I mentioned yesterday that with the New Year impending and our traditional festivities with family (now with WebDom, 10b0t, Spud, and the fetal Glib), I am forced to finally stop juggling and make a choice: NPR Lady 1 or NPR Lady 2 (affectionately known as "Retread")....
Saturday Morning Unemployment Links
So many things happening here that it's hard to know where to start. First, both NPR Lady Prime and Retread are out of town visiting family, so I'm all alone here this weekend. This is probably not a bad thing. Second, the Dean called me into his office. "We will not...
Friday the 13th Links
Today is your lucky day: Old Man Links. Much going on here in Glibs Gulch, but I'm saving those tales for the weekend. Weekdays are serious. Just the news. Because I'm a serious guy. And speaking of luck, people lucky enough to be born on this date include a fellow...
Sunday Morning Just Rewards Links
Every once in a while, the results are worth the pain. Links are just pain, though.
Saturday Morning Links That Made The Grade
The semester is over except for what the kids think is the most important part. But we all know that Links are the most important part.
Friday Morning Not With a Whimper, But A Bang Links
You can fool some of the people all of the time, but I can’t fool anyone for long. But no foolin’, Links.
Sunday Morning Mom Is Older Links
My mom is one of the few people who can call Joe Biden “Sonny boy.” Links are your chance to call him “Tard.”
Saturday Morning Road Trippin’ Links
A quick trip to a rat infested shithole is just what the doctor ordered. With a side of Links.
Sunday Morning Wreckage Links
Well, Hot Dog Day was a resounding success, at least if you were a vendor of red plastic cups, aluminum cans, yellow police tape and New-York-State-approved cardboard junk food containers. I could hear music going and kids reveling at 3am, which is impressive to me....
Saturday Morning Weenie Links
It’s the biggest day of the year in our little hamlet. Which won’t stop Links.
Sunday Morning Victim of Theft Links
What’s worse than thievery? Making the victim be an accomplice. Reading Links could qualify.
Saturday Morning Even More Confused Links
Just when I think things can’t get goofier… well, anyway, Links.
Sunday Morning Preclipse Links
It’s coming! It’s coming! So are the Links.
Saturday Morning Detox Links
He’s back and the sheep are frightened. But not of the Links.
Thursday Morning Surprise Drop-In Links
Banjos is restringing. So I’m taking over Links temporarily.
Sunday Morning Harassment Links
It was inevitable. Just like Links.
Saturday Morning Bafflement Links
“What the fuck is he talking about?” Clearly not Links.
Sunday Morning Purim Links
Today we celebrate Artaxerxes, alcohol, naked woman, and Links.
Saturday Morning Pre-Gaming Links
Your people have your holidays, (((we))) have (((ours))). And I’m getting ready, but not neglecting…Links.
Sunday Morning Toxic Links
I managed to make yesterday more exciting than planned. But not more exciting than Links.
Saturday Morning Post Pi Day Links
My students wanted to know if I'd cancel classes on Pi Day. I told them that would be irrational. I did expect them to arrange their desks in a circle, but that backfired when the students behind me started making funny noises, as in "fart under the arm" noises. I...
Sunday Morning Back At It Links
I’m back and so is my pile of work. But there’s Links for consolation.
Saturday Morning Big Difficult Links
Back from New Orleans with traces of my liver intact. And Links.
Sunday Morning Creole Links
The Old Man and Tomb Raider head off today. But not before Links.
Saturday Morning Spring Break Links
The students have poured out of here in droves. leaving me to do Links on my own.