The Eight General Strategies

The Eight General Strategies

We are floating through quite a fascinating confluence of time and space: After the intelligence community failed in their coup attempt against former President Trump, the political rival of said “Orange Man” is prosecuting him for “crimes” that have seemingly been...

Donald Trump Works MiCauc, Dave Smith Satisfied

Donald Trump Works MiCauc, Dave Smith Satisfied

The Libertarian Party is like your uncle who goes to prison for diddling kids. He gets out, sober, God-fearing, and is a self-declared “new man.” A week later he plows his car into the package store and the police find a 12-year-old in the trunk. First-time contributor Fighting Amish pulls no punches with a trenchant and scurrile critique of the LP.

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What he lacks in brains he makes up for in stamina. He materializes in and out of existence imperceptibly, like the elusive black father. FA’s latest project is saving Palestinian kids from Gaza and flying them to the Congo where they serve as slave labor in his personal cobalt mine. Cobalt is, after all, the only thing his heart craves more than the validation of the glibertariat. Why do the Jews have such shitty hats?

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