Actually, I was fairly moderate this year compared to years when Spud was around. The man is a bad influence. Nonetheless, lots of consumption the past couple of days and I really am going to be a bit more moderate. Heading up to Rochester to meet up with NPR1, take a...
Thanksgiving Morning Links
“Hey, you’re a Jew, it’s not your holiday, why don’t you do Links?”
Sunday Morning Panic Links
I had a LOT of issues with my NFL subscription on YouTube. It was expensive and didn't cover a lot of games. It would black out any game that was on broadcast TV anywhere from Elmira to Buffalo (which I do not have). Blacked out any game with Buffalo. Blacked out...
Saturday Morning WTF? Links
Some things in my new life are very, very different. Some things are the same. Like Links.
Sunday Morning Fighting Entropy Links
The energy input to change the sign of the S term seems somehow excessive. Speaking of which, Links.
Saturday Morning Generic Links
Sometimes I have a cute theme. This is not one of those times. Just Links.
SP: Celebration of Life
It’s a party and you’re invited!
Thursday Morning Hest Ghost Links
While Sloopy and Banjoes run a slave auction, I’m filling in the Links
Sunday Morning Recovery Links
Sunday, Bloody Sunday. And Links to prove it.
Saturday Morning Busting Out Links
It looks like summer is upon us here.
Sunday Morning Chew Cut Links
There’s bad hair days and REALLY bad hair days. And there’s Links.
Saturday Morning Returned Links
After a rather unfortunate hiatus, I return to Links Duty. Be afraid.
SP- Final Update
Sometimes, the story ends before it is complete.
SP Update for April 14
This post will be pinned at the top of the feed until further notice.
Saturday Morning April Showers Links
We’ve transitioned from constant snow to constant rain. Unfortunately, we haven’t transitioned from idiots in charge to smart people in charge as I shall demonstrate here.
Sunday Potatohead Links
It’s Sunday, I’m still here, and you’re the victims. So lay back, relax, and enjoy some hot steamin’ Links.
Saturday Morning Just Fooling Links
In case you thought I was fooling about coming back with Links, here’s proof otherwise. For better or for worse.
Sunday Morning Return of The Old Man Links
Good news and bad news, when you think about it. But whatever, news.
SP- updates
Updated April 14.
(This post is “pinned” and will appear at the top of the feed until further notice.)
Jewsday Tuesday: A Little Thing
I promise that my penis is mentioned nowhere in this article. It’s about Purim, I pinky swear.
Sunday Morning of Destruction Links
Sometimes you get to the point where you think, “Fuck, let’s just burn the whole goddam thing down and start over.” If you’re not at that point yet, perhaps a serving of Links can take you over the edge?
Saturday Mourning Links
It’s all going to shit and the popcorn sucks. Well, there’s always Links.
Sunday Unburying Morning Links
My shovel is wearing out, and so is my back. Maybe take a break and do Links?
Saturday Morning Buried Links
Well, after our massive snowfall last week, Global Warming blessed us with another foot. So I’m sitting in a warm room, looking outside, and forging Links. And writing fiction. Hard to tell the difference these days.
Sunday Morning Denouement Links
So much fun this part week, but it comes to an end. And a new week begins, but only after Links.