Suddenly everyone is back to work, and I am stuck babysitting a petulant employee. I write on MS Teams to update a SharePoint. “Okay, let me check.” She’s now showing away for the past 15 mins and the fucking boxes she needs to fill in are still blank. At least my...
Proper Proportions of Pizza
Remember the movie Stand By Me, where Mr. Clarke went all out on getting the students to pass a state basic skills exam?
¡La nochevieja enalces por la tarde!
Just like last week, I will be at the gym at the time of publishing. Unlike last week I didn’t write this 15 minutes before I left the house. While I will still be doing power clean, I went ahead and found a diagram of something else I do on Tuesdays: Not me, I don’t...
Orbital Kias
Why not a white pill?
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
The last week before school starts.
Racing Dolls
Yes, this is one of those stream of consciousness posts I throw up when I am trying to avoid the elephant in the room.
¡Martes por la tarde, enalces mexicanos!
My kids suddenly have social lives again. So I am once again juggling work and coordinating a ride to whatever nonsense they have planned. I’d count down the 6 months to go before my oldest chauffeurs everyone around, except he backed into the space between the side...
Victory at All Costs
I am filled with nothing but blood, toil, shit, and sweat!
¿martes? No… ¡miércoles por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
The Sugarfree fest had to stop eventually.
Busted Bottles
Is this feeling of outright disgust, going to lead to me telling children to get off my lawn?
Inflatable Passengers
Their egos are inflated, at least.
¡martes por la tarde, enalces mexicanos!
Fuck it. I need to write up meeting minutes. Have the gif.
Melting Faces
And you thought I was nuts after the pole shift article.
¡martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
This is my link, damnit. MY LINK.
Flooded Pyramids
They say never go full Graham Hancock, but we’re going to go full Graham Hancock
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
¡Martes, otra vez!
Birds Aren’t Real
They’re not. They’re recharging themselves on high voltage overhead wires right now.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
You know Mexicans elected a woman?
I Say a Flip, Flop…
Flippy, Flippety, a Flip Flip Flop and you don’t stop
Floppin as they Flippin and they Flop on your feet
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
Its like, nothing else matters to these idiots.
What an Absolute Shitshow
What? You think I can’t write shit?
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
3 day weekends are great until you have to go back to work. You deserve this.
Getting Ahead of the Times
Still trying to work this new editor.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
This new editor is weird
Cougars, Cows, but no Kittens
Its like Logan’s Run, in reverse.