Today is your lucky day: Old Man Links. Much going on here in Glibs Gulch, but I'm saving those tales for the weekend. Weekdays are serious. Just the news. Because I'm a serious guy. And speaking of luck, people lucky enough to be born on this date include a fellow...
Saturday Morning Pearl Harbor Links
It’s official, the Old Guy is old. But Links are new.
Sunday Morning Snow Day Links
Fittingly, the end of November and the beginning of December meant a lake-effect enhanced snow, and we got it good and hard. Fortunately, I wasn't relying on airports, and for all their faults, the local governments here do a pretty good job of getting the snow off...
Sunday Morning Academic Links
The Old Man has sold his soul. But he’ll drop Links before Satan whisks him off.
Saturday Morning Links of Injury
My puppy is a killer. No promises about the safety of the Links.
Sunday Morning Links of Visitation
I am overrun with guests. But my Links still runneth over.
Saturday Morning Links of Strife
It seems like everything has to be made as difficult and tumultuous as possible. Well, Links may cure that. Maybe not.
Sunday Morning Jokes and Rumors and Links
Wherein I give some exceptions to the Progressive, “That’s not funny!” stereotype, then toss out some Links.
Saturday Morning Survey Links
I am calling on the fine people of this community to help me out here. NPR Lady has pretty much resigned herself to the idea that she's involved with a (gasp!) libertarian. However... she absolutely hates the "NPR Lady" nickname. And honestly, though I don't hate it,...
Sunday Morning I’m Exhausted Links
New Years always takes a lot out of me. But I can feebly rally enough to do some Links.
Saturday Morning Cat Food Links
Or at least a band named after cat food. And Links.
Sunday Morning Rain Check Links
Well, my plans for yesterday were rained out, but at least I checked the Links box. And ditto today.
Saturday Morning Home Alone Links
NPR Lady is traveling, so I’m actually able to do some long-past-due housework, yardwork, and posting. Here’s an example.
Monday Morning In Labor Links
When I was a kid, I was unknowingly raised by actual no-shit communists. The big-deal organization was called Der Arbeiter Ring (Workman's Circle), and it was no coincidence that their version of Jesus was FDR. The fact that he was responsible for the deaths of...
Sunday Bloody Sunday Morning Links
So because of reasons, we ended up having five dogs around us last night. Not five little yap yaps, but five big, hulking dogs. All of whom got one another excited. And to make it worse, they all hadn't met before and were thrown together, with many fights...
Holy Shit It’s Fall? Links
I look at the calendar in disbelief. I t can’t possibly be… fuck, it is. And Links to prove it.
Sunday Morning Slice of Death Links
Just a few little tidbits from my weekend in NPR Land- then Links
Saturday Morning Animal Rebellion Links
There’s a couple of VERY unhappy carnivores in western New York. And they’re not going to read the Links.
Sunday Morning Post Picking Links Post
Brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department and the Natural Guard.
Saturday Morning Back In Town Links
Not gallivanting in remote places this weekend, or at least not TOO remote, so it’s me with the Links.
Thursday Afternoon Make-Up Links
There’s a reason I’m doing Links today instead of this weekend- guilt.
Sunday Morning Dancing Links
I do not dance. I hate to dance. But I’m spending a weekend watching others dance. And writing Links.
Saturday Morning Still Recovering Links
Had a few friends in. There’s pluses and minuses. And Links.
Sunday Morning Oh Am I Gonna Have Stories Links
But not yet. There are Links, though, to get you by until I can write funny stories.
Saturday Morning Bare Bones Links
Insert generic Links preview statement here.