Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.

IFLA: The November Rain Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of November 7

This week’s upcoming events center around domestic life and general life  improvements. This week is excellent for Scorpio, in almost all aspects of life.  Almost.  Second dates will be harder to come by, but first ones will be easier.  Commitments will be difficult to keep.  Capricorns should be lucky in love, as will older people and yacht owners. And, of course, cute puppy pics.

IFLA: The “Next Generation” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of October 24

This week is dictated by the progression of the moon, as the other planets are being antisocial.  Monday is a good day to try something new in your love life (or to try and start one) with the Earth passing between the Moon and Venus then.  Later on Thursday, something similar happens but with Jupiter, so focus on leadership/management issues then.

IFLA: The “So… Tired…” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of October 10

The week begins with “Aw shit, duck and cover” With MERCURY RETROGRADE lining up with Mars and the sun to blast us with harsh vibes.  Fortunately, that breaks up quickly.  What’s not so fortunate is that MERCURY RETROGRADE links up with other celestial events afterwards, to wit:  Saturn goes station direct this week, so finally that big boy will begin to make some progress through the zodiac. Our girl tussles with a Huskie.

IFLA: The “Return of the Pics” Edition of the Horoscope for the week of September 26

The week starts out with an inauspicious alignment of Mars and the moon with the Sun.  Inauspicious, but I don’t know exactly how it’s applicable to you, so I’ll just mention that it exists and move on. The moon in Gemini (especially since it’s aligned with Mars, supra) indicates treachery.  Libra’s got most of the good stuff right up until Wednesday when it gets the full effect of MERCURY RETROGRADE.

IFLA: The “Urge Overkill” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of September 12

The skies are both boring and unpleasant this week.  The only alignment is Mars (war, aggression) – Mercury (change, news, chaos, disruption, luck) – Jupiter retrograde (misrule, sadness, tyranny).  The best possible interpretation is that we’ll find out details of who/how someone screwed up a military operation.  Let’s go with that one — the alternate interpretations are left as an exercise for the reader. Lily goes to the vet.

IFLA: The Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of August 22

Even with domestic misrule, it’s a good week to be in a romantic relationship, with Venus in Libra keeping tiffs to a minimum.  Doubly so if you’re a woman in a relationship, since Mars in Virgo indicates that you’ll be on the winning side of any arguments that do occur. Also, Dog Park Confidential.

IFLA: The “Coming Up for Air” Edition of the Horoscope for the week of August 8

Leo and Virgo remain large and in charge tis week.  With Virgo, it’s a “can do no wrong” sort of situation, whereas with Leo, it’s more of an “unbelievable luck” thing.  So Leos should buy one (1) lottery ticket this week.  If you buy a bunch, it looks like you’re trying to game the system, and Luck does not like a smartass.