All the plants turning white is pretty cool, though. We just went through our first winter inversion last week. That's the downside of living in a bowl. Today is cloudy with blue sky and rain/snow in the forecast. I'm going to bundle up and go sun myself on a rock...
Saturday evening Links
You don’t want any part of the Blue, but you do want the Links!
Saturday evening Links
Someone has been fucking around with an AI generator. Saturday evening is here yet again. tOSU just suffered a resounding defeat at the hands of dreaded Michigan. Meanwhile, little Boise State may have a first round bye and then host tOSU. Whatever the outcome, that...
Saturday evening links
A deep subject, but it will not stop the Links!
Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?
Saturday evening Links
Illin’ anda not…chillin’.
Saturday evening links
!9 hours…it took my 19 hours to fly 2,000 miles. But that will not stop the Links!
Monday morning Links of substitution
Yay…it’s Monday… But there are still Links!
Saturday evening shotgun wedding links
There’s a doins’ goin’ on.
Saturday evening links
Big tree plus big wind means writing big checks, but it will not stop the Links!
Saturday Evening Links
A few flowers won’t stop me from the Links! Allergies might…
Saturday evening links
The cabin needs a little tlc.
Saturday evening links!
Spuds goes further West.
Thursday morning link of the dancing…squirrel
The squirrels abide, and there are Links inside.
Saturday evening links
Everything is blooming and my face hurts. But that won’t stop the Links!
Saturday evening hotdog links!
Get yer red hots heeyah!
Saturday evening links
Hey there, hi there, ho there!
Thursday morning scab links
I ain’t Union. Get over it.
Monday afternoon cheesed off links
“No man can eat 50 eggs.” Well, Swiss has succumbed to a similar Raclette challenge. But the Links must go on!
Saturday evening freakout links
Saturday evening links
Which came first, the rabbit or the egg?
Saturday evening links
Time for some Links.
Saturday evening links
Shai-Hulud will brook no delay in, the Links!
Open post – Spud’s a bad boy
I can haz brain fart.
Saturday evening links
What time is it? Links?!?