Tuesday Morning Links

by | Jun 7, 2022 | Daily Links | 407 comments

Put it in The Louvre

Colorado advanced to the Stanley Cup Finals after sweeping Edmonton out of the Campbell Conference Finals.  The Wales Conference is yet to be determined and game 4 is tonight with the Rangers up 2-1.  The WCWS final is set. Nobody cares. The mens CWS Super-regionals will be set today, I think. I don’t know what else is going on, aside from this. I’m glad it’s back. And the people over there are weird, to say the least. Anyway, that’s it for sports.

I won’t hold my breath. Are these people responsible for the lawlessness? To a certain degree, yes. But voters there don’t seem ready to go in a different direction even though they pay a shitload in taxes and aren’t getting much in return. We shall see.

It’s as if ConAir and The Fugitive never existed. The lesson to be learned from both those classics is that you do not transfer inmates ever.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, what?

It will be a dinner. There will be food. Food. People will eat the food. Food. Some may give speeches. Speeches with words. Words the people will hear. And food. The dinner will be about food. And people. But food.

That thing could go off at any minute! This guy makes Billy Carter look like Mother Theresa. Although both appear to be or have been in the pocket of foreign interests.

Second verse, same as the first. But this ain’t Herman’s Hermits. This is the real world. And…surprise!…this stupid shit won’t do a thing again.

I want this so bad!

I had no idea this was even happening. Also, was it an upright console or a tabletop edition? Because those tabletops are worth a shitload of money and I’d love to find an authentic one. But I digress.

God forbid they’d look to the west. There’s a whole giant ocean out there and desalinization plants work. But your state is too fucking stupid to let someone build one.

I wish this was surprising. But it’s not.  Why? because they’re not held accountable, that’s why.

Here you go. What an amazing voice. And here’s one that gets a lot less play than it should. Funky.

And on that note, I bid you adieu. Go have a wonderful day, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    That thing could go off at any minute! This guy makes Billy Carter look like Mother Theresa. Although both appear to be or have been in the pocket of foreign interests.

    Gun grabbers should be forced to prosecute, arrest, and jail that Biden crack addict before any new gun grabbing laws are put in place to disarm the law abiding citizens. And have no doubt that the whole thing is about fucking over the law abiding, because those that piss in our face and demand we believe it is warm rain seem never to be held accountable.

  2. AlexinCT

    I had no idea this was even happening. Also, was it an upright console or a tabletop edition? Because those tabletops are worth a shitload of money and I’d love to find an authentic one. But I digress.

    Wait, they caught her claiming she was playing an arcade game that had not yet been released? I bet she has issues remembering because Ole Coke and a Smile Bill donkey somethinged her….

    • Sensei

      “That’s totally inappropriate. It’s lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous.”

      – Jackie Chiles.

      • R.J.

        I have played most. I am the ancient video gamer. Colossal Cave was one of the first text adventures and i think you can get it will a text game Emulator now, usually for free. I have no idea why my phone capitalized emulator but I am not going back to fix it. I didn’t see night racer on that list. That was a great one. And Death Race also came out then, the entire board was a giant program because programmable IC chips were beyond their budget. It was a major triumph of homebrew engineering.

      • AlexinCT

        Leisure Suit Larry, FTW!

      • R.J.

        That was later but can also be played via emulator. I think I have most of them through the 1990s. Frotz does the text games. I forgot the name of the emulator for point and click games…

      • Nephilium

        Well, depends on which point and click games you want to emulate. Infocom’s text parser has been released publicly for quite a while now. LucasGames had their own point and click engine, as did Sierra On Line. I believe (but could be wrong) that all of them have been either released or emulated at this point.

      • R.J.

        There is a Lord of the Point and Click games emulator out there… gotta look now….
        Yes! ScummVM is the name.

      • Nephilium


        If my memory serves correctly, SCUMM was the engine for LucasGames (Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, etc). Speaking of that…

        Return to Monkey Island is supposed to be released this year.

      • SDF-7

        Sweet.. I hadn’t heard that. Love that series. Though the art in the trailer is a little… odd. *shrug* I’m sure I’ll get used to it.

      • DEG

        I’ve used DosBox for emulating old DOS games.

        I haven’t used that in a long time.

        Sierra went through more than one game engine. I think their second was their first point and click interface. If I remember correctly Quest For Glory V had a point and click interface based on a different engine.

      • DEG

        And Monkey Island was a great game. I liked a lot of what LucasGames put out. I haven’t watched the trailer for the new game yet, but given today’s environment, I’m worried.

      • Compelled Speechless

        Return to Monkey Island is being made by Ron Gilbert. His first since since MI2: LeChuck’s Revenge (the pinnacle of the series). I have no reason to think he’s ideological or woke so I actually have hope that it could be good. I’m sure it will be dated, but as long as you expect something slightly stuck in 1995, it should meet expectations.

      • DEG

        Leisure Suit Larry was a remake of a all text adventure game. I played the original all text adventure game. Sierra didn’t change much of the story/puzzles when they made Leisure Suit Larry.

      • Fatty Bolger

        I remember Tank and Jet Fighter, but only because they were included in the Atari 2600 game Combat, which my friends and I played the crap out of. We were the first on the block to get a 2600, so my house became the regular hangout after school every day.

  3. AlexinCT

    I won’t hold my breath. Are these people responsible for the lawlessness? To a certain degree, yes. But voters there don’t seem ready to go in a different direction even though they pay a shitload in taxes and aren’t getting much in return. We shall see.

    Is this a case of which crook the morons pick to then run the corrupt & broken legal system?

    • sloopyinca

      Uh, yes. Just like every other election.

      • AlexinCT


    • Rat on a train

      Don’t blame the voters. They didn’t vote for the results, just the people who promised the policies that produced the results.

      • WTF

        And the people who voted for it will never draw the connection between the policies they voted for and the results of those policies.

      • AlexinCT

        They were TOLD the policies would bring in Utopia, and damn it, the only reason that didn’t happen was because of the wreckers & kulaks!

      • Rat on a train

        Utopia only failed because the politicians we voted for didn’t get 100% of the vote. The damn superminority won’t let us have nice things.

      • AlexinCT

        It is funny how Utopia always has different meaning for the two classes involved. The serfs think the Utopia they are being promised will be one where they get everything for free and spend their days playing games and doing fun things. The ruling class thinks it will be a like an insect hive, where the drones will work themselves to death taking care of their leader cast’s needs.

  4. AlexinCT

    God forbid they’d look to the west. There’s a whole giant ocean out there and desalinization plants work. But your state is too fucking stupid to let someone build one.

    The sad reality is that the one thing missing about the water shortages in CA is that they are all self inflicted by the people that go along with the crazy green lobby asshats. People should get wat they vote for.

    • R.J.

      I agree. This stupidity is self inflicted. Suffer and lose everything then. You can’t build on your property or sell your property, you can now only die on your property. Reflect on this lesson on the tree of woe.

      • AlexinCT

        And yet, most of these morons that voted to allow this to happen not only don’t get it, but double down on more of the dumb shit.

      • Compelled Speechless

        I do have a small bit of sympathy for some of these people. They expect that part of a representative democracy is that they don’t have to pay attention to every little thing, which in theory is the point. The big problem is that they get their information about what’s happening from either the politicians themselves who lie at every turn to protect themselves or from local media which tends to be either incompetent at looking for sources outside the same lying politicians or flat out in bed with them since their legitimacy as media depends on their access. Like in national politics, people’s naivete and trusting natures is preyed upon. The people who should be leading by demonstrating responsibility and wisdom instead put all their energy into helping themselves and making policies that are either purely symbolic or ass-backwards because the incentives make it so aesthetics are all that matters in our current system.

        If voters are guilty of anything, it’s for not having the wisdom to make the base assumption that politicians are lying, self-serving pieces of shit 100% of the time. It’s incredible how many people I meet that have been paying attention for more than 10 minutes and somehow don’t understand this.

    • Drake

      When First Marine Division got to Saudi Arabia in 1990, they went up to the Kuwaiti border and set up camp right next to a water desalinization plant on the Persian Gulf. Because people, even Marines, drink water.

      Until recently CA had nuclear plants within sight of the Pacific, they could have done desalinization on a massive scale.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Not without destroying the sea! At lease according to the Coastal Commission of California.

        COSTA MESA, Calif., May 12 (Reuters) – California regulators on Thursday rejected a $1.4 billion desalination plant on environmental grounds, dealing a setback to Governor Gavin Newsom, who had supported the project as a partial solution for the state’s sustained drought.

