In light of recent events, I keep coming across a newfound sense of optimism in places I otherwise expect to make money complaining about how much everything sucks. This is my review of Vitamin Sea Brewing Phoenix Rising: Who makes money complaining about how much...
¿Martes por la tarde? No. ¡Por quien votamos!
So…who did we vote for?
Isla Basura
FFS…It was just a joke. Lighten up. This is my review of Sullivan’s Brewing Co. Black Marble Stout: At this point, you are probably aware enough about a comedian on the internet that spoke at a Trumpfest at Madison Square Garden that called Puerto Rico a garbage...
Where’s Sugarfree?
“Be still laddie. For shall all be over soon. When the wits of men no longer conquer the evil forthwith upon the precipice upon thine breasts. PRECIPICE…” The chamber suddenly erupted in the sound of Sugarfree vomiting at those words. “No debí haber confiado en ese...
¡Martes por la tarde! ¡Enlaces mexicanos!
¡Feliz año nueno!
¡Dia de Boxeo, enlaces mexicanos!
One more time this year…
Just A Nice Old Man With Whiskers
This one doesn’t have candy.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I attended a holiday banquet on Saturday thrown by my son’s HS band (tromboner). I came across a gentleman from S. America during the cocktail hour. Nice guy. He opened up the conversation by noting we were the darkest people in the room. Originally from Peru, he...
I Triple Dog Dare You.
In order for me to properly review this Xmas movie, I afraid I need to warn everyone here this review will be reposted every evening until New Year’s Day.* This is my review of San Tan Lumberjack Oatmeal Amber: Naturally, A Christmas Story takes place in that short...
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I need to up my pot roast game. I took a chuck roast and out it in a crock pot. Added organic carrots, and Yukon gold potatoes, fresh parsley, butter, half a Spanish onion, and four cloves of garlic . I even ground fresh peppercorns and kosher salt by hand in a...
There’s No Singing in the North Pole
Will Ferrel
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
Saw a position open up last Friday in another state. The fun part about the “Medicaid business” is there are often residency requirements needed to work for a Medicaid contractor. I found one, that is quite a leg up for me and it did not mention such a requirement...
Your not Gonna Shit Right for a Week
Week two the first time I went through some old movies reviewed a “new classic” so, we’ll do it again this time. This is my review of XII West Brewing Zona Pilsner: Bad Santa begins the way every Billy Bob Thornton movie should begin: with Billy Bob at a bar...
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I had one hell of a holiday weekend. Between watching and entertaining a relative with special needs, and watching and entertaining my brother’s friends on account of him getting hitched to a slender blonde girl from Wisconsin. I was beat, and now I am broke. I went...
You’re the Shower Curtain Guy?
Remember a couple years ago I would write up various Xmas holiday Christmas movies and opine on whether or not they would be remade again today? No? Oh…well then. This is my review of Wayfinder Hell: Given I am currently wondering how I managed to escape Thanksgiving...
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
How the hell did this happend?
The Third Rule of Fight Club
If someone yells STOP or goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.
¿Martes? ¡Martes! ¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
Something I noticed while on LinkedIn I thought was somewhat unusual given how often companies and their employees will trip over themselves to virtue signal on social media. Its just like any social media, really, except you are required to use your real name, and...
When Your Best Friend Wants to be a Girl
….sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name.
Okay I’ll stop.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
Today is a good day for it.
Why Ask Why?
There comes a time to defend the indefensible
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I dedicated time to write about this so I feel like I should say something here. I do think it was a dick move for PBD to give the Florida man a really nice pair of boots, but he could’ve killed the narrative by putting them on. Amazingly, they managed to railroaded...
Thank you for taking Johnny Cab
What? I was asked for a horror story.
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
Regarding NLCS Game 7 today: One thing I noticed over the series are the number of people in the sports press that seem to believe thousands of Phillies fans paid a thousands of dollars to fly to Phoenix on less than a day’s notice to attend a ballgame and fly back...
Killer Boots, Man
Bless her heart.