Last Time we reflected on how our system is currently poorly designed to represent the interests of the...
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Daily Stoic Week 42 The Daily Stoic The Practicing Stoic Meditations...
Glibcrostic 10
Last time in "How do you do it Hype?" I explained how to pick a quote and attribution (as the author and...
Daily Stoic Week 41 The Daily Stoic The Practicing Stoic Meditations...
Glibcrostic 9
I hear you out there asking "How do you do it, Hype? How do you make these wonderful puzzles?" So over the...
Let’s Burn!
I keep thinking I'll produce some grand treatise on something or other, but never find the time to sit down...
Daily Stoic Week 40 The Daily Stoic The Practicing Stoic Meditations...
Glibcrostic 8
Something about solving acrostics...friendly jab about you people...entertainment gambling...and so...
The art of the perfect featured image III
Previously on "The art of the perfect featured image" Cropped Cropless <Barbie>Math is...
Daily Stoic Week 39 The Daily Stoic The Practicing Stoic Meditations...