        The California Coastal Commission voted 11-0 to reject the proposal by Poseidon Water, controlled by the infrastructure arm of Canada’s Brookfield Asset Management (BAMa.TO), to build the plant on a low-lying coastal site at Huntington Beach, near the town of Costa Mesa, about 30 miles (50 km) south of Los Angeles.

        The plant was designed to convert Pacific Ocean water into 50 million gallons (189.3 million liters) of drinking water a day.

        That is enough for 400,000 people, but the plant would use a process that staff experts at the commission said would devastate marine life and expose the plant to future risk of sea level rise while producing expensive water too costly for low-income consumers.

        “It was a defining day for the for the Coastal Commission,” said Susan Jordan, a plant opponent and director of the California Coastal Protection Network. “When you have a project like this that is so damaging over the next half century, you really can’t allow that to move forward.”

      • Pope Jimbo

        One of the guys from Poseidon Water was on Adam Carolla’s podcast and mentioned that they run another desalination plant near San Diego with no problems. And after 50 years, the plant would be sold to LA for a $1.

        And the doomed sealife they were complaining about was mostly plankton.

      • UnCivilServant

        “Then we shall start by reclaiming the water from the members of this ‘coastal commission’.” Seriously, they have no other value.

      • juris imprudent

        +1 Fremen death still

      • Gustave Lytton

        staff experts at the commission said would devastate marine life and expose the plant to future risk of sea level rise while producing expensive water too costly for low-income consumers

        The same sort of sea level rise that would inundate existing communities up and down the coast? And a) isn’t actually likely to happen and b) can be mitigated? As for pricing, they either have no clue how supply impacts demand or are doing it intentionally. Staff experts my ass. More like staff parasites, like much of the public sector.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Imagine the horror of the private sector providing enough water so that people in LA could water their lawns and use it in other unapproved ways?


      • Drake

        Wouldn’t pulling water (a negligible amount) out of the ocean help mitigate rising oceans due to climate change?

      • waffles

        It seems about as effective as everything else we do to combat climate change.

      • Compelled Speechless

        You forgot to put quotes around “combat climate change.”

      • one true athena

        Coastal commission are corrupt banana republic warlords. It’s a state sanctioned greenmail operation

  5. AlexinCT

    It will be a dinner. There will be food. Food. People will eat the food. Food. Some may give speeches. Speeches with words. Words the people will hear. And food. The dinner will be about food. And people. But food.

    So pre-hunger game, games?

  6. Not Adahn

    Campbell Conference Finals. The Wales Conference

    Am I the only one who likes non-descriptive names, even though they’re impractical and silly?

    IDPA: “Limited scoring” (the number of shots you are allowed to fire is specified) “Unlimited scoring” (shoot all you want, it’s your ammo)

    USPSA: “Virginia Count” (limited) “Comstock” (unlimited)

  7. AlexinCT

    This is all by design, IMO

    Desperate people are willing to accept shitty & horribly bad compromises they would never even consider otherwise…

  8. Rebel Scum

    There will be food. Food. People will eat the food. Food. Some may give speeches. Speeches with words. Words the people will hear. And food. The dinner will be about food. And people. But food.

    *Sensible chuckle*

    • kbolino

      Much like NRA vs. GOA et al., I wholly applaud their obsession with milquetoast moderates. If they think Ben Shapiro is opposed to democracy, they haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the online right.

      • Brawndo

        Agreed. As you begin to move into the more red pilled section of the right, you begin to see approval of the Jan 6 rioters that I don’t think Ben Shapiro or other mainstream right wingers would condone. When people bring up Jan 6 to me, I always respond with “the government should be terrified of it’s citizens.” And if it was a threat to democracy? No, it wasn’t, but I wish it was.

      • UnCivilServant

        January 6 should have been a lamppost party to clean out the government – including the bureaucracies. The city should have been decimated.

      • kbolino

        The people involved did not realize the lateness of the hour. Their greatest crime is not trespass or vandalism but naivete.

      • Brawndo

        Also true. They thought that the Constitution means something and that they were walking through the “people’s house”, when it turns out they were trespassing in the house of the most dangerous criminal organization in the history of the world.

      • juris imprudent

        Decimation isn’t close to being enough. Ratioed might do it.

        In my view, the material insecurity of the American managerial classes, whose numbers, as Peter Turchin argued, have grown too large to be absorbed by society in ways commensurate with their lofty economic expectations, helps account for this development. Consider Sweden, which is far less polarized and enjoys a much more sedate cultural environment than the United States. It operates a massive government machine to furnish the scions of the managerial class with all sorts of work. My own municipality, Uppsala, a city two-thirds the size of Reno, Nevada, employs almost 100 people as “communicators.” Their official workload mostly consists of managing the municipality’s social media accounts and writing policy documents. The communications department is notoriously dysfunctional; the municipality hired an outside consultancy to find out what all these employees do all day. But in at least one sense, it does what it is supposed to do: provide make-work jobs for university graduates who would otherwise risk going unemployed—and become potential social agitators.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was assuming not everyone living in that city worked for the state. There are a lot of poor people there that get ignored.

      • kbolino

        Now, the real question is, what happens when the 100 communicators in the Uppsala municipal government realize they can be social agitators and stay employed? Sweden is just a province of the American cultural empire and the values therein hold social agitation to be among the highest callings a person can have.

      • juris imprudent

        You might actually agitate a Swede to physical aggression with that assertion.

      • kbolino

        That’s fine, and I’m sure there are some fine and very Swedish Swedes living in the Scandinavian Hinterlands for whom my characterization is not correct, but I’d bet the average cosmopolitan Swede under the age of 40 can sooner recount the history of the U.S. Civil Rights movement than the Thirty Years War.

    • sloopyinca

      A virtue-signal

      • Not Adahn

        Not enough blue and yellow.

      • AlexinCT

        You are on fire this AM, sir.

    • The Last American Hero

      Bane really let xerself go.

    • juris imprudent

      Feed bucket?

  9. Rebel Scum

    A naked Hunter casually waves around a handgun and even points it at the camera while cavorting with a nude hooker in a swank hotel room, according to video provided to The Post by the nonprofit Marco Polo research group.

    This fucking family…

    • AlexinCT

      Was this the one he uploaded to Pornhub and then shared with “dad”?

    • waffles

      We get the leaders we deserve *starts sobbing*

    • EvilSheldon

      Hunter has good taste in guns, if not so much in hookers…

  10. Rebel Scum

    CDC advises travelers to wear MASKS to protect against monkeypox as it raises alert level and confirms 31 cases in the US including seven in New York and six in California


    I’ll ignore this harder than I did convid.

    • kbolino

      Yes, tell everyone to wear masks, instead of telling the flight attendants to stop hooking up with random strangers, because the latter would just be rude.

      • Nephilium

        Will no one think of the random strangers?

      • Rat on a train

        Stop that. Monkeypox spreads through stigmatizing.

    • AlexinCT

      Yeah, after it has become obvious that the transmission vector for this monkey cox shit was not airborne, one has to wonder if these people advising you wear a fucking mask are not just evil. Cause the advice they are sharing with the community most impacted by this disease, wear masks, seems to have the intent of leaving them vulnerable…

      • ron73440

        one has to wonder if these people advising you wear a fucking mask are not just evil.

        I haven’t wondered that for a while, I think it’s been confirmed.

      • Sean

        The CDC says travelers should avoid close contact with sick people, including those with skin lesions or genital lesions, and steer clear of dead or live wild animals including rats, squirrels and monkeys.

        Top shelf advice. We should increase their funding.

      • Nephilium

        /cancels idea for “My First Taxidermy” kit.

  11. Rebel Scum

    But your state is too fucking stupid to let someone build one.

    I assume malice.

    • sloopyinca

      They need to suspend everybody else shrieking about it online and they need to fire Lorenz for lying even more in her latest piece.

      Weigel is a buffoon. But he’s the good guy in this story.

      • kbolino

        I do wonder why Bezos doesn’t pull the leash at least a little bit. I get that the major news agencies are all run by their employee Slack channels now, and this constitutes some sort of anarcho-syndicalist fantasy fulfillment for them, but they’re wracking up some serious liability here. While the courts will mostly cover their backs by pretending “actual malice” can’t possibly exist, there’s been at least a slight uptick in the number of successful defamation cases.

      • AlexinCT

        Your mistake is to believe that they care about their credibility and would change their ways to protect that. Reality is that they see the solution as doubling down on censoring the people that would be able to expose their duplicity so they can do even more of the lying.

