Friday Morning Links

by | Mar 4, 2022 | Daily Links | 442 comments

TTUN basketball sliding toward the NIT

College basketball is getting crazy coming down the stretch.  I’ll ignore it until after the Duke home finale and all the ESPN slobbering over Krzyzewski. The FA cup quarterfinals will not see any of the top 3 face off. And that’s pretty much all I can think of for sports.

UNT: a hotbed of stupidity

Sometimes you gotta take a stand. Also “gender-affirming care” is a hell of an interesting phrase. It’s absolute bullshit, but certainly interesting that that’s what the nut jobs are pivoting to.

Just in case anybody forgot that crazy isn’t confined to Russia or Ukraine. What a horrible mess.

Thanks for your permission. Now kindly fuck off.

Are we really doing this now? This seems reckless at bess. Insane at worst.

Oh, that’s a shame. Anyway…moving on.

Biggest dick? Perhaps.

Who is she trying to channel, LBJ? I mean, it’s funny to think she said that, but it’s not funny to see a mayor that drunk with their own power.

This will be interesting. I’m curious to see what happens with productivity.

This all feels unsavory to me. Our government is stealing the property of people not directly involved in the Ukraine situation. People we were perfectly fine with even though we knew their connections yesterday, a week ago, a month ago, and for the past several years. And now governments are just stealing their shit with no due process. So much for the rule of law and the moral high ground.

Here’s a very good song. Better than their biggest hit, in my opinion. But decide for yourself.

Now go have a great day, friends. And an even better weekend.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    Are we really doing this now? This seems reckless at bess. Insane at worst.

    I hear some oligarch already put out a $1 million bounty and Lukoil told Putin to stop.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Economic interests take a back seat to strategic interests. I doubt Lukoil’s plea will achieve anything other than getting their CEO offed.

      I wish it were otherwise, but Russia is in this now. The sooner it is over, the better.

    • robodruid

      Isn’t it a sort of declaration of war?

  2. AlexinCT

    Who is she trying to channel, LBJ? I mean, it’s funny to think she said that, but it’s not funny to see a mayor that drunk with their own power.

    Beetlejuice says she has the biggest dick. Chicago fair will make the city enough money to pay off all debt from her showing it off at $50 per visitor!

    • DrOtto

      Michelle Obama would like a word…

      • AlexinCT

        Wookies are higher on the food chain that Beetlejuicers..

  3. UnCivilServant

    Also “gender-affirming care” is a hell of an interesting phrase. It’s absolute bullshit, but certainly interesting that that’s what the nut jobs are pivoting to.

    The more accurate term would be medical malpractice. Though Genital Mutilation is probably the best one to use when describing the actions.

    • Rat on a train

      Circumcision is a crime against humanity, but cutting off the whole thing should be praised.

      • Tonio

        If circumcision were not an established thing there would be a lot more people speaking out against this.

      • UnCivilServant

        I am opposed to chopping bits of people’s nethers off, however much or little gets cut.

      • Lackadaisical


      • Tulip

        I used to see circumcision protesters at the Pentagon bus stop.

      • Not Adahn


      • Rat on a train

        some conspiracy about the military forcibly circumcising people in combat zones?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        It’s not the warm embrace of gender-affirming care until you administer hard drugs.

    • Tonio

      Follow how the terminology changed. Gender reassignment surgery (aka sex change) to gender affirming surgery to gender affirming “care.” Each iteration obfuscates what is actually going on there.

      • db

        Just like “the dole” became “welfare” became “access.”

      • Tonio

        “Access” is particularly obnoxious and dishonest.

      • AlexinCT

        The fact that language is abused to successfully PsyOps people produced by the current education system, is criminal. I think that unfortunately until someone decides to redress the fact the pen has been allowed to completely overshadow the power of the sword, and some sword slinging happens to the people abusing the pen, things will not get back into balance.

      • Nephilium

        George Carlin talked about this years ago…

      • Ownbestenemy

        I was coming here to post that…

      • The Last American Hero

        See also abortion and how it became women’s health.

        Ain’t nobody protesting Planned Parenthood over mammograms and pap smears.

      • DrOtto

        Remember the left’s obsession with Richard Spenser? That all came to a screeching halt when they (thought they) baited him with a question about Planned Parenthood. He started singing the praises of PP in that most of their clients were icky brown and black people so he was totally onboard with their mission. I don’t think I saw anything about him since.

      • Lackadaisical


        They really don’t understand their opponents.

      • juris imprudent

        Why should they understand their opponents, they don’t even understand themselves.

      • Lackadaisical

        I have never considered that terrible possibility, but that seems likely.

    • Brawndo

      When most people talk about genital mutilation, they are referring to infants. In this case, since they think children can consent to a major medical procedure, it’s not mutilation because it’s voluntary. But don’t worry, they’ll never use this as justification for saying children can consent to sex with an adult.

  4. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

    • UnCivilServant

      Unsurprisingly, Friday is one of the more popular telecommute days, so the office is really quiet.

      I may be the only person on this floor.

      • AlexinCT

        I would rather work from home Mondays & Tuesdays to avoid asshattery.

      • UnCivilServant

        I chose tuesdays and thursdays, so I wouldn’t have two consecutive office days.

      • AlexinCT

        I don’t see them as days off since I still have to work my ass off anyway. The only benefit is I get to do it in my underwear and while using my personal computer to post here.

      • UnCivilServant

        If my working made you think I regarded telecommute as days off, I appologise. I simply am accustomed to the terminology of “Office Days” (In office) and “Telecommute Days” (working remote). Neither is a day off.

      • AlexinCT


      • Bobarian LMD

        Telecommuting sucks; because our network thru-put while using the VPN makes a 30 second job take 10 minutes and makes 15 minute data queries time out.

      • Sensei

        Bobarian LMD – I didn’t know we worked at the same place.

      • Ted S.

        I would pick days to be weekend-adjacent.

      • UnCivilServant

        But then I’d be stuck in the office on days when everyone else is here too.

      • CatchTheCarp

        I picked Monday and Tuesday to get it over with. Plus a lot of holidays fall on Monday.

      • R C Dean

        The fact that Friday is the popular WFH day tells me that many people regard WFH days as quasi-holidays. Adjust your productivity expectations accordingly.

      • UnCivilServant

        They’re state workers, they’re not working on Fridays anyway.

      • AlexinCT

        Probably safe to say if they are government workers that they are not working on any day that ends in “Y”..

      • Chipwooder

        *hangs head in shame*

        I draw a distinction between local/state employees and federal, because it puts me in a better light to do so

      • juris imprudent

        Consider the civilian DoD employees I know, most of them are most productive when they don’t do anything. Actually getting them spun up is usually counter-productive.

      • robodruid

        hey now…..

      • Ownbestenemy

        you’re a rock star?

      • db

        Get your game on

      • juris imprudent

        Hahaha, a rock star? No, I am a leech. Not something I like, but there you have it.

        And I don’t dislike those DoD civilians (most of them anyway), or the uniformed folks – everyone is just there, happy to collect a paycheck. What I dislike, no – outright despise, is the system and the politics; it is politics that drives the system and the system produces what the politics demand. And at no point is sanity allowed to prevail.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Get paid? Or was the line get laid?

      • Lackadaisical

        They’re state workers, they’re not working anyway.


      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Many do. Granted, in the office you encounter the same thing.

        One thing I did to combat the Friday fatigue was block off my schedule from noon on and set it as innovation time. I don’t get to use it that way every week, but if I don’t have any burning deadlines, I spend the last four hours of the week being creative and innovating solutions to the processes and roadblocks that hamper my productivity. It give me a mental boost before the weekend, and it provides a change of pace after doing the same thing for 40 hours over the prior 4.5 days. I would say that my last promotion was, in substantial part, due to this practice.

      • Ed Wuncler

        That’s actually a pretty great idea. One of the biggest issues of working in corporate accounting is never having the time to improve processes because we’re always trying to get the numbers out.

      • Rebel Scum

        It would be great if I could wfh, especially with gas prices these days.

  5. AlexinCT

    This will be interesting. I’m curious to see what happens with productivity.

    I can already see the snowflakes declaring this is an act of terror against them and taking action to start canceling their companies. As for productivity, I told my boss my productivity would be going down as the commute time and all the office shenanigans time will eat into my work day which will remain of the same length of time whether it is when I work from home or have to come in. and I consider the cost of paying for parking and dealing with assholes on the road in & out, to require a major adjustment.

    • rhywun

      According to the article, it’s get the jab or get a pink slip.

      Living up to their slogan “Be evil” again.

      • AlexinCT

        How would HR handle someone claiming the identify as a cyborg and telling them that the clot shot would ruin their circuitry and damage them permanently?

    • Chipwooder

      I actually would prefer working in the office because there are much fewer distractions. However, I fervently hope that bringing us back doesn’t happen right away, because the fucking gas prices are going to murder me. I have a 30 minute commute and a truck that averages about 18 per gallon. Oof.

    • Ted S.

      Fire their asses.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      As for productivity, I told my boss my productivity would be going down as the commute time and all the office shenanigans time will eat into my work day which will remain of the same length of time whether it is when I work from home or have to come in.

