Happy Thursday, y'all. I've been slaving away all week while my parents took my older two to Mount Rushmore and other places where dogs don't bite their owners twice. Its weird to have only the little two. Somehow there's still 80% as much work, but only 20% as much...
Fill-in Morning Links
Morning links, not quite as good as some, but better than nothing.
Friday Morning Links
Good morning everybody, happy Friday. Thank you for the wonderful response to our begathon. I believe we will be able to keep the squirrels in chow into 2025. If I made off with the money, not only will the girls have teeth, they’ll have ALL their teeth. But I won’t...
Monday Morning Links… Did You Think I was Done?
I rolled out of bed and headed up to the computer, and Mrs. L said to me, “you’re linking again aren’t you?”
Saturday Morning Links? Why not!
Every binge has to end eventually, but I’ve still got $20 and half a bottle of hooch
Friday Morning Can’t Get Enough Links
I forget what my excuse for picking up the links today is
Thursday Morning… SUPRISE!!… Links
Back by popular recrimination
Tuesday Morning Links of Yaaaaawn
Holy smokes. Note to other parents, do not accidentally give the baby any of the, uh, parenting powder
Glibertarian Cocktail Experiment – The Fruit Sushi
SugarFree and I had a discussion a while back about what sort of cocktail a Fruit Sushi would be.
Monday Morning (?!) Links
Sloopy contacted me late last night (or early this morning, really) because I guess he figured I’d be the only one up? Well his gamble worked. Between the new baby and the bad idea fairy dust, I am here and ready to fill in.
Throwback Friday Links
I saw a Ford GT (probably a kit car) in the wild this morning
GlibFin Meets the Iron Laws
In which a chance conversation with a West Texas sage and an Iron Law clarified our budgeting
Friday Afternoon Links
Happy Friday, everybody.
Links, Thursday Afternoon Variety
A doctor called my unborn baby “chunky”, can I sue?
Wednesday Links in the Afternoon
It's Hump Day, y'all, and I am tired. I've been up before 5am until after 10 this whole week. This is Stage 1 training for newborn arrival. Time to start reacquainting my body with sleep deprivation. The soft days are over. Its time to get back to the old "sleep is...
Tuesday Frustrated Afternoon Links
Spent all morning in what I thought was a planning meeting, but was actually a hoping meeting.
Links, Afternoon, Monday
Happy Monday, everybody. I believe (**crosses fingers**) I have finally finished moving and/or assembling all of the large furniture items to be had
Thursday Afternoon Links
jesse.in.mb has really been coming through for me this week on the images.
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Taking my older boy to the Ninja Gym. All of the female trainers look like gymnasts, so I’m enthusiastic about taking my turn on this parenting assignment.
Tuesday Afternoon Links
Our friend jesse.in.mb sent me this wonderful image of Florida driver doing Florida man things
Monday Afternoon Links
I am having one of those days when I want to burn it all down and (maybe) start over.
Tuesday Dreary Afternoon Links
I haven’t seen the sun in like, 3 days. It must be the end times.
Monday Afternoon Links
I am digging out from a loooo-oooo-ooong week.
Friday Afternoon Links
Happy Friday everybody. I’ll probably be executing my role as husband-sherpa-tech-support when you guys see this
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Bug hunting at work