      • Not Adahn

        Local NPR has a weekly show with print journolismists. They are nakedly partisan and freely admit that their role is to sway public opinion in the way that benefits the Ds.

      • AlexinCT

        And they have been inculcated with this belief in the various colleges they attended. the reason old media is dying is that the reporter job, once held by blue collar types that actually had a connection to their communities, now is the purveyance of the most idiotic crop of activist white collar morons. Academia is one of the few places where people can concoct and hold some of the most horrible, dangerous, and deadly ideas to be foisted on humanity, because these monsters literally never have to worry about the consequences of the shit they preach.

      • ron73440

        Academia is one of the few places where people can concoct and hold some of the most horrible, dangerous, and deadly ideas to be foisted on humanity,

        Don’t forget school teachers.

        Have I mentioned how much I hate teachers?

      • Zwak, who counted all his blessings, and counted only one.

        Psst. Academia is school teachers with bigger ego’s.

      • WTF

        their role is to sway public opinion in the way that benefits the Ds.

        Because every place that has been exclusively run by Ds for the better part of half a century are crime and poverty-ridden shitholes.
        Good plan, morons.

      • kbolino

        The purpose of the press is not to notice these outcomes, it is to convince the population that those outcomes are good actually.

      • Zwak, who counted all his blessings, and counted only one.

        But, but, but, walkability! And restaurants, bars, and museums!

      • kbolino

        Yes, it is becoming clear that “official” media outlets are not meant to run for a profit. Indeed, the whole point of a billionaire like Bezos owning WaPo is to run it is a vanity project. But even vanity has its limits, and while Bezos is a bit of a cuck, he occasionally seems to have his wits about him. There’s a difference between “unprofitable vanity project” and “high-octane money-burning machine”.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Why should they care? They don’t own the company. Not their money, not their problem.

      • kbolino

        I know why they don’t care, I’m asking why he doesn’t.

      • Fatty Bolger

        The WaPo is barely a pimple on his ass, financially speaking.

      • kbolino

        While that’s true, I’m sure, if they force themselves into financial dire straits, and he has to bail them out repeatedly, I’ll bet he starts noticing.

      • AlexinCT

        All we have here is more evidence that these people are fucking evil nutbags. Weigel should have been fired 5 years ago for bullshit articles that were nothing but fabrications and lies to peddle leftist agendas, but was not. Now they get rid of him for a retweeting a joke, that while in poor taste more often than not rings like the truth to anyone that understands the female of the species.

        In the mean time we have yet another bullshit incident with that lying asshat Lorenz proving that these people are nothing but propagandist bullshitters which has resulted in nothing but the whole organization coming together to defend and cover for the malfeasance exhibited there…

      • juris imprudent

        Weigel is never a good guy, not even in this story. This guy figured that out without knowing anything about him.

        Now, I don’t know Mr. Weigel. Although I doubt he’s a sexist, I do question the strength of his spine at this point.

      • Not Adahn

        All white cishets are sexist. That’s literally the definition of “sexist.”

    • Brawndo

      The joke in question: “every girl is bi. You just have to find out if it’s polar or sexual.”

      Not bad. B+

    • Tom Teriffic

      That’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are. No…wait…really??

  12. Zwak, who counted all his blessings, and counted only one.

    I use to go up to Cambria all the time on my motorcycle, 1 is a great bike road. I used to drive past Ike Turner and Christian Brando when I did it, too. Tex Watson might have been around at the same time.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Hate speech

    “He’s a fraud,” says the narrator of an ad from a pro-Bass super PAC, calling Caruso “a lifelong Republican.”

    That “Are you now or have you ever been a Republican?” might be losing its sting, even in California.

    I assume he’s just another self-serving blowhard, but it will still come as a gratifying slap in the face to the Demo establishment if he wins.

  14. rhywun

    But your state is too fucking stupid to let someone build one.

    A reliable source of water would help discredit the bleating about cLiMaTe ChAnGe. Therefore there will not be a reliable source of water.

    • R.J.

      Meanwhile in Texas, we made all our own lakes, we are filled with wildlife and we have water even during droughts. Hmmm…. Maybe progressives should shut up and let people reshape California into something useful?

      • juris imprudent

        Progressives reshape people to fit environment!

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Shreeky (joking) gets suspended from WaPo over twit

    And the fleas once more seize control of the circus.

    Start your own goddam newspaper, you shrieking dingbats.

    • kbolino

      But that would defeat the primary goal: to wear the carcass of a once-respected institution like a skinsuit while demanding respect.

      (arguably, these institutions should never have been respected in the first place, but that’s a different topic altogether)

  16. Rebel Scum

    Malice is as malice does.

    Earlier this year, President Biden revealed his efforts to save the average driver money at the pump while supposedly helping the environment by calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to approve the use of E-15 fuel nationwide.

    In a Fact Sheet released by the White House last month, the administration stated that the EPA would be taking steps to temporarily allow the use of the E15, an Ethanol Gasoline mixture.

    The EPA is set to issue a voucher enabling the sale of the fuel during the 2022 summer driving season.

    The E15 blend can cost 10 cents per gallon less on average. The hope is to ease the national average gas price, which currently sits at $4.87 per gallon.

    The White House said the choice of allowing the sale of E15 was the “latest step in expanding Americans’ access to affordable fuel supply and bringing relief to Americans suffering from Putin’s Price Hike at the pump.”

    I guess the former vice president does not want me to be able to cunt my grass. Never mind that shit is not good for your car either.

    • Drake

      I keep hearing about a looming food shortage while they tell me to put corn in my gas tank. Yes – malice.

    • Sean

      cunt my grass.

      Say what now?

      • AlexinCT

        You know about the Brazilian thing, don’t ya?

      • Rebel Scum

        That was one hell of a typo…

        Maybe it’s because I look at the guy and think “what a cunte”.

      • R.J.

        I was disappointed by the content of that link. Waiter! Check please!

    • Nephilium

      I guess the former vice president does not want me to be able to cunt my grass.

      Are these even euphemisms anymore?

      On a serious note, let’s see. Gas has gone up over $2/gallon, so let’s allow a product that MAY drop prices by $.10/gallon while causing more wear and getting lower mileage. That’s some great work there…

      • Rebel Scum

        According to Briggs and Stratton that shit doesn’t fly with small engines.

        Gasoline with up to 10% ethanol (gasohol) or up to 15% MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether), is acceptable. Some fuel stations are now selling gasoline with up to 15% ethanol. This E15 product is not recommended or approved for use in small engines.

      • ron73440

        My Husqvarna riding mower has a No Ethanol sign on the tank.

        If ethanol is ran through it, that voids the warranty.

        I’ve had it for 6 years now, so I’m pretty sure the warranty is over, but I drive a half hour to get real gas for it, so hopefully it keeps going.

      • whiz

        An analysis of E15 versus E10.

        FTA: It can safely be used in all cars, trucks, and SUVs from 2001 on.

        But immediately after that, it says: But do check your owner’s manual. Your car maker may void your warranty if you use E15.

        These two statements are not compatible.

      • whiz

        Another study of E10 versus pure gas.

        Long article. The punch line: If pure gasoline costs 20 cents or more per gallon than E10 than [sic] go with the E10, but if the difference is less than 20 cents the pure gasoline is the better value. However, this was not exactly a rigorous test.

        Given that ethanol supposedly has 25% less energy content per volume, E10 would have roughly 2.5% less energy. So if the difference in cost between E10 and pure gas times 40 is less than the cost of pure gas, pure gas is the better value. Given the prices I see, this is not currently the case.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        That ignores the upstream effects of ethanol production (food prices and less crop rotations) as well as the downstream effects of making gasoline have a much shorter shelf life due to the hydrophilic properties of ethanol.

      • whiz

        True, I was just addressing the miles per dollar question.

    • WTF

      *Ahem* That’s “cunte” your grass.
      Seriously, let’s turn huge volumes of corn into fuel in the face of a looming food shortage! Who cares if poor brown people around the world will starve?

    • Not Adahn

      I mowed the lawn for the first time memorial day weekend. I distinctly remember running the mower dry last fall after mulching the leaves, but when I opened the tank to fill it, it was half full of seven-month old gas.

      And yet it started right up. Honda FTW!

      • Rebel Scum

        I, too, have a Honda motor on mine (Troy-Bilt Deck). Never had any issues.

      • Gustave Lytton

        All of my OPE fires right up. Stabil and clear premium FTW.