      My boss walked back what some of the senior management said yesterday about expectations of days per week in office. Most of our offices are simply no longer conducive to real work that requires any level of mental focus. They’re woefully undersized and poorly designed for such work. As a result office time is for “collaboration, team building, and socialization”. In other words, meetings and jabbering around the water cooler.

      I’m not sure how showing up in office every other week is better than having a team lunch on the schedule every other week. My meetings are usually with India or California, not with the people in my office.

      OTOH, I have an interview next week with a company that advertises WFH as integral to their culture.

      • The Last American Hero

        My profession has worked on an apprenticeship model since its inception a century ago and remote work has not been good for either retention or the growth of new employees. The crusty veterans know what to do and may even be somewhat better off at home, but they are supposed to be working alongside the newbies and mentoring them.

        So we get fed a bunch of lies about how we can make this work, but now that the data is there I can tell you straight up we need to get people back together pronto.

      • AlexinCT

        There are certain professions that will never lend themselves to working from home. Can you see a car mechanic or A/C or Furnace repair tech telling you to bring over your unit to their house for them to fix? Then again, there isn’t a single IT focused job that I think can’t be done from home. Heck, I could do my job from Uranus as long as they solved the internet connectivity issue and time delay due to distance…

      • rhywun

        My boss is the only coworker I share an office location with.

        Everyone else – who I talk to much more frequently – is located around the world.

        But yeah, my next job, if there is one, will be WFH or else.

      • DEG

        OTOH, I have an interview next week with a company that advertises WFH as integral to their culture.


        Best wishes!

  6. Rebel Scum

    gender-affirming treatments for children

    That’s a funny way to say “child abuse”.

  7. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Lindsey is a fucking lunatic, as is Hannity. I fear we’re going to push the edge of war with Russia until the public gets the ever-loving shit scared out of them. If we’re lucky. we’ll be able to ramp it down and no there will be no unfortunate “mistakes.”

    • Drake

      Unfortunately I’ll have a long wait before I can vote against him.

    • juris imprudent

      I’m going to guess that Putin is as aware as we are of Graham’s actual standing in this country.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’m sure he is.

        But if one is operating under the assumption that Putin has lost it and gone mad, stupid provocations of that sort would appear to be a very bad idea. And what happens if someone inside Russia takes a shot at him and misses?

      • Tonio

        I suspect he’s more a setter than pointer.

      • Drake

        Putin knows he was McCain’s little buddy who showed up in Ukraine after the coup to loot the place.

      • cyto

        The Russian foreign ministry spokesman had a response this morning. Basically they said every country has crazy people.

      • Lackadaisical

        That’s a good sign.

        He is crazy. Wish the Republicans would actually oust him. Completely irresponsible, and probably illegal.

  8. Not Adahn

    Jeff Younger mockingly claps and repeatedly misgenders protesters.

    ZOMG! Off with his head!

    Polytechnic University of North Texas has a terrible football team.

    • UnCivilServant

      Well, they have to be true to the school.

  9. db

    I agree that The Sun Always Shines on TV is a better than Take on Me but they are both good, well produced songs.

    • db

      I’d never seen the video for “Sun” before. Neat what they did with the mannequins. At first it looked like some sort of weird gimmick but as the video goes on you realize just how much effort they went to to arrange that whole scene.

    • sloopyinca

      You’ll get no argument from me. They’re outstanding. Although some of the lyrics of Take On Me are silly.
      “I’ll be gone in a day or two”
      The dude doesn’t even know when he’ll be leaving? Is it tomorrow or the day after? Also, does the song take place over two days, since that changes to “in a day” later in the song? Why is she gonna run away with a dude who doesn’t really even know his travel plans? Women like a bit more stability than that.

      • sloopyinca

        “I’m leaving. You have to decide to come with me or not. But the plans aren’t really that firm.”
        Come on, man. Get your shit together. Tell her when your train* departs and that you’ve bought her ticket as well. Hand it to her and tell her you’ll meet her in the platform.

        *If they were American it would be a plane since we’ve moved past the 19th century

      • db

        I love your commitment to reality based song lyrics, but–it is an ’80s song.

        We had a 45 rpm of these two songs –“Take” on the A side– that my mom bought when it was a popular song. I remember thinking I liked the B side better at the time.

      • cyto

        Just turn on the radio. Or better Spotify.

        You will get your fill of reality-based music.

        Nobody even bothers with innuendo or metaphor anymore. They just say that stuff right out loud.

        Ladies sing about how wet their lady parts are and how they want some guy to put his hard man parts in them. Not fringe stuff either.

        How do I know this?

        I was trying out Spotify because it works with Android Auto. I had a bunch of teens in the car, so I put on “top 50”, to play the top 50 songs in the US.

        Yeah. Mistake.

        First song mentioned jizz on her chin. Skip.

        Next song was a lady singing about riding a hard d. Talking about how she wants to pound that thing.

        Next song…. Yeah, they didn’t get to hear the next song. I put on good clean rock and roll. AC/DC talking about how she shook him all night long. Oblique metaphor, as God intended.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I remember when that was the domain of minor alternative artists like Peaches.

      • Lackadaisical

        Society dumbing down even more. Give me some nice 1940-50’s oldies about loving your one and only, thanks.

        Idiocracy here we come.

      • Gustave Lytton

        My goto these days on SXM.

      • robc

        Progressives and Objectivists love trains. What does that say?

      • Rat on a train

        *If they were American it would be a plane streetcar since we’ve moved past we’re nostalgic for the 19th century

      • sloopyinca

        That’s crazy talk. Where’s he gonna “be gone” to if he takes a streetcar, six blocks away? She could just walk beside him for the ten minutes it takes him to get to his destination. And then walk back home. There’s no commitment to running away with someone taking a streetcar. You’re not even leaving your neighborhood, let alone your life, behind.

      • Fourscore

        You forgot to get your transfers, you could have ridden all over the Twin Cities for a dime. Another dime an 2 transfers to go home.

        They only stopped when people were getting on or off.

      • pistoffnick the refusnik

        …a plane streetcar…


      • AlexinCT

        Even the ones that are whorin’ for fun?

      • sloopyinca

        Oh, this isn’t a pickup song. It’s a run away with me song. Totally different dynamic.

      • AlexinCT

        Ah OK. I lack dept in the “Run away with me” department as I knew better than letting them thing there was some sort of long term commitment, so thanks for the edumacation.

      • Ted S.

        They’re not native English speakers.

        Listen to Opus’ “Live is Life” sometime.

      • The Last American Hero

        Have you ever interacted with women? They all want to be whisked away on a private jet to France get some S&M. 50 zillion copies sold don’t lie.

      • Lackadaisical

        Hell, sounds like a good time to me too, I just know I don’t have any chance of that happening to me unless it’s my private jet.

      • AlexinCT

        Shit, people should have known about that from that movie back when with Redford taking Harrelson’s character’s woman played by Demi Moore away from him after offering to pay him $1 million for a night to go to town on her ass.

        There is a reason the hot & crazy matrix guys that spend some 20 mins explaining the numerous quadrants men would place women in had a 2 minute skit explaining the guy matrix and how there are only 3 quadrants when it comes to women rating guys: young/hot/poor and good for a fling, poor/so no go for real relationship, and rich (fugly or otherwise), which is what they want to marry.

      • cyto

        This is true, and not even just on an anecdotal level. When I used to work at Emory University there was a lady down the hall who studied this across many cultures. It is actually a hardwired feature of females in the human species.

        Not only that, across all societies women will marry the provider and then after one or two kids they will have affairs with the alpha male bad boy.

        This is the source of the so-called 7-year itch. It is a hard-wired behavior that makes women no longer find the provider attractive and want to seek out a side piece.

        The clincher for this scientific comes with anecdotal evidence. Guy used to work with head plugged into this. He had been done wrong by a woman who left him with two small children to care for. So he gave up on women. His pickup line was,”just so you know, we are not dating.”

        20 years ago, in the earliest days of the internet, he had figured it out. He met women online, not at dating sites, and they just started sending him naked pictures unsolicited. Because he publicly put it out there that he was not interested in a relationship, they knew that he would not be chasing them around and messing up a good thing.

        So he hooked up with all sorts of a-list women. Wives of pro athletes from other cities as he was traveling for business, things like that. Their plan was that they would go 2 hours out of town and meet him at a hotel that he was staying at. That way nobody could catch them. And he would leave, so no chance of anyone finding out.

        It was a real eye opener.

      • Pine_Tree

        This is why I drive an old truck and (usually) keep a raggedy-ass beard. I’m genuinely concerned that if my combined net worth and actual appearance were evident, my marriage may be endangered.

    • rhywun

      The song is very dramatic, isn’t it.

      I remember arguments on das Radio with teen Mädchen calling in to argue over the merits of their various hits. “Living a Boys Adventure Tale” seemed to come out on top with that set.

    • one true athena

      Sigh. At 13 I tried to figure out a way to get to their concert that was 300 miles away. Without my parents knowledge. I didn’t manage, but I wanted to go so badly.

      • sloopyinca

        They just put out some new stuff and are doing a world tour. Sadly its just LA and NYC in the US.

