Saturday evening Links

Saturday evening Links

Yes, Spring is upon us. Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and I've got friggin' weeds popping up everywhere. After I finish the Links, Spud is going all chemical warfare. Links? yay. Yes, let's send the Great Society to the dust bin of history. Team Blue has...

Saturday evening Links

Saturday evening Links

Yes, it is that time again. Time to set the clocks ahead one hour, and spend the next two weeks adjusting. Pick one. Links? "Sorry, your activities are jeopardizing safety. Contract canceled." As the owner of a coffee house that lives and dies by coffee and eggs, this...

Saturday evening beat down Links

Saturday evening beat down Links

An absolute epic self own by Z yesterday. These events are prearranged and highly orchestrated. Show up, sign the agreement, get fete'd by the most powerful man in the world, and go home with missiles. No, no, old Volodymyr walked into the Oval Office, in front of the...

Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…

Saturday evening Links

Seriously, Team Blue is so retarded these days, I don't know how they remember to breathe. Trump is a fascist dictator because he's reducing the size and scope of government, and returning power to the states and the people. Whut? And Dem governors are furious. Time...

Saturday evening tiny baby Links

I present to you, l0b0t Webdom the First. Good things in the Gulch this week. New healthy baby boy and a healthy mom. The shop cleared the health inspection yesterday, and we should be up and running shortly after an eight month hiatus. At the moment, everything is...

Saturday evening Links from the Gulch

Seriously, who in the ever loving fuck needs this much nutmeg?!? "Grandpa, when you die, who gets the family nutmeg?" Oddly enough, it's cold and windy here in the Gulch, with plenty of snow on the ground. I will never forgive WebDom for being born someplace with...

Saturday evening Links

I have been so erect since Trump took office, I had to call the doctor. Links? Buy your own falafel! "Priapism is a medical condition characterized by a prolonged and often painful erection that lasts for more than four hours without sexual stimulation." No, Donny...

Saturday evening Links

There appears to be a new sheriff in town. Donny has wasted no time laying waste to the Administrative State. Let's hope he's just warming up. Shall we Link? Secretary MILF takes over DHS. I'll take the bully I know over the slimy weasel slithering in the shadows,...

Saturday evening Links

It's Divisional Playoff weekend! I expect the Chefs to decimate the Texans. Baltimore/Washington could be a better game with the Rookie of the Year as the 'skins qb versus Lamar Jackson, who could very well be the league MVP. I don't think the 'skins are quite ready...

Saturday evening, everything’s on fire Links

Okay, I've been glued to the news for the last three days over the LA fires. And I have some things to say. There's a laundry list of complaints about California and LA over its handling of this tragedy, but in all honesty, they have little do with this incident....

Saturday evening Links from the Gulch

Happy New Year from Glibs Gulch! Add some slush and get rid of the sun and the photo above is what today was like. The shop should be reopened by the middle of January when the kids are back. Links? "Intergalactic pleasure dolls". A sex doll that teaches a lesson...

Saturday evening Links

SMU is currently shitting the bed, so it looks like Penn State versus Boise on NYE. For today? We have Links! Good thing I don't need anything for the Gulch next week. This is the second weekend in a row I've posted an article about the pants shitting over Kash Patel....

Saturday evening Links

All the plants turning white is pretty cool, though. We just went through our first winter inversion last week. That's the downside of living in a bowl. Today is cloudy with blue sky and rain/snow in the forecast. I'm going to bundle up and go sun myself on a rock...