    • PieInTheSky

      Look Michael is doing his best ok?

  17. Drake

    You mean Hunter wasn’t honest when he did the paperwork for a gun purchase? (Questions about the buyer’s use or addition to illegal narcotics)

    Do these people on the far left see the connection? If your local Soros prosecutor won’t put a felony conviction on hardcore criminals, they don’t lose the ability to legally buy and own firearms.

    • kbolino

      Do these people on the far left see the connection? If your local Soros prosecutor won’t put a felony conviction on hardcore criminals, they don’t lose the ability to legally buy and own firearms.

      Not only do they see the connection, they relish it. The entire point of this effort is to empower the lumpen to terrorize the general population. This is Leninism 101.

      • AlexinCT

        It’s not an accident that after the fall of the USSR, in each republic it was that the most criminally minded people took over everything and became the oligarch class. Socialism, and especially marxism, is a form of pretend government that allows the criminal syndicates that run the prison state the veneer of legitimacy by pretending that they are not wat they really are.

      • Swiss Servator

        Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania wave hello.

      • AlexinCT

        Where do Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Crimea, and Belarus fall on that waving bandwagon?

      • PieInTheSky

        -stan countries don;t really count

      • UnCivilServant

        Don’t say that, we’ve got Canukistanis around here.

      • PieInTheSky

        Also ion general, the more one distance from Russia the overall better class of criminals form the leadership.

      • Swiss Servator

        ” in each republic”

        I guess the Baltics are not republics then?

      • AlexinCT

        Who said any of that?

      • kbolino

        The Arab Spring was good for Tunisia as well, but the rest of MENA can’t quite say the same.

      • kbolino

        You could say the same of liberal democracies; the question is then one of degree and time rather than substance. Note that the whole premise of Leninism is to wield the mechanisms of liberal polities toward their own destruction. Any state where leadership, employment, and citizenship aren’t gatekept to at least some extent is one which will degenerate into what you describe.

        As to the post-Soviet era, I think this reveals an important distinction between organized crime and unorganized crime. In the post-industrial era, the distinction between effective government and effective organized crime is blurry at best; whereas the distinction between organized crime and unorganized crime is very close to the distinction between civilization and barbarity.

      • AlexinCT

        Yes you could.. But that’s because the western world adopted a gen two & three fascism, which is also another socialist system, and the creation of the people that realized marxism was doomed to always fail, and fail horribly.

    • PieInTheSky

      But if you ban all guns there will be no guns. This is the issue, partial bans do not work. A full ban will totes work.

    • juris imprudent

      Who said hardcore criminals are the problem comrade? We are after the kulaks and wreckers!

  18. Sean


    *mops brow*

    #waffle137 1/5


    ? streak: 37
    ? #wafflesilverteam

    • The Hyperbole

      ? Jun 7, 2022 ?
      ? 20 | Avg. Guesses: 5.3
      ⬜???? = 5


  19. Raven Nation

    “I don’t know what else is going on”

    Australia vs. UAE, AFC playoff round. Winner gets Peru for a place in the finals.

    • PieInTheSky

      Warriors in 5.

    • ron73440

      No sugar in that sunshine.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Right, right, right. I forgot that Wednesdays are Sugar Free Day.

        Try again

      • juris imprudent

        Pope is fallible??? Today is Tuesday.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Someone is signing up for the Pope’s Platinum Plan. That includes tithing and a package of 10 indulgences. (No coupons accepted)

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s not sunshine, Jimbo.

    • Tres Cool

      Ive seen that one before.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m sure you will see it again too.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    The CDC says travelers should avoid close contact with sick people, including those with skin lesions or genital lesions, and steer clear of dead or live wild animals including rats, squirrels and monkeys.

    Next they’ll be telling us not to eat dog shit off the sidewalk.

  21. PieInTheSky

    This is wild — Angel Alvarado (19 years old) set a world record by solving 3 Rubik’s cubes in just 4 minutes and 31 seconds…while juggling.

    The previous record was 4 minutes and 52 seconds, which Alvarado set a year prior.

    Unreal mental processing


    This guy must get all the pussy

    • AlexinCT

      Yeah, lets go with that assertion…

    • Pope Jimbo

      How many lawsuits are pending against him for sexual assault?

      “Yes, it was consensual at the beginning. But I did NOT agree to him sticking a finger in my ass and my pussy and twisting them 180degrees! And don’t even get me started on the titty twisters he did.”

      • Tres Cool

        +2 purple nerple

  22. Rebel Scum

    I’m sure it will be riveting.

    January 6 was the violent culmination of an extensive effort to overturn a presidential election.

    The American people know a lot about those events, but soon they will learn more, and see how close we came to losing our democracy.

    On Thursday, we will begin to tell that story.

    Oh, I misspelled “bullshit”.

    • juris imprudent

      I trust they’re running this on MSNBC, I’d hate to miss American Ninja.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Buffalo hat guy has to be better than the guy currently in charge.

      • The Last American Hero

        I’ve said it before – I don’t know what the policies would be under the Buffalo Shaman regime, but I bet there wouldn’t have been gas prices doubling in 18 months and I bet there wouldn’t be a critical shortage of baby formula. I can assume that we wouldn’t be taking any crap from the World Economic Forum, and probably not sending 40 billion to our defense contractors to virtue signal on Ukraine.

      • Rebel Scum

        Qanon Shaman for president Supreme Leader and Protector of the Realm

  23. Pope Jimbo

    This trip sounds cool but not sure I am ready to shell out $50K/person for my first cruise.

    Cruise passengers boarding the Viking Polaris in Duluth in the autumn of 2023 will embark on an epic 71-day, eight-country, three-continent voyage that includes stops in Canada, New York City and Mexico, a transit of the Panama Canal and a week in Antarctica, before disembarking in Argentina.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of small engine fuel…

    I became a convert to “non ethanol premium fuel only” for my snowblower and generator. I dread to think what that’s going for today.

    Since I apparently am a property owner again, I have a bunch of weed eating to do. I can’t wait to see the price tag on the Husqvarna premix I usually use.

    • Tulip


    • Tres Cool

      I usually mix my own, but the Stihl premix for my saw and trimmer is going for $30/quart

    • Pope Jimbo

      I put he non-ethanol in my boat’s gas tank. Luckily I have a small 3 gallon tank, but it was still $5.15 when regular gas was $4.19.

    • Mojeaux

      Since I apparently am a property owner again

      Way to bury the lede.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s something that just happened while he wasn’t looking. It’s not like he planned it.

  25. PieInTheSky

    The “Gender-Variant Universe”
    A consortium of publicly subsidized nonprofits wants to “decolonize gender” and normalize male genitalia as a form of authentic womanhood.


    The event was hosted by the most prominent gender-identity nonprofits in the region—TRACTION, Lavender Rights Project, Black Trans Task Force, Gender Justice League, and UTOPIA Washington—all of which run programs for minors and receive taxpayer support. (TRACTION, the primary organizer of the event, did not return a request for comment.)

    The panelists represented a wide range of idiosyncratic identities, expressed in a mixture of New Age and intersectional language—the more obscure and oppressed, the greater the status within the community. The main presenter, trans activist Malcolm Shanks, said he was a descendant of black slaves and Taíno tribesmen and “used to identify as gender fluid,” but has been “identifying more recently as a little bit more gaseous or plasma-like.” Randy Ford, a fundraiser for the Lavender Rights Project and black male-to-female “trans femme,” said she uses “‘she,’ ‘her,’ [and] ‘goddess’ as pronouns.” Mahkyra Gaines, a program coordinator for the Gender Justice League, said she uses “no pronouns” and identifies as “non-binary” and “kind of like a black hole.” Ganesha Gold Buffalo, a male-to-female trans prostitute and activist at the Black Trans Task Force, said she identifies as “Choctaw, Cherokee, and black” and with the “sacred lands.”

    For Shanks, however, the white European male-female binary has always been a harmful myth. “There’s no such thing as male genes or female hormones or a male body,” he said. White colonizers invented these concepts and imposed them on non-Western cultures in order to maintain “a system that creates value for very, very few white men.”

    • Not Adahn

      Ganesha Gold Buffalo

      Pretty sure that’s racist.

    • AlexinCT

      Go, patriarchy!??

    • AlexinCT

      The main presenter, trans activist Malcolm Shanks, said he was a descendant of black slaves and Taíno tribesmen and “used to identify as gender fluid,” but has been “identifying more recently as a little bit more gaseous or plasma-like.

