Author's Note: I wrote this in 30 minutes one morning before work and decided I would lightly edit and amend my original thoughts. I figured this was the only way I'd contribute to the site again, so here goes. Much has been made of the declining economic prospects...
Representative Democracy Part 2 – Proportional Voting
Wherein Lackadaisical goes all Judge Napolitano on you?
If anything is wrong with the featured image, I blame Richard!
Representative Democracy Part 1 – The Antifederalist Papers
Herein we will review the position of the antifederal writer ‘Federal Farmer’ in the Antifederalist paper #36 and contrast to our current situation. We will see that things have gotten drastically worse as compared to the days of the Antifederalists and explore...
(G)Libertarian Presidential Voting
Freedom in the 50 States
I’ve been exploring ways to rank various other states by freedom to get a short list of where to move to.