      • rhywun

        Hm. I can’t imagine anyone from that day buying any of the new albums. Except the few who bought everything in between.

        There are very, very few bands that I have followed for that long.

      • Tundra

        The Church is the only one I can think of. They continue to put out good stuff.

  10. AlexinCT

    It is not accidental that the dumbest and most destructive ideas and movements hitting us these days come from academia. Academia is probably the only other entity outside of the public sector where you can make horrible and costly mistakes without having to face sever consequences. Intellectuals, but especially those in academia and protected from the consequences of the real world, are the most dangerous thing out there. Maybe Pol Pot was onto something when he just decided to off anyone with education, and had he simply distinguished between those that were educated in something where the real world still forced them to keep their feet on the ground and the morons in the arts and studies fields that do nothing but dream up destruction and evil, things might have worked out differently for him. Jeeze, I never thought someone would make me reconsider Pol Pot being anything than a monster, but these fucking academics in the bullshit fields sure as hell are pushing me to rethink things.

    • UnCivilServant

      As a person who wears glasses, I cannot see Pol Pot as anything but unhinged. It was more a case of blind chicken and corn than anything else.

      • AlexinCT

        Pol Pot is a monster, but the “free-thinkers” in the academic class are a greater problem we are ignoring today as well. By my count they have caused more deaths than Ole Pol ever could have done, and Pol is now pushing up daisies – a well deserved fate – while these fucks are still stacking corpses.

      • Lackadaisical

        Huh, it don’t think they’re that bad, yet. But where do you think Pol Pot came from? Same type of shitty academics pushing crap ideology.

      • AlexinCT

        Stupid people doing stupid shit to each other feels like the universe creating a looped system to take care of itself… win-win…

    • EvilSheldon

      Pol Pot was an academic and a journalist in his earlier life. Slaughtering all the intellectuals was probably just him eliminating the competition.

      • Zwak,The Baddest Johnny on the Apple Cart

        Reaching for Tenure.

  11. Rebel Scum

    What a horrible mess.

    Old and busted: Middle east violence
    New hotness: Eastern Europe violence

    • juris imprudent

      You do get a better class of refugee.

  12. juris imprudent

    And now governments are just stealing their shit with no due process.

    Hmm, maybe if someone wrote a story about that, illustrating the inevitable consequences…

    • pistoffnick the refusnik

      *taps fingers impatiently*

      • Lackadaisical

        *joins in*

      • juris imprudent

        Next episode is already in the can. After talking about the free-flowing writing, the muse answered my prayer. Halfway into the chapter after.

  13. Drake

    Government stealing private property is okay as long as they get a Bill of attainder, right?

    • Rat on a train

      It’s all for a good cause.

    • db

      I like it

    • robodruid


    • UnCivilServant

      Blocked by work proxy. What was it?

      • Rat on a train

        Robin: I hate anti-vaxxers.
        Batman: SLAP. Russians … you hate Russians now.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Are the Ukrainians anti-vaxxers or are the pharmaceutical companies evil again for not supplying them enough? I need to know what to believe.

      • Drake

        The Ukrainians are the good guys because they had a democraticly elected government overthrown by a CIA coup. Belarus and Kazakhstan = bag guys because the coups failed there.
        It’s how democracy works.

      • Rat on a train

        Russia = Trump = evil
        Ukraine = Biden = good

      • AlexinCT

        The sad thing is that I that I have heard both team blue and team red describe this the way you just presented it, which is kind of far more worrying to me.

      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

        That’s Our Democracy.

      • Rat on a train

        Big Pharma is evil for profiting off vaccinations that you should be forced to take by benevolent government. Employers are righteous in forcing employees to vaccinate even while they steal the value of employee’s labor.

      • Chipwooder

        Ukraine actually has a pretty low vaccination rate. About 35%, I believe I read.

        And yet the denunciations of them, huffing that they deserve whatever they get because they’re not vaccinated, seem not to exist. Funny, that.

      • Rat on a train

        Putin only wants to demilitarize, denazify and vaccinate Ukraine.

    • Tonio


    • db

      did you make it? you should tweet it, or authorize others to do so

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Nah, got it off a Mises Caucus chat board.

      • juris imprudent

        Hmm, thought this might be the two-timing SOB.

      • Zwak,The Baddest Johnny on the Apple Cart

        One of my favorite movies.

        “What heart.”

    • AlexinCT

      Oh, I suspect he does know, but he doesn’t like that and wants others to risk their asses so he can grandstand or keep his pile of loot.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      How are you going to save Ukrainians when there no longer any Ukrainians? Or anybody else?

    • Rat on a train

      Why didn’t the Allies think of imposing a no fly zone over Poland? We could have avoided war.

    • Drake

      Was it covid or the vaccines that made everyone really stupid? I don’t remember people this dumb speaking in public in the before times.

      • Lackadaisical

        Forget it Drake, it’s Twitter town.

    • Chipwooder

      He’s just making sure that no one edges ahead of him to get hired by MSNBC

  14. Not Adahn

    Looks like I’m going to be in Palisade CO October 10-18. Days will be busy ROing the “SIG Presents the USPSA Open/Limited/PCC/Production Nationals(tm) sponsored by SIG;” but any advice on good and/or cheap (but at least adequate) places to eat would be appreciated.

    • Not Adahn

      If anyone want to stop by the match, I’ll be the bearded middle aged rat wearing a NROI jersey.

      • Nephilium

        I’ll be the bearded middle aged rat wearing a NROI jersey.

        That’ll narrow it down I’m sure.

      • EvilSheldon


    • db

      Colorado? It’s kind of annoying that USPSA keeps choosing states that are not particularly good on gun laws for their Nationals. I shot at the Limited Nationals in Berry, IL in 2006. IL? Really?

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s all about the venue. There just aren’t that many shooting ranges that can accommodate 30 stages and 700+ shooters.

      • db

        I get it… and the Berry range was nice.

      • EvilSheldon

        You ever get out to the Southern Utah Practical Shooters range? First time I shot there, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven…

  15. Rebel Scum

    Next on the menu.

    The Moldovan ambassador to the U.S. said Wednesday his country is prepared to defend its borders if Russia or Belarus were to invade the former Soviet republic.

    “The country is prepared [for] any kind of scenarios, including the very worst-case scenario,” Ambassador Eugen Caras told Fox News in an exclusive interview. “So we will be defending what’s to be defended.”

    A day earlier, video surfaced showing Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko standing in front of a map that appeared to indicate the Moldovan breakaway state of Transnistria as a potential next target.

    Russia should take all the meme countries.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      If Putin went after Moldova, it really would be WW3.

      • Chipwooder

        I honestly don’t know how they would have the logistical capability to do that, given how poorly they’ve performed in Ukraine and how quickly they must be running through their munitions.

    • R C Dean

      If we weren’t ruled by idiots, we’d be selling anti-tank and anti-air missiles by the boxcar to these countries.

      And anti-shipping, to any country with a sea coast.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Why should we be involved to the extent of stealing money from American citizens, laundering it through the Military industry, and then providing said weapons free of charge to these countries half-way around the world?

        It would certainly enrich the American politicians, but I see no benefit for us intervening if Russia wants to expand.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Sorry Dean. Missed the “selling” part in your post. Amen.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Normally, when we “sell” arms to a country, we’re also providing them the foreign aid to pay for it. It’s just a wealth transfer from the taxpayer to the MIC.

    • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

      I’m pretty sure Russia already has had troops in Transdnistria since the breakup of the USSR. My guess is that they intend to take the whole Black Sea coast in order to have a contiguous land connection to that area.

  16. Gender Traitor

    OT- Mammogram report: Taken back right on time at 8:15, out the door by 8:30. More physically awkward than painful.

    Now to acquire breakfast.

    • AlexinCT

      So they fondled your boobs and didn’t even have the decency to buy you a nice meal? The freaking cads…

    • Gender Traitor

      …and results just like that. No problems. ?

      • DEG


  17. Certified Public Asshat

    Robby has been a bad boy:

    YouTube suspended The Hill—which produces Rising, the show I co-host with @ryangrim and @KimIversenShow—for election misinfo. It's a crazy story that shows how this policy goes much, much, much further than anyone knows, and actually imperils journalism.— Robby Soave (@robbysoave) March 3, 2022

    • cyto

      He said he was shocked to learn that you could be banned from YouTube for reporting facts .

      Really. Shocked?

      It has only been about a half a decade or more. I personally have probably written more column inches in the reason comments about this very topic then Robbie has cokumn inches of his own.

      But he’s surprised.

      • Chipwooder

        Robby is one of those guys who will lay out a shit ton of facts and then willfully refuse to draw obvious conclusions based on those facts because it upsets him to believe that he has put his faith in the wrong people.

      • cyto

        The sad thing is that on issues of freedom of speech, he’s the best they have over there at reason. Heck, other than the jacket he is probably the only one who actually leans hard towards libertarian.

      • Chipwooder

        Honestly, I don’t even know who is still at Reason anymore. I think I’ve read things there maybe three or four times in the past year.

        I did see, though, that former Reason staffer, that dyed-in-the-wool defender of liberty Cathy Young, now works for…..Bill fucking Kristol.