      Is this some kind of post Taco Hell eating experience, joke?

      • juris imprudent

        Fluid was too common, had to find something more special for the most special and precious of snowflakes.

    • WTF

      “There’s no such thing as male genes or female hormones or a male body,”
      Just imagine, publicly pointing out the falsity of this idiocy could ruin your life and livelihood. What a sick, defeated culture the West has become.

    • kbolino

      White colonizers invented these concepts and imposed them on non-Western cultures in order to maintain “a system that creates value for very, very few white men.”

      How they obtained the power to do this in the first place, when all of their “invented concepts” have no power in the real world, remains one of the great mysteries of faith.

      • WTF

        “Tricknology”, duh!

      • kbolino

        In the early days of man, all lived in peace and harmony in Africa, until the foolish Dr. Yakub created white people. The newly awoken white man, fearful and jealous of his darker skinned cousins, immediately set his sights upon the looting and pillaging of this utopian world. Through his deception and selfishness, he managed to subvert the tolerant society built by strong and wise but also gentle and pacifistic indigenous peoples. This was the first example of Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance in action.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have too much faith in humanity, as I still find it impossible that anyone takes that seriously.

        Logically, I know people can latch on the most rediculous ideas.

      • kbolino

        I was going for obvious parody, but you could probably take that concept, add lots of big words, and throw in some hooks for academics to spend the next decade “researching” it, and get it published in a major journal.

    • rhywun

      Gaseous, indeed.

    • Gender Traitor

      uses “no pronouns”

      If not satire, that person is just going out of… that person’s way to be annoying.

      Has to be satire. Please tell me it’s satire.

      • Not Adahn

        If I am required to put pronouns in my signature, I will make them all my first name.

        “I find pronouns devalue my individuality. I’m a person, not a grammatical convenience.”

  26. The Late P Brooks

    For Shanks, however, the white European male-female binary has always been a harmful myth.

    Somewhere, a frantic village is searching for its missing idiot.

    • PieInTheSky

      That village is probably not in Africa.

      • Pope Jimbo

        African villages have witch doctors. So binary is out, they are all solidly hexadecimal.

      • rhywun

        There are more than 16 genders, bigot.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Dude you can have more than 1 hexadecimal digit when enumerating your genders!

        But I guess I am guilty of assuming your base.

    • Not Adahn

      Listen bub, whypipo = bad. Therefore everything bad = wypipo. Do you not even logic?

    • WTF

      I bet they’re going for some legalese bullshit along the lines of “the Top Gun sequel is based not on the written copyright of the original story, but is based entirely on the “Top Gun” movie that was created, which we did in fact hold the rights to when it was created. Top Gun:Maverick is based solely on the original movie, which we own the rights to.”

    • Rat on a train

      How does someone who writes an article about a military school have copyright on all stories about such school?

      • Rebel Scum


    • Gustave Lytton

      The same laziness surrounding developing movie ideas and plots extends to rights clearing. Color me shocked.

  27. UnCivilServant

    In “What took so long” news, New York has dropped the ‘vax or test’ mandate to punish employees who’ve refused the clot shots. So I don’t have to keep getting tested for a disease I recovered from two years ago.

  28. The Late P Brooks


    Thank you (I think). I mostly bought myself a full time job. The ripping up of carpets will commence shortly.

    • Kwihn T. Senshel

      Do you mind sharing where?

      I remember you were looking in the Pocatello area, yes?

    • DEG

      I mostly bought myself a full time job.


      Though, if it is what you want, revel in it. Like I do with my flowers.

  29. Gustave Lytton

    Dealing with a local community college. Idiot has now responded to two emails with different salutations. First is using my last name as a first name. Second used some other random last name. But in his .sig are his pronouns and a link to “why pronouns are important”. Stated vs revealed preferences once again.

    • UnCivilServant

      Did you respond with “Names are more important than prnouns, stop fucking mine up.”?

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m tempted when someone does the first to respond in kind.

      • Nephilium

        I’ve encountered quite a few of our overseas employees who use second or third names as their preferred name. That’s fine, but then the include all of their names in the signature block, so unless you correspond with them frequently, you wouldn’t know. I’ll generally just go by the first name in the e-mail name field, or their signature. If you expect me to know that you prefer to go by your middle name, you should start using that as your signature.

      • Pope Jimbo

        My favorite is when a German colleague will respond to an email of mine with “James” even though my email address is Jimbo, my sig has Jimbo.

        Krauts don’t do well with nick names. I’m pretty sure no one in Hitler’s inner circle ever referred to him as “A-Dog”.

      • UnCivilServant

        Wait, I thought your legal name was Jimbo.

        You lied to me!

      • Pope Jimbo

        Don’t get me started. I couldn’t believe it when I joined the service and found that there were many guys (mostly from the South) who had “Jimmy” on their birth certificate.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Ugh. My nephew is legally named with a diminutive.

      • creech

        You must be pretty good friends with the German guy elsewise he’d be calling you “Herr Jimbo.”

      • Animal

        Yeah, none of my German friends ever referred to me as das Tier.

      • rhywun

        I discovered a feature in Outlook where you can type @ plus the name in the email body and it creates a link for you.

        So now every person I address is by their full name. No more worrying about what to call them.

      • UnCivilServant

        I hate it when I get emails with those links in them.

        I am not @[name]

      • rhywun

        It beats having to memorize everyone’s “preferred” term of address.

      • Gustave Lytton

        We have a preferred name field in directory. Most people use it, and it works as intended. However there are a number who go by a diminutive or nickname, but won’t use the damn thing.

      • Gustave Lytton

        My “favorite” is that direct mentions like that of channel names in Teams will create a notification to every subscribed person by default. Some dipshit will do that in companywide support channels and inevitably get some other dipshit responding “Im in Bumfuck, you’ve got the wrong person. I can’t help you.” like it’s a direct personal message.

    • PieInTheSky

      Gustave is a silly name, in xer defense

  30. The Late P Brooks

    the Stihl premix for my saw and trimmer is going for $30/quart

    Goo gravy. More than double what I paid a year ago. At least two stroke engines haven’t been banned here.


    • Pope Jimbo

      Goo gravy

      Um, phrasing? Or are you some weirdo who uses an oil/gas mixture for lube?

      • juris imprudent

        oil/gas mixture for lube


      • Pope Jimbo

        Just don’t be a perv and use a gas/oil mixture.

  31. Not Adahn


    From work:

    How to use Inclusive Language and Why it’s Important

    Because it shows you are a goodthinking rightpolitik? What do I win?

    • Swiss Servator

      An increase in the chocolate ration….from 30 grams, to 25 grams.

    • UnCivilServant

      “I prefer meritocratic language, as it has higher efficacy and productivity.”

    • Rat on a train

      I will ensure I include everyone in my rants.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Ain’t nobody here but us kleptocrats

    A federal judge in New York on Monday signed a warrant authorizing the seizure by the Justice Department of two jets owned by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, which are valued at more than $400 million.

    In a related action, the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry initiated administrative proceedings against Abramovich, seeking penalties of up to twice the value of the aircraft.

    The seizure effort and administrative complaint are the latest in a series of sanctions and economic attacks by the U.S. government and other Western countries on Russian billionaires in response to their nation’s invasion of Ukraine.

    I’m sure there is a clear and irrefutable link between those planes and something.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Dealing with a local community college. Idiot has now responded to two emails with different salutations. First is using my last name as a first name. Second used some other random last name. But in his .sig are his pronouns and a link to “why pronouns are important”. Stated vs revealed preferences once again.

    I shall henceforth address you as “Dummy”.

    • juris imprudent

      If it was good enough for Lamont Sanford it ought to be good enough for you!

      • Sean


  34. Pope Jimbo

    More monkey pox news you can use

    As cases of monkeypox rise across the nation, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the disease is primarily affecting “men who have sex with men.”

    An update by the CDC showed 31 confirmed cases in the U.S. as of Monday. “It’s not clear how the people were exposed to monkeypox, but early data suggest that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men make up a high number of cases,” the CDC said regarding monkeypox in the U.S.

    If 4Chan can turn the OK symbol into a white supremacist sign, I see no reason we can’t turn mask wearing into a confession that you are a gay monkey pox fucker (or close friends with one).

    • juris imprudent

      other men who have sex with men


      • rhywun

        I got a chuckle out of that.

        I wonder which color of the rainbow is for not-gay men who have sex with men.

      • Swiss Servator

        “The color visible only to bees”

      • Tres Cool


      • Not Adahn

        None. They’re not included. Peter Thiel is a good example of the cast-out manbanger dude.

