wanted fugitives that crossed state lines, after all.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Penal colony indeed

      • Ozymandias

        I got a penile colony for ’em “RIGHT HERE!!!”
        /grabs crotch with one hand while drinking beer with other

      • AlexinCT

        I know someone that once applied for a citizenship to Australia that was asked by the application processor “Do you have a criminal record, sir?” to which the applicant responded “No, I don’t. Is that still a requirement?”.

      • Tonio

        That was Prince Philip going through customs. Srsly.

      • creech

        Maybe AlexinCT knew Prince Phillip.

      • AlexinCT

        Is he the one that went to Epstein’s island? Cause I didn’t know either of those dudes…


        Prince Andrew, Chucky’s younger brother was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express.


        Prince Phillip was Queen Elizebeth II’s consort.

      • R C Dean

        I believe that was Prince Philip.

    • Rat on a train

      Fortunately for the Australian government, they don’t need to build an anti-fascist protection rampart.

    • Sean

      Mea pula!

      • PieInTheSky


  38. The Late P Brooks


    The acting mayor of Boston compared the idea of Covid-19 vaccination passports to slavery-era freedom papers and birtherism.

    Mayor Kim Janey, a Democrat who is running for a full term, made the comments Tuesday after she was questioned about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announcing proof of vaccination in order to enjoy leisure indoor activities at restaurants, gyms and performances. The Big Apple will become the first major city in the United States to impose the requirement.

    “Here in Boston, we continue to focus on vaccine access, opportunity, information to residents all throughout Boston,” Janey told reporters. “We want to make sure that we’re giving every opportunity for folks to get vaccinated.”

    “When it comes to what businesses may choose to do, we know that those types of things are difficult to enforce when it comes to vaccine,” the mayor continued. “There’s a long history in this country of people needing to show their papers, whether we’re talking about this from the standpoint, you know, of … after, during slavery, post-slavery. As recent as, you know, what immigrant population has to go through here.”

    Janey went on to reference when former President Donald Trump launched a baseless attack on Barack Obama’s citizenship and demanded Obama show his birth certificate to prove he was an American citizen. Trump’s claims, commonly known as birtherism, have been repeatedly debunked.

    “We heard Trump with the birth certificate nonsense. Here we want to make sure that we are not doing anything that would further create a barrier for residents of Boston or disproportionately impact BIPOC communities,” Janey told reporters, referring to black, Indigenous and people of color communities.

    “Instead, we want to lean in heavy with partnering with community organizations, making sure that everyone has access to the life-saving vaccine,” she said.

    The mayor’s remarks drew some criticism from her Democratic challengers.

    Mayoral candidate Andrea Campbell said she thought Janey’s comments put “people’s health at risk,” NBC Boston reported.

    “I heard those remarks and I was shocked,” she told reporters. “It is incumbent on us as leaders not to give these conspiracies any oxygen.”

    Candidate Michelle Wu said she disagrees with Janey and would require vaccination proof in crowded public spaces, the news station reported.

    “Anyone in a position of leadership right now should be using that platform to build trust in the vaccines,” Wu said.

    Oddly enough, the acting mayor is a black woman as well as a Democrat. But she misused the sacred words, and must be ostracized.

    She later apologized. Too bad.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Leave the big cities.

  39. Tundra

    Good morning, Banjos!

    Thanks for all the fun-filled and uplifting lynx!

    Well, the song was uplifting, anyway.

    I think monitoring drivers is fucking retarded. Toll roads is a better idea. Of course, then the pols wouldn’t have as easy access to ‘infrastructure’ funds that are oh so easy to skim.


    I am heartened to read about the progress of Starlink. I hammer on the guy a lot, but he is doing some great things!

    I hope y’all have a great day! Even though Denver is fucked up, this sure is a beautiful place!

  40. robc

    New idea: when a bill becomes law, any congressman who voted for it has $1 per page ( standard font rules and etc) deducted from their salary.

    • waffles

      Double it and multiply by 10 and you’ve got a deal.

    • UnCivilServant

      That it?

      That’s a pittance. Especially the way they profit off of legislation as it stands.

