The year is officially here now, as I adjust to getting MLK Jr. day off of work now. But you aren't here to read about my struggles, you want links, music, and drink recipes. Well, it wasn't sex stuff. Well... at least it isn't all sex stuff? Also not sex stuff (this...
Friday Post-Mourning Links
If it doesn’t have a double D on the sleeve, it’s just underwear!
First Friday Afternoon Links of 2025
Well, we've made it to the new year. Hopefully everyone's recovered from the festivities, and are rethinking their resolutions in the sober light of the new year. The city (and local media) trying to claim that a team playing in the suburbs is unheard of is beyond...
Final Friday of 2024 Afternoon Links
The Christmas pop up bars are still going, but same as Halloween decorations should be down by Thanksgiving, the time for lights is over once Christmas has passed.
Friday before Christmas afternoon links.
Not a pop up bar this time, instead this is just a portion of the lights that have been put up on Public Square for the season. There’s even an ice skating rink.
Friday the 13th links – Part the second.
Yet another pop-up bar. Honestly, I don’t know why they’re so popular here, but they are. There’s over 30 that were
First Friday of December Links
Yet another of our local pop up bars that goes over the top for Christmas. This is the basement bar of Great Lakes, briefly rethemed as the Secret Cellar Bar
First Friday of the Christmas Season.
Officially out of Thanksgiving season, into Christmas season.
Pre-Feasting Friday Links
Well, this is the last time I’ll be sharing recipes before the day of feasting, so let’s stock up.
Penultimate Pre-Thanksgiving Friday Afternoon Links
Wasn’t someone asking about finding exotic meats? Unfortunately the girlfriend and I had taken the Rapid up there, so these did not come home with us.
Bye Week Friday Links
Yeah. Not what either of us will be going with. Just not a fan of tomato juice, but I appreciate the commitment.
Thursday Afternoon Fill in Links
It’s never too early in November to prep for Thanksgiving. No, there won’t be (as many) space links, but I’m filling in here.
Friday Afternoon All Saints Day Links
Back on Terra Firma, and at a real keyboard to put up the links.
I was not cruel enough to hand this garbage candy out last night. Instead it was Frosted Donut Kit Kats and Caramel Cold Brew M&M’s.
Friday Leaping into the Links
So dedicated I’m going this for you while on vacation. Even my work added me to a text chain and apologized for it.
Yet, here I am, typing up links. If some are reused, I’m sure you’ll find something else to talk about.
Friday links of double checking luggage
Every once in a while I get to go someplace fancy. A couple weeks back the girlfriend and I went out to one of my favorite speakeasies for a cocktail class.
Friday links of Horror.
Ah… the old ways. Unfortunately, those are not the same singles that have been there since the bar opened, so the ones I put up ~20 years ago are no longer there. No, this is not the same bar as last week.
First Friday of October Links
One of my locals. We do things up right around here.
Friday links before another busy weekend.
Yeah, one of the staff got angry at me for taking the broken mech in one match. In my defense, I knew it was broken, they were the ones who were running it with heat disabled, and the rest of the players were OK with it even after the fact. The girlfriend played in this match, I’ll let you lot try to figure out which pilot was her.
Friday Afternoon links of the Cleveland Gaming Classic
At some point I’ll even remember to put these in before the post goes live!
Friday the 13th links
At least the weather for the game was great. We finally got to catch the boat ride from the brewery we “tailgated” at to the stadium.
Friday Night NFL Links
Oktoberfest is still ongoing, but I’ve got other plans this weekend.
Friday Holiday Weekend Kick Off Links
You should have one of a handful of songs going through your head at this point. If not, I recommend grabbing a beer and reading the links.
Friday Links of Beer Releases
I will lie to you much less than that sign.
Friday of power, internet, and cleaning out the fridge.
Back into the groove, being able to type on a keyboard and everything.
Friday third world power grid links
A different Bruce than I talked about last week.