      • rhywun

        Pretty sure he’s just a boring gay, since he is married to a dude.

      • Not Adahn

        He’s not really gay in the same way Clarence Thomas is not authentically black.

      • rhywun

        Further evidence that “queer” just means “outspokenly leftist gay”.

      • Surly Knott

        Black and white stripes.

      • juris imprudent

        I suppose that could be a euphemism for sailors.

    • Sensei

      My wife mentioned that she read that us old people vaccinated for smallpox should have an 85% reduction in infection chance as well.

      They are also doing their level best to avoid explaining what populations and activities are likely to have the highest risk of infection.

      • Pope Jimbo

        So my Lemon Party is back on?

      • UnCivilServant

        for the last time, it is a Citrus Grower’s Convention.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Whatever. No sour pusses allowed.

    • Rebel Scum

      As cases of monkeypox rise across


      men who have sex with men.

      Aka “homosexuals”. But how dare you unperson women with penises.

      • rhywun

        Some chick with a dick will catch it and then we’re all going to have to pretend that women get it too.

  35. Rebel Scum

    Dishonest cunte is dishonest and cuntey.

    An increasingly mainstream message of gun maximalists is that the *reason* to be armed is so that you can use violence or the threat of it to get your way in the political sphere, basically:”People in government need to worry we’ll pump their bodies full of lead if they cross us”

    In fact, under a certain (once fringe, now common) reading , that’s the whole *point* of the second amendment. People should be sufficiently armed to be able to murder agents of the state en masse if it comes to that.

    This an *obviously* deranged reading of it all, totally incompatible with basic principles of civic life and liberal democracy, but it casts a very long and ominous shadow over our politics right now. One that’s getting longer by the day.

    • Not Adahn

      He’s not wrong. But he probably also pretends that “majority rule” isn’t a proxy for “my group has more people and therefore can beat up your group.”

    • rhywun

      Pay no attention to actual words behind the curtain of the people who wrote the thing and contemporaries who commented on it at length.

    • kbolino

      Democracy is that magical force which ensures the government operates according to the consent of the governed, but also the governed can never object to the government nor stand in its way.

    • EvilSheldon

      ‘So, you want the government to be able to do whatever they want?’


    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      totally incompatible with basic principles of civic life and liberal democracy

      That’s the error. Government should have a healthy fear of the people, otherwise it’s tempted to abuse them.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    How to use Inclusive Language and Why it’s Important

    And now Alan Arkin (The Russians are Coming) is in my head, exclaiming, “Everybody on this island is CRAZY!”

    • AlexinCT

      I would like for him to tell anyone that asks that question the answer is “No”. Having those people not reproduce is a good thing for humanity if you are a Darwinist.

    • mrfamous

      It bothers me that Ezra Klein has some sort of choice in reproduction and I never have. I know what you see in the mirror isn’t what everyone else sees, but I can’t be THAT much of a hobgoblin

  37. Rebel Scum

    .@danpfeiffer: “The right-wing media advantage is so much more powerful … than when I worked in the White House … Congress has to step in to think about how we regulate these algorithms that are pushing this disinformation for profit.”

    • Rebel Scum



      .@danpfeiffer: “The right-wing media advantage is so much more powerful … than when I worked in the White House … Congress has to step in to think about how we regulate these algorithms that are pushing this disinformation for profit.”

      Pfeiffer: “If you go to Facebook on a daily basis, the posts with the most engagement are from @benshapiro, @dbongino, @RealCandaceO … it should scare us the most that Ben Shapiro’s
      @realDailyWire has more followers than the NYT or CNN. That is a problem for democracy.”

      My political opponents have an effective platform and that’s a problem.

  38. Pope Jimbo

    It really is amazing that Hunter hasn’t even gotten a slap on the wrist for his shenanigans with that pistola.

    You’d think that they’d at least hit him with some minor technical violation (that would later be dropped), just so they could keep pretending that there isn’t two tiers of justice.

    • AlexinCT

      No it is not, your holiness.

      This is a de facto example of the believe that the elites want themselves to be above any laws created to keep the plebes down.

    • Not Adahn

      Well, he wasn’t inconvenienced for his earlier illegal purchase and disposal of a revolver, so binding precedent has been set.

      • juris imprudent


      • UnCivilServant

        A bad idea letting bad precident bake into the system for centuries.

  39. PieInTheSky

    Texas Attorney General
    Today I’m investigating Twitter for potentially misleading Texans on the number of its “bot” users. I have a duty to protect Texans if Twitter is misrepresenting how many accounts are fake to drive up their revenue.


    ehm what?

    • UnCivilServant

      Users drive ad rates. Charging for non users visibility to ads is fraud. So if they sold ad space to texas residents based on false information, there are grounds to prosecute.

      • juris imprudent

        That is a civil matter, where the defrauded has a tort – not a matter for grandstanding, attention-whoring politician (i.e. the TX AG).

      • UnCivilServant

        So fraud as a criminal offense is something you take offense at?

      • kbolino

        Unless and until the Master Settlement is gutted, the people who profited off it it are left penniless, and the courts that upheld it razed to the ground, with the Earth salted where they stood, this is what the job of AG means to all and sundry.

      • kbolino

        Tobacco Master Settlement, that is

  40. The Late P Brooks

    More kleptocrat antics

    The United States won a legal battle on Tuesday to seize a Russian-owned superyacht in Fiji and wasted no time in taking command of the $325 million vessel and sailing it away from the South Pacific nation.

    The court ruling represented a significant victory for the U.S. as it encounters obstacles in its attempts to seize the assets of Russian oligarchs around the world. While those efforts are welcomed by many who oppose the war in Ukraine, some actions have tested the limits of American jurisdiction abroad.

    In Fiji, the nation’s Supreme Court lifted a stay order which had prevented the U.S. from seizing the superyacht Amadea.

    Chief Justice Kamal Kumar ruled that based on the evidence, the chances of defense lawyers mounting an appeal that the top court would hear were “nil to very slim.”

    Kumar said he accepted arguments that keeping the superyacht berthed in Fiji at Lautoka harbor was “costing the Fijian government dearly.”

    “The fact that U.S. authorities have undertaken to pay costs incurred by the Fijian government is totally irrelevant,” the judge found. He said the Amadea “sailed into Fiji waters without any permit and most probably to evade prosecution by the United States of America.”

    I wonder what would happen if the Rooskies snatched Larry Ellison’s boat.

    • AlexinCT

      We would get some stories about how Isaac and Gopher claimed political asylum?

    • UnCivilServant

      They’d have Larry? Seriously, I don’t think that guy comes on land anymore.

    • rhywun

      the limits of American jurisdiction abroad

      Oh, that’s rich.

      • juris imprudent

        Our national dick – there is no place on the planet we can’t stick it.

    • Rebel Scum

      The court ruling represented a significant victory for the U.S. as it encounters obstacles in its attempts to seize the assets of Russian oligarchs around the world.

      I’m still wondering how this is in any way legitimate.

      • juris imprudent

        Have you never heard of the FYTW clause in the Constitution? It is supra-sovereign too!

    • PieInTheSky

      Never had an apple, but the state has no business in this.

      • SDF-7

        When has that ever stopped the EU?

      • Sensei

        Agreed. However, this is likely an example of the stopped clock being correct twice a day.

      • PieInTheSky

        Not all things government does are bad… Just when you draw the line and add it up, you come off way in the negative. And you can;t have ones without the others.

      • rhywun

        And, predictable as the rain, someone will develop a superior connector and nobody in Europe will ever be allowed to use it. Stagnation FTW!

      • kbolino

        The connector is pretty good, yes. The cabling, on the other hand, is a mess.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Foreseeable consequences are not unforeseen.

      In other good news, the EU has decided on a single standard for how far up its own ass heads should be inserted.

    • Rat on a train

      Next they need to mandate size so all cases fit whatever phone. Also need a single OS and app store. Oh, and everything should have the features I want at the price I want to pay.

    • Swiss Servator

      “We will not alter our products for the EU – therefore, we will cease all sales to the EU immediately.”

      • MikeS

        This is exactly what should happen. However…

  41. Brawndo

    Re: monkeypox. It’s been confirmed to be in the US for almost a month now I think, and we’re still at double digit case numbers? This thing doesn’t have near the transmission rate of Covid and appears to be not terribly fatal. Probably just trying to set up a reason for another round of fraud by mail in November.

