Good morning everybody, happy Friday. Thank you for the wonderful response to our begathon. I believe we will be able to keep the squirrels in chow into 2025. If I made off with the money, not only will the girls have teeth, they’ll have ALL their teeth. But I won’t...
Begging for Squirrel Chow
The server squirrels have a lean and hungry look about them…
Monday Morning Links
Greetings from America's Wang, where Spring Break has started bringing in foreign bodies like genital warts. Oh, and totally unrelated, I believe Sloopy, Banjos and family are heading this way, too. But they're not Yankees or Canucks, even if Sloopy was looking for a...
Links of Tuesday Afternoon
Welcome, friends. Come in, say what you like. Peruse my links
Monday Afternoon Links
Welcome back to work. I have too much.
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Links, in a hurry.
Monday Afternoon Links
Hey guys, I hate to link and run, but this job expects me to work
Friday Afternoon Links
Happy Friday, y’all. Its nice to make it to the weekend.
Thursday Afternoon Links
Dodging meetings to bring you links!
Tuesday Afternoon Links
Hey guys, how’s tricks? Didja miss me?
Friday Afternoon Links
Happy Friday, y’all.
Thursday Afternoon Links
Happy Thursday. My kids survived the first swimming lesson of the season.
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Went with my wife to an ultrasound today.
Monday Afternoon Links
I discovered something this weekend, my house is way too big, and we have way too much stuff. This is my recommended solution.
Friday Afternoon Links
One man with courage can stop an army
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Today has not been a good day for me, professionally.
Tuesday Afternoon Links
Listen, I’m suffering from news fatigue. I’m just going to post links and walk away….
Monday Afternoon Links
I think all the time-traveling the Hat & Hair did to save The Donald is really stating to pull our local reality apart at the seams.
Friday Afternoon Kararinku
Empty Links for you to Fill!
Thursday Afternoon Links
You know what, seven hours in the car to see a rocket launch yesterday would have been okay. Seven hours to eat a mediocre dinner and have some ice cream in Cocoa Beach feels wasted.
Wednesday Afternoon Space Links
As you read this, I will be posting up for a 50/50 chance of seeing the SpaceX launch
Tuesday Afternoon Links
My thanks to Spud for covering for me when I got Florida Man wasted and forgot to do my links yesterday.
Friday Afternoon Links
Its a holiday weekend, so watch out for the usual holiday weekend shenanigans.
Afternoon Links of Thursday
Its not Friday? Sonofa….
Tuesday Afternoon Links
I am more sore than a hiker after a STEVE SMITH encounter after yesterday’s gym session.