    • AlexinCT

      The best thing I think we can do is pass a mandate that any law enacted by congress applies to them as well, without exception. I bet we wouldn’t see any more laws..

      • Raven Nation

        Jefferson’s idea of a 20 year sunset rule on all laws.

    • db

      Newer idea: Every law passed contains a salary increase for legislatures equal to $2 per page.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Door to door sales is a dangerous business

    Republican Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene told the Alabama Federation of Republican Women on Tuesday that southerners might shoot door-to-door vaccination volunteers associated with the Biden Administration.

    Noting that Alabama has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the nation, Greene said, “(Democratic President) Joe Biden wants to come talk to you guys. He’s gonna be sending one of his police state friends to your front door.”

    Greene said that a vaccination volunteer might want to take down a person’s name, address, family members’ names, phone numbers and “probably ask for your social security number, whether you take the vaccine or not.”

    “Yeah, well, what they don’t know is in the south we all love our Second Amendment rights,” she continued. “We’re not real big on strangers showing up on our front door, are we? They might not like the welcome they get.”

    “Second Amendment rights” is often a synonym for the Constitutional right to own guns. The audience chuckled at her comment.


    On July 8, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki clarified Biden’s plan. She said that the door-to-door vaccine volunteers are “local, trusted messengers: doctors, faith leaders, community leaders.” The volunteers are there to provide information about the vaccines’ benefits and where people can get vaccinated.

    “They are not members of the government,” Psaki said. “They are not federal government employees. They are volunteers. They are clergy. They are trusted voices in communities who are playing this role and door knocking.”

    Psaki also later clarified that the federal government has no list of who is vaccinated and who isn’t. She clarified this after Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said on July 8 that it’s the government’s business to know who has been vaccinated. Becerra also said that it’s legal to knock on doors.

    Becerra makes that authoritarian madman Trump look like a goddam anarchist.

    • blackjack

      Becerra is one of the worst people to have ever lived. I haven’t made the connection yet. Becerra is the driving force behind the mandates, i can almost gaurantee it. This is why its so important to recall newsom. He will go on to do similar if left to fester.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    I think monitoring drivers is fucking retarded. Toll roads is a better idea.

    And they get everything they need from EZ Pass.

    “Sign up now. It’s so convenient.”

    • The Last American Hero

      Look, you can sign up and pay half the price or not sign up and pay full price.

      Oh, and the way you pay full price is that they photograph your plate and run it thru the DMV.

      So either way they know who you are, where you went and how fast you were going and that’s without having to ask Google Maps or your phone carrier for the info.

      • Raven Nation

        Hmm, I’m really out of touch. What was the 4-2 terrorist attack?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The guy who ran at the barricade. Think he was Nation of Islam.

      • limey

        Also from what his brother said it sounds like he was paranoid schizophrenic. Bad times.

      • Ownbestenemy

        And the WH and left are trying to roll that into the Jan 6 stuff

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      He stared at her, pondering his action.

      The odds that Biden didn’t abuse some kid in his younger years are next to zero.

      • R C Dean

        Younger years? He’s abused them on camera while in office.

  43. Ownbestenemy

    Maybe old meme but heard today on the radio

    Cuomo: Smacking Fannies, Killin Grannies

  44. Rebel Scum

    Biology is appalling.

    A Harvard University diversity leader took to Twitter last week to blast a colleague who had asserted that sex differences — “male” and “female” — actually are a thing in science.

    “I am appalled and frustrated by the transphobic and harmful remarks made by a member of my dept,” wrote Laura Simone Lewis following the appearance by Human Evolutionary Biology colleague Carole Hooven on “Fox & Friends.”

    Lewis continued: “Let’s be clear: if you respect diverse gender identities & aim to use correct pronouns, then you would know that people with diverse genders/sexes can be pregnant incl Trans [sic] men, intersex people & gender nonconforming people. That isn’t too hard for medical students to understand.”

    Medical students ignoring biology. What could go wrong?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The backlash is going to be unpleasant. Of course, what happens before the backlash is going to be unpleasant as well.

    • Rat on a train

      if you respect diverse gender identities & aim to use correct pronouns, then …

      If false then … else …

    • rhywun

      Pretty appalling that they’re using intersex people to prop up their nonsense.

