Confessions of a Middle Age Man in Lycra – 300

Confessions of a Middle Age Man in Lycra – 300

Feeling full of myself for having completed the Rock Cobbler I decided to sign up for a 300 km ride from San Francisco up through Marin and Sonoma Counties with the San Francisco Randonneurs.  However, as I crawled out of bed at 4 AM I started having doubts.  Wouldn’t...

Confessions of a Middle Aged Man in Lycra – WYO131

Confessions of a Middle Aged Man in Lycra – WYO131

Wyo131 is an annual gravel race in Lander, WY, a town of about 7500 people at the foot of the Wind River Range.  It’s named either for the distance of the full ride, 131 miles, or for the number of the highway that leads out of town and into the mountains. ...