Today is your lucky day: Old Man Links. Much going on here in Glibs Gulch, but I'm saving those tales for the weekend. Weekdays are serious. Just the news. Because I'm a serious guy. And speaking of luck, people lucky enough to be born on this date include a fellow...
Saturday Morning Pearl Harbor Links
It’s official, the Old Guy is old. But Links are new.
Sunday Morning Snow Day Links
Fittingly, the end of November and the beginning of December meant a lake-effect enhanced snow, and we got it good and hard. Fortunately, I wasn't relying on airports, and for all their faults, the local governments here do a pretty good job of getting the snow off...
Saturday Morning Bare Bones Links
Insert generic Links preview statement here.
Wednesday Afternoon Caloric Links
Joemala was deemed enough SugarFree for one day. After all, artificial sweeteners are cancer and shit. So I’m doing the Links, given that I don’t even have a modicum of sweetness anywhere in my personality.
Sunday Morning Meet The Family Links
Living dangerously today. Links are the safest part.
Saturday Morning Dog Days Links
It’s hard to believe that there’s only two of them. Maybe they’ll leave me alone long enough to do Links.
Sunday Morning Progs In The Mist Links
Wherein I return from a voyage amongst a foreign tribe, bearing Links.
Saturday Morning In The Deep End Links
The things guys will do when there’s women involved… but still, Links.
Independence Day Links!
Weekend with NPR Lady ends in fireworks.
Sunday Morning Mid-Weekend Links
That just seemed weird to type, but because we have Monday off, it’s true. Anyway, Links.
Saturday Morning Holy Fuck It’s July Links
Another month passes as if nothing. But Links will salve the anxiety caused by the rush of time.
Saturday Morning National Pubic Radio Links
Surprise, surprise, heading north to see the NPR Lady. But not until I do Links because priorities.
Friday Morning Links of Glass
There’s sort of a vague Whitman pun. Very vague. Links are more direct.
Thursday Morning Linkety Link Links
And as we pass another day without Sloopy and Banjos, you are again being subjected to me. Ignore me. Read Links.
Cheap Day Return Links
I’m back and you never know where and when I might pop up with Links.
Sunday Morning Road Trip Links
…and second prize is TWO weeks in Philadelphia. Oh, and Links.
Saturday Morning Happy Hookah Links
This week, it’s been a challenge just breathing. Blame Canada. And Links.
Monday Afternoon Emergency Links
Brett had a bit of a run-in with some blue Curacao, so I am stepping over his prone, piss-stained form to stand in for Links.
Saturday Morning Links- Watersports Edition
I will not be the butt of humor. OK, maybe I will be, but I’ll object. Anyway, Links.
Monday Memorial Day Morning Links
Almost alliterative. And Linky as Hell.
Saturday Morning Spring is Here Links
Could we finally be over winter here? Could I walk outside without frostbite? Is this too much to ask? Links included.
Sunday Morning Daddy Daughter Links
We had a lovely Daddy Daughter outing yesterday. Now that WebDom is of age, it involved alcohol rather than Barbie. Anyway, home today so… Links.
Saturday Morning NPR Links
One of the side effects of being single and in my demographic is that females range from NPR Left to Far Left. Lesser of evils. But Links are not.
Saturday Morning Dropping of Eaves Links
Life in a small town means hearing things I shouldn’t. I should hear Links, though.