    • SDF-7

      Can we please have gravity somehow become an aspect of transition somehow and direct these people close to the nearest cliff already? As long as they’re denying the physical universe, let’s cut to the chase.

      Or let them embrace their inner Fire Spirits or something. (I know… around here it should be identifying as a Woodchipper, right Preet?)

    • R C Dean

      diverse genders/sexes

      Gender is subjective/mental, so, sure. But there are two sexes (barring of course the inevitable, and ignorable, chromosomal abnormalities). There are not “diverse” sexes. There are two.

      pregnant incl Trans [sic] men,

      If you aren’t born female, you can’t get pregnant. This is not subjective, it is objective/biological.

      As for “intersex”, I neither know nor care. Keep whatever it is you have in your pants, in your pants, at least around me.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Political calculus

    But Republicans are divided on whether giving Biden a major policy win is a smart move politically, even though GOP lawmakers who vote for the legislation will share in the credit.

    Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), who said he will vote against the legislation, pointed out “the president is very enthusiastically behind this bill.”

    Hawley characterized the bipartisan package as part of Biden’s broader spending agenda, which Democrats plan to complete later this year by moving an even bigger bill under the budget reconciliation process that will allow them to proceed without any GOP votes.

    “It’s really one coherent agenda, it is a very left-wing agenda,” Hawley said. “The president has described it as a transformational agenda. He’s very clear on that and he will celebrate this as a big win. He will go to the progressive wing of his party and say this is a massive down payment on the transformational agenda.”

    “That’s one reason why I think it’s a mistake for Republicans to support it,” Hawley added. “My own view is that this is Republicans supporting the Joe Biden agenda.”

    But at least they’ll get credit for being bipartisan. And besides, what’s a few trillion, more or less, between friends? Transformation ain’t cheap, when you’re trying to turn a shithole into Utopia.

    • rhywun

      I feel like Tea Party II: This Time We Mean Business Boogaloo might be coming.

      • creech

        Nah, the folks I knew in TP#1 are off chasing the CRT rabbit at school board meetings.

      • rhywun

        Fair enough. That’s important work too.

    • R C Dean

      Hawley characterized the bipartisan package as part of Biden’s broader spending agenda, which Democrats plan to complete later this year by moving an even bigger bill under the budget reconciliation process that will allow them to proceed without any GOP votes.

      Which is what makes support for this bill so colossally stupid. The Dems have one (1) reconciliation bill they can pass without clearing the filibuster. Rather than making them burn that bill now, they are going to help the Dems pass a garbage bill, and give them a free pass to do an even bigger garbage bill later. You think this one is festooned with proggy wet dreams? Wait until you see the reconciliation bill.

      Honestly, this is so stupid I think it pretty well seals the deal on whether we really have TEAM BLUE v TEAM RED, or we have TEAM BE RULED with two fundraising arms.

  46. Plisade


    I might have a need to auction off a lot of industrial equipment due to some recent acquisitions of companies that tended to hoard. I’m not sure what all Sloop typically handles, or if he’s interested in something like this… If he is, could y’all reach out to me via email?

    • sloopyinca

      I just sent you an email. If you use a dummy email address for the site registration and don’t get it, just email me at and we can start talking.

  47. Nephilium

    Alright all. Hold down the fort. I’m off to the hinterlands for a couple of days to relive my youth, drink beer, and skank.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Enjoy Neph!

  48. Rebel Scum

    Allow us to manipulate you.

    The White House issued a statement to Fox News neither confirming nor denying the Posts‘ report.

    “As we always are, the administration is discussing a host of different measures we can continue to boost vaccinations across the country,” the White House said. “Any reported ideas under consideration are in early conversations and pre-decisional. There are no imminent policy decisions as to preview at this time.”

    Georgetown University’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law Lawrence Gostin told Fox News the federal government would be right to leverage the power of the purse to push those who are exercising their freedom of choice to become vaccinated.

    “I think wisely using the federal spending power is absolutely right,” said Gostin.

    • CPRM

      ‘Listen, just because we’re talking about rounding up people and putting them in camps, doesn’t mean we’re doing it yet, so…you’re lyin, Jack!’

