The Death of the Family

The Death of the Family

It will shock no one for me to say that the modern American family is an institution in crisis1. There will be no shortage of finger pointing as to what (or who) is to blame for that. Most of that finger pointing will be at someone's favorite bogeyman, and will...

The Enlightenment Consequences

The Enlightenment Consequences

Sure we got rid of the powdered dandies, but what did we gain (in terms of an elite)? And whatever we did gain, what in the hell happened to it?

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

I've been doing a lot of reading of material written late in the Depression as part of my research on bureaucracy (partially explored over on my substack). A late entry in that effort was Joseph Schumpeter's work of the same title as this post. I picked this up...

“He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." --Winston Churchill

The Art of the Catbutt

The art theme of Burning Man ’23 was Animalia. Yes, there were furries. And there was art about animals, with one particular piece of interest to Glibs.

Motivation and Social Behavior

Going deep – whether that is in thought or up my own ass, will be for you dear reader to decide. The Rousseau piece got me thinking about our most fundamental human aspects, and this is sketching out those thoughts.