Greetings from your friendly Glibertarians Foundation treasurer. Its that time of the year where we come to you po' faced, and shamefully admit we blew most of the money you entrusted us with to keep this website operating over the last year. Most of it. Some we just...
Monday Morning Links
Sloopy and Banjos left me the keys today, and I’m going to do my best… to make them regret it
Thursday Morning Substitute Links
Good morning, all you wonderful Glibs. If you wonder why you haven't seen me around in a while, its because my youngest gets up at 4:30 in the morning (since the time change) and I have been a zombie for months. Just this week he's moved to getting up at 5:15 and its...
Monday Afternoon Links
Ahh… the gyms reopened here in Pinellas County
Friday Afternoon Links
My kids are so stubborn, its almost like some traits are heritable.
Thurdsay Afternoon Links
Tony Romo teaches VR sex-ed
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Hey, y’all happy… holy shit, its Wednesday?!
Tuesday Afternoon Links
My session beer for today
Monday (Already?) Afternoon Links
Practicing social distancing. Meth, beer and alligators behind camera
Friday Afternoon Linsk
I wish my life was half as interesting as the other afternoon links authors make it out to be.
Monday Afternoon Links
Me after the beaches been closed for a month.
Finally Friday Afternoon Links
Man, the calendar finally caught up to me. Finally Friday is here.
Thursday Afternoon Links
Howdy, y’all. Today has been much better than yesterday
Wednesday Afternoon Links
This is the looongest week EVAR.
Tuesday Afternoon Links
I might have cockroached* around enough this month to survive without being laid off
Monday Afternoon Links
Took my kids fishing yesterday. The little one caught a fish. No humans were hooked.
Finally Friday Afternoon Links
Meeting up virtually with my old work team for a virtual happy hour tonight.
Thursday Afternoon Links
Hellooo out there in Glib land.
Tuesday Afternoon Links
Man, I am just beat today.
Monday Afternoon Links
Not much to report here. I am alive and working.
Friday Afternoon Links
Happy Friday afternoon, y’all.
Wednesday Afternoon Links in Isolation
My four year old thought it was the height of fun to stick a “do not enter” sticker on my butt.
Tuesday Afternoon Links
There are an awful lot of people holding government positions who have decided that rights are not inalienable when the Fate of The World hangs on the little people doing as they are told. Let's be crystal clear. The absolute worst case in America was always going to...
Monday Afternoon Links
Hi guys. How’s it going?
Thursday Afternoon Lock-down Links
I am not in a great place today. Why would my mind choose 12:30 – 2am for the time to review what I could be doing to get the next job?