      • Raven Nation

        I still subscribe to the magazine and they have a lot of familiar faces: Bailey, Sullum, Tucille et al. Tucille’s probably the best but everyone has good stuff.

      • Lackadaisical

        Yeah, Robby isn’t bad, but like your say doesn’t seem to arrive at the correct conclusion that there is a large majority of people in media and academia trying to silence him and anyone like him who would report inconvenient truths.

        It’s an annoying willful blindness from someone who should have learned by now. Maybe he’s just too close to the problem to see it. Maybe it really comes down to cocktails.

      • juris imprudent

        Hmm, measuring inches?

  18. UnCivilServant

    When is the court going to issue it’s decision on Bruen and how is New York going to weasel out of the spirit of the decision?

  19. Trigger Hippie

    *looks over last night’s thread*

    Sometimes I drink and say things. Wasn’t too bright to begin with, add alcohol and that’s what you get. I just might try to tackle that subject sober over the weekend and write an article.

    • AlexinCT

      Don’t knock drunk posting man… It makes for some of the most epic shit.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Somebody wrote an article on a similar topic a while back. May be worth tracking that down and playing off of it in some way.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Noted, thanks.

      • Lackadaisical

        What’s the mystery topic?

      • Trigger Hippie

        The value of animal life versus a human.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    The lawsuit claims she then went on to say, “My d— is bigger than yours and the Italians, I have the biggest d— in Chicago.”

    I can believe it.

    • rhywun

      Maybe when the former First Lady isn’t in town.

      • Q Continuum


      • Jerms

        That shit made me crack up. Thanks Q.

      • rhywun

        No, BLOCK INSANE YOMAMA’s wife.

    • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

      She keeps it in a jar in her desk drawer.

    • The Other Kevin

      Unfortunately the only plan they have is to throw money at cronies and expect that one day, the country will be powered by windmills. Meanwhile, we’ll turn off the spigots at home and rely on getting energy from places like Russia and Iran.

    • B.P.

      “This is a transition.”

      Well, we certainly did chop our own nuts off.

      • Ownbestenemy

        “Looking at every single tool” … except you know, producing more of what is used right now. They are making their push, using Russia/Ukraine as the cover, to go ‘green’

      • Drake

        And ignoring nuclear power as hard as they can.

      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

        It’s energy affirmation.

      • Lackadaisical

        My gasoline identifies as carbon neutral.

  21. Lackadaisical

    “Texas state House candidate fighting child gender-affirming care is shouted down at a college campus event”

    This is probably meant to make me infer that the speaker is unpopular, but it really means that the left as always is trying to silence their critics, this time using the heckler’s veto.

    • cyto

      We support rendering 11 year old boys permanently sterile!

      • juris imprudent

        The damn birth-rate is too high! /people who probably should not have been born themselves

      • Lackadaisical

        You’re not supposed to say the quiet part out loud.

  22. Certified Public Asshat

    I tracked down Fauci! He's now relegated to streaming channels and local TV. He recently appear on a show called "Woke AF." Not kidding.Looking like a broken man, he ranted about how the unvaccinated are a threat to society. Details:— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) March 3, 2022

    He just can’t go away quietly.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      If only it didn’t take a war to get rid of him.

    • Q Continuum

      If there is any silver lining to the war, it’s that something was finally big enough to knock Fauci out of the news cycle and end his way-over-15-minutes.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      As absurd as we find it, there is still a sizeable proportion of this country that revere, dare I say even worship, Fauci.

      • B.P.

        My favorite part: The chryon at the bottom says “Report: Russia Planning Public Executions in Ukraine”.

        Well enough of that. We’ve got serious issues to deal with, like begging for absurd mask mandates.

    • Ownbestenemy

      They sent him to the YT circuit to bolster and shore up the young people.

    • Q Continuum

      “the unvaccinated are a threat to society”

      Send the unvaccinated to Ukraine; their mere presence will cause Russian soldiers to burst into flame.

  23. cyto

    On Lindsey Graham, I wonder who makes that decision.

    By the way it was presented and the way it was covered, it is clear that this was not Lindsey Graham going rogue, this was Lindsey Graham delivering a message that had been decided upon by the establishment.

    Every morning show covered it, and not as “Republican goes crazy”. It was quite clear that this was the official approved message, but was being delivered as a trial balloon with a messenger that they felt safe and denouncing if it went sideways.

    I wonder how that sausage gets made? Everyone was on the same page the moment that he made the statement. That involved at least dozens of people. Does a handler from some think tank bring it to him as a suggestion? Does his CIA contact bring it to him? Who is in the room when options are being discussed? It clearly is not sleepy Joe and Kamala. Neither one of them seems to have much of a clue as to what is happening. Well, particularly not the Veep.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Interesting observation, I have been staying the hell away from the major media outlets. They only serve to make me want to throw things at my TV.

  24. Lackadaisical

    “CDC numbers show more than 90 percent of people in U.S. can ditch masks”

    My research shows that people could have always ditched masks because they don’t do anything, but I guess that actual science doesn’t count as science anymore. How about philosophy and ethics? Not relevant, huh? Go die fuckers.

    • The Last American Hero

      There is a difference between science and The Science.

      • Lackadaisical


        The Science is whatever the powers that be need it to be to keep the serfs in line.

  25. Rebel Scum

    I’m sure she will continue her trail of success.

    The White House is actively discussing sending Vice President Harris to Warsaw, Poland, and Bucharest, Romania, in the coming days to show solidarity with Ukraine as it faces an escalating Russian invasion, sources familiar with the conversations tell The Hill.

    The discussions involve sending Harris to visit troops stationed in Romania and potentially to the border with Ukraine, where a refugee crisis has seen more than 1 million people flee that country since the Russian attack.

    The trip could happen in the coming weeks, one source said, adding that there is no active dialogue about sending President Biden to the region.

    “A presidential visit is a heavier logistical lift,” the source said. “The vice president has a smaller footprint and is historically more nimble.”

    The vice president’s office declined to comment on Harris’s travel plans. But a White House official said Harris has been “deeply involved in the administration’s engagement with allies and partners.”

    Kamala Harris, Ukraine czar.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Possibly a positive sign that they’re willing to send her that close to the fighting. Or maybe they’re hoping for an accident.

      • Lackadaisical

        Biden would never approve his insurance policy being taken out.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      The White House is actively discussing sending Vice President Harris to Warsaw, Poland, and Bucharest, Romania, in the coming days

      Hope the White House sprung for the deluxe kneepads. That’s a lot of country leaders.

    • Q Continuum

      “A presidential visit is a heavier logistical lift”

      Can’t send him to talk to people who might actually take what he’s saying seriously. And then there are the pallets of Aricept and cadre of Presidential diaper changers that have to tag along. Not to mention the enormous quantities of pudding cups and ice cream required to keep him upright and mobile during a visit like that.

      No, this is certainly a job for Cackles the Clown. Her extensive knowledge, experience and intelligence will rally the troops and lead to victory!

      • Ownbestenemy

        You know the thing is the time and the time is now to seize the time!

      • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)


      • Rebel Scum

        So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that’s wrong.”

      • AlexinCT

        This sounds like she took some speech about how it is wrong for a burly guy to force his way onto a chick and replaced the people with countries to make a point…

      • Ownbestenemy

        She is being told to talk to her constituents like they are children. She did it with the NASA video also. Or she has great contempt for anyone outside the political class.

      • MikeS

        Or she’s just really stupid and that’s the best she can do.

    • Chipwooder

      Oh, there will be a trail, alright.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      She’s visiting you Pie. What an honor!

    • Ownbestenemy

      “A presidential visit is a heavier logistical lift,” the source said. “The vice president has a smaller footprint and is historically more nimble.”

      Meaning we aren’t sure Ol’ Joe could make it alive.

    • cyto

      It’s going to be hilarious watching her explain to them that Russia is this big country that is next to the smaller country called Ukraine.

    • Drake

      This is how the world ends?

    • Lackadaisical

      I like motorboats better than yachts.

      • Rebel Scum


  26. Lackadaisical

    “And now governments are just stealing their shit with no due process. So much for the rule of law and the moral high ground.”

    Yeah, not sure how anyone can support this. Unless they’ve done something illegal (and it’s been priced in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt) there no basis in law for crap like this. Completely immoral, illegal and furthermore dangerous to allow governments this power.

    • cyto

      I really don’t understand it at all. I don’t get how anyone thinks it is remotely legal. They don’t even pretend. They just toss out a few demagogic arguments that amount to Russia bad, Putin bad, these people are oligarchs and they are bad, therefore steal their stuff! That will show them!

      Not sure that that is an argument that you can take to court.

      Your honor, we stole the plaintiffs property because we really don’t like the government of the country that he comes from! Plus, he’s rich!

      Does that mean that Trump supporters get to just go out and steal s*** from Rich Democrats?

      • Q Continuum

        “Not sure that that is an argument that you can take to court.”

