Ironically, after being tossed out of my teaching position for saying something (as yet undisclosed) that offended a student (also not disclosed), I was invited to a faculty development training session on "Academic Freedom." Fuck it, I got the last grades in, did a...
Sunday Morning Big Reveal Links
I mentioned yesterday that with the New Year impending and our traditional festivities with family (now with WebDom, 10b0t, Spud, and the fetal Glib), I am forced to finally stop juggling and make a choice: NPR Lady 1 or NPR Lady 2 (affectionately known as "Retread")....
Saturday Morning Unemployment Links
So many things happening here that it's hard to know where to start. First, both NPR Lady Prime and Retread are out of town visiting family, so I'm all alone here this weekend. This is probably not a bad thing. Second, the Dean called me into his office. "We will not...
Sunday Morning Home Improvement Links
Overtaken by events. When men plan, God laughs.
Saturday Morning Twistah Links
I always wondered about the New York accent of a Kansas farmhand. But I don’t wonder about Links.
Sunday Morning Chaos and Puppies Links
Sometimes entropy wins, both in politics and in day-to-day life. And so it is here, but with Links.
Saturday Morning Senility Links
Who am I? What am I doing here? Oh… Links. That’s right. Links.
Sunday Morning In America Links
An ode to senility, copium, and incompetence. Yep, that’s Links in a nutshell.
Saturday Morning Population Explosion Links
Is it the creation of the Master Race? Is is weird Mendelian experiments? Is it Links?
Tuesday Morning Festival Links
Every once in a while, I travel for culture. Sometimes for spectacle, this time for Links.
Sunday Morning Puppy Links
Any second now… and while we’re waiting, Links.
Saturday Morning Wedding Bells and Links
Big doings here in Glibs’ Gulch. And my family is now larger. Step inside the Links to see.
Sunday Morning Exhausted Links
It is not easy being me. Especially this morning. Here’s Links to prove it.
Saturday Morning The Horror Links
Bad things come in threes- maybe the news is the third? Read Links and judge for yourself.
Sunday Morning Unwanted Excitement Links
Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes it gets you. Other times, it’s a deer. And Links.
Saturday Morning Celebration Links
Much goings on in the village. And everywhere else as well, with Links to prove it.
Friday Morning Grumpy Links
It’s Friday and I should be enjoying myself more. But Links always enrage me.
Sunday Morning Pregnancy Links
Exciting news from our little family! And less exciting Links.
Saturday Morning Return of Links
It was a short strange trip. But Links are stranger yet.
Tuesday Morning Make-Up Links
Making up for lost time. And I keep drawing them back in…. but OK, Links.
Saturday Morning Junk Hauling Links
I have just returned from my long drive to New England to pick up a ratty pair of classic loudspeakers which I will restore. And to attend a technical presentation and demonstration of an interesting home theater technology. The demo was impressive enough that I asked...
Sunday Morning Links of Abandon
Summer is officially here. You wouldn't know it from the cool, gray, moist weather, but you would know it from the lack of students....
Saturday Morning On The Road Again Links
This is a heavy travel month, mostly to shitholes. This week, it’s for a good cause. And Links are always a good cause.
Sunday Morning Post-Graduation Links
Our little school finished its year in the usual way. And Links were not involved.
Saturday Morning I’m Rather Fucked Links
Grades go both ways, but Links only cut in one direction.