Now starts the only multi-episode story arc I've really attempted so far. The Hat drags The Hair along to find the Jersey Devil, because he believes that will win Donald the Election. And it looks like he may have been right! Donald did win! Bigly! I went through a...
The Hat and The Hair -Animated Episode 82 – Return of the King
Donald has some new advisors for his return to power.
The Hat and The Hair Animated: ReRun ep 39
I started to get a bit more meta with the writing, not being constrained by having to construct a conversation out Donald's own words was rather freeing. The Hat really started to let his freak flag fly.
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun: Ep 9
Some one in Trump’s White House was a leaker! Who could it have been?
Too Local: Seymour Burger Fest
Donald loves Hamburgers!
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun: Episode 8
Previously Aired: The birth of The Space Force.
The Hat and The Hair-Animated Episode 72: Free Willy
Too bad DeSantis dropped out during production of this episode, this here is a winning strategy.
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun: Episode 7
Thanks Obama!
The Hat and The Hair: Rerun: Episode 6
The best, classiest, bigliest steaks are Trumps steaks! *May be cancerous if not eaten well done.
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun: Episode 5
Watch Rerun. Watch Rerun run. Run Rerun run.
Ep 12: Gravity Man VS Mortality
The epidemic has reached an epidemic of epidemic proportions. Release them! Release the Sentinels!
The Hat and The Hair-Animated Episode 71: Dreamcast
The only reason the PS2 beat the Dreamcast was the PS2 had DVD playback when DVD players were expensive. No nobody buys physical media anymore.
The Hat and The Hair: Classic: Christmas Special
Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!
The Hat and The Hair-Animated Episode 70: Game Changer
You suck at video games!
The Hat and The Hair: Classic: Thanksgiving Special
Stop basting your turkey and start stuffing your significant other! It’s Thanksgiving!
Ep 11: Gravity Man VS The Killer Weed
Reefer Madness!
Ep 10: Gravity Man VS The Mechanical Mind
Gravity Man takes on Cronies! I saw people complaining about the font of previous posts, so I adjusted the format for their sensitivities.
The Hat and The Hair-Animated Episode 69: Heh…69
A scholarly debate on the politics of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
The Hat and The Hair: Classic: Halloween Special
A holiday tradition like no other!
The Hat and The Hair-Animated Episode 68: Mating Rituals
No comment.
Ep 9: Gravity Man VS The Reds
Gravity Man faces a new foe! The Red Spy Gang!
Ep 8: Gravity Man Vs The Moon Men
FADE IN: EXT. MOON BASE-DAY ANTI-GRAVITY MAN stands at the front entrance of his moon base, a large dome with three tunnels extending to 3 smaller domes, a control tower next to the main dome rising above. (The hippie moon base from CQ). It is snowing. Before him...
The Hat and The Hair-Animated Episode 67: Space Lasers
Space with Lasers on it!
Ep 7: Gravity Man VS The Killer Wave
Dr. Lobo creates a tsunami.
EP 6: Gravity Man VS The Monkey Horde
Anti-Gravity Man unleashes an army of monkeys on Metro City.