        As if they care anymore. Justine Castreau just seized a bunch of property from actual peaceful protesters just for having the audacity to try and redress grievances toward his regime. The Cathedral has long had the attitude that they are the true owners of all the serfs’ shit, they’ve just finally decided to rip off the mask and say that if you don’t play by their arbitrary and constantly shifting rules, they’ll revoke your privilege to temporarily have possession of any of their stuff. I can see a lot more crypto in the future; until they ban that of course.

      • cyto

        The Canadian situation is beyond the pale. It will be interesting to see if Canadians are the Canadians that I know from the Midwest, hunters and outdoorsmen who don’t put up with this crap and love hockey, or if they are the Canadians I know from South Florida who are basically milk toast versions of Manhattan residents.

      • Lackadaisical

        There are some of reach, but it seems the Manhattan variety out weighs the rest.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Like with covid or any number of things recently, principles are being thrown on the ash heap of history for the sake of expediency. They are Roperites.

        “William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”

        Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”

        William Roper: “Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!”

        Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!”

      • Lackadaisical

        I just conveyed this story to my wife a few days ago in regards to the oligarchs.

    • Chipwooder

      I can’t possibly see how this would ever be used against Americans!!

      • Rat on a train

        Next the government will start locking up foreign nationals in solitary without charges.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It is interesting to see us spiral towards the same attitude that gave us internment camps and the resulting reparations.

      • Chipwooder

        No, see, these are bad people this time, so internment is OK

      • Rat on a train

        Rights are only for the innocent.

      • Lackadaisical

        It’s Bush all over again. All the machinery of the state doesn’t go away just because too alleged crisis passes.

  27. DrOtto

    I wonder how many people are against female genital mutilation, but also support gender affirming care?

    • Q Continuum


    • juris imprudent

      Again – this is why I say cognitive dissonance isn’t really a thing. If it was, these fuckers heads would explode a la Scanners.

    • R C Dean

      Probably not that many. The anti-female genital mutilation crowd tends to be conservative; proggies are too multi-culti to dare challenge barbaric cultural practices.

      • juris imprudent

        Pretty sure the rad-fems have no use for barbaric cultural practices, though that may range into TERF turf these days.

      • Not Adahn

        All radfems are trans-exclusive. You can’t be a gender abolitionist and agree with someone who says they have the essence of a gender.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    He said he was shocked to learn that you could be banned from YouTube for reporting facts .

    Bless his heart.

    • Rat on a train

      How is he to know? The people at the cocktail parties aren’t going to talk about it.

    • Q Continuum

      He could swallow a whole bottle of red pills and remain as clueless as he’s ever been. He’ll be back at the cocktale parteez in no time talking about how it was an honest mistake on the part of Alphabet and it’s really those Trumpalos that are the threat to liberty.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It’s fake cluelessness, at least I hope it is. For his sake.

    • Rebel Scum

      You can be banned for citing the CDC before the “science” changed and then changed again.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


        That standard is going to be applied to everything.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    You know who else has yachts we can steal?

    The $500 million Y721 will be, at 417 feet long, the biggest sailing yacht in the world when it launches this summer. In a pissing match with other tech billionaires — Google co-founder Sergey Brin, Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison and media mogul and new People magazine owner Barry Diller — Bezos, 58, wins.

    In fact, even his yacht’s secondary support boat is bigger than Brin’s elegantly futuristic $80 million yacht, the Dragonfly.

    We’ll balance the budget!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Jesus, his golddigger has gotten even more hideous.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I don’t know which is more fugly, her or the ships. I’d take the HMS Britannia over those vessels.

        Diller’s yacht, Eos (a favorite of celebrity friends including Kate Perry, Prince Harry and Bradley Cooper)

        “I’m going to go hang out with my buddy Barry”. Does he have good drugs? Underage hookers? Wtf?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Got something against ludicrous cheekbones do you?

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s the more plastic content than an Auton.

      • rhywun

        Celebrities like to hang out with each other and rich nerds like to surround themselves with celebrities. I doubt any of those celebrities even know what Barry looks like.

      • Lackadaisical

        Don’t link shame, Mayne he likes fucking an alien.

      • KSuellington

        She is looking quite a bit faker since the last pic I saw of her a year or so back. Can’t she afford a better plastic surgeon on her benefactor’s dime?

    • Chipwooder

      417 feet? That’s more of a small cruise ship than a yacht.

      • AlexinCT

        You can only show your epic bad guy mojo if you have a yacht big enough to hold a smaller yacht in its pool, dude…

    • Grumbletarian

      The Y721’s main vessel boasts three decks — one with a swimming pool — and, with three gigantic masts, it can claim eco-credentials by being powered largely via a cutting-edge propulsion system that harnesses kinetic energy under sail.

      There are rumors of a cutting edge navigational device called a sextant aboard as well.

      • Lackadaisical

        Next they’re going to exempt sailing had from carbon taxes.

        If I didn’t know better I’d think all this green stuff was just a grift to give the rich more tax breaks and punish everyone else.

      • rhywun

        They already exempted private aircraft from the Green New Deal stuff.

        So, yes.

      • juris imprudent

        I say, would you by chance have a link for that?

      • rhywun

        Nope. I recall reading it months ago.

    • cyto

      Now that the precedent has been set, I wonder if Russia or some of these other nations that have grievances against America will follow suit. It would be interesting to see what would happen if a bunch of tech giants had their yachts seized by Russian forces. Maybe Eric Schmidt has his private jet seized when he lands in China.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        How often do our oligarchs make it over to Iraq on their yachts because they should get first dibs.

      • juris imprudent

        Somalia beckons “come visit our sunny shores”.

      • Chipwooder

        “Look at me…..I’m the oligarch now”

      • The Last American Hero

        Well since Eric would be there to pick up some suitcases full of cash, I don’t see why they would seize his plane.

    • The Other Kevin

      Russell Brand did a video on the Bezos yacht a few weeks ago. They are dismantling a historic bridge to get it out to sea. The bridge was destroyed by Nazis, then they rebuilt it as a testament to their resilience, with a vow to never dismantle it again. Ironically, now it’s being dismantled again for another type of authoritarian. And the government went along with it because it will “create jobs”.

      • UnCivilServant

        If it was destroyed by Ze Germans, a vow to never dismantle it ‘again’ makes no sense. And how far does such a vow extend? If you ever need to conduct repairs, you could very well have to take part of it apart to replace a component.

        That said, I’m of the opinion that “everyone in this story is an asshole”.

    • JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

      Isn’t Brin Russian? I guess we are perfectly justified taking his yacht.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Now that the precedent has been set, I wonder if Russia or some of these other nations that have grievances against America will follow suit. It would be interesting to see what would happen if a bunch of tech giants had their yachts seized by Russian forces. Maybe Eric Schmidt has his private jet seized when he lands in China.

    Yes, exactly. I can’t wait for the posturing, barratry and fingerpointing at the Hague. “They can’t do that! It’s just different when we do it!”

    • Gustave Lytton

      Like Condaleeza Rice on tv denouncing Russian pretextual invasion.

      • The Other Kevin

        I really like how they portray the devil in that movie. He doesn’t have to tempt people, we’re perfectly happy doing it to ourselves.

        Also, there are a lot of good quotes with my name.

      • Chipwooder

        “I’m a little more than that, Kevin!”

      • The Other Kevin

        “What’s the game plan, Kevin?”
        “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Kevin!”

  31. The Late P Brooks

    When they’re done kicking Putin’s ass, they can move on to Canada

    The world has watched in horror since Russia invaded Ukraine late last week, triggering what could be the largest land war in Europe since World War II. And Zelensky’s defiance has not only united Western opposition to Russia, but also inspired foreign volunteers and Ukrainians abroad to fight for the cause.
    “This is not just Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Zelensky said on Sunday. “This is the beginning of a war against Europe, against European structures, against democracy, against basic human rights, against a global order of law, rules, and peaceful coexistence.”

    It’s going to take some real voodoo magic to resuscitate the rule of law.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      And Zelensky’s defiance has not only united Western opposition to Russia

      Almost exactly backwards.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I can maybe understand Ukrainians wanting to go there and fight but any foreigners that get suckered into dying for that ubercorrupt regime are to be pitied.

    • Homple

      Imagine Lord Beaverbrook whooping up WWI to Americans with Twitter. Well, that’s pretty much what we have today.

    • Drake

      He’s literally a clown.

      The new alignment is the rainbow-woke-globalists against the nationalist normals. Unfortunately, we’re currently on the side of the former.

  32. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Thoughts on the S&W Sport II AR-15?

    • The Last American Hero

      Does that come with the thing that pops up or do you have to add that yourself?

      • Sensei

        Depends on the state where it is sold.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Is it the one with the brick sized gas block?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


  33. The Late P Brooks

    When asked about American foreign fighters he [Blinken] said the US has been “clear for some time” in telling “Americans who may be thinking of traveling there not to go.”

    If Americans want to help Ukraine, “there are many ways to do that, including by supporting and helping the many NGOs that are working to provide humanitarian assistance; providing resources themselves to groups that are trying to help Ukraine by being advocates for Ukraine,” he said.

    Send money to established, well-regarded international relief organizations. Like, you know, the Clinton Foundation.l

    Of course you’d say that, you gutless weasel.

    • Urthona

      May sound pessimistic, but how long before aid to the Ukrainians winds up being owned by the Russians?

