Greetings from America's Wang, where Spring Break has started bringing in foreign bodies like genital warts. Oh, and totally unrelated, I believe Sloopy, Banjos and family are heading this way, too. But they're not Yankees or Canucks, even if Sloopy was looking for a...
Thursday Morning Substitute Links
I see they haven’t turned off my author access yet… Let’s see if we can fix that problem while Sloopy and Banjos are away
Monday Afternoon Links
Here we are on another Monday Afternoon, just like the ones that came before it. My neighbors across the street got to see USF hold Alabama to a game that was tied at the half, and well into the third quarter. I don't know if anyone is unbeatable this year, but my...
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Howdy, all. Thanks to MJ for the links yesterday.
Monday Afternoon Links
Hi everyone. I’d like to thank everyone who covered for me last week. I was closing down the project I’ve been working on for the last two years.
Thursday Afternoon Links
So I took the Warty challenge today.
Wednesday Afternoon Links
The pool is back! We can stay home forever!
Tuesday Afternoon Links of Hope?
Well, I got my fancy new variable speed pool pump plumbed in.
Monday Afternoon Shut-in Links
This will be my kids by the end of the week.
Thursday Afternoon Links
Day 1 of everyone stays home!
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Happy Wednesday, let’s get panicking!
St. Patrick’s Day Afternoon Links
My wife and I walked down to our local, which happens to be an Irish Pub. Social distancing my ass.
Monday Afternoon Panicdemic Links
We are now in the midst of a panic-demic. I’m still playing with the hyphen/not-hyphen
Friday the 13th Afternoon Links of Panic!
Panic is apparently the only recourse we have to not dying by drowning in our own fluids on a pallet in an over-crowded hospital.
Thursday Afternoon Links
May we suggest the latest in mask fashion for hip Glibs about town
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Happy mid-week everyone.
Tuesday Afternoon Links
Oh boy. Its Tuesday.
Monday Afternoon Links
We went to the zoo Saturday. My kids ran off at one point, and I thought I was finally rid of them
Thursday Afternoon Links
Bored little boys are not great for productivity. So far he has not destroyed anything, so we’ll count it a win.
Wednesday Afternoon Links
How does one even follow an H&H like that? I’ll just throw something up here and go back to that.
Tuesday Afternoon Glorious Return to the Links!
Wow, its been a long time since I did the links.
Friday Afternoon Links
I just want to get on to the part where I start celebrating National Margarita Day.
Thursday Afternoon Links
I hope everyone is having a fantastic day.
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Man, slow news day.
Tuesday Afternoon Links
Fun article below me where we can prove robc's old aphorism: Slightly more flavors of libertarianism than libertarians. Its fun to fantasize about a utopian state where we are left alone just enough. I am definitely NOT left alone just enough right now, although The...