For many people my age, this movie was at one point was scary as hell. Now its endearing, kind of like Showgirls. This is my review of Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout (now in cans!): The is movie begins when a man of sorts walks into a strange shop in...
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
My gym schedule this week is f—-
I Can’t Wait Until Fucking Christmas
In 1995 I couldn’t figure out why my parents like this movie. As an adult, I still don’t get it. This is my review of Casa Agria Casa Real: To kick off the holiday season we have Home for the Holidays. As much as I want to throw shade at Jodie Foster for being...
Another Joke that Fell Flat
I did this last year, so I get to do it again on account of terrible news. (H/T: The Late P Brooks) This is my review of The Trash An American Imperial Brown: The electric car industry got a bit of a kick in the pants earleir this week with California finding new and...
¡Marteeeeeeeeeeeeees! ¡Enlaces por la tardeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Yeah this would normally go in for a while.
Eating Spotted Owls
Why not? They do seem rather tasty.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
There’s an immigrant-owned gas station in my neighborhood that I have refill my propane tanks. Nice guy, total stereotype being a Pakistani guy owning a gas station. Every so often I feel bad for the guy because he may have picked the screwiest neighborhood to start...
How to Store All Your Eggs in One Basket
Surely, there’s a better way?
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I’m sorry. This is my fault. So there is an Ocotillo cactus in my front yard that hasn’t been looking too hot in the past year or so. Last summer I noticed a Palo Verde tree was beginning to take root under the cactus. I figured it would push the cactus out and I...
Nobody Likes You Because Your Dangerous
Thats right. I am dangerous. Ice…
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
Its good to be back
COSC Certified Hedging: Rewind
Follow up: while I am closer to affording it than ever, I still can’t afford it
Cringe Rap Ads
I can’t really judge, once in college I went as a terrorist for Halloween. I put a towel over my head and borrowed my friend’s AK.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I found a new one.
Choking on a Phone Chord
Huh. A search for this image brought me this link to a Florida Man who actually did choke a woman to death with a phone wire. Good job Florida! This is my review of Wolters Pilsner: Last week #USB-C was trending on the Twatter after Elizabeth Warren (really, who...
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I made my kids watch Ender’s Game on Sunday. They didn’t hate it so I went to find my copy of the book. It disappeared for some reason. No biggie, I’ll just run down to the used book store and find a copy for under $5, right? They have Orson Scott Card in four...
The Best Thing Since Chuck Norris
He grew tired of the turn of phrase, so he roundhouse kicked a loaf of bread into slices.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I need to start going to Mexico for 4th of July again.
Salty, Salty Tears
So yummy
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I knew I shouldn’t have clicked on that video on my YouTube feed, but how can I resist when the channel has that logo? I was never into Glocks, being a dinosaur 1911 shooter, but I have handled one of those custom ZEV pistols. While it was nice I didn’t think it...
Millennials discover the joy of Bush
Thankfully they’re also too dumb to try and reinvent the 80’s, right?
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
¿Enlaces? ¡Pues sím enlaces!
Save the Manatees
Look at this thing. The only thing more deserving of extinction are Pandas.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
Busy here, but nothing to bore you with. Lets go straight to what you came here for: news beyond the wall. Can I say something controversial about Batman? Fuck Batman. Don’t go to Mexico, you might get robbed by the Federales catch COVID. You sure you...
The One to Rule Them All
The bill that everyone was waiting on was released to the public on Wednesday. Okay, maybe not everyone… This is my review of Interboro Battleset Apple Brandy Barrel Aged Barleywine: The bill in question is the Responsible Financial Innovation Act, aka “the crypto...