      I’m doing my part by dumping out my Russian dressing and replacing it with Thousand Island.

      • rhywun

        how long before aid to the Ukrainians winds up being owned by the Russians?

        Or by Hunter Biden.

      • KSuellington

        Hopefully the Ukrainians have Hunter advising them on their military strategy as his consulting expertise seems to be quite valuable.

      • Animal

        May sound pessimistic, but how long before aid to the Ukrainians winds up being owned by the Russians?

        Next week? Next month? Who knows? But I’m willing to bet it will happen.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    I can maybe understand Ukrainians wanting to go there and fight but any foreigners that get suckered into dying for that ubercorrupt regime are to be pitied.

    Wutwutwut? I have been assured by the Legitimate American Media that Ukraine is a tranquil bastion of DEMOCRACY! where happy smiling peasants in colorful native costume hold hands and sing the national anthem before they skip gaily out to the fields to tend their flocks.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Russell Brand did a video on the Bezos yacht a few weeks ago. They are dismantling a historic bridge to get it out to sea. The bridge was destroyed by Nazis, then they rebuilt it as a testament to their resilience, with a vow to never dismantle it again. Ironically, now it’s being dismantled again for another type of authoritarian. And the government went along with it because it will “create jobs”.

    I have seen several stories about that bridge, but they never quite manage to getting around to saying whether the “removal” will be permanent or temporary.

    • UnCivilServant


      They’re putting the pieces back once the boat is clar.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Temporary and Bezos is paying for it. I am not sure if that makes it okay or not.

  36. DEG

    I missed GlibFlick last night. Gotta catch up.

    “I won’t back down from communist riot thugs,” Younger said on his campaign Facebook page Thursday.

    Looks like you did.

    In response to a request for comment from CNN, Younger emailed, “I do not cooperate with leftist media.”

    On the other hand, this is good.

    Data released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that Covid-19 levels have dropped significantly enough that more than 90 percent of people in the U.S. can go without masks.

    You could always ditch the face diapers. Fuck the CDC.

  37. KSuellington

    Well in good news our Greaseball Guv announced last Monday that March 14 is the magic day that Science! has declared safe for the children to take off their masks at school. Really it is being left up to the school districts now instead of the state, and our district, the SF Unified has said they will continue forcing the children to taslismask. Luckily our kids our not in the government schools so their school announced yesterday that masks are optional starting March 14. Their school started full time, in person classes Nov 2020 and we moved them there because they were one of the only schools here doing so at that date. Most of the Catholic schools here did some type of hybrid bullshit for most of last year that wouldn’t work for us. My six year old has been saying that he didn’t remember what school was like before masks.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Not everyone is supportive of the idea of foreign fighters in Ukraine.
    US-based extremist tracking organization SITE Intelligence Group has warned of the involvement of outfits such as Azov, a paramilitary group whose logo is the Wolfsangel, a symbol appropriated by Nazi Germany.
    “Following Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine, far-right communities online have rallied to the side of groups like Azov, both in terms of fundraising and stating their intent to fight alongside them,” a SITE report says.

    Yes, yes, of course. This is all just a ruse to establish the Fourth Reich.

    • PieInTheSky

      well there are probably a bunch of actual nazis in that group,

      • rhywun

        One wonders if that group has any actual influence or are the media just giving them attention because agitprop.

      • PieInTheSky

        major influence probably not. local influence in some small area possibly.

  39. PieInTheSky

    Our government is stealing the property of people not directly involved in the Ukraine situation. – the government should not do that but I doubt most oligarchs are not involved… they are the boyars of Russia.

  40. PieInTheSky

    As the virus is winding down, my company will probably soon get back to office work. I hope for 3 days from home but probably will get two.

  41. Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

    The Feds just unmasked their employees in offices.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Oh but you should see the ridiculous gating requirements and they are standing up weekly testing for the dirty unvaccinated.

    • Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

      So much for the “winter of death”

      • Ownbestenemy

        It was a ‘winter of colds’. It burned through our facility and no one ended up in the hospital or severely ill. 10 free days off though.

  42. The Late P Brooks


    They’re putting the pieces back once the boat is clar.

    That was always my assumption, but it’s harder to spool up the outrage machine if you can’t imply a precious national monument will be razed to satisfy the depraved whimsy of an evil oligarch.

  43. PieInTheSky

    My company is off course social signaling hard on Ukraine. Donating money for refuges, helping organize employees as volunteer to help etc. I am unsure about donating. One of the funny things is that for most of the last 30 years Romania and Ukraine were not exactly friends, having territorial disputes. Also the ethnic Romanian minority in Ukraine is not exactly well treated, though maybe that will change. I still support Ukraine over Russia because fuck Russia.

    • PieInTheSky

      Also I have no idea what news to believe. I go for none.

      • Swiss Servator

        Best course. I think we will have to wait a while to find out what has really happened.

      • Lackadaisical

        Makes sense. Ukraine may be asshole, but they’re not dangerous like Russia.

    • Not Adahn

      The Vermont governor is demanding that his legislature spend $1 per Vermonter to donate to Ukraine.

      I also learned that VT has the population of Tulsa.

    • PieInTheSky

      The question is: will there be a learning experience

    • Ownbestenemy

      It has to be on purpose right? Please tell me she is putting on a performative show of acting the court jester.

    • juris imprudent

      I’m sorry, I know words came out of your mouth, but they said precisely nothing. Would you care to try again?

  44. PieInTheSky

    with extensive price controls, Russia can then unleash massive fiscal expansion – compensation for families of dead soldiers, for massive unemployment caused by sanctions/withdrawal of multinational corporations/loss of export markets

    the shortage economy is baaaack!

    the state channels petrodollars into war spending + safety net for citizens + industrial policy.

    and industrial policy speaks to ideas of transforming the central bank into an ‘institute for development’

    to be clear, I dont think MMT ever claimed to be a theory of the developmental state.

    MMT is a theory of why the macro constraint to a developmental state project is not ‘how will we pay for it’.MMT is right that you cannot have a developmental state project under Wall Street Consensus macrofinance.

    but once you make that intellectual leap, slope just gets steeper.

    reviving a developmental state project under conditions of war and sanctions is, in my view, impossible

    • juris imprudent

      This person should be on Kamala’s team.

  45. Tundra

    Good morning, peeps!

    The propaganda machine is working. It has united left and right in hatred for Russia. I have flummoxed two family members, one from each tribe, when I asked why the Ukrainians are special in comparison to, say, the people of Yemen.

    They each told me how brave Zelensky is. It’s bizarre.

    • Ownbestenemy

      YouTube/Celebrity politician knows how to work the socials…go figure.

    • PieInTheSky

      why the Ukrainians are special – because fuck Russia?

      • PieInTheSky

        I mean for Europe there is the whole back yard thing unlike Yemen. For US it is the fact that EU are buddies more or less. And we all need to fight climate change together.

      • Lackadaisical

        Plus, isn’t it our ally fucking around in Yemen? I can hardly expect people and especially the institutions to be neutral here.

    • rhywun

      Another example of “propaganda works”.

    • Urthona

      Does no one remember a couple of weeks ago when zelensky denied there would
      be a russian invasion and did nothing whatsoever to prepare his people?

      • Ownbestenemy

        That right there makes me believe the CIA was heavily involved…US was screaming it was going to happen at any moment and he was like “What?” and then it didn’t materialize until we continued to push and push.

      • cyto

        It really did feel like Putin had no intention of doing an actual invasion until after we began loudly signaling that we were not going to do anything about it .

        We sounded like Brer rabbit begging not to be thrown in the prior patch.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Zelensky’s moronic statement about obtaining nukes while in Munich didn’t help.

        The invasion probably would have happened at some point anyway given the overall environment, but that was a dumbass diplomatic move for the ages.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        I think it’s a mistake to ascribe any significant influence in the short-term from the US in pushing Russia to invade Ukraine. Certainly pushing Ukraine to join NATO played a large role, but let’s not kid ourselves that Putin had any intentions other than invading as soon as the forces began building on Ukraine’s border.

        When Putin issued his ultimatum that was globally shot down as not serious, I mentioned reading someone’s take that the buildup was serious and war was coming. That Putin would have never phrased those ultimatums in the way he did unless it led to either getting everything Russia wanted or war. It made sense at the time and makes even more sense as events as unfolded.

        We have lived in an era of unparalleled peace in human history, which has put normalcy blinders on war between large states. Many people desire war.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Many people desire war.

        Unfortunately very true.

    • Chipwooder

      The Yemen comparison has one of two effects. It either confuses people who have no idea what’s happening in Yemen, or it enrages people who do know.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh thats a country? I thought that was a local dialect of “Yeah man” /99,99% American Population

      • juris imprudent

        It’s all good man.

    • Raven Nation

      The progs I’ve talked to see this as an extension of the solidly established Trump-Putin co-conspiracy sphere. They are absolutely convinced that Trump – and Trump alone – laid the groundwork for this and that Biden was simply dealt a bad hand. Therefore opposing Putin is a continuation of their war to save American democracy.