    • Tundra

      Isn’t fascism stylish and exciting?

  49. Rebel Scum

    So you are saying that Gavin Nuisance is a racist since he attacked a black man.

    Newsom’s broadside against his opponent comes just a week after a poll showed that likely California voters are almost evenly split over ousting the governor in the Sept. 14 recall election, and showing that Elder leads the pack among the candidates in the race. …

    “The leading candidate thinks climate change is a hoax, believes we need more offshore oil drilling, more fracking, does not believe a woman has the right to choose [and] actually came out against Roe v. Wade, does not believe in a minimum wage,” Newsom said. …

    A spokeswoman for the Elder campaign accused Newsom of “lashing out” at the Republican candidate because he realizes that his political career is on the line.

    “Gavin Newsom is running scared. He cannot defend his horrendous record on crime, homelessness, the rising cost of living, water shortages, uncontrollable wildfires, and tyrannical COVID lockdowns,” spokeswoman Ying Ma said in an email. “Larry believes in liberty, personal responsibility, private enterprise, and the ingenuity of the people of California, not Newsom’s repressive edicts or the cronyism of his allies.”

    White-supremacy thy name is Larry.

    • Festus

      He’s not “Black-Black” Dig?

      • Tres Cool

        Look what they did to Herman Caine, after all.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Elder has way more followers than Cain ever did, He should crush Newsance, but the Machine…….

      • SDF-7

        Well, he probably didn’t vote for Biden, so….

    • CPRM

      He’s a fucking Oreo! (we can still say that one right? Cuz it’s against rethuglicunt Uncle Toms, right? And they ain’t Black, because they didn’t vote for Biden)

  50. The Late P Brooks

    “I think wisely using the federal spending power is absolutely right,” said Gostin.

    Haha, good one.

    That horse left the barn, got run over by a train, and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

    • Festus

      That’s when the lobsters came…

      • Tres Cool


      • SDF-7

        Hail Lobster!

  51. Festus

    I’m out. I can’t drink and comment coherently nomo. Have a great one if you can manage and manage the shitty one if you need to. Bye bye!

  52. The Late P Brooks

    One hit wonder

    White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci warned that a more severe Covid variant could emerge as the U.S. daily new case average is now approaching 100,000 per day, exceeding the level of transmission last summer before vaccines were available.

    Fauci, in an interview with McClatchy published Wednesday evening, said the U.S. could be “in trouble” if a new variant overtakes delta, which already has a viral load 1,000 times higher than the original Covid strain.

    Platy it again, Foochy, you lying quack.

    “Viral load 1,000 times higher”

    Show your work, asshole.

    • CPRM


    • UnCivilServant

      Number of viruses doesn’t matter. What matters is the impact. If you’re talking cases and viral load, instead of hospitalizations and death from, that means you’re not really in trouble.

      • Don Escaped Texas

        ” If you’re talking cases and viral load, instead of hospitalizations and death ”

        yup: if you’re selling a young horse, you lead with “look at them teeth.”

        When you don’t lead with the teeth, I know you’re peddling an old nag no matter how pretty you say she is.

      • R C Dean

        We have less than one-tenth the ‘Vid patients we had during the winter spike. Less. Than. One. Tenth. This is not remotely a crisis that calls for any “public health” measures.

        Deaths look like they have ticked up, from the low of 220/day in early July to just over 450/day, but the peak of the winter spike was, yes, ten times that. The peak of last summer’s spike was over 1,100/day.

        For context, 450/day is 164,000/year. Which would put COVID 5th as a leading cause of death.

      • UnCivilServant

        Recently my supervisor was referencing some CNN interview with the governor of louisiana who he claim was saying they were out of room for all their hospitalized patients.

        Do you have a lefty-compliant citation to refute this type of claim the next time it comes up? It’s difficult to refer him to you.

      • R C Dean

        I don’t have easy access to hospital capacity info in LA.

        I would point out that their deaths are half what they were at the peak of the winter spike, which would imply that their hospitalization rate is no more than half (and likely less) than it was then. If they are out of capacity, its not COVID doing it.

      • UnCivilServant

        That could work.