  42. PieInTheSky



    • PieInTheSky

      I have no idea what this is and it might be gay

    • Sensei

      Possibly NSFW from what you’ve written. And today I’m in the office!

      • PieInTheSky

        I think it is a drawing tutorial of some sort.

  43. SDF-7

    Daily Quordle 134

    Not putting it in the overnight thread since apparently Mike S. missed mine there yesterday. Not that today or yesterday is anything to write home about, of course.

    • The Hyperbole

      You just can find good help these days.

      • MikeS

        How many have you missed?

    • pistoffnick


      I got one! Yesterday was a complete skunk for me.

      • TARDis

        Are you saying you got the magic 400???

    • rhywun

      Day of average.

      Daily Quordle 134

    • Grummun

      7 8
      4 5

      wtf TL and BR

      • rhywun

        Yeah, that was… interesting.

    • MikeS

      My deepest and most sincere apologies. I will endeavor to be a better human. I will also add it to the spreadsheet.

      • MikeS


        Quordle was asshoe today.

      • robc

        Yes it was, and you still beat me by 2.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes it was. I shall not expose my shame.

      • MikeS

        Why not? Others do. Posting scores only on days you did good is tacky and in poor taste.

    • Grumbletarian

      Daily Quordle 134

      Back to 22 after a costly visit to Chumpsburg yesterday.

    • Tundra

      Daily Quordle 134

    • Cannoli

      Daily Quordle 134

      Less bad than the last two days at least

    • grrizzly

      Daily Quordle 134

    • JG43

      Daily Quordle 134

    • TARDis

      Just gonna drop this floater right here before going on about my day.

      Daily Quordle 134

  44. PieInTheSky

    A local climatologist says Bucharest will be uninhabitable by 2050 due to muh climate change. I may have to move after all./

    • Rat on a train

      A documentary years ago showed everything north a Mexico will be uninhabitable.

      • Nephilium

        /goes and looks at the glacial grooves on Kelley’s Island

        Pretty sure we’ll be fine.

      • Tres Cool

        I get puzzled looks from Climate cultists when I remind them that not that long ago, SW Ohio was covered by a mile-thick sheet of ice. But it was probably all the heavy industry and SUV’s that caused it to melt away 20,000 years ago.

      • creech

        Same as Manhattan Island. Wish it still was.

  45. Certified Public Asshat

    "ban gender and LGBTQ+ discussions in schools because it is up to parents to decide when and how to bring these issues up their children!"*parents decide, take kids to a family-friendly drag show during Pride*"NOT LIKE THAT!!!"— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) June 6, 2022

    You see, parents actually want drag shows in the schools.

    • rhywun

      Sick burn. ?

    • kbolino

      With every passing day, the accusation of “hypocrisy” loses its sting, as people learn that you should not let your enemies define your values.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    You won’t be surprised with some of the uses of that tengu mask.

    And you can use it as a seat cushion?

  47. PieInTheSky

    The New York Times
    If ever there was a potent symbol of how much Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has altered Europe, the sight of this enormous battleship in Stockholm, bristling with 26 warplanes and 2,400 Marines and sailors, would certainly be it.


    I thought the US no longer used battleships.

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s not a battleship.

      • SDF-7

        And it says a lot about the NYT if a LHD is “enormous” (they’re roughly a variant of the Essex class at heart) and a whopping 26 air group impresses them.

        If a full fledged CVG was parking in Stockholm that might say something, but one LHD is just a courtesy call. Lets just hope this one doesn’t catch on fire.

      • UnCivilServant

        This just reminds me that we need to design a new battleship for the modern era. Something with railguns, lasers, and anti-missile systems capable of saturating the atmosphere with “fuck your drones” amounts of flak.

      • Raven Nation

        Something like this?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        You expect the NYT to know the difference?

        They specialize in important stuff like gender flavors, not multi-billion dollar instruments of war.

    • Sensei

      It would be a battleship if it had the “should thing that go up”.

      • Sensei


      • Sensei

        I will confess I watched one season for the hell of it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        How could you not? The premise is absurd, like Strike Witches or Girls und Panzer.

      • Sensei

        Girls und Panzer is perfect.

      • Rat on a train

        What about a pistol grip?

    • kbolino

      Now, can they get it out of Stockholm without crashing into anything…

      • Swiss Servator

        They could hire a civilian harbor pilot!

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh they’d never get the background check and clearance done in time to onboard the pilot before they have to depart.

        “Damn the islands – full speed ahead”

    • creech

      You sure that’s Stockholm? I thought it was off Rehoboth Beach protecting DOCTOR (Hey I earned it) Jill and her consort.

      • Sensei

        It’s located in Stockholm.

        They stealth edited the article already to get rid of “battleship”.

        “Watching the U.S.S. Kearsarge arrive in Stockholm”

    • UnCivilServant

      Are those hydrolically actuated? Can that car actually take a bite out of traffic?

    • waffles

      I think its neat.

    • slumbrew


      looks like 2024 BMW X7


      Na, the grill is too small.


      It’s funny ’cause it’s true.

    • kbolino

      They’re never going to just acknowledge that the masks don’t work, are they?

      • juris imprudent

        The Pope could only wish he had the absolute and unquestionable authority enjoyed by the average American bureaucrat.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


        The entirety of the administrative state is now behaving like it is in a battle for its existence and there are no lies that cannot be told and no lines that cannot be crossed.

        See the FBI’s behavior for a perfect example. They know what they’ve done, and they will do anything to avoid accountability for it.

      • Drake

        The whole thing is based on a lie – the obvious fraud of the election. They start unwinding lies now and get in the bad habit of telling truth, no telling where they’ll end up.

      • kbolino

        Successful pushback establishes precedent. They know this and often talk openly about it, e.g. in this particular case about how a rogue judge is stripping the bureaucracy of its essential authority. Democracy to them is the method by which their preordained decisions get ratified by the public, not rejected by them (that would be icky populism instead).

  48. The Late P Brooks

    From Sensei’s link:

    The mask mandate was overturned, one of the final steps in the defanging of public health authorities, even as infectious disease ran rampant.

    Nothing but death, as far as the eye can see. Soon there will be no one left to hear the mournful tale of how Donald Trump and his robot army killed off the human race.

    • creech

      Is this before or after global warming kills off the human race? Or net neutrality? Or school shootings? I can’t keep these existential threats straight.

      • juris imprudent

        If one don’t getcha, the other will. Now curl up into a fetal ball and only do what we tell you.

  49. KSuellington

    Our lefty DA is going to get shitcanned today. I predicted this months ago along with the ditching of the school board idiots. It will be 60/40 or close to that in favor of recall. Even for this town he is too much. It’s not going to make much of a difference really, but it is a nice rebuke of the progs here so I will take it. Hope Gascon gets recalled down in El Lay and they get a mayor who is not a raging lefty. The Dems have royally fucked up a paradise on earth and will continue to do so, but a spanking for their terrible behavior is at least a bit satisfying.

      • rhywun

        Shorter flunky: “Don’t believe your lying eyes”.


      • KSuellington

        We have had lefty DAs for as long as I can remember here, but the last three (Kammie, Gascon and Boudin) have taken it to another level. But it is also a problem with the state and the fact that they have seriously reduced the prison population here over the past five years or so. I believe we have a serious under incarceration problem (and yes there are certainly a fair group that shouldn’t be in prison). We are trying for a repeat of what was done in the 70’s and it obviously is working now like it did then. Seems like people are getting tired of it quicker than back then as there are a fair amount who are now living it twice.

      • kbolino

        This is a good case where “the woke are more correct than the mainstream”, I think.

        Prison doesn’t “work”. It is, by and large, not capable of reforming criminals. It is merely a place to house them, at state expense, until they die. It’s also a great training ground for them to become more effective criminals. Some of this might be fixable but it would require politically unacceptable solutions to achieve (e.g., Arpaio levels of mistreatment, PRC-esque levels of cultural conditioning, etc.). The U.S. is not a homogenous society and the legal system is where that rubber most directly meets the road.

        Of course, the woke “solution” is to release all the criminals. Partly this is because they think incarceration is unfair and partly it is because as I’ve said elsewhere today their core elements are Leninists who want to terrorize the law-abiding with more crime and more criminals.

        So while we replay the 70s it’s probably worth noting that we shouldn’t thereafter replay the 80s. Prison is a short-term solution to crime, and given that any prison is one election away from being emptied, people opposed to crime should considered long-term incarceration a politically precarious situation.

      • UnCivilServant

        So what you’re saying is we need to expand the death penalty?

