Every year, I celebrate Pearl Harbor Day in the most appropriate manner- I get bombed. There comes a time in most people's lives where they hit a special age. 18 so you can vote. 21 so you can drink. 30 so you can start to feel old. 40 so you are aware that you're...
Sunday Morning Snow Day Links
Fittingly, the end of November and the beginning of December meant a lake-effect enhanced snow, and we got it good and hard. Fortunately, I wasn't relying on airports, and for all their faults, the local governments here do a pretty good job of getting the snow off...
Saturday Morning Detox Links
Actually, I was fairly moderate this year compared to years when Spud was around. The man is a bad influence. Nonetheless, lots of consumption the past couple of days and I really am going to be a bit more moderate. Heading up to Rochester to meet up with NPR1, take a...
Sunday Morning Post-NPR Links
The first actual spring weekend in our little corner of Paradise. But that was just a temporary distraction from the real task at hand, Links.
Saturday Morning Tales of Baltimore Links
I survived and even got good stories out of it. But really, you’re here for the Links.
TGIF Morning Links
But the food isn’t as shitty. Not that this is a high bar, but still.
Sunday Morning Abbreviated and Hurried Links
Sometimes travel is fun. Sometimes it isn’t. Links are often a bit of each.
Saturday Morning Mom’s Birthday Links
I won First Prize, a weekend in Baltimore! Second Prize was two weekends in Baltimore. That said, Links.
Saturday Morning Hot Dog Links
Today is the biggest day of the year in our little town. And for a different sort of Links.
Saturday Morning Ouch That Hurts Links
When there’s a delicious coating of chocolate but then inside is rotting tuna, that is not an unalloyed pleasure. With that metaphor, here’s the Links.
Saturday Morning Links of Relief
Hell Week, but it’s over. So here’s some Links.
Bloody Sunday Morning Links
I always like to embed a private joke somewhere in Links. But is that really necessary when everything in the news is a joke anyway?
Saturday Morning Ping Links
Our culture is dead, but Links aren’t.
Sunday Morning Sneak Links
My success is your failure.
Saturday Morning Merchant of Death Links
I am apparently Josef Mengele. That seems like a fitting theme to Links today, no?
Sunday Morning Shaky Links
Late night, so these Links may be a bit shaky.
Saturday Morning Endless Winter Links
March comes in like a sabertooth, but goes out like an allosaur. But there’s always Links.
Tuesday Morning Me Again Links
I’m much taller than Banjos. So my Links will be longer.
Sunday Morning Dope Dealer Links
We made a decision to make money from the vices endemic to college students. Which will not slow Links down.
Saturday Morning Culture Gap Links
Being around students alternately makes me feel young and old. Links age me even more.
Wednesday Afternoon Sugared Links
Wait, isn’t this supposed to be SugarFree Wednesday? Surprise!
Sunday Morning Frenzied Links
I’m channeling Hugh Hefner, if Hef had surrounded himself with geriatrics. Anyway… Links.
Saturday Morning Dog Days Links
As I stare at a pile of shit on the kitchen floor, I’m starting to wonder about my life choices. While I do, here’s some Links to discuss.
Sunday Morning Links
Remember the running joke in Repo Man with all the generic products? Hello, Otto! Here’s Links.
Saturday Morning Links of Inflation
Inflation is universal and we are besieged by examples. This provides fodder for Links.