The Hat and The Hair 47: Episode 14

The Hat and The Hair 47: Episode 14

“We should start destroying Subarus,” the hat said to Donald, his words slithering into Donald’s ears like a greased snake. “We could scratch the hammer and sickle on them,” the hair said. “Whoa,” the hat said, “That’s tough guy stuff coming from you.” “I like Elon,”...

The Hat and The Hair 47: Episode 14

The Crown and The Wig – Episode 13

“Will no one rid me of this troublesome Thomas Massie?” Donald asked, brow-weary. “He’s never respected authority,” the crown said. “He needs to know his place.” “He is loyal, sire,” the wig said. “No, he should be made an example of,” the crown said. “Post bills in...

Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist

SugarLinks Afternoon Wednesday – We Are Young

Let's check in on Slate... The Women Who Wanted to Leave Their Husbands Over Politics For a few glimmering moments in 2024, it seemed as if white women—Trump’s second-biggest voting bloc, who are often married to white men, his first-biggest voting bloc—were going to...

Warty Hugeman and The Checkerboard Ladies of Planet LSD-25

“LSD orgy!” Warty screamed as he dived into the pile of entangled limbs and swollen genitalia. He swatted away jutting penises as he pulled himself over the undulating surface, toward the upraised buttocks of a Checkerboard Lady. The tangled delight of her labia...

SugarFree Open Post

Can SugarFree ignore this? No, SugarFree cannot. Just like SugarFree has a hard time not talking about himself in the third-person!

The Hat and The Hair 47 – Episode 7

“So, I do get to come to the Inauguration, right?” Elon asked. “Of course you do,” Donald said effusively. “You’re my favorite White person I know.” “Christ,” the hat said. “Four years of this shit.” “He keeps talking about Diablo II,” the hair said. “Bitch should be...

The Hat and The Hair 47 – Episode 6

“You will rule Britain with an iron fist, my son,” Trump said. “They will be a vassal state. You will cleanse the land of rapists.” “Am I ready, Father?” Barron asked. “He should be a Baron,” the hair said. “Baron Barron sounds powerful.” “Archduke Barron, the...

Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – Fancy Like

proud patriotic music about America and dogs and Applebee’s. This wasn't something I just made up. Joe Rogan Has Been Dethroned on Spotify. His Successor’s Podcast is a Delight. What’s not to love about Kylie Kelce? She’s...

The Hat and The Hair 47 – Episode 4

“Oh, Canada,” the hat sighed. “Stop, just stop,” the hair said. “Land of the unfree, home of the unbrave,” the hat trilled. “Jesus,” the hair spat in disgust. “From the heroin-washed shores of Vancouver to the heathen French of Montreal, I will save you,” the hat said...