        /Cathy Newman

      • kbolino

        Far too logical for Cathy. Also, unironically, yes. My personally preferred solution is to replace prison-as-punishment (vs. jails used for pre-trial detention) with corporal punishment for most cases and capital punishment for the most heinous cases. Also, I’d like to remove most procedural hooks that drag out trials and cause pre-trial detention to stretch into months and years. One of the most jarring things I’ve found reading about the somewhat recent past (1800s) is that trials were typically concluded within weeks of the offense.

      • rhywun

        Narrator: We are going to replay the 80’s, because people are going to get fed up with the crime and prison sentences are easier than changing human nature.

      • kbolino

        If I’m putting on my realist hat, we’ll be damn lucky if we get to replay the 80s.

      • rhywun

        seriously reduced the prison population here

        Same here, and they brag about it. And threaten to close Rikers to make it permanent.

        More crime is just another tool in the left’s belt to “smash the system”.

      • Fatty Bolger

        That’s hilarious. The CVS incident, and then basically saying illegal immigrants get charged with lesser offenses than US citizens for the same crimes. Is this a supporter, or a hit piece from a frenemy?

    • Drake

      I lived in LA for a few years in the 90’s. Not nearly as unaffordable as now to live in a decent neighborhood. Republican Mayor and Governor, fun time and place to be in your 20’s. But also had the feeling that the place was on borrowed time – particularly after a Judge struck down the referendum that limited welfare payments to illegal immigrants. Democracy!

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Yeah, I remember 187 as well. That judge should have been strung up for violating his oath of office.

      • kbolino

        It is not a coincidence that every time democracy produces a reactionary outcome, the courts swoop in to undo it.

    • one true athena

      Oh god i hope so. Gascon recall still lacks 100k signatures for the recall, last i heard, so it’s gonna be tight.

  50. DEG

    That dissatisfaction could translate into the recall of San Francisco’s left-leaning district attorney, Chesa Boudin,

    I’d love to see Boudin recalled. It’s a shame this discontent didn’t translate into a recall of Newsom.

    Hunter Biden shows himself to be a real first son-of-a-gun in the latest embarrassing personal video leak for President Biden’s scandal-scarred offspring.

    I chuckled at the joke.

    The CDC is advising travelers to wear masks as it confirms there are now 31 cases of monkeypox in 13 states in the United States.

    Abolish the CDC.

    “So she got the name wrong,” Goldberg said, “so what?”

    Credibility is a big deal in trials like this.

    In the fiscal year 2021, which runs from September 1, 2020, to August 31, 2021, 1,767 unique children under the Department of Family and Protective Services conservatorship went missing, according to a report from the department.

    Without government, who would lose children?

    • rhywun



      • juris imprudent

        Is his left shoulder actually touching the ground? No, so he’s just leaning that way!

      • rhywun

        His left shoulder touched the ground and dug a hole all the way to the CCP.

      • kbolino

        He didn’t release every single dangerous criminal and he still prosecutes some of them, therefore he’s less than 100% Bolshevik.

      • Grumbletarian

        Truly he’s a moderate democrat.

  51. The Late P Brooks

    “Ordinary meaning” is usually described as the way an average person in the US would understand the meaning of a particular word. Figuring out ordinary meaning, though, is tricky, and there’s no agreed-upon best practice for how to do it. Dictionary definitions and etymologies often aren’t enough. “All of these tools are woefully inadequate,” says James Heilpern, a senior fellow of law and corpus linguistics at BYU’s J. Reuben Clark Law School, who trains judges and attorneys on the practice. A dictionary doesn’t actually offer up an ordinary meaning in its definitions, he says, and the etymology of a word doesn’t necessarily say anything about how it’s been used at other points in time.

    Meanings must be fluid. They must change as political necessity requires.

    “Infringe” for example can be interpreted best as the application of long dangling ornamental strips of leather or cloth. Nobody is putting fringe on your guns. That’s just silly. Now bring them to the police station and exchange them for a Happy Meal gift certificate. Or else.

  52. Gender Traitor

    Ms. Change-my-name-back-to-my-old-name-everywhere-right-now is STILL pestering me today. My responses are going to be slower and more terse – if I respond at all. ?

    • UnCivilServant

      You could take a page from Gustave’s communicty college: “Ms. [Not either name], your request has been recieved and is in progress.”

    • kbolino

      Divorce Name Wars : Pronoun Wars :: World War I : World War II

  53. robc

    Daily Quordle 134
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    Brutal today, but I squeaked it out.

  54. Tundra

    Good morning, Sloop!

    Thanks as always for the lynx.

    Great Avs/Oilers game last night. Even my dad texted to make sure I was watching. Absurdly good hockey.

    What isn’t good:

    There were 45,870 children in DFPS conservatorship in the fiscal year 2021, according to the report.

    That is just astonishing to me. I know there are a lot of shitty parents out there, but come on, man.

    Rocksteady is a gem. The pipes on that woman!

  55. kinnath

    Daily Quordle 134

    At least it’s not a double chump like yesterda.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Today was not fun

      Daily Quordle 134

  56. kinnath

    I have an article posting at 11 CDT today. I may not make it into the comments until 12:30 or so.

    • The Other Kevin

      Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. I’ll answer all questions. Then you can come back at 12:30 and answer them correctly.

      • kinnath

        Works for me.

      • UnCivilServant

        I can’t make a similar promise, I haven’t seen the article yet.

      • kinnath

        Wood, not metal. So, you can take the afternoon off.

  57. kinnath

    Coming to grips with reality (TW Slate)

    But the tragedies in Uvalde and Parkland show that increased spending and more officers in schools doesn’t prevent violence or save lives. That’s because we have a fundamental misconception about the role of police: While most people think that police have a duty to attempt to protect people from harm, the law has been clear—cops have no such duty.

    A little-scrutinized 2018 lawsuit filed in federal court by more than a dozen Parkland-shooting survivors against the cops and other officials they say failed to protect them paints a picture of police officers more concerned with punishing students for minor infractions than in protecting them from harm. Possibly because the students’ lawsuit was dismissed not long after they filed it, some of Peterson’s actions that day have gone unreported, including the fact that the morning of the Parkland massacre, he was not engaged in important public safety functions. Instead, according to the lawsuit, he was conducting a fruitless and unlawful search of students’ backpacks, looking for drugs.

    Come over to dark side. It’s easy.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Sorry, I didn’t get any details about the recall because I stopped reading after the first few sentences. WTF is this?

  58. Scruffy Nerfherder

    The Biden administration is talking out of two sides of its mouth on Ukraine. Joe seemed to soften a little in his speech last week, but then there’s this.


    There was a sea change two weeks ago when Ukraine shifted to a public stance that it would cede no territory at all in a peace deal. On 21 May, Zelensky’s office stated that “The war must end with the complete restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.” Previously while they had been emphatic that no territory in “the East” would be ceded, there had been studied ambiguity about whether that referred to Donbass alone or also the Crimea.

    The new Ukrainian stance, that there will be no peace deal without recovering the Crimea, has ended for now any hopes of an early ceasefire. It appears to be a militarily unachievable objective – I cannot think of any scenario in which Russia de facto loses Crimea, without the serious possibility of worldwide nuclear war.

    Russia will not cede Crimea, there’s no way it will give up its warm water port. Period, end of discussion. The administration knows that this is non-negotiable. By making that a condition for peace, there is guaranteed to be no peace.

    There was also this nugget.

    Turkey continues to be the centre of diplomatic activity on resolving the Ukraine war. It is therefore particularly revealing, and a sign of Western priorities, that I did not come across a single western journalist there trying to follow and cover the diplomatic process. There are hundreds of Western journalists in Ukraine, effectively embedded with the Ukrainian authorities, producing war porn. There appear to be none seriously covering attempts to make peace.

    • rhywun

      talking out of two sides of its mouth on _________

      Might be the defining feature of this administration.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Russia will not cede Crimea, there’s no way it will give up its warm water port. Period, end of discussion. The administration knows that this is non-negotiable. By making that a condition for peace, there is guaranteed to be no peace.

      Eh, standard negotiating tactic. You have to have something to give ground on. If Russia is serious about negotiating, this won’t stop them.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Not really. They’ve defined the terms of the negotiation around the opposition’s non-negotiable items. That’s torpedoing the discussion. If you want a resolution at all, you try to avoid hot-buttons at the beginning.

        Would you negotiate with an entity that started with “Give up your guns and we can talk.”?

  59. Ted S.

    Daily Quordle 134
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