        Root causes could be as simple as staff having left for other opportunities, or the governor being full of shit as politicians often are. But he seemed disinclined to doubt the gov, which is sad.

      • R C Dean

        Hospitals everywhere have a pretty bad staffing shortage, as people left the biz during/after the worst of the pandemic. Hospital capacity is always and everywhere a function of staffing. I guarantee you every hospital that is at capacity has empty beds with no staff to cover them.

        We are spending $20mm or more on temporary “traveler” and “agency” nurses this year. I pointed out that at some point, paying at that rate to increase our capacity may mean we lose money on the increased capacity, and we are going to do a sensitivity analysis to see where the breakeven point is.

      • UnCivilServant

        I think I now see what the gov was trying to say but which CNN managed to frame as OMG! Huge numbers of diseased peoples!

        If I am remembering the conversation with my supervisor correctly, the gov said “we can’t keep our hospitals staffed for the number of patients”. With this loss of staff overall, it all fits.

      • R C Dean

        Very rough numbers:

        We are licensed for over 600 beds.

        During the peak of the winter spike, before we really hit the exodus of staff, we had around 530 patients, maybe a few more. That was with a ton of temporary staffing, too.

        Right now, we are essentially at capacity in the mid-400s, at most. With a lot of temporary staffing.

      • UnCivilServant

        Thank you. This is all very helpful for the next time he brings up the virus.

        Don’t know if it’ll make him start to do his own research rather than taking the Tv at face value, he’s a bit set in his ways. But it might trigger an “I did not know that”


      At this point, if a public health ‘expert’ were to tell me that the sky is blue, I would go outside to check.

    • Akira

      I notice they keep talking about the transmissibility of Delta, but rarely (if ever) mention the severity of symptoms or fatality rate. With these people, the lies are usually found in what they don’t say.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • R C Dean

        Yup. The local news’ leading story last night was the Gov’s ban on mask mandates in schools. I didn’t count, but I would guess they had 6 or 8 people either on camera or quoted who opposed the ban. Not one single person who supported it. They wouldn’t give screen time to anybody who wasn’t pushing the panic. TMITE.

      • Akira

        They wouldn’t give screen time to anybody who wasn’t pushing the panic. TMITE.

        Either that, or they find the craziest, stupidest, most conspiratorial nutcase they can find. That way, the COVID panickers look like the sane, reasonable ones by comparison.

    • rhywun

      We are such a disappointment to him.

      We could have licked this thing by now but NO.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The latest bullshit I saw was increased positivity. Oh no! Wait a sec… how many tests are being run? Half of last winter? Geee, that would have nothing to do with the rate…

    • R C Dean

      a more severe Covid variant could emerge

      Oh, fuck off.

      We could all be wiped out tomorrow by SMOD, too. Should we run our lives based on that?

    • Rebel Scum

      if a new variant overtakes delta

      Like with other cold/flu strains there will be endless variants. Take your vitamins and deal with the symptoms if you are sick.

  53. Rebel Scum

    What crisis?

    “This is crazy what’s happening,” said Mark Morgan.
    Morgan provided Secrets with photos of several crossing points that showed thousands of migrants shoved under bridges in 100-degree heat awaiting processing, cages full of illegal immigrants, and disgusting bathroom facilities.

    “The White House said migrants are being handled in a humane and orderly way,” Morgan said of a recent fact sheet in which the administration bragged about its border policies. “This isn’t humane or orderly, and it’s not the Border Patrol’s fault. They are doing all they can to deal with the disaster created by Biden,” he said.

    In talks with the agents he oversaw during the Trump administration, Morgan said that many are frustrated with the Biden administration’s open border policies and lack of help. “They’re done,” he said.

    C’mon, man. We inherited this malarkey from the, uh, oh…you know…the last guy.

    • UnCivilServant

      They’re trying to build up the supply of longpig to replace the coming California pork shortages.

      • CPRM

        Mexicans don’t taste like pork, they taste like carne asada.

      • rhywun

        In that case, welcome, amigos!

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Carne Asada=Meat to cook, doesn’t matter what kind,

      • Tres Cool

        +1 cholo

      • CPRM


        Your head—————-

  54. The Late P Brooks

    Fauci predicted that new case totals could eventually reach somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 cases per day as the delta variant spreads.