      The conservatives I’ve heard seem vaguely pissed off that we didn’t occupy Russia in the 1990s. They see this as finally ending the cold war.

      And, yeah, few of any of them seem to know about Yemen. TBF: Yemen can be characterized as a civil war, in that you don’t have a sovereign state invading another sovereign state.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The conservatives I’ve heard seem vaguely pissed off that we didn’t occupy Russia in the 1990s. They see this as finally ending the cold war.

        The Cold War did end, back in 91. The Warsaw Pact was gone, yet NATO persisted. We had an opportunity to seek a lasting peace and squandered it.

      • rhywun

        Hell, we actively thwarted it.

        I wasn’t politically aware back then but WTF were we thinking?!

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Well NATO wanted it’s grift to continue, for one. Everybody was busy trying to loot Russia and Yeltsin was a fool.

        But I think most of it was just damnable arrogance and a resolve on the part of MIC/DC to make certain we always had an enemy that they could work the populace into a frenzy against and justify their existence.

        Rothbard predicted back in the 60’s that once the MIC bureaucracy was built up, we would never be rid of them. They would find or make justifications for their continued existence.

      • juris imprudent

        History ended, we won, we’re going to dance and piss on the graves of the fallen powers. Yes, honestly, it was THAT bad.

      • The Other Kevin

        Razorfist said it best the other day. Russia went to great expense to get Trump elected, and then when they succeeded, they did…. nothing?

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Truly an American hero

    A teenager who tipped off the FBI about his father before the Jan. 6 riot and then gathered evidence after the attack on the U.S. Capitol testified Thursday that he was “nervous and paranoid” about his dad’s demeanor when he decided to contact federal authorities.

    Jackson Reffitt, 19, the son of Jan. 6 defendant Guy Reffitt, told jurors in the second day of testimony in his father’s trial that he was in his room at the family’s home in Texas and Googled “FBI tip” on his phone after his father talked about plans to go to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021.

    “I didn’t know what I was doing. I just felt gross. I don’t think I can explain it. I just felt uncomfortable,” Jackson Reffitt told the court about his decision to tip off the FBI on Christmas Eve. He said he decided to “shut off my day” by watching TV on Christmas and getting on his phone so he wouldn’t dwell on the matter.

    We can replace all those Nathan Bedford Forrest and Robert E Lee statues with a kid hiding under his bed texting his FBI handlers.

    • Chipwooder

      Kid’s a fuckin’ scumbag. If he were in my family, we’d cut off all contact.

      My momma always told me, nobody likes a rat.

    • Rebel Scum

      Kick him out of the house and cut him off.

      • Fourscore

        Wait, he’s only 19, what’s he supposed to do, get a job?

        C’mon, man

    • rhywun

      *insert quote from 1984 about what little shits their kids are*

  47. The Late P Brooks

    Jackson Reffitt said Thursday that he had a “pretty great” relationship with his father before 2016, around the time he was entering high school. The pair disagreed about politics, Jackson said, adding that he moved further to the left while his father moved further to the right during the Trump era.

    Jackson Reffitt told the court he decided to tell the FBI about his father, who was affiliated with the Texas Three Percenters, after a dispute on the family’s text chain in December 2020, just weeks before the riot. He testified that his father had talked about doing “something big” in August 2020 but that nothing ever happened. Then, after former President Donald Trump lost the election, Guy Reffitt started talking about how Congress had made “fatal mistakes” and saying something big was coming, his son said.

    “When are you going to realize the Democrats are using race to keep minorities suppressed? We The People are willing to die to protect their safety. We did it in the Civil War and now we are doing it again. It’s the government that is going to be destroyed in this fight,” Guy Reffitt wrote. “Hold my beer and I’ll show you.”

    If delusional bluster is now the same as treason, we’re going to need a really big gulag.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Take a simple ethical problem and confuse and mutilate it. We only like binary choices when it fits our narrative.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    I still support Ukraine over Russia because fuck Russia.

    The enemy of my enemy is still an asshole.

    • Chipwooder

      I don’t see why I should support either, really. I’m more than willing to believe that Putin is scum and Russians are committing war crimes. I’m also of the belief that the West has, for 30 years, recklessly involved itself in eastern European affairs and foolishly influenced Ukraine to believe that they would be protected from Russian aggression.

      It’s not my problem nor in my interests to intervene.

      • PieInTheSky

        if by eastern European affairs you mean fucking everybody, sure.

        It’s not my problem nor in my interests to intervene. – your country thinks otherwise

      • juris imprudent

        your countryGOVT thinks otherwise

        Let’s not confuse things.

      • PieInTheSky

        If there was referendum what % of US voters would support giving weapons to Ukraine?

      • Chipwooder

        You have a point in that the all-out propaganda assault we’ve had over the past couple of weeks has been rather successful. Most Americans don’t give foreign affairs a whole lot of thought, particularly now when inflation is ravaging us.

        The interesting thing would be asking those people in favor of giving weapons to Ukraine *why* they believe that’s a good idea.

      • PieInTheSky

        why* they believe that’s a good idea. – because fuck Putin?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        because fuck Putin?

        Mostly. The average American has no clue about the history nor any inclination to find out.

        Their first reaction to hearing any statement from DC should be to say “I’d better go learn something because they’re definitely lying to me right now.” But mostly they’re just happy to jump on the virtue signal train.

        Even the rabid “anti-vaxxers” see this as an opportunity to find solidarity with their family members and countrymen that shunned them just two weeks ago. Re-establish the tribe under the threat of a new enemy.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I’ve seen “polling” turn on a dime before and after big propaganda pushes – on issue after issue after issue.

        The fact of the matter is – and this is hard for me to say but it’s become too obvious to ignore – that the vast majority of people are simply ignorant of almost any issue the pollsters choose to question them about.

      • Chipwooder

        Fuck Putin, sure…..but why do we have to be involved? Of what strategic benefit is that to the US?

  49. JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

    Lindsay 2.0 was pretty good regarding judicial confirmations. But this Lindsay 3.0 sucks again. He’s like LindsayME.

  50. JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)

    I can see now how Japanese were sent to internment camps. How long before we start sending Russians? The backlash against them seems far worse than against Muslims after 9/11.

  51. UnCivilServant

    Upper management is going off on a rant because the IT consolidation was so rushed to meet governor’s deadlines that no one has an authoritative record of what servers even exist. They have had multiple failed pushes to get it together, but each was either bungled or abandoned for another top priority initiative, and now they’re doing it again because Upper Management got embarassed politically.

    I don’t like getting ranted at for the failures of the one ranting.

    • PieInTheSky

      Well that is what being a servant gets ya

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m in the Civil Service, not a Servant, learn the difference.

      • PieInTheSky

        well a member of the civil service is a civil servant,

      • UnCivilServant

        Which is not a mere servant.

      • PieInTheSky


      • Mojeaux

        … except your moniker literally states “servant”, so …

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s the difference between a Secretary and a secretary.

      • PieInTheSky

        which one gets spanked by the boss?

      • Mojeaux

        ^^^Better answer than mine.

      • Not Adahn

        The one that doesn’t win the Kentucky Derby.

      • Mojeaux

        Dude, missing the point.

        If you call yourself a servant, you can’t then turn around and say you’re not a servant, when in fact you are. “In the civil service” is nanometers away from “servant of the public”.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t think anyone in the history of the Civil Service has served the public.

        Yes, my Nom de Forum is a play off the general term for a government employee. My joking around with other people could easily have been taken more seriously than intended. I do know people who get offended over such and should have been cleared that I was not. Mea Culpa.

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t like getting ranted at for the failures of the one ranting.

      Less likely in the corporate world, but a standard feature in political environments.

  52. The Late P Brooks

    The question is: will there be a learning experience

    Haha, you slay me.

  53. Rebel Scum

    Hell must have frozen over.

    Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman asserted Thursday that Israel could be a “potential ally” to the Islamic kingdom.

    The Crown Prince highlighted Saudi Arabia hopes Israel will work to solve the “conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians.”

    “We don’t look at Israel as an enemy, we look to them as a potential ally, with many interests that we can pursue together”, Salman said.

    “But we have to solve some issues before we get to that”, he warned as the Times of Israel reports.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      This has been Israel’s goal since turning their policy against Iran in the early 90’s. They figured it would be better to have an enemy geographically more distant and on the US’s shit list in order to make peace on their borders. They recognized that the US was never going to give up on the Saudis as they underpin our currency system.

      Fairly brilliant, really.

  54. PieInTheSky

    “greedy .. means that the more hours you put in, the higher your hourly pay. .. It could be which hours. Is it weekend? Is it vacation? If I say jump, do you have to jump? .. earnings go up disproportionately with that”
    But it makes sense that pays more.
    It seems needlessly moralistic to call such jobs “greedy”. Yes they demand more time and flexibility, but they also pay more to compensate for their added demands. What exactly is the problem?

    She complaints that too many industries let workers be distinctive individuals instead of “individuals who are highly trained, talented, responsible healthcare providers [being] extremely good substitutes for each other.” Identical substitute workers is her ideal.

    • pistoffnick the refusnik

      BRB I need to “gallop my antelope”, then I’m going to “churn some butter”.

