Since WordPress is still doing the ignore your manual exerpts thing and ganking your first Text Block, I'm putting this here. This delightful little ditty from my youth popped into my head when I began composing these here links. KLEO AND SVEN IN BERLIN -- WHEN THE...
Thursday Afternoon Links
The excerpts you manually create using the "add an excerpt" control (below the "Featured Image" control) are currently not showing on the feed (main page) and WordPress now automagically uses the first paragraph (text block) of your post as the feed excerpt. But...
Thursday Afternoon Links of Retvrn
I'm back. Did you miss me? But enough with the mawkish sentiment, you ppl are here for some links. Let's dive in... CCP HACKERS ALL UP IN US TELCOS: I love how this article uses the term "hacker" to give the impression that it's just socially awkward Ming who lives in...
Thursday Afternoon Links
My boyfriend is back and I’m in a happy mood. Today you get a booze review, an obligatory space link, and everything else you people have come to expect.
Thursday Afternoon Space Links
It’s been a big couple of days for space news. You want space links and commentary? We got ’em.
Thursday Afternoon Links – Return to Normacly Edition
We survived the long-awaited Big Website Upgrade. All our regular writers have adapted, and even most commenters. And we got through a holiday weekend with special content in place of some linkage.
Queer Beer Run
The residents of the Lodge had developed black market channels for obtaining booze and pot, two of their three mainstays. Their efforts to obtain regular pussy, though more diligent, were far less successful.
Thursday Afternoon Links of Fear and Loathing
In which your linkster struggles with the newfangled WordPress Block Editor.
Thursday Afternoon Links – Webathon Week Edition
Lobster girl loves you all. She’d love you more if you’d donate to our website.
Thursday Afternoon Links
It’s another slow news Thursday, and your linkster is lackadaisical. But links shall ye have.
Thursday Afternoon Links
It’s a slow news day, so you get what you get. Lucky to have ’em too, you is.
Thursday Afternoon Links
WV Jeep Babes. Cryptidfest. Government regulation. Anal fingering. An awful AWFL. Biden wants higher taxes. Glibertarians is going extra hard on our readers because it’s sweeps week and we need to show our sponsors they are getting their money’s worth.
Thursday Afternoon Links
Your linkster takes a day off from hot bear sex and mountain biking to bring you… the links.
Thursday Afternoon Links
Links, folks, get yer links. Fresh, steaming hot links here. The linkiest links. No shrinkflation! You get a full course, with extras!
Thursday Afternoon Links
Pretty much everything you’ve come to expect.
Thursday Afternoon Hastily Compiled Links
…and lucky to has ’em at all you is. Lucky to has ’em.
Thursday Afternoon Serviceable Links
Some of this, some of that, and of course some “bits of the other” as homosexual English playwright Joe Orton (RIP) would have said.
Open Post in Lieu of AM Links
There were problems…
Thursday Afternoon Links of Spring Having Sprung
The weather is vernal here in the 804, and your linkster is feeling capricious. Playful. Frolicsome, even. Also, trying to live up to Spud’s expectations.
Thursday Afternoon Links for Leap Day
Space News. Justin Amash running for Senate. Nature isn’t always pretty. Rent stabilization. Russian hackers. Lunar regulation.
Thursday Afternoon Links of Hopeful Jitteryness
The Fascinus is a Roman good luck charm depicting a phallus, sometimes with wings or feet, and often worn as a charm. This wonderful example is a 2nd Century AD bronze measuring approximately 2ΒΌ inches wide.
Thursday Afternoon Links
The usual collection of space links, grifting, and government shitbaggery.
Thursday Afternoon Links
What? Thursday again, already? And you all know what that means…
Thursday Afternoon Links and Hijinks
Your linkster is in a playful mood today, so you get bonus content in addition to links.
Site Maintenance Upgrade Thingy POSTPONED
We are totally not jerking you around about this. Totally. Not. We are not Lucy Van Pelt, and you are not Charlie Brown and the website upgrade is totally not the football.