    The recent Covid surge has most severely affected unvaccinated people, and Fauci said there remain roughly 93 million eligible, unvaccinated people nationwide.

    “You protect the vulnerable targets, who are unvaccinated people, by vaccinating them,” Fauci said at a White House briefing Thursday morning. “And when you do so, you do a very, very strong blocking of the evolution of variants that could be problematic.”

    Yes, because every single person is equally susceptible to dying a horrible lingering death from this unimagineably contagious disease.

    Everybody will get it, and DIE! if you don’t kowtow to SCIENCE!’s anointed mouthpiece.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      “You protect the vulnerable targets”

      Like kids and young adults? Motte and bailey yet again.

    • The Other Kevin

      “Fauci predicted”
      Sure, I’ll listen to him, as soon as I see 3 or 4 examples of his predictions being accurate.

      • Akira

        The guy straight up admitted in the NYT that he lied to the public on more than one occasion. Why anyone listens to this fuckface is beyond me.

  55. The Late P Brooks

    Boo fucking hoo

    AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, one of today’s most high-profile union leaders, died Thursday at age 72, the union said.


    An ally of President Biden and former President Barack Obama, Trumka worked with former President Donald Trump on crafting the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement and eventually endorsed the rewrite of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

    “The working people of America have lost a fierce warrior at a time when we needed him the most,” an emotional Schumer said. “Just yesterday, Rich was lending his support to the striking miners in Alabama.”


    Fellow labor leaders also eulogized Trumka. UFCW International President Marc Perrone called him a “giant in the labor movement,” and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten said his death is “a tremendous loss for the entire labor movement.”

    No cause of death given. Fell down a mine shaft? Rubbed out by the Pinkertons?

    Autoerotic asphyxia?

    • CPRM

      I thought union members got the bestest healthcare and could never die!? Fucking capitalism ruins everything!

    • Tres Cool

      Im sure he’s having a beer with Jimmy Hoffa.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It was a heart attack. The article I saw said it was unexpected but for a guy who looked like he had a total cholesterol level in the 700s I don’t know if unexpected is a correct descriptor.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’d be curious to know if he was vaccinated recently.

      • Suthenboy


  56. KSuellington

    When the Great Virus Panic started more than sixteen months ago I had a few scenarios for how it might play out eventually in my mind. It looks like we are heading for the worst possible ones and it is highly fucking depressing. We now have the cunte who heads the CDC saying that the vaccines don’t stop the Vid spread. Yet all around we are getting nothin but talk of vaccine passports and forced vaccinations. It looks like masks are here for the next decade at least, which is just incredibly demoralizing (which is the real point I know). And it looks like a large percentage of the population is still somewhat in fear of this thing or at least not willing to say that the lockdowns were insanely destructive for little good and masks don’t do a damn thing to stop a respiratory virus. This power reach happened on a much faster timeline than even I ever thought possible and I can’t see it getting rolled back.

    • Sean

      It rolls back when we stop accepting it. Going along to get along is over.

      • EvilSheldon


    • CPRM

      HEALTH is not a car odometer! You can’t ‘roll it back’! Russian Plant!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      People don’t understand that a large percentage of the worst offenders against human rights in history thought they were working towards the greater good.

      • robc

        The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. — C S Lewis

      • creech

        How can I set the woke mob on the late C.S. Lewis? As a collateral relative to a number of prominent capitalists, I find the use of “robber barons” to be triggering and may have to seek therapy (i.e. a nice glass of Super Tuscan wine) for this hate crime that has been repeated ad infinitum in university classes everywhere.

    • CPRM

      The hill to die on has been chosen, not be me, but by them. I was not against the vaxx. I considered getting it, but decided I would let those who were so afraid that they couldn’t live their lives to get it first. But, now saying I MUST get it or face consequences is enough to make me not comply. Denial of rights through an inaction is the most vile and disgusting thing on the face of the earth. (Hence why property tax is the most vile of taxes, and the ‘Obama Care’ mandate is an affront to existence itself.)