      • PieInTheSky

        use the post just above this one

  55. The Late P Brooks

    Where are our anti-flag-desecration lawmakers? What has become of them?

    • Rebel Scum

      They were already for the thin blue/red line flags.

  56. Rebel Scum

    I wish you cuntes would stop sexualizing and gender-bending children.

    To all the LGBTQ2SIA+ children and young people across the country, I want you to know that you are seen, you are loved, and you matter. The state of Oregon remains committed to honoring and protecting your right to be yourself. #ProtectTransKids

    • rhywun

      The left has all-but won this one. I wonder what’s next on their checklist.

  57. Sean


    • PieInTheSky


    • Rebel Scum


      Am I playing the wrong game?

    • Ownbestenemy

      WarTwitter is disappointing. Then again, this is where our next crop of officers will be drawn from.

  58. Scruffy Nerfherder

    A decidedly pro-Russian take on the state of the conflict, but worth reading.

    So far the Russian military operation in Ukraine has been a reconnaissance in force preceded by the destruction of the supplies and headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by standoff weapons. The object being to suss out where the Ukrainian forces are, to surround them, to check existing Russian intelligence against reality and, at the same time, destroy known headquarters, air and naval assets, supplies and ammunition depots. And, perhaps, there was the hope that the speed and success (Russian/LDPR forces dominated an area of Ukraine about the size of the United Kingdom in the first week) would force an early end (aka recognition of reality).

    At the moment they are readying for the next phase. The long column that so obsessed the “experts” on CNN is the preparation for the next phase. And that is this: “You didn’t get the hint, so now we have to hit you”. The fact that the column has been sitting there indicates that the Russians know they have complete air superiority. Secondly it is a message to the Ukrainian armed forces that it’s over, give up. (And one should never forget that the Russians/Soviets have always been the best at strategic deception, so who knows what’s actually there versus what the images show?)

    As far as I can see they’ve created three cauldrons (encirclements). Probably the most important one is the one around Mariupol where the main concentration of Azov, the principal nazi force, is. Another is being established around the main concentration of the Ukrainian Armed Forces facing LDPR. And there appears to be another developing to the east of Kiev. A super cauldron of all three is visible. The nazis will be exterminated; the ordinary Ukrainian soldier will be allowed to go home. The nightmare question is how many ordinary Ukrainians will be free to choose.

    He goes on to mention that Russia has prodded the US/EU to show the rest of the world that they consider the financial system to be an instrument of war and that there will be repercussions from that.

    • PieInTheSky

      ah yes it is all about denazification.

      • Drake

        It is strange that their Nazis work for Jews.

        The complaints of the Russians in eastern Ukraine being abused and even killed by them are certainly legitimate.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Admittedly, I don’t understand this whole Stephen Bandera worship thing very well and how that works out with Zelensky. But it has been mentioned on other sites that their primary motivating animus is against Russians and not Jews. It’s obviously highly nationalist in nature.

      • PieInTheSky

        I really do not have enough info of what was going on there before the invasion. But I expect both sides did some unsavory things… Including the neonazi elements.

    • Drake

      Pretty much what Andrei Martyanov has been saying. The Ruskies seem to have been pretty restrained in their use of arty and rockets so far. The Ukrainian army has lost all ability to manuever.

  59. Sensei

    The surgeon general calls on Big Tech to turn over Covid-19 misinformation data.

    President Biden’s surgeon general on Thursday formally requested that the major tech platforms submit information about the scale of Covid-19 misinformation on social networks, search engines, crowdsourced platforms, e-commerce platforms and instant messaging systems.

    A request for information from the surgeon general’s office demanded that tech platforms send data and analysis on the prevalence of Covid-19 misinformation on their sites, starting with common examples of vaccine misinformation documented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The notice asks the companies to submit “exactly how many users saw or may have been exposed to instances of Covid-19 misinformation,” as well as aggregate data on demographics that may have been disproportionately exposed to or affected by the misinformation.

    They will be coming here next.

    • Ownbestenemy

      “instant messaging systems” would imply personal communications that we are to be secured….ah fuck it.

    • Fourscore

      Couldn’t the SG just walk over to Fauci’s office?

    • slumbrew

      I missed the part where the Surgeon General has the authority to demand fuck-all from private companies.

    • Gender Traitor

      SOOOO much more important than all those boring, confusing numbers from Pfizer and/or Moderna. /COVIDiot

    • Not Adahn


    • rhywun

      It would be nice if any one of “Big Tech” had the integrity to tell the Surgeon General to go fuck himself instead of eagerly complying.

    • rhywun

      And what is the baseline? Most of the “disinformation” is turning out to be true, piece by piece.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The more I’ve looked into this conflict, the more I’ve found I don’t know a fraction of all the nuances running wild in it. Most of what I have to go on is the word of a class of people who have lied to me my whole life, and I wouldn’t trust them to scratch a dog’s ass. They can piss up a rope. What I do know is that however bad the toll of dead and wounded are and could be with the current combatants, it pales in comparison to what will happen if this regime manages to deploy forces in earnest. Should that happen, I have no doubt the old infantry adage will prove itself true in that “the best laid plan goes to shit once the first boot hits the ground,” and by the end, their cute little ‘humanitarian intervention’ will look like just another grisly shitshow of a war and that’s the Red Hot Gospel.


    • slumbrew

      That’s amazing.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I never did it right anyway so my ex always ended up making them. Then again, I didn’t neglect the kid while she did it, it just screamed in my arms while I went back to sleep. The joys of being able to sleep through anything.

    • Mojeaux

      Weaponized incompetence.

      It’s maddening.

      • Sensei

        There is a certain amount of this in any relationship on both sides. It’s just a matter of the degree that it is used.

        If you take to social media your issue in this way I think you’ve got bigger problems.

      • hayeksplosives

        I don’t know how to operate our clothes washer and dryer. It is part of the deal we struck years ago in which I became the only breadwinner and he “retired” and became the hausfrau.

        Unfortunately he doesn’t do as much housekeeping as I’d like, but he’s all over the laundry and dishes.

    • Chipwooder

      After a time, my wife wouldn’t let me give my son a bottle in the middle of the night because I fell asleep holding him.

      My daughter was breastfed so I couldn’t feed her anyway.

  60. Sean
    • DEG

      That warmed my heart.

  61. The Late P Brooks

    “Well, this motherf***** has been stalling in the kitchen, taking forever to make a bottle [so] that I get overwhelmed with screamo in bed — so I’ll turn around and WANT to be the one to get out of bed every time. And he gets to stay in bed all night, and it was MY choice.”

    Variation on a theme

  62. hayeksplosives

    Good song choices today. “The Sun Always Shines” is my favorite of theirs too.

    I had a crush on Magne Furuholmen when I was a lass…

    • rhywun

      Ha most gals (and certain guys) went for the pretty one.

      • hayeksplosives

        Ah, yes. Morten Harket. He was my sister’s fave.

        Sister and I shared a bedroom so we had a-ha posters up and all that classic 1980s nostalgia…

  63. juris imprudent

    Derp stranded on a receding tide.

    Here’s the kicker for me:

    What those tales often leave out is the other side of the same coin. In these towns and counties, there remain thousands of Democrats like Fitzpatrick who are faithful to their party—and feel that they are paying an increasingly steep price for that loyalty.

    Faithful? Party loyalty? Why? What fucking purpose is served by standing by your team? Get the fuck out of politicking, and go do something useful.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Now talk to me about Republicans in Baltimore.

    • rhywun

      Another “liberals in the mist” article. Pass.

      It makes me wonder if those types are paying attention to their team’s platform, though.

      Narrator: They don’t like you.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Getting what they wanted, good and hard.

  64. Zwak,The Baddest Johnny on the Apple Cart

    Dammit. Just got into a stupid fight with the wife, stemming from a minor thing that I solved on a personal level years ago (bad stereo line in my truck that gets rf interference) that she now thinks is a sign of mental decay. And she is off to work in that truck and I can’t deal with this shit for hours now. She is going to bring up everything that I either don’t care about, or think is a low priority as signs that MS is fucking up my mind.

    Sorry for venting.

    • hayeksplosives

      Sorry to hear it, zwak. My husband occasionally pokes me with a stick about my temporal lobe epilepsy, blaming it for anything I say or do that he does not like.

      Of course I then bring logic and reason to the discussion but he’s such a stubborn ass that he digs in and projects his fucked up state of mind onto me.

      Whaddya do?

      You can control only how YOU think and feel. So keep a stiff upper lip and drop the argument.

      As JOSHUA said in War Games the only way to win is not to play.

  65. wdalasio

    This seems reckless at bess. Insane at worst.

    Agreed. Even omitting the moral aspect of it, it’s just plain stupid for the U.S. to try to introduce this game. The U.S. has the biggest, most powerful, military in the world, by far. The rational policy for a country in that position is to maintain the terms of competition to where that advantage is multiplied and emphasized. Normalizing assassination as an instrument of foreign policy does the opposite of that. No matter how powerful and overwhelming your military might, even the smallest third world cesspit can find some psychopath willing to shoot your leader. In fact, it may very well be that the weaker and more miserable a country, the more likely you would be able to find a trigger man.