      • Ed Wuncler

        The lies and the moving of the goal posts is what bothers me the most. You fucking tell us that we’re doing this shit for two weeks and it turns into a fucking year. You tell us that if we get vaccinated, we’ll go back to normal but now it doesn’t matter whether your vaccinated or not because they’re gonna make you wear a damn blanket on your face.

        And when you call them out on their lies, they have the gall to get angry at you.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Whatever happened to Biden’s 100 days…

      • Gustave Lytton

        Speaking of “getting back to normal”, the state health dept here is still running the same vax ads since April. The tag lines about getting back to normal are provoking derision and laughter now.

      • Akira

        You tell us that if we get vaccinated, we’ll go back to normal but now it doesn’t matter whether your vaccinated or not because they’re gonna make you wear a damn blanket on your face.

        Someone told me that the re-masking had to be done because “Not enough people got the vaccine… If they had just done what they asked, they wouldn’t have to wear masks again”.

        Yea, that discussion got heated.

    • waffles

      Style guide question. Is cunte more or less polite than cunt?

      • Animal


    • robc

      “Crosspointe Roadse Churche”


      In an an online game 20 years ago, I had a store named Ye Olde Towne Pube.

      I found it funny.

  57. The Late P Brooks

    Poetic justice

    Rep. Ralph Norman, one of the three congressional Republicans suing Speaker Nancy Pelosi over fines for not wearing masks during a vote on the U.S. House floor, has contracted a breakthrough case of COVID-19, the second member of South Carolina’s delegation to do so.

    Norman, who has said he has been fully vaccinated since February, tweeted that he began experiencing minor symptoms of COVID-19 on Thursday, tested positive for the virus that day and would quarantine for 10 days.

    Representing South Carolina’s 5th District since 2017, Norman is part of a federal lawsuit against Pelosi over a mandate earlier this year that members wear masks while on the House floor.

    Last week, Norman and U.S. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Thomas Massie of Kentucky sued Pelosi, seeking a determination that their $500 fines — issued because they went maskless during a May vote — are unconstitutional and should be rescinded.

    What has the one to do with the other?

    Nothing. But it’s fun to gloat at the misfortunes of one’s enemies.

    The doomsday cultists are so utterly despicable. Whatever you do, don’t look behind the curtain smokescreen.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Just more evidence the vaccines are the solution to our worries.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Getting the vaccine will prevent the disease the vaccines seem woefully inadequate at preventing. It’s a political bludgeon, nothing more.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Wait a minute? How can he be vaccinated? He’s a stupid dumb shit no mask wearing Republican!

    • CPRM

      I already did this one

      George and Hillary, after the Vegas debacle, they decided to weaponize the flu vaccine. You see the flu vaccine carries a dead version of whatever virus the CDC suspects will be most prevalent in a given year. But that’s not what they did this year. This year all the vaccines were for the Russian Flu. Well, all the real vaccines the politicians got anyway, the rest were just sugar water.


      You see, Tim here is a diabetic, and after he took the shot he knew his reaction was a diabetic one. So he decided to look into it.

      Tim starts shaking uncontrollably.

  58. The Late P Brooks

    It was a heart attack. The article I saw said it was unexpected but for a guy who looked like he had a total cholesterol level in the 700s I don’t know if unexpected is a correct descriptor.

    That guy looked like deciding to taking the stairs instead of the elevator would qualify as suicide.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Fraternities and sororities hardest hit.

      • AlexinCT

        Lambda Lambda Lambda and Omega Mu variants will cull humanity!

      • Bones

        And just when you think you’ve seen it all, here comes a Lambda four feet tall!

    • Ed Wuncler

      This is bonkers. These motherfuckers about to lock us in our homes and strip us of our rights, aren’t they?

    • CPRM

      As long as I don’t catch Lamda Lamda Lamda variant, that either turns you into a Nerd or Black guy.


        *gay* black guy. Given the current political climate, that might be an upgrade. More victim points.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The actual quote says “the” human society. Only one word but a big difference in meaning that they conveniently left out of the headline.

      • db

        COVID=preps for alien invasion theory: confirmed.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      “Research by a team from the University of Tokyo, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, found that three mutations in Lambda’s spike protein help it resist neutralization by vaccine-induced antibodies.”

      It only appears to be a threat to the vaccine hegemony.

  59. Annoyed Nomad

    Re: the teacher’s union suing the mom for making public records requests, I hope a judge shuts down the union’s suits with prejudice. If the school district is releasing private information that’s not releasable under the law, their problem isn’t with the requester, it’s with the agency that released the information. This is a clear attempt to intimidate the parents from making records requests.

    When I was in Air Force acquisition, I handled FOIA requests and you release all the information you can, blocking out or removing the protected information. It can be a pain, but that’s why the agency is allowed to charge certain fees.


      We had public affairs officers/civil servants and a brigade of lawyers that handled all the FOIA requests at Ft. Meade.

    • Cy Esquire

      “Ship appraisal company Vessels Value said 219 superyachts were sold in the first quarter of this year, more than double the number last year over the same period.

      Octopus is the ideal explorer yacht, and there’s no word on where it will sail next or what flag it will be flying under new ownership.

      The timing of the sale comes months after billionaire Jeff Bezos purchased a 417-foot yacht, or about three-foot bigger than Octopus. If it’s all about size, Bezos wins.

      Billionaires are buying superyachts and private islands as everyone else is told they can’t travel. “

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Meanwhile, the billionaires are more than willing to endorse the totalitarians.

  60. The Late P Brooks

    Forget it people, it’s over. Been nice knowing you all.

    “Don’t bother reading it. Everybody dies at the end.”

    • Cy Esquire

      So long… and thanks for all the fish!

  61. wdalasio

    I have heard the fact that the accusations went nowhere before was because they decided to overlook them since they needed “Mario” to battle the evil Bowser-Trump, and once that boss monster had been defeated the Eye-talian plumber no longer was needed…

    I think this is pretty close. I believe NYC progs have wanted his head on a pike for years. They were told no because he was a good loyal party apparatchik who had a lot of goods on a lot of people. Then, during the pandemic, he was useful to cast as the heroic “anti-BadOrangeMan”. And that served the central party’s purposes quite well, especially in the event that Biden-Harris actually didn’t win. But, heroic “anti-BadOrangeMan” isn’t terribly useful when BadOrangeMan is gone and it’s your guy in office. It leaves a primary challenge open as a possibility. And then you got the nursing home scandal that a lot of other Dem Governors played along with. So, I think the central party gave the nod to the NYC progs to take him out. If you look, a number of his accusers are from that camp and so is Letitia James.

  62. The Late P Brooks

    Research by a team from the University of Tokyo, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, found that three mutations in Lambda’s spike protein help it resist neutralization by vaccine-induced antibodies.

    What’s this, more unsubstantiated apocalyptic speculation? Put it on the front page!

  63. Sensei

    Thank goodness for the Japanese and their unique fetishes.

    Japanese scientists develop freeze-dried mouse sperm postcards

    Researchers in Japan have developed a way to freeze dry rodent ejaculate between thin plastic sheets and sticky tape it to postcards, with the samples surviving long journeys to produce healthy pups.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I got nuthin’


      Coming to a vending machine near you!

  64. The Late P Brooks

    In June, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Lambda variant, which emerged in Peru

    Shouldn’t it be Llambda, then?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      *golf clap*

  65. The Late P Brooks

    For context, 450/day is 164,000/year. Which would put COVID 5th as a leading cause of death.

    Thank you.

  66. The Late P Brooks

    CNN has fired three of its employees for coming to work unvaccinated.

    The news broke yesterday after it was reported that the employees “violated company policy by coming to work unvaccinated”, according to ABC. A memo was reportedly sent out Thursday reminding employees that vaccines were mandatory if they report to the office or if they work in the field where they come into contact with other employees. Outgoing CNN chief Jeff Zucker wrote in the memo, which was first obtained by the Associated Press:

    “Let me be clear — we have a zero tolerance policy on this.”

    Considering their prominent ongoing role in the official fearmongering narrative, they could hardly risk being caught doing otherwise.

  67. westernsloper

    Elon Musk’s satellite internet almost as fast as broadband.

    What’s the exponential factor shit they termed about how fast technology grows? Whatever it is I love it over dial up modem